The most beautiful names for girls are Russian Orthodox. We choose a name for the newborn according to the Orthodox calendar

The child's name given to him at birth will influence his entire life. later life. It is not for nothing that there are happy and unlucky names in history; they are associated with some events, natural phenomena, religious holidays, etc. It is believed that it is impossible to give the name of a deceased child to a newly born one, since he will be unhappy, having taken upon himself all the misfortunes of his deceased brother.

Where to look for a name for a girl

When Christianity was introduced in Rus', and people began to plan their lives according to the Orthodox calendar, children began to be named in honor of Orthodox saints. It is quite rightly believed that by receiving the name of a saint, a person receives both a close spiritual connection and the patronage of this saint. He may even receive the power and grace of a holy man. Therefore, when choosing names for children, you should think carefully, because you are also choosing a caring guardian angel and spiritual patron for him for life.

Orthodox Mesyatslov will help you choose a name by date of birth

There are many more male names in Orthodox calendars than female ones. But some male names also have feminine counterparts.

Every day of the year preserves the memory of some canonized saint; some days can boast of a dozen birthday people. In addition, the names of some saints are repeated several times in the Orthodox calendar, and therefore the names are suitable for children born at different times of the year.

Church calendar or Monthly calendar

Many modern parents turn to the Monthly Book or Saints. The church calendar can provide invaluable assistance in this, since it contains Orthodox, Old Church Slavonic, Hebrew and Greek names of very different origins. Some names are anachronisms today, they have long gone out of use, and cause a slight smile when they are mentioned. But many names are in great demand today.

Orthodox calendar for 2016

Of course, almost all parents want to choose a rare and unusual name, and the Saints can help them choose a name by month.

Choosing an Orthodox name for a girl

Parents are especially careful when choosing names for girls. I want a beautiful name to emphasize her tenderness, grace and elegance.

Women's names always have some sacred magical meaning. Their meaning is intended to bestow tenderness or strength, wisdom or patience, fertility or love. For example, well-known female names - Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia (Wisdom) personify the main Christian virtues. Women's names also praised some character traits necessary for a future housewife - hard work, patience and determination, humility and complaisance.

The Orthodox name is given at baptism

But, be that as it may, you should choose a name with all responsibility, think about its sound and compliance with the patronymic and surname. And also pay attention to the time of year in which the child was born.

It is well known that in different times Every year, children (especially girls) are born with completely opposite characters. Women's names are designed not only to emphasize the individuality of the owner, but also to help in life.

The relationship between name and season

IN winter period children are born who are hardy and have good health, hard and tough. They have a stern, unyielding character that helps them achieve their plans. But this character often harms them in their personal lives. Firmness and inflexibility interfere with trusting relationships with loved ones. Children born in winter usually do not tolerate interference in their affairs and do not listen to anyone's advice. They are self-confident, active, purposeful and go straight towards their intended goal.

Choosing a name for a girl in winter

Girls born in winter have a purely masculine character, which helps them achieve success in their careers and business, but prevents them from organizing their personal lives. That's why female name it should be gentle, melodic, softening the harsh winter cold.

Spring is a capricious, changeable time of year. And girls in the spring are born capricious, selfish, squeamish, and physically weak. They are conservative and find it difficult to adapt to change. But if they think they are right, then nothing will convince them. They are very stubborn, proud, indecisive and cautious, love flattery and have a certain narcissism. It is not easy for a girl born in spring to find a husband because she is frightened by any changes in her lifestyle.

What name to choose for a girl in spring

And at the same time, “spring” children know how to adapt to any life situations. Therefore, a woman’s name should be firm and tough.

In summer, generous, cheerful and optimistic children are born. They do not waste time on trifles, do not be greedy, and at the same time are extremely hardworking and diligent. Summer children are emotional, quick-tempered, temperamental, and impressionable. Among other things, they are the kindest and fairest people.

What names are suitable for girls born in summer?

Girls born in summer are proud and brave, persistent and purposeful. They will passionately love their husband and carefully take care of their children. Therefore, neutral names are best suited for them, designed to slightly restrain their noble nature.

Autumn is a time of reflection. And children born in autumn are characterized by such character traits as wisdom, leisurelyness, prudence and accuracy. Such a child will never act at random; he will carefully weigh the pros and cons, but will act diplomatically, without offending anyone. Loyalty and submission will help them find happiness in marriage.

What to name a girl in the fall

Girls born in autumn are calm and thoughtful, balanced, and in any situation they lead, first of all, common sense. These girls should be given names filled with sacred meaning.

That is, when choosing a girl’s name, you must consider it month by month in order to help shape a woman’s destiny.

Names for girls born in January

January is the harshest month of the year. A girl named one of these names will spend her entire life in happiness and prosperity without any problems or obstacles, and will achieve her goals without putting in too much work. She will make a good wife and mother and will be happily married all her life.

Icon of Saint Tatiana


Names for girls born in February

Very often these women do not have an attractive appearance. But they have wonderful character: active, sociable, cheerful and hardworking. They extremely love to dress up, change their appearance, keep up with fashion and spend a lot of money on it. They are not attracted to a calm and measured life, they need constant communication, fun and music. In most cases, these women marry several times, and usually the second marriage is successful.

Name Maria for a girl


Names for girls born in March

These girls and women are envious and extremely curious. They are rarely lucky in their married life, but people with a high position in society who have achieved success also marry them. In the family, the woman will play the main role.

The name Marianna - meaning


Names for girls born in April

A woman who lives in love and for love. Very often she marries a jealous man, but she can get along with him great relationship. Sometimes in old age she changes for the worse: she becomes a malicious gossip, embittered at the entire world around her.

Name Daria - meaning


Names for girls born in May

This woman will passionately adore her husband all her life. Although she has intelligence, beauty, and education, she talks too much, and inappropriately. People often envy her, so they can harm her, especially in matters of the heart.

The meaning of the name Elizabeth


Names for girls born in June

This emotional woman, surrounded by friends and fans. But because of his temper, he often conflicts with others and quickly breaks off relationships.

The meaning of the name Elena


Names for girls born in July

For this woman, love is a game. This is a passionate and temperamental nature, ardent and tender at the same time. Men like her, and she herself likes to flirt. Bright and beautiful, she is in a whirlpool of relationships, love and fun.

The name Olga 0 is one of the most popular


Names for girls born in August

This woman is generous and patient, impartial and self-possessed. Her kind and sympathetic character attracts everyone around her. It’s not easy for her to choose a husband because of the large number of fans. But if her first marriage breaks up, she will become distrustful and cautious.

Name Ekaterina - meaning


Names for girls born in September

A very optimistic and cheerful person. Even troubles and disappointments will not diminish her optimism. She is flirtatious and sociable, and over time she becomes the most devoted mother.

Icon of Saint Sophia


Names for girls born in October

This is a woman with the happiest character and the happiest destiny. She will live happily married to loving husband and children for a long life.

About the name Veronica


Names for girls born in November

This woman will spend her whole life quarreling with her husband because of her love for clothes and the company of strangers. A playful lifestyle is the norm for her.

Icon of Saint Claudius


Names for girls born in December

This woman has an attractive appearance and an open, noble character. Doesn't like to submit to someone else's will and be subordinate.

A singer named Varvara


(18 ratings, average: 3,33 out of 5)

From time immemorial, a person’s name has been given great sacred meaning; it was believed that it bears the imprint of fate. This means that at birth a whole direction of life was chosen.

Male names were supposed to reward the owner with strength, courage, and power. Women's, on the contrary, were supposed to bring femininity, beauty, harmony, highest protection and family happiness to the owner.

How to choose names for girls

Choosing a name for a girl often becomes a point of contention among relatives. Sometimes you have to resort to the help of lots, the church calendar and even astrology.

And here it persists
a subconscious desire to choose the most favorable fate for the girl along with her name.

Female names are popular today: modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare and unusual. See the list and their meanings below.

What names should not be given to children?

When choosing a name, it is best to be guided by an understanding of how comfortable the child will be with it in a social environment. It is desirable that the name corresponds to the traditions of the area, nationality, and customs.

The lack of prohibitions has given rise to a tendency in society to give the most unimaginable names to their offspring. And yet, you should not name a child so that he later becomes an object of ridicule in society.

The most popular female names

  • Sophia or Sophia;
  • Anastasia;
  • Darina or Daria;
  • Victoria;
  • Pauline;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Ksenia;
  • Varvara;
  • Maria;
  • Veronica;
  • Alyona;
  • Alexandra;
  • Ulyana;
  • Alina;
  • Margarita;
  • Arina;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Milan;
  • Christina;
  • Alice;
  • Kira;
  • Diana;
  • Anna.

These names are statistically found in 75% of all registered newborn girls.

Songs with female names

Love for a woman has always inspired poets and composers, and, as a result, a huge number of beautiful songs with women's names have appeared. They have always been loved all over the world.

The most famous Russian songs from different times:

  • “Pink Roses (Svetka Sokolova)” (Jolly Guys);
  • “Katyusha” (Blanter – Isakovsky);
  • “Ksyusha” (Alena Apina);
  • “A stewardess named Zhanna” (Vladimir Presnyakov);
  • “Alexandra” (from the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”);
  • “Natalie” (Mikhail Shufutinsky);
  • "Olesya" (Syabry);
  • “Faina” (Na-Na);
  • "Liza" (Andrey Gubin).

In Russia there are always songs, dedicated to a woman, were very loved, and not only by us. There are also many songs with women's names in the world. This is the most favorite topic among songwriters.

The most famous foreign songs in English:

  • “Michelle” (The Beatles);
  • “Carry” (Europe);
  • “Nikita” (Elton John);
  • “Maria” (Blondie);
  • “Susanna” (Adriano Celentano).

Female names: modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual. List and values

Slavic beautiful female names

Among the Slavs, the main purpose of a woman was motherhood and family. This main meaning was invested in the girl’s name: she was supposed to become the keeper of the family hearth in the future.

Female names: modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual, the list and meanings of these names cannot be completely contained in more than one dictionary of names, they are countless.

Female names: modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual, ancient - the list and meanings are very extensive.

Russian modern female names

Modern Russian female names are mainly of Slavic, Greek, Jewish, Latin and Germanic origin.

Greek, Jewish and Germanic names appeared in Rus' with the arrival of Christianity from Byzantium in the 10th century, some Latin ones - during the period of Peter the Great's reforms.

Slavic names are the most ancient, but some of them are still popular:

  • Arina or Yarina - dedicated to the sun god Yarila;
  • Bozhena – gifted by God, divine or blessed;
  • Bronislava - glorious with protection;
  • Faith - knowledge, belief;
  • Vlada, Vladislava - owns fame;
  • Darina – gift of the Gods;
  • Zlata - golden;
  • Lada - okay, kind;
  • Love or Lyubava – giving love;
  • Lyudmila - dear to people;
  • Milana - she's cute;
  • Miroslava - glorious in the world;
  • Hope - hope;
  • Radmila – caring, caring, sweet;
  • Snezhana is cold and snowy.

Interesting fact! The name Svetlana, very popular since the second half of the 20th century, has a controversial origin. According to some unconfirmed versions this is Slavic name. But a version that is closer to the truth is that the name Svetlana was invented in the 19th century by Russian poets Vostokov and Zhukovsky.

After the release of Zhukovsky’s ballad “Svetlana,” the name gained enormous popularity. Gradually they began to call girls by it, and it firmly entered into everyday life.

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', new female names took root, which we now consider to be originally Russian. Today they are familiar to our ears and are quite common throughout Russia.

But their Greek origin is not entirely clear. The fact is that the name book was formed on the basis of cultural and trade ties, so in Byzantium itself there were not only Greek, but also Syrian, Latin, Egyptian, Persian, German, Babylonian and other names.

The most beautiful and common Russian names that came from Byzantium:

  • Alexandra (Greek) – human protector;
  • Alena (Greek) – light;
  • Alice (German) – protector;
  • Alla (Greek) – next;
  • Anastasia (Greek) – resurrection;
  • Anna (Hebrew) - God's mercy;
  • Antonina (Latin) – eager for battle;
  • Valentina (Latin) – healthy and strong;
  • Valeria (Latin) – strong and strong;
  • Varvara (Greek) – foreigner, barbarian;
  • Vasilisa (Greek) – majestic, regal;
  • Galina (Greek) – serenity, silence, sea surface;
  • Daria (pers.) – possessing good;
  • Catherine (Greek) – pious, immaculate;
  • Elena (Greek) – bright, chosen;
  • Eugenia (Greek) – high-born;
  • Elizabeth (Hebrew) – vow to God;
  • Zhanna or Yana is a variant of the name John (Hebrew) - God's mercy;
  • Zoe (Greek) – alive, life;
  • Irina (Greek) – calm and peace;
  • Inna (Latin) – a stormy fast stream;
  • Karina (Latin) – dear, dear;
  • Ksenia (Greek) – wanderer, foreigner;
  • Christina (Greek) – dedicated herself to Christ;
  • Larisa (Greek) – seagull;
  • Maya (Greek) – mother, nurse, goddess;
  • Margarita (Greek) – pearl;
  • Mary (Hebrew) – desired, serene, bitter;
  • Marina (Latin) – marine, living in the sea;
  • Natalia (Latin) – dear, given by God;
  • Nina (Georgian) – queen, mistress;
  • Olga – (of Scandinavian origin from Helga) sacred;
  • Sophia or Sophia (Greek) – wisdom, science;
  • Tatyana (Latin) – mistress, organizer;
  • Tamara (Hebrew) – date palm, fig tree;
  • Taisia ​​(Greek) – wise, late;
  • Ulyana, Julianna, Julianna and Julia (Latin) - belonging to the Yuliev family;
  • Evelina or Eve (Hebrew) – life force;
  • Emilia (Latin) is an unyielding rival.

Interesting fact! The name Victoria means victory and is of Latin origin. It came firmly into Russian use after Russia’s victories in northern war(1700-1721).

Orthodox Russian female names - saints

The Russian Orthodox Church has its own unique name - these are the saints that came to us from Byzantium. They contain the names of Orthodox saints, each of which is associated with great martyrdom and righteous deeds.

Until 1917, the names of newborns were given by the church at baptism. Some of them are actively used today. The rest are rarely used or have fallen out of use. Each name in the calendar has its own day of the year, sometimes more than one.

Here are some of them:

  • Agnia – immaculate;
  • Anisiya – accomplishment, success;
  • Anfisa – blooming;
  • Evdokia - favor;
  • Euphrosyne - joy;
  • Zinaida – divine;
  • Ilaria – clear, joyful, quiet;
  • Capitolina - born on the Capitol;
  • Claudia – lame;
  • Nonna – dedicated to God;
  • Paraskeva, Russian version of Praskovya, - Friday, the eve of the holiday;
  • Raisa – carefree, easy;
  • Rimma – Roman;
  • Rufina – reddish;
  • Seraphim - fiery;
  • Faina – light;
  • Photinia, Fotina (analogous to the Russian Svetlana) – light.

This is interesting! The name Polina or Paulina, popular today, originates from the male name Paul, which in turn is French version biblical name Paul.

This name is not in the Orthodox calendar, but there is Apollinaria (Greek) - dedicated to the God Apollo.

Old Russian female names

Old Russian names were formed not only on a Slavic basis. The cultural ties of our ancestors contributed to borrowing from the traditions of our neighbors. This also affected names, some of which were of Scandinavian origin.

Today, not all ancient Russian names are forgotten, some are even very relevant. Recently, due to the undying interest in their roots, many people name their children according to the ancient Russian tradition.

Such names are found more and more often, especially:

Ukrainian female names

Most Ukrainian female names have common roots with Russian ones. This is due to the Slavic origin of both peoples, general history, as well as with the Orthodox tradition.

The lion's share of names in the Ukrainian name book coincides with Russian ones. The only difference is their spelling and pronunciation.

For example, some Russian names in the Ukrainian tradition are written with an “o” -: Olena, Oleksandra, Orina. There are also differences in the spelling of the letter “i”; in the Ukrainian language its Latin analogue “i” is used. This is due to the influence of Polish culture.

Some Ukrainian names with pronunciation features:

Belarusian female names

Belarusian female names are similar to Russian and Ukrainian ones. Here, too, instead of “and”, “i” is used, and the letter “y” also has its own pronunciation features.

Writing features:

There are also traditional Belarusian names that are very popular among the people and have their own meaning:

  • Alesya, Lesya, Olesya - forest;
  • Alena is a wonderful torch;
  • Ulada – okay, peaceful;
  • Yana - God's mercy;
  • Yarina, Yaryna – sunny.

Czech female names

Although the Czechs are a Slavic people, their traditions are somewhat different from Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian.

The Czech Republic is a country with a predominantly Catholic culture. Therefore, Czech female names are a mixture of Slavic, Catholic and European. They are very unusual and interesting.

Some of them have their own unique features and meaning:

  • Abena – the one born on Tuesday;
  • Bara, Baranka, Barbara, Barka - a strange foreigner;
  • Branca is a great defender;
  • Vlasta – power;
  • Daska – soul;
  • Willow is a good God;
  • Cape - a small stork;
  • Libena, Libuz – love;
  • Otili – rich;
  • Radka – happy;
  • Sarka - forty;
  • Stepanka – crowned;
  • Hedvika – struggling;
  • Tsjenka - originally from Sidon;
  • Evika – life;

Bulgarian female names

Traditional Slavic names are the most popular in Bulgaria. Although, since the 20th century, the Bulgarian name book has been enriched with various Western European borrowings.

Traditionally, children are named after their ancestors. There is one more feature: names are given that are universal for both boys and girls, for example Spaska and Spas, Zhivka and Zhivko.

Some traditional Bulgarian names and their meanings:

  • Cornflower - queen;
  • Jordanka – flowing downwards;
  • Mariyka is an analogue of the biblical name Maria;
  • Rositsa - Rosa;
  • Stefka – crowned;
  • Parking is worthwhile.

Polish female names

In Poland, children are traditionally given Latin, Slavic and Greek names. There are also pronunciation features here that make these names unique.

For example, popular names:

  • Agnieszka – immaculate;
  • Beata - blessed;
  • Wanda - from the Vened tribe;
  • Wojciech - consolation of soldiers;
  • Wenceslas - more glory;
  • Casimira – peacemaker;
  • Małgorzata is a pearl;
  • Franziska is French;
  • Jadwiga is a battle of rivals.

Rare female names

Beautiful rare names are very popular now. They come from other cultures, films, songs, etc.

Some of these rare names are:

  • Bella (European) – beautiful;
  • Venus (Latin) – Roman goddess of love;
  • Helium (Greek) – solar;
  • Daniela (Hebrew) – divine judge;
  • Ida (Greek) – fertile;
  • Oia (Greek) – violet;
  • Caroline (German) – queen;
  • Liliana (Latin) – lily;
  • Melania (Greek) – dark-skinned;
  • Nellie (Greek) – new, young;
  • Olympiad (Greek) – Olympic;
  • Palmyra (Latin) – palm tree;
  • Regina (Latin) – queen;
  • Stella (Latin) – star;
  • Ellina (Greek) – Hellenic, Greek;
  • Junia, Yunna, Juno (Greek) – goddess of marriage and love;

Unusual female names

A large number of modern Russian children are called very unusual names. Some of them belong fairy tale characters, some come from the names of cities, countries, historical events, animals, plants, etc.

Here's a short list:

  • Byzantium;
  • Moon;
  • Russian;
  • Cherry;
  • Fox;
  • Joy;
  • Ocean.

Elven female names

Elven names are quite common today. These are the names of elves from amazing world, created by the English writer John Ronald Tolkien.

Invented heroes have given rise to a new fashion for names that have a wonderful sound and secret meaning.

Some of them:

  • Amanael - daughter of Haman;
  • Anariel – daughter of the sun;
  • Eariel – daughter of the sun;
  • Lairiel is the daughter of summer.

The endings -iel denote daughter.

There are also names consisting of two words, for example:

  • Arvel - noble maiden;
  • Irvil - sparkling shine;
  • Nimlot is a white flower.

Funny girl names

At all times, people have shown imagination in the matter of naming. Now this is a very common phenomenon. But sometimes fantasy leads to frankly funny and absurd choices.

Some funny names:

  • Aria;
  • Blandina;
  • Villa;
  • Kazdoya;
  • Nunehia;
  • Scandulia.

The happiest female names

Parents always want to give their daughter a name that will bring her happiness. Everyone has their own criteria for lucky names, but there are general views to this question.

Most people are of the belief that the Russian names Tatyana, Natalya, Elena, Olga, Irina and Ekaterina are the happiest.

Although no one has proven this, and no studies or observations have been carried out. Probably, the favorable sound of these names has filled them with light energy for many centuries.

Biblical female names

Bible stories contain a large number of beautiful female names. And many parents are inclined to name their daughters after pious biblical heroines.

The most beautiful of these names and their meaning:

  • Sarah is the ancestor;
  • Rebekah is a faithful wife;
  • Leah – heifer, heifer;
  • Rachel - lamb;
  • Dina - avenged;
  • Delilah – curly;
  • Susanna - lily;
  • Magdalena is a resident of Magdala.

The most common female name in the world

From all the variety of names The most common and beloved name in the world is Anna.

In each language it sounds unique, and yet it is the same name. Anna may sound like different languages, like Ann, Annette, Anita, Hannah, Ankhen, Ganna, Anika, etc.

Mythical names for women

Myths, especially ancient Greece and Rome, are replete with a huge number of magnificent female names. These are the names of goddesses, queens and beautiful maidens.

The most beautiful names and their meaning:

  • Aphrodite – Greek goddess of love;
  • Artemis – Greek goddess of the hunt;
  • Grace – Roman goddess of beauty;
  • Diana – Roman goddess of the hunt;
  • Cassandra - Trojan princess and fortune teller;
  • Muse – Greek patroness of art and science;
  • Selene is the goddess of the moon.

Strange female names

There are also very strange names, which, as a rule, are the result of the creative thinking of parents. The peak of their popularity occurred in the Soviet era, when blue-collar professions and revolutionary ideas were glorified.

Some weird and wonderful names from that era:

  • Tractor;
  • Pravdina;
  • Railcar;
  • Stalin.

Among foreign bohemians, there are also parents with imagination who named their children rather strange names.

Translated from in English they sound like this:

  • Apple is the daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow;
  • Hazelnut is the daughter of Julia Roberts;
  • Bell - daughter of Madonna;
  • Ireland is the daughter of Kim Bessinger.

Strong female names

It is believed that some names have a special energy of power and are amulets for the owner. Basically, these are names whose decoding includes strength, strength, health, protection, and victory.

It is believed that the highest patronage is given to the owner by Russian names:

  • Alexandra;
  • Victoria;
  • Valeria;
  • Valentina;
  • Evgenia;
  • Olga;
  • Faith;
  • Catherine;
  • Daria.

Made up female names

In the creative Soviet era, parents created, with the help of their imagination, very interesting names. They were half-hearted abbreviations formed from the names of leaders and revolutionary slogans.

Some of them:

  • Gertrude - heroes of labor;
  • Velira is a great workforce;
  • Vilena, Vladlena - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin;
  • Krarmiya - red army;
  • Raitiya – district printing house;
  • Dazdraperma - long live the first of May;
  • Dinera is a child of the new era.

Female names of the peoples of the world

English female names

In England, children are often given a double name, which gives room for parental imagination. However, traditional names are also popular.

The most common female names in England are:

  • Olivia - olive tree;
  • Deborah - bee;
  • Scarlet is a fabric saleswoman;
  • Jennifer is a sorceress;
  • Kimberly - born in the royal meadow;
  • Britney - Little Britain;
  • Monica is an advisor.

In England and the USA, short Russian female names are very popular, and even some male names, which have become feminine there. For example: Sasha, Natasha, Nikita, Misha, Tanya.

Irish female names

Irish traditions are rooted in Celtic culture, so they attach great importance to a girl’s name. It reflects beauty, piety, and all the wonderful qualities of a woman.

The most interesting traditional Irish names and their meanings:

  • Abiagil - pleasing father;
  • Aerin – peace;
  • Brida – exalted;
  • Kaoilinn – fair and slender;
  • Morrigan is a big queen;
  • Orlaith is the golden princess.

German female names

There is an opinion about cacophony German language, and, nevertheless, German female names sound very beautiful.

In Germany, it is customary to give complex names; their number can reach up to 10.

The most beautiful German names and their meaning:

French female names

By tradition, French female names have always been considered very beautiful. They are popular far beyond France. Indeed, the French language caresses the ear with its pleasant nasal pronunciation.

This people gave the world the most beautiful female names, such as:

  • Adele – giver of goodness;
  • Blanche – white;
  • Vivien – alive;
  • Brigitte – majestic;
  • Jacqueline – driving away;
  • Emmanuel - God is with us.

Jewish female names

The traditions of the Jewish people are closely connected with Christian culture. European and Russian names are partly derived from Jewish culture. But there are also native national names.

Most beautiful:

Italian female names

Italians are extremely emotional and passionate people. This trait manifests itself in everything, even in names.

The most interesting of them:

  • Adriana is a resident of Adria;
  • Bianca – white;
  • Gabriella - the power of God;
  • Ornella – flowering ash;
  • Lucretia is rich.

Tatar female names

Of the Tatar names in demand:

Swedish female names

Swedes often call girls with the following names:

  • Agnetha – chaste;
  • Botilda - battle;
  • Greta is a gem;
  • Inger – body;
  • Frederica is a peaceful ruler.

Lithuanian female names

Popular names in Lithuania:

  • Laima – goddess of life;
  • Yumante – insightful;
  • Saule – sun;
  • Gintare – amber.

Greek female names

Beautiful Greek names:

Spanish female names

The Spanish people often call women with the following names:

  • Dolores – sadness;
  • Carmen – dedicated to Our Lady of Carmel;
  • Pilar – column;
  • Leticia – joy;
  • Consuela is persistent.

Georgian female names

In Georgia you can often hear such variations of names as:

  • Aliko - omniscient;
  • Dariko is a gift from God;
  • Mgelia – wolf;
  • Nani – baby;
  • Salome is peaceful.

Turkish female names

The following name options are popular in Turkey:

Armenian female names

In the corners of Armenia you will often hear girls’ names:

  • Anush – sweet;
  • Gayane – earthly;
  • Siranush – love;
  • Shushan – lily;
  • Eteri - ether.

Korean girl names

In Korean villages, parents call their daughters:

  • Mi – beauty;
  • Jung – love;
  • Mei – flower;
  • Kim – golden;
  • Yuong is brave.

Japanese female names

Interesting Japanese names:

Chinese female names

Among Japanese young ladies you can hear the following names:

  • Wenling – purified jade;
  • Jieying – household;
  • Xiu – graceful;
  • Meirong – self-control;
  • Xiangjiang - fragrant.

Scandinavian female names

Scandinavian girls are often called like this:

  • Asgerda - protection of the Gods;
  • Ingeborga – fertile;
  • Alva - elf;
  • Astrid – divinely beautiful;
  • Brunnhilde is warlike.

Azerbaijani female names

Variants of such names can be heard among girls and women of Azerbaijan:

  • Aishe - alive;
  • Diamond – beautiful;
  • Billura – crystal;
  • Zulfiya – curly;
  • Leila - night.

Arabic female names

Arabs often call their babies with similar versions of names:

  • Lamia – shine shine;
  • Aziza - dear, valuable;
  • Fatima - daughter of the prophet;
  • Daliya – grape wine;
  • Khalida is immortal.

Egyptian female names

The Egyptian population in its female part often has the following names:

Chechen female names

Interesting options for Chechen names:

  • Amira is a leader;
  • Jamila - beautiful;
  • Nazira – equal;
  • Ruwayda - smoothly walking;
  • Salima is healthy.

Kazakh female names

The following names are popular in Kazakhstan:

  • Aigansha – moon-like;
  • Balbala is a smart child;
  • Dilara – beloved;
  • Karlygash - swallow;
  • Marzhan is a pearl.

Indian female names

Picturesque India is famous for the following female names:

Uzbek female names

You will often come across such names in Uzbekistan:

  • Asmira - the first princess;
  • Guldasta – bouquet of flowers;
  • Intizora – long-awaited;
  • Olma – apple;
  • Farkhunda is happy.

Gypsy names for women

The perky gypsy people baptize their girls like this:

  • Mirela – admirable;
  • Lala – tulip;
  • Lulaja – flower of life;
  • Esmeralda - emerald;
  • Jofranca is free.

At all times, parents, when giving a name to their daughter, wanted to give her beauty, love, happiness, wealth, fertility, and protection. This desire is reflected in the names of almost all peoples of the world.

From this video you will learn modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare and unusual other female names, their list and meanings.

Interesting article. I would still like to make some clarifications. About Georgian names. “Mgelika” (“wolf cub”), or “Mgelia” (wolf), is a non-baptismal, pagan name; now used in the form of "Gela"; this is a male name. Popular female names: Tamari, Nino, Ketevan, Khatuna, Khatia, Natali (“bright”, synonymous with Svetlana), Mariami... By the way, “Tamari” is Georgian for “temple”.

A beautiful name - Maayan... I would say, although I am a grandmother, I am brave))

With the birth of a baby, every parent begins to think about what to name their daughter. I want the name to be beautiful, special and with an interesting meaning. A considerable number of people believe in the magic of the name and claim that it has a strong influence on the fate and character of the child. Traditionally, parents look for a name for their daughter in the lists of Orthodox names for girls.

How to choose a name for a girl according to its meaning

Each name necessarily has its own meaning. Once upon a time it was born thanks to certain associations that are not obvious to us now.

Any parents wish only the best for their child and approach the choice of a name with responsibility. So let's figure out what the most popular Orthodox names today mean.

  • Alina – from ancient German, “noble”;
  • Allah - from ancient Arabic. “letter”, ancient Greek. – “resurrection”, from Gothic – “other”;
  • Albina – “light”, “white”, “pure”;
  • Anastasia - “return to life”, “resurrection”, “resurrected”, “reborn”, “immortal”;
  • Angela – “messenger”;
  • Anna - from Hebrew. “disposition”, “favor”, “favour”;
  • Antonina - “extensive”, “acquisition”, “comparison” and “opponent”, from Greek. – “acquiring in return”;
  • Valentina – “healthy”, “strong”, “to be healthy”;
  • Valeria – “to be strong, healthy”;
  • Faith – “belief”, “truth”;
  • Victoria - “victory”, “winner”;
  • Vitalia – “vital”;
  • Galina – “calm”, “serene”;
  • Daria - “strong”, “conquering”, “possessor”, “owner of wealth”, “winner”;
  • Dina - from ancient Hebrew. "avenged";
  • Evgeniya – “noble”;
  • Catherine - “eternally pure”, “immaculate”;
  • Elena – “light”, “bright”;
  • Elizabeth - from Hebrew. sounds like “God is my oath”, “I swear to God”;
  • Jeanne - “God's mercy”;
  • Zinaida - Greek. “born of Zeus”, “from the family of Zeus”;
  • Zoya – means “life”;
  • Inga - means “protected by Yngvi”;
  • Inna – “strong water”;
  • Irina - from ancient Greek. “peace”, “peace”;
  • Karina – “looking forward”;
  • Claudia - means “lame”, “lame”;
  • Christina – “Christian”;
  • Larisa - from Greek. "gull";
  • Lydia - derived from the name of one region in Asia Minor - resident of Lydia, Asian, from Lydia;
  • Love means “love”;
  • Lyudmila - “dear to people”;
  • Maya – “progenitor of the universe”;
  • Margarita – “pearl”, another Indian meaning. – “brave”;
  • Marina - from lat. "sea";
  • Mary - Hebrew. “resist”, “reject”, “be bitter”; “beloved”, “saint”, “stubborn”, “mistress”, “superiority”;
  • Nadezhda is from Staroslav. "hope";
  • Natalia – “native”;
  • Nelly – “young”, “new”;
  • Nina – “queen”;
  • Nonna - from lat. "ninth";
  • Oksana - from Greek. “stranger”, “foreign”;
  • Olga – “great”, “princess”;
  • Polina – “independent”;
  • Raisa – “light”, “carefree”;
  • Rimma - from lat. “Roman”, from ancient times. - “apple”, from Greek. – “throwing”, “thrown”;
  • Svetlana - from the word “bright”;
  • Seraphim - “burning”, “fiery”;
  • Sophia - “wisdom”, “wisdom”;
  • Tamara - from the word “Tamar”, which translated means “palm tree”;
  • Tatyana - from the word “tatto” - “to establish”, “to determine”;
  • Emma - from Greek. “affectionate”, “flattering”;
  • Julia - from lat. “curly”, “July”, “from the Yuli family”;
  • Yaroslav - ancient Slav. "fierce glory"

Knowing the meaning of names, you can easily name your child in accordance with your wishes and hopes regarding his future and character traits.

Name for daughter according to the Orthodox calendar

After the baptism of Rus', it became customary to baptize newborns, and they were named after saints according to the calendar. To decide on a name, first of all you need to have a calendar with the days on which it is customary to honor saints, in accordance with the year the child was born.

If no saint is recorded on the baby’s birthday, they usually take the name indicated on the next day or in the next 8 days after the birth of the child.

Beautiful Orthodox names for girls in alphabetical order

There are many Orthodox beautiful and euphonious, as well as rarely encountered names. They will very advantageously distinguish the girl from among others and make her different from everyone else, that is, special.

  • Anastasia – translated as “immortal” or “resurrected”, is very kind and trusting, with a good imagination.
  • Angelina is a “messenger” or “angel”, it is very difficult to convince her of anything, she is a born commander. School lessons do not interest her, but she is quite independent and is engaged in self-development.
  • Asthea is an amorous girl, inclined to become attached to people, a perfectionist in everything and quite demanding.
  • Animaida is a gifted, talented person.
  • Varvara means “foreigner” from ancient Greek, she is a born family man, she appreciates the beauty that is in people, she is an idealist.
  • Veveya is capable of making sacrifices for someone, but often does not notice her mistakes. Loyal to family and loved one.
  • Gaina is frank, sincere and sensible, a born family man.
  • Glyceria - sometimes it seems to others that she is aloof, because she is characterized by loneliness. Be careful about spending money.
  • Dominica is sociable and cheerful, has many friends, as it is easy for her to make new acquaintances, but at the same time she is always faithful only to her “best friend.”
  • Damara is somewhat slow, which is not always good. Sincere, frank and ready to help at any moment.
  • Euphrosyne - loves to dominate, often blames herself for problems that are not always her fault, and is prone to self-examination.
  • Evdokia is sincere, ready to help a friend, and feels responsible for her loved ones.
  • Julia – has self-esteem, the main desire is to love and be loved.
  • Kirien is wise, the owner of great inner strength, she is characterized by extraordinary intuition.
  • Kasinia is a brave and independent girl, very inquisitive as a child.
  • Lyudina is reliable and feels responsible for the fate of people close to her.
  • Love is faithful to its loved ones, but can be too lenient towards family and friends.
  • Melania is a sociable girl, easily makes new acquaintances, and is able to deeply analyze situations. Loves order and cleanliness.
  • Mariam is reliable, loves to be useful and actively takes part in all areas of activity.
  • Nonna dominates always and everywhere, is devoted and faithful to her chosen one, and has a strong character.
  • Pulcheria is an idealist and perfectionist, has excellent intuition. Has the ability to “attract” help at the right time to achieve goals.
  • Poplia is not particularly sociable, feels the need not to lose composure and always behave with dignity.
  • Rufina will always come to the rescue, does not tolerate fuss, is sometimes domineering and ruthless, but at the same time kind and knows how to sympathize.
  • Stefanida is a perfectionist and falls in love easily. Has good health, but this distinction may weaken due to hard work and negative emotions.
  • Solomiya is outspoken and active in various public and sporting events.
  • Seraphima is a brave girl; as a child she was characterized by excessive curiosity.
  • Favsta - has innate talent, is capable of strong love and attachment to your chosen one in life.
  • Feodora is a charming and attractive girl with a great interest in life.
  • Feofaniya is always busy with something, very active, and constantly in the lead. I'm used to doing, not talking.
  • Chrysia is a restless person, prone to continuous movement through life. Often loses interest in what does not change, constantly looking for change.
  • Cecilia - has an innate creativity, in search of constant ways of self-expression, sociable.

As you can see, these rare and beautiful Orthodox names are quite unusual, which is what makes them unique. They are not often heard in Everyday life.

You need to choose the right name carefully, combining it with the child’s patronymic. This verbal tandem should sound coherent, and not complicated, difficult to pronounce and remember.

Unusual Russian female names

If you want to call your girl some old name, then we have prepared a list of Russian Orthodox female names just for you.

In it you will definitely be able to find the “same” name intended specifically for your child, because the list of Russian names for girls is quite diverse:

  • Adelina, Agnessa, Aurora, Alexandrina, Alena, Arina, Asya;
  • Berta, Bogdana;
  • Verona, Venus, Violetta, Violanta, Valeria, Victoria, Vladlena, Vitalina;
  • Greta, Galina;
  • Daryana, Daria, Diana;
  • Evdokia;
  • Zara, Zlata, Zarina, Zoryana;
  • Inna, Ivona, Ilena, Irma;
  • Ksenia, Clara;
  • Lyalya, Lada, Lyubava, Lira, Lika, Lesya;
  • Maya, Mary, Marta, Mila, Milana, Maryana;
  • Oktyabrina, Olesya;
  • Praskovya, Polianna;
  • Ruslana, Regina, Romana, Radmila;
  • Sima, Snezhana, Svyatoslav;
  • Ustinya, Ulyana;
  • Fiza, Feodosia;
  • Harita, Hilda, Helga;
  • Edda;
  • Juno, Juliana;
  • Yaroslava, Yadviga, Yana, Yasmina, Yanina.

Forgotten and rare Orthodox names for girls

Among the rare Orthodox female names you can find:

  • Augusta, Agapia, Aglaida, Adelaida, Akulina;
  • Beatrice;
  • Vasilida, Vassa, Vincentia, Viviana;
  • Galatea, Glafira, Gloria;
  • Denisia, Dosithea, Drosida;
  • Evmenia, Evfalia, Emelyan;
  • Zeno;
  • Isis, Iphigenia, Iolanta, Isidora;
  • Casimir, Concordia, Cornelia;
  • Leocadia, Leonia, Libya, Lolla, Longina;
  • Mavra, Matilda, Matryona, Militsa, Mikhailina;
  • Neonilla;
  • Pavlina, Petrina, Pulcheria;
  • Renata;
  • Selina, Stepanida;
  • Thekla, Fedora, Fedosya, Feofaniya;
  • Harita;
  • Celestina;
  • Ennafa, Era;
  • Junia, Justina.

There are names that not only sound beautiful and are rare, but also have very interesting meanings.

Among them, the following stand out:

  • Artemis – has the meaning “whole”, “unharmed”, “inviolable”. This name once belonged to the goddess of the hunt,
  • Venus - the name has Latin roots and means “love.”
  • Vesnyana - definitely suitable for girls born in spring, as the same name means “spring”.
  • Hera – literally translated as “lady”.
  • Dahlia is a beautiful name; a girl is named after the flower.
  • Miya – means “rebellious”;
  • Palmyra - "palm tree"
  • Juno – Greek name, given to the goddess of marriage and love.

By naming your daughter one of these rare names, you are not just giving her a beautiful name, but to some extent determining her character and destiny. Approach your choice consciously and responsibly.

Women's names for baptism

Taking a responsible approach to the rite of baptism and choosing a female name for this, many of us turn to worldwide network. Some are looking for the answer in Orthodox calendars, others are consulting with the priest...

We offer our own selection of female names for baptism:

  • Agafya, Anisia;
  • Glafira;
  • Zinaida;
  • Ilaria;
  • Larisa, Lydia;
  • Matron;
  • Nina;
  • Paul;
  • Raisa;
  • Salome, Sosanna;
  • Taisiya;
  • Juliana.

The above names are the rarest known Orthodox variants.

For baptism, many also choose names that are very common today in Slavic countries:

  • Alexandra, Anna;
  • Valentina, Valeria, Varvara, Veronica, Vera;
  • Daria;
  • Zoya, Zlata;
  • Ivana, Irina;
  • Kira, Christina;
  • Marina, Maria, Melania;
  • Natalia;
  • Olga;
  • Sofia.

This article contains many different names for girls - both rare and very popular, Russian and widespread far beyond the borders of our country, as well as with special meaning. As already mentioned, the name has a strong influence on the development of the character and fate of the girl, therefore parents have a huge responsibility for the future of the child, even in such a seemingly symbolic moment as choosing a name.

When choosing a name for their daughter, parents are guided by various factors, including the memory of a loved one, unusual sound, its hidden meaning. Any names carry some information that, after birth, can influence its bearer, forming special habits, worldview, and character. In addition, before naming a girl, it is necessary to compare the choice with the middle name and pronounce the rumor, analyzing the overall sound. Consult with relatives, thereby you will find out the collective opinion.

What to name a girl

If you are interested in names for a girl, then think about whether the choice you made is suitable for the baby. Its acceptance by society is of no small importance. For a child to live among people, how will they react to an elaborately exotic option? Each is beautiful, but in its own way, in a certain area and for each nationality.

It would be inappropriate to use an Arabic name for a fair-haired girl living on European territory, even if it is very beautiful, melodious and unusual. It is better to focus on the multinational option, which can be selected from the directory. And if you have twin girls, then the search becomes much harder. In such cases, it is recommended to name the baby something consonant with the name of the second child: Ksenia and Semyon, Olga and Oleg, Masha and Misha.

Beautiful double names for girls Anna-Maria, Sofia-Victoria, Olga-Anastasia are gaining popularity. This happens because parents cannot decide on one of the options. Sometimes mothers believe that this will give the baby a couple of guardian angels at once. Psychologists say that such girls can begin to behave double life. To prevent this from happening, the child is given one name, which is registered in the registry office, and a second name at baptism.

Choosing a name for a girl according to the Orthodox church calendar

Orthodox names have different origins - Hebrew, Greek, Latin. This is due to the fact that the Byzantines “collected” all the options they encountered. The church calendar included the Scandinavian ones - Olga, the common Slavic ones - Bogdan, the ancient Germanic ones - Henrietta. IN Lately It has become fashionable to name a daughter after the calendar. To choose your option for a girl, you need a complete church calendar, in which the name days of the saints are noted for each specific date of the month. Here is an example of several options for Christmastide:

  • The January girls were called: Anastasia, Ulyana, Evgenia, Maria, Tatyana, Eva, Alice, Polina.
  • February: Zoyas, Ksenias, Annas, Svetlanas, Valentinas, Agnias, Inns.
  • Martovskys: Antoninas, Marinas, Margaritas, Anastasias, Kiramis, Galinas, Ulyans, Valeries, Daryas.
  • April: Annas, Daryas, Alexanders, Allas, Larisas, Evas, Nikas, Sophias, Olgas, Irins, Lydias, Tamars.
  • Maiskys: Elizabeths, Marias, Taisiyas, Julias, Zoyas, Irins, Fains.
  • June: Alenami, Sophia, Elena, Innami, Annami.
  • July: Angelinas, Innas, Irinas, Zhannas, Juliannas, Olgas, Valentinas, Julias, Rimmas, Veronicas.
  • Augustovskys: Marys, Magdalenes, Svetlanas, Milenas, Nonnas, Olympiads, Ulyans, Eves, Daryas.
  • September: Anfisa, Natalia, Vasilisa, Milena, Ulyana.
  • Oktyabrskys: Ariadnas, Irinas, Sophias, Eulampias, Pelageyas, Mariannas, Veronicas, Zinaidas.
  • November: Alen, Elizaveta, Elena, Natalia, Valeria.
  • December: Angelinas, Catherines, Anfisas, Olgas, Varvaras, Annas.

Girl names by month for 2016 and 2019

The popularity of names changes annually. Fashionable in one season, it becomes out of date in another. IN current season 2016-2017 there were no big changes. Let's look at fashionable Slavic options by month. It is recommended to call December girls Ekaterina, Olga, Varvara, Marina. For those born in January, Anastasia, Tatyana, Nina, Claudia, Evgenia are relevant; in February - Maria, Anna, Evdokia, Svetlana, Zoya.

Spring girls, distinguished by their cheerfulness and lively character, are given serious names that balance their activity. Girls born in March are recommended to be called Kirami, Margarita, Regina. For April babies, Christina, Taisiya, Tamara, Olga are suitable, for May babies - Antonina, Valeria, Sofia. Summer girlies are feminine and have a unique ability to please others. Call the June beauty Ulyana, Alena, Maria.

Born in July - Zhanna, Julia, Elena. Call the August maiden Anna, Seraphima, Valentina, Olga or Milena. Practical and purposeful ladies are born in autumn. This season the September girls were called Nadezhda, Anfisa, Vera. In October they give preference to Veronica, Zlata, Anna, in November - Eurosigne, Natalya, Alena, Olga.

Beautiful and rare Russian names for girls

In Rus', in ancient times, girls were named in order to protect them from evil spirits and unkind deeds. They formed names from words denoting animals and plants. They were very similar to nicknames. After the Baptism of Rus', women began to give girls personal names. It was then that most of the options appeared, which are currently considered modern and rare. They were influenced by their religious character because girls were named at baptism. It is interesting that in those days names were divided into aristocratic and peasant. The most beautiful ones that have come down to us are:

  • Zlata.
  • Anna.
  • Olga.
  • Seraphim.
  • Vasilisa.
  • Angelina.
  • Ulyana.
  • Nellie.
  • Augusta.
  • Anfisa.
  • Pavel.
  • Alice.

List of the most popular female names and their meanings

In Russia, the list of popular girls' names includes old and new options. To make the right choice for a girl, it is necessary not only to correlate them by ear, but also to know its history and meaning. The fate of the baby largely depends on this. You should avoid funny, overly original ones. Let's look at what the most mean popular names for newborn girls, according to dictionaries. Let's start with the letter "A", and then alphabetically:

  • Arina is calm.
  • Anna from Hebrew "grace".
  • Valentina from Old Russian means healthy.
  • Valeria is strong.
  • Victoria from Old Slavonic means “victory”.
  • Galina is calm.
  • Daria is the winner.
  • Diana after the Roman goddess.
  • Catherine from Old Russian means immaculate.
  • Elena is sunny.
  • Elizabeth from Old Russian means worshiper of God.
  • Jeanne is a gift from God.
  • Irina - peace.
  • Ksenia from Old Russian means a stranger.
  • Christina is dedicated to God.
  • Kira is a mistress.
  • Maria from Old Russian means bitter.
  • Olga is a saint.
  • Polina is smart and beautiful.
  • Seraphim, which comes from Hebrew, is mobile.
  • Julia is gentle, affectionate.

Top modern foreign names for girls according to the 2019 rating

The rating contains the following modern names girls: East Azerbaijani, Turkish, Kazakh, Uzbek, Bashkir, Asian, Kyrgyz, Georgian, European, Belarusian, Moldavian and even foreign Polish, German, American and English. Let's consider the most interesting, unusual and beautiful options for babies different nationalities and cultures. Muslim, Islamic names come from Turkic culture, some of them are taken from the Koran. Among them are the famous Arab ones - Zuhra, Aliya and Latifa; Persian - Gulnara, Dilyara, Firuza and Yasmina.

As Islamic culture spread, it became popular among eastern peoples became Zainab, Asiya, Fatima, known thanks to Islamic sacred texts. Uzbek babies receive names whose roots go deep into the history of Islam: Asmira means “the most feminine and beautiful princess.” Guldasta – “bouquet”. Dinora – “ gold coin" Zukhra – “beautiful”. Farkhunda - “happy”. Tatar girls It is customary to call them Lucii, Albins, Roses. Popular - Aisha, Vazikha, Bella, Nadiya. According to statistics, the most common Crimean Tatar name girls - Alina.

Girls of Kazakh nationality receive the names Aliya, Asiya, Asem, Bibigul, Botagoz, Gulmira. Caucasian peoples professing Christian Catholic faith, name their daughters in accordance with the desired qualities and with meaning. This is how Armenian girls are called: Amalia - pure, Azniv - honest, Azatui - freedom-loving, Gayane - keeper of the home. The leaders in the ranking of European options are Alena, Kira and Valeria. In Moldova, newborn girls are called Yaroslava, Sophia, and among non-traditional names Luna and Soare are the leaders.

Choosing a name for a child is a whole problem. Olga Vladimirovna Gorelova, a teacher at the Department of Russian Language at Far East State University, will tell you how to find a suitable, beautiful and at the same time rare option. In her words, every name is not just some combination of letters and sounds, it is the story of a person. From the moment a child is born and gets a name, he begins his journey. When choosing a name, you need to pay attention to ease of pronunciation, interpretation and combination with the patronymic. In addition, from our video story you can learn what you should not name your child.

After the introduction of Christianity in Rus', children at birth began to be given names according to the Orthodox calendar in honor of Orthodox saints. The child receives the heavenly protection of the chosen saint, and a close spiritual connection is created between them. The saint becomes for the child his guardian angel for life.

Every day Russian Orthodox Church honors the memory of a saint, sometimes several saints. On these days of remembrance, corresponding to their names, people celebrate name days.

You can choose a name for your child based on the Orthodox calendar (saints). It contains full list Orthodox names for both girls and boys. When choosing a name, they usually focus on the date of birth. The calendar provides a list of months and the days they contain. For each day, the names of the saints whose memory is honored on a particular day are indicated.

If suitable for child The names for some reason do not suit the parents; you can choose the names of other days or the eighth day from the birth of the child. Our ancestors named babies on the eighth day after birth. If names intended for the birthday or the eighth day are not suitable, you can name the baby with a name that falls on the fortieth day after birth.

Every year Orthodox calendars of names are updated. The 2018 calendar includes more male names than female ones. In this regard, girls are often called female names derived from male ones, for example, Alexander, John, Eugene. Then a male patron saint is chosen for the girl.

The choice of name depends largely on the time of year in which the child was born.

  • Girls born in winter are physically and mentally strong, purposeful, assertive and have a strong will. Therefore, they try to give softer names in order to give the girl more femininity and tenderness.
  • In the spring, girls are born who are selfish, vulnerable, timid, and afraid of change. In the future, these girls often find it difficult to arrange their personal life. They are given names such as to give the child confidence and decisiveness in character.
  • Summer children have a bright temperament and love adventure. Such girls usually become leaders in any team. They are recommended to be given calm names to balance their choleric temperament.
  • Autumn girls are endowed with such character traits as integrity, independence, and coldness. Usually there is no sense of tact. To compensate for the missing softness and femininity, gentle names are chosen.

What is better: rare church ones or Russian women's ones of today?

There are many beautiful female names, both familiar Orthodox ones and non-standard, rare ones that came from antiquity.

Most of the names that are used today in everyday life appeared in Russian culture from antiquity. Many of them have no Slavic origin. Russian female names appeared as a result of the development of ancient Slavic culture, associated with the customs, life, and faith of the ancient Slavs.

When choosing a name for a girl, you need to imagine how comfortable the child will feel with it in life and in society. Sometimes, in pursuit of originality, parents choose pretentious names, because of which their children suffer in the future. The name must correspond to the traditions of the area and belong to the culture in which the girl lives.

The key factors when choosing a name are its melody and harmony, as well as consonance with the surname and patronymic. The name should emphasize the baby’s individuality and endow the girl with beauty and femininity.

In ancient times, the meaning of a woman’s life was motherhood and maintaining the family hearth, so the meaning of many names contained the purpose of a woman - creating a family and its well-being.

A significant part of the ancient church names is of Greek origin, for example, Inessa, Evdokia, Veronica. Although they are considered ancient, they can often be heard in society, so they can be safely chosen for a child.

Today, many parents are returning to their roots and Russian culture, so today you can often hear old names. Especially often they use such names as Zlatotsveta, Vera, Dobromila, which do not hurt the ears and are positively perceived by society.

However, many ancient church names can be difficult to understand. A name that is too complicated can lead to the fact that in the future it will be difficult for the child to get along with the children's team.

Most people choose familiar and modern Russian names:

  • Catherine.
  • Elena.
  • Ksenia.
  • Daria.
  • Elizabeth.
  • Sophia.

The choice depends on the preferences of the parents, the degree of religiosity and cultural values.

Selection with values

Thanks to our selection, you will be able to choose the best Russian female name for your child, with a very beautiful, unusual, rare sound, especially if it is an old church name.

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