"real honey fungus can be eaten raw." What edible and inedible honey mushrooms look like, how to distinguish toadstools and false honey mushrooms from real ones - varieties of honey mushrooms: description, photos with names. When do honey mushrooms appear and how many and where do they grow?

List and overview of mushrooms that grow in September, October and November.

Mushrooms - useful product, containing a huge amount of protein. They are suitable for preparing fillings for pies, as part of first and second courses. In addition, mushrooms are used to make excellent preparations for the winter in the form of caviar, pate or salts. Of course, you can buy mushrooms at the market, but forest varieties are considered the most delicious and nutritious.

Mushrooms are the fruits of the growth of mycelium and mycelium. In general, mycelium grows several meters underground, like a spider’s web. From time to time it bears fruit. These are exactly the mushrooms that we collect. The largest mushroom harvest is observed in the fall after rain.

Mushroom growth time is 2 weeks. But most often you can see the mushroom already on the 5th day. At this time, a leg appears that connects the mycelium and the cap. Initially, the cap is small, but after 2-3 days its size rapidly increases. That is, after the rain you can go pick mushrooms in 1-2 weeks.

What edible mushrooms grow in the fall, at the beginning and end of September: photos, list, names

September is a month rich in mushrooms. This time is considered to be the peak. The most interesting thing is that it is at this time that the mushrooms are harvested. In the forest you can find summer mushrooms, which previously bore fruit well in July and August.

List of mushrooms for September:

  • Wet
  • White mushrooms
  • Chanterelles

false fox

What edible mushrooms grow in the fall, at the beginning and end of October: photos, list, names

At this time, the number of mushrooms decreases. The fact is that the nights become relatively cold. But at this temperature, the mushrooms last longer until their maturity. There are not many summer mushrooms at this time. The time has begun for varieties that love moderate temperatures. The most interesting thing is that this is the best time to harvest mushrooms. They keep for a very long time.

List of October mushrooms:

Occasionally you can see boletus and boletus. They grow infrequently, their time is running out.

What edible mushrooms grow in the fall, at the beginning and end of November: photos, list, names

In November it is already quite cold and out of all the summer abundance, very few mushrooms are found. These are mainly resistant varieties that grow on tree trunks or stumps. Because there is frost on the ground surface. Usually with the first snow mushroom season ends. Occasionally you can see oyster mushrooms on the trunks.

List of November mushrooms:

  • Gray row

What are the latest edible mushrooms in November: photos, list, names

Basically, at the end of autumn there are not many mushrooms in the forest, not only edible, but also poisonous. The mycelium gradually stops producing fruit, as the temperature is quite low. Few people pick mushrooms in November, as this is the time of rain and the first frosts. At this time the forest is very dirty. Few people would like to walk in the mud and pick through wet leaves, looking for mushrooms. At this time, there are very few mushrooms left that can be eaten. They have a significant feature - a hard cap. Therefore, among mushroom pickers there are few who love such mushrooms.

The latest mushrooms:

  • Winter honey fungus

All these mushrooms have a dense texture and a fibrous cap.

gray talker

Very hot weather is not suitable for mushrooms. In general, mushrooms love moisture and moderate temperature. The ideal temperature can be considered +10+20 °C. If summer or autumn is very dry, then you should not count on a good harvest of mushrooms. But even if in the fall heavy rains, then the mycelium will get wet. In such weather there is also no good harvest.

September can be considered ideal; at this time there are a lot of summer mushrooms and lovers of cool weather appear. At this time you can see boletus, boletus and porcini mushrooms. They can be found even during frosts. It is believed that a temperature of +5+10 °C is required for the development of the mushroom fruit. This is the minimum temperature.

Despite the decrease in average daily temperature, in the fall it is possible to harvest a large number of mushrooms They are in their own way taste qualities are not inferior to summer ones.

VIDEO: Edible mushrooms in autumn

Autumn has come, it's time to walk in the forest and pick mushrooms. The weather, according to mushroom pickers, is the most favorable at this time. And it is not necessary to wait for rain, air temperature and high humidity soil promotes the maturation of the most different types mushrooms But what autumn month best suited for mushroom pickers? Each month has its own attractions, but what mushrooms can be collected in large quantities in October?

Mushrooms in mid-autumn

Walking around autumn forest When the sun warms up and the foliage rustles underfoot, mushrooms can be seen at almost every step. October is a great time for mushrooms: cool nights and foggy mornings, which has a very beneficial effect on the quality of mushrooms. Mushrooms collected in October will be better stored in winter than those collected earlier.

In October, you need to look for mushrooms in the forest, because they predominate in the clearings in September, and October mushrooms grow under trees, in forest thickets and on stumps. So, what mushrooms grow in October:

Judging by the list, this will be a good harvest, but remember that You need to go looking for October mushrooms before the first frost, as long as the weather is favorable. Each type is tasty in its own way, and you can prepare the most variety of dishes and blanks. But in order not to collect toadstools in October, you need to study each species in detail.

Boletus, boletus and oyster mushrooms

Boletus - edible mushrooms, which do not necessarily grow under birch trees. They can be found in deciduous forests absolutely anywhere. Thus, mushroom pickers often collect boletus mushrooms on the edges and hillocks. The hat is dark brown, in the shape of a semicircle. Inside there is white pulp, which immediately darkens when cut. A young mushroom is elastic and dense, an old one is watery and fibrous, and the stem becomes tough and inedible. Therefore, it is worth collecting only young mushrooms.

For the winter, boletus can be used to make excellent canned food or simply dry it. Just imagine on a cold winter evening. Once you inhale the aroma of this dish, you are already transported to the autumn forest.

The next type of mushroom that is harvested in October is boletus or white mushroom. It is considered royal among mushroom pickers because it has an amazing taste and aroma. in a pine or spruce forest. The cap is dark brown to purple. The pulp is white and very dense, which does not change color when cut. A basket of porcini mushrooms offers a wide variety of dishes. Pickles, fried and boiled boletus, as well as dried for the winter. This is a very valuable and expensive mushroom, so if you collect a basket of boletus mushrooms, you can consider yourself lucky.

What edible mushrooms are collected in Volgograd region

Oyster mushroom is an unpretentious mushroom that is not afraid of frost. These mushrooms can be collected at the end of October, and in some regions even in December. Habitat: stumps, aspens, oaks, birches or poplars. So, while wandering through the forest in search of tasty mushrooms, pay attention to the stumps where young oyster mushrooms may be hiding. The shape of the oyster mushroom resembles an ear and belongs to the oyster mushrooms.

A young mushroom has a convex cap with curved edges, but adult mushrooms have smooth edges. The stems of the mushroom are dense and slightly curved down. The color is grayish, even ashen. You can prepare a lot of dishes from oyster mushrooms. You can marinate them, or you can fry them with onions, and they are also great when salted.

True connoisseurs of this mushroom try to grow oyster mushrooms at home. They simply place the bags of spores in the cellar and - voila! - fresh mushrooms all winter.

Honey mushrooms and saffron milk caps

Lovers of mushrooms can find them on damaged trees; this is a favorite habitat for mushrooms. Often these are birch or aspen trees. On coniferous trees honey mushrooms are less common. The shape of the fungus cap resembles a ball, the stem is thin and dense, up to 18 centimeters long. Colors range from cream to yellow, but sometimes have a red tint. Honey mushrooms can be either pickled for the winter, dried or fried. Mushrooms are also very tasty and simply pickled.

Varieties of mushrooms in the Leningrad region

The next type of October mushrooms are saffron milk caps. It is simply impossible to miss them in the forest. The bright red color and the convex cap, wrapped at the edges, immediately gives the mushroom away, no matter where it is hiding. Habitat: pine forests. The taste of the mushroom is not inferior to white or any other. And when preserved, it retains its bright color. In many countries, sauces are made from camelina and added to a variety of dishes, and camelina oil is especially popular among gourmets. This highly aromatic product is ideal for dressing salads or cooking.

Talkers and Garlics

Talkers got their name because of the hats that look like a loudspeaker. Lives in temperate climates. The govorushka tastes sweet with spicy notes. The leg is not eaten, but the cap is very tasty either marinated, fried or salted. You can identify a talker not only by the shape of its cap, but also by its floral smell.

Walking through the October forest, enjoying the last warm days, pay attention to the stumps. This is where you can find the garlic mushroom. It got its name because of its garlicky smell. The mushroom has a small convex cap and thin leg. The color comes in both brown and red. Usually these mushrooms are dried and used as a seasoning.

Blues and waves

Purple row or cyanosis is an excellent mushroom that is eaten fried, salted, or pickled. The color of the cap is purple in a young mushroom, and with age it becomes dark purple. The diameter of the cap reaches 15 centimeters, and the cylindrical leg reaches all 8 centimeters. The taste has a fruity aroma, and when raw it is sweet.

If you want to tinker a little with mushrooms, but get a worthy reward in the form of an amazing taste, go to the birch forests for volnushki. They require a lot of effort when processing, but they have a very rich taste no matter how they are prepared. You can recognize the mushroom by its convex pinkish cap up to 12 centimeters in diameter, which is framed by a fringe. The leg reaches 6 centimeters. Volnushki can be salted or fried; they will amaze your guests with an unforgettable taste. The work will not be in vain. For example, very tasty dish- baked trumpets with rice and vegetables.

Where do black and white truffles grow in Russia?

Chanterelles and greenflies

A popular species among mushroom pickers is chanterelles. Firstly, they have a refined taste, and secondly, these mushrooms are not wormy. A mushroom of bright rich yellow color with curved wavy edges of the cap. The habitat of chanterelles is coniferous forests. They are often eaten fried with potatoes. And their unforgettable aroma transports you to the forest path of a coniferous forest.

Who would have thought that edible green mushrooms exist? Yes, believe me, there is. Zelenukha or green row is a mushroom of rich green color that does not change even after processing. Habitat - pine forests. Their flat caps peek through the pine needles. The smell is nutty, and they taste very meaty. Just remember, you need to consume green flowers in moderation, otherwise you can get poisoned.

Unusual boletus and black milk mushrooms

Boletus mushrooms are not for everyone. They live in pine or mixed forests and have a convex cap. Mushrooms grow on the edges of the forest in groups. Often, adult mushrooms are affected by worms, so you should only look for young fungi. Distinctive characteristic- it is highly oily, so it is ideal for frying, boiling and pickling.

Surely many people know that autumn time This is the ideal time for mushroom picking. Why? Yes, because at night more dew begins to form, the soil layer is better moistened, and boletus and aspen mushrooms really begin to grow out of the ground in huge numbers. In general, it is the year that amazes with the species diversity and rich harvest of mushrooms.

A huge number of people are interested in the question of what mushrooms are picked in October. To be fair, it should be said that the second month of autumn is the peak period for mushroom picking. In some cases, it is considered the only month in which one is lucky enough to harvest a rich harvest of porcini and oyster mushrooms.

Honey mushrooms

So, what mushrooms are picked in October? At this time, nature seems to freeze: silence reigns in the forest, which can only be broken by the rustling of yellowed leaves underfoot.

Do you want to know what mushrooms are picked in October? The first on the list should be, of course, honey mushrooms. Their share in the total harvest, as a rule, is a large part. In the forest they can be found in the most unexpected places, but most often on fallen deciduous trees and stumps. Moreover, they grow in fairly large clusters. Even an old stump in the garden can be a haven for honey mushrooms. Among mushroom pickers, they have firmly established the status of “impudent” mushrooms. In mid-autumn, it is the autumn honey fungus that is most often found. What mushrooms are still picked in October? It should be noted that in huge numbers you can see greenfinches and rowers that grow along forest paths and directly on sandy hills.


Of course, in the fall everyone goes to the forest to collect the harvest, despite the fact that they come across less and less often. It is best to search for them in sunny meadows.

Autumn variety of mushrooms

What mushrooms can be found in a pine forest at the beginning of October? Of course, these are boletus, boletus, boletus and boletus. Again, you can look for champignons in the meadows and gardens. If October turns out to be warm and sunny, then saffron milk caps and chanterelles come out of the ground. Must be mentioned (it seems that its rich azure hue cannot be washed away by anything). There is also a large umbrella mushroom and a red umbrella mushroom. The variety of species of champignons is also striking: you can find field, edible, steppe, and garden ones. In autumn, two types of talkers also grow: goblet and giant. You can also come across moss mushrooms: green, multi-colored and fissured.

What other mushrooms grow in October? Very often, mushroom pickers hunt for trumpet mushrooms, pigtails and raincoats. It is safe to say that in the fall you can harvest a rich harvest of mushrooms, and if you are suddenly asked whether there are mushrooms in October, you can safely answer in the affirmative.

Exercise caution

At the same time, when picking mushrooms, you should not neglect precautions. Of course, now you no longer think about whether there are mushrooms in October, but you also need to be able to distinguish edible specimens from inedible ones. For example, you might accidentally collect dung beetles. These eukaryotic organisms, when combined with alcohol, are hazardous to health as they can cause food poisoning.

Don't forget about the risks of collecting poisonous mushrooms. Please note that in the fall they grow en masse and they are practically no different from the original. Again, one can easily come across pale grebe. In this regard, upon arriving home, it is necessary to carefully examine each mushroom. If you have the slightest suspicion regarding whether or not it is, it is better to get rid of it.

Mushroom season in the Moscow region

Of course, many people go to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region in October. But it should be noted that during this period of time the mushroom season is close to its end, since there are not so many moss mushrooms and russula, and their natural form deteriorates somewhat with the onset of the first frost. Nevertheless, enthusiasts do not lose optimism and set off along a wide variety of routes in the Moscow region to collect boletus, boletus, polish and umbrella mushrooms. It is noteworthy that fortune smiles on them, and they achieve their goal. This indicates only one thing: there are mushrooms in the Moscow region in October.

Mushroom places in the Moscow region

It should be emphasized that you can choose a wide variety of directions for mushroom picking in the Moscow region. As a rule, people prefer to use the train. We list several popular routes.

Savelovskoe direction

The final stop is Lugovaya station. Mushrooms can be collected in the western part - two kilometers towards the settlement of Ozeretskoye, as well as in the eastern part - three kilometers towards the settlements of Fedoskino and Sholokhov. In these places you can collect boletus, boletus and chanterelles. From Lugovaya station it takes about 40 minutes.

Kazan direction

You should get off at Chernaya station, which is surrounded by pine forest. As soon as you get off the train, in a matter of minutes you will find yourself in forest area. Here you can also collect a rich harvest of mushrooms, but as for chanterelles and boletus, it is not recommended to collect them, since they easily absorb harmful substances. Electric trains run from the capital's metropolis to Chernaya station three times a day.

Leningrad direction

Mushroom pickers should get to Firsanovka station, then, heading northeast, get to settlement Nazaryevo. Then you should go again in the northeast direction to the village of Elino, and not far from the intersection of the route with the Leningradskoye Highway, you can see mixed forest. It is in it that you can collect honey mushrooms, saffron milk caps and porcini mushrooms.

Of course, this is only a small fraction of the directions for mushroom picking in the Moscow region. You can always choose the most optimal route for yourself.

Honey mushrooms are considered one of the varieties edible mushrooms with records. They are divided into autumn, summer and winter. It's hard to say for sure what time to collect hemp mushrooms. Autumn honey mushrooms end the mushroom season and are considered the most collected and widespread mushrooms. They begin to be collected at the end of August and bear fruit for two to three weeks. If the summer turns out to be dry, then this period may go unnoticed or become more late time. And in the Northern Hemisphere, the second stage of fruiting often occurs, depending on weather conditions. There these mushrooms can grow until half of October.

Summer honey fungus begins to be collected in early June and ends in October. Unlike the autumn one, it has a much smaller cap, its color is yellowish-brown, lighter closer to the center. This mushroom belongs to the fourth category, which is most suitable for drying, soups and pickling.
Winter honey fungus grows only on trees, in small groups. It appears in autumn and remains under the snow in winter. And in a fairly mild climate, honey fungus can be collected until March. It does not have a strong taste; it is mainly used in stews and first courses, as well as in pickled form.

How to distinguish a false honey mushroom from a real one

In edible honey mushrooms (left), the ring on the stem is clearly visible. False mushrooms (right) have no rings on their legs

Inedible honey mushrooms are a number of names of mushrooms, externally similar to edible honey mushrooms. They like to grow in the same parts of the forest as the real ones, on trees that are littered, stumps and stem parts in small groups. Therefore they can easily be confused with false mushrooms. They are divided into three groups:

  • inedible
  • conditionally edible
  • poisonous.

Therefore, you should not take risks and take a mushroom if you are not completely sure of its edibility. If there is even the slightest doubt that it is genuine and can be used in cooking, it is best not to put it in the basket.

The first main point, by which it is easy to distinguish the honey fungus from the inedible one, is the presence of a ring with a film, a kind of skirt, on the leg. Such a ring is a residual phenomenon from the blanket, which plays the role of protection for the honey mushroom at a young age. Inedible mushrooms do not have such a ring.

In addition, there are a number of other distinctive features, false mushrooms:

  1. Non-false mushrooms are tasty in smell and have a mushroom aroma, while inedible mushrooms have an unpleasant and earthy aroma.
  2. Inedible honey mushrooms have caps that are most brightly and loudly colored, unlike the opposite ones. Shades can be sulfur yellow or pale red, it all depends on the species. Non-false mushrooms are characterized by the usual light brownish color.
  3. The top of edible honey mushrooms has small scales, while the opposite ones have nothing on it, it is smooth to the touch. But this does not apply to old non-false honey mushrooms, since they also have a smooth cap.
  4. If you compare the underside of the mushroom caps, they also have differences in color. The plates of inedible mushrooms are yellow, while those of old ones are green or olive-black. But in real honey mushrooms they are creamy or yellowish-white.
  5. In terms of taste, false honey mushrooms have a bitter taste, but you should not try the mushrooms; all of the above signs are quite enough to determine the edibility of the mushroom.

How and where to collect milk mushrooms, boletus, honey mushrooms

For an experienced mushroom picker, the listed qualities will be immediately remembered and will help to distinguish them in the future, but for a beginner it is better to apply the knowledge carefully and carefully. Because they are theoretical, and each person views color and smell differently. Only experience will help you choose the right mushroom. And for the first trips you should start from an indicative moment in appearance– this is the presence of a skirt with honey mushroom legs. Now it becomes clear when to collect hemp mushrooms and how to distinguish honey mushrooms by appearance. require special attention. Read our website website and you won't have any problems with them.

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There are many types of honey mushrooms, so the periods for their collection vary. Today food industry well developed, honey mushrooms have been learned to be grown under artificial conditions. However, buying a product in a store is not as valuable as collecting it yourself and searching for honey. Where to collect honey mushrooms, when is the best time to do it? These questions interest many amateurs and avid mushroom pickers.

Young mushrooms most often have a hemispherical cap, while mature mushrooms have an umbrella-shaped cap. There is a convexity in the center that turns into a flat part, the edges are lowered downwards. The size of the cap can vary, ranging from 1 to 10 centimeters. On top of it are small scales that disappear as the fungus grows. The honey fungus also has different colored caps. They can be light yellow, cream, or reddish with a dark center. The legs are very elongated. Their length can be 2 – 18 centimeters, diameter – no more than 2.5 cm. However, each type has its own personality.

Honey mushrooms belong to the variety edible gifts forests that have plates. They grow in summer, autumn, winter periods. At the same time, it is difficult to say exactly when to collect honey mushrooms.

The autumn honey fungus ends the season. It is considered one of the most frequently collected and most common mushrooms. The collection begins in the last days of August, and lasts only a short time, within 14 - 20 days. During this period they bear fruit well. In the case of a dry summer, this period may be missed or come a little later.

It has been noticed that in the northern regions globe Often a second stage of reproduction occurs based on weather conditions. In these places, honey fungus grows until mid-October.

Summer mushroom harvesting begins in early June and ends in October. In specimens collected in summer, compared to autumn honey mushrooms, the cap is smaller. Its shade is yellow-brown, lighter towards the middle. This product belongs to category 4. It is good for drying, pickling, and preparing stew.

Winter honey fungus grows in small clusters and only on trees. It appears in the fall and remains under the snow in the winter. If the climate is mild, mushroom picking can be done until March. They do not have strong taste characteristics, so it is better to use them for preparing stews, first courses, and pickling.

Mushroom location

Every avid mushroom picker knows where honey mushrooms grow. They like to grow in old forests, where there are many damaged and weakened trees, near stumps, in areas of wood that is dead and rotting. Most often these are hardwoods:

  1. Acacia.
  2. Poplar.

However, they are often located on spruce, pine, and fir trees. Even if honey mushrooms take a liking to some clearing, it’s not just like that. It follows that deep underground there are roots that extend from the stump.

Honey mushrooms are permanent mushrooms. They do not prefer to “jump” from one place to another. If one day a family was found next to a fallen tree, then next year you can 100% reap a good harvest from this place. And until the tree or its stump becomes rotten, mushrooms will bear fruit around them.

A completely different type is the meadow honey fungus, which loves open, spacious, grassy meadows. That's why it is found in places such as:

  • fields;
  • gardens;
  • forest glades;
  • roadsides.

Honey mushrooms grow almost until November.

This mushroom is quite sociable. They look for him in groups, collecting a full basket. It is noticed that for meadow mushroom characterized by frequent growth not just in bunches, but with the formation of a circle. Such myceliums can have a fairly large area.

The breadth of the growth area of ​​honey mushrooms includes almost all forests; they are only absent in permafrost.

The higher the humidity in the forest, the greater the mushroom yield will be. However, it happens that a damp ravine is enough for them.

It is very important to be careful in such places so that the collected mushrooms are not confused with false honey mushrooms.

On what stumps do honey mushrooms that appear in summer grow? They are located on stumps deciduous trees, logs, various tree remains. They do not grow on living trees. Collection time is from early July to September. Small mushroom. Its cap is yellow-brown in color, with dark edges on which there are grooves. In damp weather it is translucent. The leg is brownish in color.

The first real honey mushroom among mushroom pickers is considered autumn view. It can be found in the composition big family or growing alone. Where to look for forest gifts? It lives on tree trunks, both living and dead. Also - on dead wood and stumps, in damp forests. Moving onto tree trunks, honey mushrooms cause the formation of white rot, which leads to the death of the tree. They are collected from late summer to early winter. The most productive month is September, when average temperature is +10.

Can be found on weak or damaged deciduous trees and wood. They are found along streams, in gardens, parks, and on the edges.

Distinctive features of good mushrooms from poisonous forest products

Honey mushrooms, which cannot be eaten, make up a certain amount that is similar in appearance to real mushrooms. In small groups they grow in the same areas of the forest as edible ones:

  1. Trees that are littered.
  2. Hemp.
  3. Stem parts.

For this reason, they are easily confused with edible gifts.

False mushrooms are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Inedible.
  2. Conditionally edible.
  3. Poisonous.

The first main difference by which you can distinguish a good mushroom from a bad one is the presence of a ring with a film (a skirt on a leg). It protects the young product. Inedible honey mushrooms do not have such a ring.

There are also a number of other differences:

  1. A good mushroom has an aromatic mushroom smell, while a false mushroom has an unpleasant, earthy smell.
  2. A hat of a bad product with a pronounced color. It can be sulfur yellow or pale red, depending on the species. Non-false mushrooms are characterized by a light brown color.
  3. False honey mushrooms taste bitter.

An experienced mushroom picker will immediately remember distinctive features, which will help to recognize a bad mushroom, but for an amateur it is better to approach the collection with special attention. If there is the slightest doubt, it is better not to put such a mushroom in the basket.

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