I wish you good luck in your new endeavors. Prayer words for love. Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

“Lord Heavenly Father! You know what I need to do so that I can bear many good fruits in Your Kingdom and on this earth. Please, in the name of Jesus Christ, guide me in the right direction. Grant me to learn quickly and effectively and move forward. Grant me Your dreams, Your desires, destroy dreams and desires that are not of You. Give me wisdom, clarity and understanding on how to move in the direction of Your will. Grant me the necessary knowledge necessary people. Grant me to be in the right place at the right time to do the right things in order to bring many good fruits.

Orthodox prayer for luck

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, help me bring forth many good fruits in my life in the areas where You have given me abilities and talents. Grant me to bring beautiful, very necessary, durable and high-quality fruits that will bring many benefits to people and many benefits in Your Kingdom. Teach me what I need to do in order to bear many good fruits, teach me how I can do it. Give me the necessary knowledge and skills for this, teach me to pray for fruits, give me Your dreams and Your desires. Give me the necessary literature for this, the necessary software and others necessary tools. Grant me the necessary acquaintances and meetings with the right people at the right time. Lord, grant me life circumstances that will contribute to this dream of mine. Grant me to be in the right place at the right time. Amen".

Orthodox prayer for good luck in business for profit and prosperity in the house

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray You for my finances and for my financial situation. I ask You to grant me and my family prosperity in bread, clothing and everything most necessary for life. Bless me and my family so that we never go hungry or needy. Grant me the strength and opportunity to help the hungry, the needy and the orphans. Amen".

Orthodox prayer for good luck in work

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, grant me the work I love. Grant me a job in which I could (could) realize all the talents and abilities that You gave me, which will give me joy and pleasure, in which I could (could) bring a lot of benefit to people and where I would receive ( a) good wages. Amen".

Orthodox prayer for success in business

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray You for success in all the works of my hands. Whatever I do and whatever I undertake, grant me abundant success. Grant me abundant blessings on all my deeds and on the fruits of my deeds. Teach me to work effectively in all those areas where You have given me talents and deliver me from fruitless deeds. Teach me success in abundance! Teach me what and how I need to do in order to have abundant success in all areas of my life.

Orthodox prayer to Hieromartyr Vlasy, Bishop of Sebaste, for help in everyday affairs, for blessing

You were adorned with anointing and torment with blood, glorious Blasius, shining everywhere, rejoicing in the Highest and nazed us, who came to your temple and in it you are constantly calling: keep us all.

Most blessed and ever-memorable Hieromartyr Blaise, marvelous sufferer and our warm intercessor, after your departure into eternal life, those who call you holy name to help and in all petitions to be heard, promising to be heard! Now, now to you, a saint of God, as a true intercessor for salvation, we flow and humbly pray: appear to help us, bound by the bonds of sins, move to your all-powerful prayers to God and pray for us sinners: you, unworthy, dare to call for intercession and we wish you to receive liberation from all our sins. Oh, holy Vlasie of God! In contrition and humility of our hearts, we fall down before you and pray: shine on us, darkened by the slanders of the enemy, with the light of grace from above, but walking in it, we will not stumble our feet on a stone. Thee, as a vessel in honor of the chosen and filled with the grace of God, we pray: vouchsafe us sinners from the fulfillment of your desire to accept, and heal our spiritual and bodily ulcers, but with our sin forgiveness and our spiritual and bodily health, salvation useful from the Lord ask, always glorify Father and Son and Holy Spirit, and your gracious intercession for our souls and bodies, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Orthodox prayer to St. John the Merciful for help in poverty and need

In your patience you acquired your reward, reverend father, in prayers unceasingly patient, loving the poor and this satisfied, but praying to Christ God, merciful John, blessed, to be saved to our souls.

Thou hast squandered thy wealth on the wretched, and now thou hast received heavenly wealth, O John all-wise;

Saint John of God, merciful protector of the orphans and those in adversity! We resort to you and pray to you, as a quick patron of all those who seek consolation from God in troubles and sorrows. Do not stop, praying to the Lord for all those who flow to you with faith! You, filled with Christ's love and goodness, appeared as a wonderful chamber of the virtue of mercy and acquired the name "merciful". You were like a river, constantly flowing with generous graces and plentifully drinking all those who are thirsty. We believe that after moving from earth to heaven, the gift of sowing grace was aggravated in you, and as if you were made an inexhaustible vessel of all goodness. Create with your intercession and intercession before God “every kind of joy”, and all who resort to you find peace and serenity: grant them comfort in temporary sorrows and help in the needs of life, instill in them the hope of eternal rest in the Kingdom of Heaven. In your life on earth, you were a haven for all that exist in any trouble and need, offended and ill, and not a single one from those who flowed to you and asked you for mercy was deprived of your goodness. Identity and now, reigning with Christ in Heaven, reveal to all those who bow before your honest icon and pray for help and intercession. Not only did you yourself show mercy to the helpless, but you also lifted up the hearts of others to the comfort of the weak and to the contempt of the poor. Move the hearts of the faithful even now to the intercession of the orphans, to the consolation of the mourners and the reassurance of the poor. May the gifts of mercy not fail in them, moreover, may peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, dwell in them and in this house that sees the suffering, forever and ever. Amen.

Orthodox prayer from hunger for prosperity

In the flesh, an angel, the foundation of the prophets, the second forerunner of the coming of Christ, the glorious Elijah, who received food from the angel and nourished the widow at the time of famine, and be a blessed feeder to us who honor thee.

Good luck wishes for everyone. Someone said that our whole life is a game. The game is gambling and unpredictable, to be sure. Which card will fall into our hands: ace or six, trump or simple? There are not so many cheaters, so you have to believe the wishes of good luck.

In verse

  • I wish you good luck in everything!
  • Let the house be filled with good luck!
  • Let luck climb through windows and doors,
  • Let your darling believe in luck!
  • Luck knocks on your door
  • I wish you good luck in love
  • I wish you success in life
  • And may you be lucky further in your destiny!
  • Good luck,
  • In the garden and in the country,
  • At home, on the sea, on the beach,
  • Let luck lie next to you.
  • Let her help you
  • To be satisfied with the face,
  • So that everything argues, happens,
  • And it turned out great!
  • I wish you good luck,
  • In work, in love, and, of course, in fate,
  • Successful hunting, and successful plans,
  • Successful trips to the village, to the country.
  • Have a good rest in the mountains, at the sea,
  • Successfully drive away troubles, misfortunes, grief,
  • Good luck in love, good luck in love
  • It's good to forget past grievances.
  • Let it be in life "Okay" constant,
  • And let no one seem strange
  • That everything turned out so well in fate!
  • I wish you great luck!
  • I wish you a good life
  • Good luck bright days,
  • Good luck kiss you
  • You warm her heart.
  • To get all things done,
  • So that all plans come true
  • Lucky fate was
  • And people were surprised.
  • Let everything be as you need!
  • Let luck walk near
  • You take care of her, keep
  • And all the days will be beautiful!
  • Good luck let you laugh
  • Good luck let it burst into the house
  • Luck bird let it fly
  • Crystal chime will ring.
  • I wish you good luck everywhere
  • Let it be served on a platter
  • Let them bring it in a parcel,
  • I'll send it in the Internet mailing list.
  • I wish you good luck!
  • It will be like this, and not otherwise!
  • She will fly to you
  • And success will be in fate!
  • May the day be successful
  • Get rid of laziness
  • Let luck go near
  • Constantly undead look.
  • Good luck with your fishing
  • So that the fish always peck,
  • I wish you good luck at work
  • Good luck in the heat and in the cold!
  • Good luck in the store, in the market,
  • To buy something cheap
  • Good luck in your mood - sadness
  • I wish you to forget!
  • Great luck, good luck everywhere,
  • Good luck always, everywhere,
  • Let people call you lucky
  • With luck, life is interesting!
  • What do I want? Good luck!
  • Everywhere and everywhere!
  • On fishing, and in the country,
  • And on vacation, in work!
  • Let luck burst to the door
  • Let him knock with his feet
  • And let her not come in,
  • "You let me in" - screams!
  • You let her in soon
  • Live more fun
  • Will you live happily
  • Love the world and all people!

In prose

Mark Twain also said that one day fortune knocks on every person's door. But he does not hear this knock, because he sits his pants in the nearest pub around the corner. The most important thing in life is not to miss an important moment in which your success can pass by. I wish the hero of the occasion to always be at home when luck knocks on the door. Seize the moment: open wide your smile and entrance doors so that your fortune feels a worthy welcome!

A Chinese proverb says that it is impossible to drown the lucky one. Throw him into the stormy mountain river, and he will definitely come up, and even with a goldfish in his hands! I wish you to always be lucky, a darling of fate. Let luck not bypass you, but walk beside you. And if life takes you into a turbulent river, then come out of it dry and with a dozen goldfish. Fate will lead you into the dense forest, return from it with game and mushrooms. Be lucky!

Do you know why fortune is so capricious, changeable, fickle and characteristic?! Yes, because she is a woman. But sooner or later she meets the man she loves and walks side by side with him through life, hand in hand. I wish good luck to fall in love with you and choose you as your companion. And when you walk with her through life side by side, do not forget to carefully look around, because fortune is very attractive. Let her be faithful only to you and never cheat with others.

Many people have to repeatedly deal with such concepts as happiness, luck, success. Some consider luck to be a certain constant that is outstanding to a newborn at random, but this is not true.

Thanks to conspiracies, spells, spells, prayers, anyone will improve their luck.

Moreover, if some people find it difficult to believe in some “magic things”, then Orthodox Christians are convinced of the efficiency of prayers. Prayer for good luck really works when they read it from the bottom of their hearts, in which case the believer really enters into a kind of dialogue with God, the Guardian Angel.

Going on the road, in difficult moments, we often ask higher powers to reward us with good luck, to grant us success.

Even without believing in the existence of a Guardian Angel, you must have heard of affirmations. They are a kind of analogue of prayers that can instill self-confidence in a person, make life filled with successful events. Lucky individuals every day confirm the expression that success is a matter of practice, because it does not come to lazy people.

Combining actions with prayers to the Guardian Angel, another higher powers gain confidence in the future, become happier. By the way, Orthodox believers are not the only ones who can pray for success, there is a Muslim prayer for real luck. good prayer good luck will help to enlist support heavenly powers for any day, change fate's better side.

Follow the basic rules for reading prayers

It will not be difficult for the Guardian Angel to help if the request is as sincere as possible. Success will accompany every day if you regularly make the way to the temple, ask higher powers for help. Remember, prayer is an appeal to higher powers, so when visiting a church it is advisable to be baptized. Of course, you can pray within the walls of the house, but the most powerful prayer is in the temple.

Prayer is a request to God, coming from the heart, filled with humility and good thoughts. There will be no harm from her. And it can bring a lot of good to a believer.

As mentioned earlier, prayer is only a tool, the intention of the one praying to the Guardian Angel is of great importance.

Even an unbelieving person who has pure intentions, who speaks words from the heart, will surely find success. A prayer for good luck in business is preferably read near the icon of the saint who is being addressed. It is recommended to light candles or a lamp, focus on the flame.

Think about what is missing in your life every day. Try to imagine what you mean by luck, perhaps the word has a very specific image, communicated to the Guardian Angel. High concentration will achieve excellent results.

Choose the best prayer

Some people want to make progress in business, they do it through prayer. In simple words you will bring to life new prospects in business, work. You will be surrounded by the right people, future partners, good colleagues, the authorities will treat you fairly. It is advisable to learn the words of the prayer, this will achieve a better result by reading the appeal day after day.

Prayer "For good luck"

“The spark of the eternal manifestation of the Lord, born by a miracle, will manifest itself in me when my soul is illumined with the Good News. I call on the great Lord to touch my fate, to direct my paths in the direction of good luck and prosperity, and the seven sources of Heaven will unite in my heart when the Lord hear me, and miraculously blessed life mine will acquire a new meaning, and I will gain the power of Life, I will gain success in today's business, and in future affairs there will be no obstacles for me, for the hand of the Lord will help me. Amen."

In order for the Guardian Angel to protect life, if you are going on the road, it is recommended to address words to him, or to Jesus Christ. One of the most common and effective prayers is the prayer for good luck. Do not be afraid of its size, it is easy to learn, but the result of reading it will be a stunning success in life.

Prayer to Jesus Christ

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. Lord my God! You are the Almighty God who knows no limits, to whom all things are possible. You have appeared to Your people many times to help and bring them out of any difficult situation. God, only You can solve all our problems. “And the Lord said (to Moses): I saw the suffering of my people in Egypt and heard their cry…; I know his grief and I go to deliver him from the hand of the Egyptians and bring him out of this land (and bring him in) into a good and spacious land, where milk and honey flow ”(Ex. 3:-7-8). My God, I don't accept this situation, I'm tired of suffering! Until when, the devil will keep me in bondage to problems, illnesses and failures. Is it not with You, the living God, that I made a covenant. Didn't You promise abundant life? I don't believe in idols, I don't believe in dead god I believe in the living God. Hear my cry! Answer my prayer! Remove shame from my life! Didn't You promise: "Call to Me - and I will answer you, show you great and unattainable things, which you do not know" (Jer. 33:3). Lord, I cry to You and ask for help! Lord, I turn to You, didn't You say: "If you ask anything in My name, I will do it." Lord, in Your name, change my life for the better! Raise me to the height that You have prepared for us, so that our life will be like that city on the mountain. Everyone sees and rejoices in its beauty and splendor. Thank you, Lord, that You hear me and change my life for the better. WITH today I proclaim you Father, and the doors of blessing open for me. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!"

If you want to turn directly to the Lord, then there are special words for this case.

Prayer to the Lord God

“Our Lord Almighty! Glorifying Your name in all ages, people did not know the refusal of their prayers. Lord Our Almighty, give me the strength to overcome misfortunes and grave misfortunes. Take bad weather away from my house, from my body and my soul. Hear the requests of your servant (name) and do not leave them unanswered. To the glory of the Lord, amen."

It is believed that it is not necessary to learn them, just write them on a piece of paper, keep in your breast pocket. Strong prayer it is read for good luck until the situation with luck in life stabilizes.

There are also alternative types of prayers to the Guardian Angel, for example, the Tatar one.

The result will be stunning

Since everyone has a unique representation of luck, the outcome will be different. In any case, the effect of reading a prayer will be unambiguously positive. And combining prayer with work, not sitting idly by, it is worth waiting for good luck, which itself will knock on your door.

Perhaps, for the unbaptized, the Tatar prayer is more suitable, which is not difficult to find. Although, as mentioned above, the Lord will listen to a request coming from the heart, even if a person rarely visits the temple of God.

Video: Prayer for good luck

When one of your loved ones is going through a difficult period or is faced with a problem, then you may have a natural desire to support him and wish him good luck. If you are not satisfied with the usual "Good luck to you", then we can offer many other options for this. All cultures have had different ways expressions of such wishes, ranging from words and symbols, and ending with spells, amulets and facial expressions. All these ways are aimed at the desire to help you find the right path and express your best and most sincere wishes for a favorable outcome.


words of encouragement

    It's simple - say "Good luck." This phrase is one of the best and most simple ways wish someone good luck. A simple and soulful phrase that you can never go wrong with.

    Use a different phrase. If you're dealing with someone who doesn't like the phrase "Good Luck" or just want a more soulful phrase, there are plenty of ways to say the same thing in other words. Choose one of the proposed by us, depending on the situation.

    Express your feelings in another language. Russian is not the only language in which you can wish "Good luck". Another way to be extraordinary is to wish good luck in another language. This method is especially good if the other person speaks this language or this culture is close to him.

    • In Spanish, you can wish someone good luck with the phrase "¡Buena suerte!". In German, there are two phrases "Viel Glück!" and "Alles Gute!". The phrase "Bonne chance!" relevant in France.
    • IN Italian try the phrase "Buona fortuna!" or "n bocca al lupo!".
    • The phrase "Jūk néih hóuwahn" (祝你好運) is used in Cantonese Chinese, while "Gokoūn o inorimasu" (ご幸運を祈ります) is spoken in Japan. The phrase "Ganbatte ne" (頑張ってね) is used when wishing informally.
    • Wish the person good luck in Greek by saying "kalí tíhi" (Καλή τύχη). “İyi şanslar”, and “Bol şans!” means "good luck" in Turkish.
    • Saubhāgya means good luck in Hindi. Arabic it will sound like "Bi't-tawfiq!"

    Use of amulets, offerings and spells for good luck

    1. Choose a natural amulet. Most of the amulets for good luck are taken from nature. Present a real amulet or look for a visually similar one if you have not found the original.

      Choose a character from the animal kingdom. There are several animals that bring good luck. Try using one of them to express your wishes to the person. In addition, some parts of the body of various animals are also considered a symbol of good luck.

      Make an amulet. Not every amulet should be exclusively of natural origin. Some amulets are made by human hands. Most of these amulets will be much easier for you to part with, unlike the desire to give a rare natural one, so keep this in mind when you want to express your wishes for good luck.

      Consider religious symbols. Some religions have symbols that bring good luck. These symbols can have much more meaning than amulets, but they can also be used to express your wishes. If the object of wishing good luck is a religious person, then such a symbol can become great option gift.

      Cast a spell for good luck. In some religious traditions, certain spells are believed to bring good luck. For example, there are a number of related magic spells in Wicca, based on ancient European pagan beliefs. If you like the idea and the person the spell is intended for understands, you can try one of these.

      • For the Wiccan spell, you will need oil and a black candle. Drop oil on the tip of the candle and move it up and down in your hands, while visualizing a person, wishing him good luck and whispering: "Black candle bring prosperity and joy to this person."
      • One more spell to say before going to bed. Using a candle, ballpoint pen and paper, write a wish, and then place a piece of paper under the candle. Get all thoughts out of your head. Light a candle and focus on what you want for the person while visualizing them as you do so.
    2. Give food. There are a number of products that bring good luck. Give a person one of these foods as a good luck wish, or cook a meal using it.

They say luck loves strong people but it doesn't matter if it's true or not good wishes good luck in poetry .... It hasn't hurt anyone yet!

May everything come true and everything will come true
Success undertakings will be bold.
Good luck to all dreams will come true
And argues in the hands of any business!

Any moment is so important and valuable,
After all, there are no insignificant minutes in life.
May luck be with you all the time
And there are many bright victories ahead.
The path to the goal brings you closer with every step,
All roads lead to success
The support of loved ones helps in everything,
Their warmth and care? give strength!

We want to wish you good luck
Success in life, bright deeds,
So that you with a smile - not otherwise
Meet every new day!

Let luck smile
The world will be full of warmth
Life does not hide the secrets of happiness
And makes all dreams come true!

Good luck on the exam
Let your friend visit!
Let the task be easy
Can you solve it!
Don't be afraid in the exam
Be calm, don't rush!
Don't worry again
Think it over, write it down.
You hope for good luck
Of course, don't be fooled yourself!
Crash on the exam
Answer "excellent"!

From the heart of only joyful days,
Good luck and great happiness!
Let life become brighter, brighter,
Good luck awaits again and again!

I want new sensations
funny friends,
clear days,
wonderful news,
Life in style
work stable,
Good luck in everything
Night and day!

Let there be true friendship
Success is a joy to the soul,
Career - bright and brilliant,
Income - stable and large.
Health - strong, boundless,
Cozy and beautiful - the house,
Well, luck is everywhere personally
Accompanies you in everything.

I want to live easy and simple
Among the successes, among the victories,
And let at every intersection
You have a green light.

We want mood
Only excellent always
And health for years
Let your eyes burn with happiness
And the path leads you
Despite any interference
Only to good luck and success!

We wish you bright happy days!
The care of loved ones, the warmth of friends!
Keep love and joy in your soul!
Believe in luck and love life!

We wish the ocean happy years
Furrow on the ship of good luck!
And let dreams cherished bright light
Does not fade in the heart of a bold and hot!

I wish you happiness and luck,
Health, long bright years,
And with ease to any task
Brilliant find the answer.
Reach the heights of your career
And succeed in personal life
To serve friends in everything by example,
And look into the distance with optimism.

How sweet life tastes when it
Saturated, beautiful and swift,
Full of good, joyful events,
Amazing in every moment.
Let life be like this year after year,
The mood is getting better
And every day will bring a gift
Success, luck, happiness and luck!

Good luck, happiness, tender words,
And in the heart? beautiful feelings,
Softer than the silk of the petals,
Brighter than clear noon!
Let it be warm every moment
The love of those around.
So that for this wonderful moment
Watch with a happy look!

Interesting discoveries, great success,
To make dreams come true!
And more often the cares of dear people,
Understanding loved ones.
Let the support of friends give confidence,
And luck helps in everything.
Let life become brighter every hour,
Every day more interesting and brighter!

Achieve all goals successfully
It's nice to wish with all my heart!
Let happiness be boundless
Great success awaits
And career distances beckon
Savings grow wonderfully!
Good luck to decorate life
It would be lucky!

Let the joys of the moment not end
Cherished dreams come true
Willingness and ability to win
The readiness of everyone who is nearby to support!
Let luck and luck await in everything,
The mood will always be great
May plans and deeds succeed
to brighten and happier life was!

We wish you health, good luck, success,
And if wrinkles - it's only from laughter,
And so that misfortunes do not meet in life,
And if there are tears, then only from happiness!

In business? success and luck!
In the shower? warmth and kindness!
To live interestingly, with a mood,
Believe in luck and dreams!
Give love to family and friends
Greet the new day with a smile
And all that is best in life
Be able to see and know!

From a pure heart with an open mind
Today we wish you a great life.
So that there is health, and happiness, and joy!
So that the years fly by and are not a burden!

Love, harmony, warmth,
In everything, good luck to wait!
And life has always been in bloom
Gave joy and dream!
Let spring sing in my soul
Always fresh, always clear!
And in these bright moments -
Flowers and congratulations from us!

Amazingly happy days
Flowers, smiles, tender words!
Let there be everything that is sweet to the heart:
Good luck, joy and love!

We wish you the brightest days
Tender feelings, good luck in everything
And to keep life warm
Kindness, joy, warmth!
Kindness and beautiful words,
Like dewdrops on flowers
And miracles, happy minutes,
As in captivating dreams!

Inspiration, good luck day by day
And we wish you success in everything,
Prosperity and happiness in the present,
And for the future - brilliant prospects.

Appreciate the golden moments of life
Cherish every minute of it
Let luck help in your plans,
Keep the course for success and good luck.
Move boldly towards the appointed goal,
Strive for your distant horizons,
To make dreams come true,
To make any wishes come true!

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