How to study for 5. To be lazy or not to be lazy - that is the question: should you try hard in your studies? Create a comfortable workplace for yourself where you can do your homework

School is an integral part of your life. Thanks to her, you get the basics of knowledge, choose future profession, so knowing how to do well in school will help you you will succeed in life. There are many effective methods improving academic performance. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all whether you are an excellent student, are in the ranks of those lagging behind, or just want to improve your grades. This simple instruction will be useful to you in any case.

Method 1. Proper preparation

  • Use colorful markers and brightly colored post-it notes to label and highlight items. This is a great way to not miss a single detail.

Method 2. Setting goals

Method 3: Study Skills

  • Don't worry about asking too much during class. After all, it’s better to ask now and learn the material, otherwise the resulting gap in knowledge will certainly come back to haunt you in the future.
  • Activity during class says a lot about academic performance. Even if your question may seem stupid or basic, remember that there is nothing wrong with trying to understand. It often happens that the same question worries many people, they just do not dare to ask it. Be bolder!

Method 4. Homework and self-test

  • Rewrite your notes. This may seem like a completely useless and tedious task to you, but in reality you will remember much more this way. more information. In addition, by rewriting notes, you will be able to identify gaps in knowledge and immediately eliminate them.

  • Take a textbook on a subject that is particularly difficult for you. Review the tables carefully, review terms, and read the summary at the end of each chapter.
  • Don't forget that vacations are not just for relaxing. Of course, you need to have fun, but it is advisable to study at least every other day - this way the material covered will remain in your memory.
  • Ask your parents or friends to repeat with you what is most difficult for you.

Method 5. Group classes

Review the material with friends. Working out with friends will help you focus.

  • The group must consist of people who can concentrate. Empty talk will only waste time.
  • Some people may find it difficult to study in a group because their friends can be a distraction. Or maybe you just like working alone - it's important to understand that this is not a bad thing. This fact does not mean that you are not suited to teamwork - on the contrary, you can become an excellent team member if you understand everything correctly.

Method 6. Solving problems

Feel free to ask your tutor questions. The fact that you need help is not shameful, but commendable. This shows your desire to understand how to do well in school.

  1. Persevere. Bring every task you start to completion. Don't forget to reward yourself for good results.

Method 7. Tests and exams

Don't worry. Those who have not prepared for them at all should worry about tests. But you have everything under control!

Method 8. Don't forget about your health

  • Use World Wide Web as a working tool, not fun. Watching videos, virtual games, social media are very distracting from studying.
  • You shouldn’t look with quiet envy at classmates who don’t do their homework - they are not role models at all. Focus on your studies and success will come to you, not them.
  • Read as much as possible. Don’t be tied to one genre—understanding texts from different styles will only benefit you.
  • There is no need to sit in the back desk - you should have a clear view of the board and the teacher in order to better understand the material.
  • Practice speed reading - this will help you quickly and efficiently perceive new information.
  • It's actually really cool to be smart! Sometimes intellectuals are mistaken for eccentrics, but you shouldn't worry about that. Smart people achieve success in life, and that's a fact.
  • Ask your parents to review your work - maybe the teacher or you yourself graded it incorrectly.


  • If you're having a hard time, don't worry. Hard to learn, easy to fight, as they say.
  • Try to be calm about marks and tests. Anxiety is a completely normal phenomenon, as long as it does not interfere with your ability to demonstrate your talents.
  • No need to write it off. Why risk your own grades!
  • Don't waste your time. This is fraught with unnecessary stress and a decrease in the quality of work.
  • Remember that with real friends you can not only have fun, but also study and learn something new.
  • Be sure to take breaks to make your work more efficient. Postponing homework, you risk losing a couple of hours of sleep, and your grades may drop if you don't turn in your work on time. Don't be your own enemy!

According to statistics, out of several dozen students, there will be one or two excellent students. Often, many children and their parents wonder how best to study at school. We invite you to read the recommendations published in this article.

No one can force you to study, memorize and understand a topic if the student himself does not want it. Therefore, we will also touch on the question of how to awaken a student’s interest in science.

Why is good academic performance necessary?

As a rule, studying in primary school, children do not yet realize the importance of knowledge of science. Understanding this comes closer to graduation, starting in grades 8-9. The fact is that every student has to pass a final exam, which will play a decisive role in future education, and sometimes in their career. Therefore, it is advisable for parents to gently and politely explain why good academic performance is needed.

What to do if a lot has been missed, but you want to keep up?

Very often, before final exams, students begin to think about what they have to overcome severe trials. They understand how lucky those who study with straight A's are.

But it is impossible to catch up with excellent students in just a few months. Time has passed. In fact, you can ask for help from a teacher you trust, a classmate, or hire a tutor.

How to study better

What is the best way to do well in school for someone who is behind? There are simple tips for this:

  • listen to the teacher's words;
  • ask your loved ones to tell you something on a given topic;
  • read more about the science/subject yourself;
  • start over from the beginning or from where performance declined.

In this case, it will be possible to catch up with the program that is currently being studied.

How to understand a teacher

There are different types of teachers: those who can explain well and those who tell practically nothing. You need to be prepared for this. If you cannot understand the teacher from the first days, then it is advisable to study the subject on your own and consult with those who are well versed in science. In general, the student must learn to understand everything himself. In universities, training is mostly independent, without the help of teachers. Therefore, it is better to think in advance, or rather, “teach yourself.”

How to prepare for lessons at home

You should learn to value time. When you get home, it’s better to rest a little: lie down, chat with your family, or, ideally, take a walk in the fresh air.

About 1 hour will be enough. And then the difficult moment will come - how to prepare for the lesson. It is not recommended to start doing homework immediately after school if you don’t have the desire and strength. In addition, you should not waste time on computer games, the Internet, as all this can tempt you for a long time.

When you feel rested, start studying. You can, for example, sit on the sofa and read a paragraph on history or a given novel on literature. And various calculations and all written work are best done at the table.

What needs to be learned by heart is best divided into stages:

  • read before starting homework;
  • understand the meaning of the text;
  • imagine information mentally;
  • re-read again.

After 2-3 hours, you can repeat it to yourself and check the textbook. If you don’t remember anything, then repeat everything that is written in the list above.

Why, no matter how hard you try, nothing works?

But there is also the other side of the coin: they memorized (a formula in physics or a definition in social studies), but nothing is clear. In this case, you can enlist the help of the Internet. You can even find video tutorials on a particular topic.

What is the best way to study at school if you can’t study despite your best will? It is worth asking for help, for example, from classmates, so that they explain what is happening and how, how to build graphs and solve problems in physics or chemistry. Don’t be afraid to approach the teacher before or after class to ask something about the topic covered.

How to show interest in uninteresting subjects

Often children are not passionate about certain subjects. But you need to study so that your overall final grades are impeccable. An uninteresting subject can be treated differently. Let's say you don't like history because there are so many dates and events that you have to memorize.

There are schoolchildren who like to study at school because they strive to learn some topic through experience. From the same history, for example, we study the reign of Empress Catherine II. You can visit the museum or see paintings associated with the reign of this great woman.

For mathematics you don't like, you should find easier equations and practice and solve them in several ways. And then we get to the hard stuff. Making graphs is also a fun activity.

What good will come from successful studies?

Above we discussed how to study better at school. Now let’s answer the question: why should you be successful in your studies? Will it be useful in life? This question is better answered from a moral point of view: when a student is confident in his abilities, then he does not worry about every test or test. independent work, is not afraid of performing. He is happy, he likes everything and everything comes easy to him. For ten years he has treated school not as hard labor, but as his second home. This moral attitude will help you realize your career.

Independent analysis of the material

Man is born to to a greater extent learned the world on one's own. If you don’t start from childhood, then adult life it will be very difficult. Therefore, let's talk about how to teach students to learn, that is, to teach themselves.

This topic will be especially relevant for those who miss school due to illness. To catch up with classmates, a sick student needs to find out what happened at school. Next, you should open the textbook and familiarize yourself with the topic. If the previous lessons have been mastered, then you should go well and new material. You shouldn’t look for excuses like: “I was sick, I don’t know anything.” Try to figure it out on your own

Should I hire a tutor?

How to improve school performance in more convenient and time-efficient ways?

If studying is not going well at all, then it is better to resort to the services of a tutor. He will help you deal with any material in the shortest possible time. But the responsibility still lies with the student: the material must be memorized and the essence of what is being studied must be understood. Only in this case will the tutor have guarantees that the student will become a good or excellent student.

The Internet will come to the rescue

How are children doing at school these days? In past decades and even centuries it was difficult to obtain required material. On this moment any book and even an abstract can be found on the Internet.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that academic performance depends entirely on the student himself.

Most students find it extremely difficult to study: complex program, lack of desire to perform homework, strict teachers. Of course, in the presence of all these factors, no one will want to study. But what to do if secondary education is necessary, and it is also desirable to get higher education for free? How to do well at school? We'll tell you important rules for students!
First of all, you need to talk about doing homework and everything related to its effectiveness. Good self-study is the main rule for those who want to study well.
Rule #1
First, get yours in order. workplace, because the cleanliness around you determines how well you will complete and concentrate on your homework. This will take you no more than 20 minutes, so feel free to start cleaning.
Rule #2
Set priorities and make a plan for your work. For example:
1. Write an essay on literature
2. Do 10 numbers in mathematics
3. Complete 2 exercises in the Russian language
4. Prepare for a physics test
Try to do it first difficult work, and at the end the easiest one. After all, then you simply won’t have enough strength for the difficult ones :)
A well-constructed plan will not only improve the quality of homework, but also reduce the time it takes to complete it!
Rule #3
Do not be distracted! If you decide that at 15:00 you start doing your homework, then it is at this time that you sit down to do it, and not a minute later. This rule will help you become more punctual!
Also, do not forget that you need to set an approximate completion time for the work. Believe me, if you don’t get distracted and focus only on homework, instead of 3 hours on homework, you can spend less than two! :)
Rule #4
If the task is too difficult and you don’t have time to complete it on time, don’t be upset. Turn on the music for 5 minutes, relax, eat a piece of chocolate, look out the window. Only then continue doing your homework.
Studying at school
High-quality homework is only a 50% guarantee of good study. How to do well at school?
Rule #5
In every lesson, always listen carefully to the teachers and try to answer. This way, you will get more good grades and it will be easier for you to complete your homework!
Rule #6
If suddenly teachers offer to write an essay, agree without hesitation. Nowadays, almost everyone has the Internet or a lot of educational literature. So why not get a good grade almost for nothing? :)
Rule #7
Be with teachers in good relations: don’t be rude to them, help them if necessary. Believe me, this will not only benefit them, but will also improve your academic performance!

The curriculum is difficult not only at school, but also at university, so getting high grades is not easy. There are a few effective advice, how to become an excellent student, which will help you achieve good results and increase your knowledge.

Do you need to be an excellent student?

Many people ask this question both in high school and in higher education. This is due to the fact that there are a huge number of examples of how people, even without education, reached heights. This is the main argument why you don’t need to study perfectly. It is worth considering that such examples are more the exception than the rule. Such people still have some kind of talent or innate talent, which became an impetus in life.

When figuring out whether it is worth studying with excellent marks, it is important to note that a person who strives for high grades thereby displays important qualities: perseverance, determination, diligence, the desire to be first and receive only the best. All this indicates that in other situations in life, such as building a career or developing a business, a person will have a desire to receive only the maximum.

What do you need to do to become an excellent student?

  1. In order to keep up with everything, but still have time to rest, it is recommended to create a clear routine for every day.
  2. Be sure to alternate different types activity, which is considered a form of rest for the brain. For example, first take time to solve problems, and then read a work of literature.
  3. When figuring out how to become an excellent student, it is worth pointing out that you need to study not for the sake of a grade, but for the sake of gaining knowledge and skills.
  4. You should study on your own, delving into the topic. If something is not clear, there is no need to leave gaps, but it is better to figure it out and contact the teacher.
  5. Get yourself a separate notebook where you write down rules and make diagrams that help you master the materials.
  6. Be sure to come up with some encouragement for yourself.

After analyzing the advice of psychologists and teachers, we can identify a number of effective recommendations that will be useful to all people.

  1. Always do your homework, but not for show, but in order to master the material.
  2. When figuring out how to start studying excellently, it is worth mentioning the need to be an active participant in the educational process. During the lesson, take part in the discussion, ask questions and clarify if something is not clear.
  3. To become an excellent student, you need to develop punctuality, attentiveness and responsibility. It is recommended to work on speech and improve other qualities.

Motivation - how to become an excellent student?

To complete tasks as successfully as possible, it is important to have good motivation. In this case, it is necessary to understand why “A’s” are needed in a certificate or diploma. Each person may have his own motive, so, for some, being the best is a life rule, and for others, it is a necessity in order to enter a university or university. When figuring out how to force yourself to study well, you should know that the skills, knowledge and abilities acquired in an educational institution will be useful in ordinary life in different situations.

How to become an excellent student with the help of magic?

There are many rituals that help to better understand the material, attract good luck and contribute to the discovery of talents. The ritual to become an excellent student gives better results if performed on yourself, but parents can also use it. It is advisable that it be performed by female representatives. The first results can be obtained in about a month and a half.

  1. It is better to read conspiracies during the full moon or the waxing moon, so that the results grow along with the Earth’s satellite. Take three thick church candles.
  2. In the evening, light candles and place them on the table in front of you. Without taking your eyes off the flame, read the spell to become an excellent student seven times.
  3. Extinguish the flame and hide the candles in a secret place. The ritual must be performed once a week.

Prayers to become an excellent student

Students and their parents can contact for help To higher powers using different prayers. One of best helpers for Orthodox believers is . According to legend, the saint did not study well as a child, but met an amazing old man who instilled in him the power of knowledge and from then on the boy began to study only with straight A's. For those who are interested in how to study excellently, there is a special prayer that should be read every day in front of the image of the saint.

The question of how to do well at school is relevant for many schoolchildren. After all, successful learning often determines a higher status among peers and is important when choosing a future life path. Some students, who were rather indifferent to the learning process, come to their senses by the end of school: how to start studying well?

What to do to study well?
  1. First, you need to decide on your priorities. Why is it important for you to study well: maybe for admission to higher education? educational institution where there is a lot of competition; or to increase your authority among your classmates, or maybe it is important for you to get the approval of your parents and teachers?
  2. Next, you need to decide on specific tasks. It’s easier when you fail in only one or two academic subjects; it’s more difficult if there is a lag in knowledge in several subjects. For example, you set the task of writing a “4” essay on literature, or learning English vocabulary on the work topic at “5”.
  3. To ensure there are no gaps in knowledge, you should attend all lessons. If for some good reason you have to miss classes, then it is important to ask your classmates or teacher about the topic of the lesson and the main issues discussed in class in order to study the material covered on your own.
  4. Attendance in class will be useless if you do not perceive educational material. Of course, many topics are quite difficult, but if you listen carefully to the teacher’s explanations, delve into the diagrams, tables, graphs illustrating the material being studied, then it is possible to understand the essence of the issue even with a low level of ability.
  5. If some part of the material is not entirely clear, then do not hesitate to ask a question on the topic. It happens that a teacher is annoyed by students’ clarifying questions, or natural shyness does not allow him to ask the teacher about something he doesn’t understand. Then you should seek help from a classmate who is successful in this subject. When explained “in your own words,” it is sometimes easier to understand complex material than when studying from a textbook.
  6. When deciding for yourself how best to study at school, make a commitment to do your homework regularly and, if possible, on your own. By doing the assigned work at home, you reinforce the material and develop the necessary skills.
  7. It is very important to organize your time, especially if you are visiting sports section, music school, art studio, etc. By the way, it has been reliably established that children receiving additional education, better structure their time, accurately defining the time frames spent on completing homework, attending extracurricular activities, helping parents around the house, and even meeting with friends.
How to help your child study well?

Without the caring attitude of parents and their unobtrusive attention, it is sometimes difficult for a child to organize himself. Reasonable help from adults is simply necessary!

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