Universal spell for a castle. Protecting magical work - locks and traps in magic

Castle is a frequently used attribute in magical rituals. It can be used as in love magic, and in rituals aimed at protecting the home, the well-being of the family and attracting good luck. Unlike love rituals, security rituals that use a lock spell are not complicated, so they are easy to carry out independently. Moreover, the main condition for their success is sincere faith. A lock spell can help in a situation when it seems that luck has completely turned its back on you. All your endeavors end in failure, and it seems that you are bumping into invisible obstacles. This means that the space around you is blocked by a random coincidence or due to the malicious intent of a particular person.

Ritual with a new castle

For the ritual, you should purchase a new small lock. It is important to pay for this item on payment or not to take change. In addition to the castle, you need to purchase three red wax candles and prepare some honey. The ritual is performed in a separate room alone at any time. It is necessary to place a lock on the table, having first opened it, and put the keys next to it and place candles. Then you need to light the candles and say the following magic words clearly and distinctly:

“The river is fast, the river is clean, show me all the dangerous shallows, secret fords, natural bridges and approaches to rocky cliffs. So that I, the Servant of God (my own name) will not be afraid of your rapids and depths. So that I can bypass all the dark troubles, so that my path is gentle and kind, so that all sorrows and sorrows disappear. Take the stormy current of the river into an iron cage, and lock it securely with a key. For me, the Servant of God (s) - a sweet honey life, and for unkind villains - into the evil mouth of tar. And it will always be like this, and no one can change anything. Amen".

The text of the conspiracy should be repeated until the candles go out. They cannot be stewed. After the candles go out, you should smear the lock with honey and close it. You need to immediately get out and go to the nearest stream or river. There you need to find a place so that no one is around, stand on the shore and repeat the spell on the castle again. After which you should throw the charmed castle into the water further away. In addition, be sure to follow the attribute with a handful of coins as payment to the river so that it will fulfill your request. You need to keep the set of keys, but hide them in such a way that no one will ever find them. It will ensure that the space around you remains open forever.

A spell for a lock, calling prosperity to the house, is read through the keyhole of a new open lock. The magic words sound like this:

“Cross-key-lock. Cross of many roads. Sovereigns, nobles, rich merchants, important princes have chests filled with gold and silver. There are rings on their hands and crosses on their chests. They spend, do not count gold and silver, and do not count coins. Meanwhile, their days grow and increase, and their treasury is constantly filled.

I, the Servant of God (my own name), will stand on a high stone, take out and unfold the holy writings, and loudly read the words written in them. And everything I say, my Guardian Angel will hear and create. From now on I will be in gold and silver. I will spend coins, as soon as I spend one, two will be added. Amen".

After this ceremony, the lock must be hidden and the keys thrown into the pond. This ritual is so powerful that the results will be noticeable almost immediately.

A castle is a unique and interesting design that is often used in magic and witchcraft, the castle is even used in various wedding traditions. The castle is an amazing object that can be easily used for love spells; moreover, this action is considered the most powerful and harmless in magic.

Many girls, due to unrequited feelings on the part of their man, tried to different times use a unique wedding ceremony when a lock with names is hung. Most of these girls were satisfied, although there were those who complained that the ritual certainly did not help them find personal happiness with a man, and there were also those who said that the effect was even the opposite, although such cases were few. A good effect will be possible if the ritual is performed rationally, but if it is done with errors, then because of this the girl will not succeed.

Main mistakes:

1. The ritual of casting a love spell on a wife was performed in a place where there are too many different citizens, keep in mind that the true strong magic He definitely doesn’t tolerate it if there are a lot of ears and eyes nearby, that is, it’s better to do magical actions alone and not tell anyone about it at all.

2. The castle was located where the place was already occupied by exactly the same magical attribute from another couple, because of this, someone else’s energy had already interfered with the love spell.

3. The effect will also be weak if different symbols and certain arithmetic signs or drawings such as a shot through heart are drawn on the note.

4. Also, the ritual will definitely not have an effect if it was performed without the special magic spells of the castle.

Such an interesting and beautiful ritual in the form of a love spell on a castle, like all other rituals of this type, should be carried out when performing specific different conditions. The ritual should be clearly carried out during the growing month, when the power of this magical action will increase with the moon. The performer of the ritual must not talk about the function he performed; take such acts of magic as seriously as possible. You also need to believe in your personal strength; you must convince yourself that the result will definitely be successful and good.

Key points of success:

1. The lock must only be intact and new, that is, it has not been used anywhere before, its shape must be standard and ordinary, it is advisable to buy a lock without painting.

2. If the ritual requires the application of various symbols and signs, then it is better to do this with coal from a Russian ordinary stove; you can also make a fire yourself and use these coals. Here it is better not to use markers or nail polishes, since the effect will be weak, and the maximum effect will be achieved when applying marks with a composition such as menstrual blood, although this is already black magic.

3. Strictly follow all the instructions that talk about carrying out such a unique ritual; the details of the ritual cannot be ignored here.

Love spell with a lock to bring back your ex-wife

There are many different methods and ways to get your spouse back; the safest and most effective would be a love spell using a lock, which is done from a distance very quickly. The main and rational clear assistant here is the confidence that you will achieve the goal, and you will also have good knowledge of the very moment of action. Here it would be advisable not to call on Dark spirits, otherwise you will need to pay off; it is better to do only light ties between the wife and her husband. For the ritual, you should buy a castle, as well as candles, and the ritual itself should begin immediately after sunset, the best option this is midnight, when the effect is maximum.

Be sure to cover the table with black fabrics and place three candles there and light them. It is best to use only red candles, although ordinary wax candles can also work; many experienced magicians always made candles themselves. For such a ritual, buy a new and unused lock, close it and store it as far as possible from prying eyes. Please note that doing your own home love spell using a lock is generally safe, although there may be negative, terrible, dangerous results from this action.

Such a ritual should be carried out without the slightest mistake, and only then there will be no dangerous consequences, and the result will be very strong. In order to perform the ritual, sit at midnight facing exactly west, and there should be a lock in your left hand, then read the plot itself three times.

What should the plot be like?

Just as the lock opens, so will my wife return to me. Just as you can’t open a lock, you can’t destroy our feelings. The word is spoken and the word is true.

This worker, unique and very effective love spell locking your wife is one of the easiest and safest rituals to return a person. Such a love spell with a lock to return ex-wife gives excellent results, you just need to take into account all the details of the ritual.

About the consequences of magic

Such a unique and effective love spell on a lock is quite safe in the magic of feelings, although there may be negative consequences of magic here too. If so complex and dangerous consequences If there are any, they will not be pronounced, so you can definitely forget about the significant harm from the ritual.

The worst thing is that the ritual will not give an accurate result; the main difficulty here is errors in performing the ritual or another ritual is already affecting this person. If the outcome is effective, then the person’s behavior will change, since the action of the ritual interferes with the man’s energy field. There will definitely no longer be tragic general consequences, only the one who was bewitched will need a lot of time to restore his strength. Such an object of magic, that is, a nice person, should then be treated as kindly and quite tactfully as possible, since this is of great importance.

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The castle is a very common attribute in magical rites various directions. This symbolism goes back to ancient times and means that certain feelings and actions are reliably secured with such an additional attribute. The castle is widely used as an attribute in rituals of love magic, as well as in rituals aimed at attracting wealth and good luck in life.

There are no special rules for performing rituals with castles. The main thing that is needed is to strictly follow the recommendations of a particular ritual. In addition, it is important to pronounce the lock plot very clearly and distinctly. You need to feel every word spoken and sincerely believe that the impact will achieve its goal.

To carry out the ceremony you will need to prepare the following additional attributes:

  • New small padlock;
  • A metal chain, the length of which should allow it to clasp the trunk of a tree previously selected for the ritual;
  • Your own hairs and hairs from the chosen one’s head;
  • A couple of ribbons, and the color combination should be chosen as pink-red and blue-blue;
  • A narrow strip of white sheet, approximately 1 x 15 cm in size;
  • A small scarf.

The ceremony is carried out on one of the nights three days before the appearance in the sky full moon. You need to retire to a separate room and put all the prepared attributes on a scarf spread on the table. Then you need to take the hairs, intertwine them, securing them on different sides with ribbons. During this process, you need to think only about your chosen one and how much you want to be with him.

After the impromptu braid is created, you should say the following words:

“Together heaven and earth, rain is attracted to the grass, color and leaves are inseparable, you and I, Servant of God (name of the chosen one), will link our destinies and will walk through life together. From now on and forever. Amen.

After this, you need to tie ribbons on different sides of the braid. Then, on a strip of paper, you should succinctly write a desire related to the fact that you want to be with your chosen one. Next, the paper tape must be placed on the lock with the key, and the pigtail on top. All this needs to be tied in a scarf and put under your pillow.

For three days the attributes should not be touched, and you should not sleep on the pillow without turning it over. The chain must be placed under the bed and also not touched for three days.

On the first night of the full moon, you need to take the chain and all the attributes that were lying under the pillow. The scarf needs to be spread on the table again and the ribbons removed from the improvised braid. You should write the woman’s name on the pink-red ribbon, and the name of your chosen one on the blue-blue ribbon.

Next, you need to read the above plot again and in the process of reading, you need to tuck the braid of hair inside the castle. This can be done either through the holes in the staples or through the keyhole. It is very important not to damage a single hair. You also need to push a strip of paper on which the wish is written. This can be done after it is twisted into a thin tube.

After completing all the steps, you need to go to the tree that you previously selected for the ceremony. A chain is put on it and secured with a lock. The key turns in the lock and the lock spell is repeated. After this, the ritual is considered completed and you need to leave without talking to anyone on the way home. It is important not to drink or eat anything until the morning.

With the help of a ritual in which a castle is used, you can bring prosperity to your home. This is very effective ritual, but at the same time you must believe that with its help you will be able to attract wealth. A new padlock should be used in the ritual.

You need to open it and say the following words through the keyhole:

“The cross key for distant paths. Amen. Famous kings, noble nobles, proud princes and wealthy merchants have their chests overflowing with gold and silver. All their fingers are in rings with precious stones, heavy gold crosses hang on his chest. Can they afford money without counting spending and not counting it? Every day their wealth grows and increases, the money in their chests multiplies. I, the Servant of God (my name), will get up and go to the white flammable stone. I will take out the sacred writings from my bosom. Whatever I ask, my Guardian Angel will help you do. From this moment and forever, gold and silver will surround me. As soon as I spend one coin, the other two will immediately come to me. Soon I will become the richest. Amen".

After pronouncing the words, you should lock the lock and the next day, take it and throw it into the nearest body of water, as far from the shore as possible.

Rituals in which the castle is used are very strong, and it is very difficult to remove such effects. According to magicians, to remove the most simple love spells you will need professional help. That is why you need to use such magic carefully.

Complete collection and description: prayer and spell to lock the spiritual life of a believer.

A castle is a very common attribute in magical rituals of various types. This symbolism goes back to ancient times and means that certain feelings and actions are reliably secured with such an additional attribute. The castle is widely used as an attribute in rituals of love magic, as well as in rituals aimed at attracting wealth and good luck in life.

Features of rituals with a castle

There are no special rules for performing rituals with castles. The main thing that is needed is to strictly follow the recommendations of a particular ritual. In addition, it is important to pronounce the lock plot very clearly and distinctly. You need to feel every word spoken and sincerely believe that the impact will achieve its goal.

Powerful love ritual

To carry out the ceremony you will need to prepare the following additional attributes:

  • New small padlock;
  • A metal chain, the length of which should allow it to clasp the trunk of a tree previously selected for the ritual;
  • Your own hairs and hairs from the chosen one’s head;
  • A couple of ribbons, and the color combination should be chosen as pink-red and blue-blue;
  • A narrow strip of white sheet, approximately 1 x 15 cm in size;
  • A small scarf.

The ceremony is carried out on one of the nights three days before the full moon appears in the sky. You need to retire to a separate room and put all the prepared attributes on a scarf spread on the table. Then you need to take the hairs, intertwine them, securing them on different sides with ribbons. During this process, you need to think only about your chosen one and how much you want to be with him.

After the impromptu braid is created, you should say the following words:

After this, you need to tie ribbons on different sides of the braid. Then, on a strip of paper, you should succinctly write a desire related to the fact that you want to be with your chosen one. Next, the paper tape must be placed on the lock with the key, and the pigtail on top. All this needs to be tied in a scarf and put under your pillow.

For three days the attributes should not be touched, and you should not sleep on the pillow without turning it over. The chain must be placed under the bed and also not touched for three days.

On the first night of the full moon, you need to take the chain and all the attributes that were lying under the pillow. The scarf needs to be spread on the table again and the ribbons removed from the improvised braid. You should write the woman’s name on the pink-red ribbon, and the name of your chosen one on the blue-blue ribbon.

Next, you need to read the above plot again and in the process of reading, you need to tuck the braid of hair inside the castle. This can be done either through the holes in the staples or through the keyhole. It is very important not to damage a single hair. You also need to push a strip of paper on which the wish is written. This can be done after it is twisted into a thin tube.

After completing all the steps, you need to go to the tree that you previously selected for the ceremony. A chain is put on it and secured with a lock. The key turns in the lock and the lock spell is repeated. After this, the ritual is considered completed and you need to leave without talking to anyone on the way home. It is important not to drink or eat anything until the morning.

Spell for well-being in the home

With the help of a ritual in which a castle is used, you can bring prosperity to your home. This is a very effective ritual, but you must believe that with its help you will be able to attract wealth. A new padlock should be used in the ritual.

You need to open it and say the following words through the keyhole:

After pronouncing the words, you should lock the lock and the next day, take it and throw it into the nearest body of water, as far from the shore as possible.

Rituals in which the castle is used are very strong, and it is very difficult to remove such effects. According to magicians, to remove the simplest love spells you will need the help of professionals. That is why you need to use such magic carefully.

Lock spell to prevent money from being stolen and for good luck

If you're going on vacation with the whole family, then concerns about the security of your home are justified.

Thieves' plans can be destroyed by reading locking spells.

Also, a spell for a door lock is a must-read if you are installing a new lock on the door.

Castles are often used in magical rituals, especially in rituals aimed at protecting the home and attracting good luck and money.

Conspiracy to protect against theft

1. Buy a new lock, read the charm charm for it:

“I lock the castle, I take away the minds of thieves. The key is with me, and my house is good. Key. Lock. Language. Amen, Amen. Amen".

After this, lock the lock, take the key with you on the road, and put the lock in the corner opposite the icons in your home. When you return home from vacation, open the lock. The key should remain next to the lock until the next time you leave home.

2. Take a new lock and close it on the waxing moon with the words:

“I am the master of the castle, I am the master of myself. I don’t lock myself, I protect myself (name) from the actions and thoughts of the enemy. The castle is forever closed - the path to trouble is forever blocked! Let it be so!"

Hide the lock in the house and throw the keys into the water.

3. Take old lock and the key to it. Open and close it several times to get a feel for the lock and its mechanism. Read on the lock:

“Here is the castle, with the treasury attached to it. In that treasury my wealth will lie; the key and lock will guard it. While the castle was open there was nothing to guard, as soon as the castle closed the treasury would be filled. The castle is mine, the key is mine - I am in charge of the treasury. Let it be so."

Place the lock where you keep your money. Carry the key with you.

Plot for a new castle

The ritual for wealth, if you have changed the door lock, is done early on Monday morning.

Stand in front of the keyhole in which the key is inserted and read the magic spell:

"I'm gone Gray wolf into the dark forest to look for a white hare. I didn’t catch up with the hare, but I found a forged casket, lined with steel and gilded. The lock on the casket is strong, silver. The key to the casket is hidden in the water, securely hidden from people. Only I can find that key in the water surface, between stones and herbs. This key is intended not for a simple man, not for a gray wolf, but for me, the servant of God (name). I will find the key, I will open the casket, I will take stones and gems from it, I will collect gold and silver. I’ll hide the key so that it comes true.”

After reading the plot, remove the key from the keyhole and hang it as a pendant around your neck.

Wear for several days without removing.

Plot with a lock for good luck

A lock spell can help in a situation when it seems that luck has turned away from you, and in all your affairs you come across invisible obstacles.

It may well be that the space around you is blocked due to malicious intent or an accidental coincidence.

For the ritual you will need a new small lock, when buying it you need to give money without change or not take it.

You will also need 3 red wax candles and some honey.

The ceremony is performed alone at any time of the day.

Open the lock, put the keys next to it and put candles on it.

Light them and say the magic words:

“The river is fast, the river is clean, show me all the dangerous shallows, secret fords, natural bridges and approaches to rocky cliffs. So that I, the Servant of God (my own name) will not be afraid of your rapids and depths. So that I can bypass all the dark troubles, so that my path is gentle and kind, so that all sorrows and sorrows disappear. Take the stormy current of the river into an iron cage, and lock it securely with a key. For me, the Servant of God (s) - a sweet honey life, and for unkind villains - into the evil mouth of tar. And it will always be like this, and no one can change anything. Amen".

Repeat the text of the spell until the candles go out. They cannot be stewed. After this, smear the lock with honey and close it.

Take it to a river or stream, stand on the bank and repeat the spell on the castle again, then throw it further into the water.

Following the castle, throw a handful of coins into the river as payment to the river for fulfilling your request.

You will have the keys to the castle, which they keep with you, but in a place where no one will find them.

This is necessary so that there is always open space around you, without blocks.

How to bring prosperity into your home

1. A strong spell for a new lock for prosperity in the house is read into the keyhole of a new open lock, so close that your breath enters it.

“Cross-key-lock. Cross of many roads. Sovereigns, nobles, rich merchants, important princes have chests filled with gold and silver. There are rings on their hands and crosses on their chests. They spend, do not count gold and silver, and do not count coins. Meanwhile, their days grow and increase, and their treasury is constantly filled.

I, the Servant of God (my own name), will stand on a high stone, take out and unfold the holy writings, and loudly read the words written in them. And everything I say, my Guardian Angel will hear and create. From now on I will be in gold and silver. I will spend coins, as soon as I spend one, two will be added. Amen".

The ritual is very effective, it helps to attract money quickly, and its results will be noticeable immediately.

2. Key - money talisman. On the full moon, take a cleaned* key whose lock is unknown. Read on it:

“The key is not simple, the key to the royal treasury. The key is mine - the lock obeys me. If I want to come, I’ll take the gold, if I want it from the enemy, I’ll cover up the waste. Don’t let me open, don’t let me close poverty! Let it be so!"

Place the key in your wallet or place where you keep your money.

* You can clean the key from other people's influences by putting it in a bag made of natural fabric filled with salt, with the words: “Salt will take away someone else’s, salt will cleanse!” In the morning, pour the salt into running water.

Rituals for lock and key

Lock and key in magic

The phrase “lock and key” is often used in magic spells. This means the completion of some process. In parallel with this, magicians literally use in rituals a lock with a key that they lock.

This is especially often used in various love spells, so that the victim does not have the opportunity to escape from the magic circle. A key and lock spell is a very effective magical practice.

Features of the key and lock principle

Black magic ritual

There are a number of other reasons why this particular principle is used:

  • The key-lock principle helps to hide from the victim who performed the magic ritual on him.
  • With the help of this principle, the subject on which the conspiracy was carried out remains secret.
  • Thus, all these nuances are hidden from the other magician, due to which the effectiveness of the ritual increases.

This practice is usually used in black magic, since in white spells there is no point in hiding anything from anyone.

The key-lock principle works the same way as tying knots in magical practice. Literally, in magical rituals, objects such as a key and a lock have also been used for a long time. Small locks with keys on which the spell was applied were also used as a talisman. Thus, people tuned themselves not to think about the bad, focusing their thoughts only on the good.

Castle plot

Love spell on a castle works

Here love plot with a ritual where a lock and key are used.

To perform this ritual you will need:

  1. Small lock.
  2. Metal chain, its length should be such that it can cover the tree trunk.
  3. Hair of the person you want to cast a love spell on.
  4. Ribbons of two different colors.
  5. A strip of pancake paper 10-15 cm long.

Prepare all these elements in advance. Wait until the day there is a full moon. Seclude yourself in a room. Lay a scarf or tablecloth on the floor. Place all the elements for the plot on the scarf.

Take the hair with ribbons in your hands and weave a braid out of them, while saying the following words:

“Earth with Heaven, Water with Grass, Leaves with Tree, so you and I, servant of God (name of the man) and servant of God (own name), will be together forever. As a single whole, as if fate connected us at birth.”

Spell a love spell on the key yourself. Home love spell n

How to make a good luck talisman with your own hands? Ritual at

This ritual will open up new opportunities for you in your work.

Set the braided braid aside for now. Take a piece of paper and write down a clearly formulated desire regarding love. Then place a “love braid” on top of the piece of paper, and after that the plot is read again.

All these elements need to be placed under your bed, along with a chain and a small lock. Don't do anything else for three days.

After three days, be alone again and get all the ingredients for the love spell. At this stage, they read the plot again and at the same time try to carefully tuck the tip of the braid into the hole in the lock. After this, they read the text again and insert the wish written on a piece of paper into the hole in the lock. Do this all carefully so that the lock does not close while you perform these manipulations.

After this, you need to go outside and find a tree. The wood also had to be chosen when you were choosing the length of the metal chain. Hang a metal chain on the tree and secure it with a lock. When they do this, they also read the conspiracy.

After that, return home without looking back. Don’t talk to passers-by, don’t eat or drink that evening, go straight to bed.

You can throw away the key to the lock, or you can keep it for yourself. The conspiracy comes into force when you have already woven a braid of hair and ribbons. In the following days, you may have interesting dreams:

  • If in the next three days you dreamed of your lover, then very soon you will be together with him.
  • If your loved one comes to you every night, then he is already in love with you.
  • If your chosen one comes to you, but you are not yet together in a dream, then do not despair, wait until the conspiracy takes effect.

This love spell can be used by a wife to warm up her husband's feelings for herself. It can be used for the happiness of newlyweds. A love spell is used if you are promised separation from your loved one.

Conspiracy for successful transactions

Plot with a lock for good luck

Spells with this principle are often used before transactions to make them more successful. This is a free and easy way to attract clients if you have a house for sale, for example.

To carry out the ceremony, purchase a small lock with a key and lock it on something inside the house. It could be a table leg, a door handle, or something else.

“I put the best for sale, I lock out the worst in the house, the buyer comes, sees everything he wants, everything he needs catches his eye, and what is worthless does not catch his eye.”

This way, you will help the future buyer see the best of your home, which will allow you to ask good money for the house and it will sell faster.

Conspiracy from addictions

With the help of a conspiracy you can help a person

The principle of a key and a lock is good to use in conspiracies that help rid a person of addictions. For example, you can read a conspiracy against drunkenness.

To do this, a white clean towel is placed on the head of a person suffering from such addiction, and a small lock must be clicked over his head all the time, and at the same time the following spell is read:

“Just as this lock can be easily locked and unlocked, just as easily we will unlock the servant of God (Name of the sufferer) from bad wine. It will no longer have any power over him. Let's break the vicious circle. For ourselves and our families, we will bring him back, we will bring him to mind. Key. Lock".

The towel must be burned after this ritual. And the castle will become a talisman against addiction for a person.

You can protect yourself on your own

In some situations you need to protect yourself from ill-wishers, from enemies. This is especially important to do when everything is very good in your life. At such a moment, unkind people like to cause damage.

Conduct protective spell the lock is very easy. Walk around the house with him and read this plot:

“I protect myself from the evil eye, from the eternal evil eye, from my entire family. My enemies only hear how this lock clicks, but they do not hear about my victories, they are not interested in it. Their eyes closed on me, their tongues fell silent on me. I keep everything good in the house away from prying eyes. Key. Lock".

On last words the lock needs to be closed. This way you will divert the attention of your neighbors. Keep the locked lock in a secret place in your home. Don't tell anyone about this. The consequences of the ritual will please you. You will notice that people around you have become less interested in your life.

Here are some more strong conspiracy from detractors, which uses the principle of lock and key in verbal form.

Stand by the window and read your plot:

“Through my window I can’t see or hear anything, a new day is coming, but my neighbors don’t hear the news. My home is like a closed castle for unkind people. Just as I don’t hear or see anything from the enemy, so he won’t profit from my news. Key. Lock".

After this, you need to close the window and not open it for 24 hours.

A spell for a castle and a house will protect and help in love

A castle is a frequently used attribute in magical rituals. It can be used both in love magic and in rituals aimed at protecting the home, family well-being and attracting good luck.

Popular guarding rituals

Unlike love rituals, security rituals that use a lock spell are not complicated, so they are easy to carry out independently. Moreover, the main condition for their success is sincere faith. A lock spell can help in a situation when it seems that luck has completely turned its back on you.

All your endeavors end in failure, and it seems that you are bumping into invisible obstacles. This means that the space around you is blocked by a random coincidence or due to the malicious intent of a particular person.

Ritual with a new castle

For the ritual, you should purchase a new small lock. It is important to pay for this item on payment or not to take change. In addition to the castle, you need to purchase three red wax candles and prepare some honey. The ritual is performed in a separate room alone at any time. It is necessary to place a lock on the table, having first opened it, and put the keys next to it and place candles.

Then you need to light the candles and say the following magic words clearly and distinctly:

The text of the conspiracy should be repeated until the candles go out. They cannot be stewed. After the candles go out, you should smear the lock with honey and close it. You need to immediately get out and go to the nearest stream or river. There you need to find a place so that no one is around, stand on the shore and repeat the spell for the castle again. Rating 4.3 Votes: 65

Love is the driving force of everything that surrounds us, it can inspire us, it can push us to great deeds, it can give life, but it can also deprive us of it. It’s so painful to suffer from unrequited feelings, so in this difficult battle a love spell on a lock comes to the rescue, which is very easy to do at home. Love-themed rituals belong to the rank of white magic and, therefore, you should not be afraid that you will be able to harm yourself or your “target”. Surely, everything will end with the best outcome and in the most beneficial form for you and your chosen one, because he still doesn’t know what happiness awaits him?!

A love spell on a castle is the most popular topic for those who want to bewitch a lover or lover. There are a lot of love “recipes” with a lock. Over the course of many centuries, some are supplemented with something new, others appear, and others become obsolete due to uselessness. Therefore, choosing the most suitable ritual specifically for your story will not be difficult. The best assistant In order to conduct the ceremony effectively, it will probably be your confidence and belief that everything will work out. You will need:

  • you just need to acquire sympathy;
  • buy a lock or get the one you need;
  • have patience.

Bewitching by photo

One of the most powerful is considered to be a love spell on a castle using photo cards. Visualization is very important, and when it is also supported by almost personal presence, one hundred percent results are guaranteed. The ritual is performed using three components:

  • an ordinary castle that couples in love love to hang on the bridge, signifying the strength of their feelings - it is very important that it be new;
  • photograph of a lover;
  • personal photo card.

In this situation, instead of photographs, it is allowed to use hair from the betrothed’s head and, accordingly, your own personal hair. It is prohibited to use a photograph or a hair, otherwise you simply will not be able to accomplish anything. It is better to leave the choice with a castle for the period of the New Moon, when the Moon is just beginning to grow. The day will also be specific - Friday. It is better to cast a love spell on a castle at dawn or during the daytime solstice. Let's get started:

  • open the lock that you bought and thread the bow through the holes prepared in advance in the photographs;
  • the photographs should lie face to face: if hair is used instead of photographs, then you need to create a pigtail out of it (however it turns out) and snap it into the hole so that it is pressed against the lock;
  • now the lock needs to be closed using a key;
  • bury the resulting ritual object near your lover’s house so that it lies in the path of your boyfriend.

At the moment when the lock is dug in, this love spell is quietly pronounced:

“Like this closed castle, the key to which no one is destined to find. We will never part with you."

After reading and burying, turn around and quickly go home. Try not to talk to people you meet on the way back. Place the remaining key under your pillow and fall asleep for a week, always imagining your lover. After seven days, take it out and hide it in a secret place, so that no one except you knows about it.

Remember that magic does not like publicity, so it is strictly forbidden to show the key to strangers and talk about the ceremony. Such a love spell with a lock is quite difficult due to the time of day when it is very difficult to hide from prying eyes and not run into friends on the way back. However, if you manage to do everything exactly according to plan, then the expected consequences will pleasantly surprise you. The wife will be pleased by her husband’s flared feelings, the girl will feel the guy’s love, but further development will depend only on you.

After some time, when you realize that your feelings are growing stronger, love is burning with passion, and for the rest of your days you want to be close to this person, take out the key and throw it away in any natural spring. This will only strengthen your union, and any everyday troubles will not shake the way of your family life.

Conspiracy for a beloved man

The strongest rituals for tying a man are equally good for both an unmarried guy and his own or someone else’s husband. A small amendment to the plot itself and magic will allow you to make even a girl or wife fall in love. To cast a love spell on a guy using a lock additionally requires a thread and two photos (yours and your chosen one). Find a red wool thread, divide it into three equal to the segment and braid it. Love ritual accompanied by the following text:

“On three roads, along three rapids, three times you should go, slave (name of your beloved), in my direction (name). Like this woven thread, may our lives merge together. Amen!".

With a charmed braid, tie the photographs face to face and hide them in a box locked with a key. As soon as the Sun begins to hide, go to a pond, close yourself in a drawn circle, bow three times, and read any love spell that you know. Repeat the love spell on the lock three times and turn the key, then throw it into the water, and the box should be closed and kept at home.

How to get your lover back

This love spell for a wife with a lock is aimed at not just bewitching, but returning her husband to the family. Here magic works at a distance, when your beloved man has left for another and you need to do this in order to return everything to its place. To cast a love spell on a key and lock, you will need the following things:

  • prepare an empty table to perform the ritual;
  • black fabric;
  • red candles, maybe ordinary ones from the church.

The best time to cast a love spell is at 12 o'clock at night. Cover the table with a cloth and place three lit candles on it. You need to sit facing West, in left hand put the lock and the key on the right. The love spell is accompanied by the reading of the spell:

“As I open a lock with a key, my husband (name) returns to me. Like closing a lock, I seal our love. The words that were spoken, could not be more accurate. So be it.”

Snap the lock and keep it with you like a secret, and throw the key into the river or sea at dawn. This strong love spell on the keys, the lock requires preliminary protection, try to do everything without haste and mistakes, then the consequences will be the desired.

Bewitching a guy with his personal keys

The magic of love is such that it helps trembling hearts to reunite, however, for the love spell performed to be strong and bring a much more tangible result, you must have personal thing beloved. It is completely imbued with the energy of its owner. And this makes it possible for the sorceress, through this object, to influence its owner without personal knowledge and permission. You need to focus your attention on things that are in constant contact with your chosen one. Items for personal use and jewelry are quite difficult to get, but the keys to your home are what you need; there is always a duplicate.

The strong ritual they call it free because it is run by white magic and you won’t need any payoffs. In order to bewitch your beloved half, during the growth of the Moon, or in its full phase, read the magic words above the treasured keys so that your breath falls on them:

“I will go down to the sandy shore, touch the golden sand, Red Zoryushka, call the Sun, and they will find me a slave (name), wherever he is, in the house, or in the barn, in the steam room, or in the bathhouse, in a damp closet, in a boat near the water, or on a horse’s back. Let his wild little head grieve, his clear eyes, his dark eyebrows, his scarlet blood, his warm heart, his forehead and lips, all his sinful places, his whole body rosy. Let the slave (name) think about me, my beauty; if he doesn’t eat or sleep, he will suffer and suffer. The wind will not touch my words, the water will not wash away, (name of the chosen one) will not forget me. I lock it. Amen".

Read the words nine times, confess your love to your chosen one and put the keys back. There are different opinions about this free love spell, but no one can deny that it doesn’t work at all. Therefore, act boldly, despite the fact that there is no negativity in it. A love spell on a “free” lock is what you need!

Removes love attachment

It happens that seemingly constant and passionate feelings one person is suddenly approached, someone else appears, and the old magic tricks still continue to work. It was precisely for such a case that a reverse love spell was invented in order to ward off a girl, wife, boyfriend, or simply an unloved person.

To cancel an action love spells using a lock, you just need to return the enchanted key to your lover with the following words:

“If it didn’t work out the way I wanted, then let him get away.”

Under no circumstances should you explain your actions; leave the right to fantasize to your handsome guy.

Spell a love spell on the key yourself. Home love spell on a castle. The spell on the key alone.

how does a love spell work on a lock?

How effective the love ritual will be will depend only on you, on the feelings and thoughts with which you perform it. Try it and you will succeed.

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