Modern beautiful Tatar names for girls. Modern beautiful Tatar male names

(for example, Zemfir/Zemfira), or write us a request in the comments field at the very end of the page. We will give a translation of even the rarest name.


Abbas (Gabbas)- is of Arabic origin and translated means “gloomy, stern.”

Abdel-Aziz (Abdulaziz, Abdul-Aziz)- an Arabic name, translated meaning “slave of the Mighty.” Along with other names formed by adding the particle “abd” to one of the names of Allah, it is one of the noble names among Muslims.

Abdullah (Abdul, Gabdullah, Abdullah)- translated from Arabic it means “slave of Allah.” According to one of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), is best name, since it emphasizes that its owner is a slave of the Lord of the worlds.

Abdul-Kadir (Abdul-Kadir, Abdulkadir, Abdulkadir, Abdukadyr)- an Arabic name, which translated means “slave of the Mighty” or “slave of the One Possessing absolute power.”

Abdul-Karim (Abdulkarim, Abdukarim)- an Arabic name translated as “slave of the Generous” and meaning that its bearer is a slave of Allah, Who has unlimited generosity.

Abdul-Malik (Abdulmalik, Abdumalik)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is “slave of the Lord or Lord of all things.”

Abdul-Hamid (Abdulhamid, Abdulhamit)- an Arabic name, which translated means “slave of the One worthy of praise”, i.e. its bearer is the slave of the Lord of the worlds, Worthy of Praise.

Abdurauf (Gabdrauf, Abdrauf)- an Arabic name, the literal meaning of which is “the servant of the Condescending One towards His creations.”

Abdurrahman (Abdurahman, Gabdrakhman, Abdrakhman)- an Arabic name, which translated means “servant of the Merciful” and emphasizes that its bearer is a slave of the Lord, Possessing unlimited mercy. According to the hadith, it is one of the best names.

Abdurrahim (Abdurahim, Abdrahim, Gabdrahim)- an Arabic name, translated meaning “servant of the Merciful.” This name emphasizes that a person is a servant of the Lord, and therefore is considered one of the noble names in Islam.

Abdurashid (Abdrashit, Gabdrashit)- an Arabic name translated as “slave of the Guide to the path of truth.”

Abdusamad (Abdusamat)- an Arabic name indicating that its bearer is “the slave of the Self-sufficient,” that is, the slave of the Lord, who does not need anything or anyone.

Abid (Gabit)- an Arabic name that translates as “one who performs ibadat (worship)” or “who worships Allah.”

Abrar- a Turkic name meaning “pious.”

Abu- Arabic name, the translation of which is “father”.

Abu Bakr (Abubakar) is an Arabic name that means “father of chastity.” The bearer of this name was the closest companion of the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.w.) and the first righteous caliph - Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (r.a.).

Abutalib (Abu Talib)- Arabic name, translated as “father of the one in search of knowledge” or “father of Talib.” The famous bearer of this name was the uncle of the Prophet (s.g.w.), in whose house young Muhammad received a good upbringing.

Agzam- Arabic name meaning "tall".

Agil (Agil)- Arabic name translated as “smart.”

Aglyam (Eglyam, Aglyamzyan, Aglyamdzhan)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is “possessor” large quantity knowledge."

Adam is an Arabic name that translates as “man.” The bearer of this name was the first deputy of Allah and the first person on Earth - Prophet Adam (a.s.).

Adele (Adil,Gadel, Adelsha, Gadelsha)- Arabic name, translated means “fair”, “making fair decisions”

Adgam (Adygam, Adham, Adigam)- Tatar name, meaning “swarthy, dark.”

Adip (Adib)- an Arabic name that translates as “well-mannered”, “polite”.

Adnan- Arabic name, translated means “founder”, “founder”.

Azamat- Arabic name, translated as “warrior, knight.”

Azat- Persian name, the meaning of which is “free”, “free”.

Aziz (Azis, Gaziz)- Arabic name, translated means “dear, mighty.” One of the names of Allah.

Azim (Azyym, Gazim)- an Arabic name meaning “great”, “possessing greatness”. Included in the list of names of the Almighty.

Aiz (Ais)- an Arabic name that translates as “calling the Almighty.”

Aish (Agish)- Arabic name, meaning “living”.

Aibat- Arabic name, translated means “respectful”, “worthy”, “authoritative”.

Aivar- a Turkic name translated as “lunar”, “like a month”.

Aidan (Aidun)- a Turkic name with the meaning of either “strength”, “power”, or “shine from the moon”. Also found among the Irish, translated from ancient Gaelic as “fire”.

Aidar (Aider)- a Turkic name with the meaning “like the moon”, “a person with the features of a month”.

Ainur- Turkic-Tatar name, which translates as “moonlight”, “light emanating from the moon”.

Airat- a Turkic name of Mongolian origin, translated meaning “dear”.

Akmal (Akmal)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is “the most perfect”, “ideal”, “devoid of any shortcomings”.

Akram- an Arabic name, translated meaning “most generous”, “possessing generosity”.

Alan- a Turkic-Tatar name, which can be translated as “fragrant like flowers in a meadow.”

Ali (Gali)- Arabic name, means “exalted”. It is one of the most common names in Islam, since its bearer was one of the closest companions of the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.w.), also his cousin and son-in-law - the fourth righteous caliph Ali ibn Abu Talib.

Aliascar (Galiascar)- an Arabic name consisting of two parts - Ali and Askar. Translated as “great warrior.”

Alim (Galim)- Arabic name, translated meaning “scientist”, “knowledgeable”.

Alif (Galif)- Arabic name with the meaning “helper”, “comrade”. This name was also given to the first-born, since the letter “Alif” is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet.

Almaz (Almas, Elmas)- a Turkic name derived from the name of a precious stone.

Altan- a Turkic name that translates as “scarlet dawn”. This name was given to children with scarlet cheeks.

Altynbek- a Turkic name, the literal meaning of which is “golden prince”. This name was given to representatives of the nobility.

Albert (Albir)- a name of ancient Germanic origin, which is popular among the Turkic peoples. Its meaning is “noble splendor”.

Almir (Ilmir, Elmir)- Tatar name, which means “lord”, “leader”.

Alfir (Ilfir)- Arabic name translated as “exalted.”

Alfred (Alfried)- a name of English origin, popular among Turkic peoples. Means “mind, wisdom.”

Alyautdin (Alauddin, Aladdin, Galyautdin)- an Arabic name whose meaning is “the sublimity of faith.”

Haman- Arabic name, translated as “strong”, “healthy”. Parents gave this name to their children, hoping that they would grow up strong and healthy.

Amin (Emin)- Arabic name meaning “honest”, “faithful”, “reliable”.

Amir (Emir)- Arabic name, semantic meaning which is the “head of the emirate”, “ruler”, “ruler”, “leader”.

Amirkhan (Emirkhan)- Turkic name meaning “chief ruler”.

Ammar (Amar)- Arabic name, translated as “prosperous.”

Anas- Arabic name, translated means “joyful”, “cheerful”.

Anvar (Anver, Enver) is an Arabic name that can be translated with the word "luminous" or the phrase "emitting a lot of light."

Anise- Arabic name meaning “friendly”, “affable”.

Ansar (Ensar, Insar)- Arabic name with the meaning “fellow traveler”, “helper”, “companion”. During the time of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), Muslims who helped the Muhajirs from Mecca who moved to Medina were called Ansars.

Arafat- an Arabic name that arose in honor of the mountain in Mecca of the same name. This mountain is very significant in the life of Muslims.

Arif (Garif, Garip)- Arabic name meaning "possessor of knowledge." In Sufism - “the owner of secret knowledge.”

Arslan (Aryslan, Aslan)- a Turkic name, its direct translation is “lion”.

Arthur- a Celtic name, popular among the Tatar people. Translated as “mighty bear”.

Assad- Arabic name meaning "lion".

Asadullah- an Arabic name, translated meaning “lion of Allah.”

Asaf- an Arabic name translated as “dreamy.”

Asgat (Askhad, Askhat)- an Arabic name, translated meaning “happiest”, “happiest”.

Askar (Asker)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is “warrior”, “warrior”, fighter.”

Atik (Gatik)- an Arabic name whose meaning is “free from hellish torment.” This name was also borne by the first righteous caliph Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (ra), who during his lifetime was delighted with the news of entering Paradise.

Ahad (Akhat)- Arabic name meaning “single”, “unique”.

Ahmed (Akhmad, Akhmat, Akhmet)- Arabic name, translated as “praised”, “praiseworthy”. One of the names of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)

Ahsan (Aksan)- Arabic name, translated meaning “the best.”

Ayub (Ayub, Ayup)- an Arabic name with the semantic meaning “repentant”. The bearer of this name was Prophet Ayyub (a.s.).

Ayaz (Ayas)- a Turkic name meaning “clear”, “cloudless”.


Bagautdin (Bakhautdin, Bagavutdin)- an Arabic name, which translated means “radiance of faith”, “light of faith”.

Baghdasar- a Turkic name meaning “light of rays”.

Bagir (Bahir)- Tatar name meaning “radiant”, “shining”.

Badr (Batr)- Arabic name, translated as “ full moon».

Bayram (Bayram)- a Turkic name, translated meaning “holiday”.

Bakir (Bekir)- Arabic name with the meaning “studyer”, “receiver of knowledge”.

Bari (Barium)- an Arabic name that translates as “Creator”. It is one of the 99 names of Allah.

Barrack (Barak)- Arabic name meaning "blessed".

Basyr (Basir)- an Arabic name that translates as “all-seeing”, “seeing absolutely everything”. Included in the list of names of Allah.

Batyr (Batur)- Turkic name, means “hero”, “warrior”, “hero”.

Bahruz (Bahroz) is a Persian name whose meaning is “happy.”

Bakhtiyar- Persian name meaning "lucky friend". Gained wide popularity among the Turkic peoples.

Bashar (Bashshar) is an Arabic name that translates as “man.”

Bashir- an Arabic name with the semantic meaning “foreshadowing joy.”

Bayazit (Bayazid, Bayazet)- a Turkic name, translated meaning “father of the superior.” This name was very popular in the ruling dynasty of the Ottoman Empire.

Beck- Turkic name, means “prince”, “prince”, “highest dignitary”.

Bikbulat (Bekbolat, Bekbulat, Bikbolat)- a Turkic name that can be translated as “strong steel.”

Bilal (Bilyal, Belyal)- Arabic name, translated meaning “alive”. It was worn by one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.w.) and in the history of Islam - Bilal ibn Rafah.

Bulat (Bolat)- Turkic name, meaning “steel”.

Bulut (Bulyut, Byulut)- a Turkic name that translates as “cloud”.

Beetroot- a Turkic name, translated meaning “brilliant”.

Burkhan (Burgan)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is “honesty”, “reliability”.


Vagiz (Vagis)- an Arabic name that translates as “mentor”, “teacher”.

Wazir- an Arabic name, translated meaning “minister”, “vizier”, “nobleman”.

Vakil (Vakil)- Arabic name with the meaning “patron”, “lord”. One of the names of the Almighty.

Vali (Wali)- Arabic male name, which can be translated as “guardian”, “trustee”. Included in the list of names of God in Islam.

Waliullah- Arabic name, means “close to God”, “close to Allah”.

Walid (Walid)- an Arabic name, translated meaning “child”, “child”, “boy”.

Waris (Waris)- Arabic name, literally translated as “successor”, “heir”.

Vasil (Uasil, Vasil)- an Arabic name, the semantic meaning of which is “coming.”

Vatan (Uatan) is the Arabic word for "homeland".

Vafi (Wafy, Vafa)- an Arabic name that means “true to his word,” “reliable,” “keeping his word.”

Vahit (Vakhid, Uakhid)- Arabic name, translated meaning “the only one”. Consists of 99 names of Allah.

Wahhab (Vagap, Wahab)- an Arabic name that can be translated as “giver.” One of the names of the Almighty.

Wildan- Arabic name, means “servant of Paradise.”

Volcan- Turkic designation of the word “volcano”.

Vusal- Persian name, which translates as “meeting”, “date”.


Gabbas (Abbas, Gappas)- Arabic name, translated meaning “gloomy”, “stern”.

Gabdullah (Abdullah)- an Arabic name that translates as “slave of Allah.” According to one of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.w.), it is the best possible name.

Gabid (Gabit)- Arabic name meaning "worshipper".

Gadel (Gadil)- see the meaning of the name.

Gadzhi (Hadzhi, Khodzhi)- Arabic name, means “performing a pilgrimage.”

Gazi (Gezi)- an Arabic name that translates as “conqueror”.

Gaziz (Aziz)- an Arabic name, which translated means “mighty”, “dear”. One of the names of Allah.

Gaisa (Isa)- Hebrew and Arabic name. An analogue of the name Jesus, the bearer of which was one of the prophets of the Most High.

Gali- see the meaning of the name.

Galiaskar (Galiasker)- an Arabic name, which is composed of two roots: “Gali” (great) + “Askar” (warrior).

Ghalib (Galip)- Arabic name, its semantic translation is “conquering”, “winning”.

Galim- see the meaning of the name.

Gamal (Amal, Gamil)- an Arabic name, which translated means “working”, “hardworking”.

Gamzat (Gamza)- a name derived from the Arabic name Hamza and meaning “agile.”

Gani (Ganiy)- Arabic name, translated as “rich”, “owner of untold wealth”. Represents one of the names of Allah.

Garay (Girey)- a Turkic-Tatar name that comes from the ruling Tatar dynasty of Giray. Translated it means “powerful”, “strong”.

Garif (Arif)- Arabic name, the translation of which is “owner of knowledge”, “knowing”.

Garifullah (Arifullah)- Arabic name, can be translated as “knowing about Allah.”

Hasan (Hassan)- a name derived from the name Hasan and meaning “good”.

Gafur- an Arabic name that translates as “forgiving.” This is one of the names of the Almighty.

Gayaz (Gayaz, Gayas)- an Arabic name that has several similar meanings: “helper”, “comrade”, “saving”.

Gaillard (Gaillard)- Arabic name meaning “courageous”, “brave”, “courageous”.

Homer (Hoomer)- Arabic name, translated as “human life”.

Gumar- a name derived from Umar. This was the name of the second righteous caliph Umar ibn Khattab (r.a.).

Gurban (Gorban)- see the meaning of the name.

Huseyn (Husain)- a name derived from Hussein, meaning “beautiful”, “good”.

Guzman (Gosman)- variation of the name Usman. Its bearer was the third righteous caliph.


Davlet (Davletsha, Devlet)- an Arabic name, translated meaning “state”, “empire”, “power”.

Dawood (Davyd, Davut)- see the meaning of the name Daoud.

Dalil (Dalil)- Arabic name, translated as “guide”, “showing the way”, “guide”.

Damil (Damil) is a Persian name whose literal meaning is “trap.” This name was given to boys in the hope that the child would live long and that his death would be a trap.

Damir (Demir)- a Turkic name, which translated means “iron”, “steel”. Children were given this name in the hope that they would grow up strong and strong. Some also interpret this name as a shortened version of the phrase “Bring a world revolution!”

Danil (Danil)- Arabic name meaning “gift of God”, “ close person to God."

Danis (Danish) is a Persian name that translates as “knowledge.” Parents gave it in the hope that their child would become a very smart and educated person in the future.

Daniyar (Diniyar)- Persian name meaning “smart”, “knowledgeable”, “educated”.

Darius- Persian male name, which translates as “sea”. The owner of this name was the famous Persian emperor Darius, who lost the war to Alexander the Great.

Daoud (Davud, Davyd, Daut)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is “endearing”, “beloved”. This was the name of one of the messengers of Allah - Prophet Daud (David, a.s.), father of the Prophet Suleiman (Solomon, a.s.).

Dayan (Diane)- an Arabic name, translated meaning “who rewards his creations according to their deserts,” “the highest judge.” This name is one of the 99 names of Allah.

Demir- see the meaning of the name Damir.

Demirel (Demirel)- Turkic name, translated as “iron hand”.

Jabbar (Zhabbar)- an Arabic name that carries the meaning “subjugating one’s will.” One of the names of the Almighty.

Jabir (Jabir)- an Arabic name translated as “comforter.”

Dzhabrail (Jabrail, Jibril) is an Arabic name that means "power of God." The owner of this name is the angel Jabrail (Gabriel), who is considered the highest angel. It was the angel Gabriel who was the mediator between the Lord of the worlds and the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.w.) at the moments of sending down the revelations of Allah.

Javad (Jawat, Javaid)- an Arabic name meaning “a person with a broad soul”, “possessing generosity”.

Jagfar (Jakfar, Jagfar, Jafar)- an Arabic name that translates as “source”, “key”, “spring”, “stream”.

Jalil (Jalil, Zalil)- Arabic name with the translation meaning “authoritative”, “respected”, “honored”.

Jalal (Jalal, Zalal)- Arabic name, translated as “greatness”, “supremacy”, “supremacy”.

Jamal (Jamal, Jemal, Jamal)- an Arabic name that carries the meaning of “perfection”, “ideal”.

Jamaletdin (Jamalutdin, Jamaluddin) is an Arabic name that means “perfection of religion.”

Dzhambulat (Dzhanbulat, Dzhambolat)- Arabic-Turkic name, translated as “strong soul.”

Jamil (Jamil, Jamil, Zhamil, Zyamil)- an Arabic name that means “beautiful”, “wonderful”.

Jannur (Zinnur)- a Turkic name that translates as “shining soul.”

Jaudat- see the meaning of the name.

Jihangir (Jigangir)- Persian name, translated meaning “conqueror”, “conqueror of the world”, “master of the world”. That was the name youngest son Sultan Suleiman Kanuni.

Dilovar (Dilavar, Dilyaver)- Persian name translated as “courageous”, “fearless”, “courageous”.

Dinar- Arabic name, which translates as " gold coin", in this case - "precious". The dinar serves as the official currency of a number of Arab states, such as Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, etc.

Dinislam- an Arabic name formed by combining two words: “Din” (“religion”) and “Islam” (“Islam”, “submission to God”).

Dinmuhamed (Dinmuhammed)- an Arabic name, which translated means “religion of the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.w.).”


Zhalil(Stung) - see the meaning of the name.

Zhamal- see the meaning of the name.

Zhaudat (Zhaudat, Dzhavdat, Dzhaudat, Dzhevdet, Zaudat)- an Arabic name, which translated means “superior”, “generous”.


Pick up- Arabic name, translated as “solid”, “strong”, “strong”.

Zagid (Zagit)- Arabic name meaning “pious”, “holy”.

Zagir- an Arabic name that means “shining”, “brilliant”, “bright”.

Zayd (Zeyd)- an Arabic name, the semantic translation of which is “gift”, “gift”.

Zaydullah (Zeydullah)- Arabic name translated as “gift of Allah”, “gift of the Almighty”.

Zainullah (Zeynullah)- an Arabic name that means “ornament of the Almighty.”

Zakaria (Zachariah, Zakarya)- ancient Jewish name, carrying the meaning of “always remembering God.” This name belonged to one of the Lord's vicegerents on Earth - Prophet Zakaria (a.s.), who was the father of the Prophet Yahya (John, a.s.) and the uncle of Maryam, the mother of the Prophet Isa (Jesus Christ, a.s.).

Zaki (Zakiy)- Arabic name meaning “wise”, “capable”, “gifted”.

Zakir- an Arabic name, which translates as “praising the Almighty”, “giving praise to Allah”.

Zalim- an Arabic name that means “cruel”, “despot”, “tyrant”.

For peace- Arabic name, translated as “conscientious”, “honest”.

Zarif (Zarip)- Arabic name meaning “attractive”, “refined”.

Zahid (Zakhit)- an Arabic name that translates as “modest”, “ascetic”.

Zelimkhan (Zalimkhan)- see the meaning of the name.

Zinnat- Arabic name, translated meaning “decoration”, “beautiful”, “magnificent”.

Zinnatulla (Zinatulla)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is “decoration of the Almighty.”

Zinnur- an Arabic name, the semantic interpretation of which is “radiant”, “light”, “illuminating”.

Ziyad (Ziat)- Arabic name meaning “growth”, “multiplying”, “increase”.

Ziyaddin (Ziyatdin)- an Arabic name with the semantic meaning “increasing religion”, “spreading religion”.

Zubair (Zubair)- Arabic name meaning "strong".

Sulfate (Zolfat)- an Arabic name, which is translated by the adjective “curly”. Usually this was the name given to boys who were born with curly hair.

Zufar (Zophar)- an Arabic name, which translated means “victor”, “winner”.


Ibad (Ibat, Gibat)- an Arabic name that translates as “slave”. In this case, it is implied that the bearer of this name is a slave of the Supreme Lord.

Ibrahim (Ibrahim)- Hebrew-Arabic name, means “father of nations.” This was the name of one of the greatest messengers of Allah - Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.), also known by the biblical name Abraham. It should be noted that Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) was the forefather of the Jewish and Arab peoples, for which he was called the “father of nations.”

Idris- an Arabic name, translated meaning “diligent”, “enlightened”. This name was given to one of the first prophets in the history of mankind - Prophet Idris (a.s.).

Ishmael- see the meaning of the name Ismail

Ikram- an Arabic name, which translated means “honor”, ​​“respect”, “authority”.

Ilgam (Ilham, Ilgam)- Arabic name with the meaning “inspired”, “inspired”.

Ilgiz (Ilgis, Ilgiz)- Persian name, translated as “wanderer”, “traveler”.

Ilgizar (Ilgizar)- Persian name, the meaning of which is “a person who travels.”

Ildan (Ildan)- Tatar-Persian name, translated meaning “glorifying his country.”

Ildar (Ildar, Eldar)- this Tatar-Persian name contains the meaning of “master of his country”, “a person who has a homeland”.

Ildus (Ildus)- Tatar-Persian name meaning “who loves his country.”

Ilnaz (Ilnaz, Ilnas)- Tatar-Persian name with the meaning “caressing one’s country.”

Ilnar (Ilnar, Elnar)- Tatar-Persian name, which translates as “flame of the people”, “fire of the state”.

Ilnur (Ilnur, Elnur)- Tatar-Persian name meaning “radiance of the people.”

Ilsaf (Ilsaf)- Tatar-Persian name with the semantic meaning “purity of the people.”

Ilsiyar (Ilsiyar)- Tatar-Persian name, means “loving his people”, “loving his country”.

Ilsur (Ilsur)- Tatar-Persian name, which translates as “hero of his country”, “hero of his people”.

Ilfar (Ilfar)- Tatar-Persian name, which translated means “beacon of one’s people.”

Ilfat (Ilfat)- Tatar-Persian name meaning “friend of his country”, “friend of his people”.

Ilshat (Ilshat)- Tatar-Persian name meaning “joy for one’s country”, “joy for one’s people.”

Ilyas- a Hebrew-Arabic name, which translated means “the power of God.” One of the prophets of the Most High, Ilyas (Elijah, a.s.), possessed it.

Ilyus- a Tatar name, translated meaning “grow, my country”, “prosper, my people.”

Imam- Arabic name, translated as “standing in front.” In Islam, imams are the name given to believers who preside during collective prayer. In Shiism, the imam is the supreme ruler, the head of spiritual and temporal power.

Imamali (Imamgali, Emomali)- an Arabic name formed by combining two words: “Imam” (spiritual leader, primate) and the name Ali. This name is very popular among Shiite Muslims, whose cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) - Ali ibn Abu Talib (Imam Ali) is considered the most revered person after the Prophet (s.a.w.) himself.

Iman- Arabic name, which translates as “faith”, “iman”. They named the boy in the hope that in the future he would become a sincere believer.

Imanali (Imangali)- Arabic name meaning "faith of Ali".

Imran (Emran, Gimran)- an Arabic name that translates as the word “life”. It is mentioned in the Koran: in particular, the third sura is called.

Inal- a Turkic name, which contains the meaning of “a person of noble origin”, “descendant of a ruler”.

Inham (Inham)- Arabic name, which translates as “donation”, “gifting”.

Insaf- an Arabic name that means “modest”, “well-mannered”, “fair”.

Intizar (Intisar)- Arabic name with the meaning “long-awaited child.” Accordingly, they were named long-awaited children.

Irek (Irek)- Tatar name, which in translation means “free”, “free”, “independent”.

Irfan (Girfan, Khirfan)- Persian name, which translates as “enlightened”, “educated”.

Irkhan (Erkhan, Girhan)- Persian name meaning "courageous khan".

Irshat- an Arabic name, the semantic interpretation of which is “instructing on the true path.”

Isa- see the meaning of the name.

Iskander (Iskandar) - ancient Greek name, meaning "winner". This name (Iskander Zulkarnai) was used in the Muslim world to refer to the great commander Alexander the Great.

Islam (Islam)- an Arabic name derived from the name of the religion Islam. The word “Islam” itself is translated as “submission to Allah.”

Ismail (Izmail, Ismagil, Ismail)- an Arabic name that means “The Almighty hears everything.” One of God's vicegerents, Prophet Ismail (a.s.), the eldest son of the forefather of the nations, Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.), had this name. It is believed that it was from the Prophet Ismail (a.s.) that he came Arab people and Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was his descendant.

Ismat (Ismet)- Arabic name, translated as “protection”, “support”.

Israfil (Israfil)- an Arabic name, the translation of which is “warrior”, “fighter”. This is the name of one of the greatest angels of Allah - the angel Israfil (a.s.), whose main function is to announce the onset of the Day of Judgment.

Ishaq (Isaac)- a Hebrew-Arabic name translated as “cheerful”, “joyful”. It was worn by one of the messengers of the Almighty - Prophet Ishak (a.s.), the son of the forefather of the nations, Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.). It is believed that it was from the Prophet Ishaq (a.s.) that the Jewish people came and all subsequent prophets, with the exception of Muhammad (s.g.w.), were his descendants.

Ikhlas (Ikhlyas)- an Arabic name that translates as “sincere”, “honest”. One of the surahs of the Holy Quran is called.

Ihsan (Ehsan)- Arabic name meaning “kind”, “merciful”, “helping”.


Kabir (Kabir)- Arabic name, which translates as “big”, “huge”. Included in the list of names of the Almighty.

Kavi (Kaviy)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is “powerful”, “strong”. This is one of the names of Allah.

Kadi (Kadi)- see the meaning of the name Kazi.

Kadim- an Arabic name, which translated means “ancient”, “old”.

Kadir (Kedir)- an Arabic name that translates as “possessing power.” It is one of the names of the Lord of the worlds in Islam.

Kazbek (Kazibek)- an Arab-Turkic name formed by adding two names: Kazi (judge) and Bek (lord, prince).

Kazi (Kaziy)- an Arabic name, the translation of which means “judge”. As a rule, judges dealing with Sharia cases are called qazis.

Kazim- an Arabic name that translates as “restrained”, “patient”, “keeping anger within oneself”.

Kamal (Kamal, Kemal)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is expressed by the words “perfection”, “ideal”, “maturity”.

Kamil (Kamil)- an Arabic name, which translated means “perfect”, “ideal”.

Kamran- a Persian name meaning “strong”, “mighty”, “powerful”.

Karam- Arabic name, translated as “generosity”, “magnanimity”.

Kari (Kariy)- an Arabic name, which translated means “reader who knows the Koran”, “hafiz of the Koran”.

Carib (Karip)- Arabic name meaning “close”, “close”.

Karim (Karym)- an Arabic name that translates as “generous,” “a man with a broad soul.”

Karimulla (Karymullah)- Arabic name, means “magnanimity of the Almighty”, “nobility of Allah”.

Kasym (Kasim, Kasym)- Arabic name, translated meaning “distributing”, “dividing”, “distributing”.

Kausar (Kavsar, Kyausar) is an Arabic name that translates as “abundance.” Kausar is the name of a stream in Paradise.

Kafi (Kafiy)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is “efficient”, “capable”.

Qayum (Qayum)- Arabic name meaning “life-sustaining”, “eternal”. It is one of the 99 names of the Almighty.

Kemal- see the meaning of the name Kamal.

Kiram- an Arabic name that translates as “sincere”, “pure-hearted”.

Kiyam (Kyyam)- Arabic name, translated meaning “resurrected”, “risen”.

Kudrat (Kodrat)- Arabic name translated as “strength”, “power”.

Kurban (Korban)- Arabic name, which translates as “sacrifice”, “sacrifice”. In this case, a sacrifice to Allah is implied.

Kurbanali (Korbanali)- a name made by adding two Arabic names: Kurban (“sacrifice”) and Ali.

Kutdus (Kuddus, Kotdus)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which can be represented by the epithet “free from any shortcomings.” One of the names of the Lord of the Worlds among Muslims.

Kyyam- see the meaning of the name Kiyam.


Latif (Latyf, Latyp, Latif)- an Arabic name, translated meaning “understanding”, “treating with understanding”. It is one of the names of the Almighty.

Lenar (Linar) - Russian name, derived from the phrase “Lenin’s Army”. Similar names became popular during the Soviet years.

Lenur (Linur) is a Russian name representing an abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin instituted a revolution." It appeared in Soviet times.

Lukman (Lokman)- an Arabic name, which translated means “caring”, “showing care”. This was the name of one of the righteous men mentioned in the Koran.

Loot (Lot)- an ancient Hebrew name, the owner of which was the Prophet Lut (a.s.), sent to the people of the Sadum tribe, also known as Sodom and Gomorrah.

Lyaziz (Laziz)- Arabic name, translated meaning “delicious”, “sweet”.


Mavlid (Maulid, Maulit, Mavlit, Mavlut, Mevlut) is an Arabic name that literally translates to “Birthday”. As a rule, this word refers to the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.).

Magdi (Magdiy, Mahdi)- an Arabic name meaning “walking the path that the Almighty shows.”

Magomed (Mahomet)- see the meaning of the name Muhammad.

Majid (Majit, Majid, Mazhit, Mazit)- an Arabic name that translates as “glorious.” It is one of the names of the Creator.

Maksud (Maksut)- an Arabic name, which translated means “aspiration”, “goal”, “intention”.

Malik (Myalik)- an Arabic name meaning “lord”, “ruler”. It is one of the names of the Almighty.

Mansur (Mansor)- Arabic name, translated means “winner”, “celebrating victory”.

Marat- a French name that became common among the Tatars after the October Revolution. This name was borne by one of the leaders of the French Revolution - Jean Paul Marat.

Mardan- a Persian name that translates as “hero”, “knight”, “hero”.

Marlene- a Russian name formed by adding the surnames Marx and Lenin.

Mars- Latin name. In ancient Roman mythology, Mars is the god of war.

Marseille (Marsil)- a French name that became widespread among the Tatars after the 1917 revolution in honor of one of the leaders of the labor movement in France, Marcel Cachin.

Masgud (Masgut, Maskhut)- an Arabic name, translated meaning “happy.”

Mahdi- see the meaning of the name Magdi

Mahmud (Mahmut)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is expressed by the words “praised”, “worthy of praise”. It is one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.).

Mehmed (Mehmet)- a Turkic name, analogous to the name Mahmud. This name is very popular in modern Turkey.

Mihran- Persian name meaning “merciful”, “cordial”.

Midhat (Mithat, Midhad)- Arabic name, translated as “glorification”, “praise”.

Minle (Minne, Mini, Min)- a word that means “with a mole.” Often found as part of complex Tatar names. Previously, children who were born with a mole were given a name with the particle “Minle”, as there was a belief that having a mole was good luck. It also happened that if a mole was discovered after the child was given a name, it was changed to a name with this particle or simply added to the already existing one. For example: Minakhmat (Min + Akhmat), Mingali (Min + Gali), Minnehan (Minne + Khan), Minnehanif (Minne + Hanif).

Mirza (Murza, Mirze)- Persian name meaning “high dignitary”, “lord”, “representative of the nobility”.

Muaz (Mugaz)- Arabic name, which means “protected”.

Muammar (Muammar, Mugammar)- an Arabic name, translated meaning “a person who is destined for a long life.”

Mubarak (Mobarak, Mubaraksha)- Arabic name, translated as “sacred”.

Mubin- an Arabic name, the semantic translation of which is “able to distinguish truth from lies.”

Mugalim (Mualim, Mugallim)- an Arabic name, which translated means “teacher”, “mentor”.

Mudaris- Arabic name meaning “person who teaches lessons”, “teacher”.

Muzaffar (Muzaffar, Mozaffar)- an Arabic name, translated meaning “warrior who wins victories.”

Muqaddas (Moqaddas)- Arabic name, translated as “pure”, “devout”.

Mullah- Arabic name meaning “preacher”, “educated in matters of religion.” Often found in complex names, both at the beginning and at the end of the name.

Mullanur- an Arabic name formed by adding the words “mullah” (preacher) and “nur” (“light”).

Munir- Arabic name, translated meaning “ emitting light", "shining".

Murad (Murat) is an Arabic name that translates as “desired.” It is very popular in Turkic states and regions.

Murza- see the meaning of the name Mirza.

Murtaza- Arabic name, translated meaning “chosen”, “beloved”.

Musa- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is expressed by the word “child”. Also given name interpreted as “drawn from the sea.” One of the greatest prophets and messengers of Allah was named Musa (a.s.), also known as Moses, who led the people of Israel from Egypt and saved them from the oppression of Pharaoh.

Muslim- an Arabic name, which translated means “follower of Islam”, “Muslim”.

Mustafa (Mostafa)- Arabic name, translated as “chosen”, “best”. This is one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.).

Muhammad (Muhammad, Mukhamet, Muhammet)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is “praised”. The owner of this name was the best of the people who ever inhabited the planet - Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.). Today it is one of the most popular names in the world.

Muharram (Mukharlyam, Muharryam)- an Arabic name that translates as “forbidden.” Muharram is the name of the first month of the Muslim lunar calendar.

Mukhlis (Mokhlis)- an Arabic name, the semantic meaning of which is “a true, sincere friend.”

Muhsin- Arabic name, translated as “a person who helps others.”

Mukhtar (Mokhtar)- Arabic name meaning “chosen”, “chosen”.


Nabi (Nabiy)- Arabic name meaning “prophet”. Nabi in Islam refers to all the prophets of Allah, including the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.).

Nowruz (Nowruz) is a Persian name that translates to “first day of the year.” Navruz - holiday spring equinox, celebrated in a number of Muslim states.

Nagim (Nahim)- Arabic name meaning “happiness”, “well-being”.

Najib (Najib, Najip, Nazhip)- see the meaning of the name Nazip.

Nadir (Nadir)- an Arabic name that means “rare”, “unmatched”, “unique”.

Nazar- a name of Arabic origin, the meaning of which is “far-sighted”, “looking far ahead”.

Nazim (Nazim, Nazyim)- Arabic name translated as “constructor”, “builder”.

Nazip (Nazib)- Arabic name meaning “person of noble birth”, “precious”.

Nazir (Nazir)- Arabic name, which translates as “notifying”, “warning”, “observing”.

Nazif (Nazyf)- Arabic name meaning “pure”, “immaculate”.

Nail (Nail)- an Arabic name, translated meaning “gift”, “gift”, “person worthy of a gift”.

Nariman- a Persian name, which in translation carries the meaning of “strong in spirit”, “a person with a strong-willed character”.

Nasreddin (Nasrutdin)- Arabic name, means “helper of religion”, “help of religion”.

Nasrullah (Nasrallah)- Arabic name, translated as “help of Allah.”

Nasir (Nasser)- Arabic name meaning “helper”, “comrade”.

Nafig (Nafik)- Arabic name, translated meaning “benefit”, “benefit”, “profit”.

Nafis (Nefis)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which can be expressed by the words “graceful”, “beautiful”.

Nizami- an Arabic name that translates as “disciplined”, “educated”.

Nikhat- an Arabic name, the semantic translation of which is “ last child" This name was given to the boy who, as his parents planned, was to be the last.

Niyaz (Niyas)- Arabic name, translated as “need”, “necessity”, “desire”.

Nur- Arabic name meaning “light”, “radiance”.

Nurgali (Nurali)- Arabic compound name from the word “light” and the name Ali.

Nurjan (Nurzhan) is a Persian name that literally means “shining soul.”

Nurislam- an Arabic name, which in translation will sound like “the radiance of Islam.”

Nurmuhammet (Nurmukhamet, Nurmuhammad)- Arabic name meaning "light emanating from Muhammad."

Nursultan (Nursoltan)- an Arabic name that translates as “shining ruler”, “shining sultan”.

Nurullah- Arabic name, translated means “light of Allah”, “radiance of the Almighty”.

Nuh- Jewish-Arabic name. Its bearer was Prophet Nuh (a.s.), also known as Noah.


Olan (Alan)- a Celtic name that translates as “harmony”, “concord”.

Omer (Omar)- Turkic analogue of the name Umar (see meaning).

Oraz (Uraz)- a Turkic name meaning “happy”, “rich”.

Orhan- a Turkic name, the translation of the meaning of which is “commander”, “military leader”.

Osman (Gosman)- Turkic analogue of the name Usman (see it). The owner of this name was the founder of the great Ottoman Empire - Osman I.


Parviz (Parvaz, Perviz)- a Persian name, which translated from Farsi sounds like “take-off”, “ascension”.

Pash A - a Perso-Turkic name, which is a shortened version of the name Padishah, meaning “sovereign”. In the Ottoman Empire, only the officials closest to the Sultan had the title “Pasha”.


Ravil (Ravil)- Arabic name, translated means “spring sun”. This name is also interpreted as “wandering”, “traveler”.

Raghib- see the meaning of the name Rakip.

Rajab (Recep, Raziap)- an Arabic name that was given to boys born in the seventh month according to Muslim lunar calendar- month of Rajab.

Radik- a name of Greek origin that gained popularity among the Tatars in the last century. Translated as “ray of sunshine”.

Radif- an Arabic name, translated meaning “satellite”, “nearby”. It is also interpreted as “going behind everyone else.” This name was given to boys who were planned to be the last child in the family.

Razzak (Razaq)- an Arabic name meaning “bestower of benefits.” Is one of the.

Razil (Razil)- Arabic name, which translates as “chosen”, “consonant”.

Rail (Rail)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is “founder”, “founder”.

Rais (Reis)- Arabic name with the meaning “chairman”, “head”, “leader”.

Raif- an Arabic name translated as “showing pity for others,” “merciful,” “compassionate.”

Rayhan (Reyhan)- an Arabic name, which translated means “bliss”, “pleasure”.

Rakib (Rakip)- an Arabic name meaning “watchman”, “guardian”, “guardian”.

Ramadan (Ramadan, Ramzan, Rabadan) is a popular Arabic name usually given to boys born during the Muslim holy month of obligatory fasting, Ramadan.

Ramzil (Ramzi, Remzi)- Arabic name meaning “having a sign”, “symbol”.

Ramis (Ramiz)- Arabic name, translated means “a sign symbolizing something good.”

Ramil (Ramil)- Arabic name translated as “wonderful”, “magical”.

Rasil (Razil) is an Arabic name that means "representative".

Rasim (Rasym, Resim)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is “creator of pictures”, “artist”.

Rasit (Rasit)- a Persian name, translated meaning “one who has reached maturity”, “adult”.

Rasul (Rasul)- Arabic name, which translates as “messenger”, “sent”. Messengers in Islam are the prophets to whom the Holy Scriptures were revealed. Prophet Muhammad (s.w.w.) is also the Messenger of Allah, since the Noble Quran was revealed to him.

Rauf- Arabic name meaning “lenient”, “kind-hearted”. One of the names of Allah.

Raushan (Ravshan, Rushan)- Persian name, the meaning of which is “radiant”, “shining”.

Rafael (Raphael)- a Hebrew name that translates as “healed by God.” IN Holy Scripture Jews - Taurat (Torah) mentions the angel Raphael.

Rafik is an Arabic name that means “friend”, “comrade”, “buddy”.

Rafis- Arabic name, translated meaning “outstanding”, “famous”.

Rafkat (Rafkat, Rafhat)- Arabic name meaning "majesty".

Rahim- Arabic name, translated means “merciful.” Included in the list of 99 names of the Almighty Creator.

Rahman- an Arabic name that translates as “merciful.” It is one of the most frequently used names of the Almighty.

Rahmatullah- Arabic name meaning “mercy of the Almighty.”

Rashad (Rashat, Rushad)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which can be conveyed by the words “truth”, “right path”.

Rashid (Rashit)- an Arabic name, translated meaning “moving along the right path.” Used among the names of the Lord of the worlds in Islam.

Ryan (Ryan)- Arabic name, translated as “comprehensively developed.”

Renat (Rinat)- a name popular among the Tatars and made up by adding the words: “revolution”, “science” and “labor”. Appeared in Tatar families after the 1917 revolution.

Ref (Reef)- a name formed from the first letters of the phrase “revolutionary front”. This is how some Tatars began to name their children in the post-revolutionary period.

Refnur (Rifnur)- a name formed by adding the first letters of the phrase “revolutionary front” and the Arabic word “nur” (light). The name appeared among the Tatars during the Soviet years.

Riza (Reza)- Arabic name, which translates as “agreeable”, “contented”, “satisfied”.

Rizvan (Rezvan)- Arabic name meaning "spiritual joy." This name is borne by the angel guarding the Gates of Paradise.

Rome- a name made up by adding the first letters of the phrase “revolution and peace.” It appeared among the Tatars after the October Revolution.

Rifat (Refat, Rifgat)- an Arabic name that carries the meaning of “rising upward.”

Rifkat (Refkat)- Arabic name meaning "blessed".

Rishat (Rishad)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is “moving straight.”

Robert - English name, endowed with the meaning of “grand glory”. The Tatars appeared in the middle of the last century.

Rudolph (Rudolph)- German name meaning "glorious wolf". This name began to appear in Tatar families after the revolution.

Ruzal (Ruzal) is a Persian name, often translated as “happy.”

Ruslan- Slavic name, popular among the Tatars. Derived from the Turkic name Arslan (Lion).

Rustam (Rustem)- Persian name meaning " big man" In ancient Persian literature - a hero, a hero.

Rufat- a name modified from the Arabic Rifat. It means “occupying a high position.”

Rushan- see the meaning of the name Raushan.

Any name in any language that has a positive meaning is considered Muslim.

Read about rituals associated with the birth of a child.

Ghazi(Arabic) - making a campaign, procession; aspiring; warrior.
Ghalib(Arabic) - winner.
Ghani(Arabic) - rich, owner of untold wealth. One of the names of the Almighty.
Gafur(Ghaffar) (Arabic) - forgiving, merciful. One of the names of the Almighty.
Gayaz(Arabic) - assistant, helping.
Gaillard(Arabic) - courageous, courageous, courageous, decisive.
Gayas(Arabic) - savior, helper.
Gufran(Arabic) - forgiving.

Dalil(Arabic) - accurate, correct, truthful; conductor (showing the way).
Damir- (Arab) conscience, mind; (Turkic) derivative of “timer-dimer” - iron; persistent
Danil(Daniyal) (Hebrew - Arabic) - a gift from God, a person close to God; God is my judge.
Danis(pers.) - knowledge, science.
Danif(Arabic) - the sun setting.
Daniyaz(Arabic-Persian) - desire, need, need, need.
Daniyar(pers.) - smart, prudent, sensible.
Daujan(Turk.) - generous.
Daulat(Davlet) - wealth, country; happiness.
Daut(Daoud) (Arabic) - beloved, endearing.
Dahi(pers.) - possessor of great knowledge, foresight, great writer.
Dayan(Arabic) - rewarder for what has been done, great judge. One of the names of the Almighty.
Dzhambulat— Bulat (Arabic) — very strong; Jan (Turkic) - soul.
Jamil(Arabic) - beautiful.
Diliyar(pers.) - sincere, heartfelt; comforter.
Dindar(Persian-Arabic) - very God-fearing.

Zhamal(Arabic) - camel (implies the endurance and diligence inherent in this animal).
Jaudat(Arabic) - superior, impeccable, unblemished, without flaws; generous, magnanimous.

Pick up(Arabic) - strong, strong, hardy.
Zayed(Arabic) - growing.
Zakaria(Old Hebrew - Arabic) - remembering the Almighty; a real man.
Zaki(Arabic) - smart, wise, capable; clean, straight.
Zakir(Arabic) - remembering, remembering; praising God.
Zalim- the word “zalim” (emphasis falls on the first syllable) is translated from Arabic as “unfair, cruel.” But “zalim” (the stress falls on the second syllable) is like an ostrich; oppressed, offended.
Zamil(Arabic) - friend, comrade, colleague.
Zamin(pers.) - earth, founder, ancestor.
Zarif(Arabic) - affectionate, attractive, sophisticated, beautiful; well-spoken; resourceful, witty.
Zafar(Zufar) (Arabic) - a winner who achieves a goal.
Zahid(Arabic) - pious, modest, Sufi, ascetic.
Zinnat(Arabic) - decoration, magnificent, elegant, beautiful, good.
Zinnur(Arabic) - light, radiant, illuminating.
Zia(Arabic) - light, light of knowledge.
Ziyad(Arabic) - growing, increasing, maturing.
Zobit(Dobit) (Arabic) - officer; rule, system, order, control.
Zubair(Arabic) - strong, smart.
Sulfate(Arabic) - curly; loving.
Zulfir(Arabic) - superior, superior; man with curly hair.

Ibrahim(Ibrahim, Abraham)(Old Hebrew - Arabic) - father of nations. The same name has different sounds: Ibrahim is used in the Muslim environment, and Abraham - in the Jewish and Christian ones.
Idris(Arabic) - diligent, student, diligent. The name of one of the prophets of the Most High.
Ikram(Arabic) - respect, reverence.
Ilgiz(Turkic-Persian) - wanderer, traveler.
Ildan(Turkic-Tatar-Persian) - glorifying the homeland.
Ildar(Tatar-Persian) - having a homeland, leader, owner of the state.
Ildus(Tatar-Persian) - loving his homeland.
Ilnar(Tatar-Persian) - fire of the homeland, light of the homeland.
Ilnur(Tatar-Arabic) - the light of the homeland, fatherland.
Ilsaf(Tatar-Arabic) - from the combination of “il” (“homeland”) and “saf” (“pure, noble”).
Ilham (Ilgam) (Arabic) - inspired, inspired.
Ilyas(Hebrew - Arabic) - Divine power, miracle.
Iman(Arabic) - faith, conviction, worship.
Inal(Old Turkic - Tatar) - prince, aristocrat; lord, ruler.
Inar(Arabic-Tatar) - make sure, believe.
Insan(Arabic) - person.
Insaf(Arabic) - well-mannered, modest, conscientious.
Irek(Tatar) - free, independent, independent.
Irken (Irkin) (Tatar) - generous, welcoming, wealthy.
Irfan(Arabic) - enlightened, educated, educated.
Irshad(Arabic) - guide, guiding, pointing.
Iskander (Alexander)(ancient Greek) - conquering the courageous.
Islam(Arabic) - submissive to the Almighty, worshiper.
Ismagil (Ismail) (Hebrew) - derived from the phrase “God himself hears.”
Ismatullah(Arabic) - “under the protection of God.”
Israfil(Arabic) - warrior, fighter. The name of the angel who announces the coming of Judgment Day.
Ishak(Old Hebrew - Arabic) - joyful, cheerful. The name of one of the prophets.
Ikhlas(Arabic) - sincere, sincere, devoted.
Ihsan(Arabic) - kind, good, showing mercy, helping.
Ikhtiram(Arabic) - reverent, respectful.

Yoldyz (Yulduz) (Tatar) - star, radiant, bright like a star.
Yosyf (Yusuf) (Hebrew - Arabic) - owner of beauty. The name of one of the prophets.

Kavi(Arabic) - strong, powerful, mighty. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kavim(Arabic) - direct, honest, correct.
Kader(Arabic) - authoritative, respected, ambitious.
Kadir(Arabic) - powerful. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kazim(Arabic) - patient, balanced.
Kamal (Kamil) (Arabic) - full, mature; brought to perfection.
Kamran(pers.) - mighty, powerful, mighty, happy.
Kari(Arabic) - a reader who knows the Koran, a hafiz.
Carib (Qaribullah) (Arabic) - close friend(“person close” to Allah).
Karim(Arabic) - generous, revered, sacred.
Kasym (Kasim, Kasym) (Arabic) - dividing, distributing, fair.
Kausar (Kyavsar) (Arabic) - the name of a stream flowing in Paradise; living in abundance.
Kafil(Arabic) - returning.
Kaharman(pers.) - hero, hero.
Kahir(Arabic) - winner.
Kahkhar(Arabic) - possessing power. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kashshaf(Arabic) - revealing, revealing (all that is good).
Kayyum(Arabic) - eternal, reliable, constant. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kiram(Arabic) - generous, noble, sincere, sincere.
Kudrat(Arabic) - strength; a person who can handle anything.
Kurban(Arabic) - sacrificing, not sparing himself for the sake of the Almighty.
Kutdus(Arabic) - respected, revered.
Kyyam(Arabic) - risen, resurrected.
Kamal(Arabic) - achieved, matured.

Latif (Latyf) (Arabic) - open, merciful; cheerful, witty.
Lokman (Lukman) (Arabic) - looking, caring.
Lutfulla(Arabic) - the grace of God, His gift.
Lyabib(Arabic) - smart, well-mannered.
Lyaziz(Arabic) - sweet, tasty.

Maksud(Arabic) - sought, desired; target; meaning, meaning.
Malik(Arabic) - master, leader, king.
Mansour(Arab) - victorious, triumphant.
Marat is a new name that appeared among the Tatars after the 30s in honor of one of the leaders of the French Revolution, Jean-Paul Marat (1747-1793).
Masgood(Arabic) - happy.
Mahdi(Arabic) - walking the right path.
Mahmoud(Arabic) - praised, revered.
Minniyar(Arabic-Persian) - helper, friend, comrade who does good.
Mirza(Arabic-Persian) - lord, nobleman.
Mikhman(pers.) - guest.
Mubin(Arabic) - able to distinguish between truth and lies, open.
Muzaffar(Arabic) - victorious warrior.
Muqaddas(Arabic) - holy, pure.
Mukim(Arabic) - corrective; building; establishing; performing; living, residing.
Munir(Arabic) - illuminating, spreading light.
Murad(Arabic) - desire, goal; something desired; intention.
Murtaza(Arabic) - chosen, outstanding, beloved.
Musa (Moses) - (ancient Egyptian) son, child; (Greek) extracted from water.
Muslim(Arabic) - Muslim; submissive to the Creator.
Mustafa(Arabic) - equal, superior, best.
Muhammad(Arabic) - the name “Muhammad” is translated as “praised, praised.” Comes from the verb “ha-mi-da”, that is, “to praise, praise, thank.”
Muhsin(Arabic) - doing good, helping.
Mukhtar(Arabic) - chosen one; having freedom of choice.

Nabi(Arabic) - prophet.
Nadir(Arabic) - rare.
Nazar(Arabic) - this name can be translated as “far-sighted”, as well as “look”; “looking on the bright side of things”; “vow (promised)”; "dedicated to the Lord."
Nazim(Arabic) - building, putting in order, collecting.
Nazif(Arabic) - clean, straight, healthy.
Nail(Arabic) - recipient; gift, gift; benefit, benefit.
Nariman(Old Persian) - strong, hardy, strong.
Nugman(Arabic) - merciful, beneficent, gracious.
Nur(Arabic) - light, shining.
Nuriman(Arabic) - light of faith.

Ravil(Heb.) - teenager, young man; spring sun; traveler .
Radik(Greek) - sunbeam.
Rais(Arabic) - leader, head.
Ryan(Arabic) - the name of the gates of heaven through which those who observed obligatory fasting in the worldly abode will enter on the Day of Judgment.
Ramadan (Ramadan) (Arabic) - the name of the 9th month of the Muslim calendar, the month of Holy Lent. This name was usually given to children born in this month.
Ramiz(Arabic) - a sign symbolizing goodness.
Ramil- magical, enchanting.
Rasim(Arabic) - accelerated step, move, rapid movement.
Rasul(Arabic) - messenger; ambassador; messenger; apostle; precursor.
Rauf(Arabic) - merciful, sympathetic, compassionate. One of the names of the Almighty.
Raphael(Heb.) - healed by the Almighty. In the Torah - the name of one of the angels (Raphael).
Rafik(Arabic) - friend, comrade, fellow traveler; soft-hearted.
Rahim(Arabic) - merciful, kind-hearted. One of the names of the Almighty.
Rahman(Arabic) - merciful, merciful, forgiving. One of the names of the Almighty.
Rashad(Arabic) - when the emphasis is on the first syllable, the name is translated as “conscious, prudent”; "adult"; “walking the right path”, when the stress is on the second syllable - “consciousness, consciousness”; “health, prudence”; "right".
Rashid(Arabic) - walking on the right path.
Reed(Arabic) - contentment; agreement; benevolence, favor.
Rinat(lat.) - renewed, reborn.
Rifat(Arabic) - high position, nobility.
Rifkat(Arabic) - blessed.
Ruzil(pers.) - happy.
Ruslan(Old Turkic - Tatar) - a derivative of Arslan.
Rustam- a very big man with a powerful body. In ancient Iranian folklore - a hero, a man-legend.
Rushan (Raushan) (pers.) - light, emitting light.

Sabir(Arabic) - patient.
Sabit(Arabic) - strong, honest, keeping a promise.
Aloes(Arabic) - very patient. One of the names of the Almighty.
Sadyk(Arabic) - honest, sincere; Friend.
Said(Arabic) - lord, nobleman.
Salavat(Arabic) - praising; blessing.
Salman(Arabic) - healthy, without grief.
Salah(Arabic) - useful, necessary; pious, God-fearing.
Samat(Arabic) - eternal; supervisor. One of the names of the Almighty.
Samir(Arabic) - interlocutor, storyteller.
Sardar(pers.) - commander-in-chief, leader.
Sattar(Arabic) - forgiving, protecting. One of the names of the Almighty.
Safa(Arabic) - pure, sincere.
Suleiman (Solomon) - living in health and prosperity.
Sultan(Arabic) - king, head of state.
Sufyan(Arabic) - proper name.

Tabris(Arabic) - heritage, wealth; pride, greatness.
Tawfik (Taufik, Tofik(Arabic) - blessing; agreement, pacification; success, luck, happiness.
Tair(Arabic) - flying, soaring.
Such (Tags) - initially “Tagi” sounded like “Such”, which translated from Arabic means “pious, pious.”
Talgat (Talat) — appearance, face; beauty, attractiveness, grace.
Tahir(Arabic) - pure, sinless.
Timerlan (Timur) (Turkic) - iron, resistant. In ancient times, when physically weak children were born into a family, the next child was given the name Timer, putting into it a prayer for his health and resistance to illness and life’s adversities.

Umar(Arabic) - life, living. This name was given in the hope that the child's life would be long; the name of the second righteous caliph.
Umit (Umid) (Arabic) - expected, desired; dream.

Fazil(Arabic) - educated, talented.
Faiz(Arabic) - a winner who achieves his goal.
Faik(Arabic) - superior; excellent, excellent, amazing; conscious.
Fail- giving good sign, which is a good omen.
Farid(Arabic) - unsurpassed, unique.
Farouk(Arabic) - able to distinguish good from bad.
Fattah (Fattakhetdin) (Arabic) - opener of the doors of happiness, winner; opening the doors of faith. One of the names of the Almighty.
Fatykh(Arabic) - beginner; winner.
Fayaz(Arabic) - rich, generous.
Fuad(Arabic) - heart; mind.
Fyanis(pers.) - a beacon that illuminates.

Khabib(Arabic) - beloved; pet; Friend; dear, beloved.
Haydar- a lion.
Hayretdin(Arabic) - the best in worshiping the Almighty.
Hakim(Arabic) - wise, educated, scientist.
Khalik(Arabic) - revitalizing, illuminating. One of the names of the Almighty.
Khalil(Arabic) - close friend; righteous.
Halim(Arabic) - soft, patient. One of the names of the Almighty.
Khamzat (Hamza) (Arabic) - agile, burning.
Hamid(Arabic) - commendable, worthy of praise.
Hammat(Arabic) - praising.
Hanif(Arabic) - truthful, honest, lover of truth.
Haris(Arabic) - guard, defender.
Harun(Arabic) - stubborn, restive, self-willed.
Hassan(Arabic) - good, beautiful.
Hafiz(Arabic-Tatar) - someone who knows the Koran by heart; retentive. One of the names of the Almighty.
Khezir (Khyzyr, Khidr) - V Holy Quran several historical episodes are described in detail, where the main persons are the prophet Moses and his teacher Khyzyr

Abdullah- Servant of Allah, servant of God. Component of the Tatar and Arabic name.
Agdalia- The most fair.
Abid, (Abide) - worshiper, prayer, believer; slave. Male and female name
Abulkhair- doing good
Adalet- justice, fairness
Adil, (Adile) - fair. Male and female name
Adeline- Honest, decent.
Adip- Well-mannered, writer, scientist.
Azat- Noble, free.
Azalea- From the name of the flower.
Azamat- Knight, hero.
Azhar- Very beautiful.
Aziz and Aziza - respected, revered, dear.
Azim- Great, decisive
Aidar(Aider) - 1.natal hair that has not been cut since birth in male infants. As a result, a large Chub-Kosa grew; among the Zaporozhye Cossacks this was the Oseledets. 2. worthy, from among worthy husbands.
Aydin- light, bright
Ainur- Moonlight. (Ai-luna, Nur - light or ray. Common Tatar name)
Airat- khairat-amazement, (Mongolian) forest people.
Aisha(Aisha) - Living (one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad).
Akim- Knowledgeable, wise.
Akram- Generous.
AK Bars- Snow Leopard.
Alan- Good-natured.
Ali(Alie) - Sublime. name of Prophet Muhammad's cousin
Alim(Alime) - wise, learned, noble.
Alsou- The most beautiful, the most beautiful; Scarlet water.
Amine and Amina - Faithful, honest.
Amir and Amira - Commander, Prince.
Anwar- Radiant, light (one of the surahs of the Koran).
Arsen- Strong, fearless.
Arslan and Ruslan - Lev.
Arthur- Bear.
Asan- Healthy.
Asie- Comforting, healing.
Ahmad and Ahmet - Illustrious.

-= B =-

Basyr- shrewd, insightful, far-sighted
Batal- brave, courageous, hero
Batyr- hero
Bakhtiyar- from Pers. happy
Bekbay- Very rich.
Bekbulat- Iron Bek, sir.
Bulat- Iron, steel.
Belial- Healthy, alive.


Wahid and Vahit - the One, the first.
Venus- Star, planet.
Vetan(Vetaniye) - Motherland.
Vibiy– wandering.
Wildan(from the Arabic words valid, veled, evlyad) ¾ newborn children; slaves


Gabdulla- see Abdullah.
Gadel and Gadile - Direct, fair.
Ghazi- Fighter for faith.
Galim- Knowledgeable, scientist.
Ghani- Rich, state-owned.
Gafar, Gaffar, Gafur, Gafura - Forgiving.
Guzel- from Turk. beautiful, good. Female name.
Gul- Flower, blooming, symbol of beauty.
Gulzar and Gulzifa - Flower Garden. (Old Tatar name)
Gulnaz- Delicate like a flower.
Gulnara- Decorated with flowers, pomegranate.
Gulnur- Light as a flower.
Gulchechek- Rose.
Guzman, Gosman, Usman - Chiropractor.
Garay- Worthy.

-= D =-

Davlet- Happiness, wealth, state.
Damir And Damira- persistent, Russian "Long live the world" or "Give us a world revolution."
Daniyal- A person close to Allah.
Dayan- Supreme Court (religion).
Denise And Denis- Sea.
Jamil, Jamal, Jamila- Beautiful.
Dzhigan- Universe.
Dilyaver- from Pers. brave, courageous, courageous
Dilyara- from Pers. poet. gorgeous; sweet, beautiful, soothing to the heart
Dilbar- Darling, charming.
Dina- Dean-vera.
Dinar And Dinara- from the word dinar - gold coin; apparently here it means precious.


Zaid- Present.
Zainab(Zeynep) - Complete. name of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad,
Zakir And Zakira- Remembering.
Zalika- Eloquent.
Zaman- A man of our time.
For peace- Mind, mystery.
Zamira- Heart, conscience.
Zarif- Affectionate, handsome, kind.
Zafer- achieving the goal; victorious, winner
Zahid- Ascetic, ascetic.
Zahir And Zahira- Assistant, handsome.
Zeki(Zekiye) - pure, without impurities, natural, unadulterated.
Zinnat- Decoration.
Zinnur- Radiant.
Zifa- Slender, stately.
Zia- Light, light.
Sulfate- Curly.
Zulfiya– Beautiful hair with curls.
Zufar- Winner.
Zukhra- Shiny, light, star, flower.
Ziyatdin- Spreader of religion, missionary.

-= AND =-

Ibrahim- Abraham, father of nations.
Idris- Learner, diligent.
Ishmael- see Ismagil
Izzet- greatness, respect.
Ikram- Honor, respect.
Ildar- Ruler.
Ilnar And Ilnara- Nar (Flame) + Il (Homeland).
Ilnur And Ilnura- Nur (Beam) + Il (Homeland).
Ilham(Ilhamiye) - inspiration.
Ilshat- Pleasing the homeland, meaning famous.
Ilyas- The power of Allah.
Ilgam- Inspiration.
Iman- Faith.
Ears- mercy, guardianship, care.
Indira- Goddess of war.
Insaf- Justice, well-mannered.
Irade- Good wishes.
Irek And Irik- Will.
Irina- Calm.
Irfan- knowledge. Male name.
Isa And Jesus- God's mercy.
Iskander- Alexander - defender, winner of the Arabized form.
Islam And Islamie- Devoted to Allah.
Ismail And Ismagil- God heard.
Ismat And Ismet- Purity, abstinence; protection.
Ihsan- Beneficence, virtue.

-= K =-

Kadir And Kadira- Almighty.
Kazim- Patient.
Kaila- Talkative.
Kaima- Standing firmly on her feet.
Kamal And Kamalia- Perfection.
Kamaletdin- Religious perfection.
Kamil And Kamila- Perfect.
Karim And Karima- Generous, noble, generous.
Katiba And Katib- Writer, writing.
Kerim(Kerime) - generous, noble.
Kurban- Victim.
Kurbat- Kinship.
Kamal- Mature.

-= L =-

Lily And Lillian- White tulip flower.
Lenar And Lenara- Lenin's army.
Latifa- Beautiful.
Leniza And Leniz- Lenin's Testament.
Lenora- Daughter of a lion.
Lenur- Lenin founded the revolution.
Lei- Antelope.
Liana- From a plant, a thin liana.
Louise- Collision.
Lutfi(Lutfiye) - kind, dear. Male and female name
Laysan- Spring rain, month of April according to the Syrian calendar.
Latife- tender, soft. Female name.
Lyale- tulip

-= M =-

Madina- A city in Arabia.
Mazit- Famous.
Mayan- From the month of May.
Mariam- From the name from the Bible Mary.
Maksuz And Mahsut- Desired.
Mansour And Mansura- Winner.
Marat- In honor of the leader of Fr. bourgeois revolution Jean - Paul Marat.
Marlene- (German - Russian) Abbreviation for Marx and Lenin.
Maryam(Meryem) - mother of the prophet "Isa",
Masnavi- from the Koran, “Giver”, gave the name to a boy born as the second male child.
Mahmoud- Illustrious.
Mirgayaz- Helpful.
Mirza- Son of the king. Name component.
Munir And Munira- Sparkling, illuminator.
Murat- Desired.
Murtaza- Favorite.
Musa- Prophet, child.
Muslim- Muslim.
Mustafa- Chosen One.
Mustafir- Smiling.
Muhammet- Praised.
Muhammetjan- Soul of Mohamed.
Mukhtar- Chosen One.

-= N =-

Nabi- Prophet.
Nabib- Smart.
Naked- Well-being.
Nadir And Nadire- Rare.
Nazar And Nazira- Look, Self-sacrifice.
Nazim(Nazmie) - composing.
Nail And Nailya- Gift. achieving the goal
Nariman- Strong-willed.
Nasretdin- Helping religion.
Nafise- very valuable; beautiful
Niyaz- Necessity; request, desire; present; grace.
Nedim(Nedime) - interlocutor
Nugman- Red, good deed, flower variety.
Nurvali- Saint.
Nurgali- Majestic.
Nuretdin- Ray of religion.
Nuri And Nuria(Nur) - Light.
Nurullah- Nur(light) + Allah.

-= O =-

Oigul- Aigul - Moon Flower. Another interpretation - Beauty and Flower (Ancient Tatar name)

-= P =-

Ravil- Young man.
Radik- From chem. element.
Rail And Raila- Founder.
Rais- Supervisor.
Raihan- (male and female ancient Tatar name) Basil, bliss.
Ramadan- Hot month, 9th month of Hijri.
Ramiz- Identification sign landmark.
Ramil And Ramilya- Miraculous, magical.
Ramis- Raftsman.
Rasim And Rasima- Artist.
Rafail- God cured.
Rafik- Good friend.
Rahim- Merciful.
Rahman- Friendly.
Rashid And Rashad- Walking the right path.
Renat And Renata- Newly born or Russian. option revolution, science, labor.
Refat- compassionate, kind
Riza, Reed- Chosen One.
Rizvan- Favor, satisfaction.
Riyana– a beautiful stranger (Riyanochka Ablaeva)
Ruslan- from Arslan.
Rustem- Bogatyr, hero.
Rushena- Light, shiny.

-= C =-

Saadet- happiness
Saban- (Turkic-Tatar name) Plow, the name was given to a child born during plowing.
Sabah And Sabiha- Morning.
Sabir And Sabira- Patient.
Sabit- Strong, durable, durable.
Sagadat And Sagid- Happiness.
Sadri And Sadria- First, main.
Sadriddin- with faith in the heart
Sadyk And Sadika- True, friend.
Said And Side- happy, lucky sir.
Saifullah- Sword of Allah.
Salavat- Prayers of praise.
Salamat And Salim- Healthy.
Sania- Second.
Sattar- Forgiving.
Safiye- pure, without impurities
Selim(Selima) - without flaws
Selyamet- well-being, safety
Sefer- journey
Subhi(Subhiye) - morning
Suleiman- Bible Solomon, the Protected.
Sultan and Sultana - Power, ruler.
Susanna- Lily.
Sufia- Not doing evil.


Tair- Birds.
Taimas- He won’t go astray from the right path.
Talib- Seeker, desiring.
Tahir And Tagir- Clean.
Timur- Iron.
Tukay- (Mongolian) Rainbow.


Uzbek- name people, which has become a personal name among many peoples, Life.
Ulvi(Ulviye) - hill
Ulmas- Immortal.
Ulfat- Friendship, love.
Umida and Umid - Nadezhda.
Uraz- Happy.
Usman- Slow, but the etymology is not entirely clear.

-= F =-

Fazil And Fazilya- Knowledgeable, humane.
Faizullah- (male) (name of Arabic origin) The generosity of Allah.
Faiz- (male) (name of Arabic origin) Happy, rich.
Faik- (male) (Arabic) Excellent.
Faina- (male) (gr.) Shine.
Fandas- (male) (Arabic) Attached to science.
Fanis And Anisa- (pers.) Lighthouse.
Fannur- (male) (Arabic) Light of science.
Farit And. Farida- (Arabic) Rare.
Farhad- (male) (Iranian) Invincible.
Fatima- (Arabic) Weaned, daughter of Muhammad.
Fatih and Fatykh - (Arabic) Winner.
Fauzia- (female) (Arabic) Winner.
Firuza- (female) (Old Persian) Radiant, turquoise, happy.

-= X =-

Khabib and Habiba- (Arabic) Beloved, friend.
Habibullah- (female) (Arabic) Favorite of Allah.
Khadija(Khatice) - the first name of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad,
Haydar- (male) (Arabic) Lev.
Khairat- (male) (Arabic) Benefactor.
Khazar- (male) (Arabic) A city dweller, a person with average income.
Hakim- (male) (Arabic) Knowledgeable, wise.
Khalil- (male) (Arabic) Faithful friend.
Halit- (male) (Arabic) Will live forever.
Hamza- (male) (Arabic) Acute, burning.
Hamid And Hamida- (Arabic) Glorifying, ascending.
Hammat- (male) - (Arabic) Glorifying.
Hanif And Hanifa- (Arabic) True.
Haris- (male) (Arabic) Plowman.
Hassan and Hasana - (Arabic) Good.
Khattab- (male) (Arabic) Woodcutter.
Hayat- (female) (Arabic) Life.
Hisan- (male) (Arabic) Very handsome.
Khoja- (male) (pers.) Master, mentor.
Husain- (male) (Arabic) Handsome, good.

-= H =-

Chingiz- (male) (Mong.) Great, strong.
Chulpan- (male) (Turkic) Planet Venus.

-= W =-

Shadide- (female) (Arabic) Strong.
Shaide- (female) (pers.) Beloved.
Shayhullah- (male) (Arabic) Elder of Allah.
Shakir And Shakira- (Arabic) Thankful.
Shafik And Shafqat- (male) (Arabic) Compassionate.
Shahryar- (male) (pers.) Sovereign, king (from the fairy tales “A Thousand and One Nights”).
Shevket- majestic, important
Shemsi And Shemsia- (pers.) Sunny.
Shirin- (female) (pers.) Sweet (from folklore).
Sheriff- honorary
Shefik(Shefiqa) - kind, sincere
Shukri(Shukriye) - giving thanks

-= E =-

Evelina- (male) (French) Hazelnut.
Edgar- (male) (English) Spear.
Edib(Edibe) - well-bred
Edie(pedie) - gift
Ekrem- very generous, welcoming
Eleanor- (female) (Heb.) Allah is my light.
Elvir and Elvira - (Spanish) Protective.
Eldar- (male) (Turkic) Ruler of the country.
Elmaz- gem, diamond
Elsa- (female) (German) Swore before God, short for Elizabeth.
Elmir and Elmira - (English) Beautiful.
Emil and Emilia - (lat.) Diligent.
Emin(Emine) - honest
Enver- very radiant, light
Enis(Enise) - good conversationalist
Eric- (male) (scand.) Rich.
Ernest- (male) (gr.) Serious.
Esma- very generous, welcoming
Eyub- the name of the Prophet,

-= Yu =-

Yuldash- (male) (Turkic) Friend, companion.
Yuzim- (male) (Turkic-Tat.) Raisin, two faces.
Yuldus- (female) (tat.) Star.
Yulgiza and Yulgiz - (Turkic - Persian) Long-lived.
Yunus- (male) (Heb.) Dove.
Yusuf- the name of the prophet,

-= I =-

Yadgar- (male) (pers.) Memory.
Yakub(Yakub) - (male) (Hebrew) Coming behind, the name of the prophet.
Yakut- (male) (gr.) Ruby, yacht.
Yamal- see Jamal, f. Jamila.
Yansilu- (female) (tat.) feather, beloved, Jan (soul) + sylu - (beauty).
Yatim- (male) (pers.) The only one. (Or lonely). An ancient Tatar name borrowed from the Persian language.
Yashar- from Turkic: zhiznel

If you know a name - which is not in this article - send it to akim@site, I will definitely add it.

Names of Tatar origin are distinguished by their unique beauty and symbolism. These are names with ancient history, and for both boys and girls, they are closely related to events and outstanding personalities in the fate of the Tatar people. All these names have one thing in common - they are Tatar in origin. Today we will talk about how to choose the right name for a boy, we will look at the Tatar names of boys and their meanings, as well as the origin of this or that Tatar name. Modern language, called Tatar, belongs to the Turkic group of languages, and some names in it are borrowed from related languages, also belonging to this group, in addition, borrowings from Arabic and European dialects are traced.

Tatar names, among other things, often originate simply from beautiful combinations of sounds and words.

A Tatar name for a boy and his choice is a responsible and very important step in everyone’s life young man this nation. Many believe that this choice will determine the future fate of the little man, his failures and successes. Therefore, when choosing a name, you need to take into account the character and inclinations of the child, which early age can be very difficult. Modern names are often meaningless, unlike old names, the meaning of which was hidden in every syllable.

Tatar names, characteristic of boys of this people, have roots in old Turkic names, to which beautiful sounds are added for euphony, for example Ramil, Ravil or Rem.
The name should be easy to remember and sound good, without causing negative analogies, so that his friends, and the boy himself, treat the name with respect and have no reason to ridicule. “Mistakes” when choosing a name, because of which the child is teased and called names, many children cannot forgive their parents for the rest of their lives, accordingly, the choice should be taken extremely responsibly.

Tatar names for boys have a special appeal, which includes a certain amount of aggressiveness, which should emphasize the courage and strength of the owner of the name. Whatever the name, it personifies the future fate and character of the boy.
Tatar names rarely have a single meaning; their meaning can have several connotations and shades. When choosing and understanding a future name, you should, if possible, take them all into account.

Tatar names are often classified as Muslim, but, despite the relationship, it is Tatar names that are endemic and common only among the Tatar people. Muslim names are relatively new, and many Tatar names, as well as Arabic ones, date back to an earlier, pre-Muslim era.

Let's look at the most common and popular Tatar names for boys - in the list presented you can find the semantic meaning of each Tatar name, which will help you name your baby most successfully.

As you can see, the list of Tatar names is quite impressive, but you have to choose the only name that best suits your child.

Abbas (Gabbas) - gloomy, strict, stern; steep.
Abdullah is a servant of God.
Abdul - from "Abdullah"
Abdulkahar (Abdul + Kahhar) - slave of the Sovereign Almighty
Abdulhamid (Abdul + Hamid) (Arabic) - slave of the praised Lord.
Abdurashid (Abd + Rashid) is a servant of the Lord, who leads along the right path.
Adil - fair, just.
Adip - 1. writer; 2. well-mannered, polite, tactful.
Azamat is a knight, hero, hero.

Azat is free.
Aidan - 1. strength, power; 2. wide, great, spacious; 3. light, radiant; 4. distributor of moonlight.
Aydar - 1. lunar 2. occupying a high position, noticeable, courageous.
Ainur - moonlight.
Airat - 1. amazing; 2. dear, beloved
Akram is the most generous, honoring, respectful, noble, well-behaved.
Alaskar, Aliaskar is a great warrior.
Ali - great, strong, mighty, courageous
Askyar is a warrior, soldier.
Ali - tall, sublime.
Alim is a scientist, knowledgeable, knowledgeable, knowledgeable.
Albert is a noble sparkle.
Alfinur - thousandfold light
Aman is healthy and strong.
Amanullah - the owner of good health
Amin - 1. faithful, reliable, direct, truthful, honest; 2. protecting, protecting. One of the names of the prophet Muhammad
Amir - 1. ruler, leader, president; 2. ordering, giving instructions.
Amirkhan (Emirkhan) - chief leader
Anas - joyful, pleasant, good-natured
Anvar (Anver) - 1. the lightest, the brightest (if the stress falls on the first vowel); 2. a person who emits a lot of light (if the emphasis is on the second vowel - plural from the word "nur" - light). The most correct pronunciation is Anvar.
Anzor - 1. most appropriate; 2. the most far-sighted; 3. the most caring
Ansar - helpers, supporters, fellow travelers
Arsen - 1. brave, fearless; 2. person
Arslan is a lion.
Arthur - 1. mighty bear 2 strong.
Assad is a lion.
Asaph - 1. possessing good qualities. 2; dreamy, thoughtful
Afzal - the best, venerable, deeply respected, worthy
Ahmad (Ahmed) - praiseworthy, praised. One of the names of the Prophet Muhammad.
Ayub (Ayyup) - 1. repentant; 2. making a vow (pledge). The name of one of God's prophets.
Ayaz - 1. cloudless, clear sunny day; 2. intelligent, quick-witted, savvy, clever.

Bagautdin - the radiance of faith.
Bagdat is a gift from the Almighty, a gift.
Badretdin (Bedreddin) - “full moon” of religion.
Bakir is an early, fast-growing plant.
Baky - eternal
Batu (Batu) - 1. precious stone; 2. strong, healthy, reliable.
Bakhtiyar is happy.
Bashar is a man.
Bashir is the messenger of joy.
Borkhan (Borkhanetdin) - proof, fact, honesty, reliability.
Bulat (Bolat, Polat) - very strong; steel


Wazir is a minister, vizier is a high dignitary.
Vaiz - 1. instructing, explaining, speaking; 2. speaker.
Vakil - 1. ambassador; 2. trusted, authorized; 3. deputy; 4. protector, patron.
Vafa is honest and keeps promises.
Veli - 1. close, dear; 2. patron, guardian; 3. owner, owner. 4. saint
Vildan - 1. sons (plural); 2. servant of heaven

Gazi - 1. making a campaign, procession; 2. aspiring; 3. warrior.
Ghalib is the winner.
Ghani is rich, the owner of untold wealth. One of the names of the Almighty.
Gafur (Gaffar) - forgiving, merciful. One of the names of the Almighty.
Gayaz is an assistant who helps.
Gayar - courageous, courageous, courageous, decisive.
Gayas is a savior, helper.
Gufran is forgiving.

Dalil - 1. accurate, correct, truthful; 2. conductor (showing the way).
Damir - conscience, mind;
Danil (Daniyal) - 1. a gift from God, a person close to God; 2. God is my judge.
Danis - knowledge, science.
Danif - the sun setting.
Daniyaz - desire, need, need, necessity.
Daniyar is smart, prudent, sensible.
Dauzhan is generous.
Daulat - 1. wealth, country; 2. happiness.
Daut (Daud) - beloved, endearing.
Dahi is a man of great knowledge, a visionary, a great writer.
Dayan is a rewarder for what has been done, a great judge. One of the names of the Almighty.
Dzhambulat - Bulat - very strong; Jan is the soul.
Jamil is handsome.
Diliyar - 1. sincere, heartfelt; 2. comforter.
Dindar is very God-fearing.

Zhamal - camel (endurance and diligence inherent in this animal)
Jaudat - 1. superior, immaculate, unblemished, without flaws; 2. generous, magnanimous.

Zabir is strong, strong, hardy.
Zaid - growing.
Zakaria - 1. remembering the Almighty; 2. a real man
Zaki - 1. smart, wise, capable; 2. clean, straight.
Zakir - 1. remembering, remembering; 2. praising God.
Zalim - the word “zalim” (the emphasis falls on the first syllable) is translated from Arabic as “unjust, cruel.” But “zalim” (the stress falls on the second syllable) is like 1. ostrich; 2. oppressed, offended.
Zamil is a friend, comrade, colleague.
Zamin - earth, founder, ancestor.
Zarif - 1. affectionate, attractive, sophisticated, beautiful; 2. well-spoken; 3. resourceful, witty
Zafar (Zufar) is a winner who achieves his goal.
Zahid is pious, humble, Sufi, ascetic.
Zinnat - decoration, magnificent, elegant, beautiful, good
Zinnur - light, radiant, illuminating.
Ziya - light, light of knowledge
Ziyad - growing, increasing, maturing.
Zobit (Dobit) - officer; rule, system, order, control.
Zubair is strong, smart.
Sulfate - 1. curly; 2. loving
Zulfir (Arabic) - 1. superior, superior; 2. a person with curly hair.

Ibrahim (Ibrahim, Abraham) - father of nations. The same name has different sounds: Ibrahim is used in the Muslim environment, and Abraham - in the Jewish and Christian ones.
Idris is diligent, a student, and diligent. The name of one of the prophets of the Most High.
Ikram - respect, reverence
Ilgiz is a wanderer, traveler.
Ildan - glorifying the homeland.
Ildar - having a homeland, leader, owner of the state.
Ildus - who loves his homeland.
Ilnar is the fire of the homeland, the light of the homeland.
Ilnur is the light of the homeland, fatherland.
Ilsaf - from a combination of “il” (“homeland”) and “saf” (“pure, noble”).
Ilham (Ilgam) - inspired, inspired.
Ilyas - Divine power, miracle
Iman - faith, conviction, worship.
Inal - 1. prince, aristocrat; 2. lord, ruler.
Inar - make sure, believe
Insan is a person.
Insaf - well-mannered, modest, conscientious
Irek is free, independent, independent.
Irken (Irkin) - generous, welcoming, wealthy
Irfan is enlightened, educated, well-mannered.
Irshad is a guide, guiding, pointing.
Iskander (Alexander) - conqueror of the courageous.
Islam - 1. submissive to the Almighty, worshiper.
Ismagil (Ismail) - derived from the phrase “God himself hears”
Ismatullah - "under the protection of God."
Israfil is a warrior, fighter. The name of the angel who announces the coming of Judgment Day.
Ishak - joyful, cheerful. The name of one of the prophets.
Ikhlas - sincere, sincere, devoted
Ihsan - kind, good, showing mercy, helping.
Ihtiram - honorable, respectful.

Yoldyz (Yulduz) - star, radiant, bright like a star.
Yosyf (Yusuf) - owner of beauty. The name of one of the prophets.

Kavi - strong, powerful, mighty. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kavim is direct, honest, correct.
Kader is authoritative, respected, ambitious.
Kadir is powerful. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kazim is patient and balanced.
Kamal (Kamil) - 1. full, mature. 2. brought to perfection
Kamran (pers.) - mighty, powerful, mighty, happy
Qari is a reader who knows the Koran, a hafiz.
Qarib (Qaribullah) - 1. close friend (a person “close” to Allah)
Karim - generous, revered, sacred.
Kasym (Kasim, Kasym) - dividing, distributing, fair.
Kausar (Kyavsar) -1. the name of a stream flowing in Paradise; 2. living in abundance
Kafil - returning.
Kaharman is a hero, a hero.
Kahir is the winner.
Kakhhar - possessing power. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kashshaf - revealing, revealing (all that is good).
Kayum is eternal, reliable, constant. One of the names of the Almighty
Kiram - generous, noble, sincere, sincere.
Kudrat - strength; a person who can handle anything.
Kurban is a sacrificer who does not spare himself for the sake of the Almighty.
Kutdus - respected, revered.
Kyyam - risen, resurrected.
Kamal - achieved, matured.

Latif (Latyf) - 1. open, merciful; 2. cheerful, witty.
Lokman (Lukman) - looking, caring.
Lutfullah is God's mercy, His gift.
Lyabib is smart, well-mannered.
Lyaziz is sweet and tasty.

Maksud - sought, desired; target; meaning, meaning.
Malik is the owner, leader, king.
Mansur - victorious, triumphant in victory.
Marat is a new name that appeared among the Tatars after the 30s in honor of one of the leaders of the French Revolution, Jean-Paul Marat (1747-1793).
Masgood - happy.
Mahdi - walking the right path.
Mahmud - praised, revered.
Minniyar is a helper, friend, comrade who does good.
Mirza - lord, nobleman.
Mikhman is a guest.
Mubin - able to distinguish between truth and lies, open.
Muzaffar is a victorious warrior.
Muqaddas - holy, pure.
Mukim - corrector; building; establishing; performing; living, residing.
Munir - illuminating, spreading light.
Murad - desire, goal; something desired; intention.
Murtaza - chosen, outstanding, beloved.
Musa (Moses) - 1. son, child; 2.removed from water
Muslim - Muslim; submissive to the Creator.
Mustafa - equal, superior, best.
Muhammad - "praised, praised"
Muhsin - doing good, helping.
Mukhtar - chosen one; having freedom of choice.

Nabi is a prophet.
Nadir is rare.
Nazar - visionary
Nazim - builder, putting in order, collecting.
Nazif is clean, straight, healthy.
Nail - recipient; gift, gift; benefit, benefit.
Nariman - strong, resilient, strong.
Nugman - merciful, beneficent, gracious.
Nur - light, shining. Name component.
Nuriman is the light of faith.

Ravil is a teenager, a young man; spring sun; traveler
Radik is a ray of sunshine.
Rais is the leader, the head.
Rayyan is the name of the gate of heaven through which those who have observed obligatory fasting in the worldly abode will enter on the Day of Judgment.
Ramadan is the name of the 9th month of the Muslim calendar, the month of Holy Fasting. This name was usually given to children born in this month.
Ramiz is a sign symbolizing goodness.
Ramil is magical, enchanting.
Rasim - accelerated step, move, fast movement.
Rasul - messenger; ambassador; messenger; apostle; precursor.
Rauf - merciful, sympathetic, compassionate. One of the names of the Almighty.
Raphael - healed by the Almighty. In the Torah - the name of one of the angels (Raphael)
Rafik - 1. friend, comrade, fellow traveler; 2. soft-hearted.
Rahim is merciful, kind-hearted. One of the names of the Almighty.
Rahman - merciful, merciful, forgiving. One of the names of the Almighty.
Rashad - when the emphasis is on the first syllable, the name is translated as “conscious, prudent”; "adult"; “walking the right path”, when the stress is on the second syllable - “consciousness, consciousness”; "health, prudence"; "right".
Rashid is on the right path.
Rida - contentment; agreement; benevolence, favor.
Rinat is renewed, reborn.
Rifat - high position, nobility.
Rifkat - blessed.
Ruzil is happy.
Ruslan is a derivative of Arslan.
Rustam is a very big man with a powerful body. In ancient Iranian folklore - a hero, a man-legend.
Rushan (Raushan) - bright, emitting light.

Sabir is patient.
Sabit is strong, honest, and keeps his promises.
Sabur is very patient. One of the names of the Almighty.
Sadyk - 1. honest, sincere; 2. friend
Said - lord, nobleman.
Salavat - 1. praising; 2. blessing.
Salman is healthy, without grief.
Salah - 1. useful, necessary; 2. pious, God-fearing.
Samat - 1. eternal; 2. leader. One of the names of the Almighty.
Samir is an interlocutor, a storyteller.
Sardar - commander-in-chief, leader.
Sattar - forgiving, protecting. One of the names of the Almighty.
Safa - 1. pure, sincere.
Suleiman (Solomon) - living in health and prosperity.
Sultan is a king, head of state.
Sufyan - proper name

Tabris - 1. heritage, wealth; 2. pride, greatness.
Tawfik (Taufik, Tofik) - blessing; agreement, pacification; success, luck, happiness.
Tair - flying, soaring.
Such (Tagi) - initially “Tagi” sounded like “Such”, which translated from Arabic means “pious, pious.”
Talgat (Talat) - appearance, face; beauty, attractiveness, grace.
Tahir is pure, sinless.
Timerlan (Timur) - iron, resistant. In ancient times, when physically weak children were born into a family, the next child was given the name Timer, putting into it a prayer for his health and resistance to illness and life’s adversities.

Umar - 1. life, living 2. name of the second righteous caliph.
Umit (Umid) - expected, desired; dream.

Fazil is educated and talented.
Faiz is a winner who gets his way.
Faik - superior; excellent, excellent, amazing; conscious.
Fail - giving a good sign, which is a good omen.
Farid is unsurpassed, the only one.
Faruk - knows how to distinguish good from bad.
Fattah (Fattahetdin) - 1. opener of the doors of happiness, winner; 2. opening the doors of faith. One of the names of the Almighty.
Fatykh - 1. beginner; 2. winner.
Fayaz - rich, generous.
Fuad - heart; mind.
Fanis is a beacon that illuminates.

Khabib - beloved; pet; Friend; dear, beloved.
Haydar is a lion.
Hayretdin is the best in worshiping the Almighty.
Hakim is wise, educated, scientist.
Khalik - revitalizing, illuminating. One of the names of the Almighty.
Khalil - 1. close friend; 2. righteous.
Halim is gentle and patient. One of the names of the Almighty.
Khamzat (Hamza) - agile, scorching.
Hamid is commendable, worthy of praise.
Hammat - praising.
Hanif - 1. truthful, honest, lover of truth.
Kharis - guard, protector.
Harun is stubborn, restive, self-willed.
Hasan is good and handsome.
Hafiz - 1. knowing the Koran by heart; 2. having a good memory. One of the names of the Almighty.
Khezir (Khyzyr, Khidr) is a proper name. The Holy Quran describes in detail several historical episodes, where the main persons are the prophet Moses and his teacher Khyzyr.
Husain - handsome, good.

Genghis is great, strong, powerful.

Shayzar (Shakhizar) is a large piece of pure, high-quality gold.
Shakir is grateful, happy with what he has.
Shamil is universal, all-encompassing.
Sharif - venerable, generous, honored.
Shaukat - strength, power, agility, greatness.
Shafi - healing, healing; convincing.
Shahbulat - the particle "shah" - from the Farsi language, is translated as "khan, ruler, master." When attached to names, it gives the meaning “very good”, “very first”, “largest”. Bulat is an Arabic name meaning "strong".
Shukran - grateful.
Shukhrat - glory, fame; nobility; authority, prestige.

Elvir is a protector, supporter.
Elmir is good, beautiful.
Emil is a hard worker.
Emir - head, leader, chief.

Yunus - 1. dove; 2. Yunus was the name of one of the righteous men mentioned in the Holy Quran

Yavar is an assistant.
Yakub (Jacob) - follower. The name of one of the prophets of the Most High.
Yamin - witnessing the truth, right.
Yaran is a friend, close person, assistant.
Yarullah is a friend of God, following His commandments.
Yasin is the name of the 36th sura of the Koran.
Yasir is small and light.
Yasmine is a jasmine flower.
Yahya is inspiring. The name of one of the prophets.

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