Tarot cards crazy moon card meanings. Deviant Moon Tarot - “Favorite working deck in the premium edition. How to work with clients on it? Comparison with the classics. Is it suitable for beginners? Lots of photos and a corporate layout.” Values ​​Senior Ar

Before the Deviant Moon Tarot deck and its Minor Arcana hit the market in 2010, the author had long posted several images of the Major Arcana online, capturing the imagination of Tarot enthusiasts around the world. Patrick Valenza created the first cards of the Major Arcana deck at the age of 15 and began redrawing them in 2004. Fans were desperately clamoring for news, images of other cards, and a final release date. And this joyful moment has come, now the American publishing house U.S.Games has released the long-awaited Deviant Moon Tarot, opening a wide path for him into the world of Tarot. While the exquisite, highly detailed images on the site only whetted the appetite, the deck itself actually exceeded all expectations. Among the vast variety of tarot decks created over six centuries, the Deviant Moon Tarot has no rival in originality, artistry and luxurious textures. In fact, this deck has so many cards that, due to their distinctive images, immediately stand out from any tarot deck as their best option.

Minor Arcana Crazy Moon Tarot or Deviant Moon Tarot

In readings, the Mad Moon Tarot cards are incredibly powerful and align equally well in readings ranging from the Fool to the King of Pentacles. They are dark on the surface and inside; images of photographs of cemeteries and tombstones are morphed and smoothly transition from one image to another and are intertwined in different elements of the map: in the decoration of clothing, hats and shoes. The figures on the cards with combined lunar face masks and wide-open eyes, bird-like legs and often elongated bodies are not human. Despite the absence of an ordinary human face and body, these figures are unusually expressive. This is the deck of the subconscious, nightmares and heavy life path, the artist's visual tribute to his interest in the "sadder side of life."

The Crazy Moon Tarot deck is of very high quality with wonderful Minor Arcana. The Minor Arcana of the Deviant Moon Tarot deck are distinguished by their originality and thorough elaboration of all stripes. All Minor Arcana decks have frames different color on each suit, characterizing exactly the suit with which they are associated. Thus, the red frames on the Swords symbolize suffering, struggle and heartache. Black frames for Pentacles reflect the materialistic and mercantile darkness living in their souls. For the Wands, Patrick chose a symbol of earth and nature - green color. Blue Cups are framed, symbolizing the calm purity of the sea. The Aces in this deck stand out due to their extreme complexity. Instead of the usual depiction of a lone cup, wand, sword or pentacle symbol in the Deviant Moon Tarot, the Aces symbols are fully illustrated. Particularly captivating is the Wands suit of this deck, which is usually not very visually appealing. For example, the charismatic King of Wands does not sit on a throne as usual, but instead strides around with whimsical woodland creatures shackling his legs and arms, yet he is still perceived as a confident leader. All the scenes of the cards with the Moon rising above the pipes and bulky buildings in dull and dirty skies were created based on photographs from psychiatric hospital. The character backgrounds of the Deviant Moon Tarot cards are mostly open air urban and industrial landscapes, but sometimes there is a bit of nature thrown in.

Patrick's symbolism comes from childhood dreams and fantasies, and although it is inspired by the Ryder-Waite legacy, it actually expresses all of it own feelings. So, for example, on the Four of Pentacles, the clock shows 9:40 not by chance; this is the time when Patrick learned about the death of his greedy father-in-law, a terrible curmudgeon and miser, whose death none of the relatives particularly regretted. Therefore, the symbol of time dangles in the mouth of the angel of death, leading the miser into the flames of cremation. In a last attempt to take at least something with him, the miser clutches several golden pentacles, looking around in fear at all his possessions, which he will never see again.

These additions allow the Deviant Moon Tarot images to be seen from a different new and disturbing perspective, while still keeping the cards faithful to the usual Tarot symbolism. While remaining true to the traditions of the Tarot, the cards depart from traditional elements of symbolism in many ways, but the meaning in the Tarot cards is still clear. Thus, in the Minor Arcana of the Nine of Cups, which is generally considered to be “success” and “fulfillment of desires,” Valenza very appropriately portrays a genie who has just emerged from the magic lamp of a surprised youth. Surprising comparisons correspond to the traditional meanings of the cards, such as the skill of the witch beating the blood from a dried tree bleeding with red sap in the Seven of Pentacles, the perseverance of the Knight of Pentacles as he assembled himself from spare parts to complete the task, and the independence of the armless woman walking with her beloved pet in the medieval anti-plague mask with a wheel on the left “leg” in the Nine of Pentacles. Residents of Deviant Moon talk and freeze in their strange dances, as if they have always done only this. The absolutely static figures of the Crazy Moon Tarot are depicted in the dynamics of the action they perform. The ugly but strangely elegant pregnant Death, with a red scarf wrapped around a horse's skull instead of its head, signals death's inherent transformations of an end into a beginning and vice versa.

The Deviant Moon Tarot expands on Rider-Waite's depictions from a gorgeously twisted perspective, reflecting shared associations in dazzling character art and vibrant colors. A little knowledge about the Tarot is always useful, but for this it is not at all necessary to use the Crazy Moon Tarot and its instructions - a brochure in which for each card there are descriptions of images and several keywords for vertical and inverted map. All the depths of meaning in the very imagery of the card, the dark and strange beauty of the images of which is true enough, applies new approach to the Tarot archetypes and is useful for moving readers from beginner to more advanced levels - as long as you are ready for a short excursion to dark side The moon and your subconscious. Deviant Moon aims only at the truth and strikes at the very heart of the problem with a quiet voice in the moonlit darkness of the night. Despite the unusual symbols that populate the world of the Crazy Moon Tarot, their messages are still true to traditional tarot card meanings, focused, and understandable to even the most discerning tarot reader.

Good morning everyone!

All the reviews on cosmetics, and on cosmetics... It’s time to write about another hobby. In this case, about tarot. I’ve been playing tarot since I was 19, although I used to love to scatter cards from kiosks. I like decks with clear and beautiful drawing, so that there is aestheticism in everything. But a year ago, while looking at various decks, I noticed the popular deck of Patrick Walesa - Tarot of the Anomalous Moon.

"What a freak." - I thought then. And from then on, the moon men still captured my imagination. We even dreamed about it. And then I decided to take it, especially since it was my birthday and New Year’s holidays.

I ordered from a Belarusian online store. Initially I asked for an edition without frames, but the supplier mixed something up and sent it with frames, which is why I was kindly offered to wait or agree to a framed edition at a discount. I decided to choose what arrived. And to be honest, the deck has become my main one in this moment. And there was another joke with the delivery - it arrived abnormally quickly from the store to the post office. I had to manage to pick her up on a day off, given that I worked on Saturdays.

The size of the deck is too big for women's hands - this is the only inconvenience. If only it were a little smaller... But you can get used to it.

The history of the deck's creation is amazing. Take a closer look - in addition to the little people, there are real images of abandoned places, tombstones, and so on. It turns out that the method of collage and overlay. The artist created it over the course of 30 years, and every detail here is worked out and in place. The values ​​differ from the standard ones. By the way, MBK is going to English language, the Russian translation must be searched on the Internet. In general, Patrick also wrote a book with detailed interpretation and chic design, but again there is no Russian-language version and you need to order directly.

The best deck is for working out all shadow manifestations, for example psychological portraits, neuroses and so on. In addition, he has a habit of being sarcastic. You should perceive first of all the visuals, and not the usual meanings. I don’t know whether it’s worth recommending to beginners - it’s clearly not the first deck to master, but it can be counted among those that definitely deserve attention.

Also pay attention to the color of the face on the cards. There are both dark and light ones. The energy of the deck is very strong and involuntarily attracts attention.

Be sure to look at what the maps sometimes show on the dial different time. I especially liked the story on the Hanged Man card. The fact is that Walesa was then working at a job he didn’t like, but couldn’t quit. Therefore, the watch symbolizes a temporary sacrifice for the sake of good, lost time at an unloved job.

The frames also have their own color, thought out by the artist. But I like the edition without frames more visually, it creates the illusion of presence. The framework is being removed, although this may be for the better.

Everyone Have a good day!

What is this book about?

This book is dedicated to one of the best and most popular decks of our time - Tarot " Deviant Moon" It always evokes strong emotions - from complete rejection to adoration. Despite the fact that the deck was released quite a long time ago, tarot readers still have many questions about the symbolism and interpretation of the cards in different situations, the psychological aspects of the arcana, and the answers to these questions, this book is devoted.

Who is this book for?

This book will be of interest to both devoted fans of the deck, as an additional source of ideas for work, an opportunity to discover the deck from new sides and learn interesting practical developments, and for beginners who do not know which side to approach the deck from, and where to start. And of course, the book is addressed to those for whom the deck is just a collection item, I hope this book will inspire them to dust off their “Deviants” and use it every day.

What is this book for?

The main purpose of this book is to provide basic information for working with the deck. In this book, I want to talk in detail about each plot, the heroes of the world of the Deviant Moon tarot, analyze in detail the symbolism of the cards, and teach you to understand the unique language of the deck, frank and permeated with black humor. For the convenience of transition from the classics to the “Deviant Moon” tarot, the main differences between its arcana and the classic and basic Waite-Smith deck for most tarot readers will be given.

CHAPTER I. Dive into the world of the deviant moon

Features of working with the Deviant Moon deck
Deviance. About the difficulties of survival in a crazy world.
Lunar cycles in the Deviant Moon deck
Sign language in the Deviant Moon deck. Watch your hands!
CHAPTER II. Major Arcana Tarot

CHAPTER III. Minor Arcana tarot

CHAPTER VI. Workshop on working with a deck

Features of working with the Deviant Moon deck

The classic Waite Tarot, drawn by Pamela Colman Smith, was released in 1909. And despite the fact that the most literature is devoted to this deck, the more time passes, the more difficulties it causes, many tarot readers prefer modernized versions of this deck - isn’t that strange? I think this is natural, and the reason is not that it is filled with complex occult symbolism, but that more than a hundred years have passed. The world has simply changed! Waite's Tarot is the world of an Englishman from high society, by and large infinitely far from us today. Of course, this is a classic, and knowledge of it is necessary, but this is a book that requires a translator. The Deviant Moon Tarot is a modern classic, its images are caricatures of current topics, that’s why they hit the tarot reader so hard, killing him outright - falling in love forever, or causing disgust.

Hence the main characteristic feature language - the answers are given clear, precise, a little rude and often funny. This is not an oracle, but when reading, be sure to look at the picture. Most often, the answer lies on the surface. So, in response to the question thrown in the hearts, “Am I dancing something?” you may get 2 Pentacles with a dancing gypsy, and when asked which direction to move, 2 Wands - “dig deeper!” Therefore, it is very important to look at the picture. However, we should not forget about the hardware - the deck fits into the accepted tarot system, and it has a classical basis, but it places emphasis in a completely different way, so my advice is to contact Waite, and in contrast, additional semantic layers of the “Deviant Moon” deck will be revealed to you. This deck is very laconic, and every detail is not random - the time on the clock, the color of the dress, the grin of the fish - everything can be a sign and a key to interpretation. Look at the gestures, pay attention to the phases of the moon, to the interaction of the characters, and you will see a full picture of the situation, your interpretation will be as complete and clear as possible.

About the difficulties of surviving in a crazy world

“The world is a hospital for incurable patients” Arthur Schopenhauer

“The fact that we live a crazy, completely crazy, crazy life is not words, not a comparison, not an exaggeration, but the simplest statement of what is”
Lev Tolstoy

Deviation is not a synonym for madness, schizophrenia, and other serious mental disorders, this is a behavioral deviation from social norm, and there are a great many of them. The behavior of a teenager who, in spite of his parents, walks around with a pink mohawk, piercings and tattoos all over his body, or a person who, contrary to common sense and a sense of self-preservation, runs to save his cat from a burning house, or a desperate drunkard, thief or drug addict, can be called deviant. The concept of deviation is primarily associated not with the content of the act as such, but with its assessment by society, which can roughly be described as “millions of flies cannot be wrong.” One of the main causes of deviation is anomie - the confrontation of sociocultural norms with reality (Durkheim, Merton).

Simply put, modern world is sick with success syndrome - a person is obliged to build a career, earn a lot of money, buy good house, a car, have a status partner, brilliant children, but the resource for obtaining all these benefits is limited. Many people find themselves superfluous at this celebration of life, and, realizing that they will never legally get a lot of money, they can either take the path of crime or rebel against them, or deny the norms without offering anything in return, with the help of alcohol, homelessness (retreatism).

This is the main theme of the “Deviant Moon” deck - about human survival in the Procrustean bed of the rules established by the world. Some of her characters are completely naked before this cruel world, others are firmly clad in armor and armed, someone skillfully plays the role imposed on him, showing the “ceremonial” light side, and hiding the true “dark”. Her heroes are not some strange mutants, they are you and me, playing our roles in this theater of the absurd called life, substituting our “I” in the proposed circumstances.

Lunar cycles in the Deviant Moon deck

Of course, the deck is dedicated to the moon not only allegorically - as a symbol of the “lunar” states of man, but also physically to the Earth’s satellite, the Moon, which has a huge impact on the physical state of a person, which is a completely proven, scientifically substantiated fact. People have been using it for a long time lunar calendars to plan your actions, choosing the most lucky days for planting plants, cutting hair, starting new projects, etc. Likewise, each “Deviant Moon” card contains clues in the form of images of the Moon in different phases.

We can see the following images of the Moon on maps:

1.New Moon. The moon is not visible. During this period, the influence of the Moon on a person is minimal, a loss of strength and mood is felt, the body is weakened, and immunity is reduced. A good time for rituals associated with growth and addition. It is not recommended to start new business.

2.Waxing Moon and month (horns to the left). The first quarter is more for planning, for laying the foundation for new things, but you shouldn’t be too active. You need to get down to business seriously in the second quarter of the waxing Moon. This is the most favorable time for all things, emotional upsurge, cheerful state.

3.Full moon. The moon is completely visible (round). This is the peak of emotional intensity, extreme situations may arise, a person is under stress, mentally unstable people may have a breakdown or health problems. Good time for the strongest magical rites, gain psychic abilities, sensitivity.

4.Waning Moon and month (horns to the right). There is an emotional and energetic decline. This is a time for peace and completion of affairs. There is no need to start anything new, plans should be transferred to the new phase of the moon, there is no need to overexert yourself. Suitable for cleansing magical rituals.

5. Moon eclipse. The “halo” of the moon is visible. The impact is felt 2 weeks before the event. The most “dark”, unfavorable time for a person, threatening real disasters and dangers. Ideal time for black magical rituals.

Sign language in the Deviant Moon tarot. Watch your hands!

The heroes of the deck have a unique artistic feature- this is the contrast of rough, frank and static faces and thin, very expressive, graceful or strong hands that speak to us through sign language, and it is they who bring the cards to life and give them dynamism. The first time this thought struck me was when, in response to one of the questions about how to behave in difficult situation, the cards literally answered with the proverb about the three monkeys “I hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing!” (which perfectly reveals the very reading of the layout, the essence of which is advice - just don’t interfere).

The author attaches importance to hands and gestures, consciously or not, giving the characters artistry and expressiveness; fingers are carefully drawn, nails are painted with varnish. The Priestess has thin wrists and long fingers, I would like to say about her hands - they are nervous, and as if created for refusal, the hands of the King of Wands are reliable and kind, and like his children, I want to trust them, the hands of the mother of the Ace of Wands are gentle and caring, and this pair of hands is only for the child, and for other worries there is a third one, strong hand, and a better expression love union You simply can’t find anything better than a couple holding hands with 4 wands - it is these hands, intertwined with each other, which are covered with ivy, that convince of the long-term, honest relationship, but the Chariot does not need hands - he has no time for sentimentality, he is the concentration of the power of the mind and energy. You cannot call the deck a theater of facial expressions, but undoubtedly, it is a real theater of gesture.


Fate is always on the side of the reasonable (Euripides)

The plot of the card tells about fair fortune telling. In front of the old blind gypsy sits a rich townsman, clutching his face with his little hands and paws in horror, and pressing his tail to the leg of the chair. The fortune teller sets the Wheel of Fortune floating in the air, and a red demon hangs over it, beating the beat with drumsticks. The client is so fascinated by this scene that he is ready to believe in any, even the most gloomy prediction.

Under the heroes’ feet you can discern an inscription, the beginning of which is blocked by a fortune teller, while the second one reads: “who departed this life.” This phrase is most often written on gravestones after the names of the deceased, followed by the dates of death. The history of gravestones stretches back to the Middle Ages, since during the Inquisition it was believed that witches, vampires and other evil spirits could rise from their graves; they were completely covered with stones for safety reasons. This is a kind of “place of power” for fortune telling, and it is clear that it was not chosen by chance.

Body language indicates to us that the fortune teller is trying to suppress her client, and he is completely defenseless before her. Her thick, large hands radiate strength and confidence, and she points one of them at the client's stomach - a piercing gesture that indicates a desire for brutal dominance. She does not give advice, she makes a verdict that cannot be appealed. What does fate have in store for him: a broken heart, support, death, or a light of hope?

Moon phase

The moon is not visible behind the Wheel of Fortune, but judging by the bright lighting and clear shadow, it can be assumed that this is a full moon. Just the time is ideal for fortune telling and strong magical rituals, the time of peak energy, when a person’s emotions are off the charts, he is especially susceptible to influences environment and very receptive.

Difference from the Waite tradition

Classical Waitean iconography depicts the Wheel of Fortune surrounded by four divine beings, a reference to the four prophets, i.e. we're talking about always about karmic, natural processes, the control of which comes from above, then on this map we see “manual” control of the wheel. The question arises about who controls the querent’s fate - divine forces, devilish ones, or just an old gypsy fraudster. And besides, the question of one’s own will has been taken out of the equation - after all, you can spin your Wheel of Fortune yourself, without turning to anyone for help.

Here it is necessary to figure out what kind of personality we are talking about - either this is the “arbiter of destinies”, an authoritarian person who is inclined to suppress other people, not listening to other opinions at all, or his antipode - a person who easily falls under the influence of others and is unable to make his own decisions. This could be a meeting between a false healer and his patient: the first sincerely believes in his greatness and the healing power of frog ointment, the second is ready to smear himself with it until fatal outcome, because he is not capable of critical assessment. Extreme fatalism, a person believes that everything is predetermined and there is no point in fighting. Belief in anti-scientific theories.

Work and money

Everything goes as usual, but some surprise may await you, both pleasant and not so pleasant, depending on the neighboring cards. The most important thing is that you are too focused on some point, and this prevents you from working and assessing the situation objectively. Don’t be influenced, think for yourself, and don’t panic – fear has big eyes. If we are talking about the business sector - literally the gambling business, banks that “spin” clients’ money, network marketing, and in extreme cases, various “scams”, financial pyramids designed for gullible clients. Not worth investing big money, calculations must be careful. Don't be led by advisers.


The relationship is established, but one of the partners in the couple dominates, and the other submits, and obediently waits for what his partner tells him to do. The situation for people is not very comfortable, because the leader carries two lives on his shoulders, taking full responsibility, and sooner or later he either breaks down or simply loses interest, the weaker partner is completely helpless and infantile, everything is done for him, but he lives in constant fear that he will be abandoned, so he is completely dependent on the leader. It is possible to have both a woman-mother and a man-child, as well as a classic over-aged child who holds on to his mother’s skirt all his life.


The only thing that fuels life is risk: the more you risk, the more alive you are (Osho)

On this map we see the oldest circus trick - swallowing a sword. The sword swallower is one of the most courageous circus performers, his skill requires long training and careful preparation; when swallowing, the blade of the weapon passes millimeters from the aorta, heart and lungs, therefore, if the trick is unsuccessful, the sword swallower receives damage internal organs which most often leads to death.

Looking into the eyes of our stuntman, widened in horror with bloody eyelashes, we see panic in them, and we understand that he has already experienced a lot of pain (“crying tears of blood”). Thin hands with nervous fingers grabbed the ground, this is his only support, as if he is trying to charge himself with strength from it. However, the sword swallower is trying with all his might to amaze the viewer, both with his sophisticated pose and his bright red and gold suit, and the thick mask on his face is designed to hide his uncertainty in front of the public. Similar masks are often depicted on the faces of executioners, but the sword swallower is an executioner who is ready to kill himself for money.

Moon phase

A circus trick is shown under the light of the waxing moon. This good time for new beginnings, however, you should not take on too much and get involved in situations that require large amounts of energy, since the moon does not provide enough strength, this is the time for planning and the first steps in any business.

Difference from the Waite tradition

Unlike the classic 7 of Swords, where the emphasis is on the scam, here we are talking primarily about risk. The hero of Waite's 7 Swords runs away from the battlefield with stolen swords, and his further fate is unknown; in the Deviant Moon deck, the threat of the sword trick is real and beyond doubt.

Psychological aspect. Deviation

In extreme cases, it will most often show extreme people, this can apply to everything - extreme sports, extreme types of sex associated with causing pain (BDSM). And although the psychology of extreme sports is ambiguous, most psychiatrists believe that craving for such things is a sign of depression and auto-aggression, an early suicidal phase. A person cannot live without risk; he simply needs an adrenaline rush. In addition, it shows demonstrative personalities. But we must not forget about the positive aspect - this is a map of all experimental scientists and pioneers of science who experimented on themselves, inoculated themselves with diseases, became the first passengers of their aircraft etc. , and the practice of swallowing swords directly contributed to the development of endoscopy.

Work and money

We are talking about a dubious project, possibly fraudulent schemes, so proposals must be examined under a magnifying glass and not succumbed to beautiful presentations and other “tinsel” - they are trying to show off your eyes, but the partners are not competent in this area. The risks are extremely high; it is not worth investing money, no matter how attractive the offer may look. If we talk about loans, then you must read the entire agreement, and especially the footnotes printed in very small print - payments may be unaffordable for you, and delays can lead to serious problems with collectors, even criminal.


Your partner strives to make a strong impression on you, and is ready to do literally anything, but do not be deceived - this is more posturing than true feeling. My the real essence it doesn't show. Traumatic experiences from past relationships cause a person to close down. A person can deliberately keep a distance from you, you need to understand the motivation - it could be the fear of being rejected, of getting another injury. If we are talking about relationships in a couple, then people get the necessary experience together, but there is no intimacy between them.

My history with this deck began three years ago - I grabbed a “gift” edition in a popular esoteric store, paid for it and ran home to open it. The whole selection process took a couple of minutes at most, the heroine on the box made such a strong impression on me. Later, however, it turned out that the packaging of the “gift” differs from the usual only in the additional cardboard box and the presence of a poster with a layout inside. And now I can diagnose that all the beauty is pretty tattered, although I don’t use it for its intended purpose - the cards live in a separate velvet bag.

So, the whole set:

I have the official American edition in English, the cards are in excellent condition after three years of constant work (at least three or four layouts per week), which cannot be said about a deck from a Russian publishing house from a friend of mine - less than a year of operation, but can already be scrapped.

The cards themselves and the back:

The main thing in this deck, of course, is the visuals; the artist, Patrick Valenza, not only invented and drew the characters, but also “dressed” them in fragments of photographs of cemeteries and mental hospitals. That is why they like to classify the deck as “dark,” but for me there is no mental hospital , nor cemeteries do not carry negative associations. A favorite example, including for clients, is a stool - it’s just a stool, although it can be called “black” - if you beat someone to death with it, and “white” - if you use it for pleasant gatherings in the kitchen with cheesecakes.

However, before starting work on it, no matter in person or via Skype, I show the cards to the client and ask if the pictures scare him, because in case of rejection or fear, it is not so much the quality of the work that suffers, but the client’s perception of this work.

The deck system is Waite's, all the Major Arcana have the same names, the Minor Arcana are still the same - swords, staves, cups, pentacles. But the reading of the meanings is somewhat different - compare the classics and our crazy little men:

In the MBK (the little white book that comes with any deck), the information is condensed, although focused specifically on this deck, and not copied from Waite, but personally, I completely worked through this deck myself - I looked at each card, got acquainted and compared with my other decks , which I advise you too.

By the way, I often read that Deviant Moon is not suitable for beginners, and I can partly agree with this - the deck is complex, original and may not be suitable as a first one, but even those who have been working with Tarot for a long time will have to study it inside and out, after all, it is not rich in ready-made solutions.

How to work with it? The way you always work, although from personal observations, the deck works well not only in ordinary layouts, but also when card after card is drawn intuitively until the moment “that’s enough.”

What to watch? All. Images “speak” in all situations, from everyday stories to all sorts of searches for spiritual purpose. I especially love working with her on the topic of psychological profiles.


I advise everyone who is not afraid of aesthetics to treat the moon people with love, and they will reciprocate your love. You don’t need to splurge on the “gift” version, you should buy the regular American edition or take a closer look at the regular “without frame” version, I will take this one as a replacement in the future. By the way, the deck ranks first in the ranking of "five best decks of all time"...


The promised photo of the signature “lunar” layout from the author on the poster.

There is an opinion in the Tarot community that the Crazy Moon Tarot deck, or otherwise the Deviant Moon Tarot, is dark. However, not everyone thinks so; the artist Patrick Valenza himself confirmed that the Deviant Moon Tarot was never created like. Patrick explained that it was based on his childhood memories, an intricate world of youthful dreams and reverie, in which there are elements of humor alongside a little sadness and melancholy. Indeed, the fascinating and intriguing stylized images of the Moon inspire the imagination, they can hardly be called a dark deck. The Crazy Moon Tarot captivates with its originality and amazing power, drawing Patrick Valenza into the fantasy world. For some, this Tarot will seem too dark compared to ordinary decks, but this collector's dream is intended for those people whose tastes lean towards unusual decks, as well as those whose tastes and ideas gravitate toward dark fiction.

Major Arcana of the Crazy Moon Tarot or Deviant Moon Tarot deck

Valenz's unique and captivating creation is stunning and elevates it to the level of a work of art. The Deviant Moon Tarot deck has a little Dali, a little Picasso and a little Cirque du Soleil, yet the Deviant Moon Tarot has a distinctive and compelling beauty. Clean lines, crisp colors and textures create an almost hyper-realistic impression based on the photographic reproduction of reality in such a masterpiece of art as the Deviant Moon Tarot deck. All the more interesting is its bright contrast with the fabulous surrealism of the scenes in these cards and the strange figures that move in them. The Mad Moon Tarot cards are filled with bizarre and grotesque characters that seem to be inspired by a medieval bestiary or the imagination of a frightened child fearing monsters lurking under his bed at night. The symbolism of the images supports traditional interpretations of the Arcana in most cases, but gives it new turn. Besides traditional symbolism Tarot Patrick Valenza used additional symbols on these cards, including in them everything that could pull out his rich imagination from the depths of the subconscious.

So Patrick Valenza created a deck based on traditional Rider Waite-Smith imagery with a very personal creative touch. To say that the Deviant Moon Tarot is another deck in the Rider Waite-Smith tradition would be an understatement. The images of the cards in the Crazy Moon Tarot deck include images of tombstones of the century and drawings obtained by Patrick in psychiatric hospitals, which will take you to another world of insectoids - aliens with many legs and arms, mutant creatures inhabiting a gloomy industrial landscape. Patrick Valenza's drawings subconsciously transport us into a world of extreme opposites, yin and yang, symbolizing the interaction of the sun and moon, light and dark, day and night, sky and earth, positive and negative. Valenza, a talented surrealist, his images deserve more than just to belong in a deck of Crazy Moon Tarot cards, they belong in the museum as unique works of art, each of which in his interpretation makes the old new again for our time.

The imagery of the Crazy Moon Tarot is impressive, and one gets the feeling that such a deck has been needed for a long time in the world of tarot. Walenz's highly stylized drawings are evocative, provocative and fabulously unique. Each card is carefully illustrated and the colors of the designs are amazing. The artist's use of color is striking and creates a colorful feast for your eyes in each card, allowing you to notice the smallest details in the pictures, right down to the color of the characters' toenails. Valenza gives in the booklet interesting descriptions cards and their interpretations, upright and upside down. The symbols in the Crazy Moon Tarot deck are, for the most part, not manic or creepy, but unique and attractive, and not without emotion. When working with such a deck, one is struck by the folding narrative of the cards dropped in the layout, as if the artist designed the selected cards specifically to be together. You can truly have a conversation with the population in this world, and the characters in the Deviant Moon Tarot Deck speak clearly and understandably, they are full of humor and simple truth. This is a deck that really only requires card reading, not memorization, without any confusion. This deck requires you to pay attention not only to its beautiful artwork, but also to the meaning of the card that is shown in the image itself. The “personality” of the Deviant Moon Tarot deck is crystal clear and refuses to compromise. There is absolutely no fog here, just an unabashed and insightful approach to traditional Tarot reading.

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