Maria Shushkina: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Why does my son look older than Maria Shukshina Personal life - family, children

Name: Maria Shukshina

Age: 50 years

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 180

Weight: 65 kg

Activity: film actress and TV presenter

Family status: divorced

Maria Shukshina - biography

They say that on children talented people nature is resting. This definitely does not apply to Maria Shukshina: the daughter of actress Lidia Fedoseeva and actor, director, screenwriter Vasily Shukshin herself built successful career and personal life, and she has something to be proud of.

Famous surname

Maria was always considered her mother’s daughter: Vasily Shushkin was busy with creativity and disappeared on film sets, festivals, and wrote. Masha was one year old when the second daughter Olga, her father’s favorite, appeared in the family. This is probably why there was no warm relationship between the sisters either in childhood or when they grew up.

Masha was similar to Fedoseeva-Shukshina not only in appearance, but also in character: calm, reasonable, but at the same time tenacious. It was she who instilled in Maria the basic credo of life: men come and go, but you can only rely on your own strength. If you want to love someone, take care of your children.

In the future, Maria will be convinced from her own experience that these words are correct. The mother taught her daughters that the acting profession was unreliable. Neither personal happiness nor creative success. Only a few succeed, and this does not depend on work or talent. If you're lucky, you'll marry a director, and he'll star you in his films. No - you will remain a third-rate actress, even a famous surname will not help.

Masha’s family generally taught her not to show off her last name: they say it’s indecent and even shameful. Therefore, after school, she thought about a practical life profession and entered the faculty of translators of the Institute foreign languages. In her fourth year, she met her, as it seemed then, fate. Tall, curly classmate Artem Tregubenko excited the heart of a young girl. And then everything happened at lightning speed: a modest student wedding, the birth of their daughter Anya and divorce.

I finished my studies, worked in my specialty for some time, and then came the turbulent 90s. To support myself and my daughter, I had to get a job as a broker at the Russian Commodity Exchange, and then as a secretary-translator. The place is not bad, but... “Not mine!” - Maria will say later. And then she started to feel depressed.

Maria Shukshina - films

All the main moments in life turned out to be a mistake - marriage, profession... But fate did not allow the future actress to become soggy. Maria herself didn’t even notice how she ended up on the set. This is how her filmography began. At first it’s small, but it includes some noticeable work!
This is “American Daughter” by Karen Shakhnazarov, and “What wonderful game"Pyotr Todorovsky, "The circus burned down and the clowns fled" by Vladimir Bortko.

1998 The affair with businessman Alexei Kasatkin is in full swing. He graduated from the same college as her and was even a witness at her wedding. Alexey looked after her beautifully: he gave expensive gifts, fur coats, and took her abroad. Masha suddenly thought: this is happiness! To the offer to live together, she answered “Yes!” A year later, the couple had a son, Makar, after which he and Alexei went to the registry office and signed, without any celebrations.

Maria Shukshina - television

She was not at all embarrassed that she became Kasatkin’s third wife. For two years Masha sat at home, taking care of her son. But this brought little joy: she was used to working and earning money, and the role of a housewife turned out to be thankless and boring. And then, as if by magic, offers started pouring in from different TV channels. I chose one thing - the TV program “Wait for Me”, and I was right.

"Wait for me" program. Millions of people drop everything and watch the program without interruption. Some out of curiosity, some with hope. And the presenter... Like no one else, she knows how to sympathize with the grief of others, especially when it comes to abandoned children. Her tears are sincere, because the fate of this woman cannot be called happy either.

In the blink of an eye, Maria became a popular favorite. Viewers appreciated her simplicity in communicating with the program participants, genuine empathy and sincere tears - so truly Shukshin... Maria herself admits that working on each episode is hard, almost backbreaking work. And not only physical, but also psychological. It is simply impossible not to let life’s tragedies and dramas pass through you.

A bottle of valerian, one hundred grams of cognac before filming, special psychological techniques the withdrawals she was taught did not help. And then she thought: maybe this is how it should be, you can’t pull away? But how many broken human destinies can a young woman, even if she is strong in spirit, let through?..

And her own life cannot be called ideal. The circumstances were such that Maria was forced to give Makar up to her mother-in-law: she herself was filming until late every day, Alexey had work in Spain. It soon became clear that caring for her grandson was a burden for her mother-in-law as well. One day, returning home late at night after the program, Maria realized: yes, she, in fact, did not have a family.

Rare meetings with your son, quarrels with your mother-in-law, scenes of jealousy and scandals on the phone with your forever absent husband - is this really family? Maria sharply turned the car around and headed towards her mother-in-law's house. She woke up Makar, collected his things and announced to her mother-in-law that she was taking her son on vacation to Bulgaria. Hide, fence, protect - such thoughts were spinning in her head when she was looking for a nanny and a rented summer house for Makar. Vladimir region.

It seemed that everything had turned out as planned, but... One day, having arrived to see her son, Maria did not find him. Shukshina was shocked. It turned out that her ex-husband Alexey Kasatkin stole the child. I had to raise all the connections and disturb a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs so that the boy would return home in two weeks. But her ex-husband and mother-in-law continued to pursue her and threw mud at her in the press.

It got to the point that one day in the editorial office of the TV program “Wait for me,” phone call. Elderly woman complained that her grandson was stolen from her. She called her homewrecker ex-daughter-in-law, presenter of the program Maria Shukshina.

Near distant happiness

Disappointed by the failures in her personal life, Maria decided to raise her children herself. Fortunately, her career was on the rise: she was the permanent presenter of “Wait for Me,” and starred in TV series where she played strong-willed, successful and wealthy women. And the fact that her children see their mother only on holidays did not bother her.

She herself was not spoiled by parental love: her father, mother, and stepfather always put work first. But, as always happens in life, once you give up something, it comes into your hands. One day, Maria and her mother went to the dacha to supervise the construction of a house. By coincidence, there was a lawyer on site at the time construction company, charming businessman Boris Vishnyakov.

Despite the fact that the lover’s income could not provide Maria with her usual existence, she accepted his advances. And then it turned out that she was pregnant. “I’m going to give birth!” - the actress decided. But the marriage proposal of the stunned good news She rejected Boris.

For a long time, Maria hid her father’s name from the press. When the twins Foka and Foma were born on January 3, 2005, Boris was given a condition: she was pursuing a career, but he had to choose - either business or children. The decision was not easy, but the man in love chose his family.

He took the one-and-a-half-year-old twins with him, and while Maria smiled at the children from the TV screen, for four years he turned into a housewife and nanny. Not surprisingly, his business soon fell apart. And then Maria appeared on his doorstep and took his sons away. "For what? Why?" - Many were lost in conjecture.

Vishnyakov decided to defend his right to communicate with children in court. The father of the twins won the case. And along the way, he and his mother gladly gave interviews to the press, talking about how bitchy, selfish, greedy for money Maria Shukshina is, and what’s more, the worst mother in the world. The actress was silent and made no comments.

And only once did she explain her actions. She believes that a woman survives better in difficult situations because she has a developed instinct for preserving her family. Woman in critical situation, When we're talking about about the need to feed children, I’m ready to start small and continue to grow. But a man will not agree to work, for example, as a cleaner.

He will wait until he is given some kind of leadership position, and during the waiting period he will lie on the couch. “Unfortunately, men quite often take this position,” admits Shukshina, “and I, frankly, don’t understand why they are waiting at a time when they need to act and achieve something in life.”

Maria Shukshina - The main thing is children

Now Maria often recalls the words of her mother. She herself says: “Children are everything to me. I live for them, take care of myself, work, develop, so that they won’t be ashamed of me.”

Maria Shukshina - filmography, films

"American Daughter"
"What a wonderful game"
Ideal couple"
"Dear Masha Berezina"
"Take me with you"
"I love you"
"Terrorist Ivanova"

Maria Vasilievna Shukshina is not only a famous and incredibly talented actress and TV presenter, but also a bright representative of the creative “golden” youth of times Soviet Union. She never enjoyed the fame of her mother and father, because she believed that it would be more pleasant to achieve everything on her own and not depend on anyone.

Maria calls her favorite job not filming films and TV series, but the “Wait for Me” program. In it, she, together with the late Igor Vladimirovich Kvasha, united those people whose destinies had long since diverged. At the same time, she sincerely wished the participants happiness, because she knew how important it was to make people kinder and happier.

Fans constantly tried to find data such as height, weight, age on the Internet. How old Maria Shukshina can be found out by her date of birth, from which no one makes a secret.

The future famous actress was born in 1967, so this spring she celebrated her fiftieth anniversary. The zodiac celestial circle endowed Mary with character traits characteristic of Gemini, namely, duality, inconstancy, and a penchant for creativity.

The Eastern horoscope, on the contrary, gave the sign of a charming, creative, economical, active, friendly, kind, smiling Goat.

Maria Shukshina: the photos in her youth and now have not changed at all, many spiteful critics attribute this to the huge number of plastic surgeries she has had. The height of the people's favorite is 180 centimeters, and the beauty weighs no more than 65 kilograms.

Biography of Maria Shukshina

The biography of Maria Shukshina has always been similar to fairy tale. At the same time, the actress was an active and incredibly creative girl who has her own opinion on everything. Mashenka was born in the capital of the USSR into a famous and creative family, therefore, as soon as she was one year old, she made her debut in the film novel “Brother”. At the age of five, she and her one year younger sister starred in famous film own father “Stove-Bench”. And in elementary school, she added to her creative list work in the film “Birds over the City.”

Father - Vasily Shukshin - a man whom every citizen of the USSR knows and Russian Federation since he became famous writer and an actor, director and screenwriter, as well as a man who symbolized an entire era, but died suddenly when his beloved daughter turned seven.

Mother - Fedoseeva-Shukshina Lydia - an incredibly bright and talented actress who acted not only in films, but also played theatrical productions. It was she who instilled in her daughters the idea that filming films is a common hobby, and for self-sufficiency it is necessary to obtain higher education, so Masha graduated from the Maurice Thorez Institute, becoming a translator and secretary.

My sister, Olga Shukshina, was a year younger than her sister, but for some reason her mother didn’t really like her. The woman entered the literary department, so she is known for her essays about the history of her family. At the same time, she became involved in religion, taught children in an orphanage at Orthodox church. Olga is divorced, is raising her son Vasya and prefers not to communicate with her celebrity relatives at all.

Stepsister– Anastasia Voronina – Francisco – was born in 1960, so she was seven years older than Masha and did not really communicate with her. The girl successfully married an Angolan man who held a high position in the country's counterintelligence. She has a daughter, Laura, who gave her mother a grandson, Martin.

Oddly enough, the young beauty Maria has a beloved grandson - Vyacheslav Tregubenko, who was given to her by her daughter Anya. The boy was born in 2014, and his father was an unknown guy named Konstantin, whom she met at a theater skit. Maria easily got used to the role of a young grandmother; she often takes Slavik with her and already teaches foreign languages.

Filmography: films starring Maria Shushkina

Since about 1995, Shukshina’s filmography began to rapidly expand with the series and films “American Daughter”, “Dear Masha Berezina”, “Guilty Without Guilt”, “Brezhnev”, “Justice of Wolves”, “Indigo”, “Deli Case No. 1”, “ Stanitsa”, “Such work”, “Not all cats are grey”. At the same time, Maria constantly tries herself in new areas, so she dubbed the heroines of “Love is Evil” and “Doctor Zhivago”, and also starred in Nikolai Trubach’s video.

She devoted about fifteen years to running the “Wait for Me” project, in which she did everything so that lost relatives and friends could find each other. Maria claims that this was a real test for her, the program was exhausting and taught that helping is pleasant.

From December 2017 Masha will become the presenter new program“Recipes for Happiness”, but information about it is kept in the strictest confidence.

Personal life of Maria Shukshina

The personal life of Maria Shukshina is a rather strange area that often becomes a secret. It’s possible to find stories about whirlwind romances and secret dates on the Internet. famous actress and the presenter, most of which turned out to be ordinary gossip and ridiculous rumors.

Masha is often given attention by fans, but she treats them with respect and understanding, without singling out anyone in particular. By the way, influential and rich people often found themselves next to Shukshina, the mighty of the world this, but she could not find her family happiness.

Family of Maria Shukshina

Maria Shukshina's family is very unusual and creative, since her parents belonged to Soviet bohemia. The girl’s family supported her in every possible way, and famous father I simply adored her. At the same time, Mashenka had a hard time tragic death her daddy, she waited a long time for him to return home.

Masha was loved very much by her mother, they were real friends, she can still trust herself to a loved one all the best terrible secrets. Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina claims that she often consults with her daughter, but cannot find contact with her daughter Olya. This is precisely why Masha is worried that she herself cannot establish a relationship with her eldest son Makar, who is a difficult teenager.

Children of Maria Shukshina

The children of Maria Shukshina were born with big difference aged, they were born from three completely different fathers. Masha says that she never took it out on the children because of her relationship with their fathers, but, on the contrary, tried to establish friendly relations.

At the same time, Shukshina’s mother is at the same time persistent, caring, understanding, and demanding. She tries to instill in children a love of music and literature, her state and the people living in it.

Maria is very sensitive about everything that happens to her children; she was very worried about the kidnapping of two-year-old Makar. Currently, Shukshina is very busy filming films and television programs, but she always finds time to talk with children.

Son of Maria Shukshina - Makar Kasatkin

Maria Shukshina’s son, Makar Kasatkin, was born in 1998, he was named in honor of Maria’s beloved paternal grandfather. The boy’s father was a fellow student of Shukshina, but the love story of the young people is quite strange. The fact is that the sports manager and businessman Alexey was a witness in his first marriage.

Makar is a difficult child, he was stolen by his own dad, and ransom demands were made, but the police intervened in time, and the baby was returned home. Currently, the guy is in the cadet corps, but constantly runs away from it to his father, which upsets his famous mother.

Son of Maria Shukshina - Foma Vishnyakov

The son of Maria Shukshina, Foma Vishnyakov, is one of the twins, who was born in 2005. The boy’s father was Shukshina’s common-law husband, Boris Vishnyakov.

Thomas first tries to do something, and then he will think about all the possible consequences that could happen due to the action. The boy is a big bully, so he constantly encourages his brother to do various tricks, but Foma only respects his older sister.

The younger Vishnyakov studies in the cadet corps; he is more attached to his own mother than his twin brother.

Son of Maria Shukshina - Foka Vishnyakov

The son of Maria Shukshina, Foka Vishnyakov, is the twin brother of the above-mentioned son of the famous actress from her common-law husband Boris Vishnyakov.

At the same time, this boy is more thoughtful and calm than his brother. He constantly wants to get to the very essence of every issue or process, only after Foka has thought everything through, he begins to do so so as not to redo anything later.

The boy is also brought up in patriotic traditions; he studies in the cadet corps with his brother. The mother clarifies that the twins were sent to this educational institution only because of his obnoxious character. They are hyperactive and incredibly hooligan guys.

Daughter of Maria Shukshina - Anna Tregubenko

The daughter of Maria Shukshina, Anna Tregubenko, is the first child of the famous actress, who was born in 1989. She appeared in the legal marriage of her mother with classmate Artem. The fact is that the father was not delighted that he would have a daughter, so he disappeared from the family immediately after Anyuta was born.

Artem Tregubenko tried to prove that the baby was not his own daughter, so she did not want to communicate with him, even as an adult.

Anya is a talented and self-sufficient girl; she graduated from the production department of VGIK. At the same time, Shukshina’s daughter was able to successfully marry and give birth to little Vyacheslav.

Maria Shukshina's ex-husband - Artem Tregubenko

Ex-husband Maria Shukshina - Artem Tregubenko - received higher education together with his future wife. He literally turned the head of an inexperienced girl, she melted and married him in her penultimate year.

Shukshina indicated that her husband began to treat her and her newborn child differently soon after the wedding. However, she almost never talks about what prompted the divorce.

Artem could not stand the constant reproaches and quarrels, so he simply left the family, declaring that he did not want to communicate with his daughter.

Maria Shukshina's ex-husband - Alexey Kasatkin

Maria Shukshina's ex-husband, Alexey Kasatkin, became the new legal spouse of the smart and beautiful woman, but this happened only ten years after the dissolution of her first marriage. He was not only a classmate of the young people, but also a witness at their wedding.

At the same time, Alexey entered Masha’s family as a friend and assistant, since he lived in civil marriage with another woman. After some time, the young people began to live together and then got married.

Kasatkin worked as a sports manager and was an influential businessman. The divorce took place with a scandal, Maria hid her son from him, but then relented and allowed them to spend time together.

Maria Shukshina's common-law husband - Boris Vishnyakov

Common-law husband Maria Shukshina - Boris Vishnyakov - appeared in the life of the actresses in 2004, it was to this famous metropolitan businessman and lawyer that she left her previous husband.

At the same time, Boris was in no hurry to offer his chosen one his hand and heart, but they lived together. It is worth clarifying that the birth of twins revealed a different side to Vishnyakov; he completely replaced the children’s mother, who was touring and filming films.

Boris, who refused to lead own business, took the four-year-old boys to the dacha, but Shukshina took them away without permission. Since the couple no longer lived together, the actress and the businessman filed an application with the court, which managed to organize the process of keeping the children with each of the parents.

Photo of Maria Shukshina before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Maria Shukshina before and after plastic surgery are quite real, but they do not refer to radical plastic surgery. It is worth clarifying that Maria, in general, does not have a very good attitude towards this kind of intervention in her own body, even for the sake of youth.

However, Masha claims that she is not ready to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon, therefore she accepts only mesotherapy, Russian bathhouse and balanced nutrition.

Woman getting hyaluronic acid injections in an elite clinic plastic surgery at professional doctors with a crystal clear reputation.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Shukshina

Instagram and Wikipedia of Maria Shukshina have existed for a long time and at the official level. Moreover, it has the same profiles in most social networks, it’s worth mentioning that Masha tries to regularly post in them and tell what exactly impressed her.

The Wikipedia article contains only relevant and reliable data from which it is possible to obtain information about childhood, parents, family, spouses, children, filmography and other creative activities.

Photos and videos from the star’s personal archive constantly appear on Instagram. Most of which are dedicated to children and their beloved grandson, as well as the filming of new projects or TV series.

The daughter of the famous couple from the cinematic environment, Vasily Shukshin and Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, Masha could not choose a path other than acting. But, realizing how unpredictable he could be, the girl first tried to get an education that was far from acting. After school, Maria entered the translation department of the Mores Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages, became a translator and worked in her profession for several years. But the proximity of the bohemian environment and the opportunity to engage in acting still forced her to deviate from her intended path. In the 90s, Maria was invited to the cinema, where she remained. But he never ceases to be passionate about learning languages. The actress’s arsenal today includes English, German, French and Italian.

Wedding story

In films and TV series, Maria Vasilievna plays a variety of roles. In her interviews, talking about the heroines, she admitted more than once: the most interesting thing is to play a type that is completely dissimilar in spirit. It’s great when you need to not only differ in appearance from Masha Shukshina, but also change your plasticity, facial expressions, and get used to the role completely, so that it is impossible to recognize her by the manner of her acting.

But in her personal life, Masha doesn’t like to play. She said that she loves her - that means it is so. She said that she’s had enough of marriages—she won’t get married.

Maria's first serious love happened back in student years. Masha married a classmate Artema Tregubenko. Neither the actress nor her ex-husband talk about that marriage. Only one is known interesting fact: Maria’s future, second husband was a witness at that wedding. They say that already then Alexey Kasatkin was passionately in love with the future star. The bride danced all evening with the witness, and not with the groom.

From her first marriage, Masha will have a charming daughter, Anechka, but after a few years the couple will divorce. Intelligent Artem never admits what happened in their family then?

"I loved her very much"

Almost ten years later, Masha gets married for the second time. A non-random meeting took place in 1995, at a dinosaur exhibition. Alexey later admits that it was enough to meet his former classmate’s eyes for the gears of his internal clock to force him to turn back time. I remembered the sweet student days, and for the young people everything started spinning on its own.

At that exhibition, Alexey was with his second wife, but soon he was forced to admit to her that he had fallen in love with someone else. Masha and I only went to a restaurant a couple of times, and then moved in together. For a year and a half, Kasatkin showered his beloved with diamonds, gave her fur coats, and took her to resorts. They were happy and in love. From such a union, Maria’s second son, Makar, was born. They signed without a grand celebration on the same day when they prepared the documents for the newborn Makarka. Grandma Lida was with the baby at this time. Alexey still admits ex-wife in love.

A child was kidnapped

In total, the newlyweds were married for about four years. This couple suffered many mutual grievances, many serious scandals. The parents of Shukshina’s second husband are still offended by her, allegedly because she deprived them of the opportunity to communicate with their grandson. And Alexei idolizes Mashu, tells how they loved each other and does not even rule out the possibility that something similar could happen again.

According to the husband’s relatives, the discord in the lovers’ relationship began because of Machine’s jealousy. She constantly accused her husband of cheating, and her mother-in-law was sure: her daughter-in-law was causing scandals and provoking a divorce on purpose. Because I found someone richer. But an incident that Shukshina cannot forget to this day became fatal in the relationship of the already divorced spouses.

Living with a movie star is difficult, and when Kasatkin got married, he had to understand that Maria would not be able to pay much attention to her family. And so it happened. A month and a half after the birth of the baby, Masha had to fly to another country. She left Makar with a nanny in the Vladimir region, in a house on a lake. Having learned about this, Shukshina’s mother-in-law immediately rushed to “save” the child and took him with her. The worried nanny called Maria Vasilyevna, and she realized: the baby had been kidnapped!

They took Makar away with the police. The horror that Shukshina had to endure, who was in another country and simply did not have the opportunity to understand the situation and influence it, will remain in the mother’s heart forever and will affect her future fate.

There will be no third marriage!

In the mid-2000s, a lawyer began to court Maria Boris Vishnyakov. The man sincerely fell in love with the beauty, asked her to marry, tried to please, but Maria, taught by two unsuccessful relationships, protested. Even when she realized she was pregnant, she refused another stamp in her passport.

Meanwhile fate brought good news: Shukshina and Vishnyakov were born with twins! The names for the boys - Foka and Foma - were suggested by the Shukshins' confessor. The twins were supposed to take their father's surname, but Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina intervened in the registration and insisted that the grandchildren should bear the famous surname of their grandfather.

But the lovers’ quarrels began even before pregnancy. Masha, according to Boris, always remained cool towards him, behaved arrogantly and dryly. She didn’t believe that he truly loved her, she demanded that she fulfill the promises that the lover Vishnyakov gave her while he was courting her. Namely, to throw the whole world at her feet, to make sure that she does not need anything.

But when the boys were just born, their father’s business began to nosedive. He fell apart and could not get himself together. Instead of supporting the mother of many children, Masha, unable to withstand the numerous scandals of the exhausted Shukshina, he left for the Belarusian wilderness. For a whole month Masha didn’t know what to think.

Eternal swing

Then she will make a statement that she is used to relying on herself in everything, that she does not tolerate weak people around, and that she is ready to raise the kids alone. Nevertheless, Boris, having recovered from his failures, returned. He took care of the boys, spent all his money on them, so much so that there was nothing left for anything else. Once he admitted to Masha that he couldn’t even pay the nanny, after which the long-disappointed Shukshina forbade him to communicate with the children.

After a while, Boris finally found the strength to pull himself together, began to lead a long-term project, and made peace with Masha. His sons moved to live with him, and he did not give up trying to return, albeit difficult, but beloved woman.

But as time passed, they quarreled again. The children moved to the Shukshins. Then - a new truce...

Their relationship is still like a swing. Boris can only guess whether he loves or doesn’t love, whether he will forgive or not. Recently they judicial procedure dealt with child custody. And the latest news talks about how great Shukshina and Vishnyakov spent a week in sunny Turkey...

Maria Shukshina was born into the family of the living classic, writer and director Vasily Shukshin, who, not having had time to give his children everything he was capable of, passed away. For the girl, her father became a person from other people’s memories, the gratitude of his admirers, an image from books and films. Being in the shadow of such fame, it was important to find your true self.

Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina and her daughter Maria Shukshina. Watch the video!

The search began when choosing a profession, when, considering the acting fate not too stable, Maria chose the Faculty of Foreign Languages. And she successfully mastered English and Spanish. Shukshina got into cinema back in early childhood, so invitations and roles appeared in life on their own. But it turned out that this is not the only path. In the late 90s, Shukshina appeared on television and up to recent years successfully engaged in this business, becoming well recognized as a TV presenter.

Possessing the appearance of a Russian beauty, inherited from her mother, the talented actress Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, Maria Shukshina has never known a shortage of roles for luxurious, successful and caressed women. Perhaps that is why the aspirations of the actress herself have always been completely opposite - she wanted to play ugly, old and unhappy people. Several times these wishes came true.

It’s hard to believe, but today Maria Shukshina is already a grandmother, because at one time she did not delay motherhood. However, she has not yet given up her status as a mother either - the actress has four children, the youngest of whom, the twins Foma and Fokka, are only 12 years old.

Stove benches

The legendary film by Vasily Shukshin, in which the entire family of the director played. In the film they are the Rastorguevs. Shukshina had only vague memories from filming the film, since all Masha and her younger sister Olga had to do was remain ordinary children.

Maria Shukshina as Anya's mother

The actress calls working with Karen Shakhnazarov her first serious role. Together with Vladimir Mashkov, Maria plays the parental war after a divorce for the right to raise her daughter.

Dear Masha Berezina

In the series about the life of a Russian top model who returned to her homeland after successful work abroad, Maria played Katya Kruglova, the director of a modeling agency.

The series is based on the novel by Tatyana Ustinova. Detective writer Rodionov is going to sign a contract with media tycoon Golovko and oligarch Koltsov for the film adaptation of his books. But this is not beneficial to Rodionov’s publisher. A story is being started against him with threats and kidnappings. Maria Shukshina - in the role of the oligarch's wife Katerina Koltsova.

Driven to despair, Polina Ivanova takes police officers hostage to take revenge on the major, whom she considers guilty of her husband’s death. The film stars Alexey Serebryakov, as well as the actress’s mother Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina.

Shukshina Maria Vasilievna is a charming woman, mother, actress, TV presenter. This beauty achieved everything on her own, without the patronage of her famous parents.

Many remember her from the television program “Wait for Me,” in which she helped people who were loving and close by blood connect. She sincerely worried about them and believed that everything would be wonderful. The audience fell in love with Maria with sincere love, and the state appreciated her contribution to cinema with a medal and the title of People's Artist of Russia.

Despite the fact that Shukshina actively acts in films, she manages to raise four children and a three-year-old grandson.

Height, weight, age. How old is Maria Shukshina

Many fans and admirers of Masha want to know almost everything about her, including what the actress’s height, weight, and age are. How old Maria Shukshina has been interests people as much as how she manages to look so beautiful.

Maria Shukshina was born in May 1967, so she was 49 years old, however, in 2017 the woman will celebrate her fiftieth anniversary. According to the zodiac sign, Masha is a fickle, strong-willed, beautiful Gemini, for whom family means much more than a career.

1967 gave Shukshina the sign of the Goat eastern horoscope, which brought natural charm and a desire to get to the bottom of everything in the woman’s character. This sign is prone to art, contemplation and emotional expression of feelings.

Maria inherited her mother’s tall height, which reached one meter and eighty centimeters. The woman weighs relatively little, only sixty-five kilograms.

Biography of Maria Shukshina

The biography of Maria Shukshina is full of surprises and surprises. The girl was born in 1967 in Moscow.

Acting biography The girls' career began literally from the cradle, when at the age of one and a half she starred in the movie "Brother". Already in 1972, a five-year-old girl, together with her four-year-old sister, shone in the film “Stoves and Benches.” And in first grade, the girl played Masha Vishnyakova in the film “Birds over the City.”

Mom constantly told the girl that becoming an actress was not a profession, but a hobby. After finishing school, Masha decided to enter the Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages, where she received the profession of a secretary with translator skills. For a long time, Shukshina did not even think about cinema or theater and worked as a broker. The woman is fluent in Spanish, Ukrainian and English languages.

Filmography: films starring Maria Shukshina

Later, the acting blood began to play in her veins, and Masha began to rapidly make up for lost time. Since 1995, the actress’s filmography has been constantly replenished with new works such as “Russian Roulette”, “People and Shadows”, “Brezhnev”, “Terrorist Ivanova”, “Indigo”, “Yolki 3”, “Goodbye, boys!”, “So work”, “Stanitsa”, “Someone else’s”.

In films and TV series, the famous actress skillfully created the roles of self-confident and tough, passionate and fatal, strong-willed and complex women. Maria Shukshina can play a business shark and a completely degenerate homeless woman with equal talent.

In parallel with filming films, Shukshina was dubbing the films “Doctor Zhivago” and “Love of Evil.” In 2006, Maria starred in Nikolai Trubach’s video “Falling Out of Love.”

In the period from 1999 to 2014, she was the permanent TV presenter of the “Wait for Me” program together with Igor Kvasha. This project was incredibly difficult because the search process took a lot of time and effort, but it was worth it. The woman began to understand that there is no misfortune between one’s own and someone else’s, everything lost people- general pain and misfortune.

Personal life of Maria Shukshina

The personal life of Maria Shukshina was passionate and difficult at the same time. There were always fans next to her who wanted to make the life of the famous actress happy, but Maria never paid much attention to them.

Many influential men who have achieved a lot in life lost their heads in love with the Russian beauty. Maria threw herself headlong into passion, however, family happiness never came to her.

The woman gave birth to children from her beloved men, but never found her personal happiness.

Family of Maria Shukshina

Maria Shukshina's family was strong, creative and acting at the same time. Father - Vasily Makarovich Shukshin - famous actor and writer, screenwriter and film director with capital letters. He died suddenly from heart attack when Mashenka turned seven.

Mom - Lidia Nikolaevna Fedoseeva-Shukshina - is a popular film and theater actress who appeared in most films that became real masterpieces.

Half-sister Anastasia Voronina-Francisco was born in 1960, successfully married the head of counterintelligence of Angola. She has a daughter Laura and a grandson Martin.

The younger sister Olga Shukshina was born in 1968. The girl was an outcast famous family, she graduated from the Literary Institute. The woman often writes autobiographical essays. Olga is very pious; she worked in a school orphanage, although she did not have a pedagogical education. She has a son, named after Shukshin - Vasily. The woman does not communicate with her mother and sister Maria.

Children of Maria Shukshina

The children of Maria Shukshina are her joy and boundless happiness. All babies were born from different fathers in different periods the life of a famous actress and TV presenter.

Her daughter is already quite an adult and has recently become a mother herself, and her twin sons are twelve-year-old schoolchildren. Happened to my middle son scary tale: he was stolen when he was two years old, but soon after contacting law enforcement agencies returned to the famous mother. Maria experienced this story very painfully.

Despite her constant busyness, Maria always found time to listen to her children and help them with timely advice.

Daughter of Maria Shukshina - Anna Tregubenko

The daughter of Maria Shukshina, Anna Tregubenko, was born in 1989. The girl’s biological father was her classmate Artem Tregubenko, who abandoned Maria shortly after the birth of her daughter.

The girl was able to independently enter the production department of the prestigious VGIK. She successfully married a man named Konstantin, whom she met in a company of film actors. Anna gave birth to a son, Vyacheslav, in 2014. The star grandmother dotes on the baby and helps her daughter raise him in a creative atmosphere.

Son of Maria Shukshina - Makar Kasatkin

The son of Maria Shukshina - Makar Kasatkin - fetus love relationship with a fellow student and witness from his first wedding, businessman and sports manager Alexei Kasatkin. The boy was born in 1998 and was named after his great-grandfather, and two years later he was kidnapped by his own father. The famous actress contacted the police, and the boy was returned to his mother.

Makar starred in documentary projects dedicated to his famous family. The guy studies at cadet school and has a rather complex character, so he is prone to running away from home.

The sons of Maria Shukshina - Foma and Foka Vishnyakov

The sons of Maria Shukshina - Foma and Foka Vishnyakov - are twins who were born in 2005. Their father was businessman Boris Vishnyakov, with whom Maria was in a civil marriage.

After breaking up with him, the actress forbade Boris to meet with the kids, however, she later changed her decision. The boys grow up in a patriotic spirit, they are not pampered or raised in excess.

Foma and Foka are hooligans, and only elder sister Anna. Foka is a guy who likes to think through everything and only then do it, while Foma, on the contrary, does it first and then thinks.

Former husband of Maria Shukshina - Artem Tregubenko

Maria Shukshina’s ex-husband, Artem Tregubenko, was a classmate of the famous actress at the Institute of Foreign Languages. He courted Masha beautifully, and the young people got married in their fourth year.

It is unclear what happened in the marriage, but Maria never talks about what happened to her during that time. It is known that the marriage began to burst at the seams after the birth of their daughter Annushka. Love was shattered in everyday life, so constant arguments and quarrels began, which ultimately destroyed the family. Artem Tregubenko had no desire to communicate with his daughter.

Maria Shukshina's ex-husband - Alexey Kasatkin

Maria Shukshina's ex-husband, Alexey Kasatkin, appeared in her life ten years after her first marriage. The guy was an honorary witness at the wedding of Maria and Artem, and was also a classmate of the young people.

The guys met by chance, started talking and gradually began to live together. The guy at that time had common-law wife, but he left her for the sake of the beauty Masha.

From businessman and sports manager Alexey, the boy Makar was born, whom his father adored. After the divorce, Maria for a long time hid Makar from his father, but then relented and allowed him to see each other.

Maria Shukshina's common-law husband - Boris Vishnyakov

Maria Shukshina's common-law husband, Boris Vishnyakov, is a well-known Moscow businessman with a higher legal education. The couple had twins, Foma and Foka, who were raised by their father, who abandoned the business. He replaced the kids' mother and nanny, so the kids were very attached to him.

Maria took the four-year-old boys from Boris's dacha and left. Vishnyakov accused the actress of kidnapping children, however, he calmed down and reconciled with his wife. He often sees the twins, although he refuses to live under the same roof with Masha.

Photos of Maria Shukshina before and after plastic surgery are real photographs, many of which are exclusive footage. Masha is great with plastic surgery, but she believes that it is better not to take matters to radical methods.

A woman prefers to be active free time, visit beauty salons and take a steam bath. She eats right and makes sure to get enough sleep.

Chooses injections from plastic surgery hyaluronic acid. Mesotherapy has its drawbacks, since marks remain on the skin that cannot be removed for three days.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Shukshina

Maria Shukshina’s Instagram and Wikipedia are official; in general, the actress actively uses the capabilities of social networks. On her Instagram page, Masha regularly posts videos that have amazed her, and not only from film sets.

With enviable consistency, photographs appear on the official Instagram profile showing the entire Shukshin family. Mary often shares latest news about their children who recently vacationed in a military-patriotic camp.

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