Galina Yudashkina's weight. Galina Yudashkina: “Massage is an essential part of my beauty routine. Years of childhood and youth

Who runs a huge family business.

There was also a place for a girl in the fashion empire - she is responsible for creativity, fittings, accessories and castings. In addition, Galina knows the formula for personal happiness when work does not interfere with building harmonious relationships in the family.

Childhood and youth

Galina is a typical representative of the “golden youth”. This is the downside: with early years Yudashkina, by her own admission, had to prove to others that she, too, was capable of something. And they expected more from her than from others. “We must try not to disappoint, especially mom and dad.” But such pressure has fostered fortitude; Gala likes to achieve what she wants by overcoming obstacles.

The girl was born in Moscow at the end of 1990. Yudashkina's childhood was spent in a luxurious and at the same time creative environment. The regular guests in the house were people whose names and faces are known throughout Russia.

After graduating from an elite metropolitan school, Galina Yudashkina became a student at Moscow State University. The girl chose the Faculty of Art History, without forgetting her main hobby - photography.

After receiving a diploma from Moscow State University, Yudashkina went to New York, where she studied at the prestigious design and photography courses at Parsons School of Design.


Soon after returning from the USA, the biography of Galina Yudashkina was enriched new page: the young designer presented her own collection. It was youth denim clothing consisting of jackets, summer t-shirts and mini shorts.

Galina continued her high-profile debut with an equally successful photo exhibition. The girl was able to improve her skills while studying design courses in New York. Yudashkina received her internship at the famous fashion magazine Vogue.

The genre in which Galina works is fashion photography. The daughter inherited her knowledge of fashion trends, the beauty industry and a subtle understanding of the world of fashion from her father. However, the girl also has her own understanding fashion trends, and artistic taste.

The photo exhibition was called “I Don’t Know Why.” Galina Yudashkina took the photographs presented to visitors for several years. There was a place for both staged photos and stylized vintage photographs and colorful costume scenes.

Galina, as a photographer, already has authority among show business stars. Many consider it an honor to conduct photo sessions with Yudashkina. For example, pictures of the king's daughter Russian fashion made Miss World and rising star Russian cinema.

They started talking about Galina more loudly after her appearance in the 2nd season of the reality show “Pregnant”, which was broadcast on the Domashny channel. The film crew visited the USA, where future mom was preparing for childbirth. Participation in the program left Yudashkina with a pleasant impression. The presence of the camera did not bother her, since from an early age the girl lived under their guns.

Personal life

“Star children” are doomed to increased attention from the media, including the yellow press. The daughter of a world-famous couturier is no exception. In the spring of 2012, the tabloids savored the relationship of a 21-year-old girl with millionaire Ruslan Fakhriev, who is 4 years older than Galina. The romance developed quickly, but soon the young people separated.

The heiress to a fashion empire was not alone for long: Galina Yudashkina’s personal life again found itself at the epicenter of discussion in the winter of 2014. The girl began dating a young man who can also be safely classified as a “golden youth”. This is her peer Pyotr Maksakov, grandson of the People's Artist of Russia, nephew former soloist Mariinsky Theater and great-grandson Soviet ambassador in America by Anatoly Dobrynin. The couple looked happy and harmonious: against the background high satellite fragile Galina (the girl’s height is approximately 150-152 cm) looked very tiny.

The young people met in the spirit of the times - they corresponded on Facebook, and the next day they went to an exhibition. Maksakov later recalled that he decided everything for himself from the first minutes. Only Yudashkina was not ready for such a rapid development of events. Valentin learned that his daughter had received a marriage proposal from "Instagram" Galina.

The wedding of representatives of 2 dynasties took place in the best traditions Russian elite. 500 eminent guests from all over the world gathered at Gostiny Dvor. The wedding was conducted, and the scenery for the ceremony was built by the popular producer Alexander Dostman and the production company Artes. Valentina's atelier worked on the bride's outfit made of 40 meters of silk for 9 months. Wedding Dress weighing 7 kg, 34 thousand pearls and 300 thousand beads were embroidered by hand using 19th century technology. Galina's head was decorated with a tiara with pearls and diamonds.

Jewelry house Alex B & I NewYork has prepared 2 sets wedding rings– for civil ceremonies and weddings. Moreover, Galina and Peter had their passports stamped a year before the celebration and underwent a church sacrament.

Yudashkina’s husband is a businessman, he studied in England, at Oundle College, where the offspring of noble British families have been brought up since the 16th century, then he studied as a psychologist at Durham University, and received an MBA degree from MGIMO. According to insiders, he promoted Kremlevskaya Vodka in company with her husband Ilan Shor. Owns the company "SMIT", the scope of which is assistance in the development of startups. In addition, Peter holds the position of business consultant at his father-in-law’s fashion house and handles financial matters. International contacts, establishing communication with clients are also on it.

In April 2016, the family named Anatoly in honor of his great-grandfather. Yudashkina decided to give birth in America and went there in the winter. In the fall, Galina urgently had to take responsibility for hosting the show of her father’s new collection at Paris Fashion Week, since Valentin Yudashkin was hospitalized shortly before the event. But the young mother fulfilled her duties with dignity.

Galina and Peter for a long time did not show their son to the public. But Anatoly’s first appearance in the world turned out to be spectacular. In October 2017, a mother and a boy appeared during the final fashion show of the presentation of the Valentin Yudashkin House collection at Paris Fashion Week.

An article about the peculiarities of raising the heir to the Yudashkin empire with a photo was published in the glossy publication Tatler. Later, the publication appeared on the designer’s official website. Valentin and Marina Yudashkin set about raising their grandson with great enthusiasm. Grandfather buys fashionable clothes for his first-born from Hong Kong designers, and grandmother grows strawberries and cucumbers for her grandson. personal plot country house in Bakovka.

Galina Yudashkina with her mother, husband and children

Now the child already speaks three languages. Anatoly communicates with his mother in Russian, with his father in English. Chinese language The boy is taught by a guest teacher. Parents are looking to the future and preparing their son for a career within the family company. Yudashkin's fashion house is planning to advance to the Chinese market, so knowledge of Chinese will not be superfluous.

Galina Yudashkina now

After the birth of her first child, Galina Yudashkina was not on vacation for long. Soon the girl took the position of art director of her father's fashion house and continued to study photography. In October 2017, it became known that the daughter of Valentin Yudashkin. News happy mom reported from the Instagram page.

The couple did not think about a second child. Galya wanted the children to have a slight age difference. the woman also gave birth in America in March 2018. According to the grandparents, their grandchildren, despite automatically receiving American citizenship, will definitely be Russians.

Yudashkina worked almost until she gave birth, managing to release the first children's clothing collection, Valentin Yudashkin Kids. The models went on sale in August, and the showman’s daughter, Amelie, also starred in an advertising photo shoot.

Galina was encouraged by her own sons to take on clothing for children aged 0 to 16 years. Having become a mother for the first time, the young woman noted that she did not find in the stores those wardrobe items that she would like to see on her children. In addition to external beauty, fabrics and accessories are important in children's models, more than in adults. However, clothes from Yudashkin are primarily luxury quality, which by definition is not cheap.

In addition to working in her father’s company, Galina launched own business- the Life Cycle cycling studio, where she got rid of the kilograms gained during pregnancy.

Galina Yudashkina in the "In the Topic" program in 2018

In the fall of 2018, father and daughter Yudashkin presented a new collection at Paris Fashion Week. Fans of the Russian couturier saw outfits strewn with flowers, reminiscent of a kimono. This, according to Galina, is what a woman should be - romantic, light and relaxed.

Galina Yudashkina was born into a creative family, so from childhood she grew up surrounded by beautiful and luxurious things. No wonder that the girl was vaccinated from infancy good taste, manners and correct principles of life. Her parents tried to give her everything she could dream of. How did the heiress of the fashion house Valentina Yudashkina grow up?

Biography of the daughter of a world-famous couturier

The star daughter was born on December 22, 1990 in Moscow. From the early childhood it was clear that little Galina Yudashkina would be engaged in some kind of creativity. She always looked with inspiration at the outfits her father created and dreamed of a wonderful future. Which, naturally, was already prepared for her caring parents. She is the only child in the family. Studied at elite school, while at the same time being interested in photography. She received her higher education at Lomonosov Moscow State University at the Faculty of Art History. He also holds diplomas from the prestigious Parsons School of Design in New York. She has her own collection of clothing for young people, which is released under the Galina Yudashkina brand. The core of the line is made up of denim items.

In 2010, the first personal exhibition of photographs of the talented daughter of the fashion designer was held. In 2011, the event repeated itself.

Galina Yudashkina: figure parameters

The petite girl has a fragile figure and could easily become a model. But this is unlikely to happen, because Galina Yudashkina (whose height is less than 154 centimeters) does not fit the podium parameters. Natural data is inherited. As you know, the popular father is also not tall. You need to watch your diet, especially if you are the daughter of the famous couturier Galina Yudashkina. The girl's weight is 43 kilograms. Thanks to her father's genes, she knows how to choose the right wardrobe items that favorably emphasize the advantages of her figure. Visually, Galina’s body looks very harmonious and proportional.

Personal life

The public predicted a long and happy life with a wealthy man Ruslan Fakhriev. But in 2013, the couple finally broke up, despite a three-year civil marriage. But a year later the famous daughter met Pyotr Maksakov (grandson famous actress). The young man has a good education, graduated from MGIMO. Already on September 3, 2014, after 8 months from the date they met, the couple officially legalized their relationship. In secular circles, this event was unanimously called the “wedding of the century.” All representatives of the fashion crowd and the most bright stars show business, with whom the Yudashkin family is friends.

Reality show "Pregnant" on the Domashny TV channel

This is not the first season that the project has been recruiting media girls in position to film the process of pregnancy and childbirth. In 2015, Galina and her husband learned about the imminent addition to the family. They agreed to participate in the show. Everything was known from the very beginning: the birth was planned in New York, the name of the son was determined. It was decided to name the future man of the Yudashkin clan Anatoly in honor of his great-grandfather on Valentin’s side. The pregnancy was easy. Galina did not want culinary delights; she did not suffer from toxicosis. The only inconvenience was the inability to wear usual clothes. Nevertheless, the girl’s dad tried to fulfill her whims and sent fashionable things large sizes so that my daughter looks decent. The son was born in early April in one of the New York clinics.

Weight during pregnancy

During the entire period before giving birth, Galina Yudashkina (photo above) gained 20 kilograms excess weight. Many convinced her that she could eat whatever she wanted (without restrictions). But it turned out that losing weight is not so easy. Until now, nutritionists monitor the nutrition of the young mother, creating a balanced diet for speedy but healthy weight loss. A massage is also included in the package.

Wardrobe clearance

The heiress of the Fashion House, Valentina Yudashkina, cannot afford style flaws. Therefore, her wardrobe is perfect in every way. As befits any girl, Galina has many different things. It skillfully combines expensive brands with a worldwide reputation and simple things from the mass market. Having a natural taste, she lends herself to her mood and can look different every day. Her closet contains only treasures. She buys things only if she really likes them and definitely matches what she already has to create a worthy ensemble. Doesn't have random items in wardrobe. Believes that you can’t deny your preferences in clothing. Everything changes: taste, preferences, fashion. She carefully stores antiques, as she is convinced that vintage is always valuable.

Galina has a special love for jewelry. She happily borrows solid sets from her mother. She also loves handbags and high-heeled shoes. Loves the work of French designers. Stylists are convinced that Gala's look in the style of Audrey Hepburn suits her very well.

Hundreds of thousands of it-girl fans closely followed Galina Yudashkina’s pregnancy on Instagram. The daughter of a famous designer happily told subscribers about how she changed while expecting a baby. Later it turned out that . This means that now everyone can also see how she prepared to become a mother. We met with Galina a few days before the show's premiere and asked her our questions.

The fact that Galina Yudashkina and her husband Pyotr Maksakov would become parents for the first time became known in the fall of 2015. In early October, the most attentive fans of the couple noticed a rounded belly on Valentin Yudashkin’s daughter. The guesses were soon confirmed by Galina’s mother, Marina. that her daughter is three months pregnant.

Only in the last months of pregnancy did Galina decide to take a time out. At the end of January Yudashkina. It-girl walked a lot, met with friends and went shopping, buying clothes for the future baby.

Of all the babies born during the filming of the project, the son of Galina and Peter is the oldest. On June 4th he will be 2 months old. Having met the young mother, we remembered how the days passed in anticipation of a miracle...

I was lucky - I had practically no toxicosis, and I didn’t have any specific food preferences. Only in the last two months, I was very tired and dreamed that this would end quickly...

Her fans also noticed how difficult it was for Galina. Two weeks before giving birth, Yudashkina published a photo on Instagram that seriously worried her followers. In the photo, the belly of the famous designer's daughter looked huge -.

website: How much weight did you gain while you were expecting your baby?

G. Yu.:“I gained quite a lot - 20 kilograms, but a month after giving birth I had already managed to get rid of 11 of them.”

What's true is true. Galina Yudashkina surprised many with such a rapid weight loss. As soon as her son Anatoly was two weeks old, the couturier’s daughter went to the gym to lose weight. To her followers on Instagram, the girl then. Today Galina returned to her usual exercises.

website: In what ways do you currently maintain a slim figure?

G. Yu.: Some of the excess weight is lost thanks to breastfeeding, and so I adhere to the Sistema Me program. This is not the first time I have followed it, and it seems to me that this is the most quick way get in shape without starving, but by eating right. The most convenient thing is that it includes not only detailed plan nutrition and recommendations for exercising at home and in gym, but also the supervision of a specialist - his support helps to avoid breakdowns.

As for sports, I work out with a trainer in my own Life Cycle studio - I do functional exercises on fresh air. And, of course, I don’t forget about special massages that help keep the skin toned.

The daughter of designer Valentin Yudashkin, Galina, and the grandson of actress Lyudmila Maksakova, Peter, got married on September 3, 2014. The marriage registration took place at the Griboyedovsky registry office in Moscow. The celebration was modest, only close friends and family couples were present. Galina and Peter had a magnificent wedding in the summer of 2015, and that’s when they got married. In April 2016, baby Tolya, the couple’s first-born, was born in one of the US clinics.

In July, Peter and Galina became “Couple of the Month” according to the jewelry brand SOKOLOV. The brand launched a romantic project that collected 12 stories star couples. The project was opened by Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota, who are now preparing to become parents for the first time. Now Peter and Galina have told their love story.

According to the couple, they met in in social networks. A spark ran between the young people at their first meeting. “It seems to me that at first glance you can immediately understand whether you like a person or not. We got along right away, I felt some kind of “chemistry,” admitted Galina. “Even in psychology there is something on this topic: a person, looking at the external data of another, makes a decision in the first 15 seconds. I think we were even faster. On the first day we met, we talked, in my opinion, for 8 hours straight!” - adds Peter.


The couple's first date took place at an exhibition dedicated to the work of Van Gogh. Then it was Galina who invited Peter. “I had heard a lot about this exhibition - it was then the first multimedia exhibition with video projections on the walls and, interestingly, not in the Pushkin Museum or the Tretyakov Gallery. I was curious why people stood in lines for so long to get there. And I decided to use the opportunity to invite Petya,” says Yudashkina. According to Maksakov, they completed the exhibition in about 20 minutes, as they were more interested in each other than in the exhibits.

The couple also spoke about a luxurious wedding in Moscow's Gostiny Dvor. About 500 guests were invited to the celebration. Galina shone in a dress that her father, designer Valentin Yudashkin, created especially for her.

“We, like everyone else, spent a long time preparing for the wedding: we started almost 8 months in advance, including because of the dress. Of course, on this day everything is not perfect: something may go wrong, something may not be to your liking. But the guests don’t notice this, you see it and get nervous, and after everything you think: “It’s good that the wedding has already passed!” Of course, it was a very beautiful event - it’s nice to look through photographs, videos and know that you can show it all to your child later. We prepared a special wedding video and rehearsed the dance,” Yudashkina said.

After the birth of her son, Galina did not fully devote herself to motherhood. The girl continues to work, but tries to devote as much time as possible to the baby. The couple considers themselves calm parents who do not panic on any occasion.

“We are very calm parents in this regard: I myself don’t like to impose anything, and I don’t like it when someone imposes it on me, so I spent a very long time looking for a pediatrician who would not irritate me with his “Soviet” views. I think the simpler the better. This is how we live, and everything is still great,” said the young mother.

Like Valentin Yudashkin, SOKOLOV has grown to a giant brand Russian market from family business. Galina, what is your current area of ​​responsibility in your father’s fashion house and how important is the continuity of generations in your work for you?
Galina: We can say that in our company everyone is responsible for everything. As an art director of a fashion house, I deal with castings, fittings, and the accessories department, which I manage.

Peter: I am the executive director of the company: I deal with both financial issues and international contacts, communication with clients.

Galina: Regarding the continuity of generations: dad gives us advice, and we give him advice. Time passes, everything changes and does not stand still. For example, before you had to think about how to submit an ad in the newspaper so that everyone would write about you, but now one post on Instagram is enough, and you already receive advertising.

While we're on the topic of fashion, I'd like to ask you both how you would describe your own style? Are there any favorite things in your wardrobe that you can say “this is definitely mine”?
Peter: And fashion changes, and we change. To be honest, I have no attachment to any things at all.

Galina: My style, too, is always different: I can wear jeans, an evening dress, whatever - I don’t get hung up on one thing.

Galina, as a fashion expert, can you advise girls what trends are currently at the top and what, on the contrary, they definitely shouldn’t wear?
Galina: It seems to me that you just need to select everything according to your figure. When they put on something, for example, that doesn’t fit their height, it’s not the same at all. I really like high boots, but they don’t suit me - they’re as tall as I am! (Laughs) So I won’t wear them, but someone will try to fit into them.

Peter: Can I express a man’s opinion? Girls, when will you finally stop dressing in sports style? I hate those hoodies and pants from the 90s - they look weird. You can wear such things when you fly somewhere, but when they wear it all every day, and even to various events... I have a question: where do such girls try to find a husband? (Laughs) You can’t even see what’s in front of you a woman is coming!

Galina: I agree. I like more feminine things myself. These bulky long sweaters and hoodies have never suited me. Although I understand that someone wants to be in trend - they have their own reason.

When it's time to take a break from the heap of daily routine and work meetings, where do you go together? Do you have any favorite places in Moscow or abroad that you would like to recommend to friends and acquaintances?
Galina: We sit at the dacha, we are homebodies (Smiles). Abroad, we like to rent a car and travel on our own. We were recently in Italy for work and traveled around the country.

Peter: We drove from Milan through small towns, then spent two days in Florence, from Florence we drove past Forte dei Marmi and returned back to the suburbs of Milan - we have a factory there.

Galina: It was more of a work trip - we often combine work with leisure.

Peter: We can just go to America for a vacation, for example.

Do you give each other jewelry gifts? Which ones are your favorite and do you have any special stories associated with them?
Peter: Yes. My engagement ring, which Galya gave me, in the shape of a nut, she brought me from New York. So, what is your favorite piece of jewelry that I gave you?

Galina: Everyone’s favorite! (Smiles). Peter and I, in fact, are not such romantics. He's not the type to secretly plan a surprise for me for months. Petya usually asks what I want, waits for my birthday or some holiday, and I receive my gift.

Peter: Wow! And just like that, on vacation, for example?! Or don’t bags and the like count? (Laughs).

Peter, are you wearing wrist watch? Can you call them an indispensable stylistic component of the image of a modern man? How important is their design to you and what is closer - classic or avant-garde?
Galina: He can’t live without them at all.

Peter: I wear a watch, I look at the time on it: I always put my phone somewhere, and a watch is a functional accessory that is always with me. I believe that if a watch is comfortable and reliable, then you can wear it for years and then even give it to your son as a gift. When it comes to watches, I prefer classics or something in between “sport” and “classic”.

We had a truly amazing atmospheric shoot with SOKOLOV jewelry. Which ones were your favorite and why?
Galina: I chose white gold rings with diamonds, gold hoop earrings, long gold earrings, a chain necklace, silver bracelets and three different watches. All these jewelry and accessories can be worn with anything and anytime: in the morning for work, in the evening for meeting with friends.

In the summer, you especially want to wear jewelry that can be easily combined. Earrings, rings, necklaces and bracelets are easy to combine together in one look: both gold and silver. For the first look of the shoot, I chose a watch with a white strap, again, because in the summer you always want light colors, and they also went perfectly with the dress.

Several of the rings I chose have diamonds, they look very beautiful, and combining such a ring with other, simpler ones is always a good combination.

Peter: My choice is the SOKOLOV watch with classic Swiss design. This is a stylish watch made of gold, with a real “men's” case, which can be worn every day, to any meeting, under any suit.

If someone approached you on the street asking for an autograph and asked you to write down some inspiring advice as a souvenir,


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The life of the offspring of famous and famous people has always been under close public attention. Today, the trend is to observe those who regularly attend social events and public “parties”. This category undoubtedly includes “star” children - Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov. Imagine everyone’s surprise when the grandson of a famous actress and the daughter of a popular fashion designer announced their desire to tie the knot. Journalists literally “knocked off their feet” in the hope of finding out the details of the love story of Yudashkina and Maksakov. Meanwhile, if the sources write about Galina’s biography in more or less detail, then not so much about the life of her husband. So who is he - Maksakov Peter, and what is known about his personal life? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

A man with a rich pedigree

Maksakov Peter is a native of the Russian capital. He was born on January 5, 1990. The young man is the grandson of the famous USSR actress Lyudmila Maksakova.

However, Peter’s relatives are entirely public people: there are diplomats, politicians, and artists. For example, an aunt (Maria Maksakova - Igenbergs) sings professionally on the opera stage and, at the same time, is engaged in lawmaking in the State Duma.

Who are the parents of Pyotr Maksakov? His father is engaged advertising business. However, not everything is smooth in his biography. The fact is that the son of a famous actress was accused of fraud and, as punishment, was placed in a pre-trial detention center for some time. Nothing is known about the sphere of activity of Peter Maksakov’s mother.

Years of childhood and youth

The future chosen one of Galina Yudashkina spent his early youth in Bryusov Lane. He often went for a walk with his nanny, and their promenade usually took place in the vicinity of the Church of the Ascension. Surprisingly, Galina also walked in these places as a child and even played with Peter in the same sandbox. It turns out she lived nearby. But for some reason, real friendship did not happen at that moment...

Maksakov Peter studied at an elite school, and quite well. However, after some time, the parents, prophesying to their offspring brilliant career, sent him to “gnaw the granite of science” to a prestigious school located in English city Andl.

Professional psychologist and diplomat

Then Maksakov Peter decided to study as a psychologist at the English University of Durham. Having received the coveted diploma, the young man wished for the second higher education, but already in his homeland. Pyotr Maksakov, whose biography is little known to the general public, submits documents to MGIMO and becomes a student at this university.

Successful businessman

After his successful completion, the young man tried his hand at entrepreneurship.

And it should be admitted that Peter Maksakov succeeded in some of his projects. What does the grandson of a famous actress do? Several directions. For example, in Valentin Yudashkin’s company he is a business consultant. A young man with his friends within the framework of the created legal entity"SM&T" promotes startups. With his business partner Ilan Shor, Pyotr Maksakov, whose biography is partially discussed above, came up with the now famous brand “Kremlevskaya Vodka”.


Galina Yudashkina can also boast of some significant achievements in life. The girl is a graduate of the history department of Moscow State University. She is a professional expert in the field of art criticism. She worked for some time in her father's company as an art director. But after Galina realized that she was in a situation, she changed her priorities in life, putting her career on the back burner.

Dating history

Their relationship developed rapidly. Peter, having received a prestigious education abroad, was already mentally ready for marriage, especially with such a beauty as Galina Yudashkina. And they met not somewhere on the street, but in the virtual world. Moreover, the daughter of a famous fashion designer was the first to write to Maksakov on the social network Facebook and add him as a friend. But, as it turned out, the girl was simply ahead young man, who himself wanted to initiate an acquaintance with Galina. Peter liked her for a long time.

Reproaching himself a little for his indecision, the young man decided to invite Galina on a date. Peter called her to a cafe, where they enjoyed each other's company for seven hours. Some time later, they had another bright romantic date, visiting the Van Gogh exhibition. And in the spring of 2014, the couple announced their engagement. Moreover, the fashion designer’s daughter informed the capital’s elite about this: a photo with her lover appeared on her page on the social network. Galina captioned the photo with one in one word in English: Engaged! (“Engaged!”).

Potential admirers of the fashion designer's daughter

It should be noted that in the past Yudashkina did not lack male attention. Even as a child, she was friends with Nikita Presnyakov, who, either jokingly or seriously, said that they should definitely get married. And in 2010, information appeared on the pages of the capital’s press that the daughter of couturier Yudashkin was getting married.

And not for anyone, but for the handsome millionaire Ruslan Fakhriev! But in reality, all this was just fiction. Until recently, the sharks of the pen did not stop fantasizing on the topic “The wedding of Galina Yudashkina is the No. 1 event in social life.”

It's finished...

Despite all the fables that the press tirelessly presented, the daughter of a famous fashion designer could not marry, as they now like to say, “of convenience.” She herself is not from the poor, but the girls of her circle also want great and pure love. Galina hoped that a miracle would also happen in her life. Since childhood, she has witnessed the reverent feelings her parents have for each other, who have now long years happy in family life. And one day she met Pyotr Maksakov. The wedding turned out to be pompous and enchanting. The groom proposed to the bride at the end of May 2014. And at the beginning of September, at the Griboedovsky registry office, the newlyweds had their passports stamped. But they prepared carefully and in advance for the wedding celebration.

The bride did not forget to pay tribute to tradition and organized a bachelorette party for her friends, and not just anywhere, but in France. But her chosen one refused to gather friends for the bachelor party, considering this event unnecessary.

The wedding ceremony was scheduled for June 5, 2015, which took place in the Church of the Hieromartyr Clement the Pope. Two days later, numerous guests came to the capital's Gostiny Dvor to congratulate the couple in love. The role of toastmaster was played by singer Nikolai Baskov. Everyone present was amazed wedding dress bride, who weighed about 7 kilograms. The thing is that 44 meters of elite silk were used on the dress. The outfit was manually decorated with 293,370 beads and 34,100 pearls. The veil was decorated with pearls and diamonds. The wedding dress was pre-ordered from an Italian supplier to all royal courts. The bride and her father went to New York for the fitting. The rings were ordered from the famous jeweler Alex Sushkin. However, Peter Maksakov’s parents also contributed to the organization of the event, taking care of the wedding menu in advance.

Guests at the holiday were served delicious dishes. The wedding cake amazed me with its unusual dimensions: 2 meters high and weighing 300 kilograms. The groom's aunt entertained the secular elite with opera singing. The newlyweds began to dance in a wedding dance, which everyone present really enjoyed. It turned out to be not quite ordinary - a kind of symbiosis of Charleston and boogie-woogie.

Pyotr Maksakov, whose personal life developed the best way, after all the toasts and congratulations, he and his young wife went on their honeymoon. The lovers had a romantic time in Los Angeles, America.


In April 2016, a son, Anatoly, was born into the Maksakov family, who had already visited Valentin Yudashkin’s fashion show with his mother in Paris. The couple is not against having a second child, but only after 2-3 years. Their family is a complete idyll, since Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov try to give in to each other in controversial situations, achieving complete mutual understanding among themselves.

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