Winter in Israel and how to survive it. Israel in winter - what is winter like in Israel? Other electrical appliances and household attributes relevant in winter

Israel is a popular country for tourists from all over the world. You can come here not only in the warm, but also in the cold season, including winter. This applies not only to recreation, which consists of visiting attractions, shops, discos and restaurants. There are many places on the territory of the state where you can go to spend time with great pleasure. beach resort, even in winter. In particular, this is convenient to do during individual tours in Israel. Let's look at the most popular of them.

It’s worth saying right away that if you are planning to go to the Promised Land with the aim of visiting popular places of pilgrimage and historical monuments- then you can do this at any time of the year. Winter in Israel is not cold, and for any resident of the post-Soviet republics the temperature will be very comfortable. It depends on the altitude above sea level. The higher the altitude, the lower the temperature. Warm in the south of the country and in the valleys. Sometimes in central regions Snow may fall in Israel, but it melts quickly. Basically, winter in the Promised Land is characterized by rain. In winter, the temperature practically never drops below +10°C, and as a rule, it is higher. Therefore, you can visit attractions, establishments, including museums, exhibition halls, discos, shops and various entertainment events here all year round. But we will consider beach holidays separately.

The fact is that in winter it is uncomfortable to swim in the Mediterranean Sea on the Israeli coast. Its water warms up only to a temperature of +18°C...+20°C (depending on latitude and currents), which is a low value for many people. Therefore, in winter everyone flocks to the southern part of the country. In this sense, a popular resort city is Eilat, located on the Red Sea coast, in the Gulf of Aqaba. His distinctive feature is very a large number of There are sunny days a year (according to statistics, there are about 359). Therefore, rain or simply cloudy weather is perceived as a rarity here.

There are many different hotels on the coast and in the city with different levels comfort and prices. However, most of them are still quite expensive and comfortable. The length of the coastline is 12 km. It is divided into two parts - Coral Beach and North Shore. By the way, Eilat is very popular with divers. It's warm here clear water and a wide variety of corals and marine life.

Popular hotels in Eilat:

  • Herods Vitalis Spa Hotel Eilat a Premium collection by Leonardo Hotels;
  • Dan Eilat Hotel;
  • Soleil Boutique Hotel;
  • La Villa Eilat;
  • Sunset Inn;
  • Villa Laguna Eilat.

Remember that in most public institutions in Israel, including hotels, the staff speaks Russian, so you will not have any difficulties with explanations.

Another popular holiday destination for tourists in winter is the famous Dead Sea. This reservoir is used not only for swimming (although you won’t be able to fully swim in it, and it’s dangerous to swim in it for a long time), but also for medicinal purposes. On the coast there are clinics and salons offering medical procedures based on the use of original compounds made from local water and silt. The Dead Sea guide will give you more information about the most popular of them. When choosing them, it is necessary to take into account indications and contraindications for possible diseases available to you.

Promised land! For whatever purposes they come here: to relax on one of the four seas, and to visit places that are holy for many, and to receive thorough treatment in the best clinics in the world, or at unique resorts countries! Find out on the Tour Calendar why you can vacation in Israel almost all year round, and why on the Red Sea best time for relaxation it is April, May, September and October, on the Mediterranean Sea it is the end of spring and the beginning of autumn, and at the Dead Sea the most comfortable time for treatment and relaxation is autumn and spring.

Tourist season in Israel

As such high tourist season It’s not so easy to single out holidays in Israel. Every month of the year is suitable for a trip to this wonderful country. Thanks to its wide and varied opportunities, Israel is popular in the tourism market all year round. Someone comes here to get acquainted with rich history countries, others for treatment in one of the famous clinics or the Dead Sea, others - to the Red Sea for beach holiday or for diving. So at any time everyone can find something to their liking here.

High season in Israel

There are several periods of the year when prices for tours to the country are higher than at other times. True, it’s worth distinguishing whether it’s a beach vacation or a tourist one: at one time, resort hotels may not be full, while hotels in some cities will be overcrowded. The high season is considered to be the period from late February to May, since spring is perhaps the most wonderful time to visit Israel. And although summer doesn't count high season Because of the heat, there can be a lot of vacationers in July and August, partly because of the vacation period, partly because the Israelis themselves prefer to relax at this time. Also, the high season is considered to be both autumn in general and the period from September 18 to October 27, i.e. the week before Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) and the week after Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles), when there is an influx of tourists. Additionally, thousands of Christians flock to Israel from mid-December to mid-January. In general, as you can see, Israel is popular throughout almost the entire year!

Low season in Israel

It is believed that the demand for travel to Israel is lower in the summer, when temperatures rise to +40 and above. And also in winter, when it gets cooler. But many people go to Israel at this time, for example, in Eilat on the Red Sea in winter the air temperature is about 20 and the water temperature is about +21 degrees. However, rain is possible at this time. It is worth noting that the period from the second half of December to the beginning of January cannot be called low season, because pilgrims from all over the world come to Israel.

Beach season on the Red and Mediterranean Seas

There are four seas in Israel - the Red, Mediterranean, Dead and Galilee (Lake Kinneret). On the Red Sea swimming season in Israel lasts all year round, since the water temperature does not fall below +20 °C, and the air temperature stays from +30 °C throughout the year. The most popular resort of the Red Sea is Eilat. The Red Sea is a little cool in winter in December, January and February. In summer, especially in July and August, it is too hot and the sea may not be refreshing. It is believed that the best time for a beach holiday on the Red Sea is April, May, September and October. March and November can also be considered, the only thing is in early spring Sea water can be invigorating. The Mediterranean Sea is, of course, cooler than the Red Sea. The water in it warms up only by May to +21-23°C, and remains warm until September-October, and sometimes November. The only thing that can upset your holiday on the Mediterranean Sea is jellyfish. They usually appear in June-July, but sometimes they appear in April and September, and they sting quite well.

When is the best time to go to the Dead Sea?

People usually go to the Dead Sea for medicinal purposes all year round, and if the sea is already cool, such as in winter around +19..+22°C, it healing properties can be enjoyed in spa hotels. To take water baths directly in the Dead Sea, it is best to take spring or autumn, because... how in summer it can be too hot, the sea warms up to +30..35°C and above, and in winter, as was said, it cools down too much. At the Dead Sea, not only the water is healing, but also the air, so no matter when you come here, the microclimate will have a beneficial effect on your body. The only exception would be excessive heat in summer.

The Velvet season

The most pleasant and comfortable weather The best time to visit Israel is in October. Traditional for the Mediterranean" velvet month“September is still too hot in Israel, even on the Mediterranean Sea, not to mention the Red Sea. In October, the temperature usually does not exceed +30 degrees, and the water temperature in the sea is around +24..+26C.

Best time for sightseeing

The best time to travel to get acquainted with the history and sights of Israel will most likely be the end autumn - beginning spring. After all, in winter it can rain here, and the rest of the time the thermometer rarely drops below +30 degrees. True, it is worth considering that the further north, the cooler, and the south of those hotter. The difference can be up to 10 degrees, and even more in mountainous areas.

Ski season in Israel

Of course, as such ski season not in Israel, and probably few people go to Israel specifically to ski. But if you find yourself in Israel in winter, and sometimes in late autumn and early spring, and you are bored with a beach holiday, then you should definitely visit Mount Hermon, with a height of more than 2200, and ride on the alpine skiing! On this moment There are several routes on Hermon of varying complexity, the total length of which is about 8 kilometers. Lifts will take you to the mountains and cable cars, skis and other equipment you can rent right there.

Climate in Israel

The climate in Israel is subtropical, but some areas are dry and temperate. tropical climate. This is due to the peculiarity geographical location Israel. Despite the relatively small territory of the country, the weather in different parts may vary significantly by up to 10 degrees. And the temperature is perceived differently in different areas, which is influenced by the proximity of the sea, air humidity, and altitude. In the north, for example, in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, it is usually cooler, because the desert is nearby. In the south, in Eilat, you can relax and swim in the sea all year round. The hottest time in Israel is summer, and the most hot month- August, when temperatures can exceed more than +40. The driest part of Israel is the Negev Desert. Most precipitation falls in winter, especially in January. In winter, temperatures in higher parts of the country can drop below 0, and Mount Hermon is covered with snow from December to March, so you can even go skiing in northern Israel in winter.

Israel in spring

Spring in Israel is quite a comfortable time to visit, as the air warms up to pleasant temperatures, but summer heat still far. And although the Red Sea has cooled down after winter in March, even 20 degrees can be quite suitable for swimming, and the warm and sunny weather will certainly not let you freeze. March in Israel is ideal for a tourism program - visiting cities, museums, temples, parks with unique flora, theaters and other public events. In April, the weather completely becomes summer and the air warms up to 18..+27C, and the water is suitable for even the most heat-loving tourists and reaches +23C degrees. The Dead Sea warms up to +24C in April and is already quite suitable for therapeutic water procedures. In May, the Mediterranean Sea also warms up and is quite comfortable for a beach holiday. If you are traveling to Israel in the spring, you can count on... good weather There is practically no rain in spring. It is worth noting that Easter takes place in Israel in the spring, so there can be quite a lot of tourists at this time.

Temperature and weather in Israel in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Jerusalem +16 +21 +25
Tel Aviv +20 +25 +27
Haifa +19 +24 +26
Eilat +24 +21 +30 +23 +34 +24

Israel in summer

Summer in Israel is the hottest period of the year. In June, the weather in Israel has not yet reached its maximum and usually does not exceed +30 degrees. The Mediterranean Sea has already warmed up to +23 degrees, and the Red Sea to +24. The weather in Israel in July becomes even hotter, the sea warms up even more, and therefore at this time a beach holiday in Israel is suitable only for the most resistant. In August, the weather hardly changes, except that the temperature rises even more to +40 degrees and above - after all, August is the hottest month of the year. If you do find yourself in Israel in the summer, then it is better to spend time somewhere near the sea.

Temperature and weather in Israel in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Jerusalem +27 +29 +29
Tel Aviv +29 +31 +31
Haifa +29 +31 +31
Eilat +38 +23 +40 +25 +40 +26

Israel in autumn

Autumn in Israel is a time of comfortable warmth. After the sweltering summer heat, this is a great time to relax. In September and even October the weather is still truly summer, for example on the Red Sea in Eilat the air temperature is even higher than +30 degrees, and the water is about +26..+27. On the Mediterranean Sea in September and October, the weather is also conducive to relaxation - the air temperature is slightly below +30 degrees, and the sea temperature is +24..+27C. Possibly October, one of best months a year for a holiday in Israel. The weather in November in Israel is still warm, and neither the Red Sea, nor the Dead Sea, nor the Mediterranean have cooled down yet. But it is worth remembering that the rainy season begins in November. And although in reality there are not so many of them and they are not so scary, they can still spoil your vacation.

Ideal for year-round holidays, so it’s difficult to single out just one high season. Tourists come here for different purposes: some to improve their health, others to swim in the four seas (Mediterranean, Red, Galilee and Dead), and others to get acquainted with the history and religion of the country. Each month of the year is suitable for a different type of holiday.

High season

Most tourists come in the fall, especially in September and October, when Jews celebrate Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year). They celebrate it on a grand scale: in every house they set the table, congratulate each other, and give gifts to relatives and friends. Tours to Israel in winter are also popular. Hanukkah celebrations are not at play here. last role, so there are many pilgrims in the cities of Israel at this time.

Weather table in Israel by month


Autumn is the best time of year for a beach holiday. The air temperature at this time is +27-32°C, the sea temperature is +24°C. Hotels in Eilat on the Red Sea usually have almost no vacancies. In Jerusalem and elsewhere major cities There are also many people who want to relax in comfort.


Winter is warm and pleasant: there are no winds, the air temperature does not drop below +20°C even in the coldest regions in January. During the winter months, the Red Sea resorts continue beach season(sea temperature - approximately +23°C), at resorts Dead Sea even more tourists than in summer. The water here is warm (up to +25°C), but not scalding hot; dehydration due to the heat is excluded.


Spring is a continuation of the year-round beach season; there are still many vacationers at the resorts. March and April in Israel are the best time for excursion holidays. The summer heat has not yet hit the country, so getting to know its culture is a pleasure. Remember that Easter is celebrated in Israel in the spring, so there will be many pilgrims.

The weather in Israel is determined by a subtropical climate. The position of a small country bordering Lebanon in the north and Egypt in the southwest has determined high humidity, dry winds and a clear distinction between only two periods: winter (although it is warm in Israel in December) and summer. By geographical features Israel is divided into four parts:

  • coastal;
  • northern;
  • Jerusalem;
  • southern

Winter Israel

December. The weather in Israel is rainy. There is precipitation for ten days. The exception is Eilat. average temperature in December in Israel – 14-17 degrees above zero during the day. At night the thermometer drops to plus eight. It snows in Israel in December. In southern cities the weather is summer. In December you can swim in Israel: the water temperature in the Red Sea is twenty-three degrees Celsius. First winter month suitable for excursions around the country. Those who cannot tolerate the heat should come to Israel in December.

January. In Israel it is rainy month, which is the peak of the rainy season. During the day the air temperature does not drop below fifteen degrees southern regions, in Jerusalem the thermometer may drop to plus twelve. At night in January it is cool in Israel - up to plus ten degrees. The sea is still warm - two twenty-two degrees above zero. The weather in Israel in January is changeable; in the northern regions there may be continuous downpours for several days. In the south it is possible sunny days allowing you to sunbathe by the sea. It often blows in Israel in January. strong winds. High waves appear on the sea. There are no winds on the coast of Eilat (Israel), and scuba diving is popular here in January. Various festivals are held throughout the country this month. You can come to Israel in January for health resorts(the cost of services is reduced), excursion programs may be overshadowed by heavy rainfall.

February. The difference between February weather and January in Israel is minimal. The rains continue, but are less intense. In southern cities, precipitation is rare. The average air temperature is 13-15 degrees above zero, in the south - up to plus twenty. At night (like in January in Israel) it is still cool - only ten degrees above zero. The sea in the southern regions warms up to plus twenty degrees.

Spring Israel

March. The rainy season has ended, but precipitation is possible in the north. In Israel, the daytime air temperature in the first month of spring in the northern regions rises to twenty degrees above zero, in the south - up to twenty-six degrees. It’s cooler in Jerusalem – about fifteen degrees plus.

April. The rainy season is finally coming to an end (wet weather sets in in Israel in November). Cities from northern zone, you can soak up the beach in southern resorts. In Israel, the daytime air temperature in the northern regions is about twenty-two degrees above zero; in southern cities the thermometer can rise to thirty-one degrees Celsius.

May. In Israel, the air temperature this month, even in always cool Jerusalem, reaches twenty-five degrees above zero. In the southern regions the thermometer rises to plus thirty-one degrees. There is little precipitation. The water in the sea warms up to twenty-four degrees Celsius. The beach season is open (it will end with the onset of rainy weather in Israel in November).

June. Weather in Israel at first summer month hot. Daytime temperatures average thirty degrees above zero. In southern cities - up to forty degrees Celsius, and at night the thermometer does not drop below plus twenty-four degrees. It is cooler in Jerusalem - 28 degrees above zero, in Haifa - plus 26. Precipitation is extremely rare - one day a month (rainier weather in Israel in November). In summer, the desert wind Khamsin begins to blow, bringing with it dust.

July. The second summer month is hot: during the day, even in the north, the air warms up to thirty degrees above zero, in the south – to forty and above. At night it becomes cooler only in Jerusalem - about nineteen degrees above zero, in other regions - about twenty-five degrees above zero. The water temperature reaches plus twenty-six degrees. In the center of Israel the weather, although sultry, is dry and easier to bear. There is no rain (unlike the weather in Israel in January).

August. The heat still persists. The average daytime air temperature is thirty degrees above zero. In the south, the thermometer is likely to rise to plus fifty degrees. The water temperature in the sea exceeds thirty degrees above zero. The weather in Israel is comfortable only in Jerusalem: during the day it is plus thirty degrees, the humidity is low. In southern Eilat, the thermometer does not drop below forty degrees above zero, and the water in the Red Sea warms up to plus 25 degrees. There is no precipitation, rainy weather will come to Israel in November.

September. First autumn month considered comfortable for a holiday in Israel. The heat drops to an average of thirty degrees above zero, but on the coast it is still sultry - plus thirty-six degrees. At night it gets cooler - plus 18 degrees. The heat subsides towards the end of September. There is still no precipitation, desert winds are dying down, and the beach season is in full swing. The water in the sea warms up to twenty-five degrees above zero. Prices for travel packages and in stores are still high; they will begin to decline in Israel in November.

An increasing number of our compatriots are traveling to Israel for the New Year holidays.

October. The rainy season begins at the end of the month and lasts until April. It becomes cooler during the day: the average daily temperature is around twenty-six degrees Celsius, in southern Eilat it is still hot (plus 30 degrees). At night they become cool - about seventeen degrees plus (the nights will become cold in Israel in November). The sea is warm: the water temperature is about twenty-five degrees above zero.

Autumn in Israel, video:

November. It is still warm in Israel: the average daily temperature is 19-22 degrees above zero, in the south - plus 25-28 degrees. At night, the thermometer drops to twelve degrees Celsius. The weather in November in Israel is rainy - about eight days a month. The water temperature in the sea is 25 degrees above zero. In November, the beach season in Israel is officially closed. Thunderstorms often occur and the sky becomes covered with clouds. The weather in November in Israel is favorable for scuba diving, and you can also swim without fear of catching a cold. The cost of tours and prices in shops and restaurants are falling; Israel in November is attractive for excursions.

There is no traditional winter with frosts and snowstorms, which we are used to, in Israel. However, tourists who come to Israel in winter can see snow and enjoy traditional sports such as skiing. Moreover, in the morning you can go skiing on the snowy slope of Mount Hermon - ski resort country, and in the evening, if you wish, you can go skiing, only water skiing, on the azure waters of the Red Sea. After all, the road from the north of the country to the southern borders takes several hours in Israel. Snowfalls in Israel in winter are not so frequent, but their consequences are used to the fullest. Opened immediately ski resort. The resort's opening hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. The resort charges vacationers only for the rental of ski accessories and equipment, as well as for the use of the cable car.

At this time, winter in Israel in the city of Eilat looks completely different. A variety of events take place here under the sunny skies of the south of the country. Air and water in winter in Israel in the south of the country and most of the territory are not lower than +24.

Israel is a country with a huge historical heritage, located on the shores of four seas - the Mediterranean, the Dead, the Red and the Galilee. The country has a unique climate of its kind. From the east it is washed Mediterranean Sea, in the north, Israel borders on another eastern country - Lebanon, and also neighbors Syria, Jordan and Egypt.

Israel is a unique country - a place of pilgrimage for the three most widespread religions of the world - Christianity, Islam and Judaism; there are many ancient and architectural monuments, holy places. The country's population is only 7.5 million people, of which 1.5 million come from the former Soviet Union.

The ancient holy land attracts many people. Some are drawn here bright sun, others come to admire the abundance of beautiful places, others are attracted by history - this unique, striking contrast between the old and the past. Today Israel is a country of mixture of different civilizations - the distant past and the newest, ultra-modern.

Israel is unique and not only for its antiquities and shrines. It stands out from many countries with its unique geographical diversity, having a small territory - this includes the Negev Desert, mountain ranges Galilee, Golan Heights in the north of the country, rivers and the coasts of the four seas. In the east of Israel lies the Jordan Valley, which is called the “Great Valley”. In the south of the country, the Arava Desert stretches for many kilometers, ending with the Strait of Eilat.

If we talk about the climate in this unique country, then Israel is located in the subtropical zone. This zone is characterized by the presence of only two seasons - a hot, rainless summer and a damp, and sometimes Cold winter in Israel. But, I must say, thanks to the location of Israel, and it is located between deserts and warm seas, its climate is so diverse that it surprises many visitors - that is, in Israel in winter you can swim in the Gulf of Eilat or, for example, choose alpine skiing in the north of the country on the ski slope on Mount Hermon.

In general, the country is located in the region of three climatic zones- on larger territory Central Israel and the north of the country have a Mediterranean climate. Characteristic Features, the Mediterranean climate is considered to have hot, dry summers and winters in Israel in these zones are rainy and cool.

The coastal plain area is very hot and humid in summer, but Israel in winter in this part of the country is very pleasant. In the mountainous areas of the country it is very dry in the summer, winter in Israel in the mountains is very cold.

If we consider the southern and eastern regions of the country, the climate here is desert. The desert climate is very dry and incredibly hot, but night and day temperatures differ significantly, which, however, is very typical for this climate zone. Winter in Israel in this zone is also dry, but cold.

It must be said that Israel enjoys well-deserved popularity among tourists all over the world. The country of four seas is a unique climate, recreation, spa treatments, and resorts. The sun shines brightly here, the level of sun and the level of solar radiation are the highest in the world. Vacationers are simply guaranteed a beautiful, even tan, but they definitely need protection appropriate to solar radiation.

The bulk of the varied precipitation falls in winter in Israel with winter rain.
Every year in Israel in winter, Mount Kherson dresses in a white mantle, and sometimes other peaks put on white caps, becoming covered with snow. In most of Israel, where the climate is Mediterranean, annual precipitation amounts to more than 400 mm. And in desert areas - only 250 mm. That is, in winter in Israel, in a desert climate, precipitation falls by half. Precipitation in the semi-dry zone ranges from 300 to 400 mm. In a semi-dry zone rainy season lasts from the beginning of October until the month of May. But the bulk of precipitation still falls between December and February, that is, in winter in Israel. We can say with complete confidence that winter in Israel means rain. Well, the hottest months in the country are traditionally July and August.

In general, the climate in Israel is quite pleasant - in the fall - from September to November - it is warm and rainfall is very rare, the same weather and temperature regime and in spring - from April to June. During these weather periods it is very pleasant to spend time traveling through the desert and swimming in the seas. When coming to Israel at this time, you need, of course, to take light summer clothes and swimsuits.

In winter in Israel it is also worth not bad weather, but it's still worth taking with you warm clothes and an umbrella in case it rains. But even if it rains in Israel in winter, you can always find salvation from it, on the Red Sea coast in the resort town of Eilat, where weather always excellent, and the temperature is no less than +24, both air and water.

Most tourists from the CIS countries have not yet fully discovered Israel as a country for an ordinary holiday. And this country entered the tourism market not very long ago. However, Israel has an unusually wide selection of recreation options, developed medical tourism, famous and popular all over the world, excellent climatic conditions and unique Natural resources countries make it attractive to tourists from many countries around the world.

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