The ring at the chandelier cartridge does not unscrew. What to do if the light bulb does not unscrew from the socket? The main distinguishing characteristics of products made of heat-resistant plastic

The question of how to unscrew a light bulb seems ridiculous and banal to many. Indeed, there are many different solutions. However, situations often arise when burned-out light sources are in no hurry to leave their place in the lamp.

As a result of a voltage surge or a short circuit of the spiral, the bulb base (the metal element of the lamp designed to twist it) can be welded to the cartridge and, with excessive force applied, the glass bulb can break off from the rest of the lamp.

The worst option is if you find yourself face to face with a problem, the bulb crashed unevenly, there were protruding fragments in the base, the lamp is in the lamp under the ceiling, which is quite difficult to remove, and the whole room was left in the dark. In this case, you should not panic either, your accuracy and compliance are important. right order further action.

How to unscrew the base if the light bulb is broken

Greetings to all friends on the Electrician in the House website. I was prompted to write another article on lighting by a girl who had problems with lighting in her apartment. The crux of the problem was "exploding light bulbs". More precisely, incandescent bulbs often burst in the chandelier in the kitchen, and everything would be fine, if not for one thing.

Unscrew the damaged light bulb from the socket chandeliers, and even with protruding fragments, as you understand, are problematic, especially for a girl. And to deal with the problem, she sometimes had to call an electrician. This girl came with advice on what to do in such a case and how to remove the remains of an exploding light bulb.

To be honest, I never thought before that people could have such problems. But as it turned out in life, this is not so, and for many people ignorant of electricity, it is not easy in such simple situations. Let's look at what are the ways to deal with the problem of a base stuck in a cartridge, I think it will be interesting not only for beginners.

Even knowing how to unscrew the base if the light bulb is broken, you need to correctly assess the current situation. When lamps explode in their socket or are broken accidentally, their conductive parts may remain energized. Also, sharp edges of glass often remain on the broken part. It is clear that with bare hands climb there is not worth it, and rubber gloves are easy to cut through.

It is good when the room is powered in the electrical panel from several machines. In this case, we turn off only the machine from which the lamp (chandelier) with the damaged lamp is powered.

If the room is dark, having an electric carrier and a table lamp, it is easy to build yourself a backlight using a nearby outlet from another line. If this is not possible, use a flashlight or backlight on your mobile phone.

Do not forget that during operation the light bulbs themselves and their bases get very hot. It is better to wait a few minutes and let the lamp cool down well. During this time, you can take care of possible fragments that, when removing the base, will begin to pour onto the floor. At the place of their planned fall, you need to spread a rag or film (in extreme cases, use a bucket or basin). Also prepare the devices necessary for further actions.

There are several ways removing the base remaining in the cartridge Let's take a look at the most common ones.

Method # 1 - pliers or thin-nosed pliers

To solve the problem, we use thin-nosed pliers or pliers. Who does not know what thin-nosed pliers are - these are miniature pliers with elongated and thinner lips. They make it easier to capture small details. It is better to use a tool with insulating handles.

First you need to carefully tear off the remaining fragments of the lamp bulb from the base. Try not to let them fall on the floor.

Next, the base is gently grabbed by the edge with the selected tool and twisted outward. The main thing here is not to damage the circumference of the cartridge. But if you do everything carefully, there will be no problems. When the base does not move, you can try to bend its sides inward and only then try to unscrew it.

There was one case in my practice, in one person in the evening broken light bulb in a three-arm chandelier. He decided to remove the base to screw in a new light bulb. In order to make it brighter, this "professor" thought of turning on the light on the lamps remaining in the work and climbed with pliers to the cartridge. He was so twitchy, ... therefore, before unscrewing the base of the light bulb from the cartridge, DISCONNECT THE VOLTAGE.

Method # 2 - plastic bottle

Another life hack that will help us deal with broken light bulb regular plastic bottle. Its neck fits perfectly into the base.

In order to unscrew a broken light bulb, you need to slightly melt the neck of the bottle with matches or a lighter, put it in the remaining base and wait a while.

After the plastic has hardened and soldered to the base, begin to unscrew the resulting structure. It takes about 10-15 seconds to melt and solidify the plastic.

Method # 3 - unscrew the cartridge

Another convenient way is to disassemble the cartridge itself. But I want to note that with ceramic cartridges that are installed in most modern lamps and chandeliers, this method will not work.

This procedure can be performed only with carbolite cartridges of the old (Soviet) type. The difference between carbolite and ceramic cartridges is that the first one is collapsible.

The carbolite cartridge is disassembled into three main parts: two carbolite halves having a threaded connection between themselves and a ceramic core on which brass terminals (contacts) are attached.

In one of the halves of the cartridge there is a metal sleeve in the form of a thread for screwing in the lamp base. If this half is unscrewed from the base, then the base of the broken lamp will remain in it.

Method # 4 - use a cork

Next method if it burst, is to use a cork. We take a cork stopper, sharpen a little around the edges and insert it into a protruding base. Then we unscrew the cork together with the base.

If the lamp shattered, and fragments of glass remained sticking out in the lamp, you can try to string a soft cork on them so that the fragments are tightly drowned in the crust. Next, the plug with the base carefully begin to turn. This is done before they fall out.

Any adult person at least once in his life faced with the simplest, at first glance, situation - the incandescent lamp burned out and it needs to be replaced. It may seem that no problems can arise here. Unscrew the burnt one from the chandelier, in its place a new one - and that's it. But even here troubles can await.

Due to high humidity (oxidation and rust on the base and inside the cartridge), due to factory defects in the lamp or a sudden power surge, a situation may arise in which the base remains inside. It makes sense to figure out how to get the rest of the light element, that is, how to unscrew the bulb base from the cartridge. Someone might say, "Take off the lamp and work quietly." But there are much easier options.

Options for the development of events

During a power surge or a factory defect, an incandescent bulb (or halogen) burst during operation. Then in the cartridge, in addition to the base itself, there will also be sharp fragments from the light bulb sticking out of it. In this case, you need to be especially careful when dismantling the remaining part of the light fixture. Or it may happen that the flask broke when unscrewing, if there is rust inside the cartridge, which prevents the base from being turned out.

Also, the cause of such a nuisance can be such a marriage, in which the bulb itself is easily separated from the metal base.

How to unscrew a broken light bulb in any of the above cases without resorting to the help of specialists? The main thing is calmness. You should not rush anywhere, pulling out the remains of a damaged light element, so that some other trouble does not happen, such as a cut on glass or a broken cartridge.


There are several ways to unscrew a light bulb if it has burst, and each of them is good in its own way. The main thing that needs to be done first is to de-energize the damaged chandelier or other lighting device.

Ideally, of course, if the wiring was carried out with several inputs, then it is possible to turn off the power from the circuit breaker of only part of the room, leaving you the opportunity to connect a portable lamp in the next room. If this is not possible, then you will have to de-energize the entire apartment and highlight when removing the broken light bulb with a flashlight or cell phone. If, in addition to the base, the central tube remains in the cartridge, then it breaks neatly.

When the power is turned off, you should not rely on the switch of a broken lighting device - it can be powered incorrectly during installation, and interrupt not the phase, but the neutral wire.


Carefully removing the remnants of the fragments, you need to pick up the edge of the base with pliers (without grabbing the cartridge) and start rotating it counterclockwise. If the metal base is stuck or stuck due to rust, it does not hurt to first sprinkle the stuck surface with cologne or toilet water so that the liquid gets between the base and the cartridge, and give a little time to soak. Also acceptable is the option in which the pliers are stuck inward and unclenched, after which you can try to turn the part out.


This option is not feasible with new-style ceramics. It can be used if the cartridge is made of carbolite, because it will be collapsible. How to unscrew the cartridge? It is not difficult. It is necessary to carefully, holding the base with one hand, unscrew the cylinder, dividing it in two. A “skirt” with a plinth stuck in it will remain in the hands. Here, no longer under the ceiling, you can safely unscrew the base of the light bulb in any of the proposed ways.

Plastic bottle

This option requires caution, because hot plastic that gets on the skin is a very painful thing. So, the neck of a soda bottle is heated over an open fire to a melting point, after which it is inserted inside a metal base. You need to wait a bit until the plastic cools down, after which you can turn the bulb out of the cartridge. The fact is that the heated plastic sticks inside the base of the light bulb, penetrating into the bumps, with the help of which it fixes the base. At the same time, part of the oxidation and rust burns out from the heating of the base.

Champagne cork

Similarly, you can use a cork from wine or champagne. Its edges need to be slightly sharpened by chamfering, and then driven inside the stuck base of the light bulb. Slowly, with a gentle twisting motion, try to unscrew the base and pull it out. Any metal base of any lamp with a screw base is unscrewed exclusively counterclockwise - this must be remembered so as not to waste time and effort.


Probably the most interesting and unusual way of all presented. They can be used if fragments of the flask stick out of the base. The potato must be cut into two parts, take one of them in your hand and, as it were, “plant” the cut part on the protruding pieces of glass. After that, simply unscrew the base from the cartridge.

Measures to prevent such troubles

The first thing to note is that you should not put lamps that exceed the limit of the possible power of the cartridge or lamp so that they do not burst. The fact is that the more current the light device consumes and the brighter it shines, the more heat is released during its operation. And this can lead to the situation described above.

Of course, the lamp must be tightly screwed into the socket, but nevertheless, during installation, it is necessary to find such a tightening point so that it can then be unscrewed. There is no point in pulling the lamp all the way, as far as there is enough strength. You can also pre-lubricate the base thread with graphite.

It is not necessary to leave greasy stains on the glass, it is advisable to work with gloves. In addition, the hands will be more protected with the option of splitting the lamp.

You should buy lamps only in trusted stores and not chase cheap goods, which are most often illiquid, that is, they should not have been on sale at all.

By following simple rules, you can be sure that even if such a nuisance happens, it is easy to get rid of it.

Many consumers of electricity already know how to change a cartridge in a simple type chandelier.

However, quite often there are situations in which such an event can cause some difficulties, due to the design features of the lighting device in use.

Main reasons for cartridge replacement

Breakage of a cartridge in a lighting device can be associated not only with a factory defect in the device, but also with the design features of the lamp.

In lighting fixtures of a closed type, the failure of the cartridge is most often provoked by too high temperature regime inside a glass bottle.

Overheating of the light bulb causes a strong melting of the supply electrical wires, which negatively affects the plastic cartridges.

Quite often, breakdowns are found in low-quality Chinese-made products or counterfeit electrical products.

An equally important reason for replacing a cartridge is the need to connect the most modern and economical lamps, which differ from standard models in the size of the base.

Switching off the light on the dashboard

Before you perform your own work on replacing the cartridge in the lighting fixture, first of all, it is necessary to ensure full electrical safety. For this purpose, it is required in the electrical panel to turn off the machines responsible for powering the ceiling chandelier.

Removing the chandelier from the ceiling

To dismantle the ceiling light fixture, you should prepare indicator screwdriver, as well as terminal blocks, insulating tape and a stable ladder, after which the absence of electrical power is checked using a switch.

The technology for removing the ceiling chandelier is as follows:

  • removal from the lamp of all fragile parts, represented by glass decorative elements, light bulbs and shades;
  • unscrewing the locking screw and the decorative cap covering the connection of wires in the subceiling space;
  • if there is a hook under the decorative cap, the wires are disconnected and pulled apart, followed by removal of the chandelier;
  • if there is a strip under the decorative cap, the bolted connection on the plank fastening is loosened and the chandelier is removed.

At the final stage, all three cores of electrical wires must be separated in different directions and insulated with insulating tape.

It is important to remember that the installation of a lighting device in suspended or suspended ceilings is most often carried out with disposable butterfly mounts, which are best not removed during the dismantling of the chandelier.

Lamp disassembly

In this section, we'll look at how to disassemble a light bulb socket.

A significant part of the ceiling models has a standard design, which is represented by three or five lamps on legs, diverging in different directions, which allows the lighting fixture to maintain the necessary balance.

Before starting work, you should wait for the lamp and bulbs to cool, and then dismantle the shades.

In Soviet models, the shades are removed by unscrewing, and the most modern lighting fixtures are equipped with special latches or small bolts.

The most common option for fixing the ceiling is a plastic ring that is screwed into the thread of the cartridge, so when unscrewing it, you must be extremely careful to prevent breaking the insulating part of the cartridge.

Unscrewing the visible part of the cartridge

Patron can be presented various designs, and also differs in the ways of fastening on the chandelier and in the body of the lighting device.

In standard ceiling lights, the sockets are usually fixed with a couple of bolts.

Depending on the design features, the cartridge is removed immediately or disassembly is required, followed by the removal of the middle part. In this case, it is necessary to unscrew or remove the cartridge latch, after which the core is removed and the electrical wires are removed. At the final stage, unscrew the nut that holds the cartridge case.

If you want to implement it yourself, you need to know how such a device works and how to determine the type of breakdown.

Types LED strips and consider their power.

The types of lamp sockets and how to connect them are described. This information will be useful for everyone.

Disconnecting wires

The easiest way to disconnect electrical wires from the most modern cartridges that have screw terminals that resemble in their own way appearance and principle of operation clips of standard terminal blocks. It is this connection option that allows you to independently perform installation and dismantling as quickly and easily as possible.

Replacing the electric chuck

A feature of such a cartridge is the presence of a plastic monolithic housing and contacts that supply electrical energy to the base of the light bulb and are fixed in the housing with a rivet. However, such models are subject to complete replacement and are not repairable.

Dismantling the ceramic base

To properly dismantle the ceramic base, you need to take into account the principle of its operation and design features:
  • from the ceramic insert, the brass plate is pressed from the central contact;
  • the screw is unscrewed from the steel plate located on the opposite part of the ceramic insert;
  • the central contact group is bent in accordance with the level of the side contacts.

In some cases, there is absolutely no need to dismantle the ceramic base - it is enough to inspect the contact screws located on the reverse side of the ceramic bottom, and, if necessary, clean and tighten them a little.

Replacing a cartridge in a chandelier

How to replace a cartridge in a chandelier? Self-replacement of the cartridge is not too difficult an event. The step-by-step technology for connecting a cartridge is easiest to consider using the example of the most common model "E27" with a nut.

To connect wires with contacts, they are pulled through the bottom of the cartridge, after which rings are made on the wires stripped of insulation and fixed on steel plates.

When the lighting system is controlled by a fixed switch, the phase is connected to the central contact. It is imperative to check the reliability of the fit, as well as the compliance of the power indicators of the wires with the total consumption electrical energy lighting device.

Lamp Assembly

It is necessary to assemble the main body of the lighting device “from memory” or following the instructions supplied by the manufacturer with the lamp.

Light bulbs and ceiling lamps need to be installed only after the installation of the lighting fixture and its connection to power from electrical network.

Before assembling, it is imperative to check all the wires inside the installed lamp.

There should be a pair of wires for each cartridge. Accordingly, six wires are used to connect a standard three-horn chandelier. The electrical wires coming from the central contacts are usually of the same color and are required for the switching phase. Neutral wires extending from the side contacts are twisted together and connected directly.

Work on the electrical wiring is carried out only when the voltage is completely disconnected.

At the final stage, the final assembly of the elements of the ceiling lighting fixture is carried out, all nuts are fixed and pulled, lamps are installed and the correctness of the work performed to replace the cartridge is checked.

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The situation when the light bulb bursts or when unscrewing the base remains in the cartridge has happened to many. There is a solution to the problem and different methods, how to unscrew the base of the light bulb from the cartridge, are enough. The most common reasons for this situation are: poor quality lamps, voltage drop, lamp life exhaustion, burnout.

Solutions to the problem

If the light bulb exploded, and its base remained in the cartridge, or this was the result of unsuccessful unscrewing, there is no need to panic. The first action, before trying different methods, is to turn off the switch on the shield and turn off the power to the room. If this is not done, then there is a risk of electric shock. When such a nuisance happened to a table lamp, then it is enough to pull out its plug from the socket.

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Ask an expert

Important! When you have to remove the base from the cartridge at night, you should get an assistant with a flashlight that would highlight the whole process.

Thick rubber gloves and goggles are mandatory protection

Preparatory procedures:

  1. Appropriate equipment. Properly pull out the remains, wearing thick rubber gloves, goggles. A headgear will be needed if the lamp is placed under the ceiling or high on the wall.
  2. If the flask burst, then its fragments must first be swept up.
  3. If the trouble happened with fluorescent lamp, then the first thing to do is to open the windows, since mercury vapor is contained inside such a device, then sweep away the fragments.
  4. It is advisable to substitute a container under the base or spread a cloth so that the fragments do not fall on the floor.
  5. Even after turning off the machine, you should check the presence of voltage with a screwdriver-indicator. If the light bulb in it lights up, then it is better not to try to remove the base yourself, it is better to contact an electrician.

If the lamp burst while the light was on, you should wait a couple of minutes before unscrewing it, as the base will be quite hot.

Pliers or thin nose pliers

The first way to resort to this is the use of pliers or thin-nosed pliers. The latter are more convenient due to the fact that they have thin elongated "sponges" that can get into many hard-to-reach places. They are very handy for capturing small details. Including separating the base from the cartridge will not be difficult.

Using needle nose pliers

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in the repair, maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

Ask an expert

Important! The handles of thin nose pliers should be rubber or plastic. If such a tool is not at hand, an extreme case is to wrap the handles with electrical tape in several balls.


  • Remove glass debris, if any.
  • Next, grab the base with a tool, twisting it outward. The ceiling of the lamp must be held so that it does not come off. When doing this, it is important not to damage the circumference of the cartridge.
  • If the base does not lend itself, you can gently bend its sides inward, and then unscrew it.

In the process, the base may begin to tear or deform, this is not scary, it will even be easier to remove it, the main thing is that it does not damage the cartridge.

If you can’t grab the edges, you can try another option - place the thin-nosed pliers inside the base and push the ends so that they rest against the side walls. You need to turn counterclockwise.

If there are no tools at hand, then you can resort to using improvised means. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Pull out the rest of the glass, they will interfere.
  2. Take a plastic bottle. The volume does not matter - the necks are all the same.
  3. Remove the lid and heat the neck until the plastic begins to melt. This can be done with a lighter or candle.
  4. Insert the neck into the base, wait until the plastic has cooled.
  5. Get the plinth.

twisting plastic bottle

With hot plastic, you should act carefully, because if it drips onto the skin, the burn will be very strong. The floor covering also needs to be protected at least by laying paper on it. With this method, the risk of electric shock is minimal. You can find recommendations that it is not necessary to de-energize the device. This is not true - any actions must be performed with the machine turned off.

The method is simple, although it does not always help. To do this, it is necessary that pieces of glass stick out of the base, in this case they do not need to be removed. To implement the method you need:

  • Cut a fairly large potato (raw) in half and separate its parts. They must be clean and dry.
  • Put a potato on the fragments so that they firmly crash into the pulp.
  • It remains only to unscrew the base from the cartridge.

Throw away potatoes after use. Other fruits and vegetables will not help, as their flesh is not as dense.

Potato will help unscrew the base

We unscrew the cartridge

The essence of the method is to disassemble the cartridge itself. True, this can only be done with carbolite cartridges, which are installed in old lighting fixtures from the times of the USSR. Ceramic, which are mainly used in modern chandeliers, are not intended for such disassembly. Let's get back to disassembling the cartridge. It consists of the following parts:

  1. 2 carbolite halves.
  2. Threaded connection.
  3. Ceramic core with brass contacts.

One of the halves contains a metal sleeve, where the base is screwed into. To remove the base, separate the base. It remains only to unscrew the base, already familiar thin-nosed pliers will help with this. After extraction, the cartridge should be collected and can be used again.

We use cork

To implement this method, you need a cork stopper. It needs to be adjusted to the size of the base. When the cork has become tightly into it, you should carefully unscrew it along with the stuck element of the light bulb.

Cork twisting

If there are pieces of glass left, then you can string a cork on them. In this case, it is necessary to achieve their dense recession into a soft cortical surface.

other methods

There are many other ways, including:

  1. Newspaper or dry rag. It is most convenient to twist with a newspaper. It must be tightly twisted, inserted into the cartridge and unscrew the base.
  2. Special means. There is a special tool designed to screw in bases without lamps. It looks like a big clothespin. You can buy this in online stores of Chinese goods.
  3. Scissors. De-energize the lamp, insert the scissors into the base, and open them so that their sharp edges rest against the stuck element, unscrew.
  4. Cut the base, twisting the pieces inward. Having done such manipulations, it will not be difficult to pull it out.
Special fixtures for unscrewing the plinth

In the old Soviet ones, the skirt is unscrewed, and then the base is unscrewed without any problems. On modern imported ones, you can unscrew it with pliers, on a de-energized lamp. If the base is stuck and does not spin, then simply bend it inward in several places, and it falls out on its own. The plinth bent inward in several places is convenient to take with pliers.

What to do if the light bulb is just stuck in the cartridge

All of the above methods are suitable if the light bulb is not stuck, but simply burst. An option is to unscrew the cartridge from the chandelier. If this method cannot be implemented, then you will have to break the glass part of the lamp and use one of the options proposed above. To prevent pieces of glass from flying in different directions, before breaking, you should substitute any suitable container under the light bulb.

You can find advice to use a spray like WD-40 or "KONTAKT". But there is a risk that even with the machines turned off, the device will be dangerous. At the same time, it will not work to check whether there is a phase, since the lamp has become attached. The only way when it is absolutely safe to use such a spray is to remove the chandelier completely, disconnecting it from the power cables.


You can unscrew the base if it is stuck in the cartridge different ways. The most important thing is to take precautions and turn off the power to the luminaire before starting work.

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Can a voltage of 40 V kill a person?

Right! Not true!

Now LEDs are widespread and popular, which are also used for domestic use. Lighting manufacturers are advised not to use standard 60-100 W incandescent lamps, replacing them with LED lamps. Notice the cartridge in the chandelier can be made by hand.
There is no doubt that, due to its excellent technical characteristics, such electrical equipment will very soon be used everywhere.

And the popularity of LEDs is not surprising, because they have undeniable advantages.

  1. Thanks to the use of the diode principle, electrical energy is spent as efficiently as possible.
  2. High efficiency of LED lighting. This value is 10 times higher than the efficiency of a conventional incandescent lamp.
  3. Such lighting devices work for quite a long time - up to 100 thousand hours.

Therefore, after setting the LED, you are on for a long time forget about spending money and time to maintain or replace lighting fixtures.

Advantages and uses of LED lamps.

However, it is not always easy to replace conventional incandescent lamps with LED ones, because modern LED bulbs have dimensions that differ in size from conventional lamps used in the Soviet era. For this reason, it is necessary to replace the cartridge in the chandelier.

Varieties and marking of cartridges for chandeliers

Threaded electric chucks are marked with the letter "E". The marking also indicates the diameter of the base (millimeters). indication specifications can be seen on all cases of products.

The principle of operation of all cartridges is the same. They differ only in that they have different overall dimensions and different design. The enterprises produce three types of cartridges, which are designed for 220 V in the electrical network and are in full compliance with the state standard:

  1. E14. This type of cartridges is used in order for the backlight to work in a microwave oven, refrigerator or table lamp. Usually the maximum current consumption for them is 2A (440 W).
  2. E27. Used for many fixtures. The maximum current consumption is 4A (880 W).
  3. E40. Cartridges of this type are used in street lighting and are rated for 16 A (3500 W).

How a standard cartridge works

A conventional cartridge consists of several basic elements. The outer cylindrical body contains a sleeve with an Edison thread. Also, the cartridge consists of a bottom and a ceramic insert. Conductors are suitable for the cartridge, from which the tone is transmitted through brass contacts in the amount of two pieces to the base of the lighting lamp.

To increase the safety of lamp operation, it is necessary to connect the phase correctly - to the central contact of the base. At the same time, the possibility that a person can touch the voltage phase with his hand is minimal.

The process of replacing the cartridge in the chandelier

Before performing work on replacing the cartridge in the chandelier with your own hands, you need to ensure electrical safety. For this purpose, in the electrical panel, the machines that are responsible for supplying the chandelier with electricity are turned off. After that, the de-energized chandelier is removed, because if it is suspended from the ceiling, it will be inconvenient to replace the cartridge.

First you need to get close to the place where the wires are connected. This place is located under the ceiling - it is closed by the top cover of the chandelier with a protective cap. The electrical tape is removed in the place where the wires are connected, and the power wire is carefully disconnected from the wires with which the chandelier is equipped.

All these works are carried out with extreme caution, because if the wiring was carried out in Soviet times, then used for this aluminum wire. Since school, we all know the characteristics of aluminum - a brittle metal that is easy to break.

If you find a twisted connection, and the wires are copper and aluminum, then, having replaced the cartridge, try to connect these wires in the chandelier with wago brand self-clamping terminal blocks.

How to properly disassemble the cartridge

Some novice or inexperienced electricians think that changing the cartridge in a chandelier is easy and simple even if the chandelier is hanging from the ceiling. But, as can be seen from practice, in order for the working conditions to be more comfortable, it is necessary to remove the chandelier, then the work will be more organized and you can complete it quickly.

Disassembly and replacement of an electric lamp socket for a chandelier.

So, you remove the chandelier and start dismantling the cartridge. The cartridge is disassembled, and its wire is disconnected from the ceramic block. After that, the base of the cartridge must be separated from the chandelier. This is done in various ways, depending on how the base is attached. Various designs have various ways mounts.

How to disassemble yourself electric chuck.

Advantages of using the E14 cartridge

Most often, an electric cartridge is attached to metal tubes. The connection in this way has become widespread because, thanks to it, the possibility of using a design solution is greatly expanded. Such a cartridge has the ability to hold heavy structures.

However, the entire load does not go to the cartridge, but to the metal pipe. Often, additional nuts are screwed onto it to give greater stability. This allows you to securely attach any heavy ceiling to the cartridge or decorate the room with a variety of decorative caps.

It is necessary to pass the wire to the cartridge through inner surface tubes. In the case of a rather old old electrical wiring, there may be doubt that it is still reliable. Then the wiring needs to be replaced. In this case, you need to remove the old wire from the tube, stretching a new one through it, consisting of two cores.

How to install the socket for the LED lamp

Install the electric cartridge using the reverse order. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the insulation. Otherwise, you will be disturbed by frequent short circuits.

How to connect a chandelier using wago terminal blocks

After replacing the cartridge in the chandelier, you can start directly connecting it to the electrical network. When connecting wires, the use of twisting is not recommended - it is better to use connecting terminal blocks.

This method of connection is fast and convenient, no tools or additional insulating materials are required, and you will get a reliable contact. Used in various lamps.

How to properly pull out the base from the cartridge

It is not always possible to get a used incandescent lamp out of the cartridge without problems. Sometimes it happens that the base sits firmly in it, so after you unscrew the light bulb, you have a glass bulb in your hands. Without getting the base, you will not be able to use the cartridge in the future, so you need to find a way out of this situation.

How to independently get the base from the electric cartridge.

First you need to de-energize the chandelier. After that it unscrews cylindrical part cartridge case. In this case, it is necessary to hold the cartridge from below. This will make it easier to remove the base.

If the top of the cartridge still does not unscrew, try using pliers to pull out the base. Grab the base by the edge and turn it in the chuck. Experts recommend in such cases to use a regular plastic bottle.

Over the fire, you need to melt its neck and place it in the base, which is stuck in the cartridge. After a short period of time, after the plastic hardens, the base is unscrewed from the cartridge without much effort.

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