Ekaterina Dibrova is the president of the rhana medical corporation. Secrets of successful people with Katya Liepa: owner and president of RHANA corporation Ekaterina Dibrova. Portrait of the owners of RHANA

Elena Baturina

Founder of the BE OPEN humanitarian foundation, developer, investor, hotel owner in Austria, the Czech Republic, Ireland and Russia, 54 years old

The wife of the former mayor of Moscow Once again entered the top 200 richest businessmen in Russia by Forbes version– and again as the only female billionaire. Ms. Baturina's interests include alternative energy and membrane construction, but she has a special weakness for the hotel business. Elena says she likes to give people quality service and good mood. For her soul, the mother of two adult daughters collects porcelain and supports her husband in his hobby of horse and sheep breeding.

Natalia Fileva

Owner and Chairman of the Board of Directors of S7 Group, 54 years old

Natalia first entered the top 200 richest businessmen in Russia by Forbes magazine and immediately became third among the ladies presented there. Now she is firmly established in the public consciousness as a woman for whom airplanes are her first priority, but in the 90s, the struggling Siberia Airlines fell into the hands of her and her husband almost by accident. They say that the idea of ​​rebranding belonged to Natalia - like other strategic ideas that brought S7 to second place in terms of air transportation volumes in Russia. At the same time, Mrs. Fileva is an experienced wife and mother of three children. Daughter Tatyana is responsible for advertising and marketing in the company.

Irina Stepanova

General Director of the Russian representative office of the Sotheby’s auction house

In honor of the 10th anniversary of Sotheby’s in Russia, Irina organized an exhibition at which for the first time she combined the top lots of future auctions with exhibits purchased for private collections at past auctions. The anniversary concerns Irina directly. She went with the company all the way - from a tiny office with two employees to meeting the standards of the large Sotheby’s. The representative office conducts examinations of the authenticity of art objects, patronizes museums, and supports young artists. Mrs. Stepanova admits that her life is subordinated to work, and she even tries to spend her vacation usefully for business.

Valentina Rumyantseva

General Director of L’Oreal Luxe in Russia, 40 years old

This year, the company opened the first Giorgio Armani perfume and cosmetics boutique in Europe in the Atrium shopping center and brought it to Russian market the long-awaited Shu Uemura brand. Valentina, who studied the intricacies of business in Dusseldorf and London, actively uses the Internet and the latest technologies in her work. She is confident that the future lies in the disappearance of boundaries between online and offline. This is the future strategy of L’Oreal Luxe: developing online boutiques and honing personal service using the most advanced digital capabilities. Valentina finds time not only for business and family, but also for travel and hobbies. My immediate plans include returning to my youthful hobby of making jewelry from stones and beads and new heights in my favorite yoga.

Anastasia Rakova

Vice-mayor of Moscow, 41 years old

Soon after the birth of her second child, Anastasia returned to work at the mayor's office, where her colleagues speak of her with respect. In sum, opinions boil down to the fact that she is a competent lawyer, a tough manager and a workaholic. Mrs. Rakova initiated many large projects - the creation of the MFC, the Moscow Urban Forum, the launch of the “Our City” and “Active Citizen” portals. The renovation program is partly in her area of ​​responsibility. She carefully hides her personal life; outside the mayor's office, she prefers an informal style of clothing, making her completely unrecognizable.

Miroslava Duma

Founder of the Internet portal Buro 24/7 and the international venture project Fashion Tech Lab, 32 years old

Miroslava launched Fashion Tech Lab to support eco-designers and find new ways to make fashion sustainable. One of Russia's top fashion experts was shocked to learn that her favorite industry is the second most polluting industry. environment. Mrs. Duma does not want to bequeath an environmental disaster to her three children, so she is investing in the production of artificial leather and fabrics made from orange fibers. Business Of Fashion included Miroslava in the list of 500 main people in the global fashion industry.

Olga Belyavtseva

Founder of Assol Company LLC and Agronom-Sad LLC, member of the board of directors of Progress Capital, which owns the Frutonyanya brand, 48 years old

Mrs. Belyavtseva remains one of the richest and most mysterious ladies Russian business, since her entire career is connected with her native Lipetsk. Apparently, Olga was lucky and no one convinced her that success could only be achieved in Moscow. It is known that she is a real example of a self-made woman - Belyavtseva began her path to business as a packer at the plant of the USSR Ministry of Fruit and Vegetable Farm at the age of 21, shortly after the birth of her eldest son. Olga is in her second marriage, and her three children probably inspired her to make baby food a priority.

Helen Isahakyan

General Director of Shiseido in Russia

The winter collection is already on sale, but Shiseido in Russia is no longer limited to promoting one brand. Over six years, through the efforts of Mrs. Isahakyan, a global holding has been built, representing NARS, Cle de Peau Beaute, Narciso Rodriguez, Issey Miyake, Elie Saab, Alaїa, Tsubaki. “We created the beauty industry in Russia from scratch, from scarcity to abundance, from Soviet “service” to the highest standards of service,” says Helen, a student of Leonard Lauder. While developing a beauty empire, she lives on airplanes, but sees travel as a source of energy. And he calls his daughter his greatest achievement.

Olga Karput

Owner of the concept store “Kuznetsky Most 20”, 34 years old

Olga is moving the concept store to Stoleshnikov Lane, where it will occupy 2,500 sq. m. meters. It will retain pleasant little things like ping-pong tables and a cafe healthy food, but there will be more of the most original things that can be found in Moscow. The wife of developer Pavel Tyo and mother of three children is not going to change the concept, fortunately the Moscow public is gradually getting used to “strange things and unusual images.” However, Ms. Karput is no longer interested in the avant-garde for the sake of the avant-garde, and especially for the sake of shockingness; now she professes a more mature and pragmatic view of fashion.

Natalia Kasperskaya

Group President companies InfoWatch, 51 years old

A company engaged in information security in the corporate sector has opened a representative office in Dubai. It took Natalya ten years to achieve success, having received InfoWatch in a deplorable state - in her words, “one name” without a working product and team. By that time, her experience at Kaspersky Lab had already turned her into a virtual police officer who was ready to do more than others to catch a criminal. He also taught me not to let business take away time from a large family, because Ms. Kasperskaya is the mother of five (!) children.

Marina Sitnina

Vice President of Gazprombank, CEO Art Finance company, 61 years old

Marina continues to oversee the corporate collection of contemporary Russian art. She stood at the origins of a new investment direction for Russia - “art banking”, because she agrees with the common Western practice of investing money in art and considers this a manifestation of social responsibility. “It is prestigious and pleasant to pass on such values ​​to descendants,” says Marina. Supporting artists whose works have not yet received a “historical verdict,” the bank and Mrs. Sitnina personally give them a large advance.

Valentina Stanovova

CEO of Capital Group

At the MIPIM 2017 exhibition in Cannes, Valentina spoke about how to minimize the credit burden by attracting partner financing. An example was the development company entrusted to her, which survived both crises without freezing a single project. Mrs. Stanovova considers herself happy man, but jokes about her free time that she wouldn’t have gotten married if she hadn’t met her husband before joining Capital Group. Everything that we have was given to our husband and daughter Dasha. Valentina is interested in photography, is in love with Italy, and has a weakness for stylish shoes and bags.

Elvira Nabiullina

Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, 53 years old

Mrs. Nabiullina, on the recommendation of the President, remained in the position of Chairman of the Central Bank for a second term. It fell to her, the first woman in this position, to minimize the damage from the 2014 crisis. It is interesting that at the beginning of the path that led Elvira to economic responsibility for the country, she went to the Faculty of Economics for the unknown. In the corridors of power, she is known, among other things, for her discreet elegance and amazing intuition. Outside of them - a love of poetry, classical music, theater (especially opera) and driving.

Aysel Trudel

Founder of AIZEL Group, 40 years old

For 15 years, Aysel has united into the AIZEL Group a personalized online store, a concept store, confectionery shops and the Ladure restaurant, boutiques of iconic brands, to which the first Aquazzura boutique in Russia was added in March. Trudel was the first to enter the marketplace with Prada and Miu Miu; her company is still the exclusive online seller of Gucci in Russia. Aysel is pleased to provide a trading platform Russian companies and young designers, does not change the principle of always surprising customers with something new. “Time is becoming increasingly valuable, so online trading is the future,” she says.

Irina Kutyina

Founder and CEO of the Encore Fitness chain and Five Concept Fitness boutique studio, 50 years old

Irina opened two premium fitness clubs - the flagship Encore Fitness in Moscow City and a project in the Novoyasenevsky residential complex, plus the Five Concept Fitness multi-studio at the Arma plant. After 25 years in the industry, she came to the conclusion that in order to progress, fitness must stop being associated with self-torture. The highlight of Encore is the combination of premium service, beautiful design and new technologies integrated into the club space and training process, with a strong team of trainers and a luxurious relaxation area. Ms. Kutyina practices what she preaches. Following the recommendations of Encore specialists, she lost 10 kg and is not going to stop there.

Ekaterina Dibrova

President of Rhana Medical Corporation, 57 years old

Ekaterina continues to develop Laennec therapy in Russia, based on healing properties placenta. She became acquainted with this method of prolonging youth and life itself 17 years ago in Japan, a country that is ahead of the rest in the field of longevity. Mrs. Dibrova does not offer others what she has not tested for herself. She regularly resorts to Laennec therapy, and the president’s appearance is best advertising for a corporation. Especially after admitting that she sometimes sleeps four to five hours a day for weeks. But it's time to ride alpine skiing Ekaterina always finds her with her husband and daughter.

Alisa Chumachenko

Online game developer, founder and CEO of Gosu.ai., 35 years old

The new project of the creator of Game Insight is a global training platform for gamers and e-sportsmen based on artificial intelligence. The virtual assistant will help the player improve by analyzing his game. Mrs. Chumachenko's intelligence is completely natural; her love for a virtual wonderland does not mean that she is divorced from reality. Alice believes that the main thing in work is to do well what you are passionate about, and not to chase millions at any cost. She keeps her son away from computers, closer to real people and paper books.

Olga Romanova

Celebrity makeup artist, creator and creative director of the cosmetics and false eyelashes brand Romanovamakeup, 33 years old

Olga is expanding the collection of decorative cosmetics bearing her name. The line of natural false eyelashes already includes 50 items. "Thanks to art education my makeup philosophy is based on the basics of painting,” says Ms. Romanova, who is responsible for the makeup of many artists. Olga was a makeup artist for the “Get in Time in 24 Hours” program on STS, and now gives master classes. The girl started the business when she was pregnant with her daughter, calling it “an express course in self-development.”

Oksana Bondarenko

Owner and President of the Li-Lu Showroom Company, 44 years old

The company celebrated a year since the opening of the showroom at Trekhgornaya Manufactory. More than 20 years ago, working as a translator from Italian at an exhibition, Oksana did not think that her modest beginning would grow into thousands of square meters of European fashion from famous brands. She does not hesitate to admit that she took the initial capital from her husband Vladimir Tsyganov, the head of the Belaya Dacha agricultural complex, but the long-term success and reputation of the company is her merit. Mrs. Bondarenko herself prefers to wear clothes from her own brand, “Li-Lu,” and only indulges in extravagance at the sight of designer shoes.

Tatiana Lukovetskaya

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rolf Group of Companies, 51 years old

Tatyana headed the board of directors of one of the largest Russian car dealers. The numerical superiority of men in business and under her leadership does not bother Mrs. Lukovetskaya. She started her career as a “girl on the phone,” supervised mechanics, became the first woman in Russia to head a dealership, and heard all the jokes about “women driving” back then. There are no trifles in Tatyana’s favorite business - with one hand she rebuilds the company’s management system, with the other she personally campaigns to buy a car. She relieves work stress by singing and has released two albums of romances.

It is believed that the Japanese and Europeans have a hard time finding mutual language due to the difference in mentality. Our heroine managed not only to reach mutual understanding, but also to create a successful business with her eastern colleagues. She was able to transfer the principles of the famous Japanese longevity to Russian soil. In the process, another pleasant bonus was discovered - the overall health of the body began to miraculously be reflected in the appearance.

In the matter of Japanese longevity, some look for the secret in a special style of nutrition, but they immediately refute themselves: there are countries with a similar diet, but with much worse average life expectancy. And rice instead of bread, and a limited amount of sweets, and green tea- all this is preached by many nations, but at the same time they cannot boast of so many 100-year-old citizens. One of the secrets of Japanese longevity is that in the “Land of the Rising Sun” great importance is attached to biomedicine, including the widespread use of “Laennec” therapy. What it is?

As they say, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped: after the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Government of Japan set the task for scientists to develop a drug aimed at restoring the health of the nation. More than 50 years ago, Doctor of Medical and Agricultural Sciences Hieda Kentaro became acquainted with the doctoral dissertation of V.P. Filatova. The young professor was fascinated by the idea of ​​the Russian scientist-physiologist. Hieda Kentaro realized that Filatov’s approach does not contradict the canons of Eastern healing and is in many ways harmoniously combined with its traditions. This helped him create and bring to life the idea of ​​a placental drug for treating various diseases, tidying up the body, rejuvenating and increasing stress resistance. Not many years have passed, but today it is the Japanese who are breaking all records for active productive longevity, and largely thanks to the Laennec therapy. Of course, an important role is also played proper nutrition, And healthy image life, and the special spiritual mood of the inhabitants of the “Land of the Rising Sun”.

Ekaterina Dibrova, often visiting Japan with her husband, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, biophysicist, famous scientist in the field of oncology, became interested in the secrets of longevity of the Japanese, and when she found them out, of course, she wanted to transfer the positive experience to Russian soil. This turned out to be difficult. Firstly, there are differences in the requirements for preparing documents for registration of drugs, and secondly, in order to gain the authority and trust of partners, it took time and real results. But Catherine has such a character that the more complex and important the project, the more energy and efficiency it evokes in her. As a result, both her husband’s authority in the scientific world and her own helped good name, earned in the course of international economic activity. But even the most positive recommendations were not a guarantee - before starting cooperation, Japanese colleagues came to Russia and meticulously studied Ekaterina Dibrova’s working methods. They were satisfied with everything, and now patented procedures are carried out only in the RHANA network of clinics, and among them there are, without exaggeration, revolutionary solutions using placental therapy, hardware techniques for face and body care. Today the RHANA corporation, which includes clinics and The educational center for personnel training, and the pharmacy is the exclusive distributor of the drug “Laennec” and a number of other Japanese brands, which allows Russians and residents of neighboring countries to receive “Laennec” therapy in more than 5,000 clinics or purchase the drug with a prescription in pharmacy chains. RHANA Corporation is seriously engaged in research work together with specialized Russian institutions and foreign partners, leading world experts in the field of anti-aging. But behind 17 years of hard work. What was it worth just going to different authorities... It wasn’t enough to bring it to Russia Japanese model active longevity, it was necessary to go through a thorny path from concluding a contract to obtaining registration of a pharmaceutical drug in Russia. As a result, human placenta hydrolyzate is registered as a hepatoprotector and immunomodulator and is included in the state register of medicines of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

When you learn the amazing success story of a business woman, for some reason you at first imagine a stern woman, ready to stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut, and then you see... a beautiful, fragile blonde. How???

In the case of Ekaterina, of course, one should have expected a very well-groomed appearance, since she regularly revolutionary technologies works out, and on his relatives. But happy eyes, calmness and self-confidence cannot be achieved by any medical methods. It turned out that Catherine not only adopted advanced healing procedures, but was also imbued with Eastern philosophy, while remaining an Orthodox person. When asked about the reasons for her success, she answers: “ There is no need to block success. Anyone can do this if they move away from fears. Life is Beautiful! Every day you need to rejoice and be grateful for it. Every next day is the best. It brings fruits, results and lessons. As the Bible says, do not build obstacles for yourself, do not look back, always go forward, and then you will get what you want. Mainwhat settings do I make for myself? Not the results I expectedThese are just lessons that you definitely need to understand. It is important to understand what is happening to you. JapaneseThis is a completely unique nation. They listen to themselves, they build their habits in accordance with the needs of their own body. The Japanese work hard, but they will never spend money on fur coats and diamonds if they have health problems. First of all, they invest in their own development, health and vital energy. I constantly learn from them. I would like to add a little Japanese to my Russian mentality: turn to yourself, listen to yourself, think. When I get into my car at the end of the work day and drive home, I remember this. But the morning comesand I'm back into battle! We are Russians,winners at their core!”

When Catherine first came to Japan, it seemed to her that it was a different world. People there are very open to communication, very attentive to little things and details, they have amazing self-organization and discipline. Of course, the Japanese are workaholics, but they also know how to relieve the stress that has accumulated during everyday work. Another feature that captivates is that they treat each other with great respect. They will never talk mobile phone V public place, even on the train. If the call is important, they will simply go out to a place where they will not disturb anyone. Japan has amazing cleanliness all around. For example, taxi drivers work there wearing white gloves. And this purity is not only external, but also internal. If they promised something to their business partner, then you can be sure that they will keep their word (a rarity in modern world). For the Japanese, health comes first and only then beauty. They are always surprised at how much attention Russians pay to appearance. After all, even if a woman does not have a single wrinkle, but the spark in her eyes, the energy of life, has disappeared, then her age is still visible.

“But no matter how many positive moments I see in other countries, I still remain a patriot of Russia. I am very grateful for the education and the broad outlook that I acquired here, and for the opportunity to implement my projects. My mission is to return bioplacental medicine to its homeland, because it was our scientists who became the founders of the preventive approach to diseases. And the Japanese, by the way, do not hide this and are even proud of the fact that they picked up and developed the ideas of our great doctors. I am sure that modern Russian scientists will make their contribution to this matter and will surprise the whole world.”

This is how she is - the heroine of our portal - with a truly Eurasian business and the same mentality. A person who takes the best from all cultures and combines it harmoniously. Ideal businesswoman, mother, wife, public figure, conducting serious charitable activities. By the way, during the Year of Japan in Russia, she is launching a large-scale scientific and educational cultural project “Culture of Living. Active longevity." I'm sure we'll hear a lot more about him.

Through her activities, Catherine refuted some cliches (“beauty requires sacrifice”) and confirmed others (“after 40, life just begins”). The fact that in Russia the tendency to achieve external beauty to the detriment of one’s own body has been replaced by a fashion for a healthy lifestyle is also her merit. Despite the very effective techniques practices used in her clinics, she encourages her clients to “work proactively”: establish a culture of regularly visiting their family doctor to learn about potential problems and address them in a timely manner. By the way, before carrying out procedures at RHANA they carry out diagnostics very scrupulously. Thousands of people have already used the services of the clinics, including very famous ones, such as Andrei Malakhov and Olga Kabo. The result, as they say, is obvious on the face. After all, even if you are just trying to get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome, you will look much better after the procedure.

By the way, we are not only adopting Japanese experience in technology; in our country, getting sick is also becoming expensive and unfashionable. So you have to learn to place it correctly life priorities, lead a high-quality lifestyle, consume exclusively healthy food, regularly see a doctor and take preventive measures aimed at active longevity with placental drugs.

A healthy lifestyle includes adherence to ethical standards. And in this sense, the placental preparation is an absolutely correctly created product, because it no longer belongs to either the mother or the child, and most importantly, it is neither stem nor embryonic cells. Moreover, only an absolutely healthy woman can be included in the state program for placenta collection in Japan - all participants undergo a whole series of tests and analyses, the selection is very strict. But even after all these conditions are met, the placenta is considered suitable only if the birth was successful, the pregnancy is full, and the woman in labor has never traveled outside of Japan. This is the attitude towards the quality of raw materials. Then, when it arrives at the plant, it is processed in strict accordance with GMP standards and in an absolutely sterile environment. The drug received by patients does not contain cellular material - it is only useful vitamins, minerals, etc. This is the best thing that was sent to the child, but due to the change of his “place of residence” it turned out to be unclaimed. For Catherine, these nuances are very important. And our heroine is sure that it is important for every woman to realize the talents that she must find and feel in herself: “I am a believer and I know that St. Catherine is always next to me, and I always feel where is mine and where is not. It is important not to sell your soul for desires. For material things, for Bentleys, airplanes, yachts. Because everything will come back like a boomerang, and then I don’t need anything, just give me back!”

And in conclusion - according to tradition, advice from our heroine:

“The main thing is love in everything, and in business too. I am sincerely passionate about my project, so I have enough strength for everything. I chose my purpose not because it was promising, but because it was very relevant for me and my loved ones. My father was operated on for rectal cancer, and he was not given chemotherapy because the prognosis was bad... 7 years have passed, at 84 years old he leads an active lifestyle, goes fishing. Our treatment method helped.

Another secret of success is to not criticize anyone, especially those who are doing something. This destroys yourself, you need to translate everything into constructiveness, it doesn’t work out right away, but then it brings real results. And we must be grateful. I am grateful to God, my family, the team of like-minded people who allow me to achieve such success, and my business partners. And, of course, I am grateful to my country.”

Tatiana Vorozhtsova, information Agency Eurasian Women's Community

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Dibrova- President of Medical RHANA Corporation, academician Russian Academy medical and technical sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, full member of the International Academy of Sciences, candidate economic sciences. Dibrova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna is the founder and head of the RHANA Medical Corporation. The corporation includes: a network of clinics, distribution, pharmacy, training center, LAENNEK-ACADEMY.

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna is a co-author of many scientific articles, an active participant and popular speaker at various conferences, such as: International Congress “Health of the Nation – the Strength of the State”, All-Russian scientific-practical conference“Health of the population of the Russian Federation. Problems of legislative support", conference "Formation of a healthy lifestyle as a personal and national priority" under the auspices of the Federation Council, etc. Initiator and organizer of the International scientific conference "Medicine against aging" with the participation of the laureate Nobel Prize in the field of medicine, Professor Luc Montagnier, leading domestic and foreign scientists and specialists. Laureate of the “Persons of the Year – 2004” competition held by the “Top Secret” media holding. Ekaterina Alexandrovna was awarded the gold star of I.I. Mechnikov “For an active life position, fruitful contribution to strengthening the health of Russians and promoting a healthy lifestyle.” Awarded in State Duma Russian Federation State International Environmental Award “EcoWorld” in the category “Ecology and Human Health” for outstanding achievements in the field of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety. Is a member All-Russian organization quality as part of the Quality Committee medical care Russian Federation, member of the Japanese Medical Society of Clinical Placental Medicine (JSCPM). RHANA is a partner of the Life Line Charitable Foundation for helping seriously ill children within the framework of the project “Culture of Living. Active longevity."

President of the RHANA medical corporation, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, full member of the International Academy of Sciences, candidate of economic sciences.

Dibrova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna has been the founder and head of the RHANA Medical Corporation for more than 17 years. The corporation includes: a network of clinics, distribution, pharmacy, and training center.

Dibrova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna has been distinguished by an active life position all her life. She is extraordinary, passionate, loving people and life is a woman. Its interests are inextricably linked with the interests of the nation, namely to give everyone the opportunity for a new quality of life and active longevity. In search of the best methods and drugs to preserve youth, health and beauty, Ekaterina created a medical institution that brings together the most progressive domestic and foreign developments in the field of anti-aging medicine.

Dibrova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna is an organizer of medical affairs, co-author of many scientific articles, an active participant and popular speaker at various conferences, such as: International Congress “Health of the Nation - Strength of the State”, All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Health of the Population of the Russian Federation. Problems of legislative support”, Conference “Formation of a healthy lifestyle as a personal and national priority” under the auspices of the Federation Council and others.

He is the organizer of regular scientific and practical events, round tables, including in 2010 - the initiator and organizer of the International Scientific Conference “Medicine against Aging” with the participation of Nobel Prize laureate in medicine, Professor Luc Montagnier, leading domestic and foreign scientists and specialists. Laureate of the “Persons of the Year 2004” competition held by the “Top Secret” media holding. In 2014, at the BUSINESS CIRCLES RECEPTION, held by the Parliamentary Center “High Technologies. Intellectual Property" of the State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Federation Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Dibrova was awarded the gold star of I.I. Mechnikov. “For an active life position, fruitful contribution to strengthening the health of Russians and promoting a healthy lifestyle.” Awarded the state international environmental award “EcoWorld” in the category “Ecology and Human Health” for outstanding achievements in the field of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

He is a member of the All-Russian Quality Organization as part of the Committee for the Quality of Medical Care of the Russian Federation. Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Dibrova is a member of the Japanese Medical Society of Clinical Placental Medicine (JSCPM).

The President of the RHANA Corporation actively helps and develops corporate social responsibility in the corporation, as involvement and responsiveness to a great good cause. Therefore, the charity fund for helping seriously ill children “Life Line” is a partner of RHANA within the framework of the project “Culture of Living. Active longevity."

Founder and President of the Medical Corporation RHANA Ekaterina Dibrova - about biomedicine, innovative cosmeceuticals and active longevity.

Photo: DR

“I love living! My goal is to do everything possible to keep people healthy, so that each person can maintain a high quality of life, work capacity and activity for as long as possible, and also receive beauty as a reward,” says Ekaterina Dibrova, founder and president of the RHANA Medical Corporation, which she is already successfully leading more than 17 years, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, full member of the International Academy of Sciences, candidate of economic sciences.

Ekaterina told us why biomedicine is needed and how to use it correctly, what placenta-based cosmeceuticals are and why your skin needs it, and much more.

Why is biomedicine needed and how to use it correctly

The current level of achievements of biomedical technologies in Japan makes it possible to solve many problems related to human health and active longevity in clinical practice. This revolutionary breakthrough was achieved through the creation of a number of biocomponents that formed medicines, dietary supplements, and cosmetics aimed at restoring resource potential the human body, the size of which determines our adaptive and protective mechanisms. We call this model the “natural matrix of longevity.”

The mission of our company is to integrate this model into the professional community as an effective and safe age management tool. Moreover, this model has existed in Japan for more than 60 years and relates to insurance medicine.

Health is the first responsibility in life! Thanks to the desire for a healthy lifestyle, we began to look 55 to 35, we know everything about drinking regime, organic products, detoxes. But 20 years ago no one thought about this. We talk a lot about prolonging youth and life, about preventive medicine, and therefore I am proud of my choice; more than 17 years ago I brought Japanese “gold” to Russia - the unique drug Laennec. As a prediction that there would now be such a boom in healthy lifestyles, it was at that moment that the appearance of the drug Laennec was more than timely.

It's not fashionable to get sick! Beauty, first of all, is health. You need to take care of your health, lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise and eat right. The mission of our corporation is the return of bioplacental medicine to Russia and the creation of first-class domestic drugs available to Russians. My life's work: Laennec placental therapy.

My philosophy is a comprehensive fundamental approach to health. Everything is designed not for short-term external results, but for efficiency, for a long-term state of active health.

Placenta-based cosmeceuticals: why your skin needs it

  • recovery and rehabilitation during particularly difficult periods,
  • age-related changes,
  • hardware and injection techniques,
  • photography and chronoaging,
  • even out skin color, hyperpigmentation,
  • dehydrated and dull skin

The course of placental therapy is not addictive. Individual selection of composition for the patient with a huge range. These are phytoextracts, phytoextractens, essential oils, amino acids and placenta in different concentrations with high pharmaceutical purification. The entire section of drugs refers to medicinal pharmaceutical cosmeceuticals, which indicates increased requirements for production, composition and effectiveness of use and immediate visible effect.

Experience with Japan

Japanese society is very traditional and preserves a unique ancient culture, but at the same time is at the forefront of world civilization. Largely thanks to to the highest level medicine, education and culture, Japan became a country of centenarians in the twentieth century.

When I first arrived there, it seemed to me that this was a different world and a different planet, we were so different. First of all, because

The Japanese have a completely different approach to life: they are always tuned to communication, they listen carefully to what the world around them tells them, and they know how to be incredibly grateful for everything that the world gives them. But the main thing is that they listen to themselves and set their priorities. The Japanese are all about details, they are into the little things, they contemplate!

They care primarily about their health, and as a result, about their beauty. They are workaholics, this is a national trait, but at the same time they build their lives extremely rationally and protect their internal resources. Their environmental conditions are much worse than ours - and at the same time, according to statistics, they live much longer than us. Why is this happening? We called this concept “active longevity,” and this story is not about aging at all - it is about how to live well at any age. This is not only beauty, but also nutrition, replenishing the necessary supply of microelements, and pure water, which we drink and the mass introduction of biotechnologies, which the Japanese have long included in insurance medicine.

What cosmetics are the most innovative now?

The main trend is beauty through health. The second trend is natural bow. Japanese anti-age medicine states that the genetic program of the human body is designed for a life expectancy of 140–150 years. Japan is confidently moving towards this level, and we generously share with our patients the developments of our Japanese colleagues and our own patented techniques.

Today, the RHANA corporation is the exclusive distributor of the Laennec drug and a number of other Japanese brands, which allows Russians and residents of neighboring countries to receive Laennec therapy in more than 5,000 clinics or purchase the drug with a prescription in pharmacy chains. RHANA regularly conducts research into the effectiveness of the drug and develops new protocols for procedures.

Biotechnology of the future is perhaps the most important news trend of our time.

Positive thinking as a way of life

Our life is filled with endless striving forward, deadlines, plans, work issues. We learned to find time for ourselves, and an appointment at a beauty salon or aesthetic medicine clinic became our mandatory item in maintaining beauty and youth. Positive thinking, ecology and purity of our consciousness are main reason and the method of longevity of the Japanese nation and it does not come easy. On this, as on beauty, you need to work hard and be in harmony with yourself.

Most of all, I love my job for the results that my favorite thing in my life brings!

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