Russian celebrities and their good deeds. Good deeds of famous people. Maria Mironova, Igor Vernik and Evgeny Mironov

The most long-awaited gift that people expect from celebrities is a personal meeting. And the stars are happy to do it. Such people famous people There has always been a lot both in our country and abroad. One can recall the famous doctor Pirogov Nikolai Ivanovich, who was known for his charitable activities.

Wheelchair basketball with Gerard Piqué

famous defender football club"Barcelona" Gerard Piqué sat in wheelchair specifically to be on an equal footing with people in wheelchairs with a diagnosis of paralysis of the legs and play basketball with them. Basketball first appeared in the United States around the 40s and has recently been included in the list of programs of the Paralympic Games.

This event was held in Spain at the Guttman Institute - a specialized medical center that provides assistance to people with brain or spine injuries. The event was organized by the Foundation Laures Appeal, which - " Sports for good", and their main goal is to unite together social work and physical activity. About 15 well-known athletes from various sports disciplines took part in the fund's action. Among them is Gerard Pique.

The Zapashny brothers visited the Research Institute of Pediatric Surgery together with a tiger

Institute of Pediatric Traumatology and Surgery ( research institute) Zapashny brothers visited with their ward tigress Martha. One of the sick children dreamed about this Ivan Voronin, which came under fire in the city of Shakhtersk. The boy has no legs, one arm and almost complete loss of vision. Under the shelling near Vanya, his father and younger brother, and was evacuated to Russia.

Askold and Edgar, having put Marfa in the hall of the institute, brought Vanya to her. The boy stroked the beast and said that he was not afraid at all.

After the visit Edgar shared his thoughts: “The word “courage” and “children” should not be interconnected, but what we saw today cannot be called in any other way: when a nine-year-old child courageously fights for life and at the same time finds the strength to rejoice. Holding Vanya in my arms, tears welled up in front of my eyes, what to hide.

Before leaving, the Zapashny brothers presented the child with a small tiger cub toy in memory of their meeting.

Maria Sharapova gave a master class for Sunny Logan

Well-known tennis player, founder of a charitable foundation that supports victims of Chernobyl nuclear power plant - Maria Sharapova gave Sunny Logan a lesson, a girl who was able to overcome such a disease as a rare form of lymphoma. Sunny dreamed of meeting a famous athlete for a long time. Even before the illness, the girl was fond of tennis, which, according to her, helped to overcome this serious illness.

After meeting with Sunny Logan, Maria Sharapova shared her impressions: "The girl plays tennis quite well and she can become a very good athlete."

Robert Downey Jr gave seven-year-old Alex an "iron hand"

Robert Downey-Junior who played in the film " iron Man» donated Alex Pring a prosthesis similar to the hand of his famous hero. The boy was missing one arm from birth. The prosthesis was made by the company Limbitless Solutions, the founder, which is Alberto Manero.

The goal of his project is the manufacture of inexpensive bionic prostheses for children from low-income families. The price of one prosthesis is about $ 350, for a prosthesis that almost does not differ from a real arm or leg is quite affordable.

Alex Pringi happily demonstrated the possibilities of a prosthesis donated by his favorite actor.

Igor Akinfeev invited the boy from the hospice to the sports base of CSKA

The famous goalkeeper of the CSKA football team Igor Akinfeev organized a meeting with a little fan Sergei Zenkin at the sports base of CSKA. Sergei is being treated at the First Hospice with a diagnosis of a brain tumor, which, unfortunately, is inoperable.

On the basis of CSKA, Sergei met not only with his favorite goalkeeper, but also with his coach - Leonid Slutsky. He also took a picture with the players Zoran Tosic, Vasily Berezutsky and Sergey Ignashevich.

Sergei discussed football news with his idol, talked about past matches and immediate plans, and was also able to attend the team's training. In addition, the boy told Igor how he found out about his diagnosis and how the treatment is going. During the story, the boy almost burst into tears.

After the meeting, Sergei Zenkin's mother said: “Such meetings are very supportive. And the rest will follow."

Actors from the series "Voronins" helped Lisa from the hospice to get to the cinema pavilion

A ward from the children's hospice "House with a Lighthouse" 8 year old Lisa with the help of the Voronins, she visited the set. The girl has a complete loss of vision due to an incurable form of cancer, but this does not prevent her from listening to the series "Voronins" 10 episodes a day.

On the set, Lisa tried herself as a cameraman, gave the command “Cut!” and “Motor!”, read the next episode and held the microphone. In the cinema pavilion, the child felt at home, the girl even gave some non-childish advice to the director of the series.

Yulia Savicheva sang especially for Sonya in the hospice

14-year-old Sonya, a hospice patient, told the employees of the Vera Charitable Foundation that she dreams of meeting with Julia Savicheva. And the very next day the girl met with the singer.

Sonya has an inoperable brain tumor and was in a serious condition during the meeting, but despite this, Sonya and Yulia spent almost 2 hours together. They talked and sang songs. Savicheva brought her autographed CDs and cakes for her.

Before leaving, Julia invited Sonya to her concert and promised to find her eyes in the hall.

The deceased Lokomotiv hockey player secretly helped sick children

And you can't forget Ivana Tkachenko.

Ivan Tkachenko, the leader of the Yaroslavl Lokomotiv, secretly helped children with cancer until his death.

16 year old Diana Ibragimova delivered from Voronezh terrible diagnosis- Acute lymphoblastic lecosis. Only an operation that costs a lot of money could save the girl. And only after the death of Ivan Tkachenko, Diana's mother found out who saved her daughter from death.

Ivan Tkachenko transferred 500,000 rubles each for the treatment of Diana Ibragimova.

Sometimes it seems to us that the world is closed in its cruelty and the pursuit of money, but it's not! Evidence of this is the good deeds that famous people do. And how many more things ordinary people do, we just don’t know about it ...

First among the best

Rating "Most good people in the world" was headed by the incomparable and versatile actor Johnny Depp, who always looks quite non-trivial, unusual and extremely sexy both in cinema and in life. The star of the Pirates trilogy caribbean”and alternative cinema, Depp not so long ago helped his fan, seventeen-year-old Sophie Wilkinson, get out of a coma.

The girl was in a coma for about five months, and her parents began to lose all hope for the recovery of their daughter, having tried literally everything. There was only one, funny at first glance, means - the voice of their daughter's favorite actor, that is, Depp. They wrote a touching letter to Depp, asking him, if not to visit their daughter himself, then at least to record his voice. So Johnny did, recording an audio track where he parodied his most famous character - Captain Jack Sparrow. Hearing this voice, Sophie moved her legs for the first time, and then the story of her gradual recovery began.

Also, it is known that the Hollywood actor quite often visits children's hospitals in the image of Jack Sparrow.

The melody will save lives

And this story is not the only one of its kind. Former member of the once popular Spice Girls group Geri Halliwell sang for one of her not quite ordinary fans. Jessica Knight is fourteen years old and suffered a severe stroke that left her bedridden. Jeri came to her clinic, where she sang just a couple of lines from her song, after which the girl began to control her arms and legs. Now, according to some sources, Jessica feels much better, she just doesn’t remember what particular song the Peppercorn soloist sang to her.

good mood seller

Actress Renee Zellweger, who is known for films about the charming Bridget Jones, once went to the Wendy brand store, where she noticed a saleswoman looking longingly at shoes from the famous designer Manolo Blahnik. The actress said that she perfectly understood the desire of a woman to be beautiful always and everywhere, and therefore she ... bought these shoes, and then, when the saleswoman returned to her workplace, anonymously gave them to her, just beautifully wrapped and placed on her table.

American dream

The desperate boor Colin Farel and the scandalous TV presenter Oprah Winfrey were also struck. For the past five years, Colin Farrell has been helping a man without a job or a place to live, a professional beggar named Stress with money and clothes.

And the telediva surprised everyone at one of her shows, where she gave each viewer a car, and one homeless girl - money for a decent education, as well as for clothes and a beauty salon.

Probably, it is precisely such stories that constitute the essence of such a phenomenon as “ American dream”, when not a single desire is limited to the limits of fantasy.

Good deeds should be done by every person, no matter how global they are. Someone will say that these stars did nothing special and everyone would have done the same in their situation, but not everyone can boast even such a manifestation of kindness and compassion for their neighbor, because for the most part people think only about themselves.

Keanu Reeves

IN last years revealed the fact that Reeves is not very worried about money. In fact, he went so far as to give $80 million of his royalties from The Matrix to the special effects team as well as the costume designers behind the trilogy. He explained his act by saying that he believes that the success of the film series is the merit of these people, and not him.

Stephen Fry

Stephen Fry has touched not one life but countless lives with his openness about his mental health issues. While many see these issues as a career-damaging stigma, Fry is open about his issues and has become president. charitable organization Mental Health Mind, which is dedicated to raising public awareness of mental illness and is the voice of those who suffer from it.

Russell Brand (Russell Brand)

Brand talked about how he knows what it's like to be at the bottom of life, being former alcoholic and a heroin addict, it is for this reason that he spends time with homeless people from his area. He has been photographed and seen countless times with the homeless, taking them to breakfast and helping them in all sorts of ways. ( recently donated his entire 'The Voice' fee (approximately $750,000) to The Prince's Foundation, a charity dedicated to providing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education to underprivileged children in the UK. He hopes to have the same success that this program has had in his hometown, Los Angeles County, where he now has modern center STEM

Woody HarrelsonWoody Harrelson

While attending a great New York party, Woody was approached by a homeless woman looking for alms. Instead of turning her down, Woody decided to give the woman $600. According to the Daily News, when the woman recognized the actor, she said, "Thank you Woody! White people can still jump!”

John Cena

This athlete has fulfilled the most wishes for the Dream Come True Charitable Foundation - he has 400 wishes on his account (100 of which were fulfilled from June 2013 to February 2014).

Ryan GoslingRyan Gosling

A British journalist was rescued by an actor when she almost stepped onto the road in front of a taxi in New York. She tweeted about the incident, saying that she was looking the other way, having lived in London all her life, when Gosling grabbed her arm and pulled her back onto the pavement.

Mila Kunis

When the man who worked in her house collapsed to the floor from an attack, Mila came to his aid. After she supported him until the ambulance arrived, Mila even offered to go to the hospital with him to make sure he was safe.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is known for the fact that she promotes faith in herself through her popularity, no matter how different we are from others. After she heard that one of her fans had committed suicide because he was mocked for his sexual orientation, she shone her concert on him and his picture was everywhere on the screens - it was an act of unity with fan and other people from all over the world suffering in similar situations.

Ti Ai (T.I.)

This rapper dropped everything to talk a man out of committing suicide. The police tried to reason with the man to go down from the parapet. He considered it necessary to help, telling the man that everything would be fine and that everything in the world was not as bad as it seemed.

Angelina Jolie

Jolie remains a great philanthropist even after years of success and incredible popularity. She even decided to make "In the Land of Blood and Honey" as her directorial debut, a film that tells the story of women who were subjected to mass rape during the war in Bosnia. This choice was clearly not made for the purpose of fame, as it was filmed and written in Bosnian.

Zach Galifianakis

Zach rescued a homeless woman. Mimi, a woman Zach knew from the local laundry long before he became famous, found herself on the street. As soon as Zach found out about this, he offered to pay the rent for her. He even took her to the premiere of The Hangover: Part III.

Patrick Dempsey

According to TMZ, the teen lost control of his Mustang and after the car rolled over several times, he finally came to a stop in front of the actor's house. Dempsey ran outside to help the young driver and, using a crowbar, freed the teenager from the car, after which he called the rescue service.

Johnny Depp

After 9-year-old Beatrice asked Depp to help her lead a riot against teachers, the actor came to the London school for this very purpose.

Tyler Perry

Upon hearing that a woman suffering from cerebral palsy had her custom-fitted 2000 Chrysler Town & Country car stolen from her Georgia home, director Perry offered to give her another van.

Gary Sinese

Since playing the role of Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump, which he plunged into, Sinise has been determined to help disabled veterans and their families. He recently took 50 war-wounded soldiers on a fully paid trip to Disneyland in California.

Tom Cruise

One day, when he was relaxing on his yacht, Cruz saw a sinking, burning sailboat. Instead of waiting for someone to save them, Tom himself swam to the sailboat and helped the victims escape.

Life of the Stars


29.05.15 10:36

Not all stars cope with their fame. Many of them rush into the pool of entertainment and forbidden pleasures, and someone even dies in pursuit of the cherished "relaxing". But there is famous people directing their energy in a completely different direction. sacrificing large sums needy, going to poor countries, helping people, they are trying to make our world a better place and inspire a new generation.

From the heart

Matt Damon is very successful. After him and his to the best friend Ben Affleck managed to win an Oscar for the screenplay for the drama Good Will Hunting, Matt's career went uphill. To date, he has earned over $75 million. Damon decided to use money and power to do something good. He is known for his charitable work, one of the projects in which the artist is involved is "" (a non-profit organization dedicated to providing clean drinking water water-deficient areas). Another campaign that Matt is involved in is fighting poverty and AIDS in the Third World.

Popular comedian Amy Poehler is known for her appearances on Saturday Night at live», main role in the show "Parks and Recreation". She organized a community that offers young women an alternative bad habits. The actress urges the modern girl not to follow the “herd mentality”, but to remain herself. Poehler dreams of proving to everyone that any woman can change the world, whether she is famous or not.

Started at the age of 15 acting career Leonardo DiCaprio, today everyone knows his name: he is one of the most influential performers and producers of our day. Equity artist - about 220 million dollars. But he has a place to invest his money: he is a UN representative and a well-known environmentalist fighting the effects of climate change. After the earthquake in Haiti, DiCaprio made a generous donation of $1 million.

UN good fairies

Charming and talented Colombian Shakira started making music at the age of 13, and by the age of 17 she already had two albums. A little time passed, and the singer founded the Pies Descalzos Foundation, non-profit organization, which aims to make education available in Haiti, in South Africa and Colombia. Shakira has repeatedly taken part in charity concerts, and she is also a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.

In the 1990s, Australian actress Nicole Kidman rose to stardom. The Oscar winner owns $130 million, she has fame and many fans. Over the past few years, she has been doing a lot to make life easier for children from disadvantaged families from all over the world, and she opposes domestic violence. Kidman is also a Goodwill Ambassador, she has the UN Citizen of the World award.

Charlize Theron is from South Africa and grew up there. Therefore, the actress never forgets her homeland. In 2007, she founded a non-profit organization to help African youth and protect them from AIDS. In 2008, Charlize became the United Nations Messenger of Peace, in addition, Theron is an active animal advocate (member of PETA) and participates in several societies that defend women's rights.

Talent + Entrepreneurship = Charity

Cultural icon and very talented person, Jackie Chan also began acting very early, now his filmography includes more than 150 works, and his capital is 140 million dollars. He can afford a personal luxury jet for 30 million, but he remains one of the most notable celebrity benefactors. Chan owns a large network of businesses, ranging from restaurants and cafes, ending with his own clothing line and gyms. The actor sends a percentage of the profit from them to good causes. In addition, Jackie bequeathed half of his assets to charitable foundations.

More than 600 million dollars - not every musician can boast of such capital, but Bono, the frontman of the U2 group, not only owns this amount, but also knows how to manage it, investing profitably. But his philanthropic work is now even more famous than his music and business career. Bono is constantly striving to improve the lives of people in third world countries, fighting the spread of AIDS and other dangerous ailments in Africa.

The most powerful women in show business

Angelina Jolie's humanitarian work will also soon outweigh her acting career, she devotes so much effort, time and money to charity. Some kind of turning point in the mind of the actress occurred when she saw the living conditions of the Cambodians. It happened in 2001, on the set of a picture about Lara Croft. Since then, Jolie has been a frequent visitor to refugee camps, educational and medical institutions for the children of underdeveloped countries, she donates millions to various foundations, and Angelina also fights for women's rights. She found herself a wonderful ally and helper - husband Brad Pitt shares all the worries and aspirations of his wife.

With a net worth of $3 billion, Oprah Winfrey has enormous financial power to do whatever she wants. Her talk shows have always been aimed at improving the lives of those in need, she is a respected philanthropist and major philanthropist. She has thousands of student scholarships to her credit, a boarding school for girls in South Africa, millions of dollars invested in other good causes. The world has definitely become a brighter place thanks to Oprah!

0 December 24, 2010, 11:06 am

DoSomething, the largest organization in the United States dedicated to attracting young people to charitable causes (from volunteering to simple donations), ranked the top famous philanthropists. Top 20 Celebs Gone Good includes the most prominent representatives modern show business - from Justin Bieber to.

Justin, by the way, is in 10th place. The guy was awarded such an honor for his attempts to make this world a better place. He recorded a video that was addressed to sick children, donated $150,000 to New York Children's Hospital. Bieber also continues to collaborate with Pencils of Promise - he intends to continue to help build schools and institutions in developing countries, donating a dollar from every ticket sold to his concert. And this is good money, considering how much Justin performs and what arenas he collects.

Justin Bieber

Which is in ninth place, especially interested in education. She donates millions and millions of dollars - in total she gave 40 million to charities. She divided six of them into grants distributed American schools providing good public education. In addition, Winfrey dedicated two broadcasts of her TV show to educational reform. It seems that thanks to people like Oprah, children really can get more knowledge.

Oprah Winfrey

On the eighth line is located, which this year led the rescue fund campaign wildlife WWF Save Tigers Now. Leo not only donated a million dollars himself, but also traveled all over Asia with his campaign, meeting with the leaders of the countries where tigers live. For this purpose, he also came to Russia, in St. Petersburg, Leo talked with Vladimir Putin.

Leonardo DiCaprio

At number seven, last year he co-founded, an organization dedicated to providing people in developing countries with clean drinking water. This year, Matt himself traveled to Ethiopia, and also personally approached celebrities with a request to donate money to good causes. By the end of the year, Matt had helped bring water bottles to market, with all proceeds going to help those in need of water.

Matt Damon

In sixth place is the "third of the group" Jonas Brothers Nick Jonas. The guy is concerned about the problem of diabetes, and everywhere he tries to draw attention to it - in his public speaking, in his own blog ... And he, of course, succeeds. In addition, the Jonas have their own charitable foundation change for the children. In addition to him, Nick supports other organizations.

Nick Jonas

Ellen DeGeneres (fifth line) herself refers to the sexual minority, so everything related to minorities, she especially cares. She devoted more than one broadcast of her program to this topic, teamed up with The Trevor Project to raise money to support members of minorities suffering from mental illness. All in all, she really does a lot for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

Ellen DeGeneres

In fourth place is the Kutcher-Moore family. and support organizations trying to solve the problem of child slavery. This year, the couple traveled the world talking to management different countries to discuss this burning issue. Ashton also used his super-popular Twitter to force ad newspaper Craigslist to shut down its "adult services" section.

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore

Taylor Swift leaves Bronze. After the flooding in her city of Nashville, she herself donated $500,000 for the restoration. And after that, she was still involved in a campaign to raise funds from other people to help the city. Swift is also interested in education and participates in a large-scale Read Now campaign, which is trying to return people's interest in reading.

Taylor Swift

This year, Alisha Keys gave birth to a son, but despite this important event, she found time not only for her family. Alisha is one of the most active supporters of Keep Child Alive. It was she who this year came up with the Digital Death campaign, thanks to which they managed to raise more than a million dollars to help children in just a week. For all this, she gets second place.

Alisha Keys

And finally, the leader of the "good top" amazing Lady Gaga. She advocates for human rights organizations, supports same-sex marriage. One of the main cases for Gaga in 2010 was the fight against the US military's "Don't ask, don't tell" policy, according to which people who had contact with persons of the same sex should not serve in the army. This policy also prohibits members of sexual minorities from disclosing their sexual orientation, and commanders from asking subordinates for information about their orientation.

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