Eastern horoscope bull relationship with other years. General and love horoscope: Ox-woman. Green Wood Bull

The Ox woman is characterized by the desire to start a family. A strong and reliable marriage is hers top priority. She always shows loyalty in relationships; she is a reliable partner. She has enormous power will.

In behavior, the Ox Woman is predominantly calm and reserved. Very amorous nature, maybe for a long time focus on one person, even if the feelings are not mutual.

Women born in the year of the Ox see things through to completion and do everything to keep their promises. Their character is sensitive and kind. At the same time, they look at life realistically and are pragmatic in their principles.

The Ox Woman prefers to do everything according to plan. Shows accuracy in any activity. She is honest and demands this from others. Has a negative attitude towards even minor dirty tricks from the environment. Knows how to speak and behave with dignity in public. In negotiations, if desired, he always achieves success. Men like her and easily receive help and support from them. Charm, femininity and coquetry remain with her all her life.

She doesn't like noisy companies and extreme entertainment. Prefers outdoor recreation. Opens up completely when communicating with a limited circle of closest people.

Does not tolerate quarrels and does everything to avoid them. Capable of creating a cozy nest in which a man will feel comfortable and happy. For the Ox woman in the family, the most important thing is stability and confidence. The loyalty and diligence of the Ox woman makes her the perfect wife one can only dream of. She is a devoted partner and caring mother.

Although she is very patient and calm in family relationships, her trust can be lost almost forever. If a man makes her angry, deceives her, or hurts her, she may never forgive her. The Ox woman is very jealous and demanding; she can only be happy with a determined, independent man.

If she likes a man, she will immediately demonstrate it. She is serious and responsible in relationships and does not play with other people’s feelings. Does not tolerate harsh treatment or intentionally stupid actions. Knows how to empathize and helps others. Thanks to this, the Ox woman is always attractive and pleasant to others. Her charm is enhanced by her dress sense and careful grooming.

The Ox woman is very meticulous in raising children. She shows them all kindness and love, while easily ensuring that the kids are in early age become neat and obedient.

Women born in the year of the Ox know how to cook quickly and tasty. They keep the house beautiful and comfortable, and spare no time in creating a cozy atmosphere in the home. They love plants both in the house and in the garden.

In her work, the Ox woman prefers to set realistic goals and achieve them. She always knows what to do and calculates everything dozens of steps ahead. She chooses her profession carefully and is faithful to her work. Her achievements and success in her career are due to her assertiveness, patience, and determination. Feels confident in the role of leader. She enjoys power and leads confidently and decisively. She is moderately demanding and tries to keep everything under control. Before you get serious
the solution is everything
ponders and weighs.

There are no difficulties for the Ox woman. She has a stock of ideas on how to solve any problem. Easily attracts others to the process of achieving the goal. They prefer creative work, but can cope well with the tasks of a politician. They are delighted with work related to nature, animals and plants.

Sometimes, to get to know a person better, you don’t necessarily need to spend a lot of time communicating or even talking to him in person. People familiar with such a concept as a horoscope often study the characteristics inherent in a particular zodiac sign. This knowledge gives them the confidence and ability to avoid conflicts long before they arise.

Oxen are one of the most purposeful, but easy to communicate people. A woman born this year is able to surprise with her calmness and friendliness. She always stands firmly on her feet and does not allow circumstances to knock her down. At first glance, life with such a lady seems simply fabulous. But in order to fully get to know this girl, it’s worth getting acquainted with all her, even if not the most pleasant, traits and habits.

Characteristics of the Ox woman.

Representatives of the fair sex, born in the year of this strong and powerful animal, at first glance may seem weak and fragile, but this is only an appearance. They have a strong character and are able to withstand many difficulties that life will throw at them. But despite this, the Ox woman does not withdraw into herself, she is always active, joyful and optimistic. These qualities make her a good conversationalist, with whom it is pleasant and easy to communicate. If a person wants to acquire a faithful comrade, he should turn his attention to representatives of this sign.

Oxx ladies are reliable and loyal friends who will always support you in Hard time not only in words, but also in deeds. You can safely trust them with your secrets and secrets. A woman born in the year of the Ox will not only listen, but also give excellent advice to resolve any problem. But nevertheless, when communicating with such a lady, you need to follow some rules. It’s important to choose the right words and be tactful, because these girls easily lose their temper when they hear unpleasant things addressed to them. But this can only happen in in rare cases, since in Everyday life they are usually calm and balanced.

Career of a woman - Ox according to the horoscope

Such a quality as determination is very important in obtaining a promotion and successful promotion in labor activity. Since the Ox is a strong and stubborn animal, ladies born under his auspices also have these character traits. They cope with routine with enviable resilience and do not fall into apathy, carrying out the same tasks year after year. But their disadvantage is the absence of any outstanding talents, so Bulls often become subordinates rather than bosses.

This arrangement suits them quite well, since these girls believe that working for someone else is easier and calmer. They do not like to subjugate people and prefer a measured lifestyle without scandals and intrigues. In order to feel comfortable, a woman born in the year of the Ox always needs to know the exact plan of action. They stick to a schedule at work, like to make a schedule for each day and are excellent at completing assigned tasks.

Love and relationships

For Ox girls, the main rule in choosing a partner is caution. They are easily upset and offended, so the person who will accompany such a woman throughout her life must be gentle and tactful. Sincere and affectionate man perfect for this role. But, despite this, he must be able to push and support his partner, since she is not able to express herself and take the first steps in romantic relationships. The Ox Woman gives her preference to everything familiar and traditional. The familiar way of relationships, where the man is in charge, suits her quite well. She is ready to give him all her love and care, without demanding anything in return.

Family life

If a man wants to get a faithful and kind wife, he should give his preference to a woman born in the year of the Ox. Such ladies will make family life easy and carefree. They never think about bad things and do not suspect their husbands, even if they stay at work for a long time. Their home is full of love and understanding.

Bulls are homebodies, and chores such as cleaning up or cooking are a joy for them. Children born in this marriage will always be happy, since their mother is ready to give her children all her attention and support.

Compatibility with other signs

The Ox Girl will definitely be happy surrounded by people who understand her. Therefore, she should take the choice of her chosen one seriously.

With an Ox man she will be able to build full of love and trust relationship. Roosters love everything familiar and traditional, which means they will be good partners for such a lady. Rats, like Oxen, are distinguished by their hard work, which will make their marriage successful, and in life together these signs will become even more diligent. An alliance with dreamy Monkeys or mysterious Rabbits can also be successful for a woman born in the year of the Ox.

Inappropriate signs

It is impossible to say exactly how the life together of the two will develop. different people, relying only on the horoscope. But despite this, there are some rules that can be taken into account in order to facilitate the creation of strong union.

Relationships with Snakes and Goats will be unsuccessful, since it will be very difficult for the representative of the Bulls to get along with them under the same roof. Freedom-loving Horses will not withstand the constancy of these ladies, which will most likely lead to the destruction of the marriage. It will also be difficult to build a family with a Pig and a Dog. The compatibility of the Ox woman with the Tiger leaves much to be desired. She must know that such an alliance will not bring proper peace. Their family life will be full of quarrels and risks turning into a constant battlefield.

The Ox woman is a real lady from head to toe! Its inner rod appears to be made of hardened steel; her goals, principles and ideals are higher than the sky, but you just need to be the man of her dreams - and you will be surprised at how defenseless and selfless her loving heart is.

The confidence and inner strength that the Ox woman literally radiates makes her incredibly attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, but not everyone can handle a true lady! Politely but clearly, the Ox woman knows how to set boundaries for those who do not meet her high level of expectations. As for the womanizers and revelers, she sees them a mile away, trying to always keep them at this safe distance from herself.

A self-confident, thoughtful, regal woman, the Ox needs a man to match as a life partner: one who knows exactly what he wants, reasonable and restrained. Such a man, figuratively speaking, would prefer a couple of sips of single malt whiskey in the company of his beloved woman to a noisy beer party. We are, of course, not talking about alcohol - the chosen one of the Ox woman may not drink at all - but about his high level culture and the desire to spend as much time as possible with your significant other.

How to win an Ox woman

The most important step in winning the proud heart of an Ox woman is to convince her of the seriousness of your intentions. In the process of courtship, it is not at all necessary to hone on her the brilliant techniques of seduction and throwing dust in the eyes, which are taught in pickup courses. Instead of an orchestra under the windows and Troubadour-style serenades (which the practical Ox woman is unlikely to appreciate), it is better to choose true care and attention towards her: hold the door, remember your favorite dish, listen carefully.

Remember, the Ox woman, in her life credo, is rather not a “sweet princess”, but a “reasonable queen”, no matter what her age and status. Your sincerity and serious approach will do much more than hundreds of spectacular, but essentially empty gestures. Of course, this does not mean at all that the Ox woman, unlike all other women on Earth, does not need to be charmed. It is necessary, and how! Another thing is that you won’t get reciprocity from her with charm and pressure alone.

The Ox woman is very practical; she understands that brightness and tinsel will go away over time, but the relationship will remain. That is why the representative of this sign of the Chinese horoscope first of all pays attention to the sobriety and sanity of a man in actions, and not just in words; carefully studies his decisions and actions in difficult situations. Demonstrate to the Ox woman that your arms grow from your shoulders, and your head works clearly and clearly, and your chances of success will increase unimaginably!

And another piece of advice - in the process of courting an Ox woman, try not to rush: give her time to take a closer look at you, think about whether she is ready for serious relationship. If one fine day the Ox woman makes a decision in your favor, she will not beat around the bush for a long time, but will immediately directly let you know that she is more than indifferent to you.

Relationship with an Ox woman

The main thing in love relationships with the Ox woman - not flowers on holidays or even material wealth, but common life goals that she wants to share with her loved one. It is enough to look in the same direction with her, and, thanks to the persistence and perseverance of the representatives of this sign of the Chinese horoscope, paired with her, even the most ambitious life tasks will be within your reach. If an Ox woman has set some goal for herself, she will strive for it with all her might. The main thing is that she has confidence that her partner is a faithful ally in her affairs and plans. Instill this simple thought in her, and together with the Ox woman you can move mountains!

Understanding what an Ox woman really wants is usually not difficult - she has the unique ability to speak directly even about delicate things, without hints, without introducing a fog of mystery into her speech. She won’t be offended by trifles, but if you offend her on a big scale, then don’t expect mercy! The Ox woman is capable of destroying an offender - albeit “only” morally, but seriously; When she is furious, she is unfamiliar with words like “mercy” and “pity.” True, in fairness, it must be said that you need to try very hard to bring her to this: a balanced Ox woman can rarely be seen in upset feelings, or even more so with a stamp of anger on her face.

Next to the reliable one, strong man The Ox woman is capable of being surprisingly caring and gentle. Don’t forget to support her - it often happens that, being completely absorbed in business and worries, she completely forgets about herself: she cannot always stop in time, even if she is very tired. At such moments, she simply needs the closeness and warmth of a loved one in order to restore her strength and energy balance.

A strong, purposeful Ox woman has an incredibly kind and open heart. Having found her chosen one, she is ready to become his faithful and reliable support. And from life together he expects so much and so little - “just” mutual support, the warmth of the family hearth and warmth true love, which will not go out after many years.

"Ox Woman" Chinese horoscope", Nadezhda Zima

Years of the Ox, Ox, Buffalo:

1901,1913,1925,1937,1949,1961,1973,1985,1997, 2009, 2021

This sign indicates a fruitful life and long creative career, which will slowly but surely lead a person to new spiritual and creative frontiers.

People of this sign do not grab stars from the sky.

They do not like to lead, to shine and to advance.

But a person born this year has great charm and is pleasant to talk to, which, of course, attracts people to him. He knows how to please and inspires confidence in his person.

These people are patient and taciturn. The Ox is a sign of balance and perseverance. Beneath his calm, even character hides an iron will.

However, sometimes Oxen can be eccentric and lose their temper easily. At these moments you should beware of them - their rage knows no bounds.

Usually taciturn, at the moment of hobbies, Oxen are very eloquent. The Ox is endowed with the quality of a good conversationalist. In general, this sign is not characterized by idle talk; it speaks only to the point.

Bulls have excellent mental and physical abilities. They are decent. They can stand up for the offended, the weak, offer protection and help.

The Ox is not a vampire, and the source of energy for these optimists is nature itself. The Ox does not need to engage in energy theft. All he needs to do is go outside the city, walk through the forest, go fishing - and his strength is restored. Bulls are known as people of easy character, but at the same time they often show stubbornness - they do not like contradictions. They say about people born under this sign: “He stuck his horn.” They lack perspective and flexibility. It is difficult for them to change and enter new orbits.

This sign is considered dual. It symbolizes the spiritual duty of every person, which he must fulfill on earth. So a person born in the year of the Ox can become a conductor of important ideas in a specific place and at a specific time.

Patient, silent, reserved and slow, inconspicuous and balanced, precise, methodical - behind these properties lies the original and intellectual disposition of the Ox. This is a hardworking, conscientious and thoughtful worker who completes everything he undertakes.

He is smart and thorough, he can be a good surgeon, but he has special abilities for agriculture. He should avoid working in trade, because he has difficulty getting along with people. One should not choose a profession related to travel: he loses peace of mind and health.

With those who interfere with him, he is merciless, and nothing stops him.

Despite his outward calm, the Ox is hot-tempered by nature, and in moments of rare anger he is simply terrible. Therefore, it is advisable not to let it go, it can be dangerous. He's stubborn. He hates failure in his affairs.

The ability to provoke others to open up is the main trump card with which he achieves success.

In terms of the number of fast careers, the Bulls can easily compete only with such darlings of fate as the Snake and the Cat. What is the secret of their luck? Why doesn’t the closest horoscopic analogue of the Ox, the Rooster, which gives birth to ideas no less than the Ox, achieve anything? The answer is in the motivation. The Rooster, like all pioneers, longs to discover something new, and the Ox wants to enjoy the result of his ideas.

Having gathered energy and luck together, he can pull the blanket too much over himself. In addition, it is difficult for the Ox to stop; in his expansion he does not know, or rather, does not want to know the limits.

His childhood and youth pass without any special stories. In the second part life path he faces difficulties in his marriage. In love, Oxen are gentle, trusting and reliable, but they rarely manage to achieve complete mutual understanding in the family, as they are too focused on themselves. The Ox does not show too strong feelings and emotions, and partners ask for love. There is a risk that due to the indifference he shows, his significant other will get bored and begin to look for romantic relationships on the side.

In countries where the Ox is considered a sacred animal, many beliefs and legends are associated with it.

According to legend, the philosopher Lao Tzu traveled in the mountains in search of immortality on a buffalo. And in Tibet, thanks to mountain yak buffalos, entire generations of spiritual teachers, philosophers and hermits survive in the most difficult and difficult conditions. There, this animal symbolizes not only strength, but also justice, as well as the ability to overcome the laws of time and death. It is believed that the god of death Yama takes the form of a buffalo to restore the laws of cosmic harmony.

In ancient times, the bull was credited with a special connection with the sky. Primitive bull personified vitality and male power. Not last role in the cults associated with this animal, its fertility played a role.

It is known that in Egypt the bull Apis symbolized precisely the fertility, vitality and creative aspect of the creator god Ptah, acting as a reflection of his soul in the earthly world. In ancient Assyria, higher, divine powers were also associated with the buffalo, and winged bulls, often depicted on the gates of temples, spoke of the ability to rise to cosmic heights.

Ox-man. Characteristic

He is extremely honest, so his friends and colleagues trust him completely. Men of the year of the Ox have boolean type thinking. However, it is very important to remember the existence of inferiority complexes that always accompany

logical thinking. There is nothing wrong with these complexes, it’s just about the inability to give oneself a real assessment.

And therefore, a person of this type needs evidence of his worth: shoulder straps, salary, position, titles, etc.

A man born under this sign has a contemplative character, so he loves solitude and hates innovations that can shake his calm state.

The bull is hot-tempered. The most dangerous trait of his character is the ability to fall into strong anger, reaching such a stage when a person can no longer cope with himself.

He is very powerful. He makes decisions easily and is terribly worried when he fails.

The bull is a follower of conventions and traditions. Don't expect boldness or imagination in his clothes. The Ox should be simple, natural, arrange his life against the backdrop of everything stable and traditional.

The Ox Man is a true hard worker who will bring prosperity and prosperity to his family. This an exemplary family man has no leniency for anything he considers wrong.

His presence in the house is beneficial simply because he, as a rule, has his own business or works for it. As for living conditions, you should not overexert yourself by creating a hothouse environment for the Ox.

This sign is indifferent to comfort, easily adapts to Spartan conditions and even craves certain everyday problems and difficult situations where he can show all his capabilities.

A free profession suits him. He is agile both physically and intellectually. May be good leader. But he is especially gifted in the field of agriculture.

The Ox is an individualist and prefers not to share his innermost thoughts with others. He values ​​independence and would rather act at his own discretion rather than under orders from the outside.

Ox woman. Characteristic

If the Ox man always strives to demonstrate his power, while remaining a rather weak creature inside, then the Ox woman is completely different. She may look weak and indecisive, but she has a will of steel. However, you can’t hide an awl in a bag, and in most cases, when meeting even a confused-looking Ox woman, you quickly realize that in front of you is a rock.

You can count on a woman of this sign in life; she is a reliable and faithful comrade.

But you shouldn’t expect any surprises from her: she doesn’t show courage or imagination, both in clothes and in life.

Women born in the years of the Ox, as a rule, flatly refuse leadership positions, explaining that they are completely devoid of any will. But... once they get down to business, everything goes as it should.

They know how to concentrate the will, not only of their own, but also of those around them. Back side strong will is the heat of romantic love. Just three female sign have the gift of active offensive love - Ox, Snake and Rooster. There is nothing catastrophic in this, it’s just that women of these signs in love strive first of all to give, and not to receive.

They thirst to love, they love generously, sometimes even without reciprocity. This does not quite correspond to the social expectation that the active party in love and friendship should be the man.

With outward sentimentality and a love of tears, the Ox woman will never stop at the most cruel measures if she considers them justified. Pity itself never knocks on her heart.

By nature, the Ox woman is a homebody; she knows how to take care of her hearth. A magnificent and attentive housewife, she is often the one who steers the “family ship.” Unfortunately, she is rarely understood by others due to her stubborn sectarianism. However, she loves her family and is proud of her children.

Varieties of Ox

Metal Bull (1901,1961, 2021)

Water Bull (1913,1973, 2033)

Wooden Bull (1925, 1985, 2045)

Fire Bull (1937,1997, 2057)

Earth Bull (1949, 2009, 2069)

Born in the year of the Ox

Ivan Sechenov, Ivan Krylov, Vasily Klyuchevsky, Vladimir Gilyarovsky, Mikhail Voynich, Mikhail Kutuzov, Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexey Arakcheev, Gustav Husak, Georges Clemenceau, George Georgiu-Dej, Alexander Pokryshkin, Felix Dzerzhinsky, Nikita Bogoslovsky, Sergei Mikhalkov, Semyon Petliura.

A woman born in the year of the Ox and under the sign of Taurus has a difficult character. They are often said to have dual natures. What advantages lie in her character? And how does she behave in personal relationships and at work?

general characteristics

The Taurus-Ox woman is a difficult lady. At first glance, it is impossible to understand what she thinks about you and what she will do in the next moment. These are dual natures who can give all of themselves to save another, but at the most unexpected moment they can change the situation and will only pursue personal gain. This girl is real The Iron Lady, which is not so easy to break, and sometimes it is simply impossible.

The characteristics of their horoscope indicate that Taurus, born in the year of the Ox, is a person who will do anything to achieve his goal. For them, the main thing in this life is well-being. It is important to note that they always achieve everything exclusively themselves. Even if such a girl is a rich heiress or the wife of a wealthy man, she will not be content with strangers material benefits. She will strive to earn her personal capital.

Such individuals have a great understanding of people and can even be said to see right through them. This talent certainly helps them build good career, achieve your goal and choose a strong partner for yourself in your personal life.

The Ox-Taurus woman has a very strong character, but sometimes only one drawback hinders her. This is excessive stubbornness. Because of this, they cannot achieve harmony in their souls, and this sometimes prevents them from building harmonious relationships with the people around them. They need to learn to be more diplomatic, then everything in life will be even easier and simpler.

If for the sake of work, for the sake of career growth Such women are not ready to change and make concessions, but for the sake of personal happiness they can easily change themselves.

Love and marriage

Women like Taurus-Ox can be partly called careerists. When they are passionate about their work, when they see a clear goal in front of them, they think only about it. Until this woman achieves what she wants in her career, she will not even think about her personal life. For this reason, many of them get married very late, and many even prefer to live alone.

As soon as everything becomes clear and stable with work in the life of the Ox-Taurus, she is ready to completely devote herself to personal happiness. Strong and long relationship such women are ready to build only with a man who can inspire confidence in them, who can prove that he is ready to be that very “stone wall” for her. If a Taurus woman does not feel confident in him, she is unlikely to choose such a man as her life partner.

Sometimes in relationships Taurus-Ox can be too harsh, direct and even a little rude. Not every man is able to withstand such a tone and such an attitude towards himself. Therefore, if you want to build a strong relationship with a man you really like, then you should be a little softer and more restrained.

If this woman manages to achieve good career growth, this will also affect her family members. Taurus-Ox, who occupies a leadership position, will command both her spouse and children. In general, such a woman is capable of being a good mother and caring wife. Born in the year of the Ox and under the sign of Taurus, she loves to take care of the house and is ready to devote herself to household chores, but only if her husband can fully provide for her.

Perhaps the Taurus Ox will not always be a good wife, but he will be the best mother. Perhaps this is the most the main role in her life, which she is ready to play flawlessly. Such a woman will understand her children well and will never force them into bondage or force anything on them. By your example, you will always show your children what you need to be like in this life in order to achieve everything you dream of.

Good compatibility in personal relationships can be observed with men born in the year of the Snake, Rooster or Rat. These women should avoid men born in the year of the Dragon, Pig and Tiger and have nothing to do with them.


As mentioned above, a career for a Taurus Ox woman plays a big role in her life. In order to achieve the desired heights and fully satisfy your ambitions, you need to start thinking about a career in your first year of college. Many women born in the year of the Ox and under the zodiac sign of Taurus only begin to think about a career at the age of thirty. But unfortunately, it's too late for them. In this case, they are unlikely to be able to achieve the heights they have always dreamed of. Most likely, nothing will work out, and your whole life will go according to a different scenario. But if you start thinking about this from your youth, then by the age of thirty everything will turn out the way they dream.

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