Headstone over the grave of Khrushchev author. Novodevichy Cemetery - Peace of the Great (55 photos). Split in the group of comrades

Why was Nikita Khrushchev buried at Novodevichy? The historian Leonid Maksimenkov understood

45 years ago, the Soviet "collective leadership" solved an extraordinary task: how to bury the deposed first secretary of the Central Committee and the head of the government of the USSR

Leonid Maksimenkov

Before him, two top leaders of the party and the Soviet government, Lenin and Stalin, died. Both of them were embalmed and placed in the Mausoleum on Red Square. Khrushchev then took out the "father of peoples" from there and reburied Stalin separately - behind the Mausoleum. The top Kremlin leadership faced an unexpected problem: where to bury the deceased?

The "retired dictator" (by definition of Roy Medvedev) was given a state funeral in compliance with the ritual protocol. This protocol included: an official announcement on radio, television and in the press, an obituary, the formation of a commission for organizing a funeral, farewell (according to previous precedents - in the Hall of Columns), the choice of a churchyard, speeches at a mourning ceremony, a platoon of an honor guard, volleys, then perpetuating the memory , financial support for relatives ...

Compliance with all these stages of the sad ritual is evidence of the political culture of the country's leadership. The international significance of such events is also difficult to overestimate - the leaders of other countries in such cases send mourning telegrams. And what to do with the death of a disgraced leader? Ignore? But this would mean doubting the greatness of Soviet power, which Khrushchev personified for 11 years. Since there were no blanks, the responsible comrades solved the problem from scratch.

We decided innovatively. To begin with, the cause of the death of the former Soviet leader was hidden not only from citizens, but also from the highest nomenklatura. Only today, 45 years later, is the official conclusion about the death of N.S. Khrushchev (see illustration). It was signed by a council headed by academician Yevgeny Chazov, who for many years headed the Kremlin, that is, the 4th Main Directorate under the USSR Ministry of Health, and was the personal doctor of the country's leaders. There is not a word in the document about the "severe and prolonged illness" that the deceased allegedly suffered from. Meanwhile, references to indisposition figured in the memorable 1964, when Khrushchev "asked" his comrades to release him from the leadership of the country "due to advanced age and deteriorating health." According to Chazov's note, Khrushchev needed medical attention, but much later, in 1970 and 1971, when he was finishing his memoirs and he was called in for "interrogations." It turned out that the death of the pensioner was accelerated by colleagues.

Brezhnev read Chazov's note. And he decided not to send it to his comrades - the document went to the archive.

Split in the group of comrades

Funeral proposals were instructed to prepare the secretary of the Central Committee, Peter Demichev. Colleagues remembered: Khrushchev made him his assistant on the memorable days of Stalin's funeral, and in October 1961 instructed him to speak at a party congress with a proposal to remove Stalin's body from the Mausoleum. The instruction was unequivocal: now Pyotr Nilovich must prove his loyalty to the "Leninist leadership" with a well-organized farewell to his "benefactor".

Here are Demichev's suggestions:

“In connection with the death of N.S. Khrushchev, we are submitting a proposal to entrust the funeral to the party committee under the Secretariat of the CPSU Central Committee and the Administration of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

To say goodbye to the relatives of the deceased, on the same day at 10 o'clock in the morning, install the coffin with the body of Khrushchev in the funeral hall of the Central Clinical Hospital of the IV Main Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Health.

"The Party Committee of the Party Organization under the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the CPSU informs with deep regret that on September 11, 1971, a member of the CPSU since 1918, personal pensioner Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, died after a serious long illness, and expresses deep condolences to the family of the deceased."

Funeral expenses to be taken into account of the party budget.

September 11, 1971".

Let's decipher: it was proposed to organize the farewell in the ritual hall at the hospital; an obituary not only with a photograph, but even without one was not supposed. The uninitiated would not have understood at all who was being buried. A family allowance in the amount of a two-month pension for organizing a wake is not provided.

Then the apparatus work began with Demichev's note. According to the laws of the genre of democratic centralism, it had to be approved. The deputy head of the General Department (Chancery) of the Central Committee, Claudius Bogolyubov, begins calling his comrades in the Politburo. Andrei Kirilenko, Arvid Pelshe and Petr Shelest are unconditionally in favor. But then strange and unusual events begin to occur for the smooth movement of the Kremlin's workflow.

Gennady Voronov, chairman of the People's Control Committee, proposes that "the notice be given on behalf of the Central Committee and the Council of Ministers" (and not on behalf of the party committee under the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the CPSU). Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Alexei Kosygin goes further - he crosses out the Novodevichy cemetery and writes instead: "in the Kremlin wall without an established ritual." That is, without a commission for organizing a funeral, without a detailed obituary with a photograph and signatures of members of the Politburo, without speeches on the podium of the Mausoleum. But - in the Kremlin wall. In addition, Kosygin suggested adding to the death notice "the former First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR."

Nikolai Podgorny, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, also joins the "dissenting opinions". He writes down on paper: "I consider it expedient to bury in the Kremlin wall without an established ritual with an addition in the notice and the coffin with the body can be exhibited in the Central Committee 10 / IX-71 club." That is, not in a regime morgue at a closed hospital, but in the holy of holies - on Old Square. This means that traffic will need to be blocked and a cortege with flashing lights provided.

What happened? But it turned out that in the triumvirate of the collective leadership created after the overthrow of Khrushchev (Brezhnev, Kosygin, Podgorny), there was no unity on the question of Khrushchev. Silence and expanse of unanimous opinions and behind-the-scenes unanimous decisions collapsed before our eyes. It turned out that on the fundamental issue of Soviet political culture - how and where to bury the deposed leader, a split was planned in the Kremlin.

This, in fact, formed "opposition group" is also supported by First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Polyansky. He sets out his proposal in the form of a formal draft for voting:

"1. It would be advisable to make a cremation and bury the urn with the ashes of N.S. Khrushchev in the Kremlin wall.

2. In the death notice, it must be indicated that he was the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU and chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

The rebellion takes the form of legislation.

After all, how did it happen in tsekovsky practice? If one comrade suggested adding a comma, this was scrupulously recorded. If another comrade advised to remove the exclamation mark, then they listened to this opinion. The third considered it necessary to rewrite the slogan-call for May 1 and instead of "the fraternal people of Bulgaria" say "the people of fraternal Bulgaria", the comrades agreed with this. And now, almost half of the Politburo staged a demarche on the main issue of the Byzantine nature of power, which was not even subject to discussion: the overthrown ruler is deleted from history. Forever. This is the law. Dot.

With the deceased Khrushchev, however, the point could not be reached: comrades Brezhnev, Kirilenko, Pelshe and Shelest considered it possible to vote by telephone, and their faithful comrades-in-arms, knowing this, did not agree. And they fixed it on paper, made a formal counterproposal.

What could be done in such a situation? Rich hardware experience suggested the answer: do not allow voting, immediately declare the first paper invalid and start over again. No paper, no problem.

And so they did. Comrade Demichev is removed from compiling a new road map for the funeral (in three years he will be sent to lead culture as a minister). Waiting one day. And on September 12, a new paper appears - the actual memorandum of the secretaries of the Central Committee and the Moscow city party head Viktor Grishin. It was decided: to give the text of the notice on behalf of the Central Committee and the Council of Ministers, to indicate the highest Party and government positions of the deceased personal pensioner, but no Wall.

A copy of Mikhail Suslov with traces of his thoughtful work has been preserved in Khrushchev's personal file. It is he who solves this puzzle. For solidity, he invites candidates for members of the Politburo and secretaries of the Central Committee to vote. Suslov eventually extinguished the opposition.

Nikolai Podgorny admits his defeat:

"I agree with the second part, that the notice will be published from the Central Committee and the Council of Ministers. On the first part - regarding the place of burial - I gave comments yesterday. But since everyone voted in favor, then, as they say, one man is not a warrior."

Did this story then affect the political biography of the "dissidents" from the Politburo? Judge for yourself: Voronov will be removed in two years, Polyansky in five will be sent as ambassador to Japan, Podgorny will be removed from the post of chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR a year later. And retired Alexei Nikolayevich Kosygin will be remembered at his own funeral - he will be denied farewell in the Hall of Columns...

Uncomfortable dead man

However, the "inconvenience" associated with the death of Nikita Sergeevich did not end there for the top nomenklatura - condolences flowed to the Kremlin. Of course, from abroad. And not on the party line. The communists of all countries have always been all right with discipline and an instinct for political expediency. In addition, it was conveyed to the attention of the "leaders of friends" through diplomatic channels in a confidential manner that there was no need to mourn for Khrushchev. But Khrushchev was the prime minister, and for the heads of foreign governments this was essential. In appeals to the Kremlin, he was called "His Excellency."

The clerks in the General Department, in accordance with the instructions, suggested that foreign telegrams be sent round the circle for the members of the Politburo and Minister Gromyko to familiarize themselves. But again Suslov intervenes and instructs "not to send." Given the well-known split in the top leadership on the Khrushchev issue, telegrams from foreign leaders could provide additional arguments in favor of a civilized attitude towards the leader of the superpower, who was associated throughout the world with de-Stalinization and the flight of the first man into space.

Farewell was proposed to be organized in the ritual hall at the hospital; an obituary not only with a photograph, but even without one was not supposed. The uninitiated would not understand at all who is being buried

A month and a half after the death of Nikita Sergeevich, the Council of Ministers takes another formal step in the implementation of the funeral ritual: Decree N 773 of October 22, 1971 ordered "to establish a personal pension in the amount of 200 rubles a month for life to Kukharchuk Nina Petrovna."

This surname was unfamiliar to young nominees. The bureaucrats of the older generation remembered that Kukharchuk was Nina Petrovna Khrushcheva. She is attached to the First Polyclinic of the Fourth Main Directorate under the USSR Ministry of Health. That is, to the Kremlin hospital. "Give her the right to use the canteen of medical nutrition." It is a distributor of scarce products. It was also decided to give "a small dacha and the right to use a car on call (within a certain number of hours)". The fourth paragraph of the decision was also important: "4. Permit the Administrative Department of the Council of Ministers of the USSR to spend up to 2 thousand rubles on the construction of a tombstone on the grave of N.S. Khrushchev."

And then a new surprise happened: the family decided that Nikita Sergeevich was worthy not of a typical marble slab worth 2 thousand rubles, but of a real monument. And she found the sculptor herself - this is how Ernst Neizvestny appears in the saga of perpetuation.

Since the Economic Department of the Council of Ministers is supervised by the "dissident" Kosygin, his department meets the Khrushchev family halfway: the USSR Art Fund approves the design of the monument, then the issue is transferred to the Department of Household and Communal Services of the Moscow City Executive Committee, 2 thousand rubles turn into five. However, all this did not cancel the highest control (the Politburo examined the drawings and made amendments) and the vigilant eye of authorities, primarily art critics from the Lubyanka.


According to the operational data available to the KGB, a few months ago S.N. Khrushchev with a request on behalf of the family to create a monument to N.S. KHRUSHCHEV... E. UNKNOWN proposes to make an inscription on the monument: "KHRUSHCHEV" without initials. This kind of inscription, as it were, turns the tombstone from a monument to a specific person into a monument symbolizing a certain era, and echoes the existing inscription on the Mausoleum.

After reviewing the KGB report, Konstantin Chernenko, head of the General Department of the Central Committee, writes to his boss:

"Leonid Ilyich! Maybe Comrade Pavlov G.S. should be instructed to take a closer look at what kind of monument project is being prepared, especially since at one time the Administration was instructed to take part in resolving these issues" (Pavlov - manager of the Central Committee. In the days GKChP, he will jump out of the window of his apartment.— "ABOUT").

The certificate is submitted for discussion by the Politburo and becomes the basis for the decision, which was formalized as top-secret - adopted without entering into the protocol. The fateful directive on the introduction of troops into Afghanistan, drawn up in the same way, was adopted in the same way and was designated "To the situation in Afghanistan." Also, without entering into the protocol, a "Monument to X." appeared: "Instruct to show interest in the preparation of the monument to X."

Interest in the "preparation of the monument to X." was shown to be really serious. In "accordance with the exchange of views that took place at a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU", the inscription "Khrushchev" was rejected - so that there were no associations with Lenin. The authority decided to write on the stone: "Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev", as well as dates of birth and death.

The opening of the monument will be delayed for a year and a half after the deadline approved by the Politburo and will also be held under the strict guidance and control of the authorities. On Suslov's instructions, Yuri Andropov's brief report on the event will be sent out as mandatory reading material to senior management. Including because of the statements of Yevgeny Yevtushenko:

“After some time, the rest of the group headed for the exit, together with E. Yevtushenko, who, addressing foreigners in English, said something like this: “The most significant and main thing in the monument is two plates, black and white, which personify the struggle of the “light” and "dark" forces in man. The struggle of "good and evil" in each of us, and especially in N.S. Khrushchev, because he was taller than all of us and therefore especially visible to the rest. This monument was created by the Russian sculptor E. Neizvestny, whom N.S. Khrushchev was repeatedly criticized for "abstractionism". And now, after death, redemption has come, reconciliation between them ... "". Attached to the report are many black-and-white photographs recorded by operational equipment.

Soon, the Kremlin realizes its mistake by refusing to bury Khrushchev in a special order in the Kremlin wall: the Novodevichy cemetery became a place of mass pilgrimage - people came to look at the now famous monument, many carried flowers. As a result, the authorities (formally by the decision of the Moscow City Committee and the Moscow City Council) closed access here for "outsiders" for many years to come ...

The first time I thought about the monument was on the day of the funeral, on the way to the cemetery.

The thought was firmly planted in my head. After the funeral, we ended up in the same car with

Vadim Trunin, and I asked his opinion. He, without hesitation, said,

that the only sculptor worth talking about is Ernst


I knew next to nothing about the Unknown. My world was a rocket world

satellites, successful and emergency launches. Of course, they reached out to me

echoes of the scandal in the Manezh, where the father smashed the "abstractionists" and others, like

then they said, "ideologically sabotage penetrating from the West"

trends in contemporary art. But these noisy battles don't get me too

interested. I was just trying to figure out who was right. Habitual - "father is right" -

did not add up: although his words had the usual power of persuasion, they

somehow not convinced.

As happens with strong natures, the father himself seemed to feel

weakness of his position and from this became even sharper and more implacable. I

I was once present during a conversation about the film "Zastava Ilyich" directed by

Marlena Khutsieva. The whole style, the aggressiveness of this analysis produced on me

a painful experience that I remember to this day.

On the way home (the meeting was held in the Reception House on Vorobyevsky

highway, we lived nearby, behind a fence) I objected to my father, it seemed to me that nothing

there is no anti-Soviet in the film, moreover, it is precisely Soviet and at the same time

high quality. The father was silent.

The next day, the analysis of Zastava Ilyich continued. Taking the floor, father

lamented that the ideological struggle was going on under difficult conditions, and even at home he

does not always meet with understanding.

Yesterday Sergei, my son, convinced me that in his attitude to this

we are wrong about the film,” said the father, and, looking around the darkness of the hall, asked:


I was sitting in the back rows. I had to get up.

So, right, the film is good, - I stuttered with excitement. It was

my first experience of participating in such a large meeting.

However, my intercession only added fuel to the fire, speakers one by one

others denounced the director for ideological immaturity. Film had to

remake, cut out the best pieces, it got a new name "We are twenty

Many years later, at a presentation in Moscow of his father's memoirs, Marlene said,

that I turned out to be his only defender, not only in that hall, but in general

in Moscow. Frankly, I was pleased to hear that.

Gradually, I became more and more convinced that my father was tragically mistaken, losing

pick a moment, carefully tell him your opinion, try to convince him

in the harmfulness of such peremptory judgments. Finally he must

understand what hits its political allies, those who support

his business. After all, it was on the personal instructions of the father that they printed "The Heirs

Stalin" Yevtushenko, "Terkin in the next world" Tvardovsky, "Blue Notebook"


I remember his altercation with Suslov, who believed that the mention

Zinoviev's name in Kazakevich's book is unacceptable. Father, kindly

chuckling, he objected to him that it was all just like that. "Are you

Do you want Ilyich to address Zinoviev in Razliv not by his first name? How is he with

should he talk? You can't change history," he said.

This was their fundamental difference - it is possible or not to rewrite

history, based on today's interests and views.

However, in the last period of his father's activity, both Suslov and Ilyichev captured

strong positions. And now the father, together with them, fought against the "alien

ideological influence" in literature and cinema, against formalism in music and

sculpture, etc.

My attempts to start a conversation on this topic invariably ran into

normal: "Mind your own business. You don't know anything about it. Someone

told you, so you repeat like a parrot.

The conversation ended before it started.

It is clear that when Vadim named the Unknown, I remembered the clash in

Manege. As an artist, I knew little about him. I was convinced of one thing - a tombstone

you need to order a real master so that the image of the father does not leave people


Vadim's words sunk into my soul, although I strongly doubted the reality

bringing the idea to life, and therefore told Trunin that Unknown is hardly

will take. After all, his father smashed him and his friends in the Manezh, blocking their way.

Yes, he can just kick me out. In fact, I suggested that he do

monument to your enemy.

Trunin disagreed, saying that Unknown is deeply intelligent

Human. He takes an objective approach to Khrushchev's personality, appreciates his role in our

stories. Those events, of course, were not forgotten, but now they have receded into the second

plan and are evaluated somewhat differently. I said nothing. As much as I wanted

agree, but Vadim did not convince me to the end.

If you want, I can call him, - suggested Trunin. - If he

refuses, you won’t get involved with him at all, but if he agrees, you’ll go to

him. I'm sure you agree...

At the wake, I asked Yulia about the same. She was considered an expert in

areas of culture. She did not think long, repeating Trunin's words almost verbatim,

stated that, apparently, the only person that makes sense to talk about,

this is Unknown. Many consider him the best sculptor in the country.

When two people asked separately say the same thing, it is,

agree, not by chance. I decided to turn to the Unknown and waited

a signal from Trunin, who, as if by evil, disappeared somewhere.

At this time, another candidate spontaneously arose - Zurab

Konstantinovich Tsereteli. His name boomed: a rising star! We had

They met recently and seemed to have a mutual sympathy. Soon

After my father's funeral, we met at the house of a mutual friend. Our places for

the table was nearby. I, of course, asked his advice.

He caught fire and immediately declared that he would take up this matter. Tsereteli

offered to go to the cemetery tomorrow to see everything in place. He

ready to start work immediately.

To be honest, I was embarrassed and mumbled about my plans for


Great idea, - Tsereteli was delighted. - I'll be happy to

work with him.

The next morning we went to Novodevichy. Zurab walked around the grave, that's all

carefully examined, measured with steps the distance to the path, to the wall,

was pleased, declaring that we were lucky because there were no graves around. Here

you can put a real monument. You will need a platform of about five

six meters. That day he was leaving home and promised upon his arrival in Tbilisi

sketch the first option. A week later, Tsereteli was going to return and

discuss the project with me. During this time, I had to resolve the issue with


With that we parted, quite pleased with each other. broke up like

later it turned out, forever ...

At the same time, full of energy, I rushed into the battle for the five by six section.

meters. The problem turned out to be much more difficult than I thought. Change default

the size of the plot could not and did not want anyone. I walked through the offices, the days flew by

days. And I was unaware that while I was knocking on the thresholds, everyone was involved in the matter.

new characters.

No news came from Trunin, I have no connection with the Unknown

adjusted, and in the meantime my hesitant steps were analyzed, the conclusions

made, decisions made, and... actions followed.

Not even two days had passed since our trip from Tsereteli to the cemetery,

through one good friend I was given a warning.

I want to give you a friendly warning,” she began. - THERE you

dissatisfied. They didn't have the best opinion of you after you posted it.

memoirs of your father in America. They think you fooled them. pretended to be

A simpleton, even stupid, but in fact turned out to be a cunning one.

I don't understand why they think so of me. I always

frankly answered all their questions, - I objected.

Okay, she waved it off. - And now? I decided to erect a monument to my father

It `s naturally. But this is Khrushchev! On the one hand, you want

invite the Unknown - the artist whom he scolded, and on the other - the Georgian

Tsereteli. This combination is clearly not without reason.

I was surprised that such an interpretation had never occurred to me.

You don't have to talk to the Unknown. - Familiar, of course,

with such a difficult job, and the political resonance will not be good. He generally

lover of scandals, why do you need scandals? Why trouble with the authorities?

By the way, you can consult in the Union about the Unknown. May be,

The advice I received gave me little enthusiasm. However, from this

warnings could not be simply brushed aside. After the memoir story

To be honest, I didn't want to annoy such a powerful organization.

I decided to consult with Sergo. It turned out that he was familiar with the Unknown and

ready to call him immediately. As for "friendly" warnings,

Spit on them, they will lead you to no one knows where. you have the opposite

goals: you want to make a good monument to your father, and the main thing for them is to prevent

work that stands out against the general gray background. Imagine you come to the Union, you

argue, quarrel. you will be in a disadvantageous position. And now you're coming

to the Unknown simply as a customer, the son of his father. No doubt about

him in the Union you will receive a refusal, and the situation will become completely different. And if you

nevertheless, if you decide, you will have to act contrary to the recommendations of the Union, and this


It was impossible not to agree with him. I decided without delay to contact

Unknown. Sergo dialed the number and began to talk about my problems,

but the Unknown interrupted him:

No extra words needed. Trunin already called me, and I answered him that with

I am pleased to meet Sergei Nikitich. I'm determined to accept it


The next day, Sergo and I went to the workshop. It was located

in a small one-story house not far from the current sports complex

on Olympic Avenue. Now there is no house - it was demolished.

We walked around the yard and found the right door. They knocked and entered, finding themselves

in a small hallway. There was a sculpture on the floor. To tell the truth, then she

I didn't like it. As it turned out, it was called "Orpheus playing the

strings of my heart. "I was a firm pupil of the socialist

realism, and the main measure of artistry for me was similarity. And here

there was nothing like it, and even a torn chest. It doesn't happen, I thought.

I. However, at that moment I decided not to stick my head out with my assessments.

The owner came out of a small room - a dense man of small stature

fifty. From the first impression, I remember his dumpy stability,

piercing eyes and a thin strip of mustache above the upper lip. He met us


The room was small. Actually the workshop - a room of thirty meters

five to forty, and two utility rooms eight to ten meters each. In the one where

the owner invited us, there was a sofa covered with a soldier's cloth, two

bookcase, table, couple of chairs. That's all the decoration. hung on the walls

paintings. In another room that looked like a corridor, there was a workbench and various

fixtures for casting, welding and similar purposes.

It was my first time in a sculptor's workshop. It was, of course, very interesting.

Having met, Ernst Iosifovich invited us to see his work.

There were so many of them, so much so that it is impossible to grasp at once, to comprehend.

The middle of the room was occupied by a model of an incredible building in my opinion: in

in the center - a human head and a wing rapidly departing from it with

reliefs-symbols, faces of people.

This is the project of the "House of Thought" - the central building in Akademgorodok in Siberia,

Ernst Iosifovich explained. - Under your father, I was not allowed to work for a long time,

then finally allowed. The project was approved in 1964, and now it is again

pushed far.

Drawings hung from the ceiling along the entire perimeter of the walls - the only

a color composition that is highlighted here and there with sharp bright spots.

Having completed this cursory inspection, we returned to the room and proceeded to

main conversation.

I want to clarify, - began the Unknown. - Due to my disputes with

Nikita Sergeevich, I went through hard times, but now it's in the past. I

I deeply respect him and, it may seem strange, I remember him with

warmth. This man knew what he wanted, and his aspirations cannot but

evoke sympathy, especially now, when many things are seen more clearly. We have

you are not talking about personal grievances, but about a monument to a statesman. I

I will take this job.

Ernst Iosifovich immediately began to sketch a drawing on a piece of paper:

vertical stone, one half white, the other shaded - black, below

big stove.

I did not get anything.

Why white and black? What does this mean? I asked. Unknown

He said that so far there is nothing concrete in this picture. He just explained

that this is the embodiment of a philosophical idea. Life, the development of mankind takes place

in the constant confrontation between the living and the dead. Our century is an example of this:

the collision of the mind of man and the machine, the creation of the mind that kills him

himself. Take the atomic bomb, for example. This approach is embodied in

mythology is a centaur. In our tombstone, black and white can be

interpreted in different ways: life and death, day and night, good and evil. Everything depends

from ourselves, our views, our worldview. Clutch white and

black best symbolizes the unity and struggle of life with death. These

two beginnings are closely intertwined in any person. Therefore, the stones must be

wrong, enter one into the other, intertwine and make one whole.

All this was supposed to be installed on a bronze slab.

In my opinion, it turns out a good composition. - He is questioning

looked at me.

I decided in advance not to interfere, not to interfere with my opinion. Difficult

count on a good result, correcting the artist. Or should I trust

him, or focus on the craftsman. There is no middle ground.

I rely entirely on you. Will there be a portrait? I replied.

I don't think there should be a portrait. We give a symbol. Portrait

needed when no one knows a person and you want to keep his external

image, do not let it be erased from memory, - Ernst Iosifovich shrugged his shoulders. -

The face of Nikita Sergeevich is well known to everyone, and there is no need for a portrait.

He did not convince me, but I kept my doubts to myself for the time being. More to come

a lot of time, besides, to be honest, I was a little shy in front of

celebrity. With some apprehension, I spoke about the conversation with Tsereteli and his

wish to take part in this work.

I will cooperate with him if you want it, - he simply answered


And one more detail. Since the warning from the Lubyanka alerted me, I

decided to somehow insure, legalize our relationship and offered to conclude

official contract.

It's simple, - answered Ernst Iosifovich, - I have a lawyer friend, he

will arrange everything.

On this we parted.

My fears about the possible continuation of pressure on us turned out to be by no means

groundless. As it turned out later, they talked with both Tsereteli and

Unknown, however, with opposite results.

A few years after the installation of the monument, when everything was behind,

Ernst Iosifovich told his part of this story. Shortly after our

Sergo's visit took place in a famous building and a conversation with him. He insistently

advised to cancel the order. First they told some nasty things about our

family, about me, but this elementary trick did not work. Then applied

weightier arguments. At that time Unknown was working on reliefs, which

were supposed to decorate the newly built building of one of the institutes in

Zelenograd. The order was prestigious, the work in all respects claimed

State Prize. The advisers lamented: as if working on a tombstone

Khrushchev did not harm Neizvestny when he was nominated, and

didn't ruin his career at all.

However, the "well-wishers" chose a deeply erroneous path, not having studied

the psychology of your object.

It was after their threats that I made the final and irrevocable decision.

If before there could still be doubts, since we did not know each other, then

here I have already decided to be firm to the end, ”Ernst Iosifovich concluded.

Such a different reaction was found in two people, two sculptors. Who

was right? Who did win? Don't know. I only know that Unknown State

did not receive an award, but gained worldwide recognition. Tsereteli added to

Lenin Prize and also the State Prize, and subsequently filled with his

sculptures half of Moscow. Became a millionaire.

After our meeting, things began to turn around. The next day we issued

notary's office contract, went to the cemetery. Ernst Neizvestny promised

show the first sketch in a few days.

I visited the cemetery regularly. He maintained order at the grave. time and

autumn did their job. The wreaths withered, the photograph got wet. Despite all

our efforts, the water got under the film. Once again my friends helped me.

At my old job, at the Chelomey Design Bureau, they made a solid temporary rack,

in the same place, a new photograph was securely welded into plexiglass.

It seemed to me out of place on the grave of the official portraits of my father. wanted

put a more human photo so that everyone can see not the former prime minister, but a living one

person. So the last photograph taken during the life of his father appeared on the grave.

He is there without a tie, at home, looking into the lens with a tired smile.

Mom did not like the photo, and she asked to replace it. I've been for a while

resisted. However, she was not alone; others did not like the portrait either.

relatives and friends. Finally I gave up. Set up a photo

made for his seventieth birthday, - a smiling, contented father with all his

medals on the chest. Obviously, Neizvestny was right: Khrushchev is a symbol, he is not

should be shown to people with an unbuttoned collar.

Meanwhile, efforts continued to increase the size of the site for

tomb structures. The unknown person also believed that the area should be

more, although he defined Tsereteli's proposal as "purely Georgian

scope". Decisive steps were needed, and I turned to the business manager

Pavlov, however, did not undertake to resolve the issue himself:

I will talk to Comrade Promyslov, he will help. you to him tomorrow


V.F.Promyslov and I lived in the same house, always greeted each other and, in general,

were well acquainted - after all, he was made the mayor of Moscow under his father. I was

absolutely sure of his quick and positive response. As it turned out, I

I had no idea who my amiable neighbor was now. He is with me

did not speak. At the secretariat I was addressed to his deputy

Valentin Vasilievich Bykov.

Bykov received me kindly, but turned out to be completely unaware of the matter. Right

ran to Promyslov, but returned discouraged:

He says no one called him. So, he threw it to me: play him

thirty centimeters. Just don't know what to do?

Apparently, Promyslov decided to show off.

Valentin Vasilievich himself really wanted to help, he was ready to do everything that

his powers. We agreed that he would allocate with his power a plot of two

and a half by two and a half meters. Immediately Bykov signed the necessary papers.

The matter has moved. It seemed to me then that in a year, at most one and a half,

work will be completed. I could not imagine that it would stretch for long

four years.

When I told my mother about visiting the Unknown, she was not delighted.

expressed, but did not object. She didn't have any suggestions.

She left the black and white idea on the conscience of the sculptor, but on the monument without

A tombstone is a purely personal work, a memory of a loved one.

Nina Petrovna's opinion is decisive. I will find a way to put a portrait of Nikita

Sergeevich, - Ernst Iosifovich agreed.

The work went on. Once, or even twice a week, I came in the evenings to

workshop. Ernst Iosifovich worked in the morning and afternoon. We stayed up late in

his little room, talked about everything: about the monument, politics, his and my work,

God, meetings with my father, about life in general.

At the age of seventeen Unknown went to the front. Graduated from the military

school in Kushka. Fought as a paratrooper. Was awarded, and more than once. Severely wounded -

his spine was broken, he became an invalid of the first group. "Needs to

constant care," he showed a record in the medical report. With this, he

could not agree, the character did not allow. Disability was not for him. He

overcame the disease, received a higher artistic and philosophical education.

Dragging some heavy sculpture from place to place, smiling,

said: "Needs constant care."

The circle of his friends was unusually wide, varied and interesting. All

were drawn to him. Often evening gatherings turned into noisy disputes.

Sometimes, when the mood was especially good, Ernst Iosifovich entertained

us with their oral stories: serious about India, playful about the waist

portrait of Marshal Choibolsan, sad about the different stories that happened to him

in Moscow.

With each meeting, I - a layman - more and more began to understand something in his

creativity. Many of the works of Ernst Iosifovich, which previously caused bewilderment

and even protest, I began to like it.

I have already mentioned the zinc Orpheus standing in the hallway. The longer I

looked at him, the more he captured me. Unfolded before me

deep philosophical meaning of this work, and in my soul it began

to echo the spiritual essence of my father - he gave himself up to

end to people. I stood in front of the sculpture for a long time, peering into it. Thankfully, in

workshop, I became my own person, and for a long time, with my presence, no one

Once I even suggested to the Unknown to use this sculpture in

as a headstone. He was surprised and said that although it is always pleasant

install your work, but this one is no good. We need something more

austere, monumental. Orpheus is too frivolous, he would fit into

as a monument to a poet, not a statesman. What is intended

much better and more suitable for Khrushchev's grave.

Communicating with the Unknown, I tried to understand his views on art, his

philosophy. Gradually I learned something.

But at the first meeting, my heart was restless. Certainly,

Unknown great artist, but he is an "abstractionist" - the word for me was

if not abusive, then not very prestigious. How is his art style

expressed in a monument to his father? And most importantly, what worried me, would it be like

portrait? I was afraid to see cubes, triangles, distorted features.

Once I expressed everything to Ernst Iosifovich. He laughed merrily.

In our business, everything is both simpler and more complicated. For example, I do not consider myself

to any one direction in art - not to abstractionists, in which I

accused your father, nor to the realists. Each of them limits, impoverishes

artist. Everything is good in its place. Let's take our memorial. Nina Petrovna

wants to have a portrait of Nikita Sergeevich. And it must be his.

a portrait, not my vision of, say, his philosophy through a portrait. It's all here

should be as similar as possible. Realism approaching naturalism. And this

Right. This is how I will sculpt. After all, I'm making a tombstone. you relatives,

when you come to the cemetery, you want to see your father, not mine

idea about it.

Now let's look at the idea of ​​the whole monument, its idea, -

continued Unknown. - It contains the eternal contradiction, the struggle

a bright progressive beginning with a reactionary one. How to show it as

real, photographic images? They will lead our thoughts into

side, reduce it to the ordinary. Here is an abstract idea

reflecting the flight of the artist's thought. In our case, these are entangled in

confrontation between white and black.

This is how my education continued. I used to accept commonplace without reservation

the opinion of our ideologists - "anyone can draw an abstract picture, but

try to make a realistic image, you have to sweat here. "Now I

I saw that abstraction requires much more talent than the creation

realistic image.

So the bitter conclusion suggests itself: the father fought not with what

should, and not with those with whom it should. Only he understood this, alas, too much

Not immediately Unknown told me the story of unfortunate clashes in

Why do neither I nor my friends hold a grudge against Khrushchev? He is contradictory

but pursued an honest, progressive policy, and in the Manezh he was simply set on

on us. And this exhibition was arranged on purpose, they brought everything at the last moment. We

At first they could not understand why they were suddenly in such a hurry. They needed us

destroy in order to survive*.

The struggle of currents in art was not in the first place. The main thing for them is

money, and by that time I had collected extensive material on corruption and

bribery among our Moscow bosses in art. They invited and

me to join the mafia. When I refused, they decided to fight and destroy.

This story began a long time ago, when I was still studying at the institute. In 1954

announced a closed competition for a monument in memory of the 300th anniversary of reunification

Ukraine with Russia. The place was allocated on the square near the Kievsky railway station, a stone

laid. It was the first and last truly objective competition. All

the works were under mottos, and no one knew the true names of the authors. I,

a third-year student won it. There is a layout on the shelf - "Bandurist". Is yours

father saw photos of the layout. He liked him, at least not a word

he did not say against. All the others praised me, and in the newspapers they wrote: the winner

Former soldier, student. And yet it was not set and never

put. The pretexts were the most objective: either the funds were not allocated, or

there is no gasoline, then a stone, then the excavator broke down. The truth was different.

I wanted to join then the Moscow branch of the Union. Everyone was for me

accepted. And then they politely took me aside and began to explain the rules of life:

"Sculptors have very high fees, you can live well. We have

some unofficial, of course, queue. Today you win, tomorrow - another.

them: "We must compete honestly, but I will defeat you all with my talent!" My

the interlocutors laughed: let's see, de, but warned: "Without us, the path to

great art ordered to you."

Unfortunately, they knew what they were talking about. None of my work in Moscow

put: no "Bandurist" at the Kyiv railway station, no "Wings" on the square in front of

Zhukovsky Air Force Academy, nor the "Kremlin Builder". But there were

government decrees, powerful support from above. "Builder of the Kremlin"

personally Shepilov was engaged. But again - there is no cement, then stone, then workers.

Time stretched out, and you can write off. Everyone forgot about the old solutions.

I got angry, typed up a whole dossier on both our masters and the ministerial

bosses, how they collect bribes. We had one head of the head office there,

everyone went to him to "wash his back." So for some reason they called the transfer

money. I decided to bring them to clean water, to expose the disgrace. Gathered to

Khrushchev. I already called Vladimir Semenovich Lebedev, he day and hour

made an appointment. In his youth, he let slip to someone. Went in last night

I'm at the National for dinner. Some unfamiliar guys sat down next to me. Word

for a word, and a fight began. You know me, I'm not easy to deal with. IN

The army taught me, a paratrooper, not to beat, but to kill. But here, apparently, they got

Not syavki, and professionals. They beat me in every way.

The next day I go to the Central Committee, and there is already a denunciation of a drunken brawl,

committed by the sculptor Unknown. I couldn't go to Lebedev to open him

eyes with a black eye under his own eye. Called, apologized, figured out that

got sick. He chuckled sympathetically and rescheduled the meeting. So she doesn't

took place.

They decided to finish me off in the Manege, and at the same time teach others a lesson. We then stand at

we are waiting for our works. Your dad appears: he didn’t see us, doesn’t know

did not look at the work. Of course, he had already been explained to him, set up, and here

brought only to confirm our "bourgeois idealism" and


This is where our heated conversation took place. I, you know, felt that what I did not

gave up, and popped on your father, like he did on me, he liked it. He always

respected strong people. And when he finally said that I was just my business

I don’t know, and the whole retinue nodded happily, I answered him:

And you check, appoint a commission.

He stopped short, looked at me intently and in a completely different, calm tone.


And we will appoint.

Immediately throws his:

True, some people understood everything. Lebedev after everything whispered to me:

It will be very bad - call. We will choose the moment, we will report to Nikita


After the Manezh, this began! They felt impunity, climbed

tear live meat. At first they accused me of stealing strategic

raw material - bronze. Again Khrushchev was informed. Scheduled a check: everything is clean.

He showed that for my castings I collected junk - cranes, mortars, other scrap.


Then they again pulled out the accusation of professional unsuitability: I don’t

I can make realistic sculptures and therefore my images are abstract. AND

it was said by professionals, academicians! I reminded: Khrushchev ordered to collect

commission. Collected a commission. I am in their presence according to all the canons of socialist realism in

within a few days I made a sculpture - two and a half meters! -

steelmaker pouring steel. Here is her photo. It was then replicated

throughout the Union. For her, I received such a fee as I never dreamed of.

But this is not art, but only crafts. Thoughts - no. Came out to them again

Then they decided to call a meeting. They accused us of lack of patriotism. We,

the accused, passed the front, were wounded, awarded, and the accusers then reliably

"reserved", defended the Motherland from the rear. So we decided to "joke":

they came in tunics, all of them had military orders on their chests, stripes for wounds. A

they talk about patriotism from the podium.

And I never got to Khrushchev. I called Lebedev, but he put everything off: then

busy, then just considered - not yet time. Later he helped me: apparently, and

Khrushchev reported. In 1964, they suddenly gave me a draft of the Palace of Thought in

Akademgorodok. But no luck so no luck. I just turned around like yours

father was removed, and again everything is zero.

Today they win. I was warned again: "And do not rock the boat. Whoever where

no matter what you decide, you won’t have a single job in Moscow.” It turned out

Last example. A few years ago I won a competition to build

memorial on Poklonnaya Hill in honor of the Victory over fascism, there were several

tours. The public, the generals, and even the Moscow City Council spoke for me.

Against - only my fellow artists. And how did it all end? memorial even

did not start building.

My ideas were appropriated by another sculptor and built a memorial in Volgograd.

Look - he showed an illustration from Ogonyok - I have a woman with a flag,

and he has exactly the same, but with a sword. I have the flag behind, it balances

figure moving forward. The center of gravity is in place, and the sculpture is stable. He

put a sword in his hand, and now it is kept from falling by a bunch of steel

ropes stretched inside the torso. And the reliefs on the walls are similar.

But all this is not the main thing. And, excuse me, the monument to your father is also for

me is not important. This is a big work, and it is dedicated to a big man, but

the main thing for me is something else. My dream and goal in life is a monument,

personifying the development of the spirit, the history of the development of life, civilization, the struggle

mind with the creations of their hands, killing a person, his spirit.

It will be seven "Möbius" rings inserted one into the other. The biggest

One hundred and fifty meters in diameter. "Möbius" will be covered with reliefs,

depicting the history of the development of our mind, the struggle of life and death, good and

evil. There is also a layout of the monument and drawings of reliefs. All these albums are blanks

to my main job.

Four roads will lead to the monument: from the east, west, north and south.

Approaching closer and closer, a person will feel all the greatness of the structure, the greatness

of your mind. It will be possible to climb the ring through seven corridors,

representing the seven deadly sins. The project is ready, it's up to the customer.

I contacted the Central Committee. I have friends there, they support me. But they -

ideologists in the international department at Ponomarev. I need customers

having funds and resources. A building of this magnitude

simple engineering problem. According to my calculations, everything will cost millions of dollars.

ten fifteen. If we don't succeed, I'll propose a UN project. The idea of ​​the monument

corresponds to the goals of this organization, and now its fortieth anniversary is approaching.

So, you see, my misadventures have very little to do with

your father. He himself was the victim of a well-thought-out provocation, and in the end

ended up hurting more than me. In the Manezh, with one blow, they settled scores with us,

and he was deprived of allies. I want to make a monument that reflects the significance

the inconsistency and tragedy of Khrushchev's personality, - said Ernst Iosifovich.

Unfortunately, "Möbius" ("Tree of Life") suffered the same fate. Monument

has not yet been built either here or abroad. I have a photo collage

A Mobius mock-up, hovering majestically over the panorama of a certain city.

Unknown continued to work on the tombstone. The task is to inscribe a portrait

turned out to be difficult. Option after option was discarded. First put

bust on a stele in front of a stone. There was a gap in the composition. Removed the stele

the bust seemed to hang without support. Ernst Iosifovich checked all these options for

plaster models.

Finally, a solution was found: a bronze head of the color of old gold stands in

niche on white marble against a background of black granite.

We had a lot of discussion about the color of the head. I persuaded the unknown

toned it darker, he did not agree. Finally decided to make under the old

gold, especially since bronze will inevitably darken over time.

So more than half a year passed in troubles. The summer of 1972 arrived. Idea

gravestones finally crystallized. We decided to have a family

project approval. Mom and Rada came to the workshop. Lena was already

terminally ill.

Ernst Iosifovich spoke in detail about his ideas. In the big room

a toned model of a tombstone stood on a rotating stand. We talked

asked questions, listened to the answers and agreed with the master.

Before the project could start, there was still a lot to be done:

firstly, it was necessary to develop in detail the design of the monument itself, and

the main thing is to approve it at the artistic councils of the Art Fund

RSFSR and the Main Architectural and Planning Directorate (GlavAPU) of the Moscow City Council.

Without their seals on the drawings, the monument will not undertake to make a factory and it will not

will be allowed to be installed at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Ernst Iosifovich was frankly afraid of advice. He amassed a wealthy and highly

bad experience. However, surprisingly, everything went smoothly. After half an hour

discussion, members of the Council of the Art Fund congratulated Neizvestny on

great creative success. Our joy knew no bounds.

A curious incident occurred at the council. While Ernst Iosifovich was preparing for

performance, I developed a stormy activity - I dragged a layout from place to place,

answered questions, demanded a draft protocol from the secretary.

When it was over, the secretary of the council turned to the Unknown:

Ernst Iosifovich did not understand at first, he started up and bristled:

I work alone! - But then he smiled: - This is not a co-author, but a customer.

Meet Sergei Nikitich Khrushchev.

We laughed merrily.

Pure production chores began. To make a headstone

We had to decide where to get the materials. Bronze belonged to

strategic materials, therefore, to obtain it, a special

permission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Here we were helped by the affairs manager of the Council of Ministers

M.S. Smirtyukov. He responded to my request without red tape, and literally on

The next day, a decision was made to allocate bronze. Simultaneously Controlled

nonmetallic materials of the Moscow City Council was instructed to help with the stone. In control

they really wanted to help us, his boss began his career under his father, in

early fifties, and retained the warmest memories of him. But with everything

desire for a stone of the right size - almost two and a half meters high -

they were not and could not be. There were no such dimensions in the standards.

Ernst Iosifovich began to insist on a special order. We didn't mind, but

warned: non-standard stone is mined by explosions. They cause insidious

microcracks that are detected only at the last moment, after

final polishing of the finished product. Stones are standard sizes,

900? 600 are sawn by special machines. There are no cracks in them. This

it was tempting. Otherwise, who will pay for the marriage and for how many months

or years can work stretch? The author had the last word.

It was necessary to redo the project so as not to violate the plan.

We dressed up for several days. Finally, the Unknown made up his mind. In the new version

each half - white and black - was made up of three stones of standard


It turned out even better, - he remarked with satisfaction, - the sculpture became

more dynamic.

Now it was possible to take the next step - to look for the manufacturer. IN

letter from the administration of the Council of Ministers and went there. However, we

disappointment awaited. It was 1972, and Khrushchev's name was mentioned only in

combined with "voluntarism" and "subjectivism" and a little less often in the context of

"historical" decisions of the October 1964 Plenum.

We arrived at the factory in the summer. The director was on vacation. We were received by the chief

the engineer is a pompous and smug person. I forgot his last name. He

nodded casually.

Sit down. What questions? - He was literally bursting with sensation

own importance.

The stranger began to explain, I held out a letter from the department. All this is not

produced no effect. The owner of the cabinet remained cold.

We will not accept this work,” he said. - Our company

busy with the most important task. On behalf of the Ninth Directorate of the KGB (these

he uttered the words with a special taste) the plant is repairing the Mausoleum. Because of you we

We can't risk missing deadlines.

After these words, he puffed up even more.

I don't think you need stones at all. Khrushchev kept running around with

reinforced concrete, even our plant wanted to close. That's what you would do to him

concrete monument. A kind of bent trinket. I recently went to

border, there is a lot of such instructed, - he could not resist and boasted.

It was clear that there was nothing for us to do here. The stranger tensed up and blushed. From

such rudeness his mustache stretched out in a thin line, his eyes dug into his face

offender. It seemed that he was about to speak to him in airborne. Obid Ernst

Iosifovich did not let anyone down. I held it with great difficulty. We left to

don't come back here again.

The Art Fund had its own factory in Mytishchi, but at first we did not

go there, knowing that they always have a long line. Now we don't have

there was another possibility. Plant Director Pavel Ivanovich Novoselov

greeted us kindly, but his answer was somewhat discouraging. Before the beginning

work required to approve the project in GlavAPU. The unknown was afraid of this

authority even more than the Council of the Art Fund. He wanted to cheat

come to them with a ready tombstone. In these troubles, imperceptibly came

autumn, and we did not even have time to apply to GlavAPU.

Rumors and talk about the tombstone project had spread by that time.

pretty wide. Many people were interested in the project. my friends and

father's well-wishers were interested in what will be installed on the grave? How

are things going? When will the monument be unveiled? The questions were endless. I made up my mind

show the project to the closest people. Neither mother nor Unknown


One September day, my friends went with me to the workshop. There

my niece Julia was waiting for us. When we entered the workshop, Yulia animatedly

discussed something with the Unknown. Next to her stood her friend, immersed in

beard, - the famous screenwriter Igor Itskov. She didn't warn us about it.

appearance, and it caused a vague alarm. We all knew well that work in

he combines cinema with cooperation in a completely different organization. I

hesitated, but did not say anything - do not expel him.

Events of recent months, preventive assistance from the manager of affairs

The Council of Ministers made us complacent, dulled our vigilance. somehow

forgotten "prophylactic" conversations with me, with Ernst Iosifovich,

disappearance of Tsereteli, warnings and hints.

An unknown person demonstrated models, talked about discarded options,

about findings and solutions. Everyone liked it. Itskov asked about the idea behind


At the heart of life itself in the philosophical sense lies the confrontation between two

began, - Unknown habitually broadcast, - bright - progressive,

dynamic, and dark - reactionary, static. One moves forward

the other pulls back. This basic idea of ​​the development of being is very well suited to

the image of Nikita Sergeevich. He began to lead our country out of darkness, exposed

Stalinist crimes. The dawn dawned before all of us, promising

early sunrise. The light began to disperse the darkness.

This approach will allow you to better understand the main ideas of the tombstone. Main

the component is white marble, its dynamic form steps on black granite.

Darkness resists, fights, does not give up its positions, including inside

the person himself. No wonder the head is placed on a white stand, but behind

the black background remains. In the upper corner on white - a symbolic image

sun. Beams stretched down from him. They dispel darkness. color head

old gold on white not only looks good, but it is also a symbol - so

The Romans immortalized their heroes. Everything rests on a solid foundation

bronze plate. Don't move her. Do not reverse the process that has begun.

In the slab on the left, when viewed from the stele, there is a hole in the shape of a heart. There

red flowers should grow, personifying burning, self-sacrifice. Here

the same inscription "Khrushchev Nikita Sergeevich", on the other side of the date of birth and

of death. And nothing more, no explanation. Everything should be concise and

majestically. Remember the inscription on Suvorov's grave: "Here lies Suvorov." AND

All. No commanders, field marshals, orders.

For the first time, Ernst Iosifovich explained his plan to outsiders in such detail.

Usually he limited himself to general words about good and evil, life and death. Later,

in difficult times, he made excuses: "You brought your friends. I thought you could

say everything."

Shortly after the demonstration, our activities for a while

paused. The unknown was going to Poland for a long time, the trip was private,

by invitation, and everything was postponed. Now it is difficult to imagine what

the work cost him the design. Finally permission was granted, and at the end

year he could have served. Polish friends, to whom he was traveling, provided for

broad program. He intended to return only next year, by the end of

The forced break did not cause much concern - the work was practically

completed. It’s even good - during this time everything will work out, you can take a look

a fresh look at the project. And there we will receive the last permit and - to the plant.

With a light heart, I accompanied my friend on a journey, his mood

I was elated - if not a distant, but a trip abroad. Ernst in Poland

Iosifovich wanted to arrange a small exhibition of his works. At that time about

official permission was nothing to think of. He decided to take with him

only engravings. They attracted less attention and took up little space. And all

the sheets were large, the problem arose of how to transport them without damaging them.

Rummaging in the attic in my country house, I found a huge suitcase. In him

once kept his father's uniform, neatly put away by his mother

after the end of the war. Now it is empty ... I gave this suitcase

Unknown. The engravings lay well on the bottom, did not wrinkle, and the old one itself,

he liked the canvas-covered hard case with leather straps.

In addition, I was impressed to go on the road with a Khrushchev suitcase.

Finally, Ernst Iosifovich left, the work stopped, and I only occasionally

inquired by phone of the workshop about the news from Poland. In the end of January -

early February Unknown returned. He was full of impressions. accepted it

warm. The exhibition of engravings was a success. He gave it to the organizers.

There was a funny incident at the border. The suitcase with its unusual appearance and

size attracted the attention of the customs officer.

Unknown did not carry anything illegal, but because of the engravings he was worried.

Among the artists recognized by the authorities, he was not listed and special permission

did not take on the export of work. We feared, and not without reason, that

red tape, coordination and, as a result, refusal will follow. Now engravings.

could delay.

The customs officer, without much zeal, sorted through the things lying in the suitcase, got

to the engravings, bewilderment was clearly visible on his face. With such artistic

style he apparently did not have to face. Looked one, two, three

sheet, ten. Confusion grew, he did not know what to do.

What is this? Whose drawings? he finally asked.

These are my drawings, - the Unknown replied casually, - I draw myself.

Clearly, - with relief, slamming the suitcase, the customs officer answered, -

you can follow.

During the absence of the Unknown, much has changed. Who and how

commented on the revelations of Ernst Iosifovich, to whom and what Itskov reported, I did not

I know. One thing was not in doubt: the reaction of the authorities became sharply

negative. She was brought to the attention of all those involved in the construction of the tombstone.

Khrushchev. We alone remained in ignorance and calculated in the new, 1973

year to finish the job.

It's time to get a visa at GlavAPU. First we went down the "bottom"

department, where they usually put the stamp "I allow" on the project. Ernst Iosifovich knew

Here are all inputs and outputs. His familiar lady turned over our papers,

sighed, sympathized and said that without considering work on

meeting of the artistic council is indispensable. She put us in line.

The day of the council has arrived. The situation was much more pompous than in

Art Fund - a huge hall, a huge table, a lot of people. We

arrived in advance. I wanted to look around, arrange the layout in a better way. He

attracted everyone's attention. No doubt many of those present came

especially on "Unknown and Khrushchev". When the members of the council entered the hall,

they glanced at the works on display. Suddenly the eye fell on

familiar image. They perked up, the expression on their faces became conspiratorial,

someone looked back. Chief Architect of Moscow M.V. Posokhin, nominee

father, was not, and, I think, not by chance. The council was to be led by his deputy

D.I. Burdin.

The meeting has begun. At first, projects of commemorative memorials were discussed.

boards on houses. Everyone was yawning, staring around, as is usually the case

such gatherings. Gradually, it was our turn.

Burdin briefly introduced the work. The Unknown followed. All

it was business as usual. We, of course, assumed that with the members

Council has already done the necessary work. Having reported, Ernst Iosifovich answered

numerous questions. Then the discussion began. It was my first time on this

congregation and therefore very worried.

Everyone agreed on one thing - the project is very interesting, but the symbolism is not clear

combinations of black and white colors.

Such a contrast, - noted the sculptor Tsigal, - breaks the composition,

but to replace the material with gray granite? And... maybe smooth out the sharp

The stranger sat silently, staring at the floor and sniffling. They are together with Tsigal

studied, but their creative paths separated them into different camps. I'm from it all

the flow of words was simply at a loss, he twitched to insert something, but Ernst Iosifovich


Shut up, it won't happen yet.

The next speaker took the floor. It seemed to him that the proposed monument

a bit tall He will put pressure on the viewer. The speaker recommended reducing

height from two meters thirty centimeters to two meters ten centimeters.

I did not understand anything, but I had a solid association with height

doorways in a residential building.

The performance continued. On the podium - a new member of the council. Him too

worried about black and white. Another solution was proposed: red porphyry -

a symbol of the revolution, Khrushchev's revolutionary past. Hall liked the idea. Her

supported by other speakers, but with an addition - it would be nice to increase

fifty times the size. In this case, the tombstone, or rather, not the tombstone, but

cyclopean building, it would look very advantageous on a large city

gave it special importance. It soon became clear that this was not a random idea.

For a long time she was procrastinated in different offices, she was liked by the officials of her

facelessness, lack of thought, standard.

As a result of "detailed and comprehensive discussion", the project was not approved

comments and reconsider after revision.

We hid the model in a bag and, downcast, went to the workshop. We were waiting there

friends, but there was nothing to please them.

Ernst Iosifovich skillfully, with humor, retold the speeches of the speakers on

meeting, commented on them, but did not know what to do next. Somebody

offered to write to Brezhnev. I remembered my unsuccessful attempt to communicate with him

in 1968, and the proposal was dropped.

Everyone was perplexed, tried to find the reason for such a sharp turn in

relation to the project. 'Cause just a few months ago the doors were wide

open. Someone remembered that in the Western press there were notes about

monument. It allegedly said that the black and white combination reflects

contradiction in our society and the contradictory role of Khrushchev himself in

democratization process in the Soviet Union. And something else like that. Where and

How the information got there is hard to say. Many have already seen the project

interest in him was great. In a word, we parted ways, without inventing anything.

From the next day, I began to call high authorities, but even there the attitude

has changed. Previously, it was not easy to get through to the manager of the affairs of the Council of Ministers,

but it's quite real. Now Smirtyukov has become elusive. Now he is with Kosygin, then

discusses the five-year plan, then somewhere else. In GlavAPU the same thing: then Posokhin came out,

he did not enter. Burdin, on the other hand, only dejectedly convinced me of the need to remake

project. I did not agree, knowing from experience that one has only to give in - and from

there will be no trace left.

My interlocutors were most worried about the combination of white and black, they

looking for what is behind it. Apparently, in the soul everyone came up with their own

option, one worse than the other.

Once, in my heart, I said to Burdin:

Do you think black represents Brezhnev? Here is stupidity!

The monument is erected forever. If we accept your interpretation, then what am I

to do with the monument when Brezhnev dies?

Burdin said nothing. He couldn't help it. Decisions were made elsewhere

The unknown lost heart, however, albeit slowly, the work continued. TO

our unsuccessful debut at the council, the stone and slab were worked out

thoroughly. He has not yet touched his head, not wanting to waste

And yet I managed to convince him to start work on the portrait. Straightaway

difficulties arose. In the first hours after the death of my father, because of my confusion,

The idea of ​​a death mask never crossed my mind. Now it was only possible to sculpt

by photographs.

Ernst Iosifovich at first seemed to have found a way out. He remembered that

President of the Academy of Arts N.V. Tomsky allegedly has a bust of Khrushchev,

made from nature.

With all my rejection of Tomsky's work, one cannot but admit that he

excellent portraitist. If he sculpted from nature, then the bust can be used

instead of the original, - said Unknown.

I dissuaded him because I did not remember that someone sculpted a bust from nature

father. Nevertheless, I called Tomsky. He did not speak to me. Only

The referent answered dryly:

Yes, we have a portrait, but it is the property of the Ministry of Culture. Without

their sanctions, he can not be issued to anyone.

The stranger, after listening to the story of my negotiations, muttered:

We can do without them, we will work from photographs.

The whole of 1973 passed in an unsuccessful struggle with the authorities, and the

1974th. Mom was nervous, I reassured her: "Another last step, more

one last call ... "But the call was not the last, but behind the step

the next one was waiting ... The mood fell every day: both Burdin, and the Moscow City Council, and

The Council of Ministers agreed on one thing - to make a bust on a stele. This option suits everyone.

except for our family. The tombstone turned out to be faceless, expressing nothing, which

some people needed it. I put forward a new counterargument: since it pays not

the state, and the family, the last word is ours. We do not approve of the bust on the stele

A stalemate was created, like in chess.

Rumors spread that the Moscow City Council wanted to take over the costs, which meant

at the arts council. Burdin could not stand it and promised to approve the project.

Again we are sitting in the same room, with the same layout.

Burdin kept his word. The style of discussion has changed. The speakers acknowledged

that after completion the project can be approved with comments. Before the beginning

There were no comments at the meeting. They showed up last

moment and turned the decision into a useless piece of paper.

The final text of the decision read: "Given the persistent requests of the family

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, Artistic Council of the Main

Architectural and Planning Department of the Moscow City Executive Committee approves

However, for its part, the Arts Council recommends considering

version of the gray granite wall of a lower height. In addition, artistic

Council considers it more appropriate to replace the proposed project as

tombstones to make a bust on a stele".

I thought that we won - there is a word "I approve". Unknown was

I was skeptical and turned out to be right. Nobody accepted this decision.

Moreover, while we were arguing, the artistic council of the Art Fund

annulled its positive decision. It was something to give up.

I tried to catch Posokhin - he was hiding. Finally I went to his house.

He couldn't stand it.

It doesn't matter if I like the project or not. Until there is a command

above, I won't say anything. I won't sign any paper! -

The circle is closed...

Trouble has come, open the gates: to the post of head of the head office, in charge of

cemeteries, a new man came - a retired colonel, a former chief

camps in the North. I didn't remember his last name. He canceled the previous one in one fell swoop

decision to increase the site for the monument. I spent half a day in his

receptionist, until finally he deigned to receive me and rudely refused.

I called the Moscow City Council Bykov. He was surprised at the arbitrariness and immediately called for

own head of department. I came too. Five minutes was enough

restoration of justice, the question of reducing the site is no longer

existed. Valentin Vasilyevich Bykov turned out to be the only person who did not

who changed his mind, did not renounce his words.

It finally became clear that no solution could be found at this level. Remained

break through to the very top.

I suggested starting with Grishin. He is the first secretary of the Moscow Committee

party, worked for many years side by side with his father, often visited our house.

The stranger recognized the phone, and surprisingly quickly I got through to

assistant Grishin Yu.P. Izyumov. He promised to report. Followed a week later

We do not deal with these issues. This is the business of the Moscow City Council and GlavAPU, on the one hand

side, and managing the affairs of the Council of Ministers - on the other. We are of no help

Can. Contact there.

A rumor reached the Unknown, apparently specially intended for our

ears that allegedly Grishin, in a conversation with an assistant, complained about his impotence in this

If I had a different position, I would certainly allow it. Now

There is a situation in which I can not do anything - he justified himself.

The rejection completely discouraged us. Except how to call Brezhnev himself

there was no one else.

It was with great reluctance that I took up this task. But I didn't see any other way.

It turned out that since 1968, when I last spoke with the secretariat

Secretary General, all phones have changed. Phone number lookups

took almost a month. Having phoned the secretariat, I stated my case. To me

advised to turn to the assistant of Leonid Ilyich - G.E. Tsukanov and gave

his phone number. Again, repeated unsuccessful attempts followed. Not

I remember how lucky I was and I finally heard the lordly

I listen to you...

Comrade Tsukanov, hello, - I got excited. - Are you worried about Khrushchev

Sergei Nikitich on the construction of a monument to my father. It's all about

stalled. We've been fighting for a year now and we can't solve anything. Left alone

hope for the help of Leonid Ilyich.

I don't understand why you are calling me? This is the case management

I have been trying to resolve this issue with them for a year, but to no avail

Can. That is the only reason I decided to turn to you, - I hurried, realizing that

my business is broken.

Do you think we don't have more important questions? In this case we are not

we do and we won't.

But who can help me?

There was a ringing tone on the phone...

Now it became completely unclear what to do next. Contact higher?

Only the Lord God remained above...

March 1974 ended.

I really didn't want to involve my mother in these troubles. She lacked for

old age to listen to rude answers. But there was no other choice. I'm short

told her about the situation. She listened to me amazingly.


I told you a long time ago that it was time for me to intervene. Ok, I'll call


I did not really believe in a positive result, too many disappointments

had to experience along the way. Kosygin did not have to seek for a long time.

Having found out who was calling, the secretary said that Alexey Nikolaevich was busy, asked

phone number and promised to connect as soon as possible. After half an hour

The bell rang.

Nina Petrovna? Kosygin's secretary is speaking. I connect you with Alexey


Kosygin was as attentive as he had been a decade ago. inquired about

health, lamented for years.

I'm listening to you, Nina Petrovna, what happened? he got down to business.

Mom spoke briefly about our troubles. Kosygin listened without interrupting.

Do you like this project yourself? he asked a single question.

Yes, I like it, otherwise I wouldn't call.

Fine. I'll have it sorted out. We know your phone numbers. To you


He graciously said goodbye.

Mom called me at work and told me about the conversation that had taken place.

Inspired, I decided to immediately go to the Unknown with good news.

However, as soon as he hung up, another call rang out. I was tracked down

deputy head of the economic department of the Council of Ministers and asked urgently

deliver a drawing of the monument for a report to Kosygin. The car turned over.

A day later, a colored drawing lay in the economic department on the table at

Chief Leontiev. He looked at it for a long time, turned it this way and that, then

Comrade Posokhin presented us his version of the tombstone - a bust on a stele

by analogy with the monuments near the Kremlin wall. We will report both


He showed me a small sheet of paper with a rough ink sketch

schemes of a stele with a bust. I began to object, gave all my arguments. They are not


Well, let's see. Let's report both options and let you know the result, -

summed up Leontiev.

The agonizing wait began. A week has passed. Silence. I couldn't take it

called the economic department.

Alexei Nikolaevich hasn't watched anything yet. As soon as we report, we will

let us know, they answered me.

Again waiting. Another week has passed.

I remember that warm sunny April day. Phone call

caught me at work. It was the head of the department from the economic

management, who handled my case.

Alexey Nikolaevich reviewed the projects. We would like you to come along.

What did he say? - I could not resist.

I can't say anything over the phone. Come.

It was difficult to get to Razin Street that day. Someone once again

met, and in anticipation of the solemn cortege, Leninsky Prospekt had already begun

overlap. I had to go through the back alleys. Finally I arrived and literally

ran into a familiar office.

Congratulations! - the owner met me. - Let's go to a friend

Leontiev. He is waiting.

Leontiev told the details of the report from Kosygin:

Alexey Nikolayevich reviewed the project and gave the order for the construction

monument. He believes that if the family approved of him, then there is no need for the Department of Affairs

or someone else to interfere. We have already called Comrade Posokhin. call

with him, he will give all the necessary orders. There will be hitches or help will be needed

Feel free to call. Let's help.

It is necessary to write a letter to the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR about the allocation of bronze,

I remembered.

Let's do it immediately. Just tell me what the form of the letter should be.

We still need to give instructions to the plant, - I feverishly went over in my mind our


Let's give today.

It was clear that Leontiev was happy with this outcome. The source of our

trouble was elsewhere.

When I returned to work, the first thing I did was dial Posokhin's phone. Secretary

all the last months did not know how to get rid of me, this time

rejoiced at me, as a native:

How wonderful, Sergei Nikitich, that you called! Mikhail Vasilievich you

searches, asks every five minutes. We can't reach you

get through! Now I will connect you. Just in case, let me write down the number

your phone.

Posokhin was benevolence itself:

Hello Sergey Nikitich! I already know everything. Congratulations! To me

called from the Council of Ministers. We will immediately approve your project!

When will the council meet?

What do you! No advice needed. Let's print today. When you

can you come?

Now. Blue with me.

Is it possible to put a seal on the drawing that Alexei had

Nikolaevich? Posokhin hesitated.

I began to laugh.

It is impossible, - I answered sternly, - you need to have several copies: you,

Art Fund, factory, me. It's impossible. Moreover, in the figure

dimensions are not marked, but they are on the blue. will arise again

misunderstandings, what should be the height - two thirty or two ten.

Posokhin was silent for a minute.

Come on, I'm waiting...

The waiting room at Posokhin was crowded. Those present rushed to me with

congratulations. Many have been on my side before, they liked the monument.

Now they are admired by all without exception. I moved to the office door

Posokhin, but the secretary politely but decisively stopped me.

Sergey Nikitich, you need to go to the head of the department, - she called

surname, - he will sign everything.

Isn't it Mikhail Vasilyevich? I was genuinely surprised. - We've just

talked to him.

No no. He has already given all the commands, - she pushed me away from the door.

Apparently, Posokhin, while I was driving, he changed his mind and decided not to put his signature.

Just in case.

And now I have blueprints in my hands with the long-awaited seal of GlavAPU, a stamp

"I approve" and signature. I called Unknown. His joy knew no bounds.

Come immediately. Tell me everything in detail, he demanded.

When I finished the story, there was a feeling of celebration in my soul. Ernst

Iosifovich smiled contentedly.

Now the main thing is not to get discouraged, - he started up. - Need to

hurry, hurry and hurry! We must have time to erect a monument,

until something else changes.

Life taught him many bitter lessons. He knew what he was talking about.

On the same day, we went to my house, took away photographs of my father. More

after a couple of days, the shapers made a blank for the head. When I came to

workshop to see how the work was going, at first I was very surprised - before

I had Lenin's head. Ernst Iosifovich laughed.

To get started, any image is suitable - you need ears, a nose, eyes,

so they filled their hands on the busts of Lenin that it is easiest for them to fashion it.

The work was controversial. The head became more and more like a father, but

Unknown did not satisfy.

The portrait of Nikita Sergeevich should be very, very similar. On others

on tombstones, I allowed some stylization, but here it should be clean

realistic, I would say, even naturalistic, - he repeated already

the words I heard.

For a long time he did not succeed in the cut of the eyes, the lower part of the face. Finally head in

clay was ready. Recent scrutiny. We are both used to

got used to the portrait, a fresh eye was required.

They collected their own, home "commission". Mom, Rada, Yulia arrived. next to

the sculpture put a large photo of his father. We compare again and again. All


The work is over. It's time to send it to the factory.

Let's go to Mytishchi. The director is kind but adamant: "Where is the decision of the board

Art Fund? I tried slipping the old solution but the trick didn't

succeeded. They returned to Moscow with nothing. I had to call the Art Fund.

The director was away, and the deputy picked up the phone.

Are you on the issue of making a tombstone for Khrushchev? Do you have a decision about

installation? he got worried.

There is a positive decision of GlavAPU, - I answered proudly.

Well, if so, let's put the question at the next council, - calmed down my


This time the advice was not as benevolent as before. special

no nagging was expressed, but everyone was afraid of something. Suddenly they began to discuss

cost - the project did not fit into the three thousand allotted by the state.

One could feel the underlying fear of the members of the council: if three thousand were taken away,

it means they knew what they were doing, but here it’s more expensive. Is there a trick? No matter how

approve something. Next, the chairman doubted: he wanted to

look at the head in kind - you never know what this Unknown can come up with.

Decided: to approve conditionally, finally decide after the visit

workshop to examine the head in kind.

Two weeks later, members of the council arrived at the workshop. head made in

the best realistic traditions, they liked it. "Well, perhaps, if

wants," read on their faces. Ernst Iosifovich accepted congratulations.

So, all conceivable tips have been passed, we must begin actually

manufacturing. The plant received a call from the Council of Ministers. The work was accepted out of order.

Difficulties arose in production. "A slab of 2.5 x 2.5 meters cannot be cast,

Technologists said. “We need to divide it into four parts, and then cook it.”

We thought about it and decided not to make a single slab, but to break it into four, leaving

gaps between them, otherwise traces of welding will appear over time, and from

thermal expansion, a solid slab may warp.

foundation for the monument. They did it to the conscience: they dug a hole almost to the coffin

and everything was filled with concrete, reinforced with steel reinforcement. The same team took over

erection of a monument. The necessary equipment was allocated by the economic department

Council of Ministers. Everything was done as if by magic, and

little by little we began to forget about our recent ordeals.

A sunny but already chilly August day in 1975. We

We were about to complete our four-year work - the installation of a tombstone.

In the morning, Neizvestny and I went to the factory in Mytishchi to meet the car.

We agreed on ten o'clock. Ten o'clock - no car, eleven - no. We

got worried, understanding intellectually that the delay was purely technical, and yet

forgotten fear came to life: did it all start again?

Finally the car showed up. It turned out that a wheel broke on the way, his

had to change.

And here the stones are loaded. They will come for the plates on the next flight. head

Carefully put into my Zhiguli. An hour later, we arrived at

Novodevichy cemetery. The crane was already there. A friend from

Council of Ministers. On the first day, the installation decided not to start. Stones and bronze laid down

next to the foundation until tomorrow. The head was taken to the workshop.

And then came the installation day. The weather did not disappoint, the sun shone like

order. The crane carefully picked up the first bronze slab.

Foreign correspondents fussed around us, taking pictures of each

step. There were no representatives of the Soviet press, just like at the funeral.

An unknown person turned to journalists with a request not to publish anything until

completion of work. We wanted to insure against any accidents.

The cemetery was then still open for free visits, at the grave

an impressive crowd gathered. They found a rope, fenced off the place of work. Every now and then

it was necessary to drive behind him excessively curious. Finally the last

operation - installation of the head. The setting sun brightly illuminated the monument.

The stranger took his head and approached the stones. Niche by his height turned out to be

placed too high. Found a box. He climbed on it and -

solemn moment - the head is set. The work is done!..

The photo with the Unknown standing on the box went around all the newspapers of the world.

The final touch remained: the area around the monument was covered with sand.

They dumped the whole car. However, the visitors carried away all the sand on their soles.

We warmly thanked the representative of the Council of Ministers for their help. It was evident that and

he is pleased. And to tell you the truth, he tried very hard.

May I convey that you have no comments? he asked in farewell.

And a big thank you! I replied with good reason.

By this time, the space around the grave was filled with people:

my friends, friends of the Unknown, just acquaintances and strangers. All were

excited, laughing, congratulating Ernst Iosifovich and me along with him.

In a word, holiday!

There were no officials. Only one member of the artistic council came -

Tsigal. Walked around the monument from all sides, congratulated the Unknown, but did not

held out:

You still did not take into account our desire to reduce the height.

The stone was kept in the size of the project, but Ernst Iosifovich did not lower


We even had to slightly raise the height compared to the estimates.

On this they parted ways.

It's time to pay, - I cheerfully turned to the Unknown. - in the contract

a fee has been agreed upon, and it must be handed over upon completion of the work.

When we met and began negotiations, the Unknown refused

money. However, on reflection, he agreed that free work could be

regarded as a kind of demonstration. We agreed on the amount of the fee.

Well, the work is done great, and I earned money honestly, - in tone

Unknown answered me, hiding an envelope with money. - Now I invite

mark this event.

We went to the National. An impromptu banquet rounded off this

happy day.

The next morning we were back at the cemetery. Around the monument stood

crowd. The entire slab was littered with autumn flowers. People were discussing

arguing, taking pictures...

To this day, there is a lot of controversy around the monument: some people like it, others

majority; others are actively opposed. But the main thing - no one remains

indifferent. We have achieved the goal - on the grave of an outstanding person stood so

an extraordinary monument. Many come in from the side in search of the author's signature.

Not everyone has heard his last name. Sometimes there is confusion:

Others explain:

This surname is Unknown. He is famous all over the world.

Most of the questions are the combination of white and black. When me

they ask, I, as a rule, do not retell the author's intention.

Every real work of art has a life of its own, and you

see yourself in it, it reflects your thoughts, - I say like a real

art critic. - Think and see.

There are many opinions: good and evil, life and death, less often - good and bad luck in

Khrushchev's fate.

And one woman explained:

White is good, black is bad.

Well, each of them is right in their own way.

The portrait caused a lot of talk. The author's intention remains unclear

to the majority. "The head is like a severed one," many say.

Did not receive approval from the first visitors and the color of the old gold. However,

it's already past. Time has ordered the color. Now the head is almost black, and

gray plate.

It seems to me that the efforts of the Unknown, and mine, and everyone who helped us,

were not in vain, and a tombstone worthy of his name and his

difficult life.

Although we aimed to complete the installation of the monument by the anniversary of my father's death,

our plans did not include the official opening ceremony. We didn't want

irritate the authorities - all sorts of speeches will inevitably cause a resonance, attract

monument to unnecessary attention. Taught by bitter experience, we did not take

predict how it might end. Order to demolish the monument? Vital

experience has shown that this assumption is not so absurd. more likely

there were troubles for those who helped us - I think, not excluding Alexei

Nikolaevich Kosygin.

I remembered the words of Yevtushenko: "In silence there is something more

significant,” and I decided to follow his recommendation. However, life

ordered otherwise.

On the anniversary of her death, mother was going to come to the cemetery later, after

closing, when the visitors disperse and it will be possible to quietly stand at the grave.

We drove up to the gates of the cemetery, a large crowd had gathered there. To those who everyone

year on this day came to honor the memory of his father, this time they added

his unfamiliar admirers, foreign correspondents.

Zhenya Yevtushenko ran up to the car. He opened the door, carefully supported under

elbow mom, helped her get out. He opened a large umbrella over her. All the time he was

next to her, in the spotlight. Quietly he asked me:

Who will speak?

Apparently, the refusal to speak four years ago did not give him rest, and

now he wanted to correct his mistake. But we didn't want a rally or speeches.

Nevertheless, at the monument, he said a few kind words about his father.

Blitz flashed, we were photographed by foreign correspondents, but

no questions were asked - the moment was not right for an interview. After half an hour

we parted. Behind him in the darkness there was a monument littered with flowers.

When a few days later we met with the Unknown, he said,

that he was visited by a delegation of former prisoners of the Stalinist camps. They

tried to give him the money they collected as a token of gratitude for the monument.

"We have established a duty at the monument. We change flowers every day," -

they told the Unknown.

Some Armenian sculptor placed at the foot of the monument a

the marble face of his father, accompanying his offering with a touching note.

Every day a huge crowd gathered at the monument. She then spread

around, then shrunk. Here and there heated debates broke out. not indifferent

This, of course, did not pass by the attention of those who, on duty, must

to know everything. The "gloomy" forecasts were justified - the monument stirred up, raised to

surface interest in Khrushchev. Revived the faded memories of

stormy sixties. Now they have united - Khrushchev and Neizvestny - and

the glory of one supported, highlighted the glory of the other.

They couldn't bear it for a long time. Novodevichy Cemetery closed for

visitors "due to renovation". So it stood "under repair" for more

ten years. Now the ban has been lifted, there are guided tours around the cemetery, strangers

bring fresh flowers to the grave of the father ...

PICTURED: Monument to N.S. Khrushchev at the Novodevichy Cemetery. The work of the sculptor Ernst Neizvestny.

Despite the events in the Manezh, despite the subsequent persecution, the impossibility of a full-fledged work, Ernst Neizvestny did not experience hostile feelings towards N.S. Khrushchev, moreover, had respect for him, saw in him an outstanding personality. Therefore, without further ado, he undertook to make a tombstone. He worked on the monument for 4 years. At the same time, there was constant fuss around the monument, inspired by some members of the Politburo. Nevertheless, the monument was made and installed on Khrushchev's grave at the Novodevichy Cemetery. In September 1975, its opening even spontaneously took place there. True, after that the Novodevichy cemetery was closed "for repairs", which lasted 10 years.

The whole "saga" with the manufacture and installation of the monument is colorfully described in the memoirs of the son of N.S. Khrushchev Sergey Nikitovich (Chapter VI. Monument: http://www.bibliotekar.ru/polk-22/7.htm.

We know about the idea embodied in the monument, first of all, from the words of the sculptor himself, given in the Memoirs of S.N. Khrushchev:

At the heart of life itself in the philosophical sense lies the confrontation of two principles, - Unknown habitually broadcast, - light - progressive, dynamic, and dark - reactionary, static. One moves forward, the other pulls back. This basic idea of ​​the development of being is very well suited to the image of Nikita Sergeevich. He began to lead our country out of darkness, exposed Stalin's crimes. Dawn dawned before all of us, promising a quick sunrise. The light began to disperse the darkness.

This approach will allow you to better understand the main ideas of the tombstone. The main component is white marble, its dynamic form steps on black granite. Darkness resists, fights, does not give up its positions, including within the person himself. It is not for nothing that the head is placed on a white stand, but a black background remains behind. In the upper corner on white is a symbolic image of the sun. Beams stretched down from him. They dispel darkness. The head of the color of old gold on white not only looks good, but it is also a symbol - this is how the Romans immortalized their heroes. Everything rests on a solid foundation of a bronze slab. Don't move her. Do not reverse the process that has begun.

In the slab on the left, when viewed from the stele, there is a hole in the shape of a heart. Red flowers should grow there, personifying burning, self-sacrifice. There is also an inscription "Khrushchev Nikita Sergeevich", on the other side of the date of birth and death. And nothing more, no explanation. Everything should be concise and majestic. Remember the inscription on Suvorov's grave: "Here lies Suvorov." And that's all. No commanders, field marshals, orders.

For the first time, Ernst Iosifovich explained his plan to outsiders in such detail. Usually he limited himself to general words about good and evil, life and death. Later, in difficult times, he made excuses: "You brought your friends. I thought you could say everything."

And another quote:

To this day, there is a lot of controversy around the monument: some people like it, they are the majority; others are actively opposed. But the main thing - no one remains indifferent. We achieved our goal - an equally outstanding monument stood on the grave of an outstanding person. Many come in from the side in search of the author's signature.
Not everyone has heard his last name. Sometimes there is confusion:

Others explain:

This surname is Unknown. He is famous all over the world.

Most of the questions are the combination of white and black. When asked, I usually don't retell the author's intent.

Each real work of art lives its own life, and you see yourself in it, it reflects your thoughts, - I say as a real art critic. - Think and see.

There are many opinions: good and evil, life and death, less often - good and bad luck in the fate of Khrushchev.

And one woman explained:

White is good, black is bad.

Well, each of them is right in their own way.

The portrait caused a lot of talk. The intention of the author remained incomprehensible to the majority. "The head is like a severed one," many say.

Did not receive approval from the first visitors and the color of the old gold. However, this is already the past. Time has ordered the color. Now the head is almost black, and the plate is grayish.

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev (1894–1971)- General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

The period of Nikita Khrushchev's rule went down in history as the term "thaw"

With coming to power Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev (1894–1971) the influence of ideological censorship in the USSR significantly weakened. In particular, the activity of repressions has decreased, and many political prisoners have been released. The country has achieved amazing success in space exploration, a large-scale campaign was launched to build residential buildings. In 1964 Khrushchev was removed from office. He died at the age of 77 from a heart attack. He was buried in Moscow on (site 7, right side at the entrance to the "newest" part).

On the grave of Nikita Khrushchev, a monument was erected by the famous sculptor Ernst Neizvestny. The material of execution is white marble. The monument is made of solid figured blocks, folded into a single composition. In its upper part, Khrushchev is installed in front. Four granite slabs are laid at the base of the monument, forming a kind of pedestal. In the foreground there is an inscription in large metal letters: "Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, 1894-1971". The symbols are slanted, so that the inscription is well read from all angles. In the plate on the right, there is a small figured hole for

In July, a monument is erected on the grave of Nikita Khrushchev at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Because of this, the country's main civilian necropolis is closed to the public.

Former prime minister and first secretary of the Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev, who ruled the Soviet Union for ten years, was removed from his posts eleven years ago. Since then, the previously glorified "our dear Nikita Sergeevich" was not heard. Only once did his apparently forced short statement appear: Khrushchev refused his memoirs published in the West. Moreover, the former leader of the country ceased to officially exist not only in the present, but also in the past - as if after the death of Stalin, the USSR had no leader. Four years ago, the newspapers announced Khrushchev's death in one sentence. The “personal pensioner of allied significance” was allowed to be buried at the Novodevichy cemetery, the most prestigious in Moscow.

The family of the deceased unexpectedly ordered a tombstone from the sculptor Ernst Neizvestny, one of those whom Khrushchev vilified at his meetings with artists. The monument turned out to be dramatic: black and white marble bars, between them lies a bronze head, very recognizable - strong, bald, with a large wart. The allegory is interpreted either as Khrushchev between hell and good in general, or between Stalin's evil and the good of the Khrushchev thaw in particular. In any case, the first monument to the former first street, erected on a private initiative, is very confusing.

The authorities decide to close Novodevichy for free entry, issuing passes to the relatives of the buried. Previously, the public went to this cemetery as the second most important (after the burials near the Kremlin wall) national pantheon. Here are the graves of many heroes and cultural figures - including pre-revolutionary ones. It turns out, for example, that no one can come to Gogol at all, since the author of Dead Souls has left no offspring. In addition, the rumor still makes the easily “retold” monument to Khrushchev the most famous Soviet tomb sculpture.

Phenomena mentioned in the text

Removed Khrushchev 1964

On October 14, for the first time in Russian history, the first person of the state was deposed in his lifetime without his subsequent assassination - Nikita Khrushchev was dismissed

Scandal at the exhibition in the Manege. Meetings with the intelligentsia 1962

The experiments of Soviet artists in contemporary art were mercilessly scolded by the head of the party and government, Nikita Khrushchev. A series of scandals between the leader-reformer and cultural figures begins

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