The richest mafiosi in history. The most powerful and cruel mafia in the world (18 photos). Former Mexican President Vicente Fox and Marta Sahagun

There are many criminal groups in the world, which, due to their high organization and large numbers, have become known as the mafia. This post will introduce you to the most powerful and cruel mafias in the world.

Sicilian mafia

It has been operating in Sicily since the beginning of the 19th century, becoming at the beginning of the 20th century international organization. Initially, the organization was engaged in protecting the owners of orange plantations and nobles who own large plots of land, mainly from themselves. These were the beginnings of racketeering. Later, Cosa Nostra expanded its area of ​​activity, becoming a criminal gang in every way. Since the 20th century, banditry has become the main activity of Cosa Nostra.

Russian Mafia

It is officially the most feared organized crime group in the world. Former FBI special agents call the Russian mafia "the most dangerous people on the ground". In the West, the term "Russian mafia" can mean any criminal organization, both Russian itself and from other states of the post-Soviet space, or from the immigration environment in far abroad countries. Some get hierarchical tattoos, often use military tactics and perform contract killings.

Mexican Mafia (La eMe)

This gang is an ally of the Aryan Brotherhood from the south coast of the United States. Known for her Active participation in the drug trade. Gang members are easily identified by a special tattoo in the form of a black hand located on the chest.

The Mexican mafia was created in the late 50s by members street gang Mexicans imprisoned in Dewell Prison, located in Trici, California. The founders of the gang were thirteen Mexican-Americans from East Los Angeles, several of whom were members of the Maravila gang. They called themselves Mexicanemi, which is translated from the Nahuatl language as "one who walks with God in his heart."

The Yakuza are organized crime syndicates in Japan, similar to the triad in other Asian countries or the Western mafia. Nevertheless, social organization and the features of the work of the yakuza are very different from other criminal groups: they even have their own office buildings, and their actions are often and quite openly reported in the press.

One of the iconic images of the Yakuza is their intricate colored tattoos all over their bodies. The Yakuza use a traditional method of manually injecting ink under the skin, known as irezumi, a tattoo that serves as a kind of proof of courage, since this method is very painful.

Chinese Triad

Triad - a form of secret criminal organizations in China and in the Chinese diaspora. Triads have always shared common beliefs (belief in mystical meaning numbers 3, hence their name). At present, the triads are known mainly as mafia-type criminal organizations prevalent in Taiwan, the United States and other centers of Chinese immigration, specializing in drug trafficking and other criminal activities.

The Triad is one of the most patriotic mafias. During international events, militants guarantee the safety of foreigners, and during the outbreak of SARS they even announced a $1 million bonus to a doctor who finds a cure for this disease.

Hell's Angels (USA)

One of the largest motorcycle clubs in the world with its chapters (branches) all over the world. Included, along with Outlaws MC, Pagans MC and Bandidos MC, in the so-called "big four" outlaw clubs and is the most famous among them. Law enforcement agencies in a number of countries call the club a “gang of motorcyclists” and are accused of drug trafficking, racketeering, trafficking in stolen goods, violence, murders, etc.

According to the legend posted on the official website of the motorcycle club, during the Second World War, the US Air Force had the 303rd heavy bomber squadron with the name "Hell's Angels". After the end of the war and the disbandment of the unit, the pilots were left without work. They believe that their homeland betrayed them and left them to the mercy of fate. They had no choice but to go against their "cruel country, get on motorcycles, join motorcycle clubs and rebel."

Mara Salvatrucha

This mafia is engaged in many types of criminal business, including drug trafficking, weapons and people; robbery, racketeering, contract killings, kidnapping for ransom, pimping, car theft, money laundering and fraud.

Many street vendors and small shops located in the territories of Mara Salvatrucha pay the gang up to half of the income for the opportunity to work. Many Salvadorans living in the US are also forced to pay MS-13, whose relatives, in case of refusal, the bandits will mutilate or kill in their homeland.

Montreal Mafia Rizzuto

The Rizzuto are a crime family primarily based in Montreal but running the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. They once merged with families in New York, which eventually led to the mafia wars in Montreal in the late 70s. Rizzuto owns hundreds of millions of dollars of real estate in different countries. They own hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, construction, food, service and trading companies. In Italy, they own firms for the production of furniture and Italian delicacies.

Mungiki (Kenya)

This is a Kenyan political-religious group banned since 2002, reviving the traditional African religion. Born in the wake of the Mau Mau uprising. Gained notoriety in connection with the massacres and clashes with the police.

Mungiki considers itself a religious group that advocates the preservation of the traditional "African way of worship, culture and way of life." Its adherents pray with their faces turned towards Mount Kenya. They also practice vows and sacrifices.

The modern world has many criminal gangs, and each has its own leader, boss, head. But, comparing the current leaders of the mafia and criminal organizations with the bosses of past dashing years is a business doomed to failure and criticism. Past bosses of the criminal world created entire empires of evil and violence, extortion and drug trafficking. Their so-called families lived according to their own laws, and the violation of these laws foreshadowed death and cruel punishment for disobedience. We bring to your attention a list of the most legendary and influential mafiosi in history.

10. Heriberto Lazcano

(1974 - present)

Once the leader of one of the largest drug cartels in Mexico, which is called Los Zetas. At the age of 17, he joined the Mexican army, and later worked in special detachment to fight the drug cartel. The switch to the side of the merchants occurred after he was recruited into the Golfo cartel. The Los Zetas private mercenary force that the organization hired later grew into the largest drug cartel in Mexico. Heriberto dealt with his competitors very cruelly, for which his criminal gang was given the nickname "Executioners".

Since 1981, he led the Genovese family, while everyone considered the boss of the family, Antonio Salermo. Vincent was nicknamed "Nutty Boss" for his, to put it mildly, inappropriate behavior. But, it was only for the authorities, Gigante's lawyers brought certificates for 7 years, indicating that he was crazy, thereby avoiding the term. Vincent's people controlled crime throughout New York and beyond. largest cities America.

8. Alberto Anastasia

The boss of one of the five families of the mafia of criminal America. The head of the Gambino family, Albert Anastasia, had two nicknames - "The Chief Executioner" and "The Mad Hatter", and the first was given to him for having about 700 deaths on his account of his group "Murder Corporation". He was a close friend of Lucky Luciano, whom he considered his teacher. It was Anastasia who helped Lucky take over the entire criminal world, carrying out contract killings for him of the bosses of other families.

7. Joseph Bonanno

The patriarch of the Bonanno family and the richest mobster in history. The history of the reign of Joseph, who was called "Banana Joe" has 30 years, after this period, Bonanno voluntarily resigned and lived in his personal huge mansion. The Castelamarese War, which lasted 3 years, is considered one of the most iconic events in the criminal world. Ultimately, Bonanno organized a crime family that still operates in the United States.

6. Meir Lansky

Meir was born in Belarus, the city of Grodno. native of Russian Empire became the most influential person in the United States and one of the country's leaders in crime. He is the creator of the "National Crime Syndicate" and the parent of the gambling business in the states. Was the largest bootlegger (illegal liquor dealer) during Prohibition.

5. Carlo Gambino

It was Gambino who became the founder of one of the most influential families in criminal America. After taking control of a number of highly profitable areas, including illegal bootlegging, a state port and an airport, the Gambino family becomes the most powerful of the five families. Carlo forbade his people from selling drugs, considering this type of business dangerous and attracting public attention. At its peak, the Gambino family consisted of more than 40 groups and teams, and controlled New York, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Miami and Los Angeles.

4. John Gotti

John Gotti was a famous figure, he was loved by the press, he was always dressed to the nines. Numerous accusations law enforcement New York always failed, Gotti got away with it for a long time. For this, the press nicknamed him "Teflon John". He received the nickname "Elegant Don" when he began to dress only in fashionable and stylish suits with expensive ties. John Gotti has been the leader of the Gambino family since 1985. During the reign, the family was one of the most influential.

3. Pablo Escobar

The most cruel and daring Colombian drug lord. He entered the history of the 20th century as the most brutal criminal and head of the largest drug cartel. He established the supply of cocaine to different parts of the world, mainly to the USA, on a grandiose scale, up to transportation by planes in tens of kilograms. For all his activities as the head of the Medellin cocaine cartel, he was involved in the murders of more than 200 judges and prosecutors, more than 1,000 policemen and journalists, presidential candidates, ministers, prosecutors general. Escobar's net worth in 1989 was over $15 billion.

2. Lucky Luciano

Originally from Sicily, Lucky became in America, in fact, the founder of the underworld. His real name is Charles, Lucky, which means "Lucky" in translation, he began to be called after he was taken to a deserted highway, tortured, beaten, cut, burned his face with cigarettes, and he remained alive after that. The people who tortured him were Maranzano gangsters, they wanted to know the location of the drug cache, but Charles remained silent. After unsuccessful torture, they left the bloodied body with no signs of life by the road, thinking that Luciano was dead, where he was picked up by a patrol car after 8 hours. He received 60 stitches and survived. After this incident, the nickname "Lucky" remained with him forever. Lucky organized the "Big Seven" - a group of bootleggers, whom he gave protection from the authorities. He became the boss of Cosa Nostra, which controlled all areas of activity in the criminal world.

1. Al Capone

The legend of the underworld of those times and the most famous mafia boss in history. He was prominent representative criminal America. His areas of activity were bootlegging, prostitution, and gambling. Known as the organizer of the most brutal and significant day in the criminal world - the Massacre on Valentine's Day, when seven powerful gangsters from the Irish gang of Bugs Moran, including right hand boss. Al Capone was the first among all the gangsters to launder money through a huge network of laundries, the prices of which were very low. Capone was the first to introduce the concept of "racketeering" and successfully dealt with it, laying the foundation for a new vector of mafia activity. Alfonso received the nickname "Scarface" at the age of 19, when he worked in a billiard club. He allowed himself to object to the cruel and hardened criminal Frank Galluccio, moreover, insulted his wife, after which a fight and a stabbing took place between the bandits, as a result of which Al Capone received a famous scar on his left cheek. By right, Al Capone was the most influential and terrifying person on everyone, including the government, which was able to put him in jail just for not paying taxes.

Beautiful heads of personal secretary assistants contain megabytes useful information: from the names of business partners to the number of spoons of sugar in coffee for the boss and the dosage of his pills. A little effort - and the secretary turns ... into the wife of her boss.

Wday. ru found out for his readers some of the "tricks" of resourceful secretaries.

Bill Gates and Melinda French

The founder of Microsoft, billionaire Bill Gates, recalling the events of almost thirty years ago, said in an interview: “Surprisingly, Melinda made me want to marry her. This is very strange, because it is absolutely contrary to my rationalistic considerations about marriage.

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That's it, no more, no less! Bill first met Melinda in 1987 at a press briefing in New York. She is 8 years younger than Bill. By that time, Melinda had already worked for the company for some time. Their wedding took place on January 1, 1994. It took Melinda 7 years for her boss to "want" to walk down the aisle with her. The couple now has three children. It is a pity that Melinda rarely gives interviews and does not attend social events. We bet that her "1000 and 1 Ways to Put the Idea of ​​a Wedding in the Boss's Head" manual would double the family's capital. But the lady does not share her secrets. She leads the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with a capital of more than $30 billion, and funds numerous projects related to computerization and healthcare.

Franz Beckenbauer, President of FC Bayern, and Heidi Burmester

According to evil tongues, the romance of the "Kaiser of German football" Franz Beckenbauer and secretary Heidi Burmester did not happen sober. It all started at a Christmas party in 2001. Franz later admitted that he was tipsy and allowed himself too much. And after a while, Heidi announced that she was expecting a baby.

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After some thought, Beckenbauer left his second wife Sibylla, with whom he lived for 12 years, and went over to his secretary. But the couple officially legalized their relationship only in 2006, at the height of the qualifying games for the World Cup, on the eve of the match between Sweden and Germany. As you can see, the decision of 60-year-old Franz and 39-year-old Heidi was not spontaneous. By that time, the couple had already had two children - a son and a daughter. The wedding ceremony took place in the Austrian Alps in the presence of only the closest relatives and friends. So, the "recipe" from Heidi - live bait fishing!

Luciano Pavarotti and Nicoletta Mantovani

The third wife of the great Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti worked as his secretary and assistant. The girl was beautiful, slim and 34 years younger than her boss. They say she conquered the 68-year-old millionaire with the ability to cook pasta! Like it or not, but, they say, she blabbed about the “recipe for seduction” ex-wife legendary tenor. Once in an interview, she recklessly stated: they say, Luciano is “spaghetti, spaghetti and love!”

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Looks like Nicoletta took it on board! Luciano and Nicoletta got married in 2003. Soon the couple had a daughter, Alichi. Unfortunately, the marriage did not last long. In 2006, Pavarotti was diagnosed with a malignant tumor of the pancreas. The operation to remove it was carried out in New York. But a few months later, in September 2007, Pavarotti died in his home in the arms of his beloved. Nicoletta received 25% of Pavarotti's fortune. Four years after the death of the great singer, the young widow admitted that a man had appeared in her life. Filippo helped Nicoletta manage the affairs of the Pavarotti Foundation. It's a little more difficult than boiling pasta.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox and Marta Sahagun

After his divorce from his first wife, Mexican politician and entrepreneur Vincente Fox took a vow of celibacy. At least he promised not to marry until he became president!

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Said - done! In 2000, Fox won the presidential race. And exactly one year after the victory in the elections, on July 2, 2001, the wedding of Vincente and Martha Sahagun took place. Marta worked as the head of the press center. It was then that the “cowboy with a Harvard education” drew attention to the temperamental Mexican woman.

“In general, it surprises me how she has enough time for everything: to work in the political and public field and at the same time run the household - cook, help children do their homework, be aware of all their affairs. She is a very energetic and courageous person, ”Fox shared in an interview with the Russian press. Formally, Dona Marta left public office after marriage. However, as evil tongues claimed, the first lady had much more influence on her husband than the Mexicans can imagine. So, the recipe from Martha - do everything and be irreplaceable!

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and Keith Garvey

Jimmy Wales is a typical electronic age genius. Shy amateur computer games, inquisitive excellent student. He founded the most successful portal in the history of the Internet. And, as he admitted, he did it for fun.

Photo by Legion-Media

Effortlessly, the project brought its "father" millions. Jimmy has been living in the UK since 2011. As his third girlfriend, he chose the press secretary. True, not his secretary! Kate Garvey once worked as an assistant to British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Jimmy and Kate got married on October 6, 2006. The wedding ceremony of 46-year-old Jimmy and 40-year-old Kate took place in London's Wesley Church. It was Kate's first marriage and Jimmy's third. By the time of the celebration, the couple already had a daughter. Among celebrities, model Lily Cole and singer Simpli Red came to congratulate the young. Well, we can say that Kate ran a brilliant PR campaign in her favor!

11th head of the Russian Ministry of Finance Alexei Kudrin and Irina Tintyakova

Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin is also married to a "foreign" secretary. Before meeting her future husband, Irina Tintyakova, a journalist by education, worked as a secretary for Andrei Trapeznikov, Anatoly Chubais's press officer.

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At the time of meeting, Irina was 26 years old, Alexei was 13 years older. The novel lasted almost two years. After the news of the pregnancy, the couple decided to legalize the relationship. It was then that Kudrin filed for divorce from his first wife. After marriage, Irina took up charity work. She heads the Northern Crown Foundation, which helps orphanages and boarding schools. Irina loves Jewelry and expensive clothes. In 2001, she almost started investing in the production of artificial sapphires. But then in 2002 she switched to the fashion world: the wife of the Minister of Finance became the holder of a part of the shares of Valentin Yudashkin Group. It seems that Irina knows how to make a millionaire out of her husband. "Just something" - to marry the Minister of Finance.

Head of the Just Russia faction Sergei Mironov and Olga Radievskaya

65-year-old politician Sergei Mironov is married for the fourth time. His wife, journalist Olga Radievskaya, is 31 years younger. Their acquaintance took place when Olga worked on a small St. Petersburg TV channel "VOT" ("Your Public Television").

The modern world has many criminal gangs, and each has its own leader, boss, head. But, comparing the current leaders of the mafia and criminal organizations with the bosses of past dashing years is a business doomed to failure and criticism. Past bosses of the criminal world created entire empires of evil and violence, extortion and drug trafficking. Their so-called families lived according to their own laws, and the violation of these laws foreshadowed death and cruel punishment for disobedience. We bring to your attention a list of the most legendary and influential mafiosi in history.

(1974 - present)

Once the leader of one of the largest drug cartels in Mexico, which is called Los Zetas. At the age of 17, he joined the Mexican army, and later worked in a special squad to combat the drug cartel. The switch to the side of the merchants occurred after he was recruited into the Golfo cartel. The Los Zetas private mercenary force that the organization hired later grew into the largest drug cartel in Mexico. Heriberto dealt with his competitors very cruelly, for which his criminal gang was given the nickname "Executioners".

(1928 — 2005)

Since 1981, he led the Genovese family, while everyone considered the boss of the family, Antonio Salermo. Vincent was nicknamed "Nutty Boss" for his, to put it mildly, inappropriate behavior. But, it was only for the authorities, Gigante's lawyers brought certificates for 7 years, indicating that he was crazy, thereby avoiding the term. Vincent's people controlled crime throughout New York and other major cities in America.

(1902 – 1957)

The boss of one of the five families of the mafia of criminal America. The head of the Gambino family, Albert Anastasia, had two nicknames - "The Chief Executioner" and "The Mad Hatter", and the first was given to him for having about 700 deaths on his account of his group "Murder Corporation". He was a close friend of Lucky Luciano, whom he considered his teacher. It was Anastasia who helped Lucky take over the entire criminal world, carrying out contract killings for him of the bosses of other families.

(1905 — 2002)

The patriarch of the Bonanno family and the richest mobster in history. The history of the reign of Joseph, who was called "Banana Joe" has 30 years, after this period, Bonanno voluntarily resigned and lived in his personal huge mansion. The Castelamarese War, which lasted 3 years, is considered one of the most iconic events in the criminal world. Ultimately, Bonanno organized a crime family that still operates in the United States.

(1902 – 1983)

Meir was born in Belarus, the city of Grodno. A native of the Russian Empire became the most influential person in the United States and one of the leaders of the country's crime. He is the creator of the "National Crime Syndicate" and the parent of the gambling business in the states. Was the largest bootlegger (illegal liquor dealer) during Prohibition.

(1902 – 1976)

It was Gambino who became the founder of one of the most influential families in criminal America. After taking control of a number of highly profitable areas, including illegal bootlegging, a state port and an airport, the Gambino family becomes the most powerful of the five families. Carlo forbade his people from selling drugs, considering this type of business dangerous and attracting public attention. At its peak, the Gambino family consisted of more than 40 groups and teams, and controlled New York, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Miami and Los Angeles.

(1940 – 2002)

John Gotti was a famous figure, he was loved by the press, he was always dressed to the nines. Numerous accusations from New York law enforcement have always failed, Gotti avoided punishment for a long time. For this, the press nicknamed him "Teflon John". He received the nickname "Elegant Don" when he began to dress only in fashionable and stylish suits with expensive ties. John Gotti has been the leader of the Gambino family since 1985. During the reign, the family was one of the most influential.

(1949 – 1993)

The most cruel and daring Colombian drug lord. He entered the history of the 20th century as the most brutal criminal and head of the largest drug cartel. He established the supply of cocaine to different parts of the world, mainly to the USA, on a grandiose scale, up to transportation by planes in tens of kilograms. For all his activities as the head of the Medellin cocaine cartel, he was involved in the murders of more than 200 judges and prosecutors, more than 1,000 policemen and journalists, presidential candidates, ministers, prosecutors general. Escobar's net worth in 1989 was over $15 billion.

(1897 – 1962)

Originally from Sicily, Lucky became in America, in fact, the founder of the underworld. His real name is Charles, Lucky, which means "Lucky" in translation, he began to be called after he was taken to a deserted highway, tortured, beaten, cut, burned his face with cigarettes, and he remained alive after that. The people who tortured him were Maranzano gangsters, they wanted to know the location of the drug cache, but Charles remained silent. After unsuccessful torture, they left the bloodied body with no signs of life by the road, thinking that Luciano was dead, where he was picked up by a patrol car after 8 hours. He received 60 stitches and survived. After this incident, the nickname "Lucky" remained with him forever. Lucky organized the "Big Seven" - a group of bootleggers, whom he gave protection from the authorities. He became the boss of Cosa Nostra, which controlled all areas of activity in the criminal world.

(1899 – 1947)

The legend of the underworld of those times and the most famous mafia boss in history. He was a prominent representative of criminal America. His areas of activity were bootlegging, prostitution, and gambling. Known as the organizer of the most cruel and significant day in the criminal world - the Massacre on Valentine's Day, when seven influential gangsters from the Irish gang of Bugs Moran were shot dead, including the right hand of the boss. Al Capone was the first among all the gangsters to launder money through a huge network of laundries, the prices of which were very low. Capone was the first to introduce the concept of "racketeering" and successfully dealt with it, laying the foundation for a new vector of mafia activity. Alfonso received the nickname "Scarface" at the age of 19, when he worked in a billiard club. He allowed himself to object to the cruel and hardened criminal Frank Galluccio, moreover, insulted his wife, after which a fight and a stabbing took place between the bandits, as a result of which Al Capone received a famous scar on his left cheek. By right, Al Capone was the most influential and terrifying person on everyone, including the government, which was able to put him in jail just for not paying taxes.

1. Al Capone (1899 - 1947)

The legend of the underworld of those times and the most famous mafia boss in history. He was a prominent representative of criminal America. His areas of activity were bootlegging ( approx. illegal trade in alcoholic beverages), prostitution, gambling. Known as the organizer of the most cruel and significant day in the criminal world - the Massacre on Valentine's Day, when seven influential gangsters from the Irish gang of Bugs Moran were shot dead, including the right hand of the boss.

Al Capone was the first among all the gangsters to launder money through a huge network of laundries, the prices of which were very low. Capone was the first to introduce the concept of "racketeering" and successfully dealt with it, laying the foundation for a new vector of mafia activity. Alfonso received the nickname "Scarface" at the age of 19, when he worked in a billiard club. He allowed himself to object to the cruel and hardened criminal Frank Galluccio, moreover, insulted his wife, after which a fight and a stabbing took place between the bandits, as a result of which Al Capone received a famous scar on his left cheek. By right, Al Capone was the most influential and terrifying person on everyone, including the government, which was able to put him in jail just for not paying taxes.

2. Lucky Luciano (1897 - 1962)

Originally from Sicily, Lucky became in America, in fact, the founder of the underworld. His real name is Charles. Lucky, which means “Lucky” in translation, they began to call him after he was taken to a deserted highway, tortured, beaten, cut, burned his face with cigarettes, and he remained alive after that. The people who tortured him were Maranzano gangsters, they wanted to know the location of the drug cache, but Charles remained silent.

After unsuccessful torture, they left the bloodied body with no signs of life by the road, thinking that Luciano was dead, where he was picked up by a patrol car after 8 hours. He received 60 stitches and survived. After this incident, the nickname "Lucky" remained with him forever. Lucky organized the "Big Seven" - a group of bootleggers, whom he gave protection from the authorities. He became the boss of Cosa Nostra, which controlled all areas of activity in the criminal world.

3. Pablo Escobar (1949 - 1993)

The most daring Colombian drug lord. He entered the history of the 20th century as the most brutal criminal and head of the largest drug cartel. He established the supply of cocaine to different parts of the world, mainly to the USA, on a grandiose scale, up to transportation by planes in tens of kilograms.

For all his activities as the head of the Medellin cocaine cartel, he was involved in the murders of more than 200 judges and prosecutors, more than 1,000 policemen and journalists, presidential candidates, ministers, prosecutors general. Escobar's net worth in 1989 was over $15 billion.

4. John Gotti (1940 - 2002)

John Gotti was a famous figure, he was loved by the press, he was always dressed to the nines. Numerous accusations from New York law enforcement have always failed, Gotti avoided punishment for a long time. For this, the press nicknamed him "Teflon John".

He received the nickname "Elegant Don" when he began to dress only in fashionable and stylish suits with expensive ties. John Gotti has been the leader of the Gambino family since 1985. During the reign, the family was one of the most influential.

5. Carlo Gambino (1902 - 1976)

It was Gambino who became the founder of one of the most influential families in criminal America. After taking control of a number of highly profitable areas, including illegal bootlegging, a state port and an airport, the Gambino family becomes the most powerful of the five families.

Carlo forbade his people from selling drugs, considering this type of business dangerous and attracting public attention. At dawn, the Gambino family consisted of more than 40 groups and teams and controlled New York, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Miami and Los Angeles.

6. Meir Lansky (1902 - 1983)

Jew Meir Lansky was born in Belarus, the city of Grodno. A native of the Russian Empire became the most influential person in the United States and one of the leaders of the country's crime.

He is the creator of the "National Crime Syndicate" and the parent of the gambling business in the states. Was the biggest bootlegger during Prohibition.

7. Joseph Bonanno (1905 - 2002)

The patriarch of the Bonanno family and the richest mobster in history. The history of the reign of Joseph, who was called "Banana Joe" has 30 years, after this period, Bonanno voluntarily resigned and lived in his huge mansion.

The Castelamarese War, which lasted 3 years, is considered one of the most iconic events in the criminal world. Ultimately, Bonanno organized a criminal group that still operates in the United States.

8. Alberto Anastasia (1902 - 1957)

The boss of one of the five mafia clans of criminal America. The head of the Gambino family, Albert Anastasia, had two nicknames - "The Chief Executioner" and "The Mad Hatter", and the first was given to him because there were about 700 deaths on account of his group "Murder Corporation".

He was a close friend of Lucky Luciano, whom he considered his teacher. It was Anastasia who helped Lucky take over the entire criminal world, carrying out contract killings for him of the bosses of other families.

Since 1981, he led the Genovese family, while everyone considered the boss of the family, Antonio Salermo. Vincent was nicknamed "Nutty Boss" for his, to put it mildly, inappropriate behavior.

But it was inadequate only for the authorities, since Gigante's lawyers for 7 years brought certificates indicating that he was crazy, thus he managed to avoid the term. Vincent's people controlled the underworld of all of New York and other major cities in America.

10. Heriberto Lazcano (1974 - 2012)

Once the leader of one of the largest drug cartels in Mexico, which is called Los Zetas. At the age of 17, he joined the Mexican army, and later worked in a special squad to combat the drug cartel. The switch to the side of the merchants occurred after he was recruited into the Golfo cartel.

The Los Zetas private mercenary force that the organization hired later grew into the largest drug cartel in Mexico. Heriberto dealt with his competitors very cruelly, for which his criminal gang was given the nickname "Executioners".

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