Temperatures in Barcelona at the end of October. Barcelona in October: a touch of autumn. Entertainment and excursions

May October not be so good for beach holiday but this is one of best periods to visit Barcelona. The feeling of the August sauna has already passed, the weather is quite warm (on average +21º),Autumn foliage begins to decorate the streets of the city, and cafes and museums are not so crowded. Only the changeable nature of the weather can cause trouble. The sky is becoming increasingly cloudy and real bad weather cannot be ruled out. Inclement weather is by no means uncommon in mid-autumn, but it usually does not last more than 1-2 days at a time.


October can be divided into two parts. The first is the ending beach season, when the sun still heats the air to +25..+27, and the water Mediterranean Sea– up to +21..+23. In the evenings it is cooler, the thermometer drops to +20, and for walks you have to wear something with long sleeves. Rains are not very typical for this period, but they should not be completely excluded. This weather persists in the first ten days of the month.

And then autumn comes to the capital of Catalonia. More cloudy days, precipitation is more likely (especially since October is considered one of the most rainy months– here precipitation falls on average 5 days a year). Temperatures are also falling. Now the air warms up to +18..+21 degrees, and the water in the sea – up to +18.

Average October weather by day for the last 7 years of observations

What to take in your suitcase

Those who are going to Barcelona in early October are unlikely to worry about serious insulation. It is more likely that you will be more comfortable in light trousers during the day, short skirt or breeches. In the evening you will have to change into jeans and throw on a light sweater. In case of bad weather, it makes sense to take a light jacket and an umbrella with you (or buy one on the spot).

How tourists dress at the end of October

In the second half of the month, it is better to rely on clothes that will cover bare spots on your body. Jeans, a jumper and a light jacket are quite suitable for walking around the city in the second half of October. Dresses are only useful in warm weather. Keep in mind that the weather is very unstable at this time, so you will need to be prepared for any weather scenario.

Warm clothes are definitely not useful. The worst thing you can count on at this time is several rainy days in a row.

Airfare prices

The tourist season begins to wind down towards the middle of the month, so air ticket prices begin to fall. In terms of price, this is one of the best periods to travel to the capital of Catalonia.

Cultural program

In addition to various excursions and sightseeing, other activities will also be interesting.

On October 12, Fiesta de la Hispanidad is celebrated - Spanish Nation Day. In Spain, this holiday is considered the birthday of the Hispanic community. In addition, this day marks the Fiesta del Pilar, a holiday dedicated to the emergence of Christianity in Spain. And so the city sings and dances, lights up with bright colors and fireworks. Contests, competitions, processions of huge dolls and theatrical performances- all this can be seen on this holiday on the streets of Barcelona.

In October, you will definitely have the opportunity to visit the legendary Camp Nou stadium and experience the incredible atmosphere that reigns during a Champions League or Spanish championship match.

At it's peak autumn season Barcelona is opening up to tourists in a new light. About features of the October trip to this city interesting places and events as well about the weather we will tell you in this article. It will become your “cheat sheet” while you rest and pack your things.



In October the weather in Barcelona is changeable. average temperatureduring the day - 22-23 degrees, at night - up to 13 degrees Celsius. When packing, be sure to take care of an umbrella; it may come in handy 3-4 times. For warm clothes, take sweaters or light windbreakers for evening walks. Yes and in daytime Because of the sea breeze, sometimes you need to warm yourself with a cardigan.
The water temperature during the first 10 days of the month is quite comfortable - not lower than 23 degrees Celsius. Subsequently, it declines, and By the end of the month, the beach season usually ends. In any case, do not forget about protection from sunlight. Even if they are not so aggressive in the fall, it will not be superfluous to apply cream with an SPF factor of 10-15. A small travel first aid kit won't hurt either. If bad weather takes you by surprise and makes you feel unwell, buying medicine in Spain will cost a pretty penny.

Weather forecast for Barcelona for October 2019.


The trip experience will be incomplete without excursions. Tourists are increasingly booking excursions via the Internet. This is more convenient for several reasons. Can:

  • take your time to read the description and reviews and choose what you like;
  • do not fuss and do not waste precious time in Prague searching and purchasing excursions;
  • buy in advance from home and pay by card;
  • There is more choice online than at any agency or travel kiosk, and prices are 15-20% lower, because... no agency fee.

There are many options - from the simplest for €20 (ideal for the first acquaintance with the city) or for €35 to a trip to the mountains (€45) or even a trip to the city of Figueres (€70).

The most popular excursions in 2019:

  • - see and learn;
  • - feel national cuisine Spain;
  • - for those with family;
  • - to see what cannot be unseen.

Holidays and events of October

Be that as it may, Barcelona is best suited for sightseeing in the fall. There are also holidays and events that only take place in October.

Overview of 2019 events

In October 2019, guests of Barcelona have the opportunity to attend the following events:

Opening hours of attractions

Autumn excursions need to be planned carefully, as some attractions switch to winter operating mode, or even close altogether. It is better to take care of tickets in advance and buy them in the online store. Otherwise you will have to wait in line.

Barcelona's beaches are completely closed from November 15 to 30, but by the end of October many of them will be unavailable to the public.

Hotel and flight prices

In October, prices for tours to Barcelona are reduced. The beach season ends and the flow of tourists decreases significantly. Eg, a week's accommodation for two people in an inexpensive hotel without breakfast will cost you about 800 euros. The same situation applies to tickets. You can find round trip flights for around 200 euros per person. Even cheaper is to find a flight with a transfer. Then you can expect that the journey will cost 150 euros. If you have at least a little flying experience, feel free to take a flight through Munich or Dusseldorf.

Must visit Boqueria market, if you plan to stay in a hotel or apartment without meals.


You need to choose the right time for shopping. In Barcelona, ​​from 13:00 to 16:00, the shops begin a “siesta” - an afternoon rest.

Many shops are closed. IN autumn period There are no major sales in Barcelona - they occur in winter and summer.

Calmness is what Barcelona can surprise tourists with in October. Swimming season is finally closed, crowds of visitors are gradually disappearing from the narrow streets of the metropolis, and attractions and museums, hospitably opening their doors, await new visitors. Barcelona in October is a corner of peace and tranquility, which is in whimsical harmony with fun and joy.

Barcelona in October: what to do for tourists?

In fact, Barcelona in October 2019 is filled with the most interesting events and holidays. Every tourist who arrives in mid-autumn should definitely get to know them. However, read more about the holidays below.

Of course, all the Barcelona fun doesn't end with a couple of celebrations. Many stores have already prepared all their goods and are in a hurry to sell them to departing tourists, often offering quite large discounts. Shopping in Barcelona in October is another great leisure option, because it will take a lot of time to get around all the shops and shopping centers. By the way, don’t forget to stop by – you’ll definitely find something to eat there. And for those who want to devote most of their time to shopping, we recommend staying at the B Hotel, which is located opposite the largest in the metropolis shopping center– Las Arenas. Reviews from tourists on booking only confirm the low cost of rooms, and thanks to our website you can save even more on your booking!

The main thing for shopping lovers is not to get caught up in shopping and not to forget about the sights. Inspect, go to houses and... Just for inspection masterpieces of Antoni Gaudi it won't take one day. Of course, you shouldn’t focus on the creations of one architect; the city contains many different works of architectural art, but being in Barcelona and not visiting it is simply a crime.

The capital of Catalonia is not only rich in architectural masterpieces: those interested in painting should definitely check it out, and those who prefer live music should go to the jazz festival held in Barcelona in October.

Barcelona in October: how to dress for the weather?

If we talk about the weather in Barcelona in October in a nutshell, we can only say this: it is capricious. Cloudy days give way to sunny days, and rain periodically falls from the clouds that cover the sky, so don’t forget to take a raincoat or umbrella with you.

Temperatures in Barcelona in October range from 20 to 25 degrees (daytime), and from 13 to 18 (at night). Due to such significant changes, both sweaters and jeans, as well as T-shirts and shorts, will come in handy in your wardrobe. When going to the capital of Catalonia in mid-autumn, be prepared for any weather changes.

Current weather in Barcelona

Barcelona in October: holidays and entertainment

Mid-autumn is full of various holidays, as is almost the rest of the year.

The most important holiday is National Day of Spain

Catalans, like all Spaniards, are very sensitive to their history, so it is not surprising that on October 12, almost the entire local population gathers in city squares and organizes festivities, parades and processions. People are having fun, because the 12th is recognized as Spain’s birthday. In addition, the emergence of Christianity in the country was equated with this holiday, so the National Day of Spain also has a religious significance.

International Jazz Festival

It was Barcelona that received the honor of hosting a jazz music festival. For two whole months, the capital of Catalonia becomes a concentration of musicians of all stripes and nationalities, one way or another related to jazz. Concert halls are filled to capacity, people even play in squares and alleys. In short, be prepared for jazz music to be heard literally from everywhere in Barcelona in October.

48 hours of architecture

This is the name of the next holiday, taking place in Barcelona at the end of October. For 2 days, almost any building that is a tourist attraction lets everyone through its doors absolutely free of charge. We recommend using these hours wisely, because during the architecture festival you can see and learn a lot of interesting details about the oldest buildings in Barcelona.

Kava Week

Cava Week is a celebration of local wine that takes place at the very beginning of the month. Despite the fact that it does not take place entirely in the capital of Catalonia, but rather in a completely different town (Sant Sadurní d’Anoia), which is 30 kilometers from the capital, every true wine connoisseur should take a day and visit Cava Week.

The most exciting matches at the Camp Nou

But football connoisseurs will not have to leave the metropolis, although their events take place at the end of the month. The Spanish Cup is approaching the final, and the best teams are gathering, which, as a rule, include the strongest players who have become living legends of world football.

Barcelona is beautiful at any time of the year, but October is considered one of the... best months to visit the capital of Catalonia. The summer heat is already behind us, and autumn has not yet fully come into its own, having only slightly decorated the colorful streets with golden foliage. Even small vagaries of the weather that may happen in the fall will not spoil your holiday with a child in Barcelona, ​​but will only allow you to look at such a wonderful city in a different light.

Holidays in Barcelona in October: a quiet retreat after the hectic festivals

On the Internet you can find different positive reviews about holidays in Barcelona in October, but in general there are several benefits holidays in mid-autumn:

  • In the first half of the month it remains warm weather, which is ideal for exploring the cultural heritage of the city and long walks in the fresh air.
  • Sea water remains quite warm, there is no risk of burning under the hot sun, the beaches are not crowded with crowds of tourists.
  • Even on rainy days, don’t be upset - organize your holiday according to weather forecasts, and visit museums during this time.
  • In autumn, prices for accommodation drop slightly, so it is possible to find good hotel near the center at a reduced price, but it is advisable to find a suitable option on the Internet in advance in order to avoid unpleasant surprises and unnecessary expenses right before the trip.

Along with the advantages, you can always find flaws Barcelona in October, which you should know about in advance so that no surprises spoil your long-awaited vacation:

  • In autumn the weather can be unstable, but the rains last no more than one or two days. Alternatively, you can visit museums and leave walking around the city for sunny days.
  • The number of tourists is significantly lower than in the high season, but popular routes and attractions are still clogged with crowds of travelers wishing to avoid summer heat. The solution is to clearly plan your excursion program and purchase entrance tickets online in advance so as not to waste time at the ticket office.

Weather in Barcelona in October

The weather in October becomes unpredictable in autumn style with cloudy or even rainy days that sometimes replace sunny days.

Possible precipitation in no way means that it will be cold, so you should not take a lot of warm clothes. A sweater or light jacket will be enough for evening walks in the fresh air.

The weather in early October is warmer and sunny, so you can not only go on excursions, but also swim in the sea, which has not yet cooled down after the hot summer. Temperatures in Barcelona in mid-October are around 23°C during the day and around 13-15°C at night. The temperature in Barcelona at the end of October may drop slightly, so in order not to get bored on cool, cloudy days, it is worth considering an excursion holiday.

Air and water temperature

Barcelona's mild Mediterranean climate is considered most favorable from May to September. At the beginning of the season, in May-June, you will not be bothered by the unbearable heat; you can sunbathe calmly, but the water in the sea will not be warm enough. At the height of summer, the sea warms up well, but there is a risk of getting sunburn. Walking around the city with children and excursions will cause fatigue due to the intense heat.

Autumn - optimal time for those who want to combine a beach holiday with a rich excursion program.

For those who have chosen the second month of autumn for their trip, it is worth noting that at the beginning of the month the weather is usually more favorable, but the weather in Barcelona at the end of October becomes unpredictable and cloudy.

Air temperature in Barcelona in October

October in Barcelona is characterized by pleasant warmth, in which you can feel the light breath of autumn. In the first half of the month, the temperature usually rises to 21-23°C, occasionally to 28-29°C. It is still warm outside, but for walks in the evening, especially at the end of the month, you will need a jacket, because the temperature at night drops to 13-19°C. In October there is less sun, the winds noticeably increase, reminiscent of the onset of autumn.

Sea water temperature in Barcelona in October

The sea off the coast of Barcelona at the beginning of the month is already a little cool, but not yet cold. The average water temperature is within 23°C, gradually decreasing by the end of the month to 19-21°C. If you want to not only get acquainted with the historical and cultural values ​​of the capital of Catalonia, but also relax on the beach with children, it is advisable to plan a trip for the beginning of October.


October is the beginning of real autumn in Barcelona with possible precipitation and cloudy days. Humidity reaches 80%. Taking into account the annual average, there are about five days in October it's raining, with precipitation more often falling in the second half of the month. Therefore, it is better to choose the first week of the month for your trip, having familiarized yourself with the weather forecast in advance.

Sunny, cloudy and cloudy days

October is considered one of the cloudiest and rainiest months of the year. There is still plenty of sunshine, although the day length is significantly reduced. It definitely rains for several days a month and for another 7-10 days it rains. cloudy weather, which in no case will prevent you from having a good holiday in Barcelona, ​​enjoying exciting walks in the fresh air.

What to see and do in October

October is one of the best months to explore the luxurious and unique Barcelona. At the beginning of October you will not be bothered by the heat, and it does not rain so often, so traveling around the city will be as easy as public transport, and on foot. The middle and end of October are characterized by cloudier weather, which will not become an obstacle to getting to know the city.

If you come to Barcelona in October with children, the capital of Catalonia will offer ample opportunities for organizing leisure time:

  • Travel around the city on huge tourist buses with audio guides, take colorful photos against the backdrop of legendary landmarks, at each of which the bus will make stops. Children of any age will find it very interesting to be accommodated on the second floor of the bus.
  • Take the cable car to the top of Mount Tibidabo for a small fee for stunning panoramic views of Barcelona. It works on the mountain. Children will be able to ride on a carousel, on an air train, and visit the slot machine museum. The park is only open on weekends in October, so you should plan your visit in advance.
  • Take a trip to the Horta Labyrinth Park. Adults will certainly enjoy the Romantic Garden, while children will have a fascinating journey through the labyrinths of hedges. On Wednesdays and Sundays the park is free to visit.
  • You should definitely visit with children, created according to a fantastic project by Gaudi in the last century. The park with a total perimeter of 17 hectares is a harmonious combination of gardens in which residential buildings are lost. Flexible benches, edible houses, strange plants and original shaped buildings create the feeling of a fairy tale.
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Excursion holidays

Barcelona continues to be busy in October, but... Some museums and amusement parks are switching to winter opening hours, many water parks are closing, so you should plan your route in advance to avoid unpleasant surprises. Admission to most museums is free for children under 16-18 years of age, which will save a significant amount.

The list of museums and attractions in Barcelona can be endless, but we will highlight the main highlights of the autumn program:
  • In the city there are a total of thirteen creations of the crazy architect Gaudi, the most popular among which are with unique interiors. You can get there by metro, and you should buy tickets in advance to avoid queues.
  • With a special platform for conducting interesting educational experiences, you can stay for several hours.
  • For lovers visual arts It is worth getting acquainted with the work of world famous artists Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso.
  • One of the largest aquariums in Europe is impressive, where you can look at the marine inhabitants living in different seas and oceans of the world.
  • In the museum wax figures replicas of many celebrities are presented with whom you can take a photo as a souvenir.
  • The Bishop's Palace, the Museum of Religious Art, the Archdeacon's House and many other ancient buildings will impress both adults and children, allowing you to plunge headlong into the legendary past.

Tip: purchase one of the discount Barcelona Cards and get a number of nice discounts and bonuses to save your budget. There are several types of such cards in Barcelona; depending on your plans and excursion program, you can choose the one that will save you the most money.

Beach holiday

October is the end of the long beach season. If you want to spend time on the beach with your children, you should go at the beginning of the month to catch more sunny days. If you're lucky with the weather, you'll even be able to swim.

  • It will be useful:

Holidays, events and festivals

Barcelona in the fall turns into a center of all kinds of celebrations and entertainment. Whenever you come to this wonderful city, you can always take part in some interesting event. Holidays in Barcelona in October have a special atmosphere.

International Jazz Festival is one of the most popular jazz festivals in the world, which begins in October and continues until December. Every day, both aspiring musicians and famous stars jazz music and organize performances that you can enjoy completely free of charge.

October 12 is celebrated not only in Barcelona, ​​but throughout Spain National holiday el Puente del Pilar, dedicated to the patroness of Spain, Senora Pilar.

On the coast is held Sitges Film Festival, during which horror and science fiction films are shown. You can get acquainted with both new products of the genre and recall retro paintings. During the festival, a grandiose flash mob is organized in the area of ​​​​Town Hall Square - the Sitges Zombie Walk.

Prices for holidays in Barcelona in October

October in Barcelona is considered the end of the beach season, so you can hope for a drop in prices. Usually the cost of tours is reduced by 10-15%.

Air travel

To save on flights, it is better to book air tickets in advance, otherwise the cost will be only 8-10% lower compared to high season. As an option, try to find cheaper flights with transfers.


Accommodation prices in Barcelona in October decrease slightly compared with summer months . But if you search well on the Internet, you can find inexpensive, but quite cozy hotels located near the center, for which you will have to pay 100-150 euros per day. In the suburbs, housing will be even cheaper, but for suites in the center you will need to spend from 250 euros.


A popular type of transport for tourists is a special double-decker tourist bus with open second floor, so even those travelers who get motion sick will feel comfortable. To get to the final stop, just walk along Rambla towards the square. Tourist bus - best option for guests wishing to see as many attractions as possible.

The tourist bus makes many stops along the way, at any of which you can get off and then board the next one.

If you want to plan your holiday yourself, a ticket for public transport will cost about 2 euros. When purchasing, the cost of which depends on the validity period, you will be able to travel on any public transport within the city. A taxi ride will cost about 8-10 euros for ten minutes.


The price of excursions in Barcelona does not depend on the time of year. Entrance tickets to entertainment centers and museums can always be purchased in advance on the Internet, which will save not only money, but also time spent waiting in line. Price for excursions tourist bus is around 26 euros for adults and 16 euros for children.

Tour costs

If you want to save money, you should buy a tour to Barcelona in October. Prices for tours this month are falling by 13-15% compared to the cost of tours at the height of the summer season.

Selecting a date for a family trip

When choosing a time to travel to Barcelona, ​​you should decide on the main goals of your trip. If you are traveling with children preschool age, then it will be tiring for the kids to constantly go on excursions. The child will much more enjoy spending time on the beach playing active games and swimming, so in this case it is better to choose the first half of the month. With older children who are already going to school and are interested in history and culture, you can go at any time.

Second month of autumn continues the “velvet” season on the Mediterranean coast of Spain and at the same time closes holiday season. This time is ideal for combining a beach holiday and an extensive cultural program, because people come to Barcelona not only for swimming, but also for the huge number of interesting sights.

The weather in October is characterized by the following average air temperatures: +21°C during the day, +15°C at night. If during the daytime it is still very comfortable, then for evening walks you may need warm clothes. At the beginning of the month, during the day it is usually around +24… +28°C, and closer to November there is a natural decrease in average daily temperatures. Mediterranean Sea is still comfortable for swimming, although it is already starting to cool down: on average its temperature is +20°C, at the beginning of the month the water is still warmed up to +23… +24°C, and in the end it already cools down up to +19°C.

The weather in Barcelona in October holds mostly clear, although there is a noticeable increase in cloudy and cloudy days. Longitude daylight hours on average is 11 hours, and daily norm sundial in October is equal to 8.5 hours.

October in Barcelona is one of the rainiest months of the year. More precipitation falls only in September, although if we talk about the monthly norm, you will notice that it is small - only 77 mm, which pours out of the sky during six rainy days. Relative humidity air decreases slightly and amounts to 72% .

As throughout the year, the wind does not cause problems. average speed gusts - 2.9 m/s. Prevails southwestern direction.

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