New Adventures of Kolobok. Blue scarf, red bun: rolls on a scarf, grins at people Riddles blue shawl red bun



1. "We describe the various properties of objects."

Describe any object or toy.
Questions: what color? What is it made of? What is it for? etc.
Complication: to tell a fairy tale or story about this subject.
For example: "apple". What is it? In what fairy tales known to you we are talking O magic apple? Tell those stories.
"Try to come up with some a new fairy tale or a story about an apple or apples.

2. "We continue our acquaintance with the properties of objects."

Hiding a toy. Describing it to a child appearance, properties of the hidden object). The child must name what kind of object (toy) it is.

3. "Who flies?"

Purpose: to highlight the essential features of objects. Task: if the leader calls someone or something that can fly, the children spread their arms to the side, if not, they do not raise their hands.

4. "Edible - inedible." (with a ball).

"I will name objects, for example: "apple, orange, cheese, ball, window, doll, chalk, onion, book, etc. If the named object is edible, then you must catch the thrown ball, if it is inedible, we do not catch the ball.

5. We get acquainted with the signs of objects with the help of riddles.

“Shaggy, mustachioed, drinks milk, sings songs.”
"In front - a patch, behind - a hook, in the middle - a back, and on the back - a bristle."
“I don’t have legs, but I walk, I don’t have a mouth, but I jump, when to sleep, when to get up, when to start work.” “A blue scarf, a scarlet bun, rolls on a scarf, smiles at people.” "Lump of fluff, long ear, jumps deftly, loves carrots.
They fly without wings, they run without legs, they swim without sails.

6. Acquaintance with the ways of applying or using items.

Goal: List as many uses for the item as possible.
Example: "The newspaper is used for reading. Can you think of other ways to use it?" (task options: book, notebook, canned food, jar, bucket, shovel, stool).

7. "We are looking for the same properties of objects."

- Put a few small things in the bag. Determine by touch what these things are. Are any of the items on offer the same?
-Among several toys or things to find the same.

8. "We are looking for various properties of objects."

It is necessary to find an object, a figure that is different from others. Determine the difference between an object or a figure.

9. "Comparison of objects."

1). Compare objects with each other, look for four similarities and differences. Material: geometric shapes: triangle, square, circle, rectangle; 4 colors and 2 sizes. (16 geometric shapes large 4 types and 4 colors; 16 geometric shapes of small 4 types and 4 colors).
-pick up figures that differ in one feature;
-figures that differ in two features;
- three signs (pick up the most dissimilar).
2). "Word Comparison"
For comparison, we give a pair of words:
fly and butterfly;
house and hut;
table and chairs;
a book and a notebook;
water and milk;
ax and hammer;
piano and violin.
Questions: Did you see the fly? And the butterfly? Are a fly and a butterfly similar or not? How are they similar? And how do they differ from each other?
3). Comparison of items.
The game "Who do you look like?" (verbally) What animal does a rabbit look like? (hare). What are their similarities and differences? What tree looks like a spruce? (pine). What are their similarities and differences?
How can deer be distinguished from other animals? etc.

10. "Classification"

1). Divide subject pictures into groups.
2). Arrange subject pictures with images of animals into groups: those who live in water; who lives in the forest,
those who live in hot countries.
3). Choose from a set of cards
a) what you can eat (edible);
b) what is done by man;
c) those on which 6 (9,7,5) objects are depicted, etc.
4). Put all the cones in one box, and all the shells in another.
5). Put small shells (buttons) in one box and large ones in the other.
6). Put long sticks in one pile, and short sticks in another.
7). Of all the buttons, choose only round ones.
8). Sort buttons by color. In one pile - red, in another - green, etc. (similar to tape).

11. Classification according to known features:

those that are not directly visible, but appear when objects interact with each other.
a) choose objects that sink;
b) choose items that do not sink;
c) choose items that can break, etc.

Prepare 15 different items.
For example: cup, plate, bag, bread, sugar, towel, fork, spoon, handkerchief, kitchen board, rolling pin, nail, hook, key, pencil.
metal objects,
which can be hung by a thread.

13. Home work by classification:

sort out purchases (sort);
what should be put in the fridge?
what should i put in the freezer?
what to put on the shelf in the bathroom?
where to put washing powder?
where is the cereal?
washing: sort the laundry into white and colored;

14. "Word on the palm"

“I will find words everywhere, in the sky and in the water, on the floor, on the ceiling, on the nose and on the hand. Haven't you heard this? No problem33; Playing with words33;» Let's look for words in ..... water (fish, algae, shells, pebbles ..).

15. "Classification of geometric shapes" (color, shape, size).

16. "Find objects of the same color."

Each child has a sheet of colored paper. Pick up rings from the pyramid of the corresponding color.

17. "Big - small."

Small and big doll. The clothes of both dolls lie side by side. Children sort clothes and put them next to the corresponding doll.

18. "Form".

Pictures with images of a rectangle, triangle, circle, square are distributed. Children are looking for objects of a certain shape.

19. "Generalization-exclusion".

1). Search for an extra picture
2). Work sequence:
"3 extra" (with pictures);
"4 extra" (with pictures);
"3 extra" (on verbal material);
"4 extra" (on verbal material). Question: "Why extra?" “How can you name the remaining objects with one word?”

1. Table, chair, bed, kettle.
2. Horse, dog, cat, pike.
3. Christmas tree, birch, oak, strawberry.
4. Cucumber, turnip, carrot, hare,
5. Notepad, newspaper, notebook, briefcase
6. Cucumber, watermelon, apple, ball.
7. Wolf, fox, bear, cat.
8. Violet, chamomile, carrot, cornflower.
9. Doll, car, rope, book.
10. Train, plane, scooter, steamer.
11. Sparrow, eagle, wasp, swallow.
12. Skis, skates, boat, sled.
13. Chair, hammer, planer, saw.
14. Snow, frost, heat, ice.
15. Cherry, grapes, potatoes, plums.
16. Bus, tram, plane, trolleybus.
17. River, forest, asphalt, field.
18. Firefighter, astronaut, ballerina, policeman.
19. Desk, board, textbook, hedgehog.
20. Snake, snail, butterfly, turtle.
21. Paints, brushes, teapot, canvas.
22. Hat, roof, door, window.
23. Milk, tea, lemonade, bread.
24. Leg, arm, head, shoe.
25. Brave, evil, brave, courageous.
26. Apple, plum, cucumber, pear.
27. Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread.
28. Hour, minute, summer, second.
29. Spoon, plate, pan, bag.
30. Dress, sweater, hat, shirt.
31. Soap, broom, toothpaste, shampoo.
32. Pine, birch, oak, strawberry.
33. Book, TV, radio, tape recorder.

20. "Need - no need"

“I want to plant a garden. Do you need cabbage? Need! Do you need a pear? - "No". Having planted a garden, they plant a garden.

21. "Vegetables - fruits"

There are pictures of fruits and vegetables. On command, you need to quickly connect in accordance with the concept.

22. "Call it in one word."

We list several items, ask you to say what unites them, how they can be called in one word:
1. soup, porridge, goulash, jelly;
2. horse, cow, sheep, pig;
3. chicken, goose, duck, turkey;
4. wolf, fox, bear, hare;
5. cabbage, potatoes, onions, beets;
6. coat, scarf, jacket, suit;
7. shoes, boots, sneakers, sandals;
8. hat, cap, skullcap, beret;
9. linden, birch, spruce, pine;, blue, red, yellow;
11.ball, cube, rhombus, square;
12. TV set, iron, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator;
13. car, tractor, tram, bus;

23. "Living - inanimate"

Ball game: if the host calls "live" - ​​everyone clap, "non-live" - ​​do not clap. (Similarly: vegetables-fruits, wild-domestic animals, etc.).

24. "Answer with one word."

Apple, oak, chestnut is (trees) Perch, pike, crucian carp is (fish, etc.)

25. "Name three things."

1) I will name one word, for example "furniture", and the one to whom I will throw the ball will name three objects that can be combined with this word (table, chair, sofa ...).
2) On the contrary: I will say three words, and you will say how these words can be combined in one word. For example, "currants, strawberries, gooseberries -" berries "

26. "Train"

Material: 10 cards of the same size. Each picture is a "trailer". All "trailers" should be different. We take five pictures and say: “We will play train. I'm posting the first picture. Then you put yours and so we will put it in turn. You get wagons by the train. But at a real train, the wagons are fastened to each other so as not to unhook the course. Our > trailers must also be fastened together. We put the SPOON, behind it you can put any picture, for example: the picture on which the PLATE. We will fasten the spoon and plate because it is WARE. After that, we put a picture on which a VASE FOR FLOWERS. We bonded the plate and the vase because they are made from the same material, PORCELAIN. And now we will take turns putting our pictures and explaining how to fasten them.

26. "Name the words" (development of flexibility of thinking).

1. Name the words for trees (birch, pine, spruce, cedar, mountain ash ...).
2. Animals.
3. Pets.
4. Ground transport.
5. Air transport.
6. Water transport.
7. Fruits.
8. Name words related to sports (football, hockey...)

27. Analysis-synthesis

1.. Model work: drawing, modeling, applique, design. Learn to analyze the sample, correlate its elements with what the child has already done, find and correct mistakes.
2. "Well, guess it."
Material: cards with the image of various objects.
1). The driver thinks of one of them. Children have to guess what object he thought of by asking any questions other than a direct question about the name.
Can you drink from this item? No.
Does he have arms or legs? No.
Can it swim in the sea? No.
Can you ride on it? Yes.
Does he ride rails? Yes.
Is this a steam locomotive? Yes.
Number of questions 8-10. If you didn't guess, change it.
2). The same, only two subgroups of children, some guess - others guess. Answer only "Yes" or "No".
3). Describe the item in the picture without showing it. Children must guess. For example: “He hangs on the street. He has three eyes different color. Both people and machines obey him.”
4). The same as in the third option, only the children have 2-4 cards in their hands. You need to find the right picture according to the description. "Yellow, the body is round, the head is round, the beak is sharp."
3. "Find items."
The host names 1-2 common features, 2-3 items and asks to show them.
"Grows on a tree, you can eat" - "apples and cherries."
4. "Find common signs at the objects."
"The fish and the boat are swimming."
5. "Find out from the description what it is?"
“Wheels, cab, body, steering wheel. What's this?" (car)
6. "Riddles".
“The sun bakes, the linden blossoms, the rye ripens. When does it happen? (enumeration of signs - a guess). Description - "analysis", answer - "synthesis".
7. "Description of the subject."
Describe the tree, its size, color, leaf shape, presence of seeds, fruits.
Guess what tree it is.

28. Difficult situations. (Decision making and planning).

1. Misha spilled jam on the floor. What should he do now? What is the best way to do it?
2. In the queue, Sasha squeezed in front of Tanya. How should she be?
3. Tanya went for a walk and got lost. What should she do? List all options. And what is the best way to do it? What do you need to know to never get lost again?

29. Selection of words by analogy

1) cow-calf
2) night - moon
3) snow skiing
4) start - end
day Night)
5) carrot-garden
6) football - ball
hockey - (puck)
7) hare-rabbit
lynx - (cat)
8) steamer-sea
plane - (sky)
9) winter is cold
summer-(warm, hot)
10) horse - gallop
hare jumping

30. Inference: guessing, guessing based on existing data.

1. The man ate a cutlet. Did he use a fork?
2. Masha baked a pie for dad. Did she bake it in the oven?
3. Mom stirred the coffee in the cup. Did she use a spoon?

31. Seriation.

1). Vova is taller than Petya. Vasya is taller than Vova. Who is above all. (Vasya).
2). Vova's hair is lighter than Petya's. And Kolya's is lighter than Vova's. Who
lightest hair? (Kolya)
3). Masha is taller than Nina. Nina is taller than Lisa. Who is the highest? (Masha).
4). Galya is more fun than Olya, and Olya is more fun than Lisa. Who is the funniest? (Galya)
If this type of problem causes difficulty, then at the beginning we give more simple tasks:
1). Misha is stronger than Kolya. Who is weaker?
2). Marina is more fun than Katya. Who is sadder?
3). Kostya is taller than Petya. Who is below?
4). Petya is darker than Nina. Who is lighter?
5). Katya is more attentive than Sveta. Sveta is more attentive than Zina. Who is the most attentive? (Kate).
6). Polkan barks more often than Bugs. The bug barks more often than Barbos. Who barks the least (least) of all? (Watchdog)
7). Murka meows quieter than Barsik. Barsik meows softer than Pushka. Who meows the loudest? (Fluff).

32. Criticality of cognitive activity.

"It happens - it doesn't happen"
The host calls some situation and throws the ball to the child. Child
must catch the ball in the event that the named situation occurs, and if not, then the ball does not need to be caught.
1. Dad left for work.
2. The train flies through the sky.
3. The cat wants to eat.
4. Man builds a nest.
5. The postman brought a letter.
6. Bunny went to school.
7. Salted apple.
8. Hippo climbed a tree.
9. Rubber cap.
10. The house went for a walk.
11. Glass shoes
| 12. Cones have grown on the birch.
13. The wolf roams the forest.
14. The wolf sits on a tree.
15. A cup is boiled in a saucepan.

33. Conceptual thinking.

"Finish the sentence"
1. Lemons are sour, but sugar...
2. The dog barks, and the cat ...
3. It's dark at night, but during the day ....
4. The grass is green and the sky...
5. It is cold in winter, but in summer ....
6. You eat with your mouth and listen...
7. In the morning we have breakfast, and in the afternoon ...
8. The bird flies, and the snake ...
9. The boat is sailing, and the car ...
10. You look with your eyes and breathe...
11. A person has two legs, but a dog ...
12. Birds live in nests, and people ...
13. In winter snowing and in autumn...
14. They knit from wool, and from fabric ...
15. The ballerina is dancing, and the pianist ...
16. Firewood is sawn, and nails ...
17. The singer sings, and the builder ...
18. The composer composes music, and the musician ....

34. Sequence of events.

1). “Who will be who (what)?”
Who (what) will be: egg, boy, seed, caterpillar, chicken, acorn, egg, flour, iron, brick, fabric, student, big, girl, kidney, puppy, wool, skin, calf, board, chick, kid, lamb.
2). "Who (what) was?"
who (what) was before:
chicken - egg;
horse - foal;
oak - acorn;
fish - caviar;
apple tree - seed;
frog - tadpole;
butterfly - caterpillar;
bread - flour;
bird - chick;
sheep - lamb;
wardrobe board;
bicycle - iron;
shirt - fabric;
boots - leather;
house - brick;
strong - weak;
master student;
leaf - kidney;
puppy dog, etc.

Gingerbread man, ruddy side

The gingerbread man can successfully play the role of a Maslenitsa symbol for kids. After all, its main feature is that it is round. Like the sun. No wonder there was a riddle among the people:

blue handkerchief,
Red gingerbread man
Riding on a scarf
Smiling at people.

V. Dahl's dictionary tells us that in the old days they used the word "kolob". Any ball was called a kolob - a snow kolob, a cast-iron kolob, a clay kolob, a cheese kolob, a dough kolob. Another word "kolob" was used for the name of a small round loaf. Well, a very small loaf was called a "kolobok".
Considering that the fabulous Gingerbread Man was “spun in oil”, then it is the best way to serve as a treat on Shrovetide.

New Adventures of Kolobok


Lived on the edge
Grandfather and Baba, do not grieve,
They baked pies, pancakes.
That's how their days went.
But one day Grandfather said:

You, old woman, for lunch
I would bake Kolobok,
Kolobok - ruddy side.


Yes indeed, Grandfather, I will go
By the barn litter,
I'll put a sweet dough,
I won't make you wait.


Grandfather did not have time to go into the forest
Yes, chop wood
Look, the Gingerbread Man is ready -
Better than any pies!


What a glorious Kolobok!
Lie still a bit
On an embroidered towel...
There Grandfather is knocking on the front door.
You did great!


The gingerbread man became proud.


I'm worried about fate.
I deserve a better share.
What a joy if Grandfather
Eat me here for lunch?
He won't appreciate me...
I'll swing better in the canopy
Yes, I will walk around the world -
I know the price.



I am a ruddy Kolobok!
Sweeter even than a pie
Better shortbread, cheesecakes
And, of course, drying is better.
Go around the whole world
But I don't taste better.


Oh, hi! Who are you, friend?


I am a ruddy Kolobok.


Are you singing about something right now?


Well, I will repeat for you.
I am a ruddy Gingerbread Man,
Sweeter even than a pie
Better shortbread, cheesecakes
And, of course, drying is better.
Go around the whole world.
But I don't taste better!

The hare looks at Kolobok from all sides, sniffs him.


Yes, you look cute.
And the singer is great.
And the filling (sniffs) Of what?


Yes, from one test.

Hare (disappointed):

Kolobok (offended and proud):

I won't be lost without you.
I'll roll along the path,
Look, I'll fit someone.

Runs and sings his song.


I am a ruddy Gingerbread Man,
Even sweeter than pie...


Come on, you, wait, singer!
Your path is over.
What are you singing about now?


I repeat for you:
I am a ruddy Gingerbread Man,
Sweeter even than a pie
Better shortbread, cheesecakes
And, of course, drying is better.
Go around the whole world
But I don't taste better.

The wolf looks at Kolobok, sniffs him.


You sing the song very well.
He's ruddy, handsome.
Reveal the secret to me:
What kind of stuffing are you?


What's the secret here?
There is no filling.

Wolf (disappointed):

No? Completely empty?
Me stuffed with meat
I love koloboks.
Well, what are you standing for? run
Yes, it's time for me too. For dinner
I don't need you, Kolobok.
(Runs away.)


Couldn't rate me.
On dignity and Wolf.
I better roll on
Look, I'll fit someone.

"Rolls", sings a song.

Bear (out of breath):

Wait, I won't run away!
Fu, tired. Don't be afraid!
Better sing me a song
Tell me who you are

Kolobok sang his song.


I am a ruddy Gingerbread Man,
Sweeter even than a pie
Better shortbread, cheesecakes
And, of course, drying is better.
Go around the whole world
But I don't taste better!


You sing the song very well.
And yes, you are cute too.
Reveal your secret to me:
What kind of stuffing are you?!
And then I'll eat you...


I'm completely empty of stuffing.

Bear (dreamily):

It's a pity! And I love raspberries
Ile honey stuffing.
I'll look for another dinner
I don't need you, Kolobok.


Go away, I won't download
And I'll look for another.
He wants to eat me.
Know that there is such a connoisseur.


Kolobok rolled,
Kolobok - ruddy side.
Here the sun is setting.
The fox came out of the forest.
He sees - rolls Kolobok.


Sing to me, my friend
I will listen to your song
And then I'll take it and eat it.


The singer climbed on a stump,
He tried so hard for the Fox!


I am a ruddy Gingerbread Man,
Sweeter even than a pie
Better shortbread, cheesecakes
And, of course, drying is better.
Go around the whole world
But I don't taste better.


What a pleasure to listen to you!
It's even more fun to eat.
Yes, and you yourself, like a picture,
What is your stuffing?
From chicken giblets
Or nimble cockerels?


I'm without stuffing, simple ...


So why are you like this to me?
I was talking to you in vain
Just lost time.
Goodbye, friend.


Our Kolobok is depressed.


Here in the forest I will disappear
Or I'll dry up in trouble.
The sun is setting...
Maybe return to Grandma?
After all, she baked, tried,
I was proud and admired.
Yes, and Grandfather chopped wood,
I went to the river for water.
Even though I'm a simple test,
Will appreciate the work of others
The one who did a good job.


Kolobok and rolled
At the parental threshold.
So the Gingerbread Man returned.
The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,
Good fellows lesson.

Tamara PROPISNOVA, Kolomna

This is about Heaven and Yarilo-Sun. I wonder how fabulous remakes would portray the red Kolobok? Did you mix rouge into the dough?

Let's take the description of the snake Gorynych.

The image of a snake - means round and long, like a snake, a mountain - because it is as high as a mountain.
In this case, an explicit description tornado. The Serpent Gorynych can be both three-headed (three funnels) and nine-headed.

Other ancient Russian tales describing the appearance of a snake say that it can fly, its wings are fiery. clawed feet and a long tail with a point - a favorite detail of popular prints in fairy tales, as a rule, are absent. A constant feature of the snake is its connection with fire: “A strong storm rose, thunder rumbles, the earth trembles, the dense forest bows down to the valley: a three-headed serpent flies”, “A fierce serpent flies at him, scorches with fire, threatens death”, “Here the serpent emitted from itself a fiery flame wants to burn the prince.”

In this snake, the Kundalini serpent is recognized - the spiritual power of man. His constant threat: "I will burn your kingdom (i.e. body) with fire, scatter it with ashes."

In Russian folk tales the serpent is the guardian of the border to the Kingdom of Heaven. The border itself is described as a fiery river called Smorodinka (“peace” - death, “one” - one; that is, death is one). A bridge called “viburnum” (in Sanskrit “kali” – ill-fated) leads across it, that is, only those who have fully manifested their egg-chore (“devil’s seed” – a drop of Causal matter) can step on this border. The one who kills the snake (yaytsekhore), that is, defeats all his animal elements, will be able to cross the bridge.

When meeting with the snake, the hero is in danger of sleep, falling asleep, that is, delusion - confusion: “The prince began to walk along the bridge, tapping with a cane (the main ascending channel of the Kundalini force running along the center of the human spine), a jug jumped out (mystical abilities that manifest themselves as they rise Kundalini) and began to dance in front of him; he stared at him (became interested in mystical abilities) and fell asleep sound sleep(i.e. "fell into charms"). An unprepared person falls asleep, a true hero never: “The storm - the hero didn’t give a damn (didn’t get carried away by these abilities), spit on him (brought them to the “hara”, balanced) on him and broke him into small pieces. The serpent is immortal and invincible for the uninitiated, it can only be destroyed by a certain hero: the egg-chore can only be defeated by the one in whom it is located - “In the whole world there is no other rival for me, except for Ivan Tsarevich, but he is still young, even a raven of his bones is here won't bring."

The serpent never tries to kill the hero with a weapon, paws, or teeth - he tries to drive the hero into the ground (i.e. into sin) and thereby destroy him: “The Miracle Yudo began to overcome him, drove him knee-deep into the damp earth.” In the second battle, he “hammered him to the waist into the damp earth”, that is, with each battle, dirt begins to appear in a person to a greater extent ( damp earth) ovichore. The snake can be destroyed only by cutting off all its heads, that is, by defeating one's senses. But these heads have a wonderful property - they grow again, that is the power of the senses increases with their satisfaction: “I cut down nine heads of miracle Yudu; Miracle Yudo picked them up, struck a fiery finger - the heads grew back again. Only after the fiery finger (lust) is cut off does the hero manage to cut off all the heads.

Knowing Addiction spiritual development from mastering our senses, our ancestors gave us the following instruction:

Where feelings dominate - there is lust,
And where there is lust, there is anger, blindness,
And where is the blindness - the mind is fading,
Where the mind fades away, knowledge perishes there,
Where knowledge perishes, everyone knows -
There perishes a human child in the darkness!
And the one who has achieved over the feelings of power,
Trampled disgust, does not know addictions,
Who forever subjugated them to his will -
Reached enlightenment, getting rid of pain,
And since then his heart has been impeccable,
And his mind is firmly established.

The third fight is the worst. special condition The last battle is that only the hero’s wonderful assistant can kill the snake - his Divya, the spiritual body: “The heroic horse rushed to the battle and began to gnaw the snake with his teeth and trample on his hooves. ... The stallions came running and kicked the snake out of the saddle. ... The animals rushed at him and tore him to shreds. “One horse reared up and jumped on the snake’s shoulders, and the other hit its side with its hooves, the snake fell down, and the horses pressed the snake with their feet. Here are the horses! The battle, of course, ends with the victory of the hero. But after the battle, one more thing needs to be done: the snake must be finally destroyed, that is, it is necessary to transform the human body into a Light body (the body of Light) - pure virtue: “And the body rolled into a fiery river”; “I picked up all the parts, burned them, and scattered the ashes across the field”; "He made a fire, burned the snake to ashes and let it go to the wind."

"In this way, fairy tales prepare children for the search for the Kingdom of Heaven - for the achievement of complete perfection through the acquisition of the body of Light.

Remember, Baba Yaga, then a bone, then a golden leg. But originally there was Baba Yoga. And it was not in vain that she got along with Leshy, the owner of the forest, where her house stood surrounded by a high fence hung with skulls. But the skulls were animals, because it is they who retain the strength and wisdom of their kind, creating a protective circle. Again, the hut was on kurih legs, from which she flew out on aircraft in one evil spirit. But chickens mean smoke, that is, the house stood above the ground and could turn around wherever you wanted. Kuril Islands - are they bred smoking chickens there? Yes, nothing like that! And one more thing: Whoever passes through the smoke will fall into another world. Very clear description of the stargate. The haze is a reflection of the changed space. Small outside - immense inside - this indicates a changed matrix of perception.

Remember Pushkin - a mermaid was sitting on the branches, and her hair was blond. She was a bird-maiden - wise and not tailed.

And how do they write now? Anderson wrote about green-haired maidens, the daughters of a merman, and they had nothing to do with mermaids. In Rus' they were called Mavkami.

Do you remember the story about Snow Maiden? Why are her parents not mentioned anywhere in modern versions? So why did she break up?

It is not easy to understand the Ancient Wisdom in its original interpretation, because it must be perceived with the heart, with the Soul. This is well said in the tale of the hen Ryaba. She laid a golden egg, which Grandfather beat - did not break, grandmother biba - did not break, but the mouse ran, waved her tail, the egg fell and broke. Here, the golden egg bears the image of the secret Generic Wisdom, which you cannot take in a hurry - no matter how hard you hit. At the same time, if accidentally touched, this system can be destroyed, broken into fragments, destroying the integrity.
Therefore, if people have not reached the level that would allow them to understand the innermost, for a start, simple information in the form of an ordinary testicle is enough for them, because it can take down the “roof” from a golden one.

Fairy tale "Tiny - Khavrocheshka". The girl was left an orphan, but she had a beloved cow. And when the girl needed something, she got into the left ear of the cow, got out into the right one and got what she needed. It would seem that such a big girl cannot climb on cow ears. But this cow - the Heavenly Cow Zimun or Ursa Minor, as it is also called - is a rectangle and there is a cow's ear, and then there is Hara, Dara, where the Harians, Daaryans come from. But they won’t write in a fairy tale: Here a girl passed the gates of the Interworld, directed at this cow’s ear, and received everything she needed. And notice, she asked her mother for everything. Mom is like the image of the cow Zimun, the ancestral home of the Ancestors, and Ingard is also not far away there. And the girl passed through the ear to Dazhdbog of the Sun, to the Land of Ingard, communicated with the Ancestors, and went out completely through the other ear, according to the movement of the stars, in another place, and made her way home again. That is, she constantly communicated with her Ancestors. At the entrance, one chamber of the Svarog circle was used, and after visiting from another chamber, she descended to Midgard through another chamber. And her stepmother has three daughters: one-eyed, two-eyed and three-eyed, whom she sent to spy on the girl. And the girl, before leaving, sang and lulled: Sleep peephole. The first sister fell asleep. The stepmother sent the second daughter to follow the girl. Girl again: Sleep peephole, sleep another. This sister also fell asleep. And only the third managed to spy on the girl, because she sang to her: Sleep the eye, sleep the other, and the third eye, which is between the eyebrows, energy vision, did not take into account. As a result, the cow was slaughtered, but the girl did not eat meat, but collected all the bones, buried them, and grew up in one version of the tale - an apple tree, in another - a birch.

And a birch is also a generic image: a girl was born - they planted a birch, a boy was born - they planted an oak. And the children, playing, grew between the trees, and from these trees they received strength. Therefore, let's say, if a son was wounded in a military campaign, the parents, according to the state of the tree - it dried up, they saw that trouble was with their son. And the parents began to take care of this tree, feed it, treat it, and as a result, the tree blossomed, and the son got better. They did the same with the birch daughter.

An ancient tale when a young man goes to free his bride from Kashchei. The wolf helps him, the bear, who rolled up the tree with the chest, with the safe where the death of Kashchei was kept, the falcon or someone else: after all, when the young man got hungry, he wanted to shoot a bird or beast, and they turned to him: Don’t touch me, I I'm still nice to you. Even the pike and that one brought an egg where the needle was kept, and on the tip of that needle was the death of Kashchei. Different variants interpretations. Notice how no matter how the Kashchei boasted - they were always defeated. Why? Because our Ancestors clearly defined that kashchei is a demon and he is always mortal: immortal. But since before they wrote everything together, then over time they began to perceive it in the meaning - without a mortal. And only then, Mr. Lunacharsky spread demonism: he generally introduced the word immortal. Although in the Russian language there were concepts and “immortal”, which means: a demon who will die sooner or later anyway, and “without death”, which means eternal. That's the difference.

And note that in any fairy tale, good always wins, and any action always has a finished figurative form. Note that Kashchei was always in certain armor, i.e. in protective attire. The evil ones have always liked to arrange protection for themselves. And a simple weapon, as in fairy tales: and a red-hot arrow does not take it, i.e. hardened, and the sword is seasoned on grass, it does not cut him, but only what kind of sword takes him? Kladinets. And what was the difference between the sword of the Kladin and the tempered sword? And the fact that this is not just a sword, but a powerful information weapon, why? And because the rune was on the sword, i.e. certain spells on the blade went. And even on the hilt sometimes. And the rune-tie created, as it were, a special energy structure - the force around the sword. Those. kladinets - a weapon of magical influence, or, as they say, a magic sword. And he still pierced through any of this negative energy protection. Because there is nothing more powerful than Slavic runes.

Very interesting, from an esoteric point of view, is the fabulous Instruction-Lesson that accompanies more than one Russian folk tale.

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