What does it mean if coins stick to your forehead? “Our bodies attract metal objects in much the same way as a regular magnet. Nikolaev G.V. Crisis in fundamental physics. Is there a way out

An important skill is not that you can show strangeness, attracting attention to yourself as MAN MAGNET, the importance is hidden from the eyes of others. This is a simple exercise to allow you to understand how you can feel the invisible, feel the reality of the field of an object, a person, animal, how you can touch the invisible part of everything that surrounds us. In this way, faith is gained, confidence in the existence subtle world, the world of invisible fields and energies. Gaining self-confidence that you can feel it and even control it to some extent. In addition to faith, comes the understanding that through training, sometimes long and persistent mastery of the ability comes. This rule applies to all areas of extrasensory perception, unless of course you have a natural ability in some direction, which is already off scale without training.

Probably everyone has already heard or seen photographs, videos where a person attracts metal objects to his body. Some people have this property from birth. They are able to hold a large number of metal objects on your body, or very large objects, irons, wrenches, even frying pans. You may have even tried putting coins or spoons on yourself, but some people can hold them, others don’t.

Only for readers of this site, if you do not have one natural properties, I’ll tell you how to learn how to do this.

How to learn to hold a fork, a coin or larger objects on your body.

To start try placing a coin or spoon to your temple or forehead, having first wiped your forehead and the object with which you plan to work dry. How did the object hold up? If not, do this.

Apply a coin or spoon, flat to your temple, hold it with your hand for a while, but do not try to stick the object or press it into your body. Just hold it lightly. Now feel the coolness of the metal, and try to draw in this coolness. Take your time, feel the viscosity of this coolness, its substance, its density. Feel that this coolness is firmly attached to the object and is part of it.. Feel that you can grab onto it, drawing the coolness into yourself. You have your own power inside, a field similar to the field of an object that you could feel through the coolness of the object. It’s as if you take and hold the field of the object with your field. At first it may feel like you find it difficult to grasp the coolness, there is a feeling similar to when you rest your hand and it becomes disobedient, and maybe everything will work out right away. Many people immediately understand how everything happens.

Here's a simple way. This, of course, is not yet the strength that people have by nature, but it is a beginning. Then everything depends on your persistence and diligence. Training and more training. The principle is the same as with muscles - the more training, the better the results; if you stop training, these muscles begin to weaken.


But don’t forget about rest, these workouts take a lot of energy, so when your internal battery runs out, you won’t be able to hold objects. And of course, if you spend too much energy, you will face the usual consequences that occur when you overspend energy, weakness, your mood may deteriorate, etc. But usually there is a quick recovery. If you calculate your training and rest correctly, then your strength will begin to increase, you will be able to hold objects longer, and for longer.

In general, in life, the ability to attract objects in itself is meaningless, that is, there is no benefit from it. But for a beginner psychic, bioenergetics, this important stage in development, training. Skill and understanding how you feel about an object, his field will help in the future. Using the same principle, you can feel and control various energies and possibly something else. Each psychic direction has its own “coolness” that you need to feel and be able to take hold of it with your own strength, one might say merge. Specifically in empathy, every emotion has energy, and it is this energy that you need to learn to grasp with your “energy hands.” The emotion in this case will be like the coolness of a spoon.

Apparently, a special scientific name has not yet been invented for this phenomenon. It's about about the ability of some people to hold various objects on the surface of the body without the use of sticky or adhesive substances and special devices like magnets, etc. The total weight of the objects being held sometimes reaches 500-600 grams, as stated in the article by V. Orlov “Objects stick: what does that mean?” from "Technology-youth". I had never noticed such abilities in myself before. However, even now I have more than modest ability.

Not long ago I watched a program in which Elena Nikolaevna Sukhareva participated. She demonstrated her “ability” to hold electric irons on her chest and shoulders and promised the reporter that she would help him produce something similar. She placed metal coins on his forehead. Then Elena Nikolaevna attached an ID to the reporter’s forehead, and when she said that anyone could do the same, I took a two-kopeck coin and pressed it to my forehead: it stuck... Then I attached a few more coins. 3, 5 and 10 kopeck coins did not last long, but penny and two-kopeck coins hung indefinitely.

Two days later I repeated the experiments, and it turned out that nickels can hang on the forehead. By the end of the day I managed to hang the aluminum teaspoon. The steel teaspoon did not want to hold on. It is curious that two days ago the aluminum one did not hold up either. After thinking about the reason for sticking, I came up with a guess. I took a glass glass, coated its edges with Vaseline, heated it from the inside with a flame of burning cotton wool soaked in cologne, and applied it to the right side of my chest. I held it for several minutes until it retracted the skin. Then I washed off the Vaseline. When the skin was dry, I applied an aluminum teaspoon. She hung, although she did not last long. And before the procedure, I couldn’t handle the glass at all.

So, my guess was confirmed. The skin holds objects because as yet unknown processes occurring inside it cause it to draw in air. When the object adheres tightly enough to the skin, the air pressure becomes less atmospheric pressure so much so that a frictional force proportional to the said difference of pressure holds the object, if it is not too heavy. But then it remains to be assumed that this property of the skin most likely differs in its strength among different people. What can activate this property?.. If you draw air from the skin for some time, then processes will take place in it, the result of which will be the drawing in of air.

I noticed that my skin only holds metal objects. It holds well, for example, aluminum foil folded in 8 layers and even small office furniture. But cardboard, plastic, glass - no. This can be explained this way: the approach of metal activates the process of drawing air into the skin, while other materials do not produce such an effect. In one of the newspaper articles on this topic, there is a person's testimony that when he approaches a massive metal object, he feels a tingling sensation on his skin. Such evidence can be interpreted as confirmation of the latter hypothesis. But it happens that some people's skin becomes activated when non-metallic objects approach it, and these people hold such objects.

Institute of Man

Vadim ORLOV, our specialist. corr.

Objects stick: what does that mean?

The amazing “tricks” demonstrated by M. Mikautadze from Tbilisi (see photo) and schoolgirl Inga from the Belarusian city of Grodno (see “TM” No. 1 for 1990, article “What is he like, a radiating organism?”), it turns out, are not such a rarity. Let us remind you: with her straightened palms in a vertical position, Inga, it is unknown how she holds a large frying pan, and even loaded with two kilogram weights and a hammer in addition. So, after that publication we received many letters reporting similar abilities.

For example, student Irina Romanovskaya from the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk writes: “And I can hold several objects with my palms in a vertical position. I start the experiment with a small spoon, then several spoons and a knife are used at the same time, then a metal tray, and then a frying pan. and a dozen thin brushes (not included anymore) or several plastic handles, and sometimes they roll over the palm, but do not slide down.”

Marina Mikautadze-Chanukvadze (Tbilisi). Photo by R. KHOMERIKA

T. Mamontova from Magadan region. And our photojournalist S. Kosyanov did not miss the opportunity to capture in the picture how the same phenomenon was demonstrated by 10-year-old Kristina Gyularyan, a student at one of the schools in Kaliningrad near Moscow. She manages to “hang” not only metal objects, but also a rather thick magazine. The examples given are just a sample, part of what became known through letters and calls to the editor.

Demonstrations of similar effects are reported quite regularly by various newspapers. Muscovite O. Pronina, Rostov resident T. Kazimirova, pensioner G. Eranova and artist G. Kramar from Donetsk, a veteran, found that objects stuck to their palms and to their bodies. Patriotic War V. Nikulichev from Adygea... They used spoons, forks, knives, strainers, coins, pocket watches, framed glasses and even irons - everything was the same, they held objects, and that’s all.

Some details of what was happening were determined by the spectators themselves - neighbors, acquaintances or journalists. So, the compass, brought to V. Nikulichev’s chest, also stuck, and when turned, the arrow rotated along with the device box. G. Eranova's iron held on, but the magnet from a broken radio did not. Moscow professor V. Volchenko learned a little more while examining 14-year-old Inga in Grodno. He established that back side The girl's palms do not stick to objects, but the soles of her feet act like living magnets. However, Inga was not found to have the ability to sense a thermal difference of, say, half a degree (and psychics can do this).

The first step towards objective research was, as you might guess, weighing the objects being held. Their total weight sometimes reaches 500-600 g, but scientists have already become acquainted with human supermagnets. Are they setting the bar high with their records? According to Professor Volchenko, we can talk about 10 kg or even more. Jokes with such subjects are bad: they attract the experimenters themselves. “During the experiment,” the scientist testifies, “I felt that some force was pulling me back. The subject looked around and stood with her hands outstretched to me. We checked on other participants in the experiment: yes, she was pulling.”

Something similar was said during a meeting at the editorial office by R. Khomeriki, head of the magnetobiology laboratory in Tbilisi. One of his subjects, M. Khazaradze, influencing an experimental frog from a distance of 60 cm, accelerated or slowed down the rhythm of its heart by 10-20 beats. By the way, for the first time a Tbilisi researcher discovered the effect of objects sticking 20 years ago with the psychic A. Krivorotov (TM No. 3, 1969). Since then, only the staff of his laboratory have identified hundreds of individuals who, relatively speaking, have magnetic abilities (a reservation is necessary, because scientists do not yet have an unambiguous explanation for the phenomenon).

Long-term studies, says Revaz Vladimirovich, have clarified a lot about the strange phenomenon of adhesion. Judge for yourself. The temperature difference between the center of the palm and the tips of the middle finger for most people does not exceed 1.5 ° C. For those who somehow hold objects, this difference can be more significant by a factor of five, and sometimes ten. The hands of my subjects, as a rule, were cold, the temperature in the fingertips reached 17 C.

Let me note right away: I had the opportunity to compare this result with the observation of student Romanovskaya, who knew nothing about Khomeriki or his laboratory, and I did not tell our guest from Tbilisi about her report. Here is another excerpt from her letter: “After the first experiments, my palms became very hot, literally glowing with heat. But now I sometimes repeat the experiments, and my hands remain cold (they are almost always “icy”).”

How is it possible: “icy” and “blazing with heat”? There is no contradiction here, and this follows from the results obtained in the magnetobiology laboratory. The effect, opposite to the usual coldness in the hands, is caused by self-hypnosis, a subconscious desire to ensure that the experience will certainly be successful. N. Yakushina, Khomerika's test subject, even had streams of sweat dripping from her fingers when she focused her attention on them. For the role of receptors, sweat glands and related internal organs Professor Volchenko also points out biologically active points - and there are a lot of them in the skin of the palms and soles.

However, his colleague from Tbilisi believes that a complete explanation of the mysterious phenomenon can be obtained only by understanding the dynamics of biostructures at the level of cells, molecules, even individual ions and atoms. During the vibration of protein and other macromolecules, acoustic waves can arise in the microwave range. Their action, especially in the case of resonant amplification, can lead to partial compression of blood vessels and nerve canals. And as a result - a feeling of cold or tingling in the fingers. The degree of bioresonance depends on the activity of neurohumoral and endocrine systems body, on the rate of oxygen consumption in redox reactions.

I asked Revaz Vladimirovich why we had never heard anything before about people who involuntarily discovered such strange qualities in themselves. “Yes,” my interlocutor answered, “their count reached hundreds only in last years. I believe that unfavorable environmental conditions can lead to disruption of normal wave interactions in internal environment body. This, apparently, is one of the reasons for the appearance of magnet people. If their number continues to increase, we will receive another serious signal in the field of ecology."

In the meantime, Tbilisi scientists have developed a method... of self-prevention for those whose “magnetic” properties can cause any unpleasant symptoms. And Professor Volchenko highlighted another important point: “There is science and there is culture. I want to warn everyone about the need for the most friendly attitude towards people with unique abilities. Their psyche is easily vulnerable, and obsessive interest can harm their health.” I believe this call should make fellow journalists think, first of all. After all, some of the people named in my review have already been visited by correspondents from district, regional, and central newspapers and television crews. The fuss about “tricks” and “miracles” does not contribute to a genuine understanding of the phenomenon, the meaning of which is, perhaps, far from comic. Today you, and tomorrow I...

Not long ago, Pravda reported that pensioner E. Udivanova from the Novaya Zarya collective farm in the Kuibyshev region holds a frying pan, an iron and even... a heavy shock absorber from a motorcycle.

The idea of ​​R. Khomeriki - to look for the environmental causes that give rise to phenomena and anomalies - is confirmed by other facts. In June of this year, eleven schoolchildren who worked weeding vegetables at the Khromtsovsky state farm (Sverdlovsk region) were diagnosed with symptoms of toxicological neuropathy. This is how the doctors purely tentatively qualified a type of ailment that has not yet been clarified: the legs seem to go numb, it becomes difficult to walk... The disease of schoolchildren, as established by Sverdlovsk doctors, is very similar to what struck many students last year when they were harvesting onions ("TM" No. 7 for 1990). In the fields where they worked, the concentrations of pesticides were tens of times higher than permissible.

So far, one thing has been revealed: the disease has affected only visitors and only young people. Locals and in general all the adults were not harmed. Therefore, a version of the weakening of the body’s immune defense system due to environmental pollution is now being explored.

Another phenomenon with toxicological consequences was associated with an invasion not previously known to science microbes These mysterious “visitors” did not like the metal structures and concrete that were used for the construction of the Chkalovskaya metro station in Tashkent. That's why toxic gases appeared in the subway... Once again people were faced with an anomaly, a surprise, and the need almost “from scratch” to select clues to explain it.

Materials already received from participants in the conference "Phenomenal Phenomena of Living and inanimate nature"(it was announced in No. 6 for 1990), we hope that a step forward will be made in the study of the unknown. The organizer - the council of the public creative laboratory "Inversor", operating under the editorial office of the magazine "Technology for Youth" - will inform everyone whose reports included in the program, the dates and place of the conference. It was decided that sections on the problems of UFOs, poltergeists, parapsychology, human reserve capabilities will work there. R. Khomeriki will give a detailed report on the topic of today's review.

Kristina Gyularyan (Kaliningrad). Photo by S. KOSYANOV

Eka Sharashidze (Tbilisi). Photo by R. KHOMERIKA.

I hope that the powerful “invisible college” that has emerged will receive favorable support from the readers of our magazine. The conference organizers and editors will be grateful to you for reliable reports about various phenomena, UFO sightings, anomalous phenomena, and for sending clippings or copies from local newspapers, which are simply impossible for us to keep track of. You can be sure: the materials you send will not be put on a distant shelf. On the contrary, we will bring them to the desktop, tell you about the most interesting things on the pages of the magazine, or include them in the collections “UFOs in the USSR” and other “subsidiary” publications of “TM”.

IN Lately Reports of magnetic people who can attract metal appear from everywhere. Unique abilities are found in boys, girls, and even grandparents. I myself recently met a Simferopol pensioner, Nadezhda Poselskaya, who, having hung two heavy Soviet irons on her chest, almost squatted. While communicating with her, I made an interesting discovery. It turns out that almost all of these people discovered the gift of metallopathy in themselves after reading an article and watching a program about those to whom iron “sticks.” We decided to do it ourselves - and it worked! So why, I thought, shouldn’t I try too?

Spoons not intended for their intended purpose

The coin, applied to his temple, obediently remained hanging there. Another one perched next to me, then a third, a fourth... And now my entire forehead was dotted with metal circles. The money didn’t fall off, even if I tried to move my head, get up, and walk. Then it was the turn of the spoons, and they also stuck like cute little ones! Forks, knives, a slotted spoon, an opener behaved identically... In general, a bold experiment about the number of cutlery that you can “dress” with was stopped only by the fact that there was no free space left on the body.

My child, delighted that his mother had become “magnetic,” began asking permission to bring his classmates to visit to show them the miracle parent. And then he suddenly grabbed a couple of spoons and successfully attached them to his chest and side! At that moment, a doubt arose in me that the phenomenon in question was rare and unique.

Over the next few days, all my guests took a “magnetism” test. And it turned out that three or four out of five subjects attract iron!

For some, however, the matter did not go further than a single spoon attached to the chest, but others held several difficult objects on their bodies. I walked around the newly magnetized ones and repeated the immortal words of Dr. Watson from the Sherlock Holmes series: “But, damn it, how?!”

Have you tried washing?

At first, I asked doctors I knew to explain to me why metal things stick to living people. But the doctors just shrugged their shoulders and talked at length about the peculiarities of the anatomical relief: they say, they are helped to hold on by invisible bulges and depressions on the skin.

Physicists generally refused to comment on anything, ironically about this.

Have you tried taking a shower? - the head of Krymsky delicately asked regional center human development Andrey Korman, puzzled by my question. - Maybe it's all about sweating? Here's the sticky secret!

Of course, his version did not look as beautiful as “the body’s production of exceptionally strong magnetic field”(this is how the Encyclopedia of the Supernatural explains biomagnetism). But for the sake of the purity of the experiment, I had to repeat hanging the kitchen utensils on myself immediately after the bath. No changes: everything stuck as before!

Another version of the origin of miraculous abilities was proposed by cosmetologist Alena Kucherenko. Like, it's all about the structure of the skin, whose pores act like vacuum suction cups, which are, for example, on the legs of a fly or the tentacles of an octopus. With their help, objects are held. However, this did not explain why one part of the body is “magnetic”, while the second, even if it is nearby, is not.

It's all in the hardware! And not only…

Finally, my efforts to find scientific truth were crowned with success.

Do objects stick? Like this? - Magnetic therapy specialist Tatyana Chudomekh asked me and immediately put a teaspoon to her chest, where it remained hanging.

In response, I smiled and nodded my head affirmatively.

You see, here, between the collarbones, is the thymus gland. Apparently, its natural magnetic field is stronger than that of other organs. In fact, every organ has it. The harmonization of these fields gives magnetic “abilities”. Only they are not unique, but the norm for every person. Of course, people are all different, so in some they are more pronounced, in others weaker, and in others they are almost invisible, but are still present. When this subtle mechanism is disrupted, there is a reason to find out if everything is in order with your health. Perhaps there was a signal about some diseases, primarily cardiovascular.

It turns out that you and I are all magnet people and have “superpowers”! By the way, according to metallurgists who are skilled in handling irons and forks, training successfully develops personal magnetism, helping to hold more and more weight on the body.

The most famous "Velcro"

Russian Leonid Tkenaev from Saratov held a metal block weighing 11 kg on his body. His wife, children and grandson had the same abilities. Moreover, the whole family believed that the accident was somehow involved here. Chernobyl nuclear power plant: It was after her that these people discovered unusual properties in themselves. 13-year-old Belarusian girl Inga Gaiduchenko held a 3-kilogram hammer and also attracted plastic, wood and paper. Cheboksary resident Mikhail Vasiliev entered the Guinness Book of Records. The man weighed about 60 kg, and “glued” 165 kg of iron objects to his body.


How to train magnetism

Try starting your experiments with spoons. Both tea rooms and canteens are equally easy to magnetize. They are made from various alloys, so almost everything, even silver, attracts well. For some reason, cupronickel ones stick best on the chest. Then you can move on to forks, scissors, scoops - in general, whatever you have enough imagination for and whatever is at hand.

The metal object you are “magnetizing” can be flat or convex - it is important that most of its surface is in contact with the skin. It must also be dry, since a drop of water completely neutralizes the “magnetism”.

Not the whole body is equally “attractive”. The strongest place is the space from the neck to the chest (décolleté area). So it turns out that iron forks stick especially well in the place of the thymus gland!

Metal is also attracted to the upper back, and some people have objects hanging on their palms.

The easiest way is to “dress” in iron in front of a mirror, recording where each object sticks.

Oddly enough, light things are more difficult to hold than heavy ones: for example, coins are not always held when walking, but with a ladle or a “necklace” of cutlery you can walk for hours.

Once the metal object is removed, it is easy to attach it to any person. And it doesn’t matter whether he has the talent of a “magnet” or not - the piece of iron is already magnetized!

Murmansk resident Maria does not see anything strange in her ability to hold metal objects on her body:

Just think, probably everyone can do this. But not everyone will think of trying it,” she says, hanging tablespoons and forks on herself.

Maria herself, too, may still have no idea about her abilities, if not for the TV show about “magnet people.”

“Oh, yes, I can do that too,” said her mother, seeing on the screen a lady hung with metal spoons.

And she put the spoon with which she was stirring the tea to her chest. The spoon is stuck! Maria immediately followed her mother’s example. And with the same result.

Silver, aluminum, cupronickel products do not stick,” says Maria. - But the ones made of stainless steel stick perfectly. When I put a fork or spoon on my body, I can feel it being sucked in like a magnet. And when they break away, that’s what they do,” Maria made a light smacking sound with her lips.

Of course, I couldn’t resist experimenting on myself and also applied the spoon to myself, pressing it more tightly. She carefully removed her hand - she was holding on! But as soon as I moved, the spoon fell. Meanwhile, the owner of the apartment in her extravagant “necklace” calmly walked around the kitchen, bent down, hospitably pouring tea, got up and sat down again - the cutlery hung as if glued. Raising her hands up, she even made a dance move - the “necklace” remained safe and sound. The coins stuck just as firmly to Mary’s luxurious body. Is it true, kitchen knife, the lid from the pan, the tray and similar utensils immediately fell to the floor with a roar.

I took one of the spoons off - it was like peeling off a magnet from a refrigerator...

Maria and her mother do not complain about their health; all their vital signs (pressure, hemoglobin level, temperature, etc.) are close to the average statistical norm. They did not turn to doctors for an explanation of their phenomenon, and, however, as I already said, they did not see anything phenomenal in this phenomenon.

The same opinion is shared by another Murmansk “magnetic lady”, to whom, according to eyewitnesses, it’s not just spoons that stick, but heavy irons! And in order to tear them away from the body, considerable effort is required. Unfortunately, the woman, having confirmed everything that was said, flatly refused to meet with the journalist, saying that she did not find anything unusual in her abilities.

In one thing, of course, my interlocutors are right: there are dozens of " magnetic people". And for some of them unusual abilities became a source of constant trouble. So, a fourteen-year-old French girl cannot use the subway - she is instantly drawn to the rails and trains. No one shakes hands with the girl because she risks receiving a very painful electric shock. Agree that in comparison with this, the problems of a certain English gentleman, forced to use only plastic spoons and forks during meals, seem like a mere trifle. The fact is that the metal cutlery sticks to his hands with such force that it is possible to free the poor fellow from them only with outside help, and with great difficulty.

Scientists University of Technology Malaysians who studied amazing ability Seventy-year-old Mr. Magnet, as Liu Tou Ling is called, who holds heavy metal objects weighing more than 30 kilograms on his chest, recently published the results of their research. It turns out that the name “magnet people” is completely erroneous; there is nothing “magnetic” in the body of Lew Toy Lin and his “colleagues”! Also, no specific magnetic or electromagnetic fields were detected around Liu's body. The reason for the phenomenon, according to the foreign press, turned out to be the unusual property of the skin, as it were, to absorb metal objects, thus firmly holding them on itself...

It's called, explained! Maria herself knows that the spoons seem to stick to her skin, then coming off with a “click” sound, without the help of the “geniuses” from the technological university. But what is the reason for this very “unusual property of the skin”? Why does this happen to some people, what exactly causes a unique reaction to the approach of a metal object?

So, at least information about the conducted scientific research and was published on the Internet under the loud headline “Scientists have solved the mystery of the “magnet people”!” - in fact, it turns out that this secret remains shrouded in darkness.

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