The name Dmitry, the meaning of the name and fate. The meaning of the name Dima for a boy: character and fate, the origin of the male name Dmitry

Dmitry has an explosive, strong-willed character. This makes them difficult to find mutual language. They are persistent and smart. Colleagues at work welcome their sociability and ability to easily endure failures.

Translated from ancient Greek, the name Dmitry means “belonging to Demeter.” Some translate this name as "Impostor."

Origin of the name Dmitry:

The name Dmitry comes from the Greek word “Demetrios” - “belonging to Demeter”. Demeter - name ancient greek goddess land and fertility.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Dmitry:

As a child, Dima often suffered from colds and viral diseases, but they loved to be treated. Therefore, when growing up, they often feign illness. They are capricious and require attention. At an older age, stubbornness replaces capriciousness. Vulnerable to sudden problems. Children named Dmitry are often cruel to those for whom they do not feel love. In their conversations they forget about the matter.

Dimas are brave, attractive, but cruel. They rush into battle without thinking about the consequences, for which fate often punishes them. They try not to miss their chance. They try to get everything in life at once. They don’t know how to listen, they talk a lot, sometimes the dialogue turns into a monologue. They get confused in their own thoughts. Dmitry always has a lot of ideas, so the main thing is to stop him in time, otherwise he will waste his energy. He always skillfully makes acquaintances with the people he needs. In his environment you will not find a person who would not be useful to him. The mother is a great authority for them. They like to drink, but do not abuse it.

Dmitry is practical, loves work, sociable and enterprising. He attracts people to him, using his sense of humor, open heart, and readiness to always come to the aid of friends at any moment. He can be relied upon, he is reliable, and many take advantage of his goodwill.

Dima loves adventures and risking his life. Usually, in such cases, fortune smiles on him, but sometimes failures can overtake him. Dmitry usually doesn’t save money very much. Often spent on unnecessary trifles.

Dmitry tends to move along career ladder, especially where the work involves communicating with people. Dimas don't like monotony. They can make good composers, artists, scientists. Thanks to their intelligence and eloquence, they can realize themselves in public and political activity. They like to get quick and good results. Dim often shows business abilities.

Dima prefers beautiful women, loves coziness, comfort and various pleasures. He doesn't know how to deny himself anything. Therefore, his wife will have to “work harder” to create everything the necessary conditions for Dmitry and come to terms with his constant dissatisfaction. Dmitry loves to grumble. Jealous, but in moderation. Throughout his life he feels the need for love and seeks romance.

Dmitry is a polygamist. He falls in love very often. The feeling captures him so much that he throws himself headlong into love. His sympathies often change. For this reason, he experiences frequent divorces and new marriages. But he maintains a good and reverent attitude toward all his children, both from new and old marriages, and helps them throughout his life.

After the establishment of Christianity in Rus', the name Dmitry appeared in Russian everyday life. It came from Byzantium. Initially this name sounded like Dimitri.

There are names that have firmly taken their place in our lives, for example, the name Dmitry. As the name books explain, the meaning of the name Dmitry is determined taking into account its origin from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of agriculture and fertility Demeter.

Some name books therefore translate Greek word“Dmitry” as a “farmer”, but the origin of the name rather suggests that boys and men “dedicated to Demeter” inherit prudence, sober mind and practicality from their “patron”. The meaning of the name Dmitry is manifested in character traits - independence and the ability to establish relationships, but we must not forget about the possible temper of such men.

Dictionaries offer the following “everyday” variants of the name: Dima, Mitka and even Mitryukha. You can choose a diminutive name for a boy from the following options: Mitya, Mitenka, Dimochka, Dimusya. Little Dmitrys are also affectionately called Mityunya, Mitryusha, Dimulya.

The name Dmitry is common not only in Russia, but also in many countries that have borrowed ancient Greek culture. Therefore, Demeter, Dimitar, Demetrios, and Dmitro can become “namesakes” for a man or boy named Dima.


Meaning male name Dmitry, including its origin, largely determine the health status of its carriers throughout their lives. As a rule, he is susceptible to frequent illnesses a little boy named Dima, but as he gets older, his immunity grows and gets stronger along with him.

However there are three key points, which you need to pay attention to when talking about health.

1. B preschool age Dima is susceptible to colds and bronchopulmonary diseases, so parents need to take hardening of the child and take other measures to prevent these diseases.

2. As a teenager, Dima may experience heart problems and circulatory system- mainly due to the fact that the heart will grow slower than muscle mass. Therefore, at this age you need to carefully monitor your work of cardio-vascular system and dose physical activity.

3. Adult Dmitry, having a sociable character and high performance, may be susceptible to nervous overstrain. But even without suffering from any diseases, a man can be quite suspicious of the condition own health- regular examinations, of course, will not hurt, but you should not be overzealous.

One of the dangers that may lie in wait for Dmitriev is an attachment to tasty food. Here is the moment when you need to remember what the name Dmitry (“farmer”) means, and set fairly strict boundaries so that the craving for earthly gifts does not turn into problems. Therefore, while Dima is small, his mother needs to carefully monitor so that the boy develops the correct model of eating behavior.

His character, perseverance and ability to perceive logical arguments will fully contribute to this, if enough effort is put into forming the right habit. Otherwise, excess in eating can cause problems with the heart and blood vessels in a man even in adulthood.

But as for alcohol, almost all sources write that it is almost impossible to suspect Dmitry of being addicted to the “green serpent”. Yes, he loves good alcohol - but only in moderate doses and in good company, with a gourmet snack. Therefore, the painful attraction to alcohol is not his secret at all.


Those who are not familiar with the secret of the name Dmitry, the meaning of this name, may be surprised by the mood swings that occur, to which both little Dima and a fully grown man are sometimes subject. His character is such that he can be patient for a long time, but there is a limit to everything, including patience. And when it ends, an emotional explosion of such strength may follow that no one can predict in advance.

IN childhood this can be expressed in the fact that the usually diligent boy Dima, patiently and persistently mastering new game or the ABC, suddenly begins to act up: Dmitry’s character requires periodic emotional release. The mother’s task is not only to talk to the young “robber” at these moments calmly and affectionately, but also to come up with ways for him to distract himself.

It can be physical exercise, walks, massages and even singing his favorite songs, in which Dima will find the opportunity to “shout out” emotional stress. As Dmitry grows older, he becomes calmer, but also more stubborn in defending his positions. His straightforward nature does not allow him to compromise his principles, which he can defend not only with words, but also with his fists.

The character of adult Dmitry is more friendly, but behind the mask of external calm there may be a real tiger (by the way, acting as a totem of this name). It cannot be said that a teenage Dima or an adult man has many friends, but they always have a narrow and loyal circle of friends.

The characteristics of Dmitriev differ depending on the time of year in which they were born. If in winter, then their one main quality is ambition: they strive to lead in everything. Those born in autumn are incredibly practical, but not stingy, and they know how to create quite decent savings.

Dmitry, born in the summer, has an explosive character and can be very jealous. Moreover, this quality can manifest itself not only in relation to the woman he loves, but also in relation to, for example, a desired position in the professional field. To successfully build your own family life and career, a man must discover one secret for himself, and this secret is the ability to curb his own emotional impulses.

But the character of spring Dmitry falls under one definition - incredible stubbornness. It is almost impossible to convince him, especially since, as a rule, he is very well-read and educated. At the same time, his stubbornness and principled character allow him to achieve great career and life heights.

Sex, love and marriage

Dmitry's fate in the personal aspect is also determined by the peculiarities of his character. Most often, sex for the bearers of this name is a secret for quite a long time. Many people, no longer virgins, begin to experience true pleasure from sex when they are over thirty.

It cannot be said that after this Dmitry becomes a “Don Juan” - he is too picky for that. In carnal pleasures, as in food and wine, he also prefers leisureliness, sophistication and fullness of sensations. Therefore, love adventures are not his element, although fate has endowed him with both sensuality and amorousness, but he knows how to keep both of them under the control of reason.

In his youth, Dmitry may have many girlfriends, especially if the girls themselves take the initiative, because a man does not always have enough determination for this. But love is one thing, and marriage is quite another. And therefore, such men rarely get married at a young age, preferring to first get on their feet and then make an informed choice of a life partner.

Often, when making such a choice, Dmitry gives preference to an already “proven person” - a woman whom he has known for many years. The habit of comfort and coziness, “tasty and healthy food” also affects this choice, demonstrating a purely male perception of the chosen one, who should not only be pretty, but also be able to cook and maintain home comfort.

Words such as “responsibility” and “sense of duty” can hardly be attributed to Dmitry in the role of a spouse. Rather, he will do something for his wife out of a feeling of tender affection. Even if fate turns out that the end of the marriage will be divorce, ex-wife can be sure that their children together will not be deprived of their father’s care, despite the separation of their parents.

Despite the fact that bearers of this name are very sociable and often choose a field of activity where they need to communicate with people and handle large amounts of information, at home they should have the opportunity to remain silent and free their heads from “information noise.”

And in order to prevent divorce, Dmitry’s wife should remember that comfort, coziness and tasty food- these are the things that can keep a husband from rash actions. And on a family vacation you should go to calm and comfortable places with good cuisine and no extreme entertainment.

Name day

When a child is baptized according to the calendar, Dmitry’s name day falls on the following days:

  • January - 4th, 8th, 21st and 31st.
  • February - 7th, 9th, 11th, 17th, 19th and 24th.
  • March - 22, 25, 28 and 31.
  • April - 1st, 23rd and 26th.
  • May - 2nd and 28th.
  • June - 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, 16th, 18th and 26th.
  • July - 3, 17 and 21st.
  • August - 1st, 14th, 17th, 20th and 25th.
  • September - 8, 9, 13, 19, 24, 28 and 30th.
  • October - 4, 10, 17 and 21st.
  • November - 1st, 3rd, 8th, 10th, 14th, 22nd, 25th, 27th, 28th and 29th.
  • December - 2, 14 and 17th.

When a boy is baptized and given the name Dmitry, his patrons can be the symbol of Russian military glory, Saint Dmitry Donskoy, Great Martyr Dmitry of Constantinople, or Metropolitan Dmitry of Rostov, elevated to the rank of saint. When baptizing a child, it is better to familiarize yourself with the calendar full list patron saints - there are about two dozen of them, so you can understand which one is best suited as the patron saint of your child.

By the way, when a child is baptized, he will be given full church name Dimitri, that will not affect the value modern form name - Dmitry, which a person will bear “in the world”. In some cases, this name can be chosen when baptizing an adult to protect him from “evil rock.” Author: Olga Inozemtseva

Dmitry – common Russian name, having Greek, Orthodox and Catholic roots. It is popular not only in Russia, but also in Europe; it has many short forms and synonyms: Dima, Demeter, Mitya, Demetrius, Micah, Dmitro, Demetrio.

Tying the name to Greek mythology, you can see a clear similarity with the name of the goddess of earth and fertility - Demeter. It is believed that Dmitry means dedicated to or belonging to Demeter. In ancient times, parents gave this name to their child in the hope that he would love the Russian land and become a successful farmer.

  • The planet patronizing Dmitry is Saturn;
  • Zodiac sign – Scorpio;
  • The color that attracts luck and luck is bright purple;
  • A tree that imparts strength and positive energy - rowan;
  • A plant that helps maintain health is chrysanthemum;
  • – walrus;
  • Stone - amulet - lapis lazuli.

IN Orthodox calendar Dmitry's name day (angel's day) was celebrated twice:

  • October 4 – Saint Dmitry Tuptalo, Metropolitan of Rostov. He has published more than a dozen books that contribute to the salvation and enlightenment of believers. One of them is about the lives of the saints for the whole year;
  • November 8 – Saint Dmitry (Myrrh-streaming) was the mayor of Thessaloniki. He was engaged in enlightening pagans and introducing them to the Christian faith. He died in prison after a long, painful death from spear wounds. Healing myrrh flowed from the holy relics.

Dmitry's ideal compatibility with women named: Lyubov,. Avoid Serious relationships follows with Zhanna, Ekaterina, Julia, Christina, Polina and Sofia.

Character traits in childhood and dreams of youth

Baby Dima is growing up as a cheerful and sociable boy. This enthusiastic nature is always looking for something to do. He is interested in creative circles, extracurricular activities. The boy is active, erudite, positive. Since childhood, a love for books and new knowledge has been evident. Tim differs from his peers in his good outlook, erudition and sharp mind.

From an early age, his desire to conquer and conquer this world is evident, but often this is accompanied by hot temper, impulsiveness and excessive independence. In relation to loved ones, little Dmitry can be selfish. His whims and grievances can cause quarrels with his parents. But during school years this will pass.

Dimitri is a diligent and successful student. He can spoil a good grade in a subject only by his desire to talk about distant topics or daydream, imagining out loud. But this is if he is not interested in the topic of the lesson. In adult life his love for chatter may cost him his career. No big fans oratorical broadcasting than the bearers of this name.

Tima's childhood is spent in love. His mother pampers him in every possible way and does not limit his desires, trying to make all her unfulfilled dreams come true in him. This will have a negative impact on the young man. He can become quite lazy and passive.

In relationships with the opposite sex, a young man named Dima is gallant and polite. He often falls in love, but quickly moves away. Friendship with a girl often ends in a quarrel due to his hot-tempered and stubborn disposition.

As Tim grows older, he begins to understand that his life depends on his efforts and hard work. Financial independence. And he so wants to live in comfort and prosperity. In an effort to earn money, he agrees to any business; if it fails, he does not despair and moves on with persistence.

What will be the fate of adult Dmitry?

Realization in the profession and love

In his mature years, Tim is often focused on success in his profession. He desperately strives to move up the career ladder, not for the sake of a high position, but to receive decent fees. Passion for beautiful women requires being wealthy and respectable, otherwise you will not achieve their favor and gratitude.

Dimitri is a man of creative impulse and beginning. He always needs inspiration and a muse. Illuminated and obsessed with an idea, he may well become a talented writer, actor, composer, artist. And his interest in research and knowledge of new things can allow him to become a leading scientist.

Believing in the prospects of his goals, he is able to concentrate for a long time, showing great scrupulousness and hard work. But this work should not be monotonous. It requires bursts of emotion, communication and social contact. Can be successfully implemented in political or social activities. A special oratorical talent, eloquence is something that Dmitry does not possess.

Tima's money appears as quickly as it disappears. He easily parts with them, as he is confident in the stability of his financial income. But not only financial ups, but also downs can await him. His business skills border on crazy scams and ideas. He easily takes risks, which sometimes causes him to experience a financial crisis.

Love for Dima is not just words; for the sake of the woman for whom he has reverent feelings, he is ready to do anything. In relationships, he is selective and careful. He is attracted to experienced passions, but this does not mean that he is immoral. He is ready for marriage and is responsible to his future wife.

He is characterized by family spirit, he will never abandon his child and will take care of him even in adulthood. The main authority for Tima is her mother. Therefore, he often chooses a woman who is similar to her in character or appearance.

Young Dima's state of love quickly passes, and he finds himself in search of a new muse. This becomes the reason for remarriage, which does not bother him in any way, providing financially for both families.

How character and health depend on the month of birth

Dmitry, born in winter, is very active and temperamental. He doesn't like to dress warmly, and this is the cause of his minor colds. Tima is distinguished by endurance, practicality and coldness. Such people are successfully implemented in the profession of dentist or surgeon, where there is no place for sentimentality.

A leadership position suits Dmitry very well. The position of boss is especially suitable for him, as he has the fighting qualities of a leader. He is characterized by discipline, order and hard work. It is difficult to convince him of something until he studies the issue himself and draws his own conclusions.

Those who born in summer, are inclined to study music, are passionate about art and painting, books, theater, cinema. The health of such individuals is not good. Because he avoids active sports and does not like an overly active lifestyle.

Famous personalities with the name Dmitry

  • Dmitry Donskoy – Grand Duke. He was respected as a brave commander and fearless warrior. Under him, Moscow established its position as the capital of Rus';
  • Dmitry Shostakovich - composer, virtuoso pianist, teacher and public figure. Laureate state prize THE USSR. Made an invaluable contribution to Russian culture;
  • Dmitry Mendeleev is a Russian scientist who showed his talents and knowledge in chemistry, physics, economics, meteorology, and pedagogy. One of famous discoveries professors - periodic law;
  • Dmitry Laptev is a Russian navigator, founder and participant of the Great Northern Expedition, the Laptev Strait is named after him. The Laptev Sea, located in the northern Arctic Ocean named after Dmitry and brother Khariton Laptev;
  • Dmitry Sautin – eight-time Olympic champion in diving, Honored Master of Sports;
  • Dmitry Sychev is a football player. Champion of Russia in 2004, footballer of the year in Russia among players;
  • Dmitry Medvedev - Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the United Russia party;
  • Dmitry Kharatyan - talented actor, known for his work in film and theater.

Dmitriy - Greek name(sounds like Dimitrios). Interpreted as “earthly fruit” or “dedicated to Demeter” (the goddess of agriculture and fertility, called “Mother Earth”). completely absorbed the joy, active principle, reliability characteristic of the Earth. Church Slavonic form - Dimitri, Old Russian - Dimitr.

The meaning of the name Dima manifests itself in childhood. He often suffers from various respiratory diseases, which is why he requires constant attention, is capricious and shows instability of character. But still he is full of kindness and complaisance, although during his school years his stubbornness and temper may appear. Dmitry is ambiguous in his relationships with classmates. This can break him, but the opposite happens - such situations strengthen him.

The secret of the name Dima in the professional field: the work of a programmer or researcher is most suitable for him, there is a high probability of success in trade and medicine. It is better for Dmitry to choose a field of activity where it is necessary constant communication with people. In a company, a person with this name is sure to be the center of attention. His charm allows him to enjoy success with beautiful women. Dima, the meaning of whose name we are considering, loves comfort, coziness and various pleasures. Funny company can make him have a lot of fun and even drink, but not too much: he is not in danger.

In life, Dmitry is hardworking and copes with failures easily. He makes his own career and quickly adapts to different situations. He always finishes things he starts and works well in a team. There is only one drawback of his in communicating with people - sometimes he lectures them quite incorrectly. But still, for the sake of his friends, Dima is ready for a lot. Although, due to his impulsiveness and stubbornness, it is difficult for him to be with them for a long time. Injustice and insults can drive him to a furious state. Diplomacy is not his strong point. Dima always has the desire to be the best, to be the first.

In priorities: he is insanely attached to luxury, drink and food. Creating an appropriate standard of living is difficult not only for him, but also for his loved ones, especially his wife.

Dmitry is very amorous. Moreover, each time he is so captivated by new feelings that he sometimes forgets about his current sympathy and suddenly becomes interested in another woman. Often this develops into deep feelings. But it is not possible to build a long-term and strong relationship, since Dima does not understand the psychology of women well. For this reason it is possible a large number of marriages. And if children are born in them, then they all bathe in the care of their father. Romantic relationship Dima maintains relationships with women at any age. For Dmitry, his mother is an authority for life.

Names of women with whom happiness in marriage is possible: Elena, Anna, Lilia, Lyudmila, Lyubov, Yana, Natalya. It is impossible to build relationships with Angela, Vika, Irina, Inna, Marina, Yulia, Sofia.

The meaning of the name Dima will be very useful for parents choosing a future for their child, which to some extent depends on what the child is named.

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