Brezhnev Leonid Ilyich family children. Galina Brezhneva: why the Secretary General's daughter ended up in a psychiatric hospital Last husband - Yuri Churbanov: biography

Children famous politicians always under the scrutiny of the public. From birth, in their lives there is not only material wealth and great opportunities, but also a lot of restrictions and prohibitions. Feeling like a strange bird in a “golden cage”, they want to get out, but often “break their wings”. The fate of the daughter of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Galina, was just as difficult.

Childhood and youth

On April 18, 1929, the first-born was born in the family of Leonid - daughter Galya. The couple lived at that time in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). The head of the family worked as deputy chairman of the local district executive committee, and the young mother, an obstetrician by training, was engaged in housekeeping. 4 years later, in 1933, Galina had younger brother Yuri.

Victoria devoted herself entirely to caring for her two children, her home and her husband. Leonid Brezhnev already at that time came to grips with public service. True, the whole family, including little Galina and her brother, often had to move after her father.

Youth years Gali fell on war time. The Great Patriotic War. With the end of this tragic period for the country in 1945, Galina turned 16 years old, and it was time to decide on her future profession.

Brezhnev's daughter

In June 1945, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev became the head of the political department of the Fourth Ukrainian Front. At the Victory Parade, the future Secretary General walked along with General of the Army Eremenko, leading the column. Leonid Brezhnev was a man of serious, strict views, successfully moving forward in his career. Therefore, when young Galina told her father that she was going to become an actress and wanted to enter the acting department in Moscow, Brezhnev took this news extremely negatively.

The girl, who from childhood had a wayward character, had to change her desires and dreams and obey her father. As a result, Galya entered the correct, from the point of view of her parents, literary faculty of the Pedagogical Institute in Orekhovo-Zuyevo.


Throughout her life, Galina was primarily “Brezhnev’s daughter.” There was no definite career. While still a student, she Once again moved with her family on official business of her father. This time to Moldova. In Chisinau, the girl transferred to the philological faculty of the local university. But she didn't study.

At 22, Galya fell in love with a 42-year-old circus performer and, having dropped out of school, in defiance of her parents, left the city with her future husband.

Galina's first job was the profession of a circus dresser - the girl helped her husband. After she managed to work at the Novosti press agency, the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and for some time at Moscow State University.

Personal life

Unlike a career, Galina Brezhneva's personal life was stormy and eventful. She was officially married three times, while the fleeting romances of an enviable Soviet bride adorned her life with various emotions.

The first lover and husband of Galina was the circus performer Yevgeny Milaev. Touring in Moldova, the strongman, holding 10 people on his shoulders, made such an impression on young girl that she purchased tickets for all of his performances until the end of the tour.

Having met Evgeny personally, Galina surrendered to feelings, not paying attention to the 20-year age difference and two twin children from her lover's first wife. Their mother died in childbirth, and little Sasha and Natasha soon became Galina's adoptive parents - new wife father.

Having married, Galya followed her husband everywhere, as before her father. The family toured the country. Eugene performed in the arena, and the young wife was engaged in his costumes.

A year after the wedding, in 1952, the couple had a daughter, who was named after her grandmother - Victoria. Galina had a warm relationship with her mother, besides, her mother was for her a model of a wife, parent and mistress.

Unfortunately, although Galina tried to create ideal family this did not happen. The husband was often fond of young circus performers and did not much appreciate Galina's personal devotion, as well as caring not only for her own daughter, but also for Yevgeny's two children. After 10 years, the marriage broke up. During this time, Milaev managed to fly up career ladder. He became director of the Moscow Circus and received the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

After recovering from her divorce in 1962, 33-year-old Galina fell in love with a young illusionist. On that moment young man just turned 18. Without informing their parents, the couple registered their marriage and left for Sochi. To soften the father's reaction, the daughter "added" the groom 7 years. Leonid and Victoria Brezhnev learned the news from a note containing the text:

“Dad, I'm in love. He is 25”.

Officially, Galina's second marriage lasted only 10 days. The angry father sent state security officers to the couple. As a result, the naughty daughter was returned to Moscow, and the young illusionist was “showed a trick” - they took away her passport with a marriage mark, and returned it without a stamp.

Once again, Galina obeyed the will of her father, but you can’t command your heart. The lovers continued to meet secretly. For three years, the couple looked for places to meet: in hotels and at the apartments of acquaintances. When Brezhnev became general secretary of the Central Committee of the KSPP in 1966, it became impossible to go against his father, and relations ended.

The third marriage of Galina Leonidovna finally pleased her high-ranking father. The era of "circus performers and magicians" is over. In January 1971, Galina, who at that time was 41 years old, met 34-year-old Yuri Churbanov at a dinner party. A stately military man, the major impressed the daughter of the Secretary General.

It was impossible to refuse such a bride - Yuri divorced his wife and entered into a new marriage without regret, which promised him not only a home in abundance, but also a promotion. Expectations were justified - soon the major became a lieutenant general and took the post of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR. After Churbanov advanced to the rank of Colonel General. After 20 years of marriage, Yuri was arrested, and Galina filed for divorce.

In addition to official marriages, Galina was also passionate about other men, one of whom was the famous ballet dancer. Their dates lasted 5 years, and despite the fact that Maris was officially married. The promise of a divorce was never fulfilled, so the romance eventually ended.

Especially the contemporaries of the Secretary General's daughter remembered her affair with another creative person. Being married to Yuri Churbanov, Galina, who crossed the 50-year mark, was carried away by the gypsy singer Boris Buryatsa.

The artist's career has also advanced in an amazing way. From an ordinary member of the Romen Theater, he turned into a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. Soon Boris was accused of being involved in the theft of diamonds. The loss was not found, but women's fur coats were found in his apartment. Then, not without the help of Churbanov, Galina's legal husband, Boris was sentenced to 5 years in prison.


On November 10, 1982, her father and head of state Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev died. With the coming to power, Galina moved to live in a family dacha near Moscow and was actually under house arrest. Later, during the reign, they tried to confiscate her property, but the daughter of the former Secretary General won the court, and housing, cars, antiques and other valuables remained with her. In addition, the new government accused the woman of stealing jewelry, but the attempt was unsuccessful.

During the life of an influential father, her life was not easy, and after her death it became completely difficult. Galina drank heavily and after a while ended up in a psychiatric hospital No. 2 in the village of Dobrynikha, Moscow Region. On June 29, 1998, Galina Leonidovna Brezhneva died. She was buried at Novodevichy cemetery next to her mother's grave.

Her own daughter Victoria in 1973 gave birth to a daughter, whom she named after her mother - Galina.


  • 1993 - book by Yu.M. Churbanov “I will tell everything as it was”
  • 2013 - E. Dodolev's book “The Case of Galina Brezhneva. Diamonds for a princess”
  • 2013 - E. Dodolev's book “Galina Brezhneva. The Life of a Soviet Princess”
  • 2013 - film by L. Mlechin “Galina Brezhneva. Exile from Paradise”

Fate favors some people from the first days, they are born in the families of prominent people who have reached the pinnacle of power. However, not all children of well-known politicians use great advantages for the benefit of themselves, their families, and their country. Sometimes the offspring of high-ranking parents live a strange, incomprehensible life for others, which cannot be called happy. Such was Galina, the daughter of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. smart, talented and beautiful woman at the end of her life she became a real outcast, a disgrace to her family. Compatriots always remember her father with warmth and a touch of nostalgia, while the fate of Galina herself causes a mixed feeling of bewilderment and regret.


Galina was born in Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg) on ​​April 18, 1929. Leonid Ilyich at that time served as deputy chairman of the Bisert regional executive committee. The girl's mother, Victoria Petrovna, who had a diploma in obstetrician, ran a household and was engaged in raising children. There were two of them in the family - Galochka and Yura, who was born in 1933.

Promising party workers at that time did not stay long in one place, the family often had to move. Victoria Fedorovna helped her husband build successful career taking full care of the house and children. They lived calmly and measuredly, she provided a strong rear for her active spouse, he was responsible for decent life families.

When the Great Patriotic War began, my father went to the front. Despite all the trials and tribulations that did not spare the political workers, Brezhnev managed to survive. He was a participant in the Victory Parade, walked at the head of the column along with Army General Eremenko. In June 1945, Brezhnev was appointed head of the political department of the Fourth Ukrainian Front.

He always had serious plans for life, Leonid Ilyich successfully moved up the career ladder. Returning from the front, his father found out that Galina, after graduating from school, was going to study at the capital's theater university, dreaming of becoming an actress. The father was extremely unhappy with this decision of his daughter. He considered the acting profession frivolous, unpromising and penniless. He convinced his daughter to change her mind, and Galina retreated under such pressure.

Perhaps it was this strong-willed decision of the father that was his major mistake in a relationship with her daughter. Whether she had talent is a big question. But the seething, irrepressible energy of Aries always lived in her, the girl was bright, charismatic, and could well shine on the theater stage. The self-willed girl had to obey and choose another university, which, from the point of view of her parents, was more suitable for the daughter of a party worker.

So she became a student of the philological faculty of the Pedagogical Institute in the city of Orekhovo-Zuyevo. Science and pedagogy were of little interest to the girl, she studied only because it was necessary. When the father received a new appointment, the Brezhnevs with the whole family moved to Moldova. The girl transferred to the Faculty of Philology of the University of Chisinau.

When Galina was 22 years old, she came to a circus performance, where she saw the performance of the strongman Milaev. The circus artist came to Chisinau on tour, showed a bright number, where he held ten people on his shoulders. This performance and the artist himself impressed the young girl so much that she bought tickets for all Milaev's performances until the very end of the tour. The strong man was 20 years older than Brezhneva, raised two children from his first marriage.

Galina has always been a very passionate, addicted girl, and now that she has visited big love, she simply forgot about all the conventions, including her father's career. Ignoring the objections of her parents, Brezhneva dropped out of school, left Chisinau with Yevgeny Milaev.

Despite the high position of her father, the career of this woman did not work out. At first she began to work in the circus as a costume designer. After breaking up with her first husband, the “Kremlin princess” was an employee of the Novosti press agency, then she worked in the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as an adviser-envoy. The last place of work of Galina Leonidovna is Moscow State University.

Personal life

The first marriage with Milaev lasted 10 years. Her chosen one raised two twin children, Sasha and Natasha, Milaev's wife died from a difficult birth. Galina tried to become their real mother. A year later, a third child appeared in their family - the joint daughter of Vika. The girl was named after her grandmother. Galina always treated her mother very warmly, considering her real woman, the ideal mother and mistress.

Galina herself was a loving wife, tried to create an ideal family. However, her chosen one turned out to be a frivolous and ungrateful person who did not know how to appreciate the love and devotion of his young wife.

Galina did not distinguish between the children of Milayev and her own daughter, she treated the children well and took care of them.

But Eugene did not notice her efforts, he was often fond of young actresses. At the same time, he enjoyed all the benefits that the name of his wife gave. Family ties with a high party worker helped in his career, Milaev became the director of the Moscow, Hero of Socialist Labor. However, after 10 years the marriage broke up.

The divorce from Milayev was hard for Galina, she came to her senses for a long time. But then she came new love, Brezhneva was 33 years old when she fell in love with the illusionist Igor Kio. The young man was 15 years younger than her, but this did not bother the “Kremlin princess” at all. Galina did not notify her parents about her trip to the registry office, she knew in advance that the reaction would be negative.

Having registered the marriage, the newlyweds left for Sochi. In order to soften the blow and not upset her father, in a farewell note, Galina added seven years to her husband, but her trick did not work. The marriage with Kio lasted only 10 days.

The rebellious daughter was returned to the capital, and the young illusionist himself witnessed a bright, enchanting trick. They took away his passport with a marriage stamp and returned a blank document, already without a stamp. However, the lovers did not forget about their feelings, they continued to secretly meet in private apartments, in hotels. Love continued, but a few years later, when Leonid Ilyich became General Secretary, these meetings had to be stopped.

In the winter of 1971, at one of the dinner parties, a woman met Yuri Churbanov. She was seven years older than him, and besides, he was not free. But Galina liked the handsome man in uniform so much that she could not restrain her feelings. Despite her age (41), Brezhnev was enviable bride. Marriage with her promised many benefits - a rapid promotion, family life in abundance and prosperity.

Yuri could not refuse a brilliant prospect, divorced his wife, entered into a new marriage. Galina's parents for the first time long years breathed a sigh of relief. They rejoiced at the end of the "era of circus performers and magicians." However, all their trials were yet to come. Major Churbanov quickly climbed the career ladder, became a lieutenant general, deputy minister of internal affairs of the USSR. He ended his career with the rank of colonel general, in 1991 Churbanov was arrested, Galina filed for divorce. It is in this difficult period they tried to take away her property through the court, but the daughter of the Secretary General defended her rights.

Brezhnev's daughter was a very passionate woman, in addition to three marriages, she had several more novels. She was attracted by bright, creative people. There was a time when the name of the Kremlin beauty was closely associated with the name of Oleg Shirokov, a journalist for the newspaper Sovetskaya Kultura. After this short romance, Galina fell in love with journalist Alexander Avdeenko.

After some time, the "Kremlin princess" was passionately fond of Maris Liepa, the star of the Soviet ballet. The artist was married, met with Galina for five years, but she never waited for his divorce and marriage proposal. According to eyewitnesses, in place of Brezhneva, a luxurious bouquet was always prepared in the hall, which she handed to Maris after the performance. This woman tried to beautify and make life easier for the men she loved, but they did not appreciate it.

The next love of Galina, who at that time was over 50 years old, was the young artist of the Romen Theater Boris Buryatsa. Thanks to his almighty mistress, he made fast-paced career, from an ordinary artist of the gypsy theater became a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. Communication with Galina did not bring him happiness, Boris was arrested on suspicion of stealing diamonds from the apartment of a famous circus artist. The accusation was in vain, but women's fur coats were found in Buryats' apartment. He was sentenced to 5 years for speculation in a scarce commodity. The offended husband of his mistress, who had almost unlimited power, played a big role in this matter.

An exhaustive description of Galina gave her former lover, Igor Kio. Despite his young age, he managed to understand the soul of this restless woman. Kyo wrote that Galina was born for great and true love, she would definitely make a kind mother, a good housewife, a wonderful wife. But on the way this woman never met a real man that would make her happy. Many of Galina's chosen ones turned out to be unworthy people who tried to use her name for selfish purposes.

Cause of death

After the death of his father, life scandalous daughter the former General Secretary was greatly complicated. She had to move to a dacha in the suburbs. In fact, it was a real house arrest. However, neither Chernenko nor Chernenko made any attempts to confiscate the property of the Brezhneva family. When Gorbachev became head of state, Galina had to defend her rights in court. On behalf of the state, they tried to take away her housing, cars, antiques, and other valuables. Brezhnev won the court, managed to defend her property.

But by that time she herself was already suffering from a strong alcohol addiction. It was hard to recognize a bright, beautiful brunette in a sunken, flabby woman.

Under the influence of alcoholic psychoses, Galina's character also deteriorated. In a state of intoxication, she arranged ugly scandals. Galina's daughter, Victoria, sent her mother for compulsory treatment to a psychiatric hospital No. 2.

Here they tried to cure a woman of chronic alcoholism. She passed away in the summer of 1998 after a stroke. The ashes of the Secretary General's daughter rest at the Novodevichy Cemetery.


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It seemed to many that the life of Galina Brezhneva was like an endless holiday. Crowds of fans, jewelry, champagne - the daughter of the Secretary General really had and loved all this. However, Brezhnev met her death all alone in a psychiatric hospital near Moscow. And she ended up there not at all of her own free will and not at all because she was mentally ill.

Family life

As Leonid Brezhnev's granddaughter Victoria recalled, at a time when her mother lived with circus performer Evgeny Milaev, she was alien to the wild lifestyle, thanks to which she later became famous. Milaev was 20 years older than Galina. By the time he met Brezhnev, he had already become a widower with 2 children in his arms. Galina Leonidovna accepted her husband's son and daughter as relatives, and soon she herself gave birth to a daughter, Victoria. According to the acrobat Mila Moskaleva, who knew the first Brezhnev family closely, Milaev simply adored Galina and often gave her very expensive gifts: diamonds and furs. Galina reciprocated her husband. At that time, Leonid Ilyich was not yet General Secretary, but he already held fairly high positions in the Central Committee. But his daughter did not boast of her origin. She did not keep servants and did everything in the house herself: she washed, did the cleaning, cooked perfectly.

Cheating husband, illusionist and dancer

It all ended in an instant when Galina found out that Yevgeny Milaev was cheating on her with his colleague, also a circus performer. Brezhneva did not wait for the official registration of the divorce, had an affair with the illusionist Igor Kio and flew away with him to " Honeymoon" in Sochi. However, these relations were not only stormy, but also transient. The next chosen one of Brezhneva was the ballet dancer Maris Liepa. According to the daughter of Galina Victoria, the mother truly loved only 2 men: Milaev and Liepa. However, the latter was married and did not intend to leave the family. And the daughter of the Secretary General, to be honest, was of little interest to him. It was during the period of falling in love with Liepa that Galina Brezhneva began to allow herself too much, including alcohol.

Alcohol and mental hospital

Every year Galina Leonidovna's condition worsened. After the death of her father, and then Maris Liepa, she completely sank. The famous biographer Yevgeny Dodolev, author of several books about the life of Galina Brezhneva, claims that in last years she was completely isolated. Almost everyone whom she considered her friends stopped communicating with Brezhneva. suffering alcohol addiction and lack of communication, she often invited to the apartment strangers. All these noisy companies caused dissatisfaction with the neighbors of Galina Leonidovna. Once, as Victoria said, the neighbors called her again and asked her to take Brezhnev somewhere. Otherwise, they threatened to simply evict the "merry" tenant. The granddaughter of the General Secretary did not come up with anything better than to send her mother to Psychiatric Hospital No. 2 in the Moscow Region. There, at the end of June 1998, Galina Brezhneva died. Soon her place in the ward was taken by the daughter of Victoria herself, also Galina. She was also hospitalized at the request of Victoria Brezhneva. According to the granddaughter of Leonid Ilyich, "there were indications for this."

Galina Brezhnev's message: why the secretary general's daughter ended up in a psychiatric hospital appeared first on Smart.

Former General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev was married only once. For more than half a century he lived in a marriage with Victoria Petrovna Denisova, who gave her husband two heirs: a daughter, Galina, and a son, Yuri. The children of such influential parents are usually said to have been born "with a golden spoon in their mouth" and destined for a bright future and a dizzying career.

Photo: Leonid Brezhnev with his family

However, the offspring of Leonid Ilyich were literally completely different in everything: dissimilar in temperament, character and ambitions: the rebel Galina, for whose antics her parents repeatedly had to blush, and calm, reasonable, non-conflict Yuri, focused on family and career. In this article we will talk about how the fate of the heirs of the Secretary General developed after his death.

How did the fate of Galina Brezhneva develop after the death of her father

The daughter of the Secretary General Galina was born in 1929, on April 18, in Sverdlovsk, where her parents lived at that time. From childhood, the girl showed a rebellious character, was especially quick-tempered and temperamental. When Galya graduated from high school, her father was confidently moving up the career ladder, so Leonid Ilyich took his daughter's unexpected statement that she wanted to become an actress very negatively.

At the insistence of her parent, she entered the literary department of a pedagogical university in Orekhovo-Zuyevo. When the head of the family began to work in Moldova, Galya transferred to the Faculty of Philology at the University of Chisinau, but did not finish her studies, abandoning her studies.

Photo: Galina Brezhneva in her youth

Galina Leonidovna was the complete opposite of her modest and quiet mother, who did not like luxury and social events. The girl had an explosive character, was reputed to be especially outrageous and regularly found herself at the epicenter of resonant scandals. IN different time she managed to work as a costume designer in a circus, an employee of the Novosti press agency, as well as in the archival department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an adviser-envoy, and at Moscow State University.

Galina was officially married three times, but the number of her novels and fleeting love affairs is still legendary. Her mother did not like such defiant behavior of her daughter, because of which women often clashed, although her mother always remained for Gali a model of the keeper of the hearth. However, while the Secretary General was alive, many scandalous stories with the participation of his daughter, it was possible to hush up or smooth out somewhat.

Galina did not have a definite career, she was, first of all, “Brezhnev’s daughter” all her life. But after the death of an influential parent, his outrageous heiress fell into disgrace. She moved to a dacha near Moscow, where for a long time lived under house arrest. Later, during the reign of Mikhail Gorbachev, they tried to confiscate her property from Galina, however, the daughter of the former Secretary General managed to win the courts, so housing, cars, as well as jewelry, antiques and other expensive gifts of the late parent remained with her.

Photo: Galina Brezhneva with her father

After the death of Leonid Ilyich, his daughter, who was already partial to strong drinks, began to abuse alcohol heavily. The aggravated dependence over time led to the fact that the woman ended up in the walls of a psychiatric hospital, where she tried to recover from her addiction. However, in 1998, on June 30, the daughter of the former Secretary General died of a stroke. She was 69 years old.

Galina's only child, daughter Victoria, named after her mother, was born in 1952, married to circus performer Yevgeny Milaev. She was married twice, in her first marriage she gave birth to her only child - daughter Galina Filippova, and her second husband was Gennady Varakuta, no children appeared in this marriage. Victoria Milayeva passed away in 2018, she died at the age of 66.

Photo: Galina Brezhneva

How was the fate of Yuri Brezhnev after the death of his father

The son of the Secretary General - Yuri was born in 1933, on March 31, in the Ukrainian city of Kamenskoye. He was always distinguished by modesty, as well as purposefulness, and never sought to enjoy the privileges of his position. Yuri Leonidovich, unlike his older sister, received a good education, graduated from the Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Institute, and after that he worked a lot, gradually climbing the career ladder.

Despite the fact that Yuri at various times managed the plant, and also worked in the ministries foreign trade and foreign affairs, he never held high public office. The son of the Secretary General has always been known as a calm, balanced and non-conflict person. He was married only once to a woman named Lyudmila, who was a teacher by education. in English. Parents immediately approved the choice of their son, because they liked the modest, educated and intelligent daughter-in-law. In this marriage, two sons were born: Leonid and Andrei.

Yuri took the death of his father very painfully and for a long time could not come to terms with the loss. The situation was aggravated by the fact that with the advent of Gorbachev to power, all the merits of Leonid Ilyich were devalued and subjected to ruthless criticism. Yuri fell into depression, was constantly in a depressed state, which is why he began to abuse strong alcohol. For the same reason, he was early retired.

Photo: Yuri Brezhnev

After the collapse of the USSR and the coming to power of Boris Yeltsin, the attitude towards the former General Secretary practically did not change, and only in 2003, by decree of Vladimir Putin, Yuri Leonidovich Brezhnev was given back his right to a personal state pension, and also recognized all his services to the state.

In 2012, the beloved woman of Yuri Brezhnev, his wife Lyudmila, died, after which his health was seriously shaken. An elderly man began to get sick constantly, he began to have problems with his kidneys, and he was getting worse. And after the examination, doctors discovered a much more serious illness in the heir to the Secretary General - a brain tumor. The man died in 2013, the third of August, he died at the age of 81.

The eldest of the sons of Yuri Leonidovich - Leonid Brezhnev, named after his grandfather, connected his life with science. By education, he is a chemical engineer, taught at Moscow State University, and also worked at one of the Moscow enterprises. Later, he went into business, and began to develop various chemical additives and shampoos. He was married and has two daughters: Alina and Maria, as well as a son, Yuri.

Photo: Andrei Brezhnev is the grandson of Leonid Ilyich

The youngest son Andrei graduated from MGIMO, where he studied at the Faculty of International economic relations. In the late 90s, he began a political career, for almost ten years he was a member Communist Party RF. The man died in July 2018, at the age of 57 from a heart attack. Andrei Brezhnev was married twice. Married to his first wife, Nadezhda Lyamina, two sons were born: Leonid, who now works as a translator in the military department, and Dmitry, he is a graduate of Oxford University and works in sales software. The second wife of Andrei Yuryevich was called Elena, no common children appeared in this marriage, according to some reports, in Lately the couple lived separately.

Galina Brezhneva awards


Brezhneva Galina Leonidovna

Public figure

Daughter of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev

News & Events

Twenty years have passed since the death of Galina Brezhneva

Daughter of the General Secretary Central Committee CPSU Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev.

Galina Brezhneva was born on April 18, 1929 in Yekaterinburg. Father, Leonid Ilyich, at that time worked as deputy chairman of the Bisert District Committee of the Ural Region. Mother, Victoria Petrovna. She spent her childhood and youth following her father to his destinations. She studied at the philological faculty of the Orekhovo-Zuevsky Pedagogical Institute. When her father began to work in Moldova, she transferred to the philological faculty of the Chisinau State University, but she had little interest in science and pedagogy. In 1951, she left the university altogether, leaving Chisinau with her future husband Yevgeny Milaev.

Over the years of her life, Galina Leonidovna worked as a costume designer in a circus, in the Novosti press agency, in the archival department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR as an adviser-envoy, in the Moscow state university named after Mikhail Lomonosov.

The woman was constantly popular among men, the list of her husbands and lovers has long been made public, and their names are known. Galina Leonidovna has become one of the most scandalous figures of the domestic elite. One of the most high-profile cases is connected with the name of Yuri Churbanov, Galina's third husband, who was convicted in 1988 in the so-called Uzbek case of cotton-mafia corruption, for which he received twelve years of strict regime.

After the death of her father in 1982, Galina Leonidovna actually came under house arrest at her dacha outside Moscow. However, she managed to win a lawsuit against the state, which tried to confiscate her dacha, car and other gifts from her father. The subsequent accusation of theft of jewelry only added to the scandalous fame, but had no serious grounds. Later, moving away from secular life, Galina took part in church charitable activities.

Despite the created negative image, people close to her noted positive traits: kindness, help to many cultural figures, including disgraced artists. By nature, Galina as a whole remained a kind and sympathetic person. But she could not cope with temptations, whims, got used to the atmosphere of flattery and insincerity that had surrounded her since childhood. Little by little, this led to alcohol addiction.

Galina Leonidovna Brezhneva died on June 30, 1998 in the psychiatric hospital No. 2 named after Oleg Kerbikov, where she was placed own daughter from the first marriage, Victoria Milaeva. She was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery of the capital, next to the grave of her mother.

Galina Brezhneva awards

Adopted children of Galina (children of Evgeny Milayev from his first marriage) - Alexander and Natalya Milayev. All my life I worked in the circus, including in my father's room "Equilibrists on foot ladders."

The second husband is Igor Kio, an illusionist. Galina accepted Igor's proposal to become his wife, formally filed a divorce from Milaev and married him, putting Leonid Ilyich before a fait accompli and left with her young husband for Sochi. The daughter's act aroused the wrath of Leonid Ilyich. He sent for young employees of the state security agencies, who brought Galina to Moscow, and Kio's passport was taken away. Later, a new passport was returned to him, without a marriage mark. They were officially married for only 10 days. Divorce did not prevent Galina from meeting Igor Kio, and their romance continued for about three more years: she went on tour with him, where they met in hotels, spent time in Moscow at friends' apartments. Meetings became less and less frequent, and the romance came to naught only during the period when Leonid Brezhnev became general secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

The third husband is Yuri Churbanov, a military man. Major of the interior. After a week of their stormy romance, Galina introduced her chosen one to her father. Leonid Ilyich, tired of his daughter's extravagant love affairs, liked Churbanov. Yuri Mikhailovich divorced his wife and married Galina Leonidovna.

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