What will be the name of my husband fortune-telling online. The text of the prayer for marriage to the Lord. Divination in the name of the future spouse

Ancient divination

Card reading

All four kings are chosen from a deck of cards, and for each the girl makes some male name. The remaining deck must be carefully shuffled and begin to lay out cards one by one under each king, under which card the ace of hearts will fall, which means that this will be the name of the future husband. It is believed that the earlier the ace of hearts comes out of the deck, the more accurate the divination.

Divination by the book

You need to take a directory of names and randomly open any page. The first name that catches your eye will be the name of your future husband.

If they are guessing from an ordinary book, then they guess the page number, line and words in the line. The first letter of the intended word will correspond to the name of the betrothed.

Divination with a pendulum

The pendulum is preferably made of silver or, which should be hung on a thin strong thread about 20 centimeters long. All the letters of the alphabet are written on a piece of paper. The fortuneteller puts her hand with the pendulum in the center of the table and lets it stop completely, and then begins to slowly lead her hand through the letters, trying not to swing it. Above which letter the pendulum begins to swing or spin, it means that the name of the future beloved man will begin with this letter.

Fortune telling on apple peel

You need to carefully peel the apple so that it does not tear, then you should throw the peel with your right hand over your left shoulder. The shape of the peel when falling to the floor will be a clue to the first letter of the name of the future husband. Girls with a rich imagination are sometimes even able to read the whole name of the person destined for them by fate.

Divination by the Moon

Guessing should be on the new moon. You need to stand at the window and look at the new moon, trying not to blink. Then the following words should be pronounced: “Hello, Selena, I ask you to reveal to me whom I will marry.” After that, you need not talk to anyone and go to bed. In a dream, a future husband or his name should be dreamed.

Modern methods of divination in the name of the betrothed

New methods of divination are very popular in the world. Now the TV, computer, radio and telephone have come to the aid of the girls.

Divination by radio

It is necessary to turn on any radio station at random and the first male name heard will correspond to the name of the future spouse.

Divination on TV

You should concentrate and turn on the TV. The first man seen on the screen will be the symbolic embodiment of the future husband. He will have the same hair color, figure, age and name.

Divination by phone

You need a random phone and if a man picks up the phone, then ask what his name is.

Divination by computer

You should mentally form a question and enter it into any search engine. The first link and picture that appears will be the answer to the name of the future lover.

Every girl has a moment when she wants to know about the future family life and your other half. That is why fortune-telling in the name of the future husband will never lose its relevance.

Fortune-telling will help to open the curtain of secrecy, learn about future family life and your other half

Today there are many magical ways satisfy your curiosity. The representatives of the weaker sex at least once thought about who and when they will go down the aisle, and fortune-telling will allow you to open the curtain of secrecy.

Simple Christmas Divination

Divination for the future husband will be as accurate as possible if the ritual is performed on Christmas Eve.

Before finding out the name of the future husband, the girls carefully prepared for secret rituals. It has long been believed that if you go out into the street on Christmas Eve and find out the name of the first guy you meet, then the same will be with the betrothed.

You can use another proven method. Before you go to bed, take a few scraps of paper and randomly write one name on them. The notes are placed under the pillow. After waking up, the first thing we do is take out one of them at random and look at the name. Everything, fortune-telling is completed!

Such simple ways does not satisfy everyone, so girls try to use more serious methods to satisfy their curiosity.

Fortune telling using a ready-made table

Fortune-telling in the name of the future husband according to the table also cannot be called particularly difficult, but it already carries a deeper meaning. The method is based not only on observations, but also on proven facts, which indicate that the presence of the same letters in the name of the wife and husband indicates mutual understanding and happy marriage. And the more matches there will be in your names, the greater affection and love will be in the family.

It’s enough just to remember the guys with whom you had a romantic relationship at first sight. Most likely, Olga cannot forget - Oleg, Leonid or Igor.

Having studied the following table, girls will be able to learn a lot of interesting things not only about their future husband, but also about any person from their environment. If fortune-telling in the name of the future husband using a table with numbers makes it possible to find out what the name of the person chosen by fate will be, then using the table of letters of the alphabet, you can calculate the main spiritual qualities of the applicant for the hand and heart.

A - a letter symbolizing a man as a true workaholic

Letter The main character traits of a man
A Can't imagine life without work. A true workaholic, especially if work is a favorite thing.
B A risky copy, a supporter of love adventures, extreme travel and risk in business.
IN A person who plans every day of his life and slowly but surely conquers the peaks created in fantasy dreams.
G Men are distinguished by squeamishness and minimal patience.
D The main feature is the desire to occupy a leading position, even if you have to go over the heads.
E An open person, striving for power at any cost. But with the truth in mind and in deed.
AND Esthete and gourmet. He wants to bring everything he has started to perfection.
W A reliable guy who is ready to lend a helping hand at any time and help in solving problems.
AND Differs in sanity and a thorough approach both to work and to creating a family.
TO A stubborn cunning who can hide his true intentions under the guise of purity.
L Man accepts only comfortable life. If food, then delicacies, if a woman, then the queen.
M A desperate experimenter who prefers travel to being at home and seeks to learn new things from his own experience.
H A person is selective in friends and loved ones. His actions speak of true feelings.
ABOUT A principled conservative, which often spoils his personal life because of the fear of revealing himself. Misses a lot of opportunities because of this.
P He strives for victory not for the sake of glory, but simply for the sake of proving to himself that any impregnable peak can be taken.
R Faithful not only to his soul mate, but also to the goal and dream.
WITH Strives for fame and glory, has a sparkling charm that can help achieve what you want.
T A person who loves constant change, and diversity in all directions. Constant little things just annoy him.
At He tries to achieve his goals, resorting to cunning tricks. He can hide his true views from others well.
F A purposeful owner who will defend his rights at any cost and will not give offense to relatives and friends.
X Responsiveness and friendliness are the main features of these men.
H People who do not seek self-interest in friendship and love, but constantly strive to help and find justice.
W Resistant to panic in extreme conditions while maintaining sober look and coldness in all situations.
E A prudent man, seeking to make a profit and benefit by any means.
YU Narcissism, overestimation of their capabilities, which prevent them from building harmonious relationships.
I An ardent thinker who enjoys his mental faculties and deductive skills.

I am the letter representing a male thinker enjoying his deductive powers

Card divination

Such a direction as fortune-telling on cards is also very common among the fairer sex. To understand how the chosen guy feels for you, it is enough to know him full name and the next schedule. We carefully mix the cards and arrange them in piles according to the number of letters in the name of the betrothed. The pile on which the last card from the deck is placed is laid out next.

When the last pair of piles is on the table, fortune telling goes to the next level. Now we open with each of them simultaneously on the map, if their name matches, the pair is put aside. After all the cards have been sorted out, the most interesting thing begins - deciphering the meaning of the matched pairs.

The decoding of this fortune-telling on the cards in the name is as follows:

  • 6 - the guy dreams of a meeting;
  • 7 - waiting for a conversation;
  • 8 - very bored;
  • 9 - no doubt loves;
  • 10 - considers your character ideal;
  • B - jealous;
  • D - like your appearance;
  • K - the chosen one wants to kiss you;
  • T - all thoughts about sex.

The letter "T" warns: a man thinks only about sex

Such fortune-telling playing cards it may not answer global questions, but it will help create a certain impression of what a person thinks about you and your relationship.

If you have Tarot cards at home, you can use them for divination for a loved one, for having feelings for a fortuneteller and a joint future.

The main thing in the process of working with any cards is to believe them, focus on the result and the truthful answer. The fortune-telling deck is used only new, this personal item fortuneteller. It is important that other people's hands do not touch it.

Before guessing, carefully shuffle the deck and take out seven cards at random. The selected cards are placed face down on the table. They will tell the whole story of the relationship:

  • the first card will tell about your condition and readiness for marriage and general attitude to marriage;
  • the second card will tell you exactly when you will meet your betrothed, how there will be a meeting and in what place;
  • the third card will more specifically describe the circumstances of the meeting so that you get to know your other half;
  • the fourth card will tell about the personality of the betrothed, sometimes it can even tell the main features of his appearance;
  • the fifth card will tell whether this young man is the destiny of fate or came into your life by accident;
  • the sixth card contains information about your family life with your spouse after the wedding;
  • the seventh card is the result of the whole alignment, she gives advice on marriage with the chosen man.

In the process of fortune-telling on cards in the name of a lover, it should be borne in mind that information will come up regarding your real chosen one who is going through fate. If general information turns out to be unreliable, then this suggests that none of the men who are next to you on this moment will not become a husband.

To find out what will be the betrothed and your future living together, then you can tell fortunes next to your husband in this way.

We take our working deck cards and draw kings from it. Before going to bed, we put them under the pillow, pronouncing a certain conspiracy. One caveat - you can’t read words from pieces of paper, you need to learn by heart. This rule applies not only to this fortune-telling. All conspiracies must be recited by heart.

Early in the morning, just after opening your eyes, put your hand under the pillow and choose one card. The suit of the king will become the basis of predictions:

  • The king of spades is a groom with a difficult character, but wealthy.
  • Cross King - big love husband, but at the same time promises many tears in family life.
  • The King of Hearts is a calm husband and a happy family life.
  • King of diamonds - predicts misunderstanding and abuse between you and your husband.

The king of diamonds predicts frequent conflicts in the family

How to see your soulmate in a dream

All exciting questions, hidden thoughts and even pictures from the future can emerge during sleep.

The universe does not separate the present and the future, so it is quite real to see your future about a dream by launching a program with the help of a certain conspiracy.

First way. If you want to see your betrothed in a dream, this can be done by the following method. We take a bread crust and put a note with a conspiracy into it: “I leave a piece of bread under my pillow for you, my betrothed, come, treat yourself, appear to me with your face.” The girl dresses in a spacious nightgown and loosens her braids.

If during sleep it was not possible to consider the appearance or it was forgotten after waking up, the procedure can be repeated. However, if the dream carried negativity, it is better to abandon the second attempt and just forget everything.

The next divination, which is carried out before going to bed, is called the "bridge". To see your future husband in a dream, you need to take a deep vessel and pour into it clean water. The rims of the plate are connected with a wooden plank, after which the structure lies under the bed. Just before going to bed, a certain spell is slandered on a plate of water. future husband must surely dream.

Thus, it will not be possible to find out neither the last name nor the first name, but only to determine the appearance and other habits young man walking with you through fate.

Recognize the name of the husband by the lines of the hand

You should not look for a name in your palm, but the first letter can be determined in the following way. Ask someone you know to make a "nettle" on the arm below the shoulder. After this procedure, carefully look at the pattern of red stripes, among them you can consider the first letter with which the name of the person destined for the girl by fate begins.

When a girl sees her chosen one, she will understand it immediately. A wave of lightness and warmth will pass through the body. The girl will immediately feel that it is with this person that she is easy and at ease. You may even want to live with him for the rest of your life.

And it doesn’t matter how you searched for your betrothed, using divination in the name of your betrothed according to a table with numbers, card layouts or cast prophetic dreams, the important thing is that he appeared and seeks to give his chosen one family happiness.

Fortune telling about your future husband will be a great way to save yourself from family troubles and predict the habits and desires of your future chosen one.

In the article:

Divination for a future husband for single women

If you are not yet married, you have the opportunity to find out about your future family happiness with the help of fortune-telling for your future husband. Not a problem if you are not in a relationship with men now, with the help of divination on the cards, you can easily find out about someone you have not yet met on your life path.

For this layout, any cards can be used - both Tarot and ordinary playing cards, if they were previously used only by you for predictions, and not for playing. Shuffle the deck as you normally would. Place the first card on the table at random, face down. Below it, lay out six cards in three rows, a pair in each row. In total, seven cards should turn out, which will tell about who you will live in marriage with.

  • First the card represents you, your condition and mood for finding a husband and gaining family happiness. Maybe it's all about marriage.
  • Second the card will tell you when you will meet your husband. It indicates exactly the time, perhaps some period of life, sometimes reveals the place.
  • Third talks about the circumstances under which the meeting will take place and what it will be like. Thanks to this information, you will not miss your betrothed.
  • Fourth describe the personality and sometimes even the appearance of the one who marries you.
  • Fifth the card tells whether this person is destined by fate.
  • sixth- how life will develop after the wedding, what will your family life be like in general.
  • seventh the card will give advice on marriage and relationships with a future spouse.

Divination in the name of the future husband

With the help of fortune-telling, you can find out not only the qualities of the future husband, but also his name. There are many ways to obtain this information, but they do not work for everyone. To get a true prediction, concentration and the ability to create the right mood are very important, then you can easily find out the name of the one with whom you have to play the wedding. Do not forget about others.

During the new moon, the name can be recognized in a dream. Before going to bed, you should open the window, sit on the windowsill or near the window for a while and spend a little time concentrating on what you want to achieve. After that, the following words are spoken:

Selena, welcome! Please tell me the secret of who will be my husband

Then immediately go to sleep. On this night, you can’t talk to anyone, take phone calls and open the door for someone. Try to make sure that no one disturbs you in advance.

In the old days, it was popular with the help of an apple. With a sharp knife, it is necessary to peel it from the peel so that it forms a spiral. The peel is thrown behind the back right hand over the left shoulder, and then look at what letter it became like after the fall.

If you have several admirers, you can find out which one you will marry. You can use this fortune-telling in another situation, for example, write the names of all the guys you know and add one more word "stranger". They write names on the same paper, but at a respectful distance from each other. Then they take a ring on a thread or, if you know how to guess on a pendulum, you can use it. In no case should you use it, its magic, according to signs, can completely distort the result. By the movement of the pendulum, they predict what name the betrothed will have. Sometimes they do this when divining for a future guy, it is believed that over the name of a person who is somehow connected with you, the ring will behave differently than over other names.

Fortune telling for the future with a man "Future husband"

First, from right to left, lay out seven cards on the table so that they form a semicircle. Place the eighth over the fifth card, the ninth - over the third, and the last, tenth - over the fourth. Now you can begin to decipher the prediction and make a decision about the wedding and future family life.

  • First the card speaks of your expectations from family life and from the person you are going to make your spouse.
  • Second he will tell you what kind of husband a young man will turn out to be, whether he will meet your expectations and whether life with him will correspond to your ideas.
  • Third the card is his attitude towards you, and how it will change after marriage.
  • Fourth- his relationship with your parents.
  • By value fifth cards judge his thriftiness, ability to earn money and be useful to his family.
  • sixth the card will tell which of the chosen one will be the father.
  • seventh - intimate relationship after marriage.
  • eighth talks about the probability of birth healthy child this couple.
  • ninth the map will warn you of the inclination specific person to change.
  • Last, tenth the card will give some advice about the guy and the relationship with him.

In general, these fortune-tellings tell about who will be your real chosen one and do not apply to short-term partners, therefore, if your life goes against interpretations, it only means that you have not yet met your life partner destined for you.

In this article:

Divination for future marriage - common magical rite used by women and girls for many centuries. With the help of such a ritual, you can predict at what age you will get married, and even who will be your chosen one.

Divination for the future husband

There are a huge number of fortune-telling methods for marriage, some of them may seem ineffective and even ridiculous, but you must respect each of these methods, because our ancestors believed in them and trusted the information received with their help.

Ring Ritual

Many young girls ask themselves the question: “When will I get married?”. If this question is also relevant for you, you can use this divination technique. To do this, you will need a clean transparent glass without drawings and inscriptions.

Pour three-quarters of water into a glass and slowly lower your wedding ring into it so that it is in the very center of the bottom. Wedding ring anyone will do, the main thing is that you thoroughly clean it before the ritual (you can leave it for a while in running water or just under running tap water).

Together with a glass and a ring, retire to a dark room, no one should bother you, moreover, even harsh sounds from the street or from neighbors' apartments can knock you down at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, this ritual is best performed at night, when most people are already asleep.

Light a candle in the room, put a glass on the table. Sit next to a glass and prepare to wait. You will need to concentrate and look at the very center of the ring lying at the bottom of the glass. This can take a lot of time, so sit comfortably, do not cross your legs and arms so that they do not become numb and do not distract you. According to ancient beliefs, if you concentrate and peer into the ring long enough, you can really see the face of your betrothed.

Divination with a mirror

"At what age will I get married?" - this is a question that is asked by very young girls, they are very interested when they, like their mothers, will have a husband. Seriously, this question is already being asked by girls in their teens.

This method of divination was very popular on Christmas Eve. To carry it out you will need: 2 church candles, two small mirrors and a quiet, dark place in your own home. When midnight comes, place the larger mirror in front of you, at arm's length, and set the second so that it reflects the image from the larger mirror.

Install lighted candles on the sides of the mirrors, they should be located approximately in the middle between you and the installed mirrors. After that, repeat the phrase 5 times:

“My betrothed, mummer, you show me in the mirror, you are reflected in it. Let it be so. Amen".

At this time, try to peer into the mirrors as closely as possible. At this time, one of the mirrors should be covered with a light haze, and then the image of the future husband usually appears on it.

Use only personal or new lights

At the same time, you must remember that any magical work with mirrors - difficult task even for an experienced esotericist, there is always the possibility that something can go wrong. In the case of fortune-telling, when making certain mistakes, you can call not the appearance of your betrothed, but some otherworldly entities which can bring you a lot of trouble.

When you see the image in the mirror, look at it carefully, memorize the facial features to find out if you meet him in life, and then say "Stay away from me." With this old phrase you must drive away the delusion.

Fortune telling with a stocking

Many girls ask themselves: "Will I get married?". Usually this question arises after a failed relationship, or when a woman reaches a certain age and begins to doubt that she is destined to meet her destiny. If you are really interested in the possibility of marriage, you are well suited this way future predictions.

Put on one new stocking late at night and go to bed. When you lie down in bed, close your eyes, think about how you would like your future husband to be, then open your eyes, peer into the darkness for a while, and say the words:

“My betrothed, my mummers, come to me quickly, undress me, and live. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If in a dream you see a person who will try to take off your stocking, then you will definitely get married, moreover, the person in the dream is your betrothed.

You can find out the name of the future husband with the help of ancient fortune-telling. There are many ways fortune-telling for a husband. We present you the most accurate and simple, which any woman can use. Before any such fortune-telling, it is important to form in your head the image of the person you would like to see next to you; this will help you tune in to the fortune-telling process itself.

Divination in the name of her husband according to the book

Take any book. It is advisable to choose fiction. If the book is about love, even better. Open the book to a page equal to your birthday. Write down the letter that the page starts with. Then open the page equal to the day of the month of birth and do the same. Next, open a page equal to your father's birth date and also write down the first letter on this page. So you have three letters. These letters will be the initials of the name of your future spouse.

How to find out the name of your husband with the help of your relatives

It is believed that a woman chooses a man who looks like her father as her husband. Psychologists say that this is true. Sometimes it comes to the ridiculous: the girl's husband becomes a man whose name is like her father. It happens that when choosing a life partner, a woman is driven by generic instincts. In this case, as a husband, she receives not only a person similar to her father, but also a name that is most often found in the paternal lineage.

So if you want to know the name of your future husband, then you need to find the most popular male name among your father's relatives. That will be the name of your chosen one.

How to find out your husband's name with wax

This ancient divination must be done late in the evening. You will need a candle and a dish of water. Light a candle and ask about what you want to know. Let the candle melt a little, and then tilt it over the saucer and start dripping wax into the water. After a couple of seconds or minutes, the wax will harden on the surface of the water in the form of one letter or several. This will give you the opportunity to find out the name of your future husband.

If you want to get reliable information, then you should not do it too often. Remember the saying: do not guess often - you will lose your life. One time is enough to see the future. If the future is in no hurry to reveal its secrets to you, then it means that the time has not yet come. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.09.2014 09:05

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