What is the name of a man's sign? Male and female Zodiac Signs: what is special

In the alchemical tradition, the symbol of Mars is a graphic image of a circle with an arrow located at an angle of 45 degrees. The “symbol of Mars” meant iron, which in medieval esotericism was inextricably linked with the “red planet” and the element of Fire. At the same time, Mars originally embodied strength, aggression and belligerence (in fact, Mars is the name of the ancient Roman god of war), that is, purely “male” characteristics. That is why, over time, the symbol of Mars became a gender designation for the male sex (in a similar way, the symbol of Venus, which also came from medieval alchemy, and came into it from ancient mythology, began to be used to designate the female sex).

Thus, the symbols of Venus and Mars moved from the alchemical environment into the category of universal gender emblems, which, in fact, is not surprising, given character traits, attributed to the images of these planets. However, the mythological background of the symbols of Venus and Mars is much more significant than it might seem. In particular, the symbol of Mars in its statutory outline has its own characteristic name - “shield and spear of Mars.” And here we literally mean legendary weapon ancient Roman god of war.

However, in the concept of “shield and spear of Mars” the mythological meaning is emphasized only by the concept of “shield”. That is, Mars (in the sense of god) was depicted with a spear (unlike, for example, the Greek Ares, who was sometimes armed with a sword). However, the spear here acted as an absolutely abstract male and military symbol, in which it is easy to see a phallic image. And there is no information that Mars had any special spear that could be classified as a magical artifact.

But the shield of Mars is a completely different image, which is sometimes called (with good reason) the symbol of Rome. The shield of Mars, called the ankylus, according to legend, fell from the sky and fell directly into the hands of King Numa Pompilius at a time when his people were suffering from a pestilence epidemic. Pompilius claimed that the fall of the ankylus was accompanied by a loud voice that told the king that Rome would rule the world as long as the shield of Mars was in the hands of a Roman. Actually, at the official level, the shield of Mars was never a symbol of Rome, however, this myth was widely known at all times, therefore in traditional Roman architecture there are often bas-reliefs and statues that include a characteristic element - the ankylos, the shield of Mars (its image given above).

There are two interesting points in this tradition associated with the shield of Mars. Firstly, the etymology of the word “ankil” itself is not known. Secondly, by order of Pompilius, 11 copies of the original shield were made and once a year, on the holiday of the god of war, servants of the cult of Mars carried these shields through the streets of Rome.

It is not known exactly when the formulation “spear and shield of Mars” appeared (although, for example, the origin of the concept “mirror of Venus”, denoting the female gender sign, is beyond doubt). At the same time, taking into account the courteous features of the image of the god Mars in the form of statues and bas-reliefs (with an ankylos and a spear), this combination looks quite logical. It is no less logical to correlate the desired symbol with the planet of the same name and the masculine principle as such.

Thus, the symbol of Mars, which arose in deep antiquity, experienced a “rebirth” in the Middle Ages on the pages of alchemical treatises, and in the 20th century it became a generally accepted “male” sign. And it is very important that today we know well the true origin of this truly ancient and profound image. After all, if a culture uses emblems the essence of which it does not understand, then such a culture is worthless.

Which has rich history and even nowadays is used as a designation of masculine and feminine principles.

From ancient times to the present day

For a long time, people have tried to reflect the feminine and masculine essence with the help of special symbols. It is worth noting that such images conveyed the distinctive features of the sexes, as well as their unity. The most common signs of the masculine and feminine principles include “Yin and Yang”, as well as the symbolism of Mars and Venus. Each of them has its own history and designation.

The sign “Woman and Man” is an emblem of two completely opposite principles: this is the Moon, water and earth for the feminine essence, and the Sun, heat, fire for the masculine. The masculine symbolizes the creative, social and active principle, and the feminine symbol is the personification of soft, passive power connected with nature.

Male and female signs

The first symbols of Mars and Venus appeared during the times of ancient Greek and Roman mythology. Well-known and recognizable signs were taken from astrology, and they gained popular scientific fame thanks to the botanist Carl Linnaeus. Of course, he used them to indicate the sex of plants. Almost from that moment on, the symbol of a man and a woman began to be used as a sign of the sexes.

The symbols of masculine and feminine principles are absolutely opposite, however, they have similar features. At their core, they in some way resemble opposite types, such as life and death, up and down, moon and sun, earth and water, right and left, etc. They can be collected into a single whole and characterize the masculine principle as the south or east, the Sun and the landowner. Also suitable for this definition are the following concepts: day, house, elder, strong, male. But the female essence will be the complete opposite - west and north, female, younger, weaker, Moon, etc.

Mars and Venus

The Venus symbol is displayed as a closed circle with a cross pointing downwards. Sometimes another name is found - “mirror of Venus”. This name was given to the symbol because of its external similarity. This sign represents beauty, femininity, warmth, care and love.

The male sign - the symbol of Mars - is the same closed circle, but with an arrow pointing upward. If you imagine a dial, the hand should point to two o'clock - this is characteristic of the god of war. “Shield and Spear of Mars” is another name for the male sign.

The combination of these two signs has several interpretations. First of all, it is worth noting one of the most common interpretations is the embodiment of heterosexuality, that is, love between representatives of different sexes. It is worth noting that this symbolism is also used to denote bisexuality, only in this case the signs can be positioned differently (today there is no single designation).

Interesting fact: transsexuals also have their own symbols - a male and female sign overlaps each other, forming a circle with a cross and an arrow. The connection between a male and female sign does not have a clearly defined interpretation. So, this symbol can mean love, friendship, strong affection and passion.

Masculine and feminine principles in the Yin-Yang symbol

It says: almost everything in the world happens under the influence of the feminine and masculine principles. "Yin" is a feminine symbol that represents passivity and submission. The male sign - “Yang”, in turn, acts from the position of intensive development and activity. Laws can describe any phenomenon or event in nature, an object or an action, from the point of view of the masculine and feminine principles. All living beings on planet Earth, as well as the heavenly bodies, are subject to the Yin-Yang laws. For example, zodiac signs begin with a male symbol, and then they alternate.

Gender in the modern world

Most representatives of the strong and weak half of humanity fully share the ideas of Chinese philosophy. For example, almost every man likes to demonstrate his superiority, remarkable strength, and even the smallest victory in the form of a repaired stool. Women, in turn, are distinguished by their gentleness and well-developed intuition. However, in modern world More and more often there are women who have a strong and strong-willed character, that is, they have masculine characteristics. Or, conversely, a man’s character is characterized by excessive softness and even cowardice. These are, of course, individual characteristics that have developed under the influence of psychological character traits and life circumstances. Nevertheless, the most successful and lasting union is considered to be the one in which the sign “Woman and Man” is harmoniously combined.

Gender symbols

The symbols are masculine and have a variety of interpretations in different religions and cultures. Moreover, there are some not very common theories that offer a completely different interpretation of universally recognizable signs. However, circles with an arrow and a cross still remain characteristic and the most famous. The sign “Woman and Man” is the simultaneous embodiment of difference and unity between representatives of the opposite sex and a sign of their immediate essence. Gender symbols are simple signs that hide a very deep meaning of male and female essence.

Compatibility horoscope: Taurus male or female zodiac sign - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The Taurus woman is generously gifted by nature - she is very capable, talented and purposeful. This is one of the most beautiful women among all the signs of the Zodiac. She is distinguished by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. Quite deservedly, she has always been the subject of male dreams.

She has perseverance, wisdom, and she persistently pursues her goals. Approaches any life situation consistently and thoughtfully. She is not the kind of person who strives to stand out by any means; she is impressed by competition and healthy ambition, but not fanaticism. Her ideas about life are clear and meet the generally accepted rules of life for most people.

In life, the Taurus woman is a realist who does not create illusions. Her dreams are quite adequate and achievable. She does not tend to get carried away with intellectual knowledge; she prefers to receive information and experience as she goes through life. There are very rare moments when a Taurus woman loses her composure, commits madness and acts spontaneously. She is naturally wise. She has a natural curiosity, and everything that interests her will be carefully studied, analyzed and put into practice.

Character of a Taurus woman

Taurus woman, whose characteristics can be put in the words “ real woman", has a lively mind, is an attentive and pleasant interlocutor. She is calm, reserved and behaves with great dignity, never making harsh or rude statements towards anyone and never allowing it to be done to herself. This sign combines external beauty with iron will, strength and patience.

Thanks to her great self-control, such a woman rarely loses her temper, but she does not like it at all when people object to her. Therefore, others should not abuse her patience. Any groundless criticism or claims may cause offense and lead to a violent reaction. And, if this happens again, the Taurus woman can turn into an unbearable and vindictive creature. With age, she becomes more domineering, difficult to climb, pathologically loving luxury.

Appearance of a Taurus woman

The Taurus girl is always fresh, beautiful and graceful. She is distinguished by natural charm, smooth movements, calm soft voice and eyes. She has soft, glowing skin and an elegant bust. Her company can evoke the most pleasant feelings and simply has a calming effect.

Thanks to good taste, she skillfully chooses cosmetics and perfumes, and dresses well. At the same time, she knows how to stay within the budget. Her weakness– jewelry and luxury items. Furs and diamonds simply hypnotize this zodiac sign in female form.

Taurus ladies have curvy figures and a thin waist, and are prone to being overweight. Usually slim in their youth, after getting married, finding their other half and relaxing, they stop closely monitoring their weight and often gain weight, which does not spoil them at all.

Attitude to work

Despite extreme femininity, the sign of Taurus knows how to work well. Women are helped in this by patience, self-control, and willpower. Everything they have to do, they do with pleasure, striving to gain satisfaction from the final result.

Women who are associated with this zodiac sign want to be well-off financially, so they are sensitive to the choice of their main activity. But of all the activities that can bring good income, they choose the one that they really love. It's hard for them to just sit back work time without getting satisfaction from work.

The work of a psychologist, secretary, social worker, pharmacist. The profession of a seller is less suitable, but it can also bring pleasure if something related to land is being sold.

Love and relationships

A Taurus woman in love looks for her own partner. When meeting a man, this woman looks for common points of contact, tries to feel the man and his soul. Overly annoying gentlemen will not receive favor from her. She doesn't need a teacher to master the art of flirting. She gives off nonverbal sexual signals spontaneously; she does it as naturally as breathing. The powerful attractive force of her charm and sexuality causes the appearance of a whole stream of men seeking more close communication with her. The well-developed intuition characteristic of such ladies helps to immediately weed out unsuitable applicants and somehow organize acquaintances.

A characteristic feature that this zodiac sign imposes on women is jealousy. Taurus are possessive by nature and they are very familiar with the feeling of jealousy. For some time she turns a blind eye to her suspicions, but when the cup overflows, she has to bitterly regret the culprit, since she is terrible in anger. The Taurus woman is categorically convinced that the way to a man’s heart passes through his stomach. Therefore, in the kitchen she is the same virtuoso as in bed.

This zodiac sign prefers wealthy partners who are also generously gifted by nature. Beauty and impeccability are mandatory requirements for them, but a thick wallet is also highly desirable. Such ladies prefer refined signs of attention, and the best way courting them is classic - expensive gifts, restaurants, vacations in the best places, etc.

A man who could not interest her in bed cannot hope for a long-term relationship. The Taurus woman treats primitive sex with contempt. She herself is capable of giving her partners the widest possible range of sexual pleasures.

Family behavior

The Taurus girl will be a wonderful life partner. She will be able to respect her man and not claim leadership in the family. She sees her life purpose in being a good support for her strong half, an exemplary mother and housewife. The ability to run a home well is distinctive feature characterizing this zodiac sign. Their home is always cozy and tidy, they are extremely hospitable, which, however, only applies to those guests who came by invitation.

Children are of particular importance in the life of a Taurus woman. She devotes most of her free time, all her love and care to them. Her children see their mother as reliable protection, realizing that she is always ready to come to their aid. She maintains good and trusting relationships with both her daughters and sons throughout her life, remaining for them a model of love and fidelity.

By nature, alas, Taurus is prone to polygamy. She can easily have several lovers at once and, not wanting to lose any of them, bestow her feelings on everyone. In this regard, the family life of representatives of this zodiac sign can be unstable. But for real loving Taurus woman rarely cheats on his spouse.

Taurus Woman with other Zodiac Signs

Structure of the Zodiac

Pythagoras: the world is built on the power of numbers. How the Zodiac works, we describe the structure of the zodiac and the world by numbers.

Structure of the Zodiac

The unit (from which all numbers can be obtained) is the number of the Creator. Astrology leads us to the fact that this world is ruled by the Creator. The unit in astrology is the Earth in the center of the world, the unit is us. The symbol of the Sun is a circle and a dot in the center, this is the symbol of the ancient Egyptians. The whole world is a circle, and in the center of the world is a person.

Two in astrology and in the structure of the world is the number of unity and struggle. But if there are two people, there is both attraction and repulsion between them, it can be used in a positive sense, as a symbol of human development. The stronger the attraction, the stronger the repulsion; there is only one step from love to hate.

Zodiac structure: male and female signs

In nature, the two is represented by charges of different polarities. Zodiac signs are also divided into two types: male and female. Masculine – all odd signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius). Female signs follow the male ones (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces). Men usurped primacy in the world until they discovered the planet that turns everything upside down (Uranus).

Uranian Orana USA, where the leading positions are occupied not by men, but by women. Masculine qualities are activity, feminine qualities are passivity. Each person physically belongs to one of the genders, but psychologically, in the character of each person there is a masculine and feminine principle. The complexity of relationships between people lies in the discrepancy between psychology and gender.

If this were not so, then all boys would be active and strong, and women would be passive and weak. However, there are women who will give a head start to any man, and vice versa, men are hysterical and emotional. How much masculine and feminine there is in everyone can only be determined by a horoscope

Zodiac structure: crosses

Three is three crosses of signs. A cross is a figure that has 4 points. Signs located opposite, 12 signs, 4 signs in a cross. The first is cardinal, which includes the signs of the equinox (Aries, Libra) and solstice (Cancer, Capricorn). Cardinal because 4 seasons begin in these signs. From Aries it is spring, from Cancer it is summer, from Libra it is autumn, from Capricorn it is winter.

The quality of this cross is energy; people who want to dictate terms have a cardinal character. The second cross is fixed. It includes the following cardinal signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. All the symbols of these signs are quite motionless - slow (except for Aquarius). The main quality of the fixed cross is will.

Will in Russian comes from volus - bull. The will forces us to continue. The first 4 started, if there is no will, what has been started will be lost. There is also a weather correspondence here: fixed signs from the point of view of weather are the most stable periods of the season. The third cross is mutable (change) - the destruction of what was - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces (almost all double).

End of the season. The main quality of character is variability, flexibility, adaptability. Three stages of world development: beginning, middle and end. This three of crosses corresponds to three indian god– Brahma or Brahma is the creator of the world, the second Vishnu holds the world that Brahma created, the Third Shiva is the destroyer of the world.

By the three crosses we will determine the character of a person and, ideally, there should be equal amounts of energy to start something, will to continue, and mutability to change and adapt.

Space and time are based on the number 3. Why did the Trinity form the basis of religion - space is three-dimensional, time is three-dimensional: sung, present, future Most processes on Earth have three stages: beginning, peak, end. This applies only to bodily life; there is no end to our spiritual part, it must develop.

Zodiac structure: 4 elements

Four in astrology. All the luminaries were created on the fourth day for omens, in order to determine the future by them, the luminaries were created for astrology. The four elements are the four basic principles of the Universe: Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

Water was introduced by the first scientist on the planet, Thales of Miles (6th century BC). The main thing he left behind was the beginning. He was absolutely right, we are 90% water. He is officially considered the first Greek scientist. He managed to predict a rich harvest of olives, he bought all the presses for making oil, then he sold them at high prices, cunning (one of the seven legendary sages).

His Student Anaximander, although he loved his teacher, said that everything was from the earth. He was right too. The third was called Anaximenes, he respected the previous ones, but he said that everything was out of thin air, and he was also right. The fourth Heraclitus is all made of fire, and he was also right. We have everything from the Sun. Two of his well-known pieces of wisdom: you cannot step into the same river twice (you cannot correct the past).

Everything flows and changes. The fifth was found, his name was Empedocles. He didn’t discover anything new, but he said: there is no need to argue, the world consists of 4 elements. He was overcome with pride. To hide his death, he threw himself into the Etna volcano, because... he told everyone that he was an alien and immortal.

The four principles are present in Zodiac signs: Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), Water (Cancer. Scorpio. Pisces).

Structure of the Zodiac: element Fire

Fire is associated with energy, activity, initiative, a state of inspiration, excitement. Aries fire is the strongest fire physical work. muscles, fire of struggle. Leo's fire is a cultivated fire, the fire of love and creativity. The fire of Sagittarius is the fire of light of knowledge, enlightenment. They correspond to the plasma state of matter. Fire people burn.

Structure of the Zodiac: element Earth

Earth is everything material. The earth feeds. For the land to feed, it requires work, practicality, practical work, materiality and solidity. Land is associated with material values. The Earth of Taurus is the Land of direct work. Virgo Earth – working with the harvest, sorting the harvest. The land of Capricorn is a dead land in winter, the rocks are peaks, there is no need to sow there, these are elevations, a way to make a career. The solid state of matter is associated with the Earth.

Structure of the Zodiac: element Air

Air is needed to communicate, it makes speech possible - the only thing that distinguishes humans from animals. This is an information element. Gemini air - heavenly clouds, variety of interests. The air of Libra is air filled with perfumes, flowers, elite air, air of smells, and the smell indicates where we are. The air of Aquarius is the air of ozone after a thunderstorm. The element air corresponds to the gaseous state of matter.

Structure of the Zodiac: element Water

Water is feelings. We constantly experience emotions and feelings. The three water signs are called silent signs. They are overwhelmed with emotions. Very often feelings are compared to water. Love is like an ocean. Cancer water is the water of a home pond in which children swim and fish. Scorpio water is geyser water or fire water. Pisces water is a boundless ocean. The fourth principle corresponds to the liquid state of matter.

The four elements are reflected in the four states of matter. In the calendar there are 4 seasons of the year, 4 weeks in a month. In arithmetic there are 4 operations. In geography there are 4 cardinal directions, 4 oceans. In biology, there are 4 chemical bases on which all DNA is written. In psychology there are 4 types of temperament.

The first structure is each sign is masculine or feminine. The second is the elements. The third is crosses. The second structure absorbs the first structure, because all fire and air signs are masculine, and earth and water signs are feminine. Three in the Zodiac - three crosses of the Zodiac signs. There are 12 zodiac signs in total, there are 4 elements, 3 crosses with 4 signs in each.

Four elements - 4 types of temperament, 3 crosses 3 types of character The first cross is cardinal: Aries - Libra, Cancer - Capricorn ( cardinal signs); fixed, mutable.

Zodiac structure: five planets

Five. 5 (five fingers), 5 planets of seven, seven (septenary) are 5 planets and two luminaries (two eyes). But there are 10 fingers. All planets, with the exception of the luminaries, can move in two directions: in direct or directive D (from Aries to Taurus) and in retrograde or retrograde K (the planet stops and begins to move backward).

Fingers were divided by planets, and rings with certain stones were put on to weaken the influence of a particular planet. Little finger - Mercury (symbol of prudence), ring finger - Venus (engagement ring, love), middle finger - Jupiter, index finger - Saturn, thumb - Mars.

During the Inquisition, the index finger was drawn on something that should be burned. If Mercury is retrograde on your birthday, your left little finger works more. The right hand (only for right-handed people) is directive planets, the left hand is retrograde.

Zodiac structure: 6 pairs of signs

Zodiac signs 12: 6 pairs of male and female signs, 4 elements and 3 crosses. The total is a perfect circle of 12 characters. 360 degrees, each sign has 30 degrees. For the first time, the principle of equal distance was implemented by King Arthur, who had a round table and all the knights were equidistant from him. This is an ideal model of society.

But this will never happen on Earth, because... there are the same people in the center. This is not in reality, but it is in heaven. Thanks to the circle, there are no bad and good signs. Of the 12 signs, all are equally good and equally bad.

Zodiac structure: 12 signs

The number 12 is revealed in history: 12 Caesars, 12 tribes Old Testament, in the New Testament there are 12 Apostles. In the sky 12 Zodiac constellations. There are 12 hours in a day during the day, 12 at night. There are 12 months in a year. The first day was the day of payment of debts and taxes; for selfish reasons, the calendar begins on the 1st. 24 letters of the Greek alphabet, all plots in world literature can be reduced to 36 (Goethe calculated).

Male and female Zodiac Signs: what is special

All Zodiac signs in the horoscope are divided into male and female Zodiac Signs. This division has nothing to do with gender. It denotes the energetic feature of representatives of two different zodiac groups and describes them life strategy. Find out which group your Zodiac Sign belongs to and how it characterizes you.

Male Zodiac Signs

Male Zodiac Signs include: Aries, Gemini, Leo Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. This zodiac group is also called active or positive. Male Zodiac Signs are more focused on creation, on external world and actions in society. Representatives of these Zodiac Signs have the energy inherent in men: independence, individualism, openness, ambition, leadership, large-scale thinking and action, love of freedom, and enterprise.

Very often, male Zodiac Signs suffer from an excess of energy, which is why they need to monitor their health, since this often causes them to develop various diseases with pronounced symptoms. Male Zodiac Signs have an inherent desire to change the world, make it their own, and influence the people around them. These are extroverts with a practical type of thinking.

Female Zodiac Signs

Female Zodiac Signs in the horoscope are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. Representatives of these constellations belong to the passive group of Zodiac Signs. They tend to conserve their energy, to consume rather than create. Female Zodiac Signs very often have no control over the circumstances of their own lives. More precisely, they do not tend to struggle with the flow of problems and obstacles in their path. They are looking for a person stronger than themselves. Very often they are attracted specifically to the male Zodiac Signs, since they will be able to give what they need.

Representatives of this group of Zodiac Signs have a defensive life strategy. These are introverts, for the most part. Receptivity, ignorance and lack of initiative makes them weak. Despite this, representatives of these constellations are constantly ready to work on themselves, improve and achieve new knowledge, skills and experience. Although they are slowly, they are moving towards their goal.

The manifestation of masculine and feminine in the Zodiac Signs can be seen in life. Take a close look at your friends: there are probably women in your circle with male sign Zodiac, in which it is clearly expressed male character. Find among your friends men with a female Zodiac Sign. As a rule, there is a lot of feminine in them. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Female zodiac signs, male zodiac signs

Zodiac signs are divided into male (positive) and female (negative). Now we will tell you about them in more detail.

Male Zodiac Signs

All signs of Fire and Air are masculine. They include the odd-numbered signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius) and correspond to the odd-numbered houses of the horoscope (I, III, V, VII, IX, XI). Male zodiac signs are persistent, proactive, and prefer to act rather than wait. The predominance of planets in male signs indicates a strong, purposeful, aggressive character. In terms of their psychological orientation, these people are extroverts. For the male horoscope, this arrangement of planets is favorable. In a female horoscope, such an arrangement of planets speaks of a character that is stronger, more persistent and aggressive than is typical for the female sex.

Female Zodiac Signs

All signs of Earth and Water belong to women. They include the even-numbered signs of the Zodiac (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces) and correspond to the even-numbered houses of the horoscope (II, IV, VI, VIII, X, XII). Those born under these signs are characterized by passivity. True, sometimes female zodiac signs are capable of active action, but usually they prefer to take a wait-and-see attitude. These people would rather beg for what they want than go out and take what they want by force. In terms of their psychological orientation, these people are introverts. The predominance of planets in female signs speaks of a soft, strong nature precisely because of its weakness. For the female horoscope, this arrangement of planets is favorable and makes a woman more feminine. In a man's horoscope, such an arrangement of planets indicates femininity in nature and a lack of perseverance in achieving goals.

General characteristics of the sign

The main formative principles of Taurus are typical manifestations of the Earth element. This is a feminine, “Yin” sign, a sign of manifestation of the vibration of the planet Venus. Taurus is depicted as a corresponding animal, standing firmly on the Earth. This is a bull, as if emerging from the earth, having a direct connection with it. The Earth gives Taurus strength, on the one hand, the opportunity to feel firmly standing on his feet, and on the other hand, the Earth seems to attract Taurus, not allowing him to break away from himself.

It is necessary to emphasize one important nuance: Taurus then act effectively when they feel solid ground beneath them, that is, when they have a clear life platform in any form (a strong family, a solid position in society, large material savings, inheritance; as well as accumulations of intellectual or energetic nature). Taurus people constantly save up everything in order to function normally. This necessary condition their lives. In itself, hoarding in Taurus is not a bad or good trait, but a natural one. The assessment of “good” or “bad” appears when we begin to analyze how this accumulation Taurus uses. If he uses what he has accumulated for good deeds, for deeds related to the evolution of people, large groups or all of humanity is good. If Taurus has become a grabber, then things cannot be worse.

Small child - Taurus He will always save something, either candy wrappers, or pennies, or books, or stamps. Parents must be very attentive to these inclinations of their children so that they do not develop into a quality that corrodes the essence of a person. Sometimes Taurus’s constant need to always have a foundation and some incentive under his feet reaches the point of ridiculousness, then he cannot be guided in life by abstract concepts, philosophical concepts, and he definitely needs a clearly and clearly formulated task. By the way, Taurus learn with great difficulty, it is with great difficulty that they acquire knowledge, but once the information has entered their head, then nothing can knock it out. Material incentives in activities and studies are also important for them.

Temperament and character

The dual influence of Venus and the Moon causes sensitivity and sentimentality, which gives Taurus a calm and confident taste. He loves discreet but well-tailored clothes, rich silks and wool, leaving the right to extravagance to Aries. Does not like necklaces, stiff collars and ties, loves perfume with a delicate scent.

Element of the sign

Taurus Magic

Taurus is a follower of material traditions. Taurus is best at casting fortunes for money, success and career advancement. It is no coincidence that people have always worshiped the golden calf - a symbol of wealth.

Taurus colors

Yellow-green color, that is, light green, shades of jade and olive. These colors create the impression of natural naturalness, as well as emotional balance and tranquility.

A woman in light green is a temptation. It brings delight and a feast for the senses. She is a Goddess only because she is capable of making all earthly dreams come true. It combines lightness and an elegant ability to pause at the right time and fill them with meaning, devoid of verbal shells.

Taurus names

Compatibility Horoscope

TAURUS-ARIES. Aries is ruled by warlike Mars, Taurus by loving Venus. The conjunction of Mars and Venus gives an aspect present in Casanova's horoscope. This is the best sexual compatibility of the entire zodiac circle, just like that sexual relations ignite quickly and last a long time. You will never get bored in bed!

TAURUS – TAURUS. A large similarity of interests can bore any zodiac sign, except for the union of two Taurus. They will be happy with every new purchase and may be able to live together until old age, carefree and not boring.

TAURUS – LEO. They are similar in some ways, especially in their alcove affairs. For Leo - Taurus, a sign of fulfillment of all desires, but who will lead in marriage is a question. Taurus stronger than Leo seeks to enter into a legal union. While Leo is the happiest of the zodiac signs, he can easily live alone.

Venus is subject to such concepts as love, harmony, beauty, art, music, pleasure, taste, beauty. But the main meaning of Venus is the highest understanding of FORM. That is why there are many representatives of art among Taurus.

The emotionality of Taurus prevails over sensitivity. Taurus people tend to simplify life situations. Their motto: “Keep it simple and people will be drawn to you.”

Children of Venus are born for joyful moments. It is not for nothing that Venus bears the epithet in astrology “small happiness or small blessing.” Taurus never solve global world problems, they are concentrated on a small piece of space, but it is in this small area “one centimeter by one centimeter” that they build Paradise day after day for themselves and those who live with you.

Erotic horoscope

In greater or to a lesser extent Gemini suits you.

Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Aries are contraindicated and definitely not suitable for you.

The most ancient symbols and signs that have come down to us from the depths of millennia are images, images and words that denote the stereotheistic pair of Father-Creator, Mother-Matter (Great Mother) and their attributes


Bull - ox, Baal, Baal, Veles, Bel (god), bull, etc.

The bull, as a large and strong animal with powerful potency for people in pre-literate antiquity, was an image (icon) of the Creator God who created the world, the First Ancestor

Perhaps the word “god” itself goes back to some word that in ancient times had to do with a bull

The relationship of words can be direct - one word comes from another, or both go back to the same original word of one of the ancient languages ​​or a single ancient proto-language. Kinship can be formed through folk etymology - randomly similar words are placed in a single semantic series and are modified over time as a result of interaction. Also, the similar sound of words with a similar meaning may be accidental and not at all related. Perhaps some consonances of the words given below are accidental.

The phallus (faal, Baalos) is, along with the bull, the other most common symbol of the Creator God.

Dad (possibly related to the word “phallus”), father, ata, father, etc.

Finger, phalanx

Mace (club, the main ancient weapon before the advent of swords)

White (“white”, “baal”) – light, shining, pure, divine, daytime

Big, great (“white”, “baal”) – large, strong, divine, forge And th, upper, high, heavenly

Visual and architectural symbols (images, iconography)

Phallic forms predominate

Menhirs and cromlechs

Hieroglyph Tian (sky, heaven). The word "tian" may be associated with the attribute of a male deity in the form of light, a bright, clear day. Therefore, the words “tian” and “day” may not just sound similar, but are related

Yang - light, white, clear, masculine

Obelisks (the word “obelisk” itself shows a relationship with the words “white”, “great”), steles


Pagan fools (graven images, idols)

Bread (Kulich) and mortar pestles, in which flour was made from grain for baking bread

Labrys is an ancient exclusively cult instrument, used for sacrifices. As military weapons labrys was not used - it is extremely inconvenient and you can easily get hurt. Including the attribute of the minotaur (bull man). Has inverted phallic symbolism. The Romans called labrys the word "bipennis"

Hammer is an attribute of Thor (taur, tur - bull)

Thor (Taur - bull) and the serpent Jormungandr

Light, day, sun are ancient male symbols, a number of which, taking into account the data modern science Quasars may continue to be the most powerful sources of light and energy in the Universe. Thus, if we superimpose ancient ideas on modern knowledge, then “male” quasars are opposed to “female” black holes, which are hypertrophied mater with a gigantic mass.

Other symbols of masculinity: east (where the sun rises), sunrise (dawn, dawn), tree, adult male father, top - direction of movement towards the sky, order, unit (written with a dash in Egypt, Babylon, Rome and from other backgammon) etc.

The most important ancient symbol of the male divine principle are horns as an attribute of a bull (associated with the Creator Father) or another horned animal (deer, ram, goat, etc.).

In different areas among different peoples, the animals that were used as an image (icon) of God the Creator were different. Perhaps the largest and strongest (great) horned animal was chosen. His horns were an attribute of the divine (male) principle

For example, the Celtic Cernunnos is depicted with deer antlers, since the territory of worship of this deity was inhabited by giant deer, which amazed people with their size in ancient times. Therefore, the giant deer was chosen as an image (icon) of a god, possibly the Creator God.

In ancient times, modern humans (Cro-Magnons) predominantly used large horned animals as ritual images. For Neanderthals, in accordance with the interpretation of numerous archaeological data, the image of the deity was a cave bear (2 meters at the withers, 3 meters in length and up to 5 meters in height if it stands on its hind legs). In all likelihood, the cult of the bear passed from the Neanderthals to some Cro-Magnon peoples and is practiced in some places to this day, for example, among the Nivkhs. Teddy bears and the abundance of bear characters in fairy tales are a faint echo of this ancient cult.


Paleolithic Venuses, female images in caves and some bone products have reached us. Wooden figures or images on wood or other surfaces have not reached us.

Drawing of the Neolithic sanctuary of Ignatievskaya Cave

To denote the feminine principle, people in ancient times directly used the image of the female reproductive organs as well as the male ones (numerous archaeological phallic artifacts) in the case of the masculine principle. But for the feminine principle, no established animal image was used, as in the case of a bull or other large, predominantly horned animal to denote the masculine principle.

Words and images

Mother - Tiamat, Maat, Maha, Mokosh, etc.; mother - Nana, Inanna, etc.

Matter is what the spiritual masculine principle creates the world from

Belit (goddess) – from the god Bel

Earth (as mater iya), water (as mater and I). A modern extrapolation of this symbol could be black holes as supermassive, that is, super mater ial phenomena in the Universe.

Animals and creatures

Snake, serpent, dragon, sea (water) monsters and various mythical creatures with features of women and reptiles (Tiamat, Humbaba, Gorgon, mermaid, etc.). The modern development of this ancient symbol is the Reptilians (Draconians) of Devil Ike, who were also invented based on the subconscious archetype of the feminine principle.

Owl and zoomorphic creatures with the features of a bird and a woman (for example, with the body of a bird and the head of a woman - Sirin (siren)). The owl is one of the main symbols of Astarte, the Mediterranean analogue of the Great Mother (Mother-Matter) at the end of ancient times, when stereotheism had completely degraded into polytheism, and the veneration of the feminine principle was overgrown with orgiastic and bloody cults.

Visual symbols

Vulvar and uterine forms predominate, paired with male symbols.

Numerous vulvar forms of archaeological artifacts that are found along with phallic artifacts at ancient sanctuary sites

Dolmens are paired menhirs. The ancient caves themselves and the passages in them, apparently, served as symbols of the feminine principle.

Passage in Ignatievskaya Cave

Dolmen from the inside

Megalithic sanctuary in Malta without a roof

A later form of dolmens, mounds and mounds are pyramids, which were used throughout the territory of human habitation in ancient times. For example, in Egypt, pyramids were used for funeral rites of rulers (pharaohs), who were considered the children of the gods. In Mesopotamia, pyramids (ziggurats) were used as an artificial elevation for the sanctuary, where sacrifices and orgiastic rituals of interaction with the divine world took place. Numerous ancient pyramid-ziggurats are known in Asia and America.

The image of the cave as a symbol of the feminine principle (the womb of the Great Mother) may be present in the Bible when describing the Nativity of Christ. Jesus was born in a cave full of animals. It is possible that this is a direct prototype of the most ancient Paleolithic cave sanctuaries, painted with drawings of animals.

Ankh – paired djedu

Yoni - paired lingam

Yin - paired yang

The entrance to the temple is paired with columns. Temples were created on the principle of ancient caves and dolmens, the entrance to which and the passages inside of which were associated with the feminine principle.

Matter is a steam room for the spirit; ring - paired finger; bottom – direction paired with the upward direction; night is steamy for day; The Moon is paired with the Sun; the west (where the sun sets) is paired with the east (where the sun rises); sunrise (dawn) - paired with sunset; chaos is paired with order; cold is steamy with heat; zero “0” paired with one “1”; mate matika (the science of measuring matter) - paired with theology; other characters

Dragon (serpent)

The source of this symbol appears to be bones. large dinosaurs that people found in the ground.

Since the earth was part of the realm of female symbols of the Mother-Matter, dragons and other (no longer fictional) reptiles became an attribute of the feminine principle. Male gods or male heroes always fight with snake dragons: Marduk and Tiamat (mother) in the form of a dragon, Gilgamesh and Humbaba (woman - woman), Ra and Apep, Zeus and Typhon, Apollo and Python, Perseus and Gorgon, Perseus and the sea monster, Hercules (Hercules) and the Lernaean Hydra, Jason and the dragon (who guarded the fleece), Thor (Taur - bull) and the serpent Jormungandr (gad), Beowulf and Grendel's mother, St. George and the serpent, Siegfried and Fafnir and other numerous snakes and snake fighters.

Marduk and Tiamat

Ashtoreth (sister (wife) of Baal) and the serpent. Modern animation

Marduk defeats Tiamat


Thor (Taur - bull) and the serpent Jormungandr

St. George and the Serpent

Siegfried and Fafnir

Apollo and Python

Gilgamesh and Humbaba

The struggle of a male god or hero with a dragon symbolizes the struggle of the male spiritual light principle with the female material one dark beginning, and the victory of the first over the second. Thus, on the one hand, the victory of the spirit over matter, the spiritual over the material, is stated, on the other hand, the divinity of the male characters is emphasized, because only those who have divine power can cope with such creatures that seemed to people looking with awe at the bones of the ancients gigantic lizards.

In the epics of various European nations, dragons are associated with treasures (gold, gems), which are the most striking expression and extreme symbol material goods and material wealth. Many fairy tales have retained the motif when the hero (male spiritual principle) defeats the dragon (female material principle), but, having taken possession of its treasures, turns into a dragon. That is, it degrades from (male) spirit into (female) matter.

The dragon is also associated with the dungeon and caves, which are feminine in material essence (matter - stone, earth) and in symbolism (a cave is the womb of a mountain).

Perhaps the meaning of the serpent-dragon symbol goes even deeper. The word gad (reptile) is consonant with the name of the brother of Zeus and the ruler of the underworld of the dead Hades (Hades), with whom the word “hell” (the underworld of eternal torment of sinners) is etymologically connected.

It is characteristic that fire (a male symbol) appeared relatively recently in the underground (female) world of the dead. For example, in Greek myths, the kingdom of Hades still lies in darkness and gloom, in which the shadows of dead people wander. Five rivers flow there (Lethe, Styx, Acheron, Kokytos and Phlegethon), which means that in the absence solar heat, it's cold and damp there. In other words, the Greeks actually painted an image of mountain caves that served as sanctuaries for people in ancient times.

It is also possible that the ability of dragons to spew fire also arose relatively recently and initially water dragon snakes did not have the ability to spit fire, which is not a female, but a male symbol. For example, in the myth of Marduk and Tiamat it is said that it was Marduk who possessed the fiery breath, and not the dragon-like snake Tiamat.

Adam, Eve and the serpent

In light of the above connections of ancient symbols, the biblical myth of Adam and Eve has a completely understandable reading. Adam (masculine) is defeated by the feminine (Eve and the serpent). For this, God (the masculine principle) takes the defeated Adam, whose spirit has degraded, in which the material (feminine) principle has won, out of the spiritual paradise. Adam and Eve enter the material world. In order for a person (descendant of Adam and Eve) to return to heaven, he must reject the material and strive for the spiritual.

Thus, the Fall is the victory of the material over the spiritual, and the return to God is the victory of the spiritual over the material.

God and Adam in the myth personify the masculine principle, and the serpent and Eve represent the feminine. Therefore, the iconography of Satan often includes female attributes and organs. This emphasizes that the category of Satan belongs to the material (maternal) or feminine nature.

Among the folklore images that are more familiar to us, we can cite the example of Baba Yaga and the Serpent Gorynych. The attribute of Baba Yaga is a stupa (a mortar for grain is a female symbol), the Serpent Gorynych (female symbols: a serpent, a mountain, a cave).

The modern myth about reptilians (Draconians), within the framework of David Icke's conspiracy theory, is also located within the ancient archetype of the confrontation between dragons and heroes. Evil reptilians are terrorizing people, and the world is waiting for heroes to appear who will free humanity from reptilian tyranny.

In addition to the reptilians, the modern extreme negative interpretation of the feminine principle is manifested in the cult of Santa Muerte, as well as in the ecofascism of Mother Earth.

Dollar symbol - serpent on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

In the sign of dollars, the main international (global) money, the symbolism of the snake as the feminine principle (mother - mammon) and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, fatal for Adam and Eve, is also visible. For cabalists, this serpent is Lilith, which has its source in the ancient female Mesopotamian deity Belit (Inanna, Ishtar, Astarte) - the image of the most ancient pre-literate stereotheistic Great Mother.


Fire is one of the few substances that move against gravity. In addition to fire, smoke and steam move upward, the root cause of which is also fire. In accordance with the role of fire in the ritual practices of sacrifice and burial, descriptions of which have reached us, people in ancient times perceived fire as a substance through which communication with the divine world was carried out.

Primitively speaking, fire sends something or someone from earth to heaven. Speaking more complex language, fire transfers something from the material this world to the spiritual (divine) other world. Fire is the oldest one-way mail - from man to gods (spirits) or to God.

For example, the objects being transferred (transferred) can be plants, fruits, bread, livestock or people. During the times of polytheism, this ritual was brought to the point of absurdity, in particular by the Phoenicians, who sent the most precious things to the gods: their children and the elderly. Jewish monotheism in Palestine and more humane (than Phoenician) Roman polytheism in the Mediterranean, as a result of centuries of struggle, put an end to Phoenician ritual chaos


Fire as a hot, dry, active and light substance is an attribute of the masculine principle. But after the terrible Mediterranean cults associated with sacrifices in fire were defeated, fire takes on a negative connotation and symbolically moves to the “female half” - hell (the underground region of the world of the dead) becomes fiery, and dragons have the ability to spew flames.

Apparently, the same fate befell the horns as a symbol of the divine. They, as an attribute of Baal (the bull), disgusting for monotheism, for which children were burned, and the Golden Calf (the same Baal), acquired a negative connotation. Now horns are often perceived as a symbol of Satan, who opposes God. Horned is today one of the epithets of the enemy of God.


Fire is associated with lightning, which comes from the sky and often creates fire on earth. Therefore, lightning is also an established attribute of male deities. Lightning is associated with electricity, which replaces modern people fire as a source of heat and light.

Father-CreatorGreat Mother Matter
Male deitiesFemale deities
Intangible, otherworldly worldMaterial world
Spirit, soulMatter
Infinity, eternityTime, finitude
Life (eternity)Death (limb, time)
Light (wave, immaterial nature of light)Darkness, darkness (without light, all material objects are located in darkness, darkness)
Lightning (light)Rain, night (water, darkness, cloud)
Cloud (spirit, white color)Cloud (water, darkness)
Day (light)Night (darkness, darkness)
Clear dayRain (water, cry, sadness)
Sun (light, day)Moon (night)
Sky (air, spirit, soul)Earth (matter, mother of cheese, earth - gives birth)
Fire (rises up, into the sky, light, heat)Water (river, lake, sea, ocean)
Top (sky)Bottom (earth, water)
Height (sky)Depth (cave, darkness, earth, water)
Kingdom of Heaven (sky, light)Hell (Hades, dungeon, cave, earth, water)
Joy (in the immaterial world of the Father-Creator everything is eternal - the joy of eternal life)Sadness, sadness, cry (in the material world of the Great Mother Matter everything has its end)
Courage, courage, confidence, omnipotence (joy, eternity)Fear, despair, deceit, cunning (sadness, cry, limb)
Power (omnipotence, eternity)Weakness (limb)
Hardness (stone, strength, rock (outer firmament), mountain (peak))Softness (earth, water)
Warmth (day, light, sun)Cold (night, darkness, earth, water)
Top of the mountain (sky, top, height, warmth), altar to the Father-Creator, male deityMountain cave (depth, abyss, darkness, cold, humidity, water), altar of the Great Mother, female deity
Top of the pyramid (top of the mountain)Pyramid corridors (cave, death - tombs)
Omnipotence (potency)Infirmity (weakness, death)
Miracle, wonders, signs (omnipotence, eternity)Witchcraft (night, darkness, deceit, cunning, death)
Open knowledge, religionSecret occultism, gnosis (witchcraft, death (world of the dead))
Religion (striving for the Creator Father)Materialism, atheism (denial of the Father-Creator, subconscious desire for peace and death - for the Great Mother Matter)
Temperance (soul, spirit, confidence, fortitude)Sexuality (body, matter, weakness of spirit)
Talent (height)Vulgarity (sexuality)
Mind, wisdom (eternity, power, infinity, strength, confidence)Stupidity, cunning (limbness, weakness, fear, uncertainty)
Truth (mind, wisdom)Lies (stupidity, chaos)
Love (light, life)Hatred (fear, cruelty, death)
Generosity (spirit, eternity)Greed (matter)
Reality (truth)Illusion (deception)
Sobriety (light, clarity, truth, strength, reality)Intoxication (illusion, deception, chaos, darkness)
Order (mind, light)Chaos (darkness, stupidity)
TheologyMate matika (knowledge about the measurement of matter)
Power (order)Anarchy (anarchy-mother, chaos)
Magnanimity (eternity, omnipotence, confidence)Cruelty, violence (fear, struggle for life, death)
Human sacrifice (death, fear, cruelty)
Animals, creatures
Antlers (male, up, bull, giant deer, mountain ram)
Bull (creator, creator, potency, father, horns)Cow (mother)
Cave bear, ordinary bear (strength, power)
Giant deer, regular deer (strength, antlers)
Owl (night, cry (hoot), fright, despair, secret)
Snake, serpent (earth, water, cold-blooded, prey for owls)
Water monster (water, snake, reptile, fish, cold)
Dragon (snake, fictional reptile, reptilians). Initially not fire-breathing (fire is a male symbol)
Sirin, siren - a bird with the head of a woman
Ouroboros (snake, serpent biting its own tail, ring, vulvarity, death, emptiness, limb)
Mermaids, kikimoras, merman (water, cold, death, night)
Phallic artifacts and architectural elements (creator, creator, potency, top, sky, male genitals)Vulvar artifacts and architectural elements (mother, depth, darkness, female genitals), images of female breasts
Below are symbolic objects that are characterized by phallicity (additional symbolism is indicated in parentheses)Below are symbolic objects that are characterized by vulvarity (additional symbolism is indicated in parentheses)
Menhirs (height)Dolmens (cave, darkness)
Stele, obelisk, column (top, sky)Entrance to the temple (cave, dolmen, depth)
Unit (bar)Zero (circle, circle)
Mace, sword, spearShield
Siege RamGate (city, castle)
天 character Tian (sky, day)女 character Nu (woman)
Idols, blockheads, graven images
Paleolithic Venus
Bread (Kulich), pestles for grinding grainMortar for grinding grain
Labrys (bull)Labyrinth (darkness, chaos, cave, death)
Hammer (for example, Torah (tawra, tur, bull)
A sacred metal that has both masculine and feminine symbolism
Gold (sun)Gold (metal, cold, earth, softness, material values)
Silver (white, sky)Silver (metal, cold, earth, softness)
Money, coin (vulvarity, circle, cold, metal, material values, mammon (mother))
Masculine colors (sky, spirit, day, sun, fire, warmth) Feminine colors (night, darkness, earth, water)
White (sky, spirit, day)Black (night, darkness)
Red (sun, fire, warmth)Green (earth, vegetation)
Yellow (sun, fire, warmth)Blue (water)
Orange (sun, fire, warmth)Blue (water)
Purple (water)
Modern interpretations
Electricity (lightning)Grounding (ground)
Quasar (light)Black hole (heavy matter)

Ancient symbols in the form of a mind map

All Zodiac signs in the horoscope are divided into male and female Zodiac Signs. This division has nothing to do with gender. It denotes the energetic feature of representatives of two different zodiac groups and describes their life strategy. Find out which group your Zodiac Sign belongs to and how it characterizes you.

Male Zodiac Signs

Male Zodiac Signs include: Aries, Gemini, Leo Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. This zodiac group is also called active or positive. Male Zodiac Signs are more focused on creation, on the outside world and actions in society.

Representatives of these Zodiac Signs have the energy inherent in men: independence, individualism, openness, ambition, leadership, large-scale thinking and action, love of freedom, and enterprise.

Very often, male Zodiac Signs suffer from an excess of energy, which is why they need to monitor their health, since this often causes them to develop various diseases with pronounced symptoms. Male Zodiac Signs have an inherent desire to change the world, make it their own, and influence the people around them. These are extroverts with a practical type of thinking.

Female Zodiac Signs

Female Zodiac Signs in the horoscope are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. Representatives of these constellations belong to the passive group of Zodiac Signs. They tend to conserve their energy, to consume rather than create.

Female Zodiac Signs very often have no control over the circumstances of their own lives. More precisely, they do not tend to struggle with the flow of problems and obstacles in their path. They are looking for a person stronger than themselves. Very often they are attracted specifically to the male Zodiac Signs, since they will be able to give what they need.

Representatives of this group of Zodiac Signs have a defensive life strategy. These are introverts, for the most part. Receptivity, ignorance and lack of initiative makes them weak. Despite this, representatives of these constellations are constantly ready to work on themselves, improve and achieve new knowledge, skills and experience. Although they are slowly, they are moving towards their goal.

The manifestation of masculine and feminine in the Zodiac Signs can be seen in life. Take a careful look at your friends: there are probably women in your environment with a male Zodiac Sign, in whom a masculine character is clearly expressed. Find among your friends men with a female Zodiac Sign. As a rule, there is a lot of feminine in them.

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