How to charm a guy into your home. How to bewitch a man? How to bewitch a married man? Love spells. Rules for reading a love spell

Folk signs and rituals have existed at all times. And since they still do not lose relevance, it means there is something in it. No matter how ridiculous some love spells may seem, they often, surprisingly, work in practice.

If you are interested in how to bewitch a guy without consequences, read our article. Here we have collected the best and effective methods, and also told in detail how to bewitch a guy you like without a photo from a distance with words.

How to bewitch someone you like from a distance without a photo

Different situations happen in life, sometimes the most unexpected ones. It's hard to believe, but none of us are immune from sudden love. It seems like you live a measured life, don’t make any plans romantic relationships. And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, you realize that you think about someone too much and passionately want attention specific person.

But life is not always fair, and it happens that the object of your dreams does not even know about your existence. At the same time, there is no opportunity to meet and communicate in person. Then magic comes to the rescue.

So, do you like someone from a distance? It is enough to find out his first and last name to produce the following ritual for a soft and effective love spell: take a small piece of clean paper (you can use a corner of a notebook sheet) and write on it the name and surname of your beloved man. While writing, think about him, mentally strive to be near him and wish this with all your heart.

The next step is to prepare the apple. Take a small fruit and cut it in half. Carefully remove the core and place a carefully folded piece of paper with the name in the resulting recess. Then connect the halves of the apple and tie them to each other with thread for security. All that remains is to place it all on the windowsill or any other place where the apple will be in direct sunlight.

If you do not live alone, find a place where your household will not reach. Remained final stage: reading a couple of key phrases that trigger the love spell process. So, put the apple in its place and say: “As this apple dries, so will (name, surname) dry for me.” That's it, it's done. As the fruit dries out, your chosen one will feel how much he misses you and will begin to think about you. Ideally, the fruit should lie in the sun for at least a week. After drying, the apple must be buried in the ground.

How to bewitch a guy on a cigarette

This love spell method will be of interest to women who smoke, since to implement it you will need to smoke a cigarette. So let's get started. Take a cigarette and write the name of your chosen one on it. Light it and begin to actively think about the person, inhaling smoke with his name. At the same time, mentally say the words: “As the smoke from a cigarette evaporates, so will the inattention of such and such (name) to me (your name) evaporate.” I’ll finish my cigarette and I’ll be loved by so and so (name). My words are weighty, precise and undoubted. And so be it.”

A more extreme method is considered to be in which a woman writes the name of her chosen one on a cigarette in blood, smokes the cigarette and collects the ashes on a blank sheet of paper. Then he sharply blows it away, saying: “If you can’t collect the ashes, you can’t get away from me!”

How to bewitch a guy from a photo of someone you like at home: hits

Of course, before resorting to love spells, you should try to realize yourself as an individual and thereby interest your chosen one. You have excess weight? Great incentive! Have you long dreamed of changing your hair color? It's time! But if, despite all your efforts, the man does not react to you in any way, you can try magical love spell methods. Of course, you can bewitch a guy from a photo even on his phone, but the consequences can be completely different.

You should definitely take into account that a correctly performed ceremony can chain a person to you for a long time. long years. And even if you stop loving him, he will not lose his feelings! Observations have shown that bewitched men often slip into drunkenness or have health problems. If you are willing to make such sacrifices, go for it.

The simplest love spell

A home love spell on water is considered one of the easiest. It is important to find water that has natural strength (from a spring or well). Tap water won't work! Fill a glass with water and read the following words above it: “Just as everything dries up without water, so (name, surname of the chosen one) will dry up without me and will not be able to live a day.” Do you want to drink life? Come to me as to a spring. Amen".

Read the plot in a whisper, 3 times in a row. Ideally, it is necessary to give the chosen one this water to drink, or at least get some drops on his clothes.

You can bewitch a guy without consequences at home using white magic. The ritual is considered safe and gentle. It gives a woman beauty and makes her especially attractive to the chosen man.

At night, you should take a glass of water and read a spell over it: “the new moon shares its beauty with me, so that my face becomes white and my skin soft. My hair is shiny and long, illuminated by the new moon. Just as it is impossible to find a beauty better than the moon at night, so during the day there will be no woman more beautiful than me. Amen". In the morning, be sure to wash your face with the enchanted water, using it to the last drop.

How to bewitch a guy on the Internet

If you don't have a photo of your loved one, find it on social networks or your phone. But do not forget to print the chosen one’s face on paper, otherwise the ritual will not be valid.

So, you will need a photo of your loved one, in which he is completely alone, a candle from the church and holy water. It should be noted that White magic implies a short-term effect (about 1 month) on the human psyche, while black magicians are ready to bind a person to you for many years.

First, try white magic rituals that will not spoil your karma and the aura of your chosen one. Usually a month is enough for him to see the most in you. best features and the love spell gradually developed into real feelings and interest.

So, to bewitch a guy, take 2 church candles (preferably a yellow one, symbolizing the moon and a darker one, acting as the sun). First light the moon candle, then the sun candle, and while they are burning, read the following words 3 times: “The moon, the sun and the stars have conspired. Everyone agrees with each other, and my words are approved, fulfilled and reinforced. All decrees are from me, become orders for the servant of God (name, surname of the chosen one). I am an obedient child of God, so let the servant of God (name, surname) also listen to me and be obedient to my desires. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading the words 3 times, the candles should be extinguished, after saying “As she said, so be it.” Then wrap the candles in a sheet of paper on which the names of your chosen one and your own are pre-written. The bundle is stored for a week for any of the home icons. After 7 days, the cinders must be taken to the church and placed next to other candle cinders.

Advice: magicians say that it is better to bewitch a guy when the moon is waxing. The ideal time for the ceremony is 19.30 local time.

We told you how to bewitch a guy: at home and listed the most popular conspiracies. If you are so unbearable without a specific person, pray to God, forgive him for help, but at the same time do not give up trying to please your chosen one on your own.

You can read endlessly about how to bewitch a guy at home. But you should definitely take into account that all love spells without exception entail consequences! If you are not sure of the correctness of the decision, do not ruin the life of either yourself or the man you love! It’s better to try to experience non-reciprocal feelings as soon as possible, and after a while find yourself true love, not subject to magic.

How to bewitch a guy: video


Over the course of its existence, love spell magic has become so strong in its position that many people who are desperate to win the heart of their lover through natural romantic advances are sincerely convinced that they have no choice but to bewitch the one they like. However, this seemingly easy way to achieve reciprocal feelings on the part of the sweetheart is quite dangerous and hides a potential threat for both the bewitched and the performer of the sacrament.

Types of love spells for a loved one

What kind of love spells there are is repeatedly listed in the articles in this section. However, it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the classification of love spell rituals, based on the definition of the subject and object of influence - this will help to understand the choice of ritual for each individual case.
So, who is the performer of the love spell sacrament and to whom can it be addressed?

  1. Young ladies often bewitch the one they like, out of curiosity - whether it will work or not.
  2. Lovers, timid persons (girls or boys), whose objects of passion do not pay any attention to their person.
  3. Married ladies who want to keep their family together. There are several options here: either the woman is afraid that her husband will stop loving him and leave for another; or she has already caught her husband cheating and is sure that his departure is inevitable; or the husband has already admitted that he has lost interest in his legal wife and left her, but she does not lose the shaky hope of returning her husband.
  4. Selfish lovers who are capable of anything for the sake of their own happiness - to take away someone else’s husband, and to take away the father of their children.
  5. Black magicians who act as intermediaries between the customer and dark forces. Such love spells are the most terrible and irreversible; they are used in cases of enormous hatred towards someone or when the client needs to completely subjugate the chosen victim.

Of course, the list presented is far from complete, but it clearly shows the main reasons for turning to love magic and potential participants in such sacraments are identified.

So, you are determined and wondering how to make a love spell so that it works for sure, then you must be very clearly aware of which Pandora's box you are trying to open.

Anyone is dangerous magic ritual. Even the most harmless and quick ways love attachments, such as prisushki, white or conspiracies, if used incorrectly or the performer does not have sufficient faith in a successful outcome, are fraught with a variety of unwanted and unpredictable ones.

What can we say about the unceremonious and sometimes chilling methods of black magic. When looking for a way, or a woman, never do something that you will seriously regret later!

Remember, not a single practicing magician, sorcerer, shaman or other representative of the magical fraternity will take up black or voodoo) for personal purposes, because he knows how dangerous these rituals are and what the consequences of attracting devilish entities may be.

However, they know how to protect themselves when carrying out such sacraments on order, and the culprit of the call will suffer from the crime. dark forces, that is, directly the customer.

If you are on the verge, and love has clouded your eyes so much that it is unbearable to live without your chosen one, use white magic, preferably under the strict guidance of a knowledgeable sorcerer. Only when you are truly confident in your abilities and your feelings are unshakable, can you decide to make a love spell at home yourself, and, moreover, strictly observing everything the necessary conditions and the instructions of the chosen sacrament!

When choosing how to make a love spell yourself, pay attention to the degree of complexity of carrying out the sacrament and the set of attributes necessary for it - whether they are available to you and whether you can carry out your plan without outside help. The easiest way to bewitch a person who is directly in your environment, because it will be easy to invite him to visit, treat him to dinner or invite him on a friendly (for now) date.

Love spell on water

A glass of water, charmed in the following way, which you give to the guy you like to drink, will awaken in his soul a feeling of affection and tenderness towards you. Remember, special water is taken - blessed for Christmas, and it is better to use new dishes, preferably crystal.

Conspiracy text:

“It dries and suffers, it doesn’t run away from me. Just as a river cannot flow through the desert, just as a mother’s milk burns out from a dashing misfortune, just as trees and grass decay from an all-consuming fire, so that the servant of God (his name) withers and withers without God’s servant (your name). The spring will dry up, the springs that fill it will dry up, the scorching sun will burn the last living flower among the sand dunes, and the servant of God (his name) will suffer and dry up for me, God’s servant (your name). He will drink the water that I gave him. , servant of God (his name), and will be nearby - looking at me, listening to me, kissing and caressing me! Be it my way! Amen!"

Love spell on a comb

If you enter the house of the object of your affection, it will not be difficult for you to quietly “snatch” his personal device for styling his hair, namely a comb or comb, and this item should have a .

Collect the remnants of loose hair from the comb, roll it into a ball and hide it on you (in the pocket of the clothes you are wearing). Please note that you will need to wear this bun until the desired effect is achieved.

But what to do with the comb? It must be returned (secretly), but first recite the following plot:

“Scallop, comb, my beloved little head. Little hairs, help me lure the darling into a snare. Let him come into my arms, love and adore me, and not miss others. I promise to cherish and pamper you, to stroke you tenderly, and to wash you with spring water, but in return you must help me: instill in my dear little one love for me! Let him dream about me, day or night, want to be with me, and after a week he himself wants to come to me. The ears heard, the eyes saw, the heart was shut.”

Love spell on a castle

You managed to persuade the man you liked to visit your humble abode - urgently use magic - then he will definitely not go anywhere!

Be sure to prepare for a dear guest visiting your home - buy a small padlock and hide it, open, under the threshold until he arrives.

As soon as the fellow crosses this threshold, invite him to go into the room, and you yourself find a way to leave for a minute. Sliding out the door, take out the lock - latch it and lock it with the key. You can say: “Lock with a key, my dear’s heart is mine.” Throw the key away and keep the lock in a secret place.

Love spell on a towel

Let the young man dry his hands after washing with a specially prepared towel, and as soon as he completes this manipulation, remove the accessory. Quickly tie the towel that has not had time to dry in a knot, saying:

“My little one washed his little hands clean and wiped them dry with a towel. Just like I twist a towel, I hug his heart. While the towel is damp, my dear soul cries for me, but as soon as the terry towel is dry, it sighs for me and dries. I’ll hide the magic towel - my darling will stick to me, no one will untie that towel - my chosen one will show his love for me.”

Be sure to hide the enchanted item so that no one can see it.

What to do for those for whom it is not possible to make an easy love spell directly with the participation of the chosen one. You can use the traditional white love spell in love magic in the photo, one of the variations of which is presented here.

Love spell for a loved one from a photo

So, if you are head over heels in love, then, for sure, a photograph of your dear friend will be found among your personal belongings. Add to it your photo card, red thread, a pen (pencil) that writes in red, a thick (preferably gypsy) needle and an ordinary envelope (without stamps).

Secluded from everyone, sit at a table on which you place both pictures and mentally imagine your couple. Fantasize how you love each other, how you relax together, how you enjoy meeting together, how you hug and kiss.

Having run through the desired pictures in your imagination, turn the photo over and write the names and dates of birth (according to the image) on the back of each one. Place the cards facing each other, and carefully (along the edges) sew them together with red thread.

Place the received material in an envelope, seal it and hide it in a place inaccessible to other household members. The power of magic is such that within a month you will learn about the sympathy of the enchanted person for your person.

Here's how a guy who really likes you can make a love spell certain girl, not even deigning to look at him. Although this universal method is quite suitable for girls.

Love spell, the one you like in knots

Take a very strong thread (or rope) one cubit long (about 40 cm) and three candles. After sunset, waiting for the lunar disk to appear in the sky, curtain all the windows, close the doors and begin the sacrament.

Place the candles on the floor so that they are the corners of an imaginary triangle, light them. Sit inside the figure, facing one of the candles. Tie the thread in your hands slowly with a knot, clearly pronouncing the spell:

“I’m tying you with a tight knot, I’ll bewitch my beloved (sweetheart’s name) to me. You are forever attached to me, you must always be with me! The knot is strong, it will not untie, and your passion will not subside.”

Thus, tie three knots, each time turning to a new candle. Now blow out the flame and go to bed. Keep the rope with knots under your pillow until you notice a change in your beloved. Then you can keep a kind of amulet of your love in the bedroom - ideally if you sew it into a pillow or mattress.

Finally, I would like to give a little advice to young hearts who strive to reign supreme over someone else’s destiny and who decide to use magic.

A woman is not always able to keep the man of her dreams next to her according to the most various reasons. This can be either ordinary physical data, intelligence or material wealth. Because of such “unrequited love,” girls often turn to psychics, fortune tellers, and magicians.

However, you can make a person fall in love with you without the help of such professionals. In this article we will try to understand which methods are the most effective in casting a love spell and which will have the least consequences.

On the Internet you can easily find many different powerful ways effective love spell men. Using ancient magical rituals to bewitch a loved one, it is important to know exactly how much love you want from this person, so as not to ruin the life of both yourself and him in the future, since during such rituals a strong effect is created on the man’s sexual chakras and on yours too .

Many rituals are extremely simple to perform. For example, a girl needs to sit by the mirror in the evening, braid her hair, while imagining her betrothed and saying to herself the words: “I want to be with my beloved (insert his name).” After such a ritual, you need to go to bed with your braid braided.

If you do everything correctly, comply with all the standards and techniques, you will be able to charm him, and your chosen one will notice only you. In magic there is one very important rule: if a woman decides to cast a love spell on a man, then she must imagine his image in her head during the ritual. The better she visualizes his image in her head, the better this invisible magical connection between future lovers will be. You will definitely achieve results if you think about your loved one every day, even without any action on your part. Such power of imagination will sooner or later manifest itself in reality.

Quick love spell

To charm a guy quickly, rituals are used that have already become classic:

The photo ritual is simple and effective in terms of binding two people together. The photo should be relatively recent, and your man should stand alone in the photo and stand tall. You can easily understand whether the ritual went well by your state after it. If everything went as expected, then you will feel exhausted, since carrying out such a ritual takes a huge amount of energy.

To do this you need to take a photo. loved one and light a candle from the church. Next, you need to take the photo around the light of a church candle, saying: “Just as I (say your name) longing for my beloved (say his name), so let him have it for me. Let (your name) think about me every day, and let honeyed bliss flow into his (his name) heart. Let it happen. Amen!" As soon as you say the spell three times, you will need to set the photo on fire and throw the ashes to the wind.

Love spell for a guy on his period. Such rituals have been known for a long time. However, such a ritual has one significant drawback- it lasts only a month, then the effect stops, and your loved one’s feelings weaken. Repeating such a ritual is a completely unsafe idea, since your chosen one may become aggressive towards you, get impotence or intestinal problems. There are two ways to perform a love spell on menstruation: mixing blood into a drink for your chosen one and casting a love spell at a distance.

For the latter, no words are needed for a conspiracy, you just need to drop some blood on the guy’s photo, and then set it on fire. For the first method you need to add a drop of blood into his food or drink, while saying: “My blood has drained, I don’t need it at all. My beloved needs her (Say his name). Let (his name) yearn for me all the time (your name) and only if my body senses it, it will light up with the heat of love and completely submit to me. Amen!"

Food rituals

Everyone loves to eat well. Since ancient times, women have been casting love spells with food to get a husband. . Here are the most effective of them:

On distance

If you need to bewitch a guy, and you don’t have the opportunity to be near him, you should try using one of these methods:

White and black magic in love spells

Such magic in love spells is called white magic, since it does without any consequences. They are built on a light influence, they are based on prayers and the representation of the image of a beloved. The one who has been bewitched begins to look at his new love as a source positive emotions, while he gradually develops psychological dependence. That is why it is impossible to say that white love spells are completely sinless.

Such love spells are made using the guy’s personal belongings, using items that he constantly carries with him, for example, his clothes, watches or something else. You need to take this thing, sprinkle it with holy water, and while your loved one is sleeping, say: “As my tears fall on clothes, so his (boyfriend’s name) heart does not know any peace, everything languishes and toils without me and with me ( your name) is trying to connect. Let holy water help us unite. Amen!"

If he is far from you, and you do not have his personal belongings with you, then there is a ritual on a cigarette. When using it, you need to remember that smoking is harmful to your health! For this ritual, you need to wait for the waxing moon and after the sun has set, write some word on the cigarette that symbolizes your relationship. After this, light a cigarette while looking at the photo of your favorite and building the relationships you want in your thoughts. As soon as you smoke a cigarette, you need to collect all the ashes in your hand and scatter them in the wind.

As for the use of dark magic, before carrying out the process of casting a love spell on a man at home, it would be useful to know exactly what consequences your actions can lead to. You disturb the harmony of the universe by interfering with its calm flow.

If a love spell using black magic occurs, then the object of the love spell begins to break down in his psyche, that is, he begins to greatly miss the one who bewitched him, he has a longing mixed with a desire for intimacy. This is, in fact, pure psychological violence that has nothing to do with love. In addition, such drastic changes in the psyche can result in not the best irreversible consequences for your lover.

There is also some kind of "return"" This is what they call the effect of a love spell in the opposite direction, it is when all the energy from the love spell returns to the person who created it. This can happen to you if your strong chosen one turns to a powerful sorcerer for help, who will remove your magic, and you will immediately feel all your magic from love spell.

Your psyche may be influenced by cruel and aggressive energy that can cause great harm. Therefore, do not listen to your friends when they say that the most the right decision is to independently sentence the guy you like using a love spell. It should also be remembered that a ritual performed by force, is capable of causing damage to your entire family, and all the consequences of black magic will pass on to people close to you.

Love magic is by far the most popular method of influence. Many girls are looking for methods on how to bewitch a guy and try to perform rituals on their own. It is important to remember that any impact of this nature can affect all parties involved in unexpected ways. To avoid this, you need to know how to bewitch a guy without consequences, without outside help.

Most often, girls look on the Internet for information on how to bewitch a guy at home. This is a very important step. Magic abilities live in every person, only some devote a lot of time to it, and some don’t. In any case, it is necessary to thoroughly and seriously prepare for the rituals. You need to correctly set up the fields of your energy flow, clear your mind and concentrate on the goal, clearly imagine its implementation.

How to perform rituals

Before executing a plan, it is necessary to study all aspects of the matter, how to correctly carry out a bewitchment. Love spells recited on the night of the waxing moon or on the full moon. Magic is powerful visualization, not just ritual actions and words. The moon strengthens the influence of women's thoughts precisely on its waxing days. Since ancient times, the moon has been considered the patroness of women.

To bewitch a guy, ritual actions are usually carried out on the day of the week with a masculine name. Magic at home cannot be used unless absolutely necessary. When performing an action, a woman must understand that she will have to spend her whole life with her chosen one; if there is no certainty, then it is better to leave everything as it is. Love spell magic has a strong impact on a person’s will and thinking, changing his fate and behavior, causing a lot of harm.

Very strong love spell

Women are less affected love spell magic, in view of its physiological structure. Even if a guy managed to bewitch a girl, with the very first menstruation all the pseudo-love will pass, but a woman can have a rather strong effect with the help of blood. Before carrying out such rituals, you should think several times, because you can not make a love spell yourself, but direct severe damage. Such love spells are powerful generational curse which passes from generation to generation through the male line - this needs to be understood. By making a love spell, you doom your daughters and sons born in such a marriage to an unhappy life. If you are still thinking about how to bewitch a guy on your period, then you can get started.

Bewitching a guy with menstruation is the most effective and powerful method. Period blood washes a woman's genitals, and can cause a man to feel wild sexual attraction. After waiting for the moon to rise, you can begin the ritual action. Blood must be collected on the second or third day menstrual cycle. By the light of a red wax candle, read the plot:

“You tasted my blood, forget how free you were, give me your heart and give me your love forever. You can’t run away from me, you can’t get away.”

The main ingredient of the ritual is added to the food or drink of the guy he likes. You need to complete the ritual in the coming days, and be sure to make sure that everything has been eaten or drunk.

You can bewitch a guy effectively and independently using a photograph. This method considered one of the strongest. You need to choose the right photo:

  • it must have been made very recently;
  • the entire person must be in the frame.

To carry out the ritual, you need to light a church candle and, turning the photograph to face the fire, move it in a circle, saying the spell:

“Just as I (my name) miss you, so you (boyfriend’s name), without remembering yourself, fall in love, and don’t live, don’t eat, don’t drink without me. Let the one I like finally come, and we will become the happiest on Earth.”

At the end of the ceremony, burn the photo and scatter the ashes to the wind.

Love spells on things

It is very easy to bewitch a guy with an object if you have any personal item object. This can be any object that a man often comes into contact with throughout the day. An important point In this ritual, energy marks appear. Negative memories and feelings should not be associated with the item. On the full moon, light red candles and place the object in the middle, touch it with your fingertips, and, closing your eyes, read the spell:

“The power of my will, the power of my thought, be embodied in this object, always remind me (the man’s name), don’t let me forget. I want to bewitch, to sow melancholy in the soul. Let him not want to live without me and lay his love at my feet.”

At the time of the ceremony, it is necessary to clearly represent your chosen one. After the manipulations have been completed, the next day the man must take this thing from your hands.

Bewitching a guy at home with candles - another one effective way get rid of loneliness. A candle is an integral part of any ritual action, even if it is black magic. The ritual is performed on the waxing moon:

  • take two thin candles;
  • one will symbolize you, the other a man;
  • write a name on each candle and wrap them in a spiral;
  • set them on fire at the same time and read: “as these candles burn with fire, so let two souls (your name and the guy’s) burn with passion just now, let my words come true”;
  • at the end of the ritual, blow out the candles and inhale their aroma;
  • Before going to bed, tie the cinders with red thread and put them under the pillow.

Hair is a unit that carries a large flow of energy. Bewitching a guy at home by hair is quite an effective way, but not entirely easy to implement. The difficulty lies in finding the hair. On the third night of the waxing moon, you need to light red candles, first placing them in a triangle. Place a mirror in the center, a hair on its glass, read the spell:

“I conjure a piece of him, I conjure his soul not to resist, but to submit and submit to my will, to become my soul mate. Let him stand in front of me. Just as a book is read, so he is read by fate for me.”

From each candle, drop a drop of wax onto a hair. After the wax hardens, always carry the resulting amulet with you, especially when you are about to meet the object of your desires.

You can bewitch a married man

How to bewitch married man? First, in the evening, pour cold water into a bucket, throw it into silver ring. As the sun begins to rise, rotate the ring at the bottom around its axis to the left and say the following spell:

“Beloved, desired, (man’s name). As the dew subsides, my beloved will find me and will be mine forever. I just want you to be happy with me. My word is as strong as a stone.”

Then throw all the water out of the window. The ritual must be completed before the dew disappears. The sooner after the ceremony the girl catches the eye of her beloved, the sooner the love spell will work.

How to bewitch ex-boyfriend(husband) safely, using hair and a comb. You will need a piece of his hair, maybe a very small one, you should always carry it with you. Read the spell on the comb:

“Comb, comb, comb your favorite hair, let it remember how much you loved and how happy you were with me. Brother teeth, help me, bring my beloved back into my arms. Day after day let him suffer without me and come back forever.”

Then return the item to the person.

Love spells for Christmas time

Christmas is the time to practice witchcraft. If you are interested in how to quickly bewitch a guy, this is the best moment. In order to bewitch the object of desire, you need two candles, a photo of your lover, and a mirror. Cover the table with a white tablecloth, place candles, place a photo between them in front of the mirror, so that you can see the guy’s reflection in it. In complete silence, you need to focus on the object of your desires, and then begin to read:

"Into the dark magical night, let the air bring (your name) to me, help me with perfume, and strengthen my power as a witch. Let the magic corridor deliver the words of my soul to my dear (man’s name). Just as magic candles burn, so let his heart begin to glow with love, let him always desire me and never know life without me.”

Such simple love spells will have an impact not only on unknown guy, but also on ex-husband, and will help get him back.

A very simple old love spell is done at home on Christmas time, using a comb. Combing your hair before bed with the words:

“It falls hair by hair, and my dear (man’s name) strives for me. Tomorrow he will come up to me and start a conversation with me.”

Then place the comb under your pillow and go to bed. In the morning, you need to collect the hair that remains on the comb, burn it, and put the ashes in your loved one’s food or drink. Thus, you can bewitch a guy without consequences. This action is aimed at attracting attention, starting an acquaintance, if after the manipulations the chosen one called, it means that he really had feelings.

Christmas love spells are the strongest and safest type of influence. It is at this time that the souls of deceased ancestors descend to earth and you can ask them for something for yourself: love, prosperity, children. One of these rituals performed on Christmas Eve is a love spell on saliva. Using this action you can move from dead center relationships, give them some kind of advancement if you already have feelings, but don’t have the courage to approach them, or if the person you’ve been dating for a long time finally asks you to get married.

Draw a protective circle and place a burning red candle in it, put a photograph of a man next to it, and sit in the circle next to the objects, visualize your thoughts and feelings. After a while, slobber thumb and attach it to the image in the area of ​​the heart and read the words:

“Just as night fortune telling under the moon is strong and strong, so will your love be mine only. Speak about it in words, show it in your actions, so that not only is there a buzz in my heart, but it appears to me. And with your words and your deeds, express your love. The heart speaks, so let the mouth speak about love.”

Love spells-lapels: how to find out that your man has been bewitched

Many married girls are faced with such an unpleasant event in life as an evil rival who is trying with all her might to destroy the marriage. In order to protect against such individuals, you can use a lapel, anti-love magic, or use prayer. Pure sincere faith is the most best weapon against evil people. How to find out that your husband is bewitched by another woman:

  • frequent mood changes;
  • facial symptoms of depression;
  • often lashes out at family members;
  • shows a very strong craving for the person who performed the bewitchment ceremony;
  • Minor troubles happen at home.

After ritual actions, you can confuse a person’s behavior with real feelings, and think that he really fell in love.

If you don’t want to give your husband to your friend, the ideal ritual, which is quite easy to do, would be a love spell on pectoral cross. You need to remove it discreetly, and then put it back on the subject’s neck and fasten the chain around his neck with your own hands. To bewitch a man at home, you will need three wax candles, a vessel with holy water and a cross. In the center of the room, in the evening, you need to place a vessel with water, light candles and, lowering a cross into the water, pronounce the words for ten minutes:

“I speak to the pectoral cross, I want to return my beloved, let our strong feeling remember how he loved me, and forget the homewrecker, hear the month, help bring back the most beloved.”

The cross must be returned within three days.

If a girl needs to fight off an annoying boyfriend, she can make a simple lapel with a pin. We need a new thing over which the words are read:

“If you stab until it bleeds, just as you stab, the feeling for me will turn into disgust for him. He will forget, fall behind, and begin to live happily without me. I return your love to you (object’s name).

It is necessary to pin a pin on a person's clothing in such a way that it causes discomfort, perhaps even pain. The point is for the querent to take off the item himself.

Love spell for guys

How can a guy bewitch a girl? Not only girls are looking for various extraordinary ways to achieve the love of the person they adore. A great easy option for guys is a love spell on candy. You will have to present such gifts quite often. One charmed candy will not be enough. You can do the ritual with individual candies or with a whole box. At home, you should put your photo on the box. You should be in the photo full height. The photo should lie on the candy for a couple of hours, and also better than a day. Then read the spell over the sweets:

“Sweetness on the tongue, my image (my name) in the heart of my beloved (girl’s name).”

Consequences of love spells

White and black magic love spell rituals certainly leads to certain consequences. Whatever the intervention, and whatever the motivation for such action, this is a change in one’s own and someone else’s fate. Our whole life consists of interconnected events, violating which a person must realize that he will have to pay for it. A wedding as a result of love magic will not be happiness for you, in any case. In such a marriage, you may not even be destined to become a mother. Before you start witchcraft, think, because somewhere a person destined by fate is waiting for you.

It’s not uncommon that after various magical manipulations, girls turn to magicians for help with the words: “I bewitched a guy, but now I don’t know what to do with him.” This is due to the fact that under magical influence, behavior and thinking change, and you may get a completely different person than the one you liked. Therefore, think 100 times before asking the question whether it is possible to bewitch your beloved guy.

HOW TO CHARM A GUY. My experience


The great feeling in our life is love. In the name of love, wars were committed, mountains were moved, and rash acts were done. But nowadays it often happens that our potential soul mate does not reciprocate our feelings.

Magic itself will help you attract the attention of your loved one. If you agree with the statement that in war all means are fair (and love is a kind of “war”), we will tell you ways to bewitch a guy from a distance that you can use at home (by the way, they are also suitable for bewitching girls).

Love spell - faith in victory, the mood for love!

Having resorted to such a serious step, you must give a serious account of your actions. You cannot cast love spells thoughtlessly.

A love spell on a guy is not only the sequential pronunciation of certain word forms and phrases, they are usually distinguished by the power of influence and consequences. The latter is inevitable, whether we are dealing with light or dark magic.

In both cases, as they say, it is obvious! In the texts of a dark love spell, there are lines that say that the object of our desire, for whom the ritual is being performed, should dry up, suffer, experience some kind of discomfort and an irresistible craving for us (the customer).

As for light love spell methods, the word forms in them are aimed exclusively at evoking sympathy (a more “gentle” manifestation than in the case of dark magic). Therefore, the consequences for both people - the customer and the person on whom the ritual is imposed - are minimal. In any case, when magic is cast on a person, a process of destruction of the representative’s inner “I” occurs: manifestations of aggression, depression, and often alcoholism are inevitable.

But everything in our time has its own time, our feelings, like time, are fleeting, we change, our sympathies change, perhaps later we will meet exactly the person who will be close to our inner world.

In such cases, we need to completely and headlong immerse ourselves in feelings, but at the same time as our pleasure and peace of mind, somewhere out there, at a distance, another person (on whom we had previously frivolously cast a love spell) will suffer. Therefore, by bewitching a guy, you are taking a serious step, in which frivolity is extremely dangerous!

There are several ways to bewitch a guy or the boy you like:

Love spell at the doorstep with a broom

A ritual performed at the threshold. A simple love spell on your beloved guy at home, in which you take a broom and pull out 2 twigs from it. We take the rods in our hands, looking at them, excluding thoughts about strangers and thinking only about our loved one, about the feelings that you want to awaken in him.

The emphasis is on your thoughts, because your further development events and the guy's attitude towards you. Thoughts should be positive and bright.

Then we read any prayer in which the use of the name of our beloved guy is mandatory. When midnight comes, place the twigs crosswise at the threshold of the person on whom the love spell is being cast, so that he will step over them when he leaves.

How to bewitch a guy with milk

Love spells cast on liquid. You need to turn to the forces of light, that is, black magic is excluded. Let's look at how to bewitch a guy with milk.

Offer the object of your feelings warm milk, having spoken the text of the conspiracy in advance. You need to transfer energy to the drink by putting all your love for your boyfriend and bright feelings into reading the prayer. Then pour the drink into a beautiful glass and give it to your loved one. The ritual must be performed once, but if in doubt, the love spell can be performed 3 days in a row.

Lovesickness spell (no photo)

Rituals that cause lovesickness. A simple event in which a girl, looking out the window, says the lines 9 times:

“Servant of God (name), go to my threshold, my palace, to my threshold, following my steps. I won't give you to anyone. Word, castle, language. Amen".

Love spell on a string - without consequences

You can bewitch a guy using a thread. The process is kind of fortune-telling. Take a skein of thread and wrap it around your finger. The entire winding process is accompanied by the lines:

“As a thread winds, so you, servant of God (name), languish and spin around me, reach out to me. As if a person prays to an icon, so pray to me, yearn without me, know no peace. From now on and forever. Amen".

After saying the prayer, remove the thread and wind it around the ball again. If the thread does not get tangled, you are doomed to success. If you get confused, there will be quarrels and other problems in your relationship with your lover.

It is also possible that the thread will break; in this case, fate makes you understand that this young man is not destined for you and you will not be happy. In this case, other rituals will only aggravate the situation, and troubles will fall on your shoulders.

Another very strong way love spell on a guy on a string in one week:

At a distance from the photo

Magic ritual using photos. It is the most serious love spell, since only the image of the beloved gives full information about personality. It is noteworthy that what older photo, the weaker the effect on your future companion will be.

Bewitch the guy you like using a photo on the Internet or on mobile phone will not work. Just pre-print the photo.

In the ritual you need:

  • A photo of a person who will subsequently have the warmest feelings for you.
  • Ball pen.
  • Sewing needle.
  • Red thread.
  • Candle from the church.
  • Red matter.

With a photograph in hand, the following lines are spoken:

“As a thread follows a needle, so does the servant of God (the name of your companion) follow me (your name).”

Before reading, you need to write your name and the name of your loved one on the back of the photo. Turning the photo towards you, sew it with red thread in the chest area of ​​the betrothed.

During the sewing process, the lines of the conspiracy are spoken. In this case, the first stitch should coincide with the last stitch, the needle turned in your direction. At the end of the ritual, the thread is not cut (a small tip remains, which is tied with a triple knot and filled with wax).

Words: “So be it!” are final.

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