When is the best time to vacation in Israel? Weather in Israel in spring Ski season in Israel

The best time to go on vacation to Israel is definitely in the fall and early spring. Moreover, both of these periods are ideal for any type of holiday in the country. Spring, with its still relatively mild temperatures and colorful blooms, is the best time to go to Israel for excursions. with its temples and the Gardens of Gethsemane, the Bahai Gardens, the Nabeli Desert - it’s best to explore all this in the spring. But the summer heat is a period when it’s not worth going to Israel even for the sake of beach holiday. It is so hot here that even the seas are not refreshing. But the off-season is exactly the time when it’s worth flying to Israel, including for swimming in the Red and Mediterranean Seas. In general, you can swim in the Red Sea all year round, so here you can splash around to your heart’s content even in winter.

High season in Israel this is all autumn and the period from late February to May. At this time, most tourists rush here, trying to avoid summer heat and winter rains. And here low season in Israel it falls between winter and summer. Prices are significantly reduced at this time.

Holidays in Israel in winter

The weather in Israel in winter is very warm. If in other cities of the northern and central regions the air temperature remains at +10°C, then on the shores of the Red Sea it rarely drops below +23°C. So, even in winter, a holiday on the Red Sea will be simply excellent. But in the rest of Israel it often rains in winter, so excursions can be ruined.

If you managed to get to Israel not just in winter, but also during the period of snowfall on Mount Hermon, then do not miss a rare chance - take a ride on alpine skiing on the tracks of this unique resort. You should hurry - snow rarely lasts longer than a week.

Holidays in Israel in spring

The weather in Israel in spring is perfect for excursions, hikes in historical city centers and long trips around the country. The heat has not yet set in, everything around is blooming. You can go to the Red Sea, and in May to the Mediterranean Sea, or go to the Dead Sea for therapeutic procedures. The high season is in full swing, and it continues until May, when the heat quickly catches up with summer.

Holidays in Israel in summer

Summer in Israel is low season. Sea water It heats up so much that even bathing no longer brings any pleasure. Due to the intense heat, the salty waves of the Dead Sea are not suitable for therapeutic procedures. And there’s nothing to say about excursions. In such heat, visiting churches and museums is simply unthinkable.

Climate of Israel

Israel has a subtropical climate, which, however, undergoes a number of deviations from average climatic norms due to several factors. Firstly, this geographical location: proximity to the humid region in the north - Lebanon, in the west - proximity to the sea, in the east and south - deserts. Secondly, the difficult terrain of the country.

Thus, we can distinguish a region of desert climate (Dead Sea), arid (Jordan Valley), hot (Central Highlands), temperate and relatively humid (Upper Galilee).

The precipitation period is from late October to April, with the peak occurring from December to March. Snow, if it falls, is only in the mountains, but it melts quickly. The ski season lasts from January to March on Mount Hermon, where snow lies from December to April.

Precipitation in Israel is brought by the Cypriot cyclone (winter) and wind from the Red Sea (spring or autumn).

Water temperature in winter and summer: in the Dead Sea +20 °C and +32 °C, in the Red Sea +23 °C and +33 °C, in the Mediterranean +17 °C and +31 °C.

January is the coldest month of the year (+5 °C...+10 °C), August is the hottest (+30 °C...+45 °C). Temperatures are affected by region and time of day. In addition, certain temperatures are perceived differently depending on the level of humidity.

Climate and weather of Israel

In Israel, only summer and winter are clearly visible, while spring and autumn are not always clear, short and subject to change. Summer lasts from May to October and is hot, dry in the mountains and humid in coastal areas. Winter is mild, short and rainy.

Weather in Israel in autumn

In the north it is cool, during the day from +20 °C to +25 °C, at night it is chilly and you can freeze. On the contrary, in the south in October and November the air warms up to +30 °C, and in the evening the temperature drops sharply to +15 °C. It rarely rains. In the coastal zone, +25 °C during the day, +18 °C at night. Showers occur, but they are usually short-lived.

Officially, summer ends in October, so September is not considered autumn. Comfortable weather lasts until at least mid-October. In November it is increasingly cloudy and it's raining, and there are fewer tourists.

Weather in Israel in winter

Winter lasts from December to February. It is cold in the mountains, while in the valley the air can reach +22 °C. Most of the time the sky is overcast.

The flow of tourists is decreasing, but not drying up. Some people go swimming in the Dead or Red Sea, where the water temperature is +20-21 °C.

The northern part of Israel is the coldest. At night the air temperature drops below zero, and during the day it does not rise above +10 °C.

If you go to Israel in winter, then go south. During the day from +18 °C to +25 °C, light rain occurs. It's chilly in the evenings, so you can't do without warm clothes.

It often rains in the coastal area. At the same time, they are not protracted, but quite tiring. In good weather the air can warm up to +22 °C.

In the Jerusalem hills at night it can be up to +7 °C, during the day from 0 °C to +5 °C. It is snowing mixed with rain.

Weather in Israel in spring

The optimal time to visit Israel is spring. It's not cold anymore, but it's not too hot yet. Temperatures range from +16 °C to +24 °C. By the end of May, precipitation becomes less.

A huge advantage of spring is rich colors, lush vegetation and the general awakening of nature.

In the north from +18 °C to +22 °C, still cool at night. The rains are light and short-lived. It’s almost summer in the south: +25 °C…+30 °C. In the coastal zone during the day +20 °C...+25 °C, at night +15 °C...+20 °C.

It’s hard to say what March will be like: either a continuation of a dull February, or the beginning of a full-fledged spring. April feels like a summer month (+20 °C...+27 °C), warm, sunny and dry. May is the ideal time to travel to the country's resorts.

Weather in Israel in summer

In the coastal zone, daytime temperatures range from +28 °C to +32 °C; with high humidity, the heat is difficult to bear. At night it “gets cold” to +25 °C. In the northern part of the country it is hot during the day (up to +40 °C), but the humidity is lower, so it is a little easier.

In the south you can often see +40 °C…+45 °C on the thermometer. The humidity is low (30% in Eilat), but even this does not help.

More or less comfortable conditions formed in the Jerusalem hills: low humidity, cool nights. Khamsin can blow from the northeast, bringing with it unbearable heat. After it it rains and the weather recovers.

Israel's climate is hot and sunny summer and a long period (from April to October), when it prevails clear sky and the sun shines a lot. Rain (in places where it occurs) usually occurs from November to March.

Israel's climate is Mediterranean on the west coast (including cities such as Tel Aviv, Haifa and Netanya), with mild and rainy winters, and hot and sunny summers, during which the air is humid but softened by breezes. In Tel Aviv average temperature in January it is 14 °C, and in July and August it is about 26 °C. Hot spells are possible, especially between April and June, when winds from the Egyptian deserts can raise temperatures to around 40°C, even on the coast.

Below are the average minimum and maximum air temperatures in Tel Aviv.

On the Mediterranean coast, the water temperature is warm enough for swimming between June and November.

In the interior regions of Israel (including cities such as Jerusalem and Nazareth), the climate becomes wetter but also more continental, both due to greater distance from the sea and due to the altitude: Jerusalem is located at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level. sea, Bethlehem, on the West Bank, is almost 800 meters, but Nazareth is located at a lower altitude - its height varies from 300 to 500 meters. In these inland regions of Israel, winter is also relatively mild, but the penetration of cold air masses from Russia can even cause snow in January and February (and sometimes early March), usually in places with altitudes above 600 meters. IN summer time The air in this area is dry and the heat is usually quite bearable, but sometimes hot air masses from the Egyptian desert can cause extreme heat and it's hot even here. In Jerusalem, the average temperature in January is 9 °C, and in August - 24.5 °C. Below are the average minimum and maximum temperatures in Jerusalem.

Further east, in the Jordan Valley, whose altitude drops even below sea level (not only in the regions around the Dead Sea, but also south of Lake Tiberias), winters are still mild, but summers become very hot. There is little rainfall here, and the landscape, with the exception of areas where river water is used to irrigate fields, can be described as semi-desert. Tiberias receives an average of 415 millimeters of precipitation per year, most of which, as usual, falls in winter months. Below are the average minimum and maximum air temperatures.

Further south, in the areas bordering the Sinai Peninsula and the Red Sea, lies the Negev Desert, which experiences mild winters and hot summers. Unlike the Mediterranean coast, summer is not best time for a beach holiday on the Red Sea: in Eilat the average daytime temperature in July and August is 32 °C, with a minimum of 26 °C and a maximum of 38 °C, but sometimes it can exceed 45 °C. In April and October, in turn, the maximum temperature is around 30-32 °C, and the sun is guaranteed at this time.

There is very little rainfall in Eilat, and the amount per year does not exceed even 50 millimeters.

In Eilat, the Red Sea is somewhat cool for swimming in winter, but summer months the water is pleasantly warm.

When is the best time to go to Israel? Let's look at what the weather is like in Israel different months at various resorts.

There is an opinion that you can relax in Israel all year round. But every vacation has its time. March, September and October are ideal for excursions, as winter is too humid due to rain, and summer is swelteringly hot. In addition, on major holidays - Easter, Christmas, Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot and others - the small country becomes crowded with the influx of tourists and pilgrims.

For a beach holiday in the resorts of the Mediterranean and Red Sea, April-May and September-October are most suitable. The Dead Sea resorts operate all year round, but in winter the water is cool, and in June, July and August it is too hot, so spring and autumn will be the optimal seasons for the trip. Below we provide information about the weather in Israel by month: water and air temperature, precipitation, as well as tips for tourists on vacation.

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Weather in Israel in winter


The heated indoor pools open in December. The rainy season is approaching, you are unlikely to get a beautiful Mediterranean tan, but you will be pleasantly surprised by discounts in hotels. True, before the holidays prices rise again - pilgrims flock to the country.

January February

The weather in Israel in January-February is warm and damp. In Haifa, Netanya and other Mediterranean resorts, +17°C during the day, +5...+10°C at night, +18°C at sea. Even in sunny Eilat there is periodic precipitation.

It is warmest on the Red Sea coast: air temperature +20°С, water temperature +21...+22°С. During the day in Eilat you can walk lightly dressed, but at night it is already cool (about +10°C), so for evening promenades you need warm clothes.

In winter, you can relax at the resorts of the Dead Sea: the water and air temperatures are the same +19...+20°C, but swimming in the sea is pleasant only at lunchtime. Chilly people prefer to bask in swimming pools. Rains are rare and short-lived.

IN winter time There are noisy celebrations in the country: christian christmas, Hanukkah, then Purim with processions and traditional treats. After the December and January influx of pilgrims, access to holy places becomes free, and tourists can safely visit all the sights. By March the weather improves and it rains less and less.

(Photo © John 9:25 / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Weather in Israel in spring


The weather in Israel in March is favorable for trips and long walks fresh air. Major religious holidays passed, pilgrimage temporarily subsided before Easter. At most resorts Mediterranean Sea mild and sunny weather sets in: +19...+20°C during the day, at night +13°C, water +17...+18°C. At the beginning of the month there may still be winds and short showers, so jackets and umbrellas will come in handy. It’s very good in March at the Dead Sea resorts: water +22...+25°C, air temperature +24°C.

Eilat is dry, precipitation tends to zero. During the day +25°С and above, Red Sea +21°С. Sometimes the winds blow, and then swimming in the sea is slightly invigorating. Vacationers go windsurfing, jet skiing, banana boats, water skiing and paragliding. This is one of the rare periods when you can comfortably go on excursions in Eilat. The most popular trips are to the ancient fortress of Masada, the Red Canyon, Dolphin Reef, Timna Park and the reserve.


In April, on the eve of Easter, Christian pilgrims arrive; Jews celebrate the Jewish Passover - Passover. Officially opens beach season, the weather in Israel in April favors lovers of “seal” holidays. The warmest places are in Eilat and Ein Bokek: the water in the Red Sea is +23°C, the Dead Sea is +25°C, during the day the temperature reaches +29°C. The resorts of the Mediterranean Sea are cooler: in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ashdod and other resorts +23°C, sea water +18...+19°C.


But in May on the banks of the Krasny and Dead Seas It’s already hot: during the day +32°C and above. The water in the Dead Sea is +28°C, in the Red Sea +24°C. It gets hot and stuffy in Eilat, +23°C at night, so you can only fully relax in air-conditioned rooms. From mid-May good weather established in Israel on the Mediterranean Sea: during the day +27...+28°С, water +22°С. You can swim, sunbathe, go on excursions to Jerusalem, Bethlehem and other places, go out on a yacht on the open sea, and engage in water sports.

Note: how to organize?

(Photo © magentaD / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Weather in Israel in summer

It is hot in Israel in June, July and August. The most high temperatures in Ein Bokek and Eilat: +35...+40°С and above. In Tel Aviv, Netanya, Haifa +30...+35°С. The heat does not subside even at night: +23...+25°C, no rain, dry winds periodically blow, bringing dust and sand, impairing visibility and making breathing difficult. It is unlikely that a holiday by the sea against the backdrop of such extreme temperatures and natural phenomena can bring pleasure, although some tourists travel at this time.

I really enjoyed relaxing by the sea in Israel at this time of year, as the sea is already very warm and comfortable for swimming. The sun, of course, is hot, but if you use sunblock and stay in the sun at the permitted time, then there will be no problems with tanning. Also, in an eastern climate, you need to drink a lot of water. So, the air temperature in the shade is 30-32 degrees, and the water temperature is 23-25 ​​degrees. In the sun, of course, the air warms up much higher, so you should always have a hat.

The weather this month in Bat Yam is very good, for sea ​​holiday. The sun is warm, but during the day it’s already hot. It is best to be on the beach before lunch or after six in the evening. Then you can also admire the sunset. The climate is mild, there is no rain. The sea is very warm, it is comfortable to swim. The air temperature in Bat Yam during the day is about 30 degrees, the sea water is about 25 degrees. The sand is already well heated and warm. The location on the beach is very good.

In Acre in August, I really liked the well-warmed water on the beaches, up to 28 degrees. For children this is the most optimal temperature. It’s warm and even hot during the day, the temperature is about 32 degrees, cooler, but it’s warm like summer at night - +26. We were there for almost the whole of August, and during all this time there was no rain, which was very pleasing. I also like the fact that the length of the day in August is almost 12 hours. There was almost always a refreshing breeze.

It's already real summer in Ashdod in May! The air temperature during the day at this time reaches even 36 degrees Celsius, but at night it can drop to twenty above zero. The water temperature remains stable in May around +22 - +24 degrees Celsius. The only thing that can interfere with good and relaxing holiday- This strong winds and even sandstorms, which are sometimes found here in May. The air is very dry.

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