How to make a plot in a photo. Photo love spell: three simple ways

Photography can influence a person. In order for the plot in the photo to work, it is important to carry it out correctly and energize the magical attribute. You also need to remember that any kind of impact on a person’s energy sphere can have dangerous consequences. Therefore, unprepared individuals should not experience serious magic spells.

Photographs can influence people

It is very important to perform the rituals correctly.

Before you conduct a conspiracy on a photograph, you need to properly prepare for it. Such a ceremony will be effective only if it is carried out according to the rules:

  1. To cast a love spell on a photo for a man’s love, only the freshest, most new picture, so it will be much easier to contact the current energy. You can even quietly take a picture of the object you like.
  2. It should be attended only by the person who needs to bewitch. If it's a group shot, be sure to crop it.
  3. It is better to read the plot during the period when the moon is growing.
  4. Do not throw away the picture after the ritual. Never show it to anyone.
  5. Conducting love ritual, direct all your energy to the image of your beloved guy, feelings must be sincere.
  6. Before proceeding with magical actions, all jewelry should be removed.
  7. It is better to be in loose clothes or in the nude.
  8. Pre-take a bath or shower, wash your hair, they should be loose.
  9. Perform magical actions, being all alone.
  10. A few days before the procedure, observe light diet, without meat.

love plot

A man's love can be obtained with a strong conspiracy

Eat strong conspiracy on a photograph, with which you can get mutual love guy. There is a simple ritual. For seven days in the evening, read the words of a conspiracy to love. In this case, you need a picture where the beloved is alone. Pick up a photo, look at it, say:

“I call to myself all the power of love and passion. Enter, love, into the heart of my beloved (name), be in it forever. Let his feelings for me blaze with a clear flame. May he reach out to me with all his soul, strive and desire to unite. Let my speeches be stone and come true in short terms. Amen".

Eat active conspiracy so that the guy does not pay attention to other girls, so that he loves the one and only, so that his feelings are strong. Take a picture. Light the candles, before the candles, read the conspiracy three times a day:

“As the servant of God (name) is not capable of existing without his shadow, so let him not be able to live. May his heart burn with a bright flame, strong feelings. As the sun makes a circle in the sky, so let all its roads go only to me (name). My words are strong, locked with keys and locks. Amen".

Hide the picture that is shown. Never tell anyone what you have done.

If the attitude of a loved one has cooled a little, you can conduct a certain ritual to return past feelings. You will need a photo of your loved one and your own, a small mirror and candles. Cover the table with a white tablecloth, light candles, put a mirror in such a way that photographs are reflected in it. Read words:

“Let us (our names) be together forever, like two wings, two hands, like heaven and earth. Let no water, fire or wind come between us. Let there be love between us. The forces of heaven hold us together, and the angels bless us. And it will not be otherwise, only as I said.

During the ritual, candles should be reflected in the mirror

After that, fold the photo with the right side to each other. Hide them under the mattress, let them be stored until the rituals work. Next, draw out the photos and hide in a secret place. Keep always. This is a talisman of love.

On the growing moon, it is possible to carry out a sealing conspiracy to love a guy from a photo. You will need the following attributes: his and your photo, an envelope, a red thread, a candle, a felt-tip pen. In the evening, at sunset, sit down at the table, put a photo in front of you. Write your names on the back. Light a candle, fold the images facing each other, tie them with a red thread crosswise, reading these words:

“I bind firmly with the help of magical powers two destinies, two souls, two hearts. May the guy and the girl be forever connected by strong and inextricable bonds. And so it will always be.”

“I will seal (his name) with (my name) forever together, let neither witches, nor sorcerers, nor malefactors, nor envious people, slanderers, turncoats, glaring ones be able to open the seal. Amen".

Hide the envelope in a hiding place. This conspiracy is very strong, it is difficult to remove it. Therefore, it is very important to think carefully before doing it.

The return of a loved one

Another powerful conspiracy The photo will help to return a loved one. It can be easily carried out at home. In the photo, he must be alone, without the presence of another person. It will take pure water, words are read on it. Before and after reading the plot, wash yourself with water:

“Mother-voditsa. Hear my request. Bless me with your strength. Let my beloved only look at me, do not stare at others. Yes, it will return to me, be near every day, and thoughts every hour, feelings every second. Return to me, ignite with a fiery passion, fiery, strong, hot feelings. I will occupy all his thoughts, fill my heart, soul and mind.

This rite must be performed on the growing moon. He quickly starts to act. To bring it back, you can also whisper in the photo before going out:

“We will meet, we will get together, we will never part. Come to me, follow me. My paths, paths, under my rays. No one else will be around. Let mine only be confused. They shackle you well, they won’t let you dodge me. Yes, let our life be together, there will be no quarrels in it, no differences. I bind tightly. May your wish come true."

The rite for the return of a loved one is held on the growing moon

Lapel from love

After such a ritual, the effect usually comes quickly, within a month. But it depends only on the strength of the impact and on how strong the union was. With the help of such rituals, one can harm a rival, separate her from her husband, and drive her away from her family. It is also possible to separate those people who cannot be together, but suffer greatly for each other.

To separate a husband from his mistress, you need them joint photo or a picture in which they should be together. Squeeze the photo firmly with both hands, direct the entire negative energy on the opponent, and then abruptly break the picture, while saying the words:

“Let you (the names of the husband and the homeowner) disperse forever and ever. Bite each other, swear, fight, run away forever. Let it be so".

"Burn, bright flame. Burn the soul, love and relationships. May they not be nice and any to each other. Let there be only hatred, anger and resentment.”

The reading of the text is carried out at the time when the pieces of the photograph are burning.

Collect the ashes, go outside or onto the balcony, scatter in the wind, saying:

“As the ashes scatter, so will you (husband’s name) and (mistress’s name) quarrel and part, run away forever.”

For friendship

A photo plot can be carried out for friendship. With it, you can achieve the location of another person, restore relations with those with whom there was a conflict. To perform magical actions, you need a photo of a person and an object that he previously held in his hands. Hold the image in one hand and the object in the other, read on the object:

“Let our friendship be strong, we will not part after this. We will overcome quarrels, disagreements can be quickly resolved. Repeat the words three times, put the object in a secret place so that no one will find it.

For gifts and other material goods

Receiving a gift from a loved one is possible with the help of a ceremony

“Though the merchant is naked, like a falcon, but generous, like blue skies, like a clear sun. How much you give me, you will get the same in return. I want (describe exactly what you want). Let the word be a stone nailed tightly with crosses. Amen".

For the good

This ritual is performed if someone's favor is required, for example, the employer, or the parents of a loved one. To carry it out, you will need holy water and a silver item. Pour water into any container, lower a silver object into it. Dip the photo in water three times, each time reading the text:

“God commanded his servants to live in friendship. Do not offend each other, do not push around, do not despise, but only love, respect and honor. I tame you, (name) let you not contradict me, do not cripple your soul with words, look affectionately and watch my will. Amen".

For the fulfillment of your will

If necessary, to special person obeyed and did what you want, you can conduct a ritual with salt and a photograph. You will also need a black candle. At night, light a candle, put it on the picture, pour salt in a circle. While the flame burns, say the text:

“On the moon, in silence, the bereden lives. Nobody knows about him. I will free him, put him in the soul (name). Let the soul stir the soul, and fulfill my will (describe what is needed). Let it be carried out this second, only then will I release the berednya. My words are stone, strong, secret. Let it be so".

The same option of treatment with the help of white magic is suitable for computer addiction, and also if a person has depressive moods, they read a conspiracy from depression, describing specifically their desire.

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"How less woman we love, the more she likes us, ”says famous quote. Who, if not a woman unrequitedly in love, knows the power of despair firsthand? In moments when unrequited feelings torment the heart, many girls are ready to resort to any means. Turn the torment of desire into the bright warmth of love will help white magic. Next, we’ll talk about how to make a love spell on a man’s love from a photo.

What can you say about a photo?

Ever since Niépce, Daguerre, and Talbot began the photographic age, magic has had a powerful tool. Pictures began to be used in black and white magic. With the help of photographs, the processes of love spells, love spells, rituals for success in business and trade were simplified. It is not in vain that photographs of a person are of great importance. The exact image of a person is a kind of mirror of the soul and an imprint of the aura. With the help of a photograph, it is easier for a magician to tune in to a certain person, without remaining in the thrall of hypothetics.

In this article, we will consider conspiracies on a photo for a man's love. A love spell is a scrupulous ritual, if you do not pay attention to trifles, there is a risk of using insidious black magic. The article contains detailed descriptions exclusively white rites.

  1. A photo for a conspiracy is taken of high quality, the prescription of the photo is no more than a year.
  2. Strangers in the photo should not be present, as an exception, it is allowed to cut off the excess.
  3. The vast majority of conspiracies are carried out during the growing moon, in women's Day- Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.
  4. The charmed photograph should be kept in a secluded place, safe and sound.
  5. It is necessary to read the plot in the photo, making sure of the sincerity of your feelings.
  6. The reader of the conspiracy should pay attention to preparing for it. Remove jewelry, put on loose clothes, or perform the ceremony naked. Bathe in advance, wash and dry your hair in order to appear before higher powers simple-haired and clean. A well-groomed appearance is the key to success.
  7. The woman conducting the ritual should retire and abstract from the outside world.
  8. An optional rule that gives an advantage: a short fast is welcome before the ritual. By cleansing the body, you cleanse the soul and become open to higher powers.

Compliance with this regulation is optional for each conspiracy, but its presence does not exclude the possibility of the existence additional rules. Before proceeding with the ceremony, carefully read the instructions and act in accordance with it.

What to read a conspiracy from a photo for a man's love?

The variability of conspiracies allows you to choose the most convenient for yourself. During the existence of white magic, the most strong rites. Below are some of them.

Conspiracy for water

Water is the most efficient conductor of energy. For a love spell, take:

  • rose petals;
  • essential flower oil;
  • two heating candles;
  • photo dear to the heart;
  • flat light plate.

The ritual is preferably carried out in the bathroom. Fill warm water bath. Add a few drops essential oil. Carefully place the photo and two candles on a plastic or wooden plate. Carefully lower the plate to the surface of the water - it should hold and not sink.

Throwing handfuls of petals into the water, read the plot:

“Then the petals swirl and do not sink, like the feelings of two lovers. Then the candles burn and do not go out, like the feelings of beautiful love. Then your image is illuminated by fire, and my conspiracy will be strong and eternal. On a moonlit night I will enter the water, you will love me by the time the sun rises. The forces that are given to me are equal to my pure love.

Read the plot three times and, removing the plate, plunge into the water, absorbing the power of magic.

The ritual can be performed using a pelvis or tub. In this case, it is enough to dip your hands into the water.

Expect the result soon.

Conspiracy for apples

This ceremony is performed at dawn, when nature wakes up. It is advisable to carry it out on apples or ranetki growing on a tree. Tie five apples growing nearby with a red ribbon. Attach a photo of your lover to the tape. The plot should be read when the first rays of the sun appear.

“As the beam falls on the fruits, so your face will be illuminated with light. As your face lights up with light, so your heart will light up with love. I'll take it with me, and I won't give it back. When you come for him, you will stay with me forever.”

After that, the branch with apples must be carefully broken off and carried into the house. Eat an apple every morning. When the last remains, wait for the beloved on the threshold.

Conspiracy using origami

This conspiracy requires humility and painstaking. Make sure you have:

  • sheets of colored paper;
  • glass jar or free space on the wall in your room;
  • ball pen;
  • glue gun.

There are two ways to talk about origami love.

  • Stars of happiness

Take glass jar. Attach a photo inside the jar, or glue it to the lid from the inside. Depending on your free time, make a few stars every day. Stock up on cut strips of paper in advance and fold them according to the scheme:

As you fold the star, say:

“Star after star will lull my sky to sleep, as the sky will be filled - so they will bring you. My love is strong, and yours will be stronger.

The plot can be fulfilled earlier, or when the bank is full. After the plot comes true and you reach the goal, the charmed stars must be released. To do this, find a place located at a height of nine or more floors, uncork the jar and send the stars into free flight with the phrase:

“I let you go free, I convey gratitude to Heaven, I promise to love and groom the bewitched.”

  • butterflies

The difference from the first plot is that the butterflies remain in the house. The effect produced by the conspiracy is preserved and strengthened.

Butterflies are made according to the following scheme from square sheets of paper of any size:

Fold at least one butterfly per day, saying the spell:

“Butterfly, become my wings, lift my love, take it away to the sweetheart, bring the dear one with you. When you bring me, stay with me, feed on my love. Preserve, increase and grow our happiness.

The butterfly should be glued to the wall where the photo was previously attached. If there are two of you in the photo, this will enhance the effect. Add each new one next to the previous ones. Experiment with patterns and colors. At the sight of them, experience elation and faith in good luck.

Pillow Conspiracy

For a conspiracy you will need:

  • bright pillowcase or fabric;
  • synthetic winterizer for stuffing;
  • photo of a loved one;

First talk photo:

“Betrothed-mummer, respected by me, love me the way I loved you. From the photo - into a dream, from a dream - to the threshold. Show up and stay."

Carefully place the photo along with the stuffing in the pillowcase and sew it securely. Every night, when you fall asleep, put a pillow under your head. After you dream about the beloved, be ready: soon happiness will knock on the door.

  • Incense smoke conspiracy

Required elements:

  • incense;
  • long candles with a diameter of more than 1 cm;
  • photo in a frame.

For the ritual, purchase an unopened set of incense with a pleasant smell for you. The ritual is performed at night, before going to bed.

On the back of the photo, write your names in lipstick. Circle them and frame the photo. Light the incense and the candle at the same time. Perform the ritual every night with the words:

“What is written by hand cannot be erased by anything. What is fumigated with smoke is obsessed with love. Bring me the moon of the one I'm in love with. Give him candles my eternal love. Amen".

When will the spell take effect?

Taking into account the above, the conclusion follows: each ritual has its own time frame. Subject to individual instructions, the duration of the ritual is minimized. Long, energy-consuming rituals lead to a better result.


Many are interested in how to independently make a conspiracy for love from a photograph of a loved one . In itself, this is a very easy love rite with the reading of words. magic conspiracy evoke strong feelings of love in a person. A love plot can be read independently both at home and by choosing more quick black love spell using photo and perform a love ritual in the cemetery. In any case, if you have a photograph of the person being bewitched, his presence when you are read a love spell , not required. Know also what love plot carried out on the photo will not be possible to remove it is performed only once in a lifetime. To bewitch a person from a photo, you need any printed photograph, it carries all the energy of a person to which they are sent magical powers love spell. Here are a few ways to do it yourself photo love spell and strongly bewitch your loved one.

Love plot from a photo on candles

This is a fairly simple, but very powerful photo plot using church candles. Buy three candles in the church, leave the change from them for a "common candle" donation. This love plot can be read during the day in the sun or in the evening - its effect is the same. Arriving home with candles bought in the church, put on the table a photo of a loved one on whom you plan to read a conspiracy and placing a candle at the head of the person in the photo so that it does not fall, twist the remaining two candles together, for this warm them up a little. Light twisted candles with the words of the conspiracy:

I am the sun, You are the Earth, We can be together, love each other. Amen.

After you have said these words, light a candle at the head of the photo from already burning candles and start reading a love plot in the photo:

As the sun rises in the morning, so the love in the heart of the servant of God (name) flares up.

As the sun shines, so may your love for me, the servant of God (your name), burn more strongly.

As the sun dries the earth, so you dry up without me, but you yearn.

As people reach for the red sun, so you reach for me,

And there will be no life for you without me, just as people do not have life without sun and warmth.

My word is firm and strong.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

After reading the plot with your fingers, put out the candles and put them in a secluded place so that no one touches them. Do not under any circumstances throw away church candles in the trash, it's a big sin. If you need to get rid of them, take them back to the church, leaving them by the icons in a box with cinders located on the floor in any church.

love plot on the growing moon from the photo

A prerequisite for this love plot using a photo, the presence of a red thread and 2 photos. The first is who is bewitched and 2 photos - who wants to fall in love with a person by reading a conspiracy to love. Before reading the love plot, join the photos together so that the faces look at each other and sew them in the corners so that you get a red cross on both sides, for this the needle must go a full circle. When the photos are ready to read the plot, put them in front of you on the table and pour any water into a glass and sip it three times. Above the water you need to read the words of the conspiracy three times:

How can a person not live without water?

So that this servant of God (name) could not live without the servant of God (name).

He missed me, he missed me, he always remembered me.


When you have finished reading, take a cup of water and sprinkle the photographs with charmed water three times. Then hide the photo in a secluded place, away from prying eyes. Soon, the person on whom the love plot was read will begin to show his feelings for you, experiencing strong love longing and love attraction towards you.

strong conspiracy for love from a photo

The strongest plot in the photo is done in the cemetery - this is a black love ritual of very quick action. Before reading it, think carefully about its consequences, because a black love spell in a cemetery with reading a love plot in the photo is done for life. If you are ready to make an independent love plot from a photo in a cemetery, find a grave with similar name the one on whom the conspiracy is being made and looking at the photo, read the words of the conspiracy to love:

Three sisters, young girls, sat on the board.

There is a board, and under this board lies longing.

Let longing enter the slave (name), so that he loves me very much,

He walked on the heels, missed, yearned, without me, the Servants of God (name) grieved.


Having spoken the whole plot, bow to the dead man and cross yourself, go without turning back home, pressing the photo of your loved one to your chest or putting it in your bosom. Don't talk to anyone on the way home. The next morning, taking a photo with you, go to church and light candles for the health of yourself and the one on whom the black conspiracy was read. It is not long to wait for the action of the conspiracy, usually within a week the bewitched one himself will begin to act, providing obvious signs of attention and interest.

read a love plot from a photo at home

If you want to make a love plot on your own from a photo, memorize the text of the spell so as not to stumble and prepare the following items: a photo of a loved one, a church candle and holy water. Preparation before reading the plot is as follows: put the icon and fix it so that it does not fall while reading the plot, put a photo next to it and light a candle start reading the love spell:

Heavenly angels, unearthly powers. How will I call you for help, how will I ask you to give me inhuman strength, unearthly charms, so that I, the servant of God (name), can bind the servant of God (name) with my bonds so that he cannot tear them forever, nor at night, not during the day, not on a quiet evening, not on a bright morning. And how this drink will spill into all vessels, inflame all his blood, so that his passion for the servant of God (name) will spread through all the veins and vessels of God's servant (name), so that his love for me flares up every day more and more, everything is hotter .

Amen. Amen. Amen.

After reading the words, drip a few drops of wax from the candle onto the photo with the words:

My word is strong and to the servant of God (name) is molded. Amen.

Extinguish the candle with your fingers and wash yourself with holy water. Soon you will feel great attention to you from a loved one on whom a love plot was read.

© Copyright: Maginya

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In this article:

A portrait of a person or a photograph can not only convey an image of his appearance, but also contain his energy, as they used to say - a piece of his soul. Each picture contains a strong spiritual connection with the person who is captured on it. The more detailed the photograph, the later it was taken, the more energy connection stronger.

In general, a photograph of a person conveys his appearance as accurately as possible, and therefore photographs can be used in a variety of magical rituals. A portrait or photograph plot can solve a variety of problems.

Love spells with photography

The most popular rituals that use a photograph of a person are various love spells. To conduct such a ceremony, you need a picture taken a maximum of one year ago. In addition, only the purpose of the ceremony should be recorded in the picture, without strangers and animals. If you only have group photos, you can crop the part that shows right person, however, in no case should you damage his head.

Working with a photograph is much easier than holding an image of an object mentally.

It is always worth remembering that a photograph is strongly connected with the person who is depicted on it, and therefore, performing a ritual in a photo, the performer takes on a great responsibility, because he will influence the life and thoughts of another person. In no case should such rituals be used to harm or take revenge, in which case the magician may receive swipe reverse negative energy.

After performing a magical ritual, the used photograph must be stored for a very long time and carefully, since it is it that acts as a link between the energy of the magician and the purpose of the rite.

When to cast a love spell on a photo

To achieve the maximum effect, any love ritual should be performed on the growing moon, best of all, in the first or second quarter of the lunar month.

It is also worth remembering about special women's and men's days for the ritual. If the purpose of the ritual is a woman, then it should be performed on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, if the ritual is aimed at a man, then on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.

It is also worth paying special attention to the description of each plot and strictly follow all the recommendations provided.

An effective conspiracy on a photo of a guy

If you suffer from unrequited love and are already desperate to attract the attention of your lover, then this magical ritual. To carry it out, you will need a fresh single shot that clearly shows the face of the target.

The phantom with which we work with the help of photography reads the given program

Take a photo of the target right hand and your picture in left hand. We bring a photo closer friend to a friend and, looking at them, we read the words of the conspiracy:

“Like two hands of a man, like two wings of a bird, there will be a servant of God (name of a beloved) and a servant of God (proper name) together forever. As the earth and the sky are inseparable, so the water will not spill you and me, the wind will not scatter, with every obstacle our love keeps coming. The heavenly forces hold us together, the divine angels bless us. As said, so be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing the plot, you need to attach the pictures to your face, and then put them together and put them under your pillow. They should be under the pillow until the conspiracy takes effect. So that the pictures do not disperse during sleep, they can be wrapped in a thin white scarf.

As soon as the first positive results of this ritual, for example, a loved one will finally turn his attention to you, the pictures need to be shifted from under the pillow, to any secluded place where no one except you will find them.

Love spell after sunset

After sunset, you need to sit down at the table, put a photo of the target and your picture on it, images up. Sit in silence for a few minutes, concentrating on the desired outcome of the ritual.

After you need to turn your picture over and write the name of your lover on its back. Do the same with a photograph of a loved one, only write your name. Now we put the pictures together, with the front sides, and tie them with a needle with a red thread.

Rituals with photographs are very effective, you just need to follow the working conditions

At this time, you need to be as careful as possible so as not to damage the faces in the photographs. When the pictures are tightly connected, we read the words of the conspiracy:

“For all eternity I knit a servant of God (the name of a loved one) with a servant of God (my own name), I knit with strong, inseparable bonds. Let it be so. Amen".

After you need to put the pictures in a white envelope, seal it and seal it with candle wax, saying:

“For all eternity I seal the servant of God (name of the beloved) with the servant of God (proper name), from evil intent, from an evil eye, from a lapel. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A charmed envelope with photographs must be securely hidden at home.

Lapel according to the photo

A special photo ceremony allows not only to establish a connection between lovers, but also to break off their relationship. To do this, you can use a simple but effective magical rite.

We take a photograph of the person with whom we need to break off relations, and slander on the picture:

“Cold on my heart, ice in my soul, you don’t love me anymore (name of the target), you don’t love and don’t need. Get out of my heart, get out of my thoughts, free my soul from this day until the end of time. I forget you forever, I forget, I forget how I tear your picture. Let it be so".

During pronunciation last words you need to tear the photo into small pieces, and then scatter them in the wind.

Spell for good luck at work

With the help of photo plots, you can also solve a variety of business problems - improve relations with your boss, attract the right client, and much more.
This plot is carried out in the picture of the chief. You need to put a photograph on the table, and on top of it a copper coin, and then read the words:

“From now on, and for many years to come, you will trust me in everything, you will agree with me in everything. You will come to me with business, you will bring good news and bring gold to my wallet. From now on and for many years to come, as I said, it will always be so.

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