Read a powerful conspiracy to attract money. Money magic: money spells. A proven money plot - how best to carry out the ritual and get results

Plot to find Good work very in demand.

After all, people spend most of their time at work.

And it’s good when you like it, and it also helps create a pleasant feeling of prosperity. But this does not always happen.

People rush from enterprise to organization, from one employer to another, but to no avail.

  • If the work is interesting, then, as luck would have it, the salary is not even worth the tears.
  • And if it’s highly paid, then all the places are usually occupied.

How does magic help in your work?

  • How long can you spin in this whirlpool of losers?
  • And is there a way out of it?

This is what many people think, sadly wandering to work and back to the house, where nothing makes them happy.

Have you tried using magic to solve your problems?

Are you saying that nothing will work out?

The employer’s ritual will not force you to triple your salary or make your boring workload interesting!

Most likely not. Although all sorts of miracles happen.

More often than not, what happens is completely different.

The conspiracy to find a good job operates on a different plane.

Do you know what is the reason for all failures?

It’s just that people don’t know how to believe in themselves!

He himself agrees to be ridden, throwing crumbs for food. But everyone by nature has certain talents that are necessarily in demand.

Many of us take other roads.

A spell for a good job helps to “open your eyes” and turn onto the right path.

There, around the bend, anything can happen.

  • some receive an offer, with a capital letter,
  • others are a miracle in the current service,
  • Still others open their own enterprise altogether, forgetting about previous fears.

What to lose, try it!

After all, a magical ritual is not dismissal or registration of your business. When the “process begins” there will be time to think.

What plot to read to find a good job and get a job quickly

Rite 1

Those who want to be led “by the hand” to exactly the position (place) where they can realize all their abilities for a decent pay should prepare:

  • handkerchief.

  1. In the evening, spread a scarf on the table;
  2. Place the coin on top, tails facing you;
  3. Take some time to think about what you want to receive.

Attention: If there is no specific plan, then imagine that you come home from work, completely satisfied and a little tired. How joyful and good the soul is. Don't forget about money.

  1. Now say with full confidence that it works:

“Like the sun next to the Earth, so my luck is always with me. I don’t complain, I don’t tremble, I’m looking for a place of service. I am a talented and nice person, super efficient at my work. As soon as I get down to business, I will be honored with anyone. As Yarilo ascends to heaven, so my work will find me. Everything will work out, and the money will multiply. Amen!"

  1. The coin must immediately be tied into a scarf crosswise (with two knots from the corners).
  2. Place it in a place where household members will not accidentally stumble upon it.
  3. And in the morning, be sure to go outside. If you don’t have any need, then just wander around the shops and talk to people.

The chance will definitely come.

Conspiracy to get settled

This magic works if done early in the morning, at dawn.

You know, “he who gets up early,….”?

Hardworking people usually start their activities at dawn and stop at night. This is what the ritual is designed for.

For a ritual to get a good job, symbolizing the work that you would ideally like to do.


  • If you want to sit in an office, find a candle in the shape of a table (chair, computer, pen).
  • If your dream is trading, then the choice is even wider. Buy a candle in the shape of a camel (money).

Light it and read it:

“My business is strengthened by flames, the road winds with smoke. There are no fences, no ravines, no holes, no bends on my path. Like a flame is straight, so my path is right, it will not turn away, it will not betray. As the light flashes, good luck is on my doorstep! It was said - don’t turn around, only my path to work! Amen!"

A good job for my husband

Women can use magical methods to help their loved ones find a suitable service.

This requires faith and a little free time. Yes, there is still a burning desire for my husband to be happy with both his work and his prosperity.

  1. At any Men's Day go to the Temple. (Read the article -).
  2. There find the Icon of St. George the Victorious. It is to this Saint that you turn your supplications and prayers.
  3. Light a candle and ask for grace and family well-being.
  4. And when you are about to leave, whisper the words:

“The Lord united us! I give thanks, I rejoice and I pray, I don’t complain! Lord, forgive my sins, let the family go for the good! May the works of my husband (name) for your glory be rich in joy and good luck! Guide him on the path, where the merchant of his hands and mind will be found! Let him live by his labors and bring income to the house! Amen"


You need to ask the Universe for a son.

The ceremony is carried out only on working days before noon.

  1. Go out onto the road, preferably in a park or forest (among the trees).
  2. Have it with you for your son. For example, a notebook or pen.

This subject must correspond to his inclinations.

If he has a passion for a certain profession, then it is better to take something that symbolizes it or some kind of instrument.

  1. Look in the direction where there are no turns.
  2. Say while holding the gift in your left hand:

“Angels and Archangels who protected me during childbirth, who protected the fetus in my womb! My prayers and requests come to you! Take my child (name) by the hands, lead him along straight paths, righteous and fair roads, which the Lord commanded him to walk. Bless my child for labors that are not idle and not dangerous to health. So that everything grows in your hands and grows in your wallet. So that his soul does not know grief! Amen!"

  1. Be sure to give the gift to your son on the same day. It must be passed from hand to hand.
  2. See how he reacts.
    • If she is happy, she will soon find her calling.
    • And when he doesn’t like your gift, then he has no serious aspirations in life.

Previously, it was necessary to educate with a “belt”.

By the way, this plot is also suitable for finding a job for your daughter.

It is important that the parent reads it.

Stability in life and financial well-being can be achieved by getting a job a good place. People have legends about the fabulous incomes of people in certain professions, about earnings in large, successful corporations. Unfortunately, not everyone is destined to have a high-paying job. Many can only dream about it.

In this topic:

Some applicants generally “fail” already at the first stages of the interview. To endear yourself to a HR specialist and to please your future boss, you can use a special plot aimed at finding a truly attractive place.

General rules for conducting rituals related to job searches

  • Firstly, rituals aimed at getting a good job should be carried out during the days of the waxing moon. This best time for actions aimed at increasing wealth.
    If you choose a day of the week, you should choose Saturday. Saturday is distinguished by its ability to influence choice life path person. Therefore, they choose this day to find their dream job.
  • Secondly, no one should know that a conspiracy is being read. This is necessary so as not to face the destruction of all your hopes, because even accidentally told information about magical actions will have absolutely unpredictable consequences. It may happen that you have already been hired, but still things will go wrong and the job will be lost.
  • Thirdly, you must believe with all your heart that you will be able to find a job that suits you in all respects.

Ritual with a scarf

If you can't find it for a long time the right job, there is no need to give in to despondency or give in to despair. The clairvoyant Vanga's spell on a scarf will help get out of a deadlock. Purchased in store new scarf, its color should be white. Immediately on the day of purchase, a conspiracy to work is read on it 3 times:

“I whisper and whisper, God’s servant (name) will have good luck on the road, success in his work. Wherever I go, I’ll find work. I don’t see any refusals, I don’t hear the word “no”. Amen!"

You need to keep the enchanted handkerchief with you, with its help matters will be resolved in better side literally in a month.

Rituals before an interview

If you have an interview, you need to start acting the day before. In the evening they take a white scarf and a coin. Place a coin on the scarf so that the tails face up.

Then you need to look at this coin and vividly draw in your mind all your dreams about work, what it should be like, how happy you will be in it, how much you will receive. Then they pronounce the spell:

“As the stars are forever with the Moon, so luck is forever with me. Luckily I grumble, I’ll find a good place for myself. I am a good fellow (a beautiful maiden), nice and serviceable in any matter. I can get used to any task and I will be useful in any job. As the red sun rises in the sky, so a good place will come to me. And everything will work out in that place. And the gold will increase.”

As soon as the spell is pronounced, the coin must be wrapped in a handkerchief. The resulting knot is hidden away. If there is no suitable vacancy yet, then the next morning you can go for fresh periodicals to quickly find a suitable option. If the interview has already been scheduled, you must boldly go there and believe in success.

The following spell for work can be used in different situations, only change the final words depending on your case. Need to choose free time in the morning and start thinking about your desires related to work. Whatever can be formulated should be written on a piece of paper. Wishes must be written down specifically, avoiding abstract formulations. When the recording is made, the paper is rolled up into a tube and lit from a candle flame. As soon as it lights up, they begin to read the plot for the desired job:

“My work is strengthened by fire, the road will appear in smoke. No turns, no ditches, no holes. As straight is my path, so is the flame. I speak with a candle, I write words on black paper. I can’t miss luck, I can’t miss grace.”

When these words are spoken, you must say your desire, which you wrote down on the burnt paper. Then wait until the paper burns completely. When only ashes remain, they are collected and scattered in the wind.

This ritual has its own subtleties. In particular, when it is not possible to light a candle immediately for the ritual, you need to postpone everything until another day so as not to spoil the whole thing.

Conspiracies before an interview

If you are invited to an interview, then for confidence and a successful resolution of the situation, you need to read a conspiracy that will help you get this job. On the way to the place of employment, the words of the conspiracy for a good job are read 7 times:

"I'm walking along the road, new life I'm coming! The owner liked me, he liked my face, I liked my character, I was surprised by my ability to work. So that everyone will be touched, surprised and overjoyed! God, help me, give me strength, confidence and good luck! Amen!"

After reading them, you can safely move forward and count only on the good.

When going to a meeting with an employer, it is good to read the plot below. It creates a great atmosphere, fills a person with positive energy, which can attract good luck.

“I go as a fisher, I come in as a merchant. I am a wolf, I am a lion, I am a fox, everywhere there is a ladder for me. Some are lower than others, but I am always higher than others. Everyone would love me, respect me, and invite me to a high position. All my words, be sculpted, strong and tenacious. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

You can turn to another conspiracy for work. It is read three times before visiting a future place of work.

“I go to the boyars to plow for nothing, I go to get a contract, to make the owner fall in love. All so that they would be touched by me, the owners would smile tenderly, feed me well, pay me well, and not scold me in vain or beat me. The Lord God is my King, my supreme Sovereign. Lord, help me. God help me. God bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Conspiracies for work are very important if several people want to get a job in one place and you feel that other candidates are no worse than you in terms of objective indicators. Accordingly, your success depends on a trivial case. Therefore, you must definitely read the conspiracy, for example, such as the one below.

“As soon as I enter these doors, I will certainly find my luck. I will certainly get the place I want today.”

These words must be whispered as soon as your hand touches the handle of the door where the interview will take place. When the words are spoken, you need to move forward and be sure that everything will be as it should.

Prayer for getting a job

Prayer should be addressed at dawn. You need to read it every day, then you can count on good work.

“God help me, Jesus, save me! Help me solve my problem, find a job, get money! Improve my life and achieve success! Amen!"

You need to turn to this prayer until you can find the job you need. These prayer words considered very strong, they usually act very quickly.

Candle spell

This conspiracy to find a job can be used in cases where you are not sure that the interview will end in your favor and you will be able to get a good position. You need to take a small candle, light it and repeat the words for as long as the candle burns.

“I am riding on a forged chariot, on a golden-haired mare. I go where I am expected, respected, and not offended by refusal. They will not refuse me today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, on any day, on any month or in any year, everywhere and always glory and honor await me. No one will say a bad word against me, no one will ever refuse me anything, open doors will always greet me, everyone honors me, just as everyone believes in me. Cross by cross, the matter has a good ending! Amen."

Ritual for money work

The ritual begins with planting a plant. It could be a tree or shrub. It is planted in the ground outside or in a flower pot.

Thanks to a conspiracy that helps you find a good job, this plant will become a symbol of your prosperity and financial stability; you will need to carefully monitor and care for it. The better the plant is, the better your well-being will be.

With a certain attitude and following the rules, reading a plot can really help you get a good job. By choosing the right spell for your situation, even a convinced skeptic can get the desired effect.

Someone is lucky, and an interesting position that brings good money is found from the first look at the job board. Others, even having behind them higher education, they cannot simply find a job in their specialty.

This is due to the combination of many factors. Good specialist he may simply get nervous during an interview or, while looking through advertisements, not notice a vacancy that suits him.

Fortunately, there are also plenty of ways to achieve your goal and overcome a streak of failure. One of them is conducting such magical rituals as conspiracies.

This type of conspiracy causes employers to make decisions in your favor. Let's consider several of its variations, which have proven their effectiveness through the experience of many healers. But before we get started, please note: like others magical rituals, it requires certain preparation and compliance with certain rules.

  1. It is important to choose the right moment to read the plot. The waxing phase of the moon is best suited, and the most favorable day is Wednesday.
  2. You must sincerely believe in the effectiveness of the ritual. Bolstered by your faith magical ritual will definitely help. Otherwise there will be little benefit from it.
  3. Keep the plot a secret. In order for the ritual to produce results, the sacrament must be preserved.

By observing the above conditions, you will certainly achieve results and achieve your goal.

Trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself. Conducting a ceremony is not the only thing you need to do. After reading the plot, go looking for vacancies and calling potential employers. The ritual will not show results without your actions.

Strong conspiracies to get a job

People united by a job search are distinguished from each other by their search motivation. Someone is still only at the stage of searching for an activity that suits them. Others already know what they want, but are unable to interview for the position they want. Still others, having returned from an interview, are waiting for the employer’s decision.

For each situation there is a conspiracy that is most suitable for it. Let's look at them in order.

Find a suitable vacancy

These rituals are carried out at the very beginning of the search, when you do not yet know exactly what you want from your work. Or when you have the opportunity to get a job somewhere, but you are not sure whether this is your destiny.

Coin plot. The next time you go to the store or just take a walk, leaving the entrance, throw a coin on the road, while whispering the following words: “I don’t ask for mercy, but I’m on my way and on my way. So that my legs didn’t get tangled, I got help everywhere. Lead my path to success. Amen"

Excitement at an interview

This ritual will come in handy when the desired vacancy has already been found and all that remains for you is to successfully pass the interview, appearing to the employer in a favorable light. Anxiety is your enemy, as employers may be put off by your lack of confidence. This plot will help you cope with excess stress and give you positive attitude.

In the doorway. Before entering the office where the interview will take place, pause in the doorway. With your right hand you need to lean on the doorframe and read the following words to yourself: “David’s meekness will help me!”

To the waxing moon. The ritual is carried out precisely on this lunar phase. Read the sacred words several times, which sound like this: “I conjure, yes I conjure, in the name of the Father and Mother. Let the boyars sit in pairs, but not look at me with warmth. They want to attach him to the business, but keep him closer to the body. I’ll go right or left, step out the door, and find my business. The paths lead to where luck always awaits. My talents are noticed and will not be exchanged for anyone. Let it be so"

After the interview

When the search for a vacancy is over, you have found a place that is attractive to you, have overcome your anxiety and passed the interview; a conspiracy after the interview can influence the employer’s positive decision. The magic words of this ritual should be memorized or written down on paper, because you need to read it immediately after leaving the interview.

Immediately after the interview. When you leave the office where the interview took place, find the south and face it. The following words must be said out loud: “Wherever I go, the sun illuminates me and drives away trouble. The breeze blows me, brings good luck from the east. Waves come to the shores, work comes to me. Let it be so"

At home, after the interview. Another strong conspiracy for the same purpose. It must be carried out at home, on the day after the interview. Get a thin one first church candle. Light it, and until it burns out, say the following words: “I rush on a journey not on a stormy day, on a golden-haired mare. I rush to where they respect me, but they don’t offend me in any way. No refusal. I will never be refused. They won’t say a word about me anywhere, neither bad nor evil. Only glory and honor await me everywhere. Open doors, and behind them everyone believes me. Everyone believes me as themselves - it will be so in my destiny. With a cross is a cross, with a good ending. Amen"

A very strong conspiracy to get hired

Let's consider another, very powerful conspiracy for successfully getting a job, which should be taken very seriously. Its power cannot be doubted, and one must prepare for it in a certain way. It should also be carried out during the waxing moon phase, and preferably on Wednesday - this will directly affect wage growth. The very fact of the ritual should be kept secret - this will significantly increase its effectiveness.

You will need regular dairy cream, which can be obtained from milk. The higher their fat content percentage, the higher wage is waiting for you. Pour cream into a mug white and say several times:

“I, the servant of God (name), will go out to seek my destiny, in a damp forest, with a good ending, in a clean field, under the radiant sun. The cream flows, the cream is drunk, the pockets are filled with gold. Amen"

After reading the plot, drink the cream three times and treat it to loved one. The second part of the ritual is performed at night, before falling asleep. Fluff your pillow thoroughly, while saying: “Cow, our mother. You gave me cream, give me a new job. Good and profitable” After this, cross yourself three times and read the Our Father nine times.

Supported by your faith and actions, conspiracies will definitely bear fruit. Even convinced skeptics can resort to their help, because this will at least give a positive attitude and self-confidence, which is already important. Believe in yourself and you will succeed.

Conspiracies for work help to gain favor the right person, quickly find a job. Words are spoken before leaving the house for an interview or...

From Masterweb

22.04.2018 00:01

Often a person looking for a job finds himself in a vicious circle. Everywhere he is refused, and he spends his last remaining savings, but cannot find a good place. In this case, folk conspiracies help, the action of which is aimed at attracting favorable circumstances in the search for work.

A ritual for getting a promotion or finding a high-paying position with handkerchiefs

This spell for work is read on the waxing moon. On Sunday, during this period, you need to purchase two cotton handkerchiefs. They do not take change from the seller, or even give money for settlement. Upon returning home, the scarves are washed well, dried, and then sprinkled with holy water. For several hours they should lie down in the eastern part of the room, preferably near the holy images.

Then seven identical coins are wrapped in one of the handkerchiefs, as well as seven pinches of millet. After this, the package with all its contents must be buried in a deserted place under a tree (it can be any tree except aspen). At the same time, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced 12 times to find a job:

  • “In the fields and oak groves all kinds of living creatures work from dawn to dusk. And in the fields the peasant, without raising his eyes, without straightening his back, works. So I work, I spin and spin all day. I don’t know if I can rest a day, I don’t see any rest. Send, O God, grace from the holy heavens, a reward for my efforts. So that I can work worthily for Your glory. Amen".

The second handkerchief is left on the same day at any pedestrian intersection, while saying: “Paid!” When the scarf is thrown, they turn over their left shoulder and return home another way. It is forbidden to talk to anyone until the end of the day.

For career success

On the same day of the month on which the person was born, it is necessary to put on a new thing and wear it for three days. While putting on this item, they say the words of the conspiracy to find a good job:

  • “I put on something new, never worn. I am breaking a path, a road not traveled by anyone. I will have glorious service, success in my work, and understanding among honest people.”

After three days, the item of clothing is rinsed in cold water. This water must be sprayed on the place where a person works.

For a good job

This ritual must be performed using four candles. They help to quickly attract subtle energies. Candles should be white, black, green and Brown(one of each). They are firmly installed in candlesticks. The candles must be placed safely, since they must burn out completely during the reading of the plot for work. Also take a little patchouli essential oil and a little cinnamon. Additionally, prepare a bowl of water and a towel - this will be needed for washing your hands.

It is necessary to carry out the ceremony completely alone. After all the preparations are completed, they sit down at the table. The ritual consists of lighting candles one by one and visualizing the necessary transformations. For each of the candles, the words of the conspiracy for work are pronounced (listed below).

Then they take a black candle in their right hand. It is used to burn away all the difficulties that accompany the job search. They light it, and, looking at the flame, they think about the problems that should burn out in its flame. The black candle needs to be lubricated essential oil and after a while put it in the center of the table.

Then wash your hands so that the oil does not get on the rest of the candles. They need to be sprinkled with cinnamon.

A white wax candle symbolizes the person conducting the ritual. Taking it in their hands, they think about what those positive feelings will be like when they manage to find a good job. Then the white candle is placed on the table. A green wax lamp symbolizes prosperity. While sprinkling cinnamon on this candle, you need to think about increasing your income. It is installed to your right.

A brown wax candle signifies the work itself. When it is sprinkled with cinnamon, you need to clearly imagine the desired job and the responsibilities implied by this position. She is placed on her left hand.

When lighting the candles, the following words are said:

  • When the black one lights up - “Grief and sadness have burned out, all enemies and enemies have been defeated.”
  • White - “What is mine belongs only to me.”
  • Brown - “I will find a job to my liking and by right.”
  • Green - “Good luck will come soon, it will bring you money.”

After the ceremony, the candles must burn out to the very end. The next day you need to start active search new job.

Ritual for success

This spell for good luck in work is actively used by Siberian healers. The value of the ritual lies in the fact that it has been tested by many generations. To carry it out, every day at dawn they pray to the icon of Christ:

  • “Lord, help, Jesus Christ, save our souls. Help me resolve this unbearable difficulty. Complete the work successfully and improve your life. For Your glory, amen."

This conspiracy for work is read every day until the plans are realized. Within the next month, the working environment will begin to develop as well as possible.

Ritual for water

This ritual was proposed by the soothsayer Vanga herself. It acts very quickly, helping you quickly find the desired job or promotion. To perform the sacrament, fill a glass with holy water. A spell for a good job is read on him:

  • "Force clean water, help me with this! So that rich merchants and boyars would hire me. So that they don’t offend you with gold and silver, and don’t deprive you of a kind word. I will show myself at work as the most dexterous master of all masters, the wisest expert of all experts. Merchants and boyars will marvel at me and bestow honors and wealth on me. As I said, so be it. Amen".

The words of this spell for good work are repeated three times. After this, the glass of water must be drained to the bottom. If everything was done correctly, then you won’t have to wait long for a new job.

For good luck

If you are experiencing failures in the workplace, you can use effective ritual to eliminate them. After the words of the conspiracy are pronounced, the person receives a powerful charge of energy and confidence in his own abilities.

To perform the ritual, you must purchase a white cotton handkerchief. On the day of its purchase, you need to go to the nearest forest or wild grove and say the words of the conspiracy to work on the scarf:

  • “The Leshy walked through a green forest and found a white scarf. He took that handkerchief and whispered for good luck. I’ll pick up my handkerchief and walk through the forest. Wherever I go, I will find a job. I haven’t heard any refusals anywhere among people - I thank Leshy, who brought me good luck.”

Read the words of the conspiracy three times. After this, they carry the scarf with them everywhere. Usually, work problems are resolved within two to three months. When employment takes place, the probationary period has been completed and all formalities have been completed, it is necessary to thank Leshy. To do this, the scarf is taken to the nearest forest and placed on a stump. A glass of vodka with a piece of black bread is placed on it.

Ritual using cream

Another effective conspiracy job search involves using the cream of the crop. With the help of the ritual you can find a high-paying position. Since cream is best part milk, they allow the person performing the ritual to energetically “attract” a good place. For the sacrament they do not use store-bought cream, but real village cream. The fatter they are, the more successful the conspiracy will be.

The product must be poured into a white mug and the words pronounced three times:

  • “I go, servant of the Lord (name), from home - not from home, from the city - not from the city, along the path - not from the path. I'll go look for a better share in dark forest, in a wide pole. If I take a step, I’ll find a coin. If I take another step, I will find the gold. If I take the third step, I’ll stumble upon the treasure, bend down and pick it up. The forest cat drank the rich cream, and I became rich. I can live well, but never know troubles or sorrows.”

Then take three large sips from the mug. It is advisable to give what remains of the product to your or your neighbor’s cat. Either you can finish the cream with coffee, or offer it to your household. Before going to bed, while fluffing your pillow, you need to say the following words:

  • “Nurse cow, you gave me cream. Give me a good job, not to worry about, but to enjoy.”

Prayer on the day of the interview

Read directly on the day of the meeting with the employer. They light a thin candle from the temple, and recite the words of the conspiracy by heart. Repeat this until the candle burns out completely:

  • “I am riding on a new chariot, on a golden-haired mare. Where I go, they respect me, they do not offend me with refusals. No one will say a single bad word against me, no one will refuse a single request. Amen.”

Ritual with nickels

Help you find the good workplace and simple coins of five rubles. This must certainly be the change that the person conducting the ceremony received when purchasing salt, bread and milk in the store. You cannot deliberately ask for change with such coins; this will violate the effect of the spell to find a job.

One nickel is placed in each pocket. First, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced on them (seven repetitions for each coin):

  • “I didn’t ask, they gave it to me. Higher powers, help me find a job, take away all my sorrows. Amen".

To enhance the impact of the ritual on the eve of the interview, you can supplement it with a visit to church. To do this, you need to go on foot to the nearest church and light three candles at the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Mother of God, and also for the health of your enemies and ill-wishers. To make the interview successful, you can also take advantage of the effect of this conspiracy for work. The boss on whom employment depends must accept you on any odd day. Having put the coins in your pocket, you must enter the office that day, crossing its threshold with your left foot. At the same time, the words are mentally pronounced:

Ritual at dawn

This powerful spell for work is pronounced at sunrise. It must be said in a favorable mood. Before pronouncing words, you need to “warm” your hands in the rays of the morning sun. This can be done on the street or on the balcony, but not through window glass.

The plot is like this:

  • “I will get up at early dawn, go out to the red Sun, crossing myself. I will climb a high blue mountain and look at the world in all four directions. How a white, wild horse grazes on the north side. And on south side red horse, brave. On the western side there is a black one. And on the eastern side there is a piebald, pockmarked one. That horse is a violent one - not a single soul has saddled it, not a single soul has ridden it across open fields. I will tame that horse at a clear dawn, he will walk under me obediently, he will take me in any direction I want. Key, lock, tongue."

Ritual for good luck in employment

Every time you go to an employer, you need to read the following conspiracy in order to get hired. The conspiracy especially helps in cases where there is no certainty about whether they will be hired. Before leaving the house, the following words are said on the left shoulder:

  • “And here too God is with me. In this place, at this hour."

The spell is repeated 7 or 12 times. After each time, you need to cross yourself and say the words:

  • “Lord, send me, Your humble servant (name), good luck in everything. Amen".

An effective spell to work at home

Before you start looking for a job, read the Lord’s Prayer seven times, and then the following words:

  • “I leave home in the chemise of the Mother of God, the wings of the Archangels and four heavenly crowns overshadow me. With me are the holy Apostles - Luke, John, Matthew and Mark. May they protect me from men and women, from sharp arrows and lead bullets. Amen".

Then write the following words on a small piece of paper:

  • “It exists on earth, it really exists, it exists at this hour, it exists in God, everywhere.”

The piece of paper is placed in your pocket.

Effective conspiracy

Before crossing the threshold of the organization where the interview will take place, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced three times:

  • “I, the servant of the Lord (name), ride on a wild wolf, leading all the forest animals with me. And you (name of the recipient) stand in front of me, lose your word, go deaf, go numb. A white stone instantly turned to stone. And I’ll tell you the words: bastard, 40 words. All rights are mine.”

The threshold of the room is crossed with the right foot. The door to the office must also be opened with the right hand.

Ritual using old clothes

Before going to an interview, put on an old dress, trousers, blouse or any other item. Then they stand in front of the mirror and say to their own reflection:

  • “I’m going, I’m going to try my luck. Not only yours (point your finger at the reflection), but also yours (point the same finger at yourself). My word is strong. Amen".

After that old clothes they take off and put on a new suit, in which they then go for an interview. When you need to leave the house, thumb V right hand clenched into a fist. You can release it only after joining the organization.

Prayers and conspiracies for work, like other sacraments, must be learned by heart. You can read them from sight, but this will reduce the effect of the ritual. Before performing the sacraments, it is recommended to fast for several days, not drink alcohol and not speak obscene words. At the end of any sacrament, it is useful to read several main Orthodox prayers- for example, “Our Father” or “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary.”

Kievyan Street, 16 0016 Armenia, Yerevan +374 11 233 255

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