What is winter like in Krasnodar: climate and weather, is there snow in winter? Will there be snow in Krasnodar, why is it warm in Kuban and is a real winter needed? What kind of winter will it be in Kuban this year? When is snow expected in Kuban?

Many residents of our country believe with great confidence that the Krasnodar Territory is the only place where winter practically never happens. But is this really so, and what will winter 20156-2017 be like in Krasnodar? I would like to say right away that this opinion is completely erroneous and incorrect, because there is winter in Krasnodar, only its natural and climatic features are slightly different from the one we are used to in central Russia.

Features of the Krasnodar region.

Due to its geographical location, this region of Russia is largely distinguished by its weather conditions. With what it can be connected?

First of all, it is worth noting that the region is divided into two large and unequal territories, that is, one belongs to and belongs to northern latitudes, and the other, on the contrary, to the south. It is worth considering that the southern half is the longest and relates directly to the Black Sea coast. As for the northern side, it is mainly dominated by mountains and plains, and in size it is much smaller than the southern part.

As a result, we can draw a completely logical conclusion that the two parts Krasnodar region will differ significantly from each other in their weather conditions and temperature regimes.

Winter in Krasnodar according to weather forecasters.

If in general we look at all the forecasts regarding what winter 2016-2017 will be like in Krasnodar, then we can come to the following conclusions and conclusions, which to a greater extent display and paint a picture. This:

    1. The climate is rightfully considered temperate continental.
    2.On the plains, that is, in the northern part, it will prevail strong winds, which can cause discomfort, especially for tourists who are simply not accustomed to such weather conditions.
    3.When low temperatures Icing of the surface layer of the earth often occurs.
    4.Temperature. It is worth saying here that in the northern part a frosty and severe winter is predicted with temperatures down to -10 degrees. Regarding the southern regions, it is known that winter there will be more moderate and calm.

Exactly like this weather will prevail throughout the country. Well, now let's take a closer look at all climatic factors, which will be typical for each winter month separately.


This is the very first winter month, and, therefore, something supernatural, that is, severe frosts and cold weather should not be expected. Forecasters say the same thing, according to whom the month will be warm enough for a real winter. What's special here?

  • Firstly, temperature. Average temperature regime and the level will be - 6 degrees. Although at the beginning of the month there is a chance that the temperature level will be only 0 degrees, which is largely unusual for this region.
  • Secondly, in the north the weather will be a little colder, as the temperature may drop to -10 degrees.
  • Thirdly, in the middle of the month the air environment in the southern part will freeze to -6 degrees.
  • Fourthly, precipitation. There will be none on the southern or northern parts. Although it will snow and rain from time to time. Regarding the southern regions, we can say that hail is most common here.

It is worth saying that such weather does not have a very favorable effect on people’s well-being.


What kind are here? weather phenomena and factors to expect?

    1. In the mountain area, the temperature throughout the month fluctuates up to – 15 degrees.
    2.In the southern regions, near the sea. The weather is milder and warmer, as here the thermometer on average will show up to – 10 degrees.
    3.Precipitation. The most common is snow. As for rain, we can say that it is unlikely, but not excluded. Quite large hail may also be observed in the southern part.
    4. Strong winds constantly blow.


This month is the last, which is generally considered the most stable and moderate. Will this really be the case, and what should we expect from nature?

  • Firstly, the winter will be moderately frosty, as nature is already in full swing preparing for the arrival of spring.
  • Secondly, the average temperature throughout the entire territory will be up to -5 degrees below zero.
  • Thirdly, bright sunshine, which will contribute to the rapid melting of snow.
  • Fourthly, there will be no heavy snowfalls, but in some places there will be small snow barriers.

As a result, we can say that February in Krasnodar can rightfully be considered the first month of spring. But in general, if you analyze the whole picture, winter will not be too frosty, so you can safely go here, relax and enjoy the local beauty, while receiving a lot of positive energy and vivacity.

In anticipation of the coming winter, climate scientists from all countries are trying to predict what it will be like cold period For different countries. Russia is a huge country, the expanses of which are spread out in different climatic zones and time zones and for each region there is its own personal forecast, taking into account geographical position and climatic features.

In this article we will talk about what the upcoming winter 2017-2018 will be like for residents North Caucasus and when we can expect colder temperatures, first snow and spring thaws in Kuban. To lift the veil of mystery, we learned:

Kuban is a region located in the southwest of the North Caucasus on both sides of the river of the same name. The second name of Kuban is Krasnodar Territory.

The landscape of the southern part of the region is formed by ridge systems Caucasus Mountains and a narrow strip of the coast of the Black and Azov seas, northern – Kuban lowland. Naturally, the climate in these zones has fundamental differences.

In the flat part it dominates moderately - continental climate, and on the Black Sea coast - subtropical.

Cities and towns located in the Kuban Lowland zone often suffer from dry winds, since the mountain range does not allow access to the center of the continent air masses, formed over the seas. The average winter temperature here ranges from -3 to -5 ºС.

In the mountainous regions, a lot of snow falls in winter and the snow cover remains stable for several months, which annually attracts many connoisseurs of skiing and simply quality winter recreation to the slopes.

Temperatures in coastal areas rarely drop below zero. Although, in cities such as Gelendzhik or Anapa, the weather is not very comfortable in the cold months. In the south of Kuban, cold and gusty winds, called “bora”, often blow, sometimes reaching 40 m/s or more.

Forecasts for different regions of Kuban

Weather forecasting is done by meteorologists. By analyzing weather conditions and climate features, as well as taking into account changes occurring due to global climate anomalies, they can make a forward-looking forecast for the coming winter and tell what to expect for residents of the Krasnodar Territory and what the weather will be like in Kuban at the beginning and end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018.

Many forecasts compiled by different specialists for the European part of the Russian Federation. They promise a harsh and protracted winter. Some climatologists even say that the upcoming season will break the records of the last 100 years for sub-zero temperatures.

It will be possible to say very soon whether such assumptions will be confirmed, because there are only a few weeks left before the calendar winter.

Winter forecast 2017-2018 for the coastal zone

The coasts of the Black and Azov Seas are a great place to relax all year round. Unlike the frosty winters of other regions of the Russian Federation, the temperature here remains comfortable above zero.

Weather in the coastal zone for December 2017

The arrival of calendar winter in the southern cities of Krasnodar will make itself felt by a decrease in temperature at night to 2 ºС and rains, which will turn into sleet by the end of the month.

Weather for January 2018 for the Black Sea region

The new calendar year will bring with it a significant drop in temperature to -5 ºС at night. Although, the cold snap will be short and will be established by the end of the first week of January. warm weather. The second half of the month will be damp. The weather will become cloudy and the rain will give way to sleet.

Weather in the south of Kuban in February 2018

Most of the month will be dry and warm. Only in last days During the week, wet snow and a sharp drop in temperature to -6 (and on the 28th to -8 ºС) are possible.

Forecast for winter 2017-2018 for the flat region of Kuban

The Kuban Lowland is characterized by:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • dry weather with minimal precipitation;
  • dry winds.

December weather in the flat part of Kuban

The beginning of winter will be quite mild, with comfortable daytime temperatures around +13…+15 ºС. But already from the second week the picture will change sharply and the thermometers will drop below zero (maximum to -4 ºС during the day and -9 ºС at night).

January in the Kuban lowland of the Krasnodar region

The first half of the month will be dry and relatively warm. The daytime plus will be replaced by slight night frosts. Serious minus and snow can be expected only in the second half of January. The frosts reached their maximum in the last week, making a sharp turn from -5 to +9 ºС on the last day of January.

February in the northern part of Kuban

Harsh winter is not about Kuban! Even February in 2018 will bring mild and warm weather. When the northern regions of the country adapt to 50-degree frosts, residents of Kuban will be able to enjoy the soft winter sun.

But, closer to the end of the month, winter will remind you that it’s February outside the windows. The sky will be overcast and the temperature will drop to -10 ºС. Snow possible.

Spring will come to the south of Kuban at the end of March, and to the flat part of the region - closer to mid-April.

(Article updated on July 16, 2019)

For those who want to know what the weather is like in winter in Krasnodar, we answer, the weather is excellent!!! We’re going to Krasnodar for the winter, I’m not kidding, where else in Russia is there such a winter?

Winter weather by month in January, February, December in Krasnodar

In order not to procrastinate, I will immediately post the statistical data for winter Krasnodar.

December in Krasnodar weather data for 10 years (averaged)

the number of clear, rainy and cloudy days, as well as wind and air humidity in December in Krasnodar
December day and night temperatures in Krasnodar over the past 10 years (click on the picture to enlarge)

January in Krasnodar weather data for 10 years (averaged)

the number of clear, rainy and cloudy days, as well as wind and air humidity in January in Krasnodar
January day and night temperatures in Krasnodar over the past 10 years (click on the picture to enlarge)

February in Krasnodar weather data for 10 years (averaged)

the number of clear, rainy and cloudy days, as well as wind and air humidity in February in Krasnodar
February day and night temperatures in Krasnodar over the past 10 years (click on the picture to enlarge)

How to see the weather by month for past years in Krasnodar

Everything is quite simple, you need to use the service from Gismeteo and look into its monthly weather diary for schoolchildren, yes, I’m not kidding, the service is really called that, but despite the name it provides very accurate data, and so that you don’t wander around for a long time in search of this service it is available at this link.

form for selecting place, city and month and year

There, you just select a place, city and month and year and get data for this period, daytime, evening air temperatures, as well as pressure, cloudiness, precipitation (they call it Phenomena), wind direction and speed, so it’s quite complete and the most detailed set of statistical weather data.

MUST READ Where is it hotter in summer in Antalya or Krasnodar?

Example statistics

By the way, with the help of this service you can easily compare the temperature in winter in your hometown with Krasnodar.

Air temperature, rain, snow in winter in Krasnodar

Winter is usually mild and changeable; snow is very rare in Krasnodar. The average daily temperature is +6°C; however, every year there are frosts below −10°C, the temperature drops for 3-4 days (most often in clear weather during the passage of the Arctic anticyclone), and warming up to +15+20°C and above (usually when warm air from the southwest), the so-called winter hair dryers.

Real photo taken on February 23, walking with a child in the park, eating ice cream

Winter in Krasnodar is short-lived− on average, it begins in early January and ends in mid-February, however, in reality these periods can vary greatly. Precipitation can fall in the form of rain, snow, sleet.

Traditional Russian winter activities are not available to us in Krasnodar. You can't go sledding near your house in the winter white forest If you don't go, you won't play in the snow. Very rarely, but a little snow does fall on the city for 2-3 days, most often the snow, if it flies, does not fall. The only way to experience winter is to go to the indoor skating rink in the Shopping and Entertainment Center.

Is there snow in Krasnodar in winter? Winter weather in Krasnodar

I will express my opinion, I lived in the Urals for 30 years and the snow just got to me, I’m really tired of freezing in winter, and winter in the Urals is 4-5 months a year of such a decent, concrete winter. Good that winter in Krasnodar I don't have to wear two pants or anything. And it’s good that the snow here is purely symbolic and melts immediately!!!

Is it possible to drive on summer tires in Krasnodar in winter?

About half of the residents of Krasnodar change the tires on their cars for the winter, but for the sake of five snowy days I didn’t do this until certain point So far I had all-season tires, and in 2017 I just bought a pair of very simple Velcro, for those who don’t know, these are tires without studs. And in December I change them on the front wheels, and at the end of February I change them back to summer ones.

IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER! That summer tires still do not provide for operation at air temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius. And it doesn’t matter whether there is snow or not, whether there is ice on the roads or not.

Just understand that the rubber is not designed for such operating conditions, period. Everyone is able to assess for themselves how much they need winter tires for a few really cold days of winter. That is how we live)))

MUST READ Trip to Goryachiy Klyuch. Traveling from Krasnodar on the weekend

Photo on the topic “Winter in Krasnodar”

Most often she is like in these photos. Krasnodar in winter, st. Red, when clicked, the picture enlarges
Krasnodar, rain in winter is normal, click on the picture to enlarge

But such a day rarely happens)))

-02 degrees snow TSUM, st. Red (click to enlarge the picture)

Krasnodar region – relatively warm region Russian Federation, which is washed by the waters of two seas (Black and Azov) and borders the Crimea. Considering that it is part of the North Caucasus, but at the same time is located near a large sea area, the climate in the region is quite different interesting features,it is not surprising that the question of worries many.

Basically, the region's territory is in a temperate continental climate, but the maritime part of the land, which is located near Anapa and Tuapse, falls under a Mediterranean climate. The mountain range is characterized by climatic zonality, so in winter temperature fluctuations are especially noticeable here, and the foothill areas often suffer from foehns - warm, dry air that blows from the mountain to the valley. The peculiarity of this wind is that the stronger its strength, the sooner cold air descends from the mountains, which rapidly heats up, and this often causes rapid melting of snow in the mountains. It must be said thatweather forecast for winter 2018-2019 Krasnodar region assumes a large number of snow, but because of the hair dryers it will melt very quickly, and therefore we should even expect large river floods (it happens that if the air descends from a height of 2500 meters and heats up to 25 degrees, but this phenomenon does not last long).

Not far from Anapa there are boras with a force of up to 47 meters, which in winter often cause an ice crust, while in winter on average 18 days of bora are recorded in the region. In general, calm winter time in the region it happens very rarely and this development events need to be prepared.

"Southern" winter

Arguing about the, it is worth emphasizing what they promise stable weather– moderately cold, which will not be characterized by sudden changes in temperature between the day and the air (last season residents suffered from precisely this phenomenon). Winter will come relatively early, but it will also end on time (a thaw is expected at the end of the last month of winter), and there will be relatively little precipitation, and most of the time the weather will be dry, and in the middle of spring, especially hardened people will be able to swim in sea water .

Beginning and middle of winter

It must be said thatwill be relatively stable, because winter will begin in November, which is expected to be quite cold and, importantly, snowy. On average, weather forecasters do not expect frost below 18 degrees, but in January it will become a little warmer, because at this time of year one can expect precipitation, which will contribute to the temperature column dropping by 2-3 values. Precipitation will only fall in the north of the region, where quite impressive snowdrifts are expected already in December, but in the south you should not expect much snowfall, because relatively warm weather will reign here.

Krasnodar February

Finish by talking aboutwhat winter 2018-2019 will be like in Krasnodar, you need information about what is in full force winter begins only at the end of its “reign”. Literally a couple of weeks before the end of the month, a large amount of snow will fall on the region and fairly stable frosty weather will set in for some time. The regional authorities must prepare for the fact that one and a half meters of snow will fall in certain areas of the region, which will make movement difficult. Vehicle. Will last " real winter“Only ten days, and in March the snow will almost melt, and it will become so warm that by the end of the first month of spring, sowing work can begin in the fields.

It is also necessary to further emphasize that weather forecasters cannot give one hundred percent accurate forecast, because the climate in this region is unpredictable, and the weather can instantly change from cold to warm and vice versa (especially if feta blows from the mountains). “People” recommend paying attention to folk signs, who sometimes speak better than weather forecasters about what winter time will be like and when it will end (by the way, drops are expected at the beginning of March, and this is evidence that spring will be early, we just have to wait and check).

If you believe the signs...

If you believe the signs, then special attention should be paid surrounding nature which itself gives the person hints. At the beginning of winter, it is worth listening to the “language” of the forest, because if it crackles, then the frosts will linger for a long time, and there will be a lot of snow. Warm New Year is evidence of a rainy summer, and a clear sunset on the last day of the outgoing year will hint at the early arrival of winter.

Largest quantity omen falls in February, because if it’s on the fourth on the street severe frost, then the whole month will be the same, and the blizzard that breaks out on the second day will promise snow month. It's also worth pay attention to rowan, because a large number of fruits on it speak of the approaching harsh time, because the tree, using this method, speaks of the fact that it is worth stocking up on vitamins, because there is simply no other way to survive the harsh time.

You need to carefully monitor the first snow: wet means a rainy summer, and dry means a warm summer. Leaves that do not fall for a long time are evidence that winter will come late, but if you believe weather forecasters, it will come early. In general, you should carefully monitor the weather and follow its cues.

In the program for the development of Russian tourism, the Krasnodar region today occupies a key place. Our contemporaries also changed their attitude towards domestic resort areas, especially after Soviet-era boarding houses and hotels significantly changed their appearance, practically ceasing to differ from European and Mediterranean hotels. In this vein, information about what winter 2017-2018 will be like in Krasnodar according to weather forecasters has acquired particular significance and relevance for those who have already begun to plan their vacation, choosing a place for their next trip.

Weather features in Krasnodar or when is the best time to go on vacation?

It is based on this point that the forecast of weather forecasters should be considered. The traditional holiday time for the Krasnodar Territory is the period from July to August. During this period, the city and the nearby resort area are visited by the largest number of tourists. Closer to September-October, their number decreases significantly, but the most experienced tourists choose this time. The abundance of fruits and vegetables at a relatively low cost, the weather is no longer hot, but still quite warm, allow you to spend the most pleasant days of rest, but let’s return to the issue of the weather. Determining in the formation climatic features A regional factor is its geographical location.

Thus, in the Krasnodar Territory, its southern part and on the Black Sea coast there is a subtropical climate, and the northern part is characterized by a transition from a temperate to a temperate continental climate. The temperature difference is up to 10 degrees. Mountain areas are considered to be the coldest.

If during the summer one can observe approximately the same weather in all regions of the Krasnodar Territory, then the weather in the winter of 2017-2018 in Krasnodar will not be so stable, as evidenced by archival data and forecasts of weather forecasters. In general, even in winter months temperatures remain quite warm. The thermometers here practically never drop to negative levels, and even if this happens, it is typical for mountainous regions and is also very rare. But, before you go on a trip, it will be useful to find out what winter 2017-2018 will be like in Krasnodar.

What to expect from winter in Krasnodar?

Exactly warm climate attracts the bulk of tourists to Southern regions Russia, in particular, to the cities of the Krasnodar Territory. The winter months here are like autumn period V middle lane Russia. There is practically no precipitation in the form of snow. Short-term snow covers melt literally the next day, in in rare cases light snow on the city streets lingers for a couple of days. In winter, cold temperatures can reach -2, -3 degrees, but this is also typical for the northern and mountainous regions. On South winter temperatures the levels almost never fall below zero. Thus, in Sochi, even in winter, the temperature remains up to + 8. Already in February, as the weather forecast for winter 2017-2018 in the Krasnodar Territory shows, spring comes with stable warm temperatures up to +10 degrees and above. In a couple of weeks, steady warming to +15-20 degrees will be established throughout the Krasnodar Territory. Cold snaps from +1 to 0 occur only in mountainous areas, and even then only on the highest slopes. It is noteworthy that lovers of walks along mountain paths and routes are warned that in the mountains, even at +5 degrees, it is much colder than on the coast.

Winter forecast for 2017-2018

Forecasters and employees of Hydrometeorological Centers note that forecasts for the winter months made in the summer are not very reliable, and they are not easy to make. Often, the largest part errors account for the share of short-term forecasts. Despite this, weather forecasters still present a general picture of what winter 2017-2018 will be like in Krasnodar. As a rule, it is presented by month, indicating the range of averages and periods of precipitation.


By preliminary forecasts forecasters, the first winter month will be warm, the temperature regime will be stable, without sudden cold snaps. The thermometer will not fall below zero. In anticipation New Year's holidays Warming up to +10 is expected. On Black Sea coast It will be warmer by 2 - 3 degrees. On the 10th and by the middle of the month, not particularly heavy precipitation in the form of rain and sleet is expected, but on city streets the snow will linger no more than overnight. General impression the warm Krasnodar December will be ruined cloudy days, which will prevail this month.


Warm temperatures will continue into January. A noticeable drop in temperatures to just below zero will be observed closer to the middle of the month. Just like in December, cloudy weather will remain, sunny days there won't be much. But there will be more precipitation in January. Snow is expected already at the beginning of the month, which should please ski lovers. Strong winds are expected.


If in the first winter months the temperature is stable throughout the region, then in February there will be a significant difference between the regions. In the northern regions of the Krasnodar Territory it will still be cool, and in the southern regions the temperature will rise to +10 degrees. Along with the warming, a period of rain is expected, cloudy days Only occasionally will they be replaced by sunny ones. By the end of February, it will be possible to fully feel the arrival of spring and its confident entry into its rights.
In general, to summarize, winter in the Krasnodar Territory should please us with stability and relatively warm temperatures. It is also noted that in the winter of 2017-2018 there will be quite heavy snowfalls with preservation of snow cover. The latter will please skiers and amateurs winter species sports The bulk of precipitation will occur in January. Relatively cold temperatures will continue into February, but mainly in the northern regions. The only downside is that most winter days will be cloudy.

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