Business lady: personal experience of leaders. Children's things under the order

Schizoid type

First of all, let us note the core of the type that has already been discussed, the very nature of the connection "man - the outside world."

rod type- This inwardness, this is a weak, loose connection with the outside world.

The main thing that guides a person of this type is his inner world, the internal mechanisms of the psyche. And the outside world is much less important for schizoids. Schizoids, in comparison with other types, receive signals coming from the outside world very limitedly, they are tuned not to receive signals and not to be oriented to this outside world. Schizoids are types that are closed within themselves. Closed in their basis, in their structure.

Turning inward is the basic position for understanding the schizoid type. What follows from this position?

First of all, it is independent thinking. Schizoids are always independent in their thinking. However, this does not mean that schizoids are always high in their thinking, that they always rise to high levels of intelligence. Not at all. They have any level of intelligence, as in any other characterological type, from high to very low. This also does not mean that the thinking of the schizoid is necessarily creative; absolutely not.

But the thinking of the schizoid is always independent.

How to imagine it?

Schizoids almost do not accept ready-made positions, ready-made forms, ready-made ideas. That is, formally - they are very poorly trained. They do not simply remember what is called, taking on faith what is said to them. In a somewhat exaggerated form, it looks, for example, like this: if they are told that when crossing the street they should not look forward, but to the left and right, then they do not remember this as a given. They first check this position; they must understand why it is necessary to look to the right and to the left, when it is established, what it gives, when it is already established, whether there are cases when this rule should not be followed. And only after that they will accept this rule, after they understand, assimilate, realize to the depth the whole inner meaning of this provision, no matter how simple it may be.

The independence of thinking of schizoids does not necessarily make them non-conformal. They are also conformal. But even then they ... are so conformal (!), - because all the provisions have been verified and accepted by them. Verified, not just memorized! And this means that they are very stable and can be very conformal, unshakably conformal. But the same property - verification and independence - the property, as it were, of "Thomas the Unbeliever" - can also create non-conformity. Because they will accept something for themselves, but they don’t accept something, they don’t comprehend the need for such a position (for example, some kind of social rule, obligation, etc.). And then the set of representations they get is partially conformal, sometimes - strongly non-conformal - and they are very different from those around them. (This is already decided by the coloring of their emotional sphere, upbringing, intelligence level, direction of needs, etc.).

Thus, schizoids in the process of their development can develop as conformal people and as non-conformal people. But such an opportunity is given precisely by this property - the independence of thinking.

More often than not, they are non-conforming. Because, after all, the whole wide conformal set of ideas, recommendations (personal, social, - any) is collected from the practice of the social life of a given culture, which includes people with a wide variety of inclinations. The conformal set is, as it were, the sum of the assessments and positions of social life, and much of this set is not suitable for schizoids; they do not accept much, so more often they are formed non-conformal.

They are very conformable low levels intelligence, because they take centuries of selected forms of life of human society. They accept these positions, test them, and become unshakably conformal.

It can be very tentatively imagined as follows: the lower the level of intelligence of a schizoid, the more likely it is that he is conformal; and the higher the level of intelligence of the schizoid, the more likely it is that he is non-conformal.

And envy is all from the same property - from the independence of thinking. Schizoids are masters in their positions, ideas. To master them, they must test them - they take nothing for granted.

Depending on the same property - independence of thinking - on different levels Thinking in schizoids develops various tendencies that coexist and coexist in this type.

Schizoids are easier than other types to generalize in thinking; schizoids are characterized by generalization. And this generalization is the greater, the higher the level of intelligence.

Schizoids are a little specific. It develops again under the influence of the same property - independence of thinking, they are not delayed by the usual approaches. They easily bypass these approaches familiar to others and can approach the same phenomenon again and again from different angles. Therefore, they solve different problems in different ways.

So it turns out that at high levels of intelligence (or average, but closer to the highest) - these are people of very productive thinking, these are theorists, people with a theoretical mindset, with good generalization, with a peculiar approach to mental tasks. At high levels of intelligence, they are excellent thinkers. However, this depends not only on the independence of thought, but also on their main property, on turning inward, on a weak, unstable, loose contact with the outside world. After all, it follows precisely from this that they have little concrete material, concrete manifestations in life. And when they go for a big generalization, this begins to have an effect: they break away from the concrete expressions of those generalizations that are available to them. Therefore, they become somewhat formal. In this regard, these are people who are the most capable in the sciences, easily operating with formal ideas. These are excellent thinkers, since they do not need anything specific from the outside world for this; they are good at generalization and this is quite enough. But that is precisely why they are bad biologists (because they are poorly connected with the external concrete world).

schizoids are very good physicists, mathematicians, historians, excellent philosophers. As for the sciences of the biological direction (including even chemistry, biochemistry), it goes much worse for them. Because here everything must be confirmed by specific material, and it is difficult for them to obtain specific material, since they have no tendency to communicate with the outside world and their distinction between specific details is poor.

But sometimes, rising to the "tops of creative heights", to abstract, abstract levels, schizoids experience difficulties: contact with these higher levels begins to affect, as it were, with an "inflection" in the opposite direction - the lack of specificity reduces their orientation. Because the nearest external world, especially the human environment, the material processes of the surrounding human life are poorly accessible to them. They have such a poor command of specific forms and manifestations that it begins to create a gap, not providing their orientation and adaptation.

Hence the famous historical anecdotes about all these kinds of scientists who boil their watches while looking at an egg are born. Such manifestations are indeed inherent in them, although not in such an anecdotal form. They don't know much. (The fact that they operate well at abstract, abstract, higher levels of generalization applies only to those of them who have a high level of intelligence.)

At a low level of intelligence, the schizoid is simply straightforward. Theoretical generalizations are not provided by intelligence, but there is still not enough specificity (because schizoids with a low level of intelligence also have a bad connection with the world - it does not improve from the inaccessibility of the upper level). So it turns out: there is not enough specificity, and there is not enough flexibility to somehow connect the available specific data with each other and select everything necessary. Therefore, such schizoids are simply straightforward - these are "rhinos". They are straight forward and rigid.

And now, if you look at the type of schizoid with the eyes human environment, humanity, it turns out that this type includes both those who are called "oaks" and "stupid people", and those who make up the stratum of theorists of higher spiritual problems.

Moreover, the appearance of both those and others is very definite and very pronounced. Because, as we see, it depends on the same properties - poor communication with the outside world, lack of tendency and activity of channels of communication with it. Therefore, the level of complexity of thinking, the level of intelligence scatters them over the entire range: from creative theorists to dullards. None of them have a tendency to turn to outside world. They have a poor search, they process within themselves what they have, and almost never can get additional (even necessary for themselves) details. It is, as it were, either "spiritual blindness" or "internal short-sightedness." They do not want to look at the outside world, which they have as if in a fog.

Most schizoids, based on such a construction of thinking, are characterized by some peculiarity of judgments. Moreover, this originality, again, is located over the entire range - from a peculiar grasp of the very subtleties that are closed from others, the essence itself, some original hidden turn - and at the other pole - up to the fact that only the very essence is captured, which, according to compared with the general conformity, has lost all its volume.

The assessments of the schizoid are either very accurate and subtle, or straightforward and insufficiently colored (in the sense of emotionality and in the sense of the versatility of the phenomenon) - the essence is captured, but its different shades and facets are not captured, therefore the assessment is both correct and insufficient.

Schizoids are characterized by rigidity of control. It is related to the same. Schizoids control, rigidly check everything: their decisions, their own actions, the proposed material, information from the outside and sensory information. Literally, a measuring tool is superimposed on everything - everything is subjected to control, up to one's own behavior.

Thus, schizoids develop immobility of mental stereotypes. These are people of a very sustainable approach.

This does not mean that they do not assimilate other and additional ones. The set of these mental stereotypes increases, but they do not lose the former ones. Therefore, the schizoid is not changeable, but stable.

Now let's try to move from thinking to another level.

In contact with people, schizoids turn out to be convincingly stubborn in their positions, statements, theories. It is extremely difficult to convince them. The schizoid does not give up until a series of thunderous blows follows the same position, a huge number of arguments are given. All these arguments are checked, controlled, weighed. Everything continues to be tested; other ways of reasoning are offered ... And only when the schizoid is completely convinced (and it takes a huge amount of time and a powerful, unrelenting pressure is needed) - he finally gives up his position, changes it or takes a different position.

This is completely opposite to the behavior of an hysteroid, which does not cost anything to convince by presenting him with one argument, but rather emotionally colored. The hysteroid instantly renounces his conviction or position, but, having refused, he does not admit it (although he internally refused a long time ago, outwardly he continues to assert the same thing - “honor of uniform”! ..). Schizoids are the opposite: it is extremely difficult to convince them, however, if they are convinced, they immediately announce it.

The same can be said about the behavior of schizoids - they never "cover up". In terms of behavior, these are sincere people. They renounce their old (outdated) position publicly.

Schizoids are stubborn not in behavior, but in thinking. What is their inner world, so it is declared - if it is declared at all.

Another feature of the schizoid is the difficulty of deviating from the topic. The schizoid clings to the topic of his thoughts, to the topic of a conversation or dialogue (if it is a dialogue), and independent work, one on one with yourself. And he does not allow himself to be led away from this direction. This is easy to see in external forms. For example, characterologically it is very easy to distinguish some article in any field of science written by a schizoid. The article of the schizoid is always built directly, link by link, along the main path of reasoning. You can see this in literature as well. Deviations, returns, with a change of place and time - are not typical for schizoids. The same is true in conversation. When talking with a schizoid, you can say: "... But, by the way, it happens that ...". The schizoid will stop you and say that you are still talking about the main thing, and not about the details, even if they are related to the main topic of the conversation. This will be discussed later. And if he does not say, he will not answer - he will remain silent only for reasons of good breeding.

Contact with schizoids is always difficult. Because contact with a person or a group of people requires an appeal to these people, and the schizoid is turned to himself. But schizoids are not egocentric. If hysteroids are turned to contemplation of their properties, qualities, their behavior, position, then schizoids are turned to the content of their inner world, to topics, phenomena, phenomena that interest them, and not to their personality. And turning to people is difficult for them.

The contact of the schizoid is determined by the situation and necessity, and not by the need of the schizoid himself.

The contact of the schizoid is selective (if there is an opportunity to choose). If the need suggests that you need to communicate with people of a certain profession, certain occupations, and there is a choice - the schizoid chooses; there is no opportunity - communicates with those with whom it is necessary.

I would like to emphasize once again that in order to understand many characterological properties of any type (and especially such as a schizoid), one must remember and rely on the representation of a system, an integral characterological system. Those. individual features, properties are not adjacent, but are coordinated into a system.

Consider, for example, the schizoid way of thinking. And now let's imagine what the schizoid's criteria for determining a person are at any given moment. First, they are not specific enough; secondly, they, like judgments, are peculiar; thirdly, schizoids are people with tight control, skipping minimal emotional overlays. The schizoid is not turned to the person, he does it by force. Therefore, the degree of penetration and trapping of a person in a schizoid is very weak.

Schizoids are people with a very weak degree of empathy, their orientation is strictly mental, and the set of criteria is not specific enough. Therefore, they grasp a person in a situation of communication with him somewhat formally. The schizoid does not take into account some informal colors and turns, does not capture human tendencies. And, of course, in doing so, it often encounters dissatisfaction, cases of misunderstanding. There is a mutual tension in the contact. The schizoid often misunderstands the mood of a person in contact, his desire, fear, ability to respond to signals. Same for tempo. joint activities. The schizoid works at his own pace, not catching and not taking into account someone else's - he does not know how.

And since the schizoids do not know how to capture the shades of the situation and the possibilities of the contact partner, their assessments, the criteria for assessments, although completely correct, are insufficient. Therefore, from the very beginning, contact is difficult for him and for his partners in contact. Then, to this is added the fact that schizoids unexpectedly encounter protest, alienation, coldness. This can already cause tension before the upcoming contact. Schizoids know that their contact is incomplete, therefore they always tense up (contact is undesirable for them), but they do not blame people for this, they do not treat people worse because of this.

Likewise, the forms external manifestations schizoids, for example, speech. They use emotionally colored vocabulary less than people of other types; they use more generalized concepts, and their speech becomes less intelligible. But this is precisely what schizoids control poorly. To take someone else's point of view, look at yourself from the outside, listen to yourself, schizoids do not know how. But they know the consequences of this (they know that they are often misunderstood or misunderstood). Sometimes they get angry at this, change terminology, words, but everything remains at the same level - and schizoids get annoyed when they are forced to repeat, it offends them.

If such people also have some kind of internal difficulties, if there have been such episodes in their lives more than once, then such schizoids become sensitive.

At this time, the schizoid already had a need to relieve the existing tension, especially that arising in communication with people, but there are not enough funds for this, and it is not possible to relieve tension. Therefore, every failure, every miss has a particularly strong effect - on self-esteem, on well-being, on the coloring of mood. These are the same sensitive schizoids who are wary of a miss, catch it, are afraid and are very painfully worried. On this basis, they become vulnerable, close ...

There are cases (not even among sensitive schizoids) that outwardly look like unexpected, sudden, as if unjustified - the contact suddenly breaks completely unexpectedly, breaks, the schizoid repels a person of close communication, loses him and does not forgive him for something ... Outwardly, this gives the impression of eccentricity, unreasonable, spontaneous act.

In fact, this is not at all the case. Usually this happens against the backdrop of a very deep contact. The deeper the contact, the more reason to believe and fear that it will be hit and broken. Because schizoids are not capable of what Conrad calls the "Copernican turn" - to get out of their position and look at themselves from the side, so that later, returning to their position, to know how people see you, to look at themselves as "strangers » eyes. This turn, which the hysteroids are excellent at (in some position they are able to adapt), is almost impossible for schizoids.

Therefore, the more trust, the deeper the contact, the more such a schizoid ascribes to his close friend his own views, his own properties and his own reactions. He accepts loved one almost like himself and therefore expects a complete match. He believes that you, his friend, should respond to some event, appeal, request in the same way as he does. And the person suddenly reacts differently. Although he loves, is attached, understands a friend - a schizoid, but all the same - after all, he also has some of his own twists and turns.

The schizoid perceives this discrepancy as a betrayal - and does not forgive it.

Therefore, we must remember that this deep, unmetered contact is a very dangerous thing. And if such a schizoid has one friend, to whom he becomes attached deeper and deeper, literally "grows into" him, then the greater the danger that he will lose him, that their relationship will break.

Some parents and caregivers rejoice that a withdrawn, lonely child finds a close friend. But at the same time, we must not forget that the greater the danger that the teenager will push him away, not forgiving him some simple discrepancy. The deeper the contact, the more threatening it is.

In general, schizoids make friends hard and slowly, but keep them for a long time; their contact is stable, though narrow.

Schizoids are loyal, albeit stubborn people. Usually they are tolerant, do not impose anything. They are ready to join in the fate of a person, ready to help him, to promote. But they do it not always well, not always on time - they are clumsy. It happens that in situations of subtle, emotionally volatile, they reach the position of "an elephant in a china shop" - causing harm, wanting to benefit.

Therefore, in their behavior they are inconvenient, clumsy - they miss. Often for this they are accused of stupidity. But this is unfair - this is not stupidity, but a lack of flexibility and subtlety, and sometimes a misunderstanding from a lack of specificity.

They are unique, not stupid. They miss something, but they capture the main thing perfectly. Usually they give people extremely correct characteristics, although (and almost always) incomplete ones. They perfectly grasp the essence of a person, but do not know many of his traits and manifestations.

Now back to one of the main provisions.

Since the schizoid is not turned to the outside world, he does not have other ways and forms of contact (after all, contact can be not only speech, but also motor, facial, intonation). All other (except speech) methods of contact are poorly provided for them. The schizoid has poor expressive motor skills, although this does not prevent them from having very good fine motor skills - good and accurate. They have a beautiful hand, they are accurate in execution, they are usually good masters - designers. Worse than epileptoids because they are idiosyncratic and lack small automated movements and are not pedantic. They have sedentary facial expressions; mimic muscles do not work for expressiveness.

Failure means of expression also works on inferiority contact schizoids. In addition, they express only their general feelings in words, and sometimes they do not express them at all, since they do not have the need to “pour out”. They do not show activity in the conversation, they speak more if necessary, answer questions without asking them.

And when a person needs, for example, sympathy, understanding, empathy, the schizoid can understand, and sympathize, and even empathize, but cannot express it. Therefore, they are considered insensitive, cold.

Schizoids are emotionally adequate and often grasp a person's mood very well. But they do not know how to adjust to someone else's mood, and they are not trusted in this regard. In addition, since these are people of tight control, they do not allow themselves this, even verbally. Because emotions, experiences should not take a leading place (so they think). First of all - logic, first of all - truth and meaning. It is important to find a way out, it is important to help a person. Think, think...

In superficial contacts, this is very disturbing, but in deep ones one must imagine and understand all this, so that even close people do not make mistakes, understand that the schizoid is not insensitive. If you can help, then the schizoid will do the maximum, and express - the minimum. Many do not understand this.

But, true, schizoids are not as superficially sensitive as hysteroids or psychasthenics, who literally feel every slightest breath of mood. Schizoids feel the main thing, and when they feel it, they instantly take a rational direction - not to worry, deepening, but to do something, look for how to correct the situation. And they try to correct - from their point of view, their internal movement, often not falling into the tone of the one for whom they, in fact, act. Therefore, with the best intentions and activity, they sometimes receive a very decisive rebuff, and the rebuff is completely undeserved.

This, in turn, turns them away from contact, because they expect failures in advance, they are afraid of them; this also increases the tension of the contact. The schizoid is always waiting for misfires that are not dependent on them.

This gives rise to an unwillingness to come too close in advance. The contact of the schizoid is always a little bit distant.

In the area of ​​contact, these features of the schizoid create ambitency. On the one hand, they, following the path of rationality, want contacts; on the other hand, they are always afraid of them, because emotional contact is always unpleasant for them. Sometimes this characteristic The schizoid is also noticeable externally, and it is difficult to catch whether such a schizoid person is reaching out to you or repelling you.

In contact, in speech, schizoids avoid precise formulations. This is generated by the fact that from the very beginning, having the experience of being misunderstood by others, they are afraid to pronounce the wording in the form in which they are accurate for themselves. Internally, schizoids are fully aware of the accuracy of the wording, but they spoil it, trying (and not being able) to adapt to their interlocutors. Schizoids very rarely can accurately orient themselves in a situation. At the same time, they very accurately grasp the meaning of the situation, its place in a number of other situations, other events. But they miss the details of the situation. This leads to the fact that they well determine the causes of the situation, its nature, its structure, but very poorly predict the dynamics, do not take into account what turns are possible in it. And in contact with people, the prognosis is often more important than the causes.

The next turns of the situation are not available to schizoids, but for longer periods they succeed better than others.

The same tendency to generalization is to blame for these failures: schizoids take the level a little higher than necessary, skipping what is nearby. After all, there may be delays, interventions of some extraneous factors that change the rhythm and course of the situation. Their something schizoids and do not take into account.

Schizoids know and control their similar tension, inaccuracy, but they treat it differently - depending on their emotional reactivity, sensitivity, more or less high. Sometimes they experience their failures very painfully, sometimes they get used to, agree with this situation; they live like that - they have no other attitude in the environment.

The higher the intelligence of the schizoid, the less, the weaker his discomfort. At low levels of intelligence, the discomfort is greater, more painful. Because the higher the intellect, the more turns leading schizoids to tolerance, the wider the range of their other interests, the more distractions, the more ways to get not into contact with people, but into theoretical plans of activity.

Schizoids are the only type that has surface and depth. The hysteroid, psychasthenic and epileptoid look exactly the same from the surface to the very depths. Analyzing the characteristics of people of these types, we seem to remove layer by layer, but we find under each layer, in each next, deeper layer, all the same, only more understandable mechanisms.

But the schizoid is a completely different type in structure. Cases of coincidence of surface and depth are rare for him.

Schizoids are closed in contact, peculiar in thinking, therefore they always have a shell that fences them off from the outside world.

This does not at all mean intentional secrecy and fear (such cases do happen, but they are not typical). And a coincidence (on the surface, in behavior - the same as in depth) - for a schizoid is the rarest option.

Sometimes there is a polar variant - one thing on the surface, and completely opposite in the depth. For example, a person adapts to live as an executive, reasonable, fair, rather dry person ... This is how those around him know (on the surface). And in the depths of his soul, he can be a person with great humor, emotionally very sensitive to beauty, gentle, soft, with interests not of a technician - an administrator (as others know him), but internally he can be a passionate musician, poet, etc. This is his inner world, he lives with it, but he does not have the need to show it to someone, to tell it - after all, schizoids are not demonstrative at all.

Sometimes this is expressed in formalized hobbies - remember the same physicists who are almost entirely quite talented poets or humorists (the collection "Physicists are joking"!). They don’t go to any magazines, they don’t offer their poems to anyone, they even read to friends very rarely. And so it remains as long as people manage to somehow get to the bottom of it themselves.

Another option is just a discrepancy: on the surface, the schizoid is one person, but inside, at depth, it is not polar, not opposite, but different. Suppose the same person - outwardly dryish, rational administrator - may turn out to be a little bit an adventurer, a hunter, an athlete in the depths. It's not an opposite, it's just a mismatch.

Another option is the zero depth option. This is formalized in such peculiar formations as, for example, collecting. But collecting is special.

Usually collecting, ie. collectibles are a symbolic thing. A person who collects, for example, stamps, is interested in geography, history, ethnography... This is some kind of area of ​​knowledge, science, and some way to them. Stamps are a representation of some direction of human life (albeit in a distant time), life is not actually social, but historical. Other people collect, for example, butterflies, gems, stones. These are, in essence, people of art, biologists who collect, for example, symbols of creative products.

Along with this, there are collectors who collect things that are not symbols at all (not symbolizing anything). For example, broken knives are not knives of a certain era, or of certain applications. A break is not a representation of any areas of life and thought. Either these are plugs, plugs, any wall inscriptions, announcements (“entrance is nearby”, “puppy is missing”, etc.)

Such "collecting" is one of the most common identification marks of an "empty" schizoid,

Such people know and remember the rules of behavior, social activities. If necessary, they are carried out, but they are never interested in them. This is what emotionally cold people are. They are indifferent, their conscience is always inactive and calm. In the same way (only thinking and "estimating") they form a family - they get married, get married.

In the same way, a woman brings up her children - she does everything for them that is necessary, but she never provides the child with real spiritual warmth. Because I'm not emotionally interested in it at all. (This is not a passionate woman-mother.) Simple - knows how to think, does as it is required, but skipping cases where sensitivity is needed, does not give preference to any of the people. Such people do not actively interfere in the course of events around them, they interfere only when they see that it is necessary to intervene, because “this is how decent people act”, “this is how it is supposed to”. It is not decency itself that “works”, but only knowledge about it.

All of these options are based on different mechanisms.

For example, people are very reserved, but very emotional; close to sensitive, most often give polarity.

The divergent variant is given by people who are not very sensitive, but very reserved.

Coincidence is the most frequent option for people with the least degree of isolation. These are schizoids who find it easiest to turn to the outside world, to the environment. However, this is a relatively rare case.

Finally, there is one more case of this phenomenon - the presence of a special (special) depth covered by the polar surface. These are the so-called reserves - oases. These reserves are usually protected.

Schizoids, who have such an oasis in their depths, something the most precious, intimate - these are just people who are afraid and do not really like it when they "crawl into their souls." They do not open anything, they resist, they try to hide just the most precious thing for themselves.

Emotional reserves are very sensitive places, they are literally the "Achilles' heel" of a person. And if you hit her, the schizoid may die. And it turns out that a person who, in general, is not very secretive (in other areas he allows himself to be questioned quite calmly), in the area of ​​​​an emotional reserve will do his best to defend and defend the inviolability of his reserve. These are cases of great uneven distribution of emotions.

These people in contact are really cold, not just unable to express, but truly cold, reacting badly to everything except this emotional reserve. There they are passionate. All the emotion they have is thrown there and therefore encapsulated. It is this type of people that is most often to blame for the origin of the legend of the "emotional coldness of schizoids."

From a suicidological point of view, this is just the threatened “Achilles heel” of a person.

When a blow hits such an emotional reserve, it is suicide, and suicide is usually completed! It's a complete collapse - on later life there are not enough emotions (she is not emotionally secured) - all ties are torn. As for the rest, they are stable people, not fragile, enduring significant blows in other areas, opposing them without much reaction.

For example, it could be a person who suffered a big professional failure, he had to change his specialization, maybe he lost his authority… Nothing. He recovered. I got a little sad and again sat down at the sources of my information, learned and took a new direction of activity. Slowly and quietly, not paying attention to anyone, he climbed out of the failure. There was no reactive state, there was only some period of gloom - the person turned out to be persistent. He also had periods of severe material shortcomings, illnesses - he withstood everything. And nothing affected his self-esteem.

But his hobby, his reserve is that he is an amateur artist. He makes miniatures, sits, works on them, shutting himself up, and gets great pleasure from his miniatures. He does not reveal this to anyone, except perhaps to his wife, if he loves her very much ... And now, due to some condition (maybe a disease that has not left, in general, serious consequences), he is deprived of the opportunity to engage in this very dear, hidden from all activities. This is a blow that he cannot resist. This is - most often - suicide, or going into alcoholism (and in this case - with a very rapid decay).

On what side are these people most vulnerable, fragile in relation to the occurrence of mental pathology?

Due to their duality, they - if it is due to the situation - seek contact and, at the same time, anticipating failure and understanding its possibility, they repel contact with fear and resentment. In addition, these are people who constantly control themselves, evaluate not only their behavior, but also their thoughts, assessments, experiences.

If, with this strict self-control, a person develops some kind of tendency, some kind of feeling, thought with which he is dissatisfied, would not like to allow their existence in himself, then he acquires, as it were, an enemy within himself. When such a process of rigid self-control is deep and strong, one can afford to imagine the situation as if in the form of two different people in the same person. If one of them feels something, and the other registers this feeling, then the experience itself immediately pales, sometimes even fades away (since there are not two people, but both positions inside the psyche of one person!).

Try to observe, going to the mirror, how you look at the moment of anger, shame ... This will never succeed. Precisely because the very act of awareness (“I am angry ... I am ashamed at the moment ...”) suppresses the experience. And in the mirror you will see ... only attention!

Therefore, people in whom such a division of internal tendencies goes deep, in adverse situations of development and life, gradually become emotionally impoverished, unreactive, lose emotional resonance - sometimes to the point of losing orientation in the situation (especially if these situations are emotionally significant).

We must also understand that this second, “controlling” person does not always “behave” calmly and only gives assessments of what is happening and being experienced. Often he actively protests, hinders, despises, makes you ashamed ... Inside the psyche of the schizoid, a struggle of tendencies begins, reaching very high degrees voltage. In addition, a person becomes dual not only in one-time sensations, but also in assessments and in his motivation. One "half" craves what is disgusting to the other, one hates what the other loves, one of these " inner people”(of which C.G. Jung writes a lot, analyzing them!) thinks what seems to another to be stupidity, nonsense. These two different tendencies, as it were, shape two different people in one person (for example, one of them is a timid, sensitive aesthete, the other is a rational entrepreneur; one is a romantic or a mystic, the other is a cynic and a mocker ...) Such two "persons" cannot get along peacefully; one always wants to get rid of the other. Such ambivalent people are restless, always tense and anxious; in everyday life they are called "nervous".

Of course, not always both tendencies are expressed equally strongly, but in its lesser severity this case is quite frequent.

These two "halves" may represent the "depth" and "surface" of the psyche. Or the change of these “faces” occurs according to the situation, revealing one or the other tendency of a person (which is also analyzed in detail by Jung). Or these trends are distributed across different areas of human activity.

So, for example, a person can be helpless and timid, subordinate - in a family setting, but confident, successful, proud administrator in his professional activities. This is how familiar "two-faced" people are formed, whom, for example, their work environment, their colleagues do not recognize, accidentally seeing in a private, intimate life.

Schizoids of a high intellectual level, or those with some kind of creative inclinations, are usually people of an idea (creative, political, social ...).

From such schizoids, again, the well-known types of so-called fanatics are obtained. And then they have one fairly stable characteristic: they are people of high attitudes - fearless, disinterested, capable of self-sacrifice ... Although there are also reverse cases- stubbornness, cruelty in their state, professional, social life, in the sphere of their ideas. But in privacy they are all inattentive, unceremonious and cold.

Try to trace such examples on the material of historical figures well known to us, remember many of the most talented artists - painters. Their wives were unhappy all their lives, their parents watched their rise and fame almost always from a distance, never being invited to participate in people's lives. The vanity of their closest friends or mistresses (lovers) has always suffered crushing blows. In their personal lives, they were unbearable. This, by the way, forces not very experienced biographers to make efforts to somehow explain or gloss over these manifestations: it seems strange - how can a person who so unusually subtly understand the beauty and depths of life, a person from those who hold the history of human culture , could treat his loved ones so barbarously! This should not be explained or hidden - this is a natural, characterological, typological phenomenon, and there is, in fact, nothing to be surprised at here.

It is curious and simple in this regard to trace the phenomenon on the example of two figures of the same time, acting in the same situation: Marat and Robespierre. Energetic, enterprising, always successful in fast-paced operations, a brilliant ally and leader - Robespierre - was cruel to a level that we would call fascist, if it were possible to apply a term that did not exist at that time to those times. Robespierre had a fascist appearance. It was a deep schizoid.

Next to him, Marat, nicknamed "the friend of the people", did not at all resemble him in appearance. His actions were emotional, first of all - passionate, therefore never reasonable, improvident. He behaved defiantly, theatrically, producing an effect. According to the characterological type, he was not at all a schizoid, but a rather pronounced hysteroid.

Some schizoids with varying degrees of severity of such a duality of the psyche are threatened with increasing loads and adverse life circumstances - mental illness in the form of reactive depressions (primarily and most often - apathetic and anhedonic), reactive psychoses, affective psychoses, neuroses (primarily - neurosis obsessive states), inferiority complexes or inflated self-esteem, with frequent facilitated formation of overvalued ideas.

In conclusion, we list a few characteristic of schizoids, not basic, not necessarily pronounced, but permanent signs their mental activity. This already requires special reflection, deep reflection. It's in numerous studies and observations have been clarified and verified, so that it can just be sort of taken into account.

The volitional manifestations of schizoids are almost never "average", changeable - either they are stable, long-lasting, to the point of complete "ironness", or - lack of will, lack of activity and perseverance, lack of initiative (distancing).

In thinking - an objective setting, not always feasible due to an inferior realistic orientation.

At work - a sense of duty (not always correctly understood) and an uneven social orientation(fixed social attitude or lack of interest in social life are also extremes).

Often - creative talent, or, at least, its elements.

Attention - with excellent concentration, but poor distribution.

Short chains of associations - the whole associative process flows in jerks.

Rigidity of judgments, beliefs, experiences.

Efficiency is uniform, more often - high.

Individual mental pace is high.

Fatigue is sudden.

The volume of perception is narrow.

Switching is difficult.

Representations - often persevering (not changing, or changing slowly).

The form is perceived much better than the color (this should be especially taken into account in pedagogy, when working with children of a schizoid warehouse at school, in the learning process).


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Schizoids: schizoid psychotype The schizoid psychotype is based on the principle of autism, the word "schizoid" comes from the Greek "phisis" - "splitting". Schizoid is not an emotion, it is thinking. Let's define why thinking underlies schizoid

The schizoid personality is one of the rare psychological subtypes, which is based on the desire, on the one hand, for complete independence from others, but also, on the other hand, for complete control over the environment and the situation as a whole. These are the same people who say: I don’t interfere with you, and you, please, don’t interfere with me. But if you've already climbed, please live by the rules that I set. After all, it was you who came to me!

General characteristics of the psychotype (according to Shishkov)

The ideological, symbolic content of the inner world. There are many experiences, feelings (they overwhelm), but most of them do not come out, are not released as emotions. Experiences are transformed into bizarre ideological and symbolic structures and only then are they advertised. A comprehensive, all-encompassing desire (capturing the mind) for the realization of one's ideas-desires (overvalued ideas). These ideas often diverge from the real needs of the organism, the body. Idealization of the desired. The rigidity of territorial, personal boundaries, their upholding. Self-removal from society bordering on its rejection (disgust) and arrogance. The position “I am the king”, “I am the master of my life”, “I am the steward god”, “I am free”, “no one can tell me”.

A person of the schizoid type is always taken out of the context of social relations. This person has great difficulty in expressing any of his emotions, or does it in a very limited range. This is especially evident when interacting with other people. Some people with this mental disorder also have cognitive impairment (their thinking is broken, that is, jumps from one topic to another), perceptual distortions, as well as pronounced originality of behavior in Everyday life(the so-called schizoid-hysteroid personality type).

A person with schizoid disorder does not desire intimacy with other people. He tends to avoid any close relationship, usually not able to experience love. The schizoid personality prefers to spend time alone with his thoughts, rather than communicate with others or be in a group of people. IN normal conditions a person with a schizoid personality type is perceived as a typical "loner".

In addition, the schizoid personality has particular difficulty expressing his anger, even in response to direct provocations. This forms an erroneous opinion among others that such people are cold and insensitive. Often their life seems to be an outside aimless existence. Usually a schizoid personality pursues specific life goals that are incomprehensible to other people. Such people often react passively to adverse situations, it is difficult for them to give an adequate assessment and determine the significance of the most important events in their lives.

Insufficient social skills and a lack of desire for sexual experiences lead people with this disorder to have very few friends and rarely marry. It is very difficult for them to work for hire or engage in intensive work, especially if they labor activity involves constant interpersonal interaction. But the schizoid personality perfectly manifests itself in conditions of social isolation and where remarkable intelligence is required. The examples of many famous scientists, such as Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton, clearly convince us of this.

The schizoid psychotype is formed on the basis of an eccentric model of internal experience and behavior that goes against the cultural norms of humanity. As a rule, signs of eccentric behavior are observed in such people in two or more of the following areas: cognition, managing people, interpersonal interaction, managing their emotions. Their picture of the world is not flexible enough, and schizoid character traits appear in a wide range of personal and social situations.

The schizoid personality is stable in its manifestations throughout life, and the first signs of schizoid personality disorder usually appear as early as adolescence or adolescence. The schizoid type of character is more common among men than among women. Its prevalence in the general population is extremely low, ranging from 3.1 to 4.9 percent.

Causes of schizoid disorder

Researchers still don't know for sure what causes schizoid personality disorder. Different theories name different reasons for the development of a schizoid personality.

A person's personality is the combination of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that makes each person unique. These features are manifested in our attitude to the outside world, as well as in how we see ourselves. Any personality is formed in childhood due to the interaction of heredity and environmental factors.

Under normal personal development children learn over time to accurately interpret social demands and respond to them appropriately. What goes wrong in schizoid children is not exactly known, but it is possible that some factors cause certain problems of personality formation. Features of the functioning of the brain and genetics also play an important role.

Most specialists adhere to the biopsychosocial model of causation. In their opinion, the reasons due to which a person develops a schizoid personality is a combination of such factors: biological, genetic, social (for example, the interaction of a child with family and other children) and psychological (character and temperament, skills to withstand stressful situations). This suggests that no single factor can be considered the leading one - the formation of one or another personality type is a very complex process, which is influenced by all of the above factors. However, studies have shown that there is an increased risk of transmission of the disease from parents to children.

Who is at risk? The schizoid personality type is often observed in members of the same family. You may be at risk if you have or have had relatives with schizophrenia, schizotypal disorder, or any other personality disorder.

Childhood experiences also play a significant role in the development of this disease. Such factors include:

  • emotional and physical abuse;
  • neglect;
  • psychological trauma or constant stress;
  • emotional coldness of parents.


Schizoid personality disorder is characterized by distancing social relations and a limited range of expression of emotions in interpersonal contacts. These personality traits appear from early childhood and come in many variations. Typically, the schizoid personality type includes four (or more) of the following:

Since this personality disorder relies on stable behavior patterns, it is most often diagnosed in adulthood. It is quite difficult to diagnose in childhood or adolescence because the child or adolescent is constantly developing. If this does happen, the above symptoms should be observed in the child for at least one year.

However, the early symptoms of schizoid personality disorder, such as increased interest in individual activities or high levels of social anxiety, are already prominent in adolescence. The child may be a school outcast, or lag behind their peers in their social development, because of which he often becomes the subject of bullying or ridicule.

As with most other personality disorders, the manifestations of the schizoid personality type become more intense with age, so the most pronounced symptoms of this mental disorder appear at the age of 40-50 years.

Harmonious features of the schizoid personality

  1. Stable preferences (I chose to eat, do, etc.).
  2. Respect for other people's boundaries.
  3. Intelligence (respect for oneself and the interlocutor).
  4. Aristocracy (chosen circle, high rules).
  5. Good owners of a large house, households, managers.
  6. Ambitious (to be the best, stand out), conceited.
  7. Clan (my clan, my family, my home).
  8. Smart, well-read, inquisitive.
  9. Rich inner world of ideas, fantasies.
  10. Development of thinking (meticulousness, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction).
  11. Complimentary Respect ( challenging tasks, structures, ideas, etc.).

Disharmonious features of the schizoid personality

  1. Protecting your own territory, borders, even when it is not required (“no need to put pressure on me - I myself know what and how to do”, “this is my home - free the territory”, etc.)
  2. “Everything will be my way” (in my house, territory, family) - with a thirst for personal freedom, denying it to your loved ones.
  3. Fencing oneself off from society (“I really don’t need anyone), isolation in my own world of ideas-desires.
  4. Another logic, often incomprehensible to others, with an unwillingness to be more understandable to others.
  5. Arrogance towards other people ("I'm the smartest"), snobbery.
  6. They do not like, they refuse to help people just like that, from the heart (only from an idea, benefit).
  7. Over-idealization of one's ideas-desires - the difficulties of implementation (“this is not my prince, but some kind of chubby fool”).
  8. “Cynicism, nihilism, sarcasm, orgasm” are the values ​​of the schizoid.

Fear / Discomfort in a schizoid personality causes

  1. Lack of freedom (action, thinking, ideas).
  2. The imposition of other people's ideas, advice (I myself know what and how), coercion (as forms of lack of freedom).
  3. Violation of personal territory (home, family, personality, overvalued idea-desire).
  4. Non-realization of the main overvalued idea-desire.
  5. Stupidity, loss of mind, insanity.
  6. Loss of my self, my integrity, my boundaries.
  7. Necessity in society (they do not like work related to communication).
  8. Someone else's influence on their own destiny (they hate being pawns).

Professions most suitable for a schizoid personality

  1. Analysts.
  2. Scouts, counterintelligence.
  3. Running your own business.
  4. Philosophers.
  5. Science Fiction Writers.
  6. Programmers.
  7. Physics, mathematics.
  8. Bank employees, economists, chief accountants, taxation (implementation of complex tasks).
  9. Theoretical scientists (new vision, complex ideas, incomprehensible).
  10. Directors, artists, inventors (extraordinary).


In general, there is nothing to treat here. It's a personality subtype, not a psychopathy. Accept yourself for who you are. After all, what would have happened if Einstein and Newton had taken up self-medication instead of science? Right. Nothing good would come of it. Yes, a schizoid personality is very prone to depression, but here one must learn to get out of depression. That's all. To finally understand that you do not need treatment - watch the video:

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The schizoid personality type, as a rule, is expressed by introversion, which manifests itself in an enhanced mode. The individual creates an imaginary "dome of comfort", being in which gives peace and measured perception of the realities of life. Interpersonal relationships, usually scarce or non-existent. There is a contrast of perception in relation to other people and animals, that is, a close attachment to representatives of the animal world and alienation in human relationships. Any sphere of life is associated with loneliness and unwillingness to change, compete, and ambitiously achieve something. Even the sexual aspect of life is expressed either in the complete absence of real sexual contact, or in the presence of a short-term relationship, but only in adulthood. This personality type is not subject to fashion trends. In work, their choice falls on an unbearable, difficult activity, from which a common person would refuse.

Examples of "schizoids" among prominent figures

If we consider statistical data on individuals who have schizoid type personalities that are found among the entire population in 7.5% of cases, then we can conclude that a significant proportion of mentally unstable people. Gender separation in identifying the frequency of manifestation of schizoid personalities is not particularly observed, but, according to some reports, the ratio tends to be 2: 1, where the preponderance will be on the side of men.

Surprisingly often among famous figures there are those who have a schizoid personality type. Examples? A lot of them. These are outstanding scientists - Albert Einstein, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, Isaac Newton, and famous philosophers - Immanuel Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, and brilliant composers - Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, and the famous artist Salvador Dali, and many others.

The schizoid type of character is not always the prerequisite for the disease

Any person has inherent traits that determine the schizoid type of character. Thanks to them, an individual can manifest himself as an innovator, a thinker or a person with creative potential. Schizoid character type how a dominant trait of a person can result in him being more devoted to theory than to emotional aspects real life. Average people do not always understand the hobbies of schizoid personalities, sometimes these hobbies even seem bizarre to them.

The main nuance of such behavior is the futility of theoretical ideas. Emotional satisfaction is achieved in the process of solving a problem, and not in its practical implementation. On the contrary, there is a conscious departure from transferring the idea to the commercial sphere. An interesting feature is the schizoid personality type. She expresses her steadfastness about her popularity among the masses or the influence of money.

What is a schizoid in childhood?

Every parent worries about his child from the moment of his birth and, as they say, until gray hair. The schizoid personality type is subject to certain disorders. Treatment is more effective if the deviations appear at an early age, starting from 3-4 years. The child unconsciously withdraws from parental affection and prefers to engage in solitary activities alone. There is an interest in everything philosophical - these can be eternal questions about life and death, and about the emergence of everything that exists, etc.

How does the schizoid position himself in his youth?

At a later age, people with a schizoid personality type can observe a tendency to complex mathematical calculations, but at the same time, a complete inability to solve elementary problems in everyday life. The schizoid personality type, which manifests itself at an early age, usually leads to a progressive form of autism.

As for the drug treatment of the disorder, an ineffective result can be noted. According to statistics, schizoid individuals do not seek treatment for this disease, but are treated for other diseases, in particular, alcoholism. If, nevertheless, a schizoid personality type was diagnosed - what to do in this case, a specialist in the field of psychiatry will advise.

Psychotherapy as the main treatment for schizoids

An effective method of treating a patient with a schizoid personality type is psychotherapy, during which the doctor offers a list of standard emotions that the patient must get to know and try to survive. Role-playing games within the framework of social life can also be offered, the essence of which is to inculcate the generally accepted social behavior, acceptable in certain situations.

Causes of disorder in schizoids

Expressed personality disorder schizoid type manifests itself in the first years of an individual's life. The period of development of this type of disorder is very long.

There is no genetic predisposition to schizoid disorder. Even, for example, at work, the patient can achieve significant success, but only in an isolated area. At the same time, others may not be aware of his illness.

Symptoms of schizoid disorder include:

  1. Emotional indifference or mild emotion in relation to the events taking place around.
  2. A constant state of isolation, thoughtfulness, seriousness and aloofness.
  3. The almost complete absence of the need for interpersonal relationships.
  4. No need to defend your opinion.
  5. Recognition of the truth of information only if it comes from trusted sources, for example, is presented from the words of honored scientists.
  6. Non-standard thought processes, especially in the analytical field.
  7. Helplessness in everyday life.

The most important factor on the way to the relative stability of schizoid personalities throughout life is the correct choice of profession and periodic diagnostics by a psychotherapist.

The result of crossing two radical types

Along with the four dominant personality types, there are also smoothly flowing ones, namely:

I. Schizoid-hysterical personality type.

II. Hystero-schizoid personality type.

Despite the fact that these psychotypes come from the main categories, they are fundamentally different from them. These are self-existing personality types.

The reason for the appearance of such a combination may be the crossing of different personality types of one and the second parent in their child, but only under the condition of clearly defined initial types that have equal strength and do not drown out each other. Most often, in this combination, the schizoid type takes the primary position, and not the hysteroid type, because it is more stable.

Summarizing the above information, we can talk about the separation of the main and secondary types, but without completely suppressing the second. In particular, the individual's need for introversion, which is understood both as isolation, from the point of view of the schizoid, and as the presence of deep contact from the point of view of the need for society, is already a feature of the hysterical personality type.

If you are a schizoid, the test will definitely show it

R. Cattell's personal questionnaire, which is able to conduct both a quick diagnosis of a personality type and an in-depth study of it, has received extensive demand among psychologists. It will allow you to recognize, if any,
schizoid personality type. The test characterizes personality with 16 factors that allow predicting behavioral actions in projection on real world. This technique can be carried out both individually and in groups, capturing various areas of application: personnel, professionally oriented, consulting, etc.

What is the final result of diagnostics according to R. Cattell's method?

Methodology presented 105 professional matters. The questionnaire makes it possible to diagnose with high accuracy the individual traits of a particular person, which are called "constitutional factors", according to the method of R. Cattell. A prerequisite when diagnosing a patient is a time constraint. The technique allows to identify emotional, intellectual, communicative properties, including the ability to self-regulate the diagnosed individual.

Thus, the psychologist receives the final result in the form of a psychographic personality profile.

This professional program is used in the work of various specialists: psychologists, teachers, doctors, personnel specialists, psychotherapists.

The practical significance of the results of diagnostics according to the MMPI2 questionnaire

The second modern method of psychodiagnostics, which is no less important and popular than the R. Cattell questionnaire, is the MMPI2 questionnaire.

Its use greatly simplifies the procedure for selecting applicants, based on the required personal characteristics. Further use of the methodology will help track and identify employees involved in professional activity, which does not correspond to them in terms of the psychographic profile of the person, which will subsequently lead to an increase in productivity and minimization of risks. Programs allow you to install personality traits, the level of intellectual and vocational training, the main motivational impulses for activity, competencies, development potential, etc.

Applications can be varied psychological consultation, vocational guidance, vocational selection, harmonization of relations in teams and much more.

Each person is endowed with certain character traits, which, in combination, make it possible to attribute him to one or another psychological type. The most difficult to diagnose and treat is the schizoid personality type, characterized by isolation and reticence. Such individuals stand out strongly against the background of other people, as they have interests atypical for society.

general characteristics

A schizoid is a person who has a psychological disorder, expressed in an increased need for security. He needs the most secure existence, and therefore he seeks protection in any place and situation.

People with schizoid mental disorder are extremely rare. They differ in non-standard behavior, which often frightens society. For example, they value personal space too much and are not able to let an outsider into it. As a rule, these individuals are aware of their features, but do not like to be mentioned by others.

To ensure their own safety, schizoids use the method of detachment from society. They are comfortable being alone and indulging in dreams and fantasies. Despite this, such people are not alien to human experiences, they just try their best to avoid negative emotions.

An individual with this personality type is rarely accepted by society, he is able to see what others do not see. This feature makes the schizoid engage in solitary activities, such as meditation or some kind of creativity. The detachment and isolation of the personality usually hide the desire to be significant for close people. But since a person does not know how to build long-term relationships and quickly gets tired of communication, intimacy does not arise. This leads to the fact that the schizoid feels more comfortable in the company of animals or small children.

Sometimes schizoid disorder is confused with autism. They are united by a dislike for increased attention. But, unlike autistics, schizoids are able to express feelings and can understand the emotions of other people. They are very smart and talented, but have no desire to acquire close and long-term contacts.

Schizoid disorder can be detected in early childhood. A child with this condition overreacts to external stimuli, such as loud noises or bright lights. Any change in the environment can cause him discomfort, expressed in detachment and screaming. Such children do not like close contact and try in every possible way to escape from the hands of their parents, they may even give up the breast early in order to ensure their integrity and inviolability. Sometimes young mothers associate this with the sensitive skin of the baby or the presence of pain when sucking the breast.

It is possible to identify schizoid accentuation, that is, the hypertrophied development of certain qualities against the background of others, as early as 2-3 years. To do this, you need to pay attention to the behavior of the child and identify the main features.


  • emotional detachment;
  • frequent being alone;
  • difficult adaptation to new conditions;
  • violation of general norms and rules;
  • ignoring the environment;
  • isolation;
  • wild fantasy;
  • inability to express warm feelings.


In adulthood, the schizoid syndrome becomes more and more clear-cut. So, men with this disorder in communication express impartiality and detachment, which for many women seems to be some feature of nature. Such individuals may behave aggressively and strangely, but only for personal protection.

In communication with the opposite sex, such men behave aloofly, which can be interpreted as disinterest. It is easier for them to bring a companion to a secluded place and spend time in silence than to waste energy on beautiful courtship and going to restaurants. From the outside, such individuals seem boring and stingy, and therefore the continuation of communication usually does not occur.


In communicating with a woman of the schizoid type, you can also feel coldness and detachment. She would rather choose a secluded place than have fun with friends. Large crowds of people tire her.

You can identify such a person by appearance. As a rule, she looks extraordinary. For example, this person can calmly come to a business meeting in a light summer dress and an openwork hat, completely unaware that it looks out of place. For a schizoid woman, self-expression is much more important than the norms imposed by society.

A girl with schizoid syndrome is not particularly worried about appearance. This quality is inherent in men with this disorder. Appearance plays a minor role for them, and such people are more likely to hide the stain than try to wash it off. In everyday life, they also have a mess, in which the schizoids themselves are quite comfortable.

Women of this personality type do not tolerate invasion of personal space, and therefore cannot acquire love relationship. They dramatically change their mood, turning from a friendly lady into a closed and unapproachable person. Fear of physical intimacy often drives girls away from relationships with men. If people with a schizoid type still agree to intimate relationship they do it without any emotion. They can start families, have children, but they will remain a mystery to their spouses.


In psychology, there are several classifications of accentuations, which makes it possible to attribute a person with a schizoid disorder to a certain subspecies.

According to Leonhard

So, the German psychologist K. Leonhard identified types of accentuations according to temperament, character and personality type in general. He singled out a demonstrative, pedantic, stuck, excitable, hyperthymic, dysthymic, cyclothymic, exalted, anxious and emotive personality.

  • So, a demonstrative personality is determined by unconscious psychological defense, expressed in the removal from memory of moments that can harm the psyche. Such a person is prone to lies, which, in his opinion, is pure truth. This type is distinguished by an increased sense of self-pity.
  • But the pedantic personality is characterized by excessive concern. In everything and everywhere, such an individual looks for flaws, which causes internal tension.
  • A stuck personality is not able to quickly switch from one experience to another, which makes them return to the lived sensations from time to time.
  • In the excitable type, intolerance is often observed, manifested by outbursts of anger and physical impact. The lower the intellectual abilities of such an individual, the brighter the incontinence manifests itself.

  • The hyperthymic psychotype has an optimistic outlook on life and looks at serious things too frivolously. Whereas the dysthymic type is characterized by increased seriousness and pessimism, which often manifests itself in a tendency to depressive states.
  • Cyclothymic personality is able to change its behavior depending on the situation. But an exalted individual perceives the world around him too closely, and therefore is prone to frequent mood swings.
  • The anxious type is constrained and unsure of himself. Such a person can be rude or rude, but only if he experiences anxiety and insecurity.
  • An emotive person devotes too much time to personal experiences. He is distinguished by soft-heartedness and sincerity, which is easy to detect due to pronounced facial expressions.

According to psychologists, there is no holistic personality type. As a rule, one psychotype is closely related to another. For example, a schizoid can combine the qualities of both a demonstrative and an excitable personality.

By Lichko

Another psychologist, A.E. Lichko, believed that accentuation determines character traits, and not personality as a whole. In his opinion, some qualities can change under external pressure.

  1. The psychasthenic schizoid does not know how to work in a team and is not able to take responsibility for others. He has great knowledge, but cannot voice his thoughts due to indecision and anxious suspiciousness. Such a person is defined by a weak nervous system and a tendency to apathy.
  2. The sensitive schizoid is characterized by hypersensitivity and fragile internal organization. He does not know how to survive troubles and keeps grievances for a very long time. The inability to forgive the offender leads to the fact that such a person constantly replays what happened in his head, which brings himself to neurasthenia. Otherwise, the individual with this disorder is distinguished by modesty and conscientiousness.
  3. The hysterical schizoid has a need for deep solitude and does not need public relations at all. He only makes contact when absolutely necessary. Sometimes this type creates around him a small group of people with whom he occasionally wants to spend time.

Schizoid disorder can manifest itself in two states.

  1. Adynamic- defined by autistic traits. In this case, patients are distinguished by excessive sensitivity and poorly expressed self-sufficiency. They overreact to negative events and cannot stand disputes and scandals.
  2. Stenic- is expressed in increased efficiency in a limited type of activity. These individuals always act cautiously and prudently, and are also distinguished by despotism and lust for power. The sthenic schizoid is not able to acquire friendships and does not know how to work in a team.

Sometimes schizoid disorder is equated with schizotypal, as they have similar symptoms. So, you can define a schizoid with early years, but the schizotype often develops in adulthood. Schizotypal disorder has severe symptoms, which manifests itself in obsessive fears, aggression, outbursts of anger and hallucinations.

The main difference between these two diseases is that, unlike schizoid disorder, schizothymia is not treatable.


To date, there is not a single proven reason that could provoke the development of a schizoid psychotype. All theories are based only on assumptions.

  • Some psychologists believe that the development of this psychopathy is due to an unmet need for communication. They suggest that such children are born in dysfunctional families where there is no love and mutual understanding. Since childhood, these individuals feel parental hostility, and therefore become isolated in themselves and move away from other people.
  • Other scientists suggest that this mental illness occurs against the background of the inability to create a comfortable environment around oneself. Schizoids cannot accept their own shortcomings and are unable to survive failures, and therefore lead a reclusive lifestyle.
  • There is a version associated with cognitive areas of mental activity. They are determined by the blurring of thoughts and the complexity of perception. Such patients cannot catch the emotional state of people, and therefore are simply not able to respond to other people's feelings. This concept assumes the slow development of speech and motor skills in children, regardless of intellectual abilities.

Most psychologists agreed that the schizoid type develops in the presence of several factors. It may be a combination of biological, genetic, social and psychological circumstances that influence the formation of personality.

Methods of therapy

Psychotherapy is usually used to treat schizoid personality accentuation. But if the patient has concomitant mental illnesses, drug therapy should be used.

The best way to deal with this disease is a psychoanalytic approach. He means long work a psychologist who must act as carefully as possible, constantly maintaining a distance. The doctor should not focus on the characteristics of the patient and focus on his originality. To achieve location and trust is possible only by demonstrating the acceptance of non-standard thinking of the schizoid.

You need to understand that few people with such a deviation will independently accept the problem and seek help. As a rule, such people come to see a specialist under pressure from their inner circle. In this case, therapy is unlikely to give the desired effect.

Helping patients cope with their condition is possible through group therapy, in which individuals can accept themselves through the study of similar people. For treatment, a comfortable environment is created, aimed at a feeling of complete safety. Of course, not all individuals are able to relax in an unfamiliar place and trust strangers, but with constant contact, participation in such therapy can be achieved.

In cognitive therapy, the doctor uses methods based on the experience of positive emotions. The patient is invited to explore the full range of feelings and to give the opportunity to understand each of them. In the future, the schizoid must learn to express positive emotions in pleasant situations.

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