Where to install the switch for the LED strip. Touch switches: varieties, device, circuits. Connecting RGB tape

Every year there are more and more touch panels in our lives. Judging by futurological books, in the near future we will even have contact glasses. But that's still in the future. And today we will talk about this modern device like a touch switch.

This switch appeared relatively recently on the market, but has already gained popularity. Today it can be found in many apartments, the owners of which seek to arrange elements of the "smart home" system. And often this system goes in close tandem with the LED strip. What is it and what you should know, today's article will tell.

Let's start from the beginning

To understand the issue of using such a sensory apparatus, it is necessary to understand what it is. External touch switch designed for led strip, looks like a crystalline panel. This panel is labeled accordingly. Varieties of household models are used to connect to a network of 220 volts. The connection diagram of the product will be shown below.
The touch type of the switch can vary in:

Version of the touch switch

  • form;
  • color;
  • surface texture.

Today, this kind of product is used for the following purposes:

  • connecting LED strip. This approach has proven itself in the kitchen when using LED strip to illuminate the work surface. And connecting a touch-type switch to it greatly simplifies work indoors in the evening and at night;

Note! Modern technologies, which allow you to automate or simplify the inclusion of light belong to the "smart home" system. This also includes the touch switch.

remote control for led strip

  • sconce connection;
  • control different levels illumination of multi-level ceilings. Here again we are talking O LED backlight, organized with a ribbon (single or multi-color). For the convenience of such control, you can use the remote control;
  • control of the main lighting system in a house or apartment. You can also use the touchpad here.

In whatever situation the switch is used (for LED strip or other type of lighting), you need to remember that the connection scheme is different. For a tape, due to a number of circumstances, one scheme is used, and another scheme is suitable for other light sources.

Note! The connection diagram, if you use the remote control to control the degree of illumination, will also be slightly different.

You can either buy a touch switch in a specialized store or make it yourself. At the same time, it is worth noting that it can be quite easily installed with your own hands. Installation can be carried out in the kitchen or in any other room. But in the kitchen, you will need an aluminum profile for this.

What are the options

Our kind of switch can be activated and turn on the light from different touches. Similar products may react to:

  • proximity to the sensor;
  • touching the touch panel with a finger;

Note! The option of activating the device with a finger is the most common and in demand.

  • other options: temperature change, activation by sound, switching on at a specified time, as well as the appearance of movement in the sensor area.

Option to activate the touch switch with a finger

In addition to different types of activation, a touch-type switch may contain various additional functions. Moreover, with due diligence, this kind of product with advanced features can be made with your own hands. On this moment time, products are produced with the following modifications of additional functions:

  • the presence of a remote control. Such a remote control is convenient when controlling the light range of a multi-color LED strip. But here you also need a controller. Without it, the remote will not work. In addition, the remote control is effective in controlling the sconce. When connected to an LED strip, the remote control must be selected together with the controller;
  • with a timer. Such devices will allow you to significantly save on electricity consumption, as they can be programmed to turn off the light when there are no people in the house;
  • capacitive response. Such devices respond even to light touch. Many people make this device with their own hands, in addition to the timer;
  • contactless type. Such products will respond to various options changes in the situation in the room: movement, temperature changes, changes in lighting.

Note! Any type of touch switches used for LED strips can be additionally equipped with a dimmer. It allows you to adjust the brightness of the lighting in the room.

How the device works

To make a touch-type switch with your own hands or install it correctly in an aluminum profile, you need to know its structure and principle of operation.

Note! Whatever type of device is used to connect to the LED strip, the principle of their operation will remain identical.

Any model will contain four elements:

  • front part. This is the outer part of the product. Sometimes manufacturers install a backlight behind it;
  • touch sensor. The type of sensor depends on what it actually will respond to;
  • switching circuit. It converts the signal into electricity, which drives the lighting device connected to it (LED strip or any other light source);
  • frame. It can be built-in or overhead. Depending on its type, installation will differ. The case will either need to be mounted inside the walls or simply overlay it.

The duration of the device operation depends on the quality of all components of the device. Therefore, try to select models in which price and quality are in an ideal ratio.


The touch-type switch has the form of a module. Due to its small dimensions, it can be installed in a special LED aluminum profile. Using such a profile for installation, you can place the device near the tape itself (light source).

Note! When installing, remember that the case responds quickly to any type of touch. Therefore, it needs to be contacted only at one point. The selected installation location must completely exclude accidental contacts with the sensor part of the housing.

Connecting the device to the LED strip is as follows.

Switch wiring diagram

Follow the indicated scheme, and the connection will pass without problems.

Self assembly

If you know how to handle a soldering iron, understand electronics and have all the design details at your disposal, then you can assemble a touch switch for connecting to an LED strip, powered by a 220 volt network, with your own hands. The whole difficulty here lies in correctly soldering the circuit. Below is the most simple circuit that a beginner can handle.
Note! In the circuit, capacitor C3 can be omitted.

For assembly you will need the following parts:

Scheme for product assembly

  • two transistors KT315;
  • resistance (at 30 ohms);
  • semiconductor D226;
  • a simple capacitor (at 0.22 microfarads);
  • power supply or a powerful battery with an output voltage of 9 volts;
  • electrolytic capacitor (at 100 microfarads, 16 V).

All these components should be soldered according to the above scheme, placing it in a suitable case.


By connecting a similar device to the lighting system of a kitchen or any other home, you will receive significant advantages in terms of light control. Turning on the light with a light touch, minimizing energy consumption and comfort - all this will give you a touch switch connected to the LED strip.

We choose the right autonomous sensors for movement with a siren

Externally, the touch light switch looks like a crystal panel with markings. Household models used in 220 volt networks may differ in color, shape, surface texture. IN Lately touch switches are increasingly used for:

  • Sconce connections
  • Management of illumination elements of multi-level ceilings
  • Adjustment of the main lighting in the apartment

Such a device can be bought or made by hand.

Devices different types may respond to:

  • Finger touch on work surface
  • Bringing your hand closer to the sensor
  • Other changes in room conditions (temperature, movement, sound, time)

The touch switch can be equipped with additional functions, its design is based on different principles of operation. It is worth identifying 4 popular modifications:

  1. With remote control. It is convenient to use to control the wall lamp, LED strip, etc.
  2. Capacitive. Responds to light touch. Such a device can be made with your own hands, more on that below.
  3. With a timer. It helps to save on electricity by turning off the light when no one is in the apartment.
  4. Contactless. Reacts to certain features of the environment: sound, changes in light levels, temperature changes, movement.

Each of the varieties is possible. It controls the brightness of the lighting in the room.

Touch switch device

Regardless of the principle of operation, touch switches have the same structure: they all consist of four main parts.

  1. front surface. Sometimes a backlight element is installed behind it.
  2. Sensor. The principle of operation of the switch depends on its type.
  3. A switching circuit that converts the signal received by the sensor into an electrical signal.
  4. Frame. It can be surface-mounted (installed outside), or internally mounted (built into the wall).

Models with continuously adjustable light intensity

If you need a device that allows you to change the brightness level gradually, you should pay attention to touch switches with dimmers.

Some of these devices can be controlled using the remote control. Without getting up from your chair, you can adjust the brightness of the sconce or LED backlight.
A touch switch with this device extends the life of incandescent lamps by eliminating the effect of a sudden voltage supply.
The connection diagrams of some devices require the mandatory presence of a power supply or a dimmer. Such a switch device is the best suited for controlling the LED strip circuit.

Models for mounting LED lighting

Touch switches for LED strips, profiles are also called "dimmers". They can also be used with other 12V devices.
Dimmers allow you not only to turn on or off a segment of the LED strip, but also to adjust the brightness.
Electronic devices are most often touch-based. They are sometimes included in interior LED lighting schemes for:

  • Arrangement of entrances, flights of stairs
  • Emphasizing the style of apartment design
  • Equipment of the "Smart Home" system

Many of them are not designed for 220 volts, so you need to connect separate devices for sconces and chandeliers.

capacitive sensor

Capacitive light switches are more sensitive. The principle of operation is based on the existence of an electrostatic field. It also fills the space around the sensor. When the capacitance in this field changes (a person puts his hand to the switch), the sensor is triggered and turns on the sconce or chandelier.
The sensor is based on a simple capacitor. Two electrodes on the surface of the switch are its plates. When a physical object approaches them, the capacitance of the capacitor changes. This becomes the signal to turn on the light.
Each model has individual features. The sensitivity of some of them can be adjusted during installation.

How to connect the device

Any technical features installation of touch switches in the 220 volt network does not exist. .
For example:

  • If the device supports the remote control function, then it must be visible from the rest area
  • Models that respond to temperature changes should not be placed near a heating radiator

The wiring diagram for the switch for the LED strip may differ.
It is important to remember the safety rules when working with electricity, turn off the meter. Necessary .
If the device is overhead, you do not have to make a recess in the wall to install it. The process of connecting such a device is quite simple. .

How to make a touch sensor

Having experience with a soldering iron, and having obtained some details, you can create a simple touch switch with your own hands, designed to work on a 220 volt network. The simplest scheme looks like this:

Capacitor C3 is optional.

So, to create a touch switch with your own hands, you will need the following details:

  • 30 ohm resistance
  • Transistors KT315 (two)
  • Electrolytic Capacitor (100uF, 16V)
  • Simple capacitor (0.22uF)
  • Semiconductor D226
  • Powerful battery or power supply ( output voltage 9 V)

All this must be soldered according to the scheme. In a case of a suitable size (you can use an old overhead switch), a hole is made on the front. It has a wire going into it. For the touch light switch to work, the circuit must be connected to the power supply, and the wiring must be connected to a metal plate, which will be fixed on the front plane of the homemade device.

Most likely, creating an overhead touch switch with your own hands will be cheaper than buying a real one. The resulting device can be used to connect the backlight in the house.

DIY capacitive switch

A do-it-yourself capacitive light switch can be used to light up an LED strip or control chandelier lamps. It can also be laid on or built into the wall. The scheme is not as simple as the previous one.

Sensor WA1 reacts to the approach of the palm. The capacitance is introduced into the oscillatory circuit on the transistor VT 1 and changes its frequency.

Resistors R6 and R7 are needed for stable operation devices with power surges from 4 to 10 volts.

220 V LED strips have become one of the components in everyday life - they can be found in a house, apartment and even in a car. Such a backlight is compact, because up to a dozen LEDs can be located on one centimeter.

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Types of LED strips

LED strips are classified into the following types:

  1. Color spectrum. LED strips are divided into monochrome and multi-color. The first LED elements contain the SMD marking, they are one of the most common, because they have a significant difference in price equivalent from multi-color ones. Monochrome is produced in red, blue, green and white. Multi-color LEDs are labeled as RGB. They are 2-3 times more expensive than SMD, because in one small LED there are blue, green and red colors, they can be maneuvered and create different shades. Basically, these elements are used for decoration.
  2. Execution design. Tapes are made on rigid bases and on flexible ones, and some products are also protected from moisture. A silicone transparent film is covered over the diodes. For ease of installation, an adhesive base is applied on the reverse side. Waterproof tapes are especially in high demand.
  3. Protection level. like anyone electrical appliance, tapes are IP-rated for safe operation.
  4. Power consumption. Tapes are also classified by power, which depends on the length of the product.

Connection options

Work with the connection of LED strips should be on a de-energized section of the electrical network.

Depending on the type, LED elements can be connected to a 220 V network with or without a power supply. But controllers are also used to maintain the current and voltage modes of the LEDs. In the process of work, the main thing is to observe the polarity and correct connection of the wires. The photo below shows both connection modes.

Connection of LED strips

How to connect to the power supply

In order to independently power the LED strip to a voltage above 12 V, you need to purchase a power supply. Since the device is pulsed, the circuit is not suitable for an adjustable dimmer.

Scheme for connecting the tape through the power supply

The power supply kit includes:

  • constant adapter for 12 volts;
  • network cord;
  • plug connector;
  • LED strip 5 meters long.

After acquiring the necessary components for connecting the LED strip through the power supply, the connection is made in the following order:

  1. The required length of the tape is cut off no more than 5 meters. It is necessary to cut strictly along the applied line so as not to damage the current-carrying paths and lamellas.
  2. The soldering iron warms up to the desired temperature.
  3. The conductors and the contact part of the tape are stripped.
  4. With the help of solder and tin, the tape and wire are tinned separately, according to the color marking of the scheme.
  5. Connection is made to the low-voltage winding of the power supply.
  6. The installation of the wiring diagram is re-checked.
  7. Soldering points must be insulated using a hot air gun and heat shrink of the required diameter.
  8. The voltage is turned on and the performance of the LED strip is checked.

How to connect to the network without a power supply

You can only connect the tape directly to a 12 V and 220 V network. For a 220 V network, you need to purchase a special tape AC voltage. It is connected through a special cord, in which diodes are mounted to rectify the current. The advantage of this method is the possibility of connecting a product with a length of more than 20 m, and the disadvantage is the likelihood of fire.

Scheme for connecting an LED strip to a 220 volt network without a power supply

The installation kit includes an LED strip and a power cord with a diode circuit inside.

The process of assembling and connecting with your own hands is as follows:

  1. The required length of tape is measured.
  2. The LED strip is cut off (strictly along the line).
  3. The end of the tape must be hermetically sealed.
  4. The connector for the mains rectifier cord is connected. The installation of the cord is carried out strictly according to the polarity.
  5. The operation of the LED strip is being tested.

The video shows the principle of connecting LED strips without a power supply, filmed by the Meteorit72 channel. rf LED Lighting Reviews”.

Connection with controller

For the operation of multi-color LED products, a controller is included in the installation scheme, which is purchased based on the power of the tape. It is designed to control color selection by remote control.

The principle of operation of the launch of the RGB tape

Step by step assembly:

  1. The desired length of tape is cut off.
  2. Using a soldering iron and solder, the wires and tape are tinned, according to the diagram.
  3. The RGB tape is connected to the power supply through a serially connected controller.
  4. The 220V power supply is connected to the adapter.
  5. The secondary low voltage is connected to the controller input.
  6. The tape should be connected according to the colors.
  7. Performance testing.

How to connect through a switch

The scheme for connecting an LED strip through a switch is similar to connecting a conventional lighting device. A button can also be connected instead of a switch. A graphic representation of the process is shown in the wiring diagram.

Scheme for switching on an LED strip through a switch

The 220 V LED strip can be connected via a switch to an existing chandelier or luminaire.

The assembly algorithm is shown below:

  1. The cut tape is connected to the low voltage side of the power supply.
  2. A single-gang flush-mounted switch is mounted across the phase conductor.
  3. The neutral and phase conductors are connected to a 220 volt network, and the circuit is tested for operability through a switch.

Connecting with a dimmer

To connect LED elements, you must purchase a 12 volt control dimmer, which is connected after the power supply. The dimmer is selected according to the power consumption of the tape.

Schematic diagram of connecting a dimmer

Connecting an LED strip using an adjustable dimmer is as follows:

  1. The prepared tape is connected to the output of the adjusting dimmer, observing the polarity.
  2. The secondary voltage from the power supply is supplied to the dimmer input.
  3. The power supply is connected to a 220 volt network and the operation of the circuit is tested using a dimmer.

The 12 V dimmer has the same mounting principle as the 220.

The photo shows a typical installation of a dimmer and a power supply for LED strips.

Schematic diagram of connecting three diode strips

Step-by-step assembly with a parallel connection is carried out in the following order:

  1. Conductors are soldered to the prepared parallel segments of LED strips according to polarity.
  2. Tapes are connected in parallel to the power supply connector.
  3. A connection to a 220 volt network is being made and the operation of the circuit is being tested, while paying attention to the uniformity of illumination of the tapes.

Connecting RGB tape

Connecting a multi-color tape, unlike a single-color one, is a complicated procedure. Instead of the standard two wires, RGB uses four: one cable is common, and the other three are color gamut. But also a controller or a three-gang switch is necessarily included in the circuit. Consider the connection diagram of a three-key device.

Connecting a tape with a three-gang switch

Selecting the switch key sets the lighting color. The connection scheme with the controller is more common, because the color scheme has more shades.

Scheme of switching on the tape based on the controller

How to attach LED strip?

The method of fastening the tape has the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Preparation of the base for installation. It is necessary to ensure that the surface is smooth and degrease it.
  2. To the place of installation of the tape, it is necessary to supply wires in a protective casing in advance.
  3. Cut the tape to the required length. Cut the tape carefully so as not to damage the conductive tracks.
  4. Wire connection. Soldering and connection should be made using insulating materials.
  5. Tape gluing. Peel off the protective film and apply the product to the installation site. It is forbidden to fix the element, allowing sharp bends of the LEDs.
  6. We apply voltage through the power supply and check the performance.

About the design of the LED strip with a touch switch: pros, cons. We assemble the LED strip with a touch switch with our own hands. 5 questions to understand. + TEST for self-test


4 questions to test knowledge
  1. What is the assembly from?

B. Switch.

B. Wiring.

D. Nutrition.

  1. Suitable button type for the switch?

A. Infrared.

B. Dimmer.

B. Touch.

G. The most common.

  1. Adapter power.
  1. What is a plastic profile for?

A. Beauty.

B. Ease of installation.

B. System safety.

G. Not needed at all.

Modern interior solutions often use electrics with motion sensors. It's better to call them touch radio switches. Consider in detail the advantages, areas for correct use and much more.

3 pluses and 1 minus

At led lighting 3 advantages:

  • economy.
  • impressive service life.
  • the service life is not affected by the number of switching on and off.

They have only one drawback - the high price.

Usually such lighting is located in the kitchen. Location areas are:

  1. Functional. 1 solid LED lamp with touch switch for kitchens under cabinets. Look at the picture:

It requires the most powerful lighting. Because the work area is the most sought-after area for the hostess. Such lighting will save the eyes, affect the level of cleanliness.

  1. In the hood above the stove. Although there is usually an integrated backlight.

  1. Lighting glass furniture. Look at the picture:

Very nice, comfortable to use furniture. Favorable in electricity consumption. In general, you can not turn it off, but it's great if such a backlight turns on automatically.

  1. Above the top furniture.
  2. Under the bottom line of cabinets. Look at the picture:

light source better to keep it hidden. It uses a thin and almost invisible LED Strip Light. Any warm shade will do.

  1. Under the table. Look at the picture:

Here ribbon follows along the front side of the lower furniture. Ideal for a drawer, serving cutlery in the evening.

LED strip in the kitchen can be placed anywhere. It all depends on your budget and imagination.

More about the LED strip (hereinafter S.L.): 3 main points

Ribbon can be both ready-made and homemade. Its types:

  1. Invoice. The variety is linear. Can be purchased as a set or individually. In the set, the modules are connected by a special adapter into one complex.
  2. Invoice. Variety - point. Look at the picture:

Today you can buy item 1 and item 2, which are already built touch switches. It is enough to slightly touch their body in a certain area to turn the light on or off.

It usually looks like a solid blue LED.

  1. Mortise tape. It can also be linear or point. A good advantage is the thickness. Mortise mounting ribbons usually occurs in the bottom shelf of the cabinet towards the bottom surface.

Such a backlight is entirely placed in the lower shelf. Installation requires certain skills.

Self-creation of backlight from S.L .: we take into account 4 schemes

LED strips popular for the following reasons:

  1. Huge range of colors and brightness.
  2. Tape can be cut to desired length.
  3. The prices are more modest than those of ready-made devices.

Look at the picture for an example of a ribbon:

To assemble a working light device from a tape, you need the following materials:

  1. Ribbon required length.
  2. Guide rail made of aluminum (profile). Look at the picture:

The backlight will have a very neat look if you set it in a similar profile. And so it will be easier on the final installation.

  1. 12W adapter.
  2. Switch.

5.Electric cable and plug. Instead, you can use a terminal block. The type of connection matters here. The most suitable cable: made of copper, with a large number of cores, double braided. Its minimum cross section: 2 x 0.75 sq. mm.

  1. Thermal shrink tube. It seals all connections.

Need to know! Often the tape can be bought in a set with an adapter and control.

For ribbons in any room with high humidity vapor protection is required. The lowest degree of protection - IP44(handles droplets). More solid level IP65(handles the jet). The safest setting is 12 watts.

The workspace should be illuminated as much as possible. Therefore, it is better to apply tape from 3- crystal diodes SMD 50x50. 30 diodes are formed. The formula works: 1 m - 12 lumens. If you need brighter lighting, it is better to use the 60 diode version. The color temperature is in the range of 3300 - 500 K.

Auxiliary illumination can do without high brightness. Enough parameters SMD 35x28. 1 m - 5 lumens. Color is not particularly important here. It is more due to the design intent.

Below is a table of parameters of suitable tapes:

For stable operation of the backlight, you need an adapter with an approximate power reserve of 25%. The type of model affects the power of the tape. Technical aspects can be suggested by a consultant in the store in order to connection of 1 touch switch to the LED strip passed successfully.

For example, the SMD 50x50 version consumes 7.2 watts per meter. Then, with a length of 4 m, the total power reaches 28.8 watts. You will need a 36W adapter.

Suitable switches:

  1. Normal with button format.
  2. Sensory.
  3. Infrared.
  4. Dimmer. Mechanical or touch.
  5. A control block that causes the light to blink or its elegant color transfusion. This works if RGB tape is used.

If several SLs become bases for illumination, then the device is assembled according to the following plan (parallel):

It is important to follow the assembly rules:

  1. The tape is cut only in specific places. They are specially marked.
  2. You can use multiple ribbons.
  3. The cable following from the block is soldered with a tape. The contact area is sealed - crimped with a thermal shrink tube.

The soldering algorithm is presented schematically below:

A conventional switch must be placed before the adapter, based on this diagram:

Dimmer and RGB block are placed only after the adapter. Scheme:

Illumination is attached under the cabinets. This is helped by such an adhesive tape, in which both sides are sticky. First, it is conditionally attached in several areas. After making sure that it is placed in the desired area and evenly, press it along the entire length.

Important! In the absence of knowledge in this area, contact the experts.

Do-it-yourself LED lighting for the working area of ​​the kitchen

Touch switches(S.V.): 1 switch for all

Switches of this type have not been on the market for long, but have already become very popular. Often Sensor switch already goes in a duet tape.

First you need to find out what is sensor. Its appearance is a panel of crystals. It has special markings. Household versions are designed for a 220 V system.

Such devices are excellent solutions for a device in the kitchen using a LED strip. So the functional surface is illuminated powerfully and efficiently. A switch attached to the tape makes it much easier to work in the evening and at night. But for problem areas, such a remote control was invented:

You can connect a sconce to such a switch. It also helps to control the lighting in multi-tiered ceilings. Of course, if a ribbon with one color or a multi-colored palette is used there. It is convenient to control such a system with a remote control.

No matter how the switch is activated, it should be borne in mind that the connection plan may be different.

There are some changes in the circuit when the remote control is used.

Sensor switch It is not difficult to purchase at the store, but you can create your own efforts. Self-assembly of such a switch is not difficult. Work can be carried out in the kitchen or in another room. For installation in the kitchen, an aluminum profile should be used.

Variations: 3 ways

The switch may become active. Turn on lighting from various touches. The device can respond to:

  1. Close proximity to the sensor.
  2. Finger contact with the touch console. This is the most famous option.
  3. Change in temperature indicators.

The device can also be activated by sound or at the appointed time, and if movement appears within its range.

Additional sensor functionality: 5 important points

In such a device there are various activations. It may also have additional features. With certain skills, a homemade sensor can also be endowed with a good range of functions. To date, such switches are released with the following versions of added features:

  1. Remote controller remote control. It greatly facilitates control over the light spectrum of a multi-color tape. In this case, the use of a controller is mandatory. Otherwise, the remote will not work. Also, there is a good effectiveness of the remote control when controlling the sconces. And when connected to the tape, the remote control must be selected in tandem with the controller.
  2. Timer. Thanks to this device, you can arrange a significant savings in electricity. In the timer, you can set the time to turn off the light when there are no people in the room or in the house.
  3. Volume response. This product responds even to light contact. Often this device is made independently and complements the timer.
  4. View without contact. The reaction of these devices occurs when the situation in the room somehow changes. It can be different movements, temperature and light can change.
  5. Dimmer. Any labeled sensor strip devices can be equipped with a dimmer. This add-on allows you to control the brightness of the light in the room.

Optimal for a residential apartment is 1 netxt led light with touch switch. But it is not forbidden to work on modern electrics with your own hands. More on that below.

What is the structure of sept. vyk-la: 4 main points

To self-assemble switch with sensor, and then correctly mount it using a suitable profile, you need to know its structure and algorithm of action.

Whatever type of device you use to attach to the tape, this will not affect the algorithm of their work.

And in any modification there are four components:

  1. Front side. This is the outside of the device. In some cases, a backlight can be arranged behind it.
  2. Touch indicator. From its variety it is determined what its reaction will occur to.
  3. Switching scheme. Thanks to it, the signal is converted into current. Otherwise, it activates the lighting equipment connected to it (it can be a tape or another light source).
  4. Frame. They can be integrated or overhead. Depending on its variety, the type of installation work is also formed. The case can be installed directly into the wall, or it can simply be superimposed.

The duration of its operation depends on the quality of all components of the device. Therefore, it is important to select modifications that have the optimal proportions of cost and quality.

touch device looks like a module. This device is quite compact. For this reason, it can simply be mounted in an aluminum profile. Thanks to this profile, the switch can be positioned next to the tape (or other light source).

During the installation process, it should be borne in mind that the response of the housing to various touches is very fast. Therefore, contact with the device should be carried out only at one point. In the planned installation area, any unintentional touching of the sensitive console of the housing is completely excluded.

It is better to connect the device according to the proposed scheme:

Strictly observe it, and connect the device correctly and quickly.

Independent assembly process according to 1 scheme

Here you need skills in working with a soldering iron, good knowledge of electronics. All components of the structure should also be. Only under such conditions can you independently make a high-quality switch. Then connect it to the desired tape.

It must be designed to work from a household system - at 220 V. The most difficult and crucial aspect here is the correct soldering of the necessary circuit.

Below is the simplest version of the scheme. Even a novice shareholder can master it.

Note: in the second circuit, you can refuse to use a capacitor.


The parts needed to get it working are:

  1. pair of transistors. Type - KT315.
  2. Resistance. Parameter -30 Ohm.
  3. Semiconductor. The desired view is D226.
  4. Ordinary capacitor. The parameter is 0.22 microfarads.
  5. Adapter or battery required power. E output voltage - 9 V.
  6. Capacitor. Type - electrolytic. Parameter - 100 microfarads, 16 V.

All these components are soldered according to the proposed scheme and placed in the desired case.

5 questions to understand

  1. Should I buy or make my own? Without perseverance and experience, it is not possible to assemble a good switch. It's easier to buy.
  2. How to set up the sensor? There is a volumetric response function. You can set the mode by perception.
  3. Sensor or remote? It is better to leave sections of the tape with panels removed from touch on the remote control, it is more convenient.
  4. Is it better to put in the process of repair or after? The tape with the sensor is more convenient to mount after furniture is installed. Although ceiling surfaces are sometimes equipped with an LED system in advance.
  5. What to provide for stable operation? The most important indicator is the power reserve, without it there will be no productive work.

I once bought an LED strip on occasion and made it a backlight for the working area in the kitchen. Very convenient, but there was a problem with its inclusion. Pull the wires to the switch - the repair is done. The remote control is not convenient, and it will never be in place. I temporarily attached a pass switch to the bottom of the locker by a bar on a double-sided adhesive tape, which is attached to the wires. Used for a long time, but not very comfortable. You have to feel for it with your hand behind the bar. I decided to make a touch switch. There are a lot of old radio components, there are computer power supplies. The plan was this. The sensor is powered by +5V on duty, and starts the power supply. The LED strip is connected to + 12V.

Sketched out a diagram:

I assembled it on a breadboard and tested it. I could not take a photo, because did at work.

In AutoCAD, he developed a board for surface mounting:

The capacitor and 2 resistors used SMD 0805. The LED used RGB with a common anode, it is possible with a common cathode, then R3 must be connected to the case. I made a board from a double-sided textolite according to. The second side of the textolite is used as a sensor plate.

Again, I soldered everything at work. Brought it home and installed it right away. When I installed it, I remembered that I did not take a picture.

The wife is satisfied.

List of radio elements

Designation Type Denomination Quantity NoteShopMy notepad
D1, D2 Logic ICK561LE52 4 elements 2OR-NOT To notepad
VT1 bipolar transistor


1 To notepad
C1 Capacitor2.2uF1 SMD 0805 To notepad
R1 Variable resistor100 kOhm1 To notepad
R2 Resistor

20 mΩ

1 To notepad
R3 Resistor

1.5 kOhm

1 SMD 0805 To notepad
R4 Resistor

1 mΩ

1 SMD 0805 To notepad
R5 Resistor

1 kOhm

1 To notepad
R6 Resistor
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