What people wrote the lazy tale. Armenian folk tale. Other posts from this thread

There lived a woman. She had one only daughter and her name was Guri. This Guri was such a lazy person, such a loafer and a white-handed woman, that she did nothing but do nothing all day:

Why should I work?

Why should I work?

It won't work for me in my life.

I don’t need all these worries at all, I won’t earn happiness with this.

If it were my will, I would walk.

If it were my will, I would dance.

I would sit on the bench, Yes, I would dangle my legs!

I would eat and drink what I like.

And I would sleep, - When the dream copes with me.

For such behavior, the neighbors nicknamed the girl - Lazy Guri. Just own mother praised her loafer daughter in front of everyone:

Before all things, a craftswoman My daughter, a needlewoman:

And she knits and spins, And she cuts and sews, And she knows how to cook deliciously, And kind word warm.

And whoever marries her will definitely not be lost!

The young merchant heard these words and thought: "This is just the kind of girl I would marry."

He went to Guri's house and wooed her. They got married and he brought his young wife to his house.

After some time, he brought a large bale of cotton and asked Guri to knead it well, comb and spin the yarn, while he himself went about his merchant business. He told Guri that he would take the yarn she would spin with him to other countries and sell it there.

If we're lucky, maybe we'll get rich. - said so and left.

After his departure, Guri began to do her favorite thing: to mess around.

Once she was walking along the river bank. Suddenly he hears - frogs croak:

Qua-a-a, qua-a-a..

Hey frogs! Lazy Guri called out to them. - If I bring you a bale of cotton, maybe you can comb it and spin the threads?

Qua-a-a, qua-a-a..

The croaking of the frogs seemed affirmative to Guri. And she, rejoicing that there was someone who would do her work for her, ran home.

Guri returned to the river bank with a bale of cotton left by her husband and threw it into the water.

Here's a job for you: comb this cotton and spin it into yarn. And I will come here in a few days, take the thread and go to sell them at the market.

Several days have passed. Guri came to the frogs. Frogs, of course, croak:

Qua-a-a, qua-a-a..

What are these frogs, you are all “qua-a-a” to “qua-a-a”. Where are my threads?

The frogs only continued to croak in response. Guri looked around and noticed green mud and algae on the rocks near the shore.

Oh! What have you done! You not only combed my cotton and spun it into yarn, you also wove your own carpet!

Guri put her rosy cheeks in her hands and began to cry.

All right, let it be like this: keep the carpet for yourself, and give me the money for the cotton.

She screamed, demanding money from the frogs, and was so carried away that she climbed into the water.

Suddenly, her foot hit something hard. She bent down and picked up a gold nugget from the bottom. Guri thanked the frogs, took the gold and went home.

The merchant returned from a trip. Looks: at home on the shelf is a large piece of gold. He was surprised and asked:

Listen, wife! Where did this piece of gold on our shelf come from?

Then Guri told him about how she sold cotton to frogs and how she got gold for it.

The husband was just delighted. To celebrate, he invited his mother-in-law home, gave her a lot of all kinds of gifts and began to praise her and thank her for raising such a smart needlewoman daughter.

And the mother-in-law was a shrewd woman. She immediately realized that something was not right and quickly guessed how everything was in reality. She was immediately afraid that now her father-in-law would give her daughter another job. And everything that is so hidden will come out.

And then a beetle flew into the room where there was a celebration in honor of Guri. It flew back and forth over people's heads and buzzed loudly. Then the mother-in-law suddenly got up and greeted the beetle:

Hello, hello, dear aunt! My poor aunt, you are all in business and in worries, you work tirelessly. And why do you need all this, why?

The son-in-law from these words was simply struck by lightning:

Mom, are you all right? What are you talking about here? How can this beetle be your aunt?

And the mother-in-law says:

Listen to me son. You know that I have no secrets from you, because you are like a son to me. Imagine, but it's true - the beetle is my aunt. The fact is that she had to work day in and day out. And the more work she had, the harder she worked, the less and less she became, until she turned into a bug. In our family, this can happen to everyone, because we are very hardworking. But those of us who work too hard become small and turn into bugs.

When the son-in-law heard this, he immediately forbade his wife to do any work, so that God forbid, she would not turn into a bug, like her aunt.

Young lover of literature, we are firmly convinced that you will be pleased to read the fairy tale "Lazy Woman (Fairy Tale Background)" and you will be able to learn from it and benefit from it. The plot is simple and old as the world, but each new generation finds in it something relevant and useful for itself. Surprisingly easily and naturally, the text written in the last millennium is combined with our present, its relevance has not diminished at all. The desire to convey a deep moral assessment of the actions of the main character, which encourages rethinking oneself, is crowned with success. Charm, admiration and indescribable inner joy are produced by pictures drawn by our imagination when reading such works. Often in children's works, the central personal qualities a hero, his resistance to evil, constantly trying to lead the good-boy off the right path. Here, harmony is felt in everything, even negative characters, they seem to be an integral part of beingness, although, of course, they go beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable. The fairy tale "Lazy Woman (Fairy Tale Background)" should be read for free online thoughtfully, explaining to young readers or listeners the details and words that are incomprehensible to them and new to them.

In one family, a girl named Dogbe grew up. She had many brothers and sisters. All children helped their parents with work on the field and at home. Only one Dogbe did not know how to do anything and did not want to learn anything. And so she grew up as a lazy person.
Grew up and turned into a very beautiful girl. One young man fell in love with Dogbe for her beauty and came to woo her. But Dogbe's parents refused him, saying that he would not be happy with such a wife. After all, she won’t even be able to cook him an akassa - Dogbe’s hands are completely inept.
The young man left, and the offended Dogbe began to cry bitterly. She cried all day and went to bed in tears. And in the morning she began to ask her mother to help her - she wants to be hardworking and skillful.
“Learn how to cook first, daughter. Here's at least akassa. It's not hard at all to prepare. Take corn, fill it with water for a day, then ceilings. Pour the resulting flour again with water. The bran will float to the top, remove it from the rest of the flour, and put the dough to boil. While it is cooking, add water to it and stir all the time. If the dough floats to the top, it's cooked. You can make bread out of it. Then wrap them in leaves and take them to the market.
The next day, Dogbe, as soon as she woke up, took money from her father, bought corn and began to cook bread, as her mother taught her. And then she took it to the market to sell.
She did this every day and made a lot of money.
Once a young man who was wooing Dogbe went to the market and bought a few loaves of bread there. He liked them. He began to ask who had prepared such delicious breads, and was very happy when he found out that these were Dogbe breads. Soon he married Dogba.
The young were very happy, and the husband could not get enough of his hardworking wife.


They say there lived a guy somewhere. They married him. The young began to live in peace and harmony, only the wife turned out to be very lazy. As soon as the work becomes harder, she is immediately sick, she cannot get out of bed. Most of all, she groaned in the hot summer season. She waits until everyone leaves for work, immediately gets up, scrapes out all the rice that is in the pot, and let's eat it, and if there is no boiled left, she will cook for herself.

That's when the father-in-law says:

- I'll bring the healers, let them feel her hands. Our daughter-in-law has an incomprehensible illness. Let them give her medicine, and if she doesn't get better, we'll send her back to her father's house, and leave her there.

He really went after the healers. He brought them and asks:

- Feel the hands of our daughter-in-law and tell me what illness torments her. We don't know what's wrong with her. Otherwise, people will say, and the matchmaker too: “Look, they don’t even want to help her.”

One medicine man took her by the hand, held it and smiled. Then the other took it and also chuckled lightly. They sat down and didn't say anything.

The owner asks:

"What's wrong with her, sirs?" What did you find? Say, do me a favor. How are we going to treat her?

“She has a serious and long-standing illness,” the healers say. - Try to find healing roots, crush them and give her a drink.

“I don’t understand healing roots,” the owner replies. - I ask you: bring such a drug to put her on her feet. And if you need to buy medicine and give it yourself, explain how to do it. Tell me anything that can help, or we can't cure her.

And the conversation goes next to the patient, and she hears everything. Here the sorcerers say:

“That's right, sir. Since you called us, we will find a remedy. Only we want to say this: in order for the treatment to help her, we must first read the spells, otherwise our remedy will not bring any benefit.

“Okay,” the owner replies. Do whatever it takes to heal her. If we start, then we must finish.

- Well, - say the healers, - agreed. We will go for our remedy, and as soon as we get it, we will speak it, and then we will begin to give the drug.

“Hurry up, do me a favor,” the owner asks. “Bring the medicine today or—deadline—tomorrow.” It's time to work, and it's also wrong to leave the patient alone. Someone should be assigned to her, but we don’t have enough hands anyway. Do me a favor, get the medicine as soon as possible, do not hesitate.

- Well, - they say, - we will find it and deliver it today. Let's give it to her tomorrow.

The healers said so and went out of the house. On the threshold they lingered and explained to the owner that his daughter-in-law was suffering from a lazy fever.

How can we cure her then? - he got excited.

“Wait,” they say. - Not a word to anyone. We have a remedy for such a case. And you be calm.

And so, to tell the truth, both medicine men went into the forest, dug up two tubers of tyrrha, large as pumpkins, and brought them with them. In the evening they came to the patient's house and said:

We got medicine. Today we will not treat her with it, but tomorrow, when it gets light, we will give it to her.

Just know that first of all we are over there, at the far end of the street at the crossroads, we will talk to you all, and the patient too, and only then we will apply our remedy. We are telling you this now so that in the morning none of you will go anywhere.

“Okay,” they say. - It's fine.

“So we agreed,” the healers said. Wait, we'll be back early tomorrow.

Here the healers were given supper. They ate and left.

The next day they rose with the roosters. First of all, they took tyrrha tubers, carried them to the end of the street and left them there. Then they went to the sick woman's house and raised everyone there to their feet. They asked for a copper cup with water, a pinch of antimony and an old sieve. They gathered what they needed and led everyone to the end of the street to the crossroads. There they sat the sick woman on a sieve and anointed her with pig droppings. Then they took both tubers of tyrrha, hung them around her neck and said:

- You, daughter-in-law, go three times up and three times down the street, and we will be waiting for you here. You will pass three times and thereby remove the interference that they are doing to us dark forces then we can leave this place. Don't hesitate and go quickly three times in both directions.

To tell the truth, this daughter-in-law went down the street like that, and the people all stared at her and laughed out loud, and the kids ran after her in a crowd, clapping their hands, slapping their buttocks, jumping up and squealing with joy. Even the relatives who were left standing at the end of the street burst out laughing. She passed once, the healers tell her:

“Remember, wear this medicine until you get better. Well, as soon as you are completely healthy, you will untie and throw it away.

The daughter-in-law went down the street for the second time, and the people laughed at her so much that she could not stand the shame, tore the “medicine” away from herself - and went home with all her legs. Laughter after even more.

As she ran away, the whole family also returned home, and the healers asked her:

“Tell me, daughter-in-law, didn’t you untie and throw away our medicine because you immediately got better?”

Then she laughed at herself, and the healers say to her:

“Look, don’t ever hurt like that again, otherwise we will bring this medicine again.” We recognize any disease.

From that day on, the daughter-in-law recovered, never pretended to be sick again, and worked diligently. This is how the lazy daughter-in-law was corrected - they weaned her from being lazy.

Once upon a time there lived a grandmother and granddaughter. Grandmother was so old that she could no longer work. And the granddaughter was very lazy. Grandma grew older and weaker every year. So she lived until spring and thinks: “We need to drink and eat, people are sowing, and we need to sow something.” And she talks about this granddaughter.

No need, grandmother, ”the granddaughter answered her. - You have already become old, you will die by autumn, and there, you see, there will be a kind person and take me into his family. Why do we need bread?

So they did not sow anything.

Autumn has come. People are harvesting grain from the fields. The old woman did not die, and no one took care of her granddaughter. They began to starve.

Once a neighbor came in, saw that the grandmother and granddaughter had absolutely nothing to eat, and said:

If only they would come and take some millet from me... The neighbor left. Grandmother says to her granddaughter:

Go, granddaughter, bring millet! And the granddaughter replies:

Is it necessary, grandma? Maybe her millet is not good ...

Grandmother and granddaughter starved all winter and almost died. But as soon as spring came, the granddaughter went out into the field to work.

Why work hard? neighbors laughed at her. - Your grandmother is already old, she will not live long. And someone will take care of you. Why do you need bread?

No, the granddaughter answered. - I got it now. No wonder the old people say: if you are going on a summer roam, sow the field first.

Text part of the publication

Shestakova Anna Innokentievna

teacher primary school

LESSON SUMMARY literary reading

Theme: "Tales of the peoples of the world"
4th grade
Goals and objectives:
- Familiarization of children with national costumes and traditions of different peoples. - Consolidation of expressive reading skills. - Systematization of knowledge about the creativity of different peoples. - Development of creative activity. - Raising a sense of friendship, camaraderie, respect for people of other nationalities and their culture.
Lesson plan:
1. Organizational moment 2. Announcement of the topic of the lesson - First stop - Africa - Second stop - England - Physical education minute- Lithuania - Third stop - Georgia - Fourth stop - Armenia - Fifth stop - Russia 3. Summing up the lesson 4. Closing song
- a globe - a map - a map showing national castes - a map with the names of countries - a map with the names of fairy tales - children's drawings - a map with sayings - handout for teams

1. Let's
welcome our guests. Are you ready for the lesson? Begin!
2. Today
we are going on a journey. Our path is short. We will visit different countries and even different continents. And our guide will be the fairy tales that we studied in the classroom. Now you yourself will name these fairy tales.
3. Teacher
shows objects, and children guess what fairy tales they are from. - Apple - " Golden Apple» - Carpet - "Blue Carpet" - Bottle - "The Woman Who Lived in a Bottle" - Recipe - "Lazy"
- Network - "Seven-year-old daughter" What fairy tales? Who is their author? Are these Russian folk tales? - These are fairy tales of the peoples of the world. - Are the stories interesting? Instructive? Is there a difference?
CONCLUSION: all fairy tales teach kindness, patience, not being greedy, etc., regardless of

nationality of this people.

4. Let's go
on a journey with the help of a magic globe. To visit the country you need to remember magic words:
"I'll turn around, I'll turn around! Where will I be?

First stop.
To guess the name of the country, you need to learn a fairy tale. 1 student is speaking. He retells the tale "Lazy". What folk tale is this? (African). - Guys Africa is not a country, but a whole continent. This is the hottest continent. It rarely rains there. Vast deserts stretch far away (shown on the map). If it's as hot as you think, do they need warm clothes? (No). Right. Therefore, their national costume looks like this (image of the national costume). Do you know what utensils people in Africa use? These are vessels made from gourds. It is cleaned, dried in the sun and the calabash is ready (show). Let's get back to the story. What is it about? About diligence. This good quality? it doesn't matter who wrote the story. It has a lot of instructive for any person on the planet Earth. Did you like the fairy tale? It's time and honor to know.
5. Magic globe. "I'll turn around, I'll turn around. Where will I be?

Second stop.
Guess the fairy tale. 1 student is speaking. Retells the tale "The Woman Who Lived in a Bottle". Where is this fairy tale from? (^ From England). So we are in England (show on the map). Do you know that in England they especially appreciate politeness and accuracy in everything. From behavior at the table to asking for help on the street. Favorite drink - tea with milk (showing a costume for a national English dance). You know many proverbs and sayings. England, like any other country, has its own proverbs and sayings. Not much different from ours. Why do you think? I will read an English proverb, and you pick up a Russian proverb for it. - Work with your left hand - (work through your sleeves) - When the pigs fly - (when the cancer hangs on the mountain) - Kill two birds with one stone - (kill two birds with one stone) - Better one bird in your hands than two in the bushes - (better a titmouse in hands than a pie in the sky) - You are doing great. Try to make sayings - one English and one Russian (work in teams; each team makes up proverbs).
- Good is never superfluous - ^ You can’t spoil porridge with oil - At seven o’clock it’s raining, and at eleven it’s clear - Seven Fridays a week - A fly in balm - A fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey - Kindle a fire under oneself - ^ Dig a hole for oneself - Plow sand - Pound water in a mortar - How do you like England? Before we continue our journey, let's rest. Tourists also need rest. True, for the rest we need to move to Lithuania.
6. Magic globe. "I'll turn around, I'll turn around. Where will I be?

Fitness minute.
- And in Lithuania, the favorite national game is called "Fire, Water". All participants stand in a circle and choose a leader. The host says "fire" - everyone starts to squat; “Water” - everyone runs in a circle (the host tries to confuse the players by calling the same team in a row). It turns out that we can even play games of different nations. It doesn't matter who invented it. We are interested in it - we played it. I think that now, somewhere on the other side of the planet, someone is also playing hide-and-seek or tag... Have you had a rest? Let's hit the road!
7. Magic globe. "I'll turn around, I'll turn around. Where will I be?

Third stop.
The student retells the story. What is this fairy tale? ("Blue Carpet"). Where is she from? (^ From Georgia); (showing on the map, showing the national costume). It turns out that there is a strict order at the Georgian table. The table is cheerful and colorful. The head of the table is the toastmaster, who is elected by seniority or by wit and resourcefulness. Laughter, jokes, quotes from popular works of Georgian poets always adorn festive table. Do we have such a tradition? Yes, weddings, banquets. Does this mean that the traditions of the Georgian people are also interesting for us? We do not have a feast, but create good mood we can. Each team is given a poem. We need to fix the mistakes. An angry boar sat on a branch The steamer languished in a cage The nightingale sharpened its fangs The porcupine gave horns The cat taught physics
Masha caught his tail Pinocchio sewed his pants The tailor ate all the pancakes The hedgehog was covered for dinner, the Chizh moved his mustache Cancer flew under the clouds The table was chasing mice The kettle jumped in the yard The boy gurgled on the fire - Was it fun in Georgia? Let's go further!
8. Magic globe. "I'll turn around, I'll turn around. Where will I be?

Fourth stop.
The student retells the story. Two students stage it. What is this fairy tale? Who is its author? We are in Armenia (show on the map, show the national costume). – competition – Armenian game
9. Magic globe. "I'll turn around, I'll turn around. Where will I be?

Fifth stop.
The student retells the story. What is the name of this fairy tale? Who is its author? We finish our journey in Russia (show on the map, show the national costume). Our country is rich in various traditions, and the most important wealth is our great, powerful language. The teacher gives each team a sheet with the outline of a person. - We do not know where this person lives, how old he is, what nationality he is. - Now think about what qualities a person living on planet Earth should have (kind, strong, brave, smiling, honest, devoted, etc.).

CONCLUSION: if people have all these qualities, then on Earth

wars and quarrels will disappear. People won't suffer, hate each other

regardless of nationality, skin color.

10. Let's
back to fairy tales. What fairy tales did we remember today in the lesson?
Game: "Collect the book"
- teams are given a drawing of children for fairy tales, the name of fairy tales, the names of countries.
11. What
did we remember in class today? What did you learn new? Let's conclude by singing a song about the friendship of people from all over the world (children sing the song "Wider Circle").

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