Do mushrooms grow in winter? Winter mushrooms: a description of the appearance, place and collection rules. What is frammulina and how to cook it: reviews

Winter honey agaric (Flammulina velvety-legged) is a good edible mushroom of the Flamullin genus and the Ryadovkov family.

External characteristics

Hat: winter honey agaric at first has a hat in the form of a hemisphere, after which it opens and acquires a honey or dark brown hue. The center of the cap becomes darker. If the weather is damp, the cap becomes slimy. Adult winter individuals have dark brown spots.

Pulp: creamy delicate colors, watery with a delicate and pleasant taste and aroma.

Plates: cream-colored, adherent, infrequent, gradually darkening with age. The mycelium of the winter honey agaric has a white tint.

Leg: has a cylindrical shape, in the upper part the tone coincides with the tone of the hat, at the bottom the tone is darker. The length of the leg is from 4 to 8 centimeters, the thickness is up to 0.8 centimeters. The leg has a high level of rigidity.


When to collect and where to grow? Winter mushrooms are found starting from late autumn, and before the onset of severe winter cold. Place of growth - stumps and fallen rotten trees. Most often found in deciduous forests. If there are favorable conditions, mushrooms can grow all winter. In cultivation unpretentious, they only need moist and cool air.


During the period when snow appears, winter honey agaric is quite difficult to confuse with other varieties, since nothing else grows at this time. In the period of late autumn, winter mushrooms can be confused with other types of wood destroyers. How to distinguish? The difference, because of which the mushroom cap white color, - serves as a white spore powder, as well as the presence of rings on the stem. Collibrium vertepod (winter false honey agaric) - with dubious nutritional quality, a mushroom with red- Brown a hat and a reddish-red, twisted leg at the bottom, can be found on old oak stumps.


Winter honey agaric flammulina has low level: There are 22 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Winter mushrooms have the following energy value: per 100 grams of product - 2 grams, 1 gram and 0.5 grams.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of mushrooms of the mushroom family are familiar to many. Winter mushrooms perfectly support the vital activity of the whole organism, filling it with essential minerals and vitamins. The product in its chemical composition has a large amount,. This product, when used correctly, can help to cope with many diseases of different etymologies, and even beriberi and chronic fatigue.

Regular addition of winter mushrooms to the diet will help reduce the likelihood of developing cancer.

For men, one, and the most important, argument for using this product is a positive effect on potency.

Use in cooking

The autumn and winter mushrooms have a very pleasant tender pulp, light aroma and delicate taste. They are often used for pickling and pickling. They can also be boiled or fried with the addition of sauces and vegetables. Honey mushrooms are added to soups, vegetable stews, salads, snacks. It is important to remember that before you start cooking these mushrooms, you need to completely remove the dark edges from the hats, as they will add bitterness. This is a versatile product and can be added to any dish - it all depends on taste preferences.

Chefs of mushrooms like to add to the filling, pies, meat rolls, thus giving the dish a light and interesting taste. Cooks use winter mushrooms with caution, since mucus forms on them during cooking, and although it does not affect taste features dishes, but at the same time affects their appearance.

Benefits and treatment

It is worth noting the huge benefits of winter mushrooms. People from northern countries This product has long been used to treat anemia, lung diseases, viral diseases, and they have also been used as an incredible natural powerful tonic. Due to the vitamin-rich chemical composition, the product supports the state of the immune system and the functioning of the whole organism as a whole. The composition of mushrooms includes polysaccharides, which block the development of oncological malignant cells.

Decoctions, infusions and mushroom extracts restore pressure, positively affect the condition circulatory system and to strengthen the heart muscle.


To date, the harm that winter mushrooms can cause to the body has not been determined. They have no poisonous analogues in winter, since other mushrooms simply do not grow during this period of time. Yes, there are a few cautions for using this product: they should not be added to children's diets, consumed in moderation in old age, and should not be used in the presence of allergic reactions.

Primary processing and preparation

How to cook? The collected winter mushrooms must first be thoroughly washed and boiled (this is how all the sand and dirt leave the mushroom). After the mushrooms have been boiled, you can proceed to their direct cooking. This process takes 20 minutes. They can be fried, stewed, baked. At the end of cooking, you can add a little breadcrumbs to the dish. In order to preserve the product for a long period of time, mushrooms after boiling must be dried and put in freezer either marinate or dry.

It is worth remembering that the pickling process should be hot. Hats need to be boiled twice in different ones, after which they are laid out in a jar and poured with hot marinade with spices. The bank rolls up quickly and is left for at least 3 weeks. You can also dry-salt them. Boiled and dried mushrooms should be dried, put in a jar, carefully sprinkled with salt, and rolled up. There are many recipes for dishes using winter mushrooms, you can also turn on your imagination, since the mushroom is versatile and goes well with the most unpredictable products.

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Physalacriaceae (Physalacriae)
  • Genus: Flammulina (Flammulina)
  • View: Flammulina velutipes (Winter honey agaric)
    Other names for mushroom:

Other names:

  • Flammoulina

  • Flammulina velvety-legged

  • Kollybia velvety-legged

  • Collybia velutipes

Honey agaric winter(lat. Flammulina velutipes) - an edible mushroom of the Ryadovkovy family (the Flammulin genus is also included in the non-gnjuchnikov family).

External Description

Hat: At first, the hat of the winter mushroom has the shape of a hemisphere, then it is prostrate yellow-brown or honey-colored. In the center, the surface of the cap is of a darker shade. In wet weather - mucous. Adult winter mushrooms are very often covered with brown spots.

Pulp: watery, creamy color with a pleasant aroma and taste.

Records: infrequent, adherent, cream-colored, becoming darker with age.

Spore Powder: white.

Leg: cylindrical shape, the upper part of the leg is the same color as the hat, the lower part is darker. Length 4-8cm. up to 0.8 cm thick. Very tough.


Winter honey agaric (Flammulina velutipes) occurs in late autumn and early winter. Grows on deadwood and stumps, prefers deciduous trees. Under favorable conditions, it can bear fruit all winter period.


During the fruiting period, when there is already snow, the Winter honey agaric (Flammulina velutipes) cannot be confused with another species, since nothing else grows at this time. At other times, winter honey agaric can be mistaken for some other type of tree destroyer, from which it differs in white spore powder and the fact that it does not have a ring on the leg. - mushroom of doubtful food grade, is distinguished by a red-brown cap, the leg is reddish-red, often twisted, strongly tapering below; usually found on the roots of old oaks.


Good edible mushroom.

Video about mushroom Winter agaric:


According to many, mushroom season ends in September, but a true mushroom picker knows that at the crossroads of autumn and winter, it's time for a delicious winter mushroom. Winter honey agaric (Flammulina vlutipes) is quite common in southern regions Russian tree fungus. The fungus has one interesting feature - its cells, destroyed during freezing, grow together again and are restored as soon as the air temperature rises above zero. Therefore, in winter thaws, you can sometimes see flammulina hats peeking right out from under the snow.
In addition, the winter mushroom is quickly tamed. Moreover, when growing flammulina in a dark, cold and damp basement, it turns out softer and delicious mushroom. The Japanese call flammulina enokitake - mushroom noodles.

His appearance is ordinary and does not have any characteristic zest. But, even if you met a poisonous and inedible mushroom at first glance in the forest under a layer of snow, you can discard these thoughts. With almost 100% certainty, we can say that this is honey agaric, since apart from it at this time of the year you still can’t find anything.

Use in medicine

Winter mushroom mushroom (flammulina): photo, description

Winter mushrooms or Winter mushroom (Flammulina velutipes)

I would prefer the more accurate name "winter mushroom" - winter mushroom, because. There are also mushrooms that grow in winter.

A fungus from the Tricholomataceae family. The hat is 2-9 cm in diameter, honey-yellow (see photo), darker in the center, flat-convex, later flat, smooth, slimy. The hymenophore is lamellar, yellow-white, the plates are rare, wide, slightly adherent to the stem.

Leg 3-10 cm high, 0.5-1.5 cm thick, cylindrical, light yellow in the upper part, brown, fleecy in the lower part. The taste and smell are pleasant.

Honey mushrooms: how to find, main types, useful properties + 70 photos

Occurs in large, close groups on live and dead trees, stumps, clearings, parks and gardens, fruit trees, linden, aspen, poplar and, especially often, willow. Fruiting from December to March. The mushroom picker of winter mushroom lives for tens and even hundreds of years, so you can harvest for many years in the same places. In our country, it has been mastered artificial breeding on a mixture of sawdust and bran. Winter mushroom is delicious. His hats are boiled, pickled, dried.

The need to look into the dormant winter forest arises over the years, experience and from dissatisfaction with the brevity of a moment of communication with the forest, nature.

Somewhere in the late 70s, I began to carefully examine winter forests Dnipropetrovsk region and nearby regions. Running somehow on winter fishing through the woods, I noticed a tree trunk generously showered with brown mushrooms with a dark to black leg, and the mushrooms were “from earth” to “heaven” - all over the trunk. Despite the frost, these mushrooms do not lose their presentation and taste at all - they simply “fall asleep” and grow again at the first thaw. Since winters in Ukraine are often “rotten”, the mushroom season does not end.

Winter mushrooms prefer deciduous species to conifers, they grow in "bushes" more often than singly. You need to look for old or dying trunks, although they are happy to hide under pieces of damaged or exfoliated bark on apparently healthy trees. They often grow within the city limits, especially in parks, sometimes right on the soil on deadwood.

Take a look around! Sometimes the "winter" ones slip out of turn - ahead of the autumn real mushrooms, they grow from September (if it's cold) to March. It is all the more pleasant to please yourself and your friends with a mushroom "fresh" - when it is frosty and knee-deep snow in the yard.

You need to take a hat and a third of the legs (below is harsh), small ones go entirely. Boil for 10-15 minutes, drain, rinse, salt and onion in a frying pan, bon appetit!

Excellent assortment - oyster mushrooms with mushrooms. In the marinade, winter mushrooms are “ordinary”, nothing special. Slightly similar poisonous false brick-red mushrooms do not tolerate frost, so good luck!

The avid mushroom picker always gets upset when the season ends " silent hunting". Fishermen can quietly smile, rejoicing that their favorite business is all-season. But the mushroom pickers were not so lucky. But, not everyone knows that there are late types of mushrooms that grow even in cold winter. One of these species is winter honey agaric. And in this article we would like to provide a description of this mushroom, a photo and talk about its unique medicinal properties.


In our market, it is better known under the name "monks". The thing is that the fungus enters the Russian market from Japan. Therefore, if you saw pickled monks, you should know that this is an ordinary winter mushroom.

In a number of Asian countries, these mushrooms are almost the most favorite species.

In Russia, the habitat of winter mushrooms is generally limited to northern latitudes.

The most important feature of the winter mushroom is that this species is truly winter.

The fruiting body begins to ripen at the end of autumn, and by the beginning of winter you can harvest a decent harvest of mushrooms.

With all this, it is worth noting that if the winter is warm, then it will bear fruit for the entire quarter.

At severe frosts the bodies of the honey agaric are damaged, however, as soon as the temperature rises to zero degrees Celsius, they are immediately restored.

His appearance is ordinary and does not have any characteristic zest. But, even if you met a poisonous and inedible mushroom at first glance in the forest under a layer of snow, you can discard these thoughts.

With almost 100% certainty, we can say that this is honey agaric, since apart from it at this time of the year you still can’t find anything.

Young specimens have a small hemispherical cap. As the fruiting body ages, it straightens and takes on an umbrella shape.

The surface color can be either light brown or honey. It should be noted that the central part of the head is always darker than its edges.

Dark spots often appear on older mushrooms. Often they have a characteristic brown tint.

The diameter of the cap is small - on average up to 10 centimeters.

Due to frequent contact with water, its flesh has acquired a watery character. But, despite this, the taste of the mushroom is still at the proper level. The color of the pulp is dark beige.

The plates are quite sparsely planted. They have the same color as the flesh. They are firmly attached to the surface. As they age, they often turn dark in color.

The stem is very thin, and due to habitat (stumps, rotten trees), it often has a deformed shape in relation to the hat. From above, the leg has an identical surface color. It gets darker towards the base. On average, the length of the leg does not exceed 8 cm. The thickness is 0.8 cm.

The pulp of the leg is rough even in a young fetus. Nothing to say about the old ones. Because of this, mostly young fruits are eaten.

Asians generally love to practice folk medicine. And winter honey agaric is a frequent guest in the notebook folk healer Asian country.

The fruiting body itself is rich in proteins, zinc, potassium, iodine and other trace elements vital for humans.

Japanese scientists have even discovered the ability of inoki to resist the formation of malignant and benign tumors. They even compiled a map that established the percentage of the possibility of cancer when eating the mushroom. Naturally, the more often it is present in the diet, the less likely it is to face oncology.

Also, it is worth noting its anti-virus qualities.

Winter mushroom - a mushroom from under the snow

Its use leads to an increase in immunity, which in winter, when viruses are in the air, is an indispensable quality. Also, the mushroom has a restorative effect on the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Also, cosmetology has not bypassed him. Based on it, many creams, lotions, masks are produced that allow you to rejuvenate the skin.

Winter mushroom mushroom: where and when to collect, useful properties

Every mushroom picker knows that best time for picking mushrooms - it's autumn. Sometimes summer is added to this time period, especially August, which is considered one of the most mushroom months. But not everyone is aware that the mushroom season is not at all limited to the warm seasons.

And the best example of this is the winter mushroom - flammulina, or winter honey agaric. As the name implies, the "hunt" for him, as a rule, is opened in cold weather of the year.

It is best to collect winter mushrooms from November to February, since it is then that they are found especially often and in large quantities, although they can grow throughout the year. And this is a great reason to leave a warm house and go to the forest in search of this unusual mushroom.

Distinctive features of the fungus

Flammulina velvety-legged is a relatively small edible mushroom with a hat-and-legged structure. Hat size fluctuates from 2 to 10 cm, in young mushrooms it is convex, while in mature ones it becomes flat. characteristic feature winter honey agaric is the mucous surface of the cap, which can be painted in various shades of yellow, orange and brown, depending on the type of tree on which it grows. In this case, the edges of the cap are usually lighter than the middle.

Winter honey agaric: growing in various conditions

The pulp has a pleasant taste, it is thin, light in color: from white to yellowish.

The plates are rare, often adherent to the stem or shortened. The color can vary quite widely: from white or cream to ocher.

The leg of the flammulina is thin and long, reaching from 2 to 7 cm, depending on the size of the fungus.

Usually, brown shade, and the lower part of the leg is darker than the upper, which is more yellow. The ring, also known as the "skirt", is missing.

Areas of use

Flammulina is widely used in cooking: in the composition of second courses, salads, sauces, pickles and marinades. But before putting the found mushrooms into food, it must be taken into account that they must pass high quality heat treatment. The fact is that they are in the fourth category. edible mushrooms(conditionally edible) due to the fact that they contain a weak unstable toxin. During heat treatment, in particular when cooked for at least 20 minutes, the poison is destroyed, and the mushroom becomes completely edible.

One might ask, why bother with such a dubious mushroom at all, if there are a huge number of equally tasty, but much easier to process? There are several answers to this question:

  • Useful properties of flammulina. Japanese scientists in the middle of the last century discovered the amazing quality of the winter fungus: it contains a substance called flammulin, which prevents the occurrence of cancer and helps fight existing ones. Further research has only increased the list of valuable properties of winter honey agarics. As it turned out, it has a beneficial effect on the stomach and liver, helping to prevent diseases and stimulate the immune system.
  • The season in which flammulina is harvested. It must be admitted that in winter it is difficult to treat yourself to fresh mushrooms: you can only buy them in a store. And personally collected winter mushrooms, which also have a festive bright color, turn out to be a very pleasant addition to the standard diet. In addition, the fact that flammulins are most active in winter helps to avoid encounters with dangerous twins characteristic of other types of mushrooms.

There are not many mushrooms that you can confuse flammulina. Due to the time when she begins to bear fruit abundantly, she practically does not have false twins. However, there are still several types of mushrooms that are very similar to flammulina, and it will be useful to understand their similarities and differences. So, who can you confuse her with and how dangerous can it be?

Twins of winter honey agarics and their differences:

  • Summer honey agaric. This edible mushroom is quite difficult to confuse with flammoulina due to the fact that it is usually found between April and November. As a difference, one can indicate a thin membranous ring on the stem of the summer honey agaric, as well as a often encountered dark border along the edge of the cap.
  • Collybia spindle-footed. The chance of confusing this inedible mushroom with winter mushroom is quite small: its fruiting time is in summer and autumn. Collibia is distinguished by a characteristic red-brown color of the cap, its stem is long, spindle-shaped and often twisted.
  • The gallery is bordered. One of the most dangerous false mushrooms, because this mushroom is very poisonous. You can distinguish it from winter honey agaric by the ring on the leg, as well as by addiction to coniferous trees, while flammulina prefers deciduous. The leg of the gallery is covered with a white coating. However, the chance to meet both a galerina and a winter mushroom at the same time is rather small, especially if you collect them in winter: the galerina bears fruit from July to October, sometimes capturing November as well.
  • False honey fungus. This twin brother of almost all kinds of mushrooms is found from July to October. Coloring can be any: pink, yellow, light orange shades or red. Characteristic is bad smell coming from the pulp of the mushroom, and a bitter taste that does not disappear even during heat treatment.

As you can see from this list, the winter mushroom is quite difficult to confuse with others, but we must not forget the most important rule regarding mushroom picking: if for some reason the found mushroom seems suspicious, it is better to leave it in the forest.

Honey mushrooms we call one of the varieties of edible agaric autumn mushrooms. These are the most fruitful and harvested mushrooms, of the most common ones. honey agaric summer and winter. Scientific name of the fungus "Real honey agaric" or "autumn honey agaric" (Armillariella mellea). Usually autumn mushrooms complete the mushroom season. IN central Russia they are often called "Assumption" for their mass appearance at the end of August, just in time for the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 28). On this day, experienced mushroom pickers go to the forest for the first autumn mushrooms, which bear fruit from now on for two to three weeks. In a dry summer, the first wave of fruiting honey agarics may go unnoticed or move more late deadline. In some regions, a real honey agaric is common throughout the entire Northern Hemisphere, except for permafrost and tropical latitudes, there is a second and even a third wave of fruiting mushrooms, depending on the weather and climatic conditions terrain. There, autumn mushrooms are harvested until mid-October.

In the photo: autumn mushrooms (real honey agaric, Armillariella mellea). On the following pages, see other photos of autumn mushrooms.

When and how to collect autumn mushrooms.

The generosity with which the forest endows us with these fragrant mushrooms is able to saturate everyone, so the appearance of mushrooms is eagerly awaited. Collecting mushrooms is a real pleasure. They meet in families, so they immediately manage to pick up a lot of mushrooms, sometimes at a time and not carry them away. There is a real “silent hunt” behind honey mushrooms - who is the first? Attacked mushroom place- cut all the mushrooms at once. Returning again, they can not be caught - a lot of "hunters". And those cut and laid under a bush, sprinkled with grass and branches, will go unnoticed and wait for your second arrival. But this is if there is a desire to process so many mushrooms later, and you know how to navigate in the forest.

Honey mushrooms are well transported. Packed in large baskets, buckets, bags, car trunks and everything that is at hand at that moment, they are safely delivered to the place of processing. The main thing is to quickly bring them and scatter them so that they do not “burn out”.

Winter mushroom (Flammulina, winter mushroom): description, application, photo

In cooking, hats and legs of young mushrooms are often used. However, some mushroom pickers prefer to collect mature mushrooms with a large hat. “There is something to pick up with a fork!” they say. In large mushrooms, only hats are collected, their legs are hard and not suitable for food. Overgrown mushrooms or harvested in prolonged rainy weather partially lose their attractive appearance, mushroom aroma and taste, but are still good fried, boiled and pickled. Inexperienced mushroom pickers can confuse autumn mushrooms with false mushrooms similar to them. So you need to know them. features.

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In addition to culinary qualities, winter mushrooms also have healing properties. However, it should be noted that the pulp of the fungus contains no a large number of toxins that are destroyed during cooking. Therefore, you should always start cooking winter mushrooms by boiling them in boiling water for at least 20 minutes.

The chemical composition of mushrooms and useful properties

The fruit body of flammulina contains a large amount of amino acids and protein, ahead of many fruits and vegetables in this indicator. Winter mushrooms contain zinc, iodine, potassium and other trace elements. In addition, the fruiting bodies of the fungus contain antioxidants, due to which flammulina are used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals.

The use of winter mushrooms in medicine and cosmetology

In Japan, inaketake (the so-called flammulina in Japanese) is valued for its ability to inhibit the development of tumors and neoplasms, including malignant ones. In addition, the healing properties of winter mushrooms are manifested in the support and strengthening of immunity. They lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, have a restorative effect on the liver. Cosmetologists use flammulina as a means to rejuvenate and nourish the skin.

Who should refrain from eating winter mushrooms

Flammulina, like all mushrooms, is a rather difficult food to digest. It is not recommended to use them for people with diseases of the digestive system, as well as with individual intolerance. Flammulin should not be used by women during pregnancy and lactation.

Important! Winter mushrooms, like any other mushrooms, are completely contraindicated for children under 10 years old, since before this age the stomach does not produce the enzymes necessary to break down such food.

It must be remembered that in spite of all beneficial features, flammulina, like other fungi, are capable of accumulating radionuclides, heavy metals and other harmful substances. Therefore, their collection should be carried out away from automobile and railways, outside industrial zones and contaminated areas.

How to cook winter mushrooms

Winter mushrooms are suitable for cooking many dishes. Their firm, creamy flesh is good taste and aroma. They make an excellent filling for pies. Often inaketake, or inoki, can be found in recipes for various Korean and Japanese salads. Flammulin is suitable for home canning, for example, for preparing mushroom caviar.

Latin name: Flammulina velutipes.

Genus: Flammulina.

Family: Ordinary, also belongs to the family Negniuchkovye.

Synonyms: Agaricus velutipes, Collybia velutipes, Collybidium velutipes, Gymnopus velutipes, Myxocollybia velutipes.

Russian synonyms: velvety-legged flammulina, velvety-legged collibia, winter mushroom. In the West, they are most often found under the Japanese name "enokitake".

Hat: rounded-convex, becomes flat with age. The diameter is from 2 to 8 cm, however, some large specimens can reach 10 and even 12 cm. The color of the cap varies from yellow or honey to orange-brown. In most cases, the edges of the cap have a lighter shade than central zone. Mucous, smooth, with a slight drying takes on a glossy appearance. Pay attention to the hats of winter edible mushrooms by looking at the photo.

Leg: cylindrical, tubular, dense, velvety, 3-8 cm high, up to 1 cm thick. The upper part has a lighter shade (yellow), and the lower part is darker (brown or red).

Pulp: thin, hard at the lower edge of the stem and softer at the cap. White or light yellow, with a slightly pronounced pleasant smell and taste.

Records: rare, slightly adherent to the stem, sometimes shortened. The color of the plates in young individuals ranges from cream to yellowish-white, darkening with age.

We offer you to see a few more photos of winter honey agaric in the forest:

As you can see, they have a brighter color than representatives of other types of edible mushrooms. Knowing what winter mushrooms look like in the photo, it will be much easier for you to find them in the forest.

Edibility: conditionally edible, belongs to the 4th category.

Winter honey agaric benefit.

Winter mushrooms are a relatively new phenomenon for the Russian mushroom picker, so let's talk about it in more detail. About 20 years ago it was not collected at all. Yes, and it didn’t even cross my mind - to go for mushrooms in January!

Now the winter mushroom has become famous, it is grown, sold in stores, it is firmly established in books.

It is not surprising that flammulina tends to anthropogenic landscapes. Where there is a person, there are weakened trees. In addition, flammulina came to us not so long ago and, moreover, from the south, from places that are characterized by milder winters.

And the temperature in winter in the city is always several degrees higher than in the "wild forest", which is very "pleasing" to the winter honey agaric.

Note: flammulina is almost the only mushroom that can withstand the colossal pollution of large cities. Almost only it is one of all cap mushrooms that can grow on the sides of major highways in the city center. But to collect it in such conditions, as well as near industrial enterprises and motorways are by no means allowed. Any mushrooms, whether edible or not, have the ability to accumulate various harmful substances contained in the soil and atmosphere, including heavy metal ions. So collect them in the forest or on personal plot, that is, where you are quite sure of the purity of the air.

Apparently, it is necessary to answer the question that may have arisen in you after getting to know Flammulina, namely: why does it need to grow at such an inopportune time?

The answer is pretty simple. It is well known that any living beings (whether animals, plants or fungi) are in constant competition with each other for living space and food.

The fruiting time of winter mushrooms is one of clear examples result of this competition. Almost all of our forest tree mushrooms spread through spores. Wind, rain, birds and insects spread them, and, once in favorable conditions (in our case, on damaged areas of the bark, branches, trunks and roots), the spores germinate, giving rise to a new fungal organism. All this happens, of course, in the summer-autumn time. Imagine what an incredible struggle for habitat is going on between billions of spores of hundreds of different types of fungi. What is flammulina? She has adapted to bear fruit in winter time, i.e., at the moment when she (her spores) has practically no competitor, not a single growing fungus actively spreading its spores. This is the reason for such a strange at first glance, the time of formation of the fruiting bodies of winter mushrooms.

Flammulina has long been a cultivated mushroom. The history of its cultivation in the countries of the East has more than 1000 years. Currently, flammulina ranks third in the world in terms of production among cultivated mushrooms (world production - up to 150,000 tons per year).

Studies of the composition of fruiting bodies conducted in Japan showed the content of the substance flammulin in mushrooms, which significantly retarded the growth of cancers. Winter mushrooms contain in their composition substances that reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and slow down the development of atherosclerosis. In this regard, in a number of countries they are used to obtain therapeutic and prophylactic and medicinal products, as well as hygiene drinks and cosmetics. In terms of protein and amino acids (including essential ones), the winter mushroom surpasses berries, fruits and vegetables. Its amount in fruiting bodies ranges from 28–33%, and in terms of the content of minerals and trace elements (phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iodine, manganese, copper, etc.), the fungus surpasses vegetables and is comparable in composition only with milk and beef.

Thus, flammulina is a complete food product containing all the substances necessary for the growth and development of the human body.

Winter mushrooms are also used for the production of cosmetics (creams, masks and lotions containing 5–25% hydroalcoholic extracts from mycelial culture). Creams and lotions are used for dry and flaky skin. The rejuvenating effect when using masks is observed already on the tenth day of the corresponding course.

According to the latest micromorphological and molecular studies, the winter fungus is represented in the European part of Russia by four related species - F. velutipes, F. ononidis, F. fennae and F. rossica (the latter also grows in the Asian part of Russia). Distinguishing them without a microscope is not possible and has no practical value for mushroom pickers or from a medicinal point of view.

Honey agaric winter medicinal properties. Winter honey agaric (Flammulina velutipes)

Sin .: winter mushroom, velvety-legged flammulina, velvety-legged collibia, snow mushroom, flammulina, enokitake, fire mushroom, enoki, jingu.

Winter honey agaric is a species winter mushrooms from the genus Flammulina, family Ryadovkovye, or Tricholomovye. It is a cosmopolitan mushroom, i.e. grows all over the globe except for Antarctica. In the composition of the winter fungus, flammulin was found, which counteracts malignant neoplasms. In Russia, it is not used for medicinal purposes.

In medicine

Winter honey agaric is not included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation. In Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese medicine, preparations and infusions from winter agaric are used in the prevention and treatment of malignant neoplasms (sarcoma, cancer, melanoma), as well as malignant diseases of the blood and lymphatic system - lymphosis, leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis.

The thing is that winter mushroom contains a substance that prevents the active development of sarcoma - flammulin. Hence the second name of the fungus - velvety-legged flammulina. Also, in Eastern medical practice, the mushroom, due to its medicinal properties, is used for liver diseases and gastrointestinal ulcers.

In the above medical practices flammulina mushroom is also used for the prevention and treatment of benign tumors: adenomas, fibromas, fibroids, mastopathy. In the 1990s, the first clinical data on the antitumor properties of winter honey agaric were obtained in Russia, in connection with which the first biologically active food supplements appeared that have antitumor, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects.

However, these additives soon faded away due to the controversial opinion about their effectiveness, therefore, in Russia, the winter mushroom is not currently used for medicinal purposes.

Contraindications side effects

Contraindications to the use of flammulina and treatment with this fungus are pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance to the components of the fungus, childhood up to ten years (the stomach lacks the necessary enzymes that allow the normal processing of mushrooms). Honey mushrooms are contraindicated for people who have digestive problems, have diseases of the liver and gallbladder (these organs are responsible for the production of enzymes that break down foods, so eating mushrooms will lead to regular indigestion) and kidneys, gout (due to the high concentration of purine, mushrooms can cause deterioration health conditions).

In cooking

Popular in Japanese cuisine. It is a constant component in Korean salads, however, unlike champignons and Asian shiitake mushrooms, winter honey agaric is able to fully preserve its surprisingly mild and pleasant taste in salads, combined with a refined aroma.

The soft fruiting body of the winter honey agaric makes possible to obtain from it mushroom caviar. Flammulina is also suitable for kneading minced meat and preparing fillings. Winter mushroom is combined with meat, fish, poultry, as well as almost all vegetables. It is salted, pickled, dried, canned, mushroom powder and extracts are made. Of course, winter honey agaric is also used fresh.

However, there is evidence that the pulp of the mushroom may contain a certain amount of unstable toxins, so the winter mushroom must be properly boiled before eating.

In the cosmetic industry

The fungus flammulina is widely used in the production of cosmetics: lotions, masks, creams. As a rule, such products contain 5-25% water-alcohol extracts from mycelial culture. Lotions and creams made with the addition of flammulina are necessary for flaking or dry skin. As cosmetologists and people who have tried products with flammulina in their composition say, the rejuvenating effect of masks is observed on the 10th day (if used correctly).

Video how to cook winter mushrooms. Recipe.

Honey mushrooms are one of the most common species. However, even big lovers Quiet hunting sometimes cannot assume that there are not only summer mushrooms, but also winter ones. Winter mushrooms are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine.

Winter mushrooms belong to the Ryadovkovy family

Winter mushrooms belong to the Ryadovkov family. Another name for the fruit is velvety-legged flammulina.

The plates located below, on one side, have grown to the leg. They are rarely located, have small jumpers. The pulp of the mushroom is juicy, fleshy. In general, it has a yellow tint; when damaged, the color does not change. It has a pleasant mushroom aroma and delicate taste. A leg of the correct cylindrical form, dark brown color. Its surface is velvety, slightly lighter at the base.

Where and how to collect winter mushrooms (video)

Taste and nutritional value of winter mushrooms

The nutritional value of the mushroom is low - 100 grams of the product contains about 40 calories, 3 grams of protein and 9 grams of carbohydrates. The rest is occupied alimentary fiber and water.

The beneficial properties of winter honey agaric are due to the high content of biologically active substances in it, such as:

That is why, with regular use, these gifts of the forest are able to normalize the work of the whole organism, provide the body with an additional source of energy, increase the susceptibility of vision to light and colors, and speed up metabolic processes in the body.

Winter honey agaric palatability similar to champignons and Chinese shiitake mushrooms. During cooking, it retains its structure and pleasant mild aroma. It is used as part of the so-called "Korean" salads, since it does not lose its softness during long-term pickling and storage, and practically does not absorb water.

Winter mushroom tastes similar to champignons and Chinese shiitake mushrooms

On store shelves, this mushroom is found under other, false names. It can be referred to as autumn honey agaric or selective.

In cooking, it is also used to make mushroom caviar, a filling for pastries. Combines well with fresh vegetables, fish with meat products. Suitable for canning, softness, mushroom powder and various extracts. Salting is best done cold - during the process, the mushrooms do not boil or heat up, but are simply gradually saturated with various seasonings.

In cooking, winter mushrooms are used to prepare caviar from mushrooms.

Where and when to collect winter mushrooms

On stumps or tree trunks, they form a whole group of closely twisted fruits, which become brittle at the first frost and crumble when touched. After a temporary warming occurs, the mushrooms come to life, and spores form on their surface. Thus the plant grows throughout the winter. Among deciduous plants, honey agaric prefers maple, elm, aspen, willow and poplar, as well as linden. On birch, elder and various shrubs, it appears much less frequently.

This mushroom can also be found in the warm season, but at this time the fruiting of the mushroom is not so plentiful, and the appearance is unsightly. When it gets cold, mushrooms come to life, begin to grow from November to February.

Since winter honey agaric belongs to the fourth category of mushrooms, then it must be thermally processed before direct preparation and adding to other dishes. To do this, mushrooms are cleaned of forest debris with a soft cloth, and then all deformed and damaged specimens are separated from whole ones. Then they are poured cold water, boil for about five minutes and dry with a paper towel.

  • If further mushrooms need to be frozen, then absolutely dry fruits fall asleep in plastic bag, tie it up without oxygen access inside and send it to the freezer.
  • Mushrooms are best suited for salting or pickling. To do this, add a few glasses of water, spices to taste and citric acid to a container with mushrooms. After some time, the pulp will be saturated with marinade and the fruits will become fragrant and soft.
  • For salting in a dry way, completely dry mushrooms are shifted with seasonings and non-iodized salt itself, and in this form they remain for several days. Under the influence of salt, mushrooms secrete juice and absorb the aroma and taste of seasonings.

How to cook mushrooms (video)

Important! Limiting the intake of too salty foods is necessary for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis or stomach ulcers.

Due to the high content of antioxidants, these mushrooms are an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases, and also actively stimulate the immune system. When used regularly, the mushroom can treat certain diseases, such as ulcers or colitis.

Long-term use of mushrooms can not cause any harm, but taking them raw is prohibited.

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