Arina the meaning of the name is Tatar. Arina: characteristics of the name, meaning and fate

What does the name Arina mean?

Translated from ancient Greek this name means peace.

Name origin:
The name Arina came to us from Greece, as the ancient Greek nobility called their daughters, however, at present, the popularity of this name has somewhat lost its position.

Character transmitted by the name Arina: Arina from the very beginning early childhood will behave like a fully grown man. She can always make decisions on her own, without any help, about what to do, say music or dance, she decides what she will learn and with whom she will need to communicate. At school, as a rule, she studies well, always and all subjects will be given to her easily, she has excellent abilities for drawing, sometimes for singing and dancing. Arina is a wonderful hostess in the future, she is my mother's assistant, she is true woman from the ends of the hair to the toes. She can do things that so many girls are now completely uncharacteristic of, for example, sewing, embroidering or knitting. Arina is fond of literature, she will eagerly read fiction and even popular science works.

Having matured a little, Arina will not change, she is still independent, responsible, and still makes decisions and knows the value of her words. Such girls have well-developed intuition, and the ability to act correctly, depending on the circumstances. They always rely only on their own strengths and abilities. Arinas practically do not expect help from others. They can make great leaders. Colleagues often appreciate them and listen to their authoritative opinion. If Arina clearly sets such a goal for herself, then she can easily reach the most incredible heights in her career. The best choice for Arina there will be specialties of a teacher and educator, or other professions related to communication, related to the sphere of man - man.

Arinas are always true connoisseurs of art, they, of course, know and appreciate all the novelties of theater and cinema. Communicating with Arina's men, they can sometimes afford to show some coldness. And truly Arina will begin to reveal herself as a person and a woman only when she is sure that in front of her is exactly the person who can interest her and whom she can fall in love with. Arinas love beautiful and long courtship, for example, walks under the moon, sweets and flowers. She always needs to feel protected and sheltered from adversity, next to her chosen one, and only then will she be quite ready to move on to a more personal and frank relationship.

Arina's family is always a wonderful hostess, a loving and faithful wife, and of course a caring mother. Arina loves sweets, and at the same time she cooks well. Arina always knows exactly how to be able to create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth in her home. The only thing that will hurt her extremely and that she will never be able to forgive is betrayal or betrayal. No need to expect tears and violent tantrums from Arina, in this case you can come home, and her things simply will not be there. She can leave in English without saying goodbye and it is unlikely that she will be returned.

IN modern world people are increasingly turning to sacred knowledge, magic and numerology. Horoscopes and all sorts of ways to look into the future are increasingly exciting the minds of many, and this heightened interest also applies to such important task like choosing a name for a baby.

It is known that the name, or rather its sound, in a special way affects the character, qualities and formation of a person's destiny.

From infancy, often hearing a certain set of sounds, the child develops a certain reaction to these sounds, thereby laying the character and forming as a person.

Due to such a great responsibility for the future of their child, people are eager to find out what this or that name means. And in this article we will talk about the meaning and origin female name Arina, about his history and influence on fate and character.

Origin and meaning of the name

It is generally accepted that the name Arina comes from ancient Greek Irene and in many manifestations of character is similar to him. In ancient times, representatives of different classes called their daughters this way, but most often it was used in the noble caste and the class of patricians (townspeople), which makes this name somewhat privileged.

If we talk about what the name Arina means from the Greek language, then it means "peace and tranquility", but at the same time it is not so unambiguously reflected on its owner.
Although many believe that the influence of the names Irina and Arina is the same, nevertheless the girls who wear the second of them are more mobile, restless and active than the first.

The story of how the name Irina appeared (and, accordingly, its derivative form Arina) has many interpretations. Some people think it came from Ancient Greece, where it originally belonged to the goddess of the world, the daughter of Zeus, and had the form of Eiren.

The goddess was the guardian of the gates of Olympus, although she was not among the highest gods. In her honor, the Greeks began to call their daughters Irenes.

Did you know?It is believed that the name Arina is a form of Jewish male name Aaron, which means "mountain of light." Another opinion concerns the Thracian (Thracian) goddess sunlight among the Bulgarians, whose name was Arin.

Another version of the appearance of this form of addressing women comes down to the origin from Yarina, as the Slavic peoples called girls among peasants and merchants.

The name Yarina comes from the ancient Slavic god Yaril, who was the main god among the Slavs and was identified with the sun. It is difficult to answer unequivocally what nationality the name Arina belongs to, and, most likely, it is no longer possible.
One thing is certain: the name Arina has exclusively positive roots and has become a symbiosis of ancient Greek and ancient Slavic culture. Arina can be interpreted as the goddess of the world Eiren or as the sun god Yaril.

A little later we will figure out the pronunciation of the name Arina on different languages in some countries of the world, but for now let's find out what forms your chosen name can have.

Name Forms

Like most others, the name Arina can also have various forms. full form Arina is considered, while there are much more abbreviated forms: Arya, Arka, Arenka, Aryusha, Arisha, Arya and many other abbreviated options are suitable as diminutives.

Less often you can find variations of this name and its abbreviations to Yar, Yarka, Yarochka, Ira, Irochka, Irusya, Ironka. But these abbreviations already go as derivatives on behalf of Arin, which Yarina and Irina are considered to be.

Sometimes another name is practiced, which can be defined as a derivative, - Ariana. Whichever of these options you decide to name your girl, it is important that it delivers only positive and joyful emotions.

If you want to come up with your own version of how to call Arina abbreviated or affectionately, then here, as they say, you have cards in your hands. The main thing is not to overdo it with fantasy, because excessive pretentiousness and extravagance can play a cruel joke.

Such a name is inclined quite simply, fully corresponding to the forms of cases. Nominative - Arina, genitive - Arina, dative - Arina, accusative - Arina, instrumental - Arina, prepositional - to Arina, to Arina, with Arina.

name angel day

If speak about church rite, then during its implementation, Arina will be given orthodox name Irina, since neither in the Orthodox nor in catholic church there is no interpretation.
Irina's name day, according to the church calendar, falls on April 29 and May 18, and Saint Irina will become the patroness. The nearest day of the angel to the birthday of the child will be the day when the name day is celebrated.

Regarding the choice of the day when to perform the sacrament of baptism, there are no restrictions. The ceremony can be performed on fasting, on a holiday, and on a saint's day.

Name in different languages

With the origin and meaning of the name Arina in Orthodoxy and the choice of how to name the child at baptism, we figured out, and now we propose to check how Arisha will sound in different foreign languages.

Let's start with English, as it is considered the most common in the world. It so happened that there is no translation of this name into English. Therefore, Arinka in English-speaking countries will be called Irina, and this name will be pronounced like Airin.

In Chinese, this name will sound like Alina. In German - Irene, in French - Irene or Irene, in Spanish - Irene or Ireneo, in Greek - Irini, in Irish - Erin.

If we talk about what the name Arina from the Tatar language means for a girl, then the meaning will be about the same as in translation from Greek. And it is pronounced in Tatar as Aerina.

Thus, the form Irene (Irene) can be considered the most common form of translation and pronunciation of the name Arina in other countries.

The nature and fate of people with that name in history

Let's find out how the fate of people with that name developed and what significance it had in the formation of their characters and the manifestation of their personality. It seemed that it would be extremely difficult to find at least a few prominent people who have that name, but the famous Arin turned out to be much more than it was thought.
Probably the most famous woman for the Slavs, whose name was Arina, is the nanny of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

In addition to being his nanny and his sister's nurse, she was also a spiritual mentor and discoverer of the mysterious and beautiful world literature and poetry for the future great writer.

It was thanks to her tenderness, kindness and diligence that Russian literature received an invaluable and even legendary figure, whose works live for centuries and are read with interest to this day.

The author himself spoke very warmly about his nanny. Kindness, care, understanding and humanity have become the main character traits of Arina Rodionovna. She skillfully combined love, care and infinity. human soul investing all the best in his pupil.
Another bright personality with that name can be safely called Arina Sharapova- a well-known Russian TV presenter and journalist, as well as the head of the journalism department of the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino".

In her character, the main features inherent in Arins appeared - purposefulness, perseverance and an indefatigable desire to fulfill their dreams. She went from a librarian to the founder of an art school, from a modest apartment in the Middle East to a luxurious apartment in the center of Moscow.
Many people know the American singer, who, in addition to her vocal career, acts in films, is a talented composer and songwriter, and also a fashion model.

During her career since 2008, Ariana has released three studio albums, starred in 21 videos and participated in the filming of 8 television films. Ariana also held several world tours, where she gathered a huge audience of fans.

She is a kind of idol for teenagers in America and Europe. In her fate, one can also trace the manifestation of the main character traits inherent in Arins.

Thanks to perseverance, the ability to learn from mistakes, a predisposition to creative implementation and the tireless struggle for her dream, Ariana has been able to reach such heights, and this is far from all that she is capable of.
Known in figure skating Arina Martynova, which became the two-time champion of Russia among juniors. These are the successes in sports that led to her restlessness and activity, characteristic of the owners of this name.

Arina Sobakina became one of the first professional ballerinas in Russia. And although she lived in the 18th century, her successes in the genre of comic dances and comedy performances are still amazing.

It is no secret that in ballroom dancing, as in many types of dance, success is based on a lot of hard and exhausting training, which not everyone can handle.

Thanks to her strong-willed character and fortitude, Arina is able to achieve success in any endeavor, especially related to creativity.
although she is the bearer of a derivative form of the name Arina, she is also distinguished by mischief and high physical activity.

She is a multiple world champion in foil fencing, and in addition, she represented Italy at Olympic Games 2012.

This, one might say, exotic sport requires considerable perseverance and the ability to work on oneself in an unchanging pursuit of excellence.

Did you know?The name Arina ranked 9th in popularity in Slavic countries in 2016. And his popularity continues to grow.

Thanks to assertiveness, a comprehensive approach and comprehensive involvement in the process, Arinas are able to achieve their goals, even if they come down to mastery in rapier fencing.

And although the list of celebrities who are so called is rather modest in comparison with other forms of addressing women, they still rightfully deserve their place on Olympus, like the Greek goddess Eirene once did.

The main character traits of people with this name

So the time has come to reveal the main secrets of character inherent in the name Arina, and what they mean for those who wear it. From childhood, such a girl will manifest herself as an independent and striving for perfection personality.

She will act decisively in situations where other children are afraid or hesitant. She is creative and sophisticated by nature, who needs the attention of society.

Arya will always find someone to talk to, and a huge charge of vivacity and positive will be enough for her for all things and for all desires. Arisha, as a rule, likes to do outdoor activities, such as sports, dancing.

Often becomes a skilled student in vocal work, and sometimes devotes herself to artistic and fine arts. Also, Arya may develop a craving for literature, and if this happens, then she will read everything that comes to hand, be it a detective story, science fiction or a scientific treatise.

During the school period, a girl with that name manifests herself as a diligent and purposeful person. Her character allows her to easily master difficult subjects.
Although, according to personal preferences, she leans towards a writer or artist, it will not be difficult for her to master exact sciences such as Algebra, Geometry, Chemistry and Physics. Arya knows her own worth and will never allow an unworthy person to be near her.

She loves romance, long and beauty-filled courtship, for example, a walk under the stars and a bouquet of flowers in her hands - The best way make her evening special and enjoyable.

As a hostess, she will also perfectly do household chores and find time for needlework, because Arya is characterized by everything feminine and feminine. She may take up sewing, knitting or embroidery, or she may master modeling or even try to write her own book.

Arisha is an infinitely creative and multifaceted personality, with whom it is never boring. She is purposeful and assertive in achieving her goals, and therefore it is impossible to stop her if she wants something.

But if something goes wrong for her, then such a defeat can be a pretty significant blow to self-esteem. But, fortunately, the period of depression will not last long, and Arinka will definitely find new ways or new activities.

Name astrology

It is no secret that each name has its own set of astrological and totemic symbols, which we will discuss in this section.

Important!Girls named Arina do not tolerate quarrels and conflicts. Raised tones are definitely not their methods. Therefore, it is worth protecting the child from such moments, at least in the preschool period, when the factors influencing the formation of personality are most significant.

The girl, who is so called, immediately corresponds to 2 planets that have the greatest influence on her. These are Mars and Jupiter. Mars - warlike and strong-willed, has long symbolized the masculine principle, and therefore its influence on a girl named Arya will be reduced to restlessness, activity and self-centeredness in her views.

She will go ahead, not seeing anyone and nothing, destroying barriers and achieving her goals. At the same time, Jupiter is a planet responsible for the philosophical principle, the spiritual world and harmony.

Which means Arya will gravitate towards good deeds and self-improvement. Together, these 2 planets can create a person who, with violent forces, will strive to do good and good deeds. And that is great.
The most favorable astrological signs for the name Arina are Sagittarius and Aries. Sagittarius is fire sign, which means that its characteristics are also quite explosive.

It is a straightforward, honest, active and strong-willed sign that endows a person born under it with similar properties. At the same time, straightforwardness can offend others, and therefore it is better to be more careful with this quality.

Aries, despite its fiery symbol, reveals in a person a craving for pioneering, initiative and purposefulness. And such a person does not hold assertiveness.

Important!If Arina finds her calling and takes the side of this or that occupation that she will be interested in, you should not argue with her. If she, doing this particular thing, can cope with her indefatigably active character, then it is better to assist her in every possible way, otherwise she can rush from one to another for a long time, and may even never find her place.

The worst thing that this sign can give is a quick burnout and cooling down for the lesson, therefore, in order to concentrate on something specific, Are, born under the sign of Aries, should show restraint and measuredness.
The main color for Arya is red, the color of fire and love. It is love that can reveal her strongest sides in Arina, fan the fire of her talents and encourage her to achieve unimaginable heights.

The stones characteristic of Arisha are mostly of semi-precious format. Of the most favorable stones for Arina, chrysoberyl, diopside, chalcedony, topaz and some types of tourmaline can be distinguished.

Ari's lucky tree is chestnut. Fortunately, chestnut alleys are widespread in the Slavic countries, and therefore Arina will not have a lack of contemplation of these trees.

And with all her explosive, fiery and energetic qualities, Arina is still a woman, and love for plants, and in particular for flowers, is not alien to her. So, the most favorable flowers for her will be lilies of the valley - tender, light and truly female flowers reflecting the sophistication and fragility of the female soul.

An owl is considered a totem animal that takes patronage over Arina. It helps to reveal the creative potential and wisdom of these women, and in addition, it contributes to the development of intuition and a kind of sixth sense, which often helps those whose symbol is an owl.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

Each name has a specific set of letters that determine what it means in terms of numerology. Let's figure out what symbolism each letter of the name Arina has and what numerology it has.

In general, 5 letters in the name of a woman indicate that their owner is multifaceted in art, science, creativity and other areas of life. Such a woman will never be a black sheep in companies.

It is always interesting to talk with her and often she becomes the center of everyone's attention, as she speaks fluently and excitingly. The numerological number of the girl, whose name is Arina, is 9, which means firmness in decision-making, a strong-willed character and a strong life position.

Such a person will stand firmly on his feet and rarely find himself with a broken trough, if at all. Strength, will and assertiveness are reflected in the results of the work and life of the "nines".

People whose names begin with the letter A become professionals in their field, leaders in the field that they choose for themselves.
Such people achieve high results and goals, despite the obstacles.

  • And the fact that these letters are immediately in the name of Arina speaks of the extreme influence and peculiarity of such women.
  • The letter P speaks of fundamentality and reliability. This letter influences a person's desire for needlework, a craft that, perhaps, will become the main work of a lifetime. Such people are prone to creativity and creating incredible things with their hands, and these things will be professional and of high quality.
  • The letter I characterizes a refined, aristocratic, spiritual and harmonious person. Everything in this person is combined in harmony, and he often stays in the balance of the inner, spiritual world and external. Grace and love for beauty will become faithful companions of a woman whose name contains this letter.
  • As for the letter H, it speaks of captiousness and high ideals. A person with this letter in his name will carefully approach the choice of contacts, and there will be a lot of requirements for a possible life partner. Not every person will be able to satisfy all the parameters set by this letter.

Thus, Arina is strong, hardworking and at the same time harmonious personality, but, at the same time, she will not mess with just anyone, and even more so she will not rush into the pool with her head with the first one.
So if a girl named Arya comes across on your way, be prepared to go through a lot of “lice” checks. But if you succeed, then you will appreciate the joy that Arisha will bring to your life.

Summing up, we can say that Arina is a real firework of emotions, a strong and successful person, whose creative talents know no bounds. The characteristic of this name in relation to the child develops very harmoniously.

Everything is interesting for Arina, and in the team she will be a real center of attraction for positive, energy and creative activity.

Her only drawback is her inability to deal with conflicts and low stress resistance, and therefore Arina needs to be surrounded by attention, care and love, and then she will reveal herself in all her many-sided and versatile beauty.

And for a beautiful ending, you can interpret the meaning of the name Arina in verse, which can also be used for your girl's portfolio:
In you, Arina, mind and beauty, You are unique and inimitable. Be loved like a dream woman, And like an earthly woman, love.

Harmony and joy to you, Let there be everything: gifts, kisses. Bouquets of roses, like a generous gift from heaven, And let the whole world indulge Arinushka!

Meaning of the name: Translated from Greek, Arina means "peace", peace, "peacefulness".

Name origin: The name Arina has several origins. The most common version is that Arina is an outdated form of the name Irina. Some given name associated with Greek goddess peaceful life "Eirena". In Rus', Arina was often pronounced as Irina, Orina or Yarina. Among the butlers of the nobility, the name Irina was more often used, and ordinary peasant girls were called Arins. There is a version that Arina is a Hebrew name from the production word Aaron, which translates as “high”, “mountain”, “enlightened.

IN Orthodox saints they venerate the martyr Arina, who was the wife of St. George the Confessor.
Other forms: Irina, Yarina, Orina, Irena, Arya, Arisha, Rina, Arch, Irisha.

January - 12, 16;

April - 29th;

May - 18th;

August - 10, 17;

October - 1 number.

Name characteristic

The name Arina combines several qualities, such as activity, peacefulness, purposefulness. Women with this name are independent and self-confident individuals. They are not inherent in envy, prudence or severity. They are kind and sensual, always ready to help others.

Little Arina is growing up as an open and honest girl, she is active, always in sight, she is loved by educators and teachers at school. Arina diligently fulfills all orders, studies well, attends various circles, loves sports. She has many friends, but very few real ones, because Arina subtly feels deceit and injustice, and she will not be friends with such people. She is independent, sometimes such a trait in her character can turn into stubbornness and selfishness.

Adult Arina knows how to control herself, she smart and very kind, but in some situations can be aggressive. Always sticks to his own opinion, has a delicate taste and always knows what he wants. Hard work and perseverance help her to achieve success in life. Sometimes she can be indecisive, it is difficult for her to express her feelings. Arina is very jealous, and some actions of loved ones can infuriate her.

The nature of the name

Arina has a peculiar character, in which there is firmness and softness, determination and uncertainty. Sometimes she tries to lead other people, but she is not a very good leader. She is hardworking and persistent, very responsible and jealous. Alina has a well-developed intuition, she always acts deliberately and intelligently.

"Winter" Arina - calm, modest;

"Autumn" - kind, courageous, independent;

"Summer" - decisive, persistent;

"Spring" - shy, insecure.

The fate of the name

Arina has been a kind and cheerful girl since childhood, she loves to help her mother around the house or take care of her younger sisters or brothers. He studies well at school, always takes part in various school activities. She is very capable, but at the same time she strongly strives for independence.

Adult Arina is very responsible, she is always ready to answer for her actions. A woman with this name is a good leader, loves to abuse her power. Arina is capable, hardworking and persistent, she always goes confidently towards her intended goal.
Arina has good taste, she dresses beautifully, is popular with men. She is naturally talented, draws well, sings, dances, but this remains only her hobby. Arina prefers a more pragmatic option as her main profession, she strives to financial independence, but rarely holds high positions. Women with this name can prove themselves in the field of medicine or foreign languages, they can also work as a designer, hairdresser, fashion designer. Any business started, Arina always brings to the end. In the team, she is sociable, sincere, she will never go to the trick for the sake of career growth.

Arina has many fans, she is amorous and romantic, a little flirtatious. Before choosing a husband, Arina has many novels, but after the wedding, she is a faithful and caring wife. In men, he appreciates sincerity, honesty and male fidelity. Arina will never forgive betrayal, she is very touchy, but quick-witted. Having married, Arina is a beautiful and faithful wife, loving mother. For her, the family is always in the first place, she is a good housewife, she knows how to create coziness and comfort in the house. Arina prefers to rely on her husband in all matters, so he must be a strong and responsible man.

Positive traits of the name

Arina is cheerful, cheerful and good-natured. She is always ready to help her loved ones. The bearers of this name rely only on themselves, they are persistent and hardworking. Arina knows how to do housework, loves to receive guests.

Negative traits of the name

Arina used to stick only to her own opinion. She is used to achieving her goals in spite of any obstacles.

Arina name compatibility

The name Arina is in harmony with the character of Aries, Capricorn, Leo. Bad relationships often develop with Libra, Cancer, Pisces and Virgo.

A successful marriage with Alina is possible with Arkady, Igor, Vladimir, Boris. Complicated Relationships with Oleg, Valentin, Vyacheslav, Anatoly.

It's no secret that the name determines not only the character of a person, but also predetermines his fate. In this article, we invite you to find out everything related to the name Arina: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of the person named by him. Arina's name Lately returns to fashion, and all because it not only sounds beautiful, but also gives its owner success and beauty. Consider in our article what other character traits such a rare name endows a woman with.

What a beautiful and unusual name- Arina! What is the meaning of the name, character and destiny of a person?

The characterization of the name Arina largely depends on its origin and meaning.

The meaning of the name Arina, it has several versions of origin:

  • according to one of them, this name came from the ancient Greek name Irina, derived from the name of the goddess Eirina, meaning "calm" and "peaceful";
  • according to another version, the name Arina originated from Slavic name Yarin, formed on behalf of the main Slavic deity Yarila;
  • another version says that the name Arina is the female form of the male Jewish name Araon means "mountain", "high" and "enlightened".

That is why the name Arina has again become popular, the origin and meaning of which is so attractive to many. Another reason is the character traits that the name gives its owner from early childhood.

What character can Arina have?

The characteristic of the name Arina is based on the influence of the planet Venus.

A woman named Arina is independent and responsible. From childhood, she will decide for herself what she will do dancing or singing. Throughout his life, A. will set goals for himself, and achieve them without the help of strangers. And this is due to good intuition and excellent analytical skills. A. is a true woman, full of femininity and charm. Arina is a very romantic person, however, with unfamiliar men, at first, she is kept with cold wariness.

Arina is not an amorous nature, in order to win her attention, you need to try. As a wife, she chooses for herself the most decent man, a romantic with a complaisant character similar to herself. A. will never forgive betrayal, she will not make scenes and sort things out. For her, leaving “in English” is more characteristic, that is, imperceptibly, quietly and irrevocably. She is incapable of change. As a hostess, Arina demonstrates her excellent culinary skills, especially when it comes to preparing desserts. She diligently maintains comfort in the house. Mother from A. will turn out to be caring.

Of her hobbies, Arina prefers singing, dancing or needlework. It is possible to change one hobby for another during a lifetime. She is attracted to art, so she can often be seen at music concerts or art exhibitions. He tries to instill in children the same reverent attitude towards the work of gifted people. He likes to travel with the whole family, so he studies foreign languages and photography.

In the professional field of A., the following specialties are most suitable: teacher, psychologist, designer, fashion designer, hairdresser-stylist and others. Arina is on good terms with her colleagues, she is not burdened by helping them. Over time, A. can be promoted and made a leader. As a leader, she will also enjoy great prestige.

As for health, since childhood, Arina has a fairly good immunity and is practically not prone to colds. Due to excessive emotionality, A. may experience headaches. After the birth of a child, as a rule, she has gynecological diseases and vision problems. Be that as it may, the love of an active lifestyle keeps her body and spirit in great shape.

The main character of a child named Arina, depending on the time of year of his birth:

  • spring - a benevolent and purposeful girl, achieves success in creative activity.
  • summer - grows up as a caring and attentive girl, has perseverance, loves to help and teach.
  • autumn - a thrifty and responsible child, achieves great success in everything, can find his calling in any field of activity.
  • winter - excessive emotional child, has a craving for knowledge and travel, foreign languages ​​\u200b\u200bare easily given.

What fate awaits Arina?

Arina's name. Find out what fate awaits a person with that name and what character he will have.

Now we will consider what effect the name Arina can have on a person’s life, the meaning of the name and the fate of a person are inextricably linked with each other. The name Arina charges its owner positive traits character, which is so attractive to the surrounding people.

A. has very attractive external data and has a calm disposition, so all her life she will be surrounded by male patrons, in connection with which it will be very easy for a girl to get what she wants. Of course, due to her pride, Arina will not abuse the favor of men and accept expensive gifts from them.

Arina will absorb best features appearance of mother and father. She will be attached to both parents for the rest of her life. They will be her best friends.

She will marry late, because excessive work and hobbies will constantly distract her from love relationships. But A. will have one marriage and for life. Arina can have two or more children. It should only be taken into account that with each birth, her health will worsen.

Work for A. before marriage will come first. As soon as Arina gets married and gives birth to children, the work will take one of the very last positions. Caring for children and her husband will give her real pleasure.

For Arina, the unity of the whole family will be important. When she becomes a grandmother, she will constantly organize family holidays, gather all her relatives and friends around her. Arina's husband will leave this world before her.

What will be the child named Arina?

If the girl is called Arina, what will be the character of the child with that name

Consider the features and character traits of a child bearing the name Arina, the meaning of the name for the girl will be reflected in her main character traits.

A. will grow up as an obedient and cheerful child. She will have almost no serious problems with health. True, she will develop a little late, unlike her peers, but then she will quickly catch up with them. As soon as the baby takes her first steps, she will start dancing, and the love of dancing will accompany her all her life. Arina is not averse to sitting quietly at the table in order to draw a house or make a figurine. Little Arina from childhood will be very afraid of dogs and insects. It is advisable not to let her fears drift, but to try to explain to the girl that these creatures are not always a threat.

Arina will be at school diligent student. It will be more difficult for her to be given the exact sciences. Arinochka will be very happy with all kinds of sections and circles. Her natural energy and emotionality will require an outlet through movement. A. can achieve especially great success in gymnastics and dancing.

In adolescence, Arina may experience outbursts of anger and irritation. She will be very painful to experience her failures. During this period, she especially needs the care and support of her parents. Boys will always like A., only she will not always have time to walk with them. But the same man, destined for her by fate, will always wait for her and wait.

Notable people named Arina

  1. A. Rodionovna Yakovleva (1758-1828) - serf of the Hannibal family, nanny A.S. Pushkin, based on the fairy tales of which several poetic works of the great poet were created.
  2. A. Ayanovna Sharapova (born 1961) - a popular TV presenter of the Ostankino television company and a prominent public and political figure, she is called "the kindest and most positive TV presenter who does not have bad mood". For more than 13 years, the permanent host of the program " Good morning!" on Channel One, presenter, commentator and participant in numerous information and entertainment television programs.
  3. A. Valerievna Martynova (born 1990) - Russian figure skater, performed in single skating. The champion of Russia among juniors at competitions in the 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 seasons, since 2009 she stopped performing.
Published: 2016-05-22 , Modified: 2017-12-28 ,

According to the main version, this name means "peace and tranquility"(on behalf of the goddess Eirene). Arina is a common form of address to Irina. In the past, priests, focusing on the holy calendar, called some girls Irina, but in Everyday life it turned out that ordinary people from the outback it is easier to pronounce "Arina" instead of "Irina", which led to the appearance of this name. And the original version - Irina was usually used in a noble environment.

There are several more, less common versions of the origin of the name:

  • - Perhaps Arina comes from Yarina - a Slavic name formed from the main Slavic god Yaril.
  • - The name Arina is the feminine form of the Hebrew name Aaron, which means high, mountain, mountain of light, enlightened, teacher.
  • - And, by latest version, Arina is the name of the Thracian goddess of sunlight in Bulgaria.

Arina is a very beautiful, sonorous name in which all consonants are voiced. In Rus', it was quite common - confirmation is the many proverbs where it is used - “Aunt Arina spoke in two”, “Three Arinas live in a year: Arina - open the banks (April 29), Arina the nursery (May 18), yes Arina - crane flight (October 1, day of departure of cranes).

Between 1990 and 2000, the popularity of this name grew almost tenfold (as did many previously rare names). The surge in popularity continues to the present, although not as active.

The short form of the name is Arya, Arinka, Arisha, Arishka, Aryukha, Aryusha.

There is no name Arina in the calendar, and usually the girl is baptized under the name Irina.

participant of season 1 “Voice. Children"

Arina's patrons

  • Zodiac - Sagittarius
  • Planet - Mars, Jupiter
  • Green color
  • lucky numbers – Usually multiples of three: 18, 3, 9, 6…
  • happy season- Spring
  • Lucky Day - Tuesday
  • treasured plant– Saffron
  • Patron - Seahorse
  • Talisman stone - Agate, opal, chrysoprase
  • Totem - Seagull

Arina's childhood

Little Arina is a calm child who does not cause any particular problems. The girl grows up open, diligent, reasonable, positive and balanced. Particularly pleased with her benevolence, craving for everything right, bright, joyful.

Arina from childhood has been distinguished either by independence or indecision - these are the two extremes. She either strives to do everything and decide herself (usually this happens when personal qualities passed from the mother). Or it can be incredulous and indecisive, especially in big companies. In this case, the girl ponders her actions for a long time, being afraid to make a mistake, and parents, if possible, should try to teach the girl to be independent.

Many consider Arina simple, naive - and in vain. Despite some sluggishness, she quickly grasps any matter, possessing not only good abilities, but also some kind of intuitive feeling that suggests the right decision.

It is very important for Arina to be appreciated, respected, set as an example and loved, so encouragement and praise in relation to her are obligatory.

She is doing well at school, studying is easy, she grows up open, diligent and honest, so the teachers treat her very well. Arina communicates equally easily with both boys and girls, but she has few close friends and friends, because only those whom she fully trusts can enter her personal environment.


Arina is a good and reliable worker, she has an excellent memory, a sharp mind, observation skills, sociability and excellent intuition. She always accurately assesses both the situation and the interlocutor.

She suits the most different specialties and areas of activity. With equal success, she can be a marketer, designer, doctor, seller, but still gravitates towards prestigious and well-paid fields of activity. Under favorable circumstances and perseverance, she can even become a fairly large leader. In any case, she will choose an occupation to her liking and will strive to become a real specialist, a professional with a capital letter.

Arina is capable, hardworking, persistent and always gets her way. She has her own opinion and is ready to defend it with confidence. Combined with calmness and diplomacy, she has a full set of organizational qualities that allows her to occupy leadership positions and achieve success in business (including personal).

Arina knows how to work calmly and confidently, without tantrums, panic and anguish, deservedly enjoying the respect of her colleagues. She achieves her goals with hard work and perseverance.

She does not try to show off, although she is quite erudite and educated. She cannot be seduced by flattery, and not upset by an unfair reprimand - she knows the value of herself and others.

The nature of the name Arina

Arina means goodwill, cheerfulness, caring and confidence. And although at first glance she is a simple person, she is still more likely one of those about whom they say - "on her mind." She is independent, caring, confident, capable of achieving anything, a woman who at the same time can be friendly and very cheerful.

Arina personally makes all serious decisions, both at home and at work, because she knows how to think correctly, plan and objectively assess the situation.

She is very responsible, non-conflict, and quite sociable - after all, she is an excellent psychologist who easily captures the mood and the very essence of the interlocutor. Arina has enough girlfriends and friends, who would be more if not for her excessive directness.

Arina does not like gossip and empty talk, and the offender is able to declare a real war, so you should think twice before aggravating relations with her.

She reads a lot, both classics and contemporary literature, with pleasure goes to the cinema and the theater, often she herself is not devoid of acting and sports abilities.

If you briefly characterize her character, then it is worth noting that she is a strong-willed, strong and determined woman, so you should not unnecessarily stand in her way.


Love, family and marriage

Arina is beautiful, likes to dress fashionably, is successful with men, so loneliness for her is almost impossible. Arina is easy with men - and they are easy with her. Of course, as a girl, she is very fond of beautiful courtship, flirting and romance. She often falls in love, but without losing reality, always keeping the situation under control. Without losing her head, she is looking for her ideal - courageous, responsible, capable of becoming a real support in life.

If the next chosen one did not justify her hopes, she quickly parted with him, without regret and without hesitation. Over time, in order to avoid loneliness, Arina can agree to certain compromises.

In a relationship, she is quite conservative, and before achieving it, a man will have to make a lot of efforts - Arina keeps her partners at a distance for quite a long time. She needs an atmosphere of tenderness, security, comfort, love, and she appreciates all this much more than intimate relationships.

In marriage, Arina is a wonderful wife and mother, a true keeper of the family, an excellent hostess who knows how to save money and please with culinary delights. Her family life usually works out well. She does not take a leadership position and strive for equality, tranquility, understanding. For the sake of children, she is able to endure anything, and make any sacrifice. At the same time, it cannot be said that she was completely fixated on family responsibilities - work, communication with like-minded people, and rest, including the most active, are important for her.

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