Heavy tank T26E1 Super Pershing. T26E4 SuperPershing: crooked American dream What perks to download on t26e4

In Game...

Recently, I hear more and more often that this tank does not farm, it is dull and does not live without gold. For this reason, I would like to say a few words of subjective opinion in favor of the T26E4 as a Tier 8 premium tank in our game. I would like to consider it from two aspects - firstly, a credit farmer, and secondly, a tank for fun, a tank capable of miracles in battle, even in today's random environment. In addition, the pumping of the crew for US medium tanks has never been superfluous to me personally.

Although this instance is a representative of medium tanks in the game, it can rather be classified as heavy. A kind of transitional option. Therefore, to the main competitors of Super Persha, for myself personally, I would attribute only prem tt 8 lvl - IS-6 and Lowe. And then, Lowe does not have a preferential level of fights, so it balances it up to 10s as well. And this means that his good penetration of the BB will give a full-fledged advantage only in the top, but if he gets to the bottom of the list, there is no, and you will have to fork out for gold or sweat with penetration. Which of course does not detract from its other charms.

What about T26E4... Super Pershing balances in 8-9 level fights. And this means that with our modest penetration of 171 mm armor-piercing, we will not be lucky enough to meet Mouse in battle. But even without this adventure, we will have enough. This gun makes you think about every shot, which is of course useful. Such a modest penetration will bring a lot of "joy" when targeting hatches and weak spots, but the accuracy and speed of the gun allow you to independently pull out battles from the deepest places. Yes, the T26E4 does not have good dynamics, and it is not as fast as the researched Pershing ... but it has good screens, this is especially felt by the tower and vld. It is strictly forbidden to tank with sides and substitute rollers. But through the tower on maps with hilly terrain and through the rubble on city maps, he shows very good tanking, in particular against dangerous Soviet tanks, accustomed to firing HE shells. He is able to work miracles, holding back projectiles with a gun mantlet. Though lately after many got it by doing combat missions, and the players in the random are more accustomed to its features, they know where it breaks through (the rocket launcher on the tower, the hatch of the tower commander and, in fact, the completely defenseless hull and the tower on the back and side), you can still severely disappoint the enemy on it, hiding weak points - for example, a rocket launcher when leaving to the left of the shelter, the corps when taking a position on a hill. With the right style of play and control over the situation, he is able to hold the entire flank, including tanks of the ninth level. Of course, if you don't make mistakes and WBR will be on your side. And in such battles (even without a premium account), you can take out from 25 to 60 thousand credits of net earnings per battle! With a premium, with a beautiful fight, the amount of net earnings sometimes exceeds 100 thousand!

If farming is not important to you, you can load sub-caliber shells with a penetration of 259 mm! In this case, your DPM (1757 if without a rammer) will not be exchanged for non-penetration - the same Lowe can be sewn not only in NLD as armor-piercing, but also with complete calmness in VLD, the cheeks of the tower, especially without aiming. And according to the results normal fight will go to zero. Personally, I prefer to charge mainly BB, leaving only up to 10 sub-calibers for especially critical situations, where there is no place for non-penetration.

Its 1450 hp will also help you live longer, being reinforced by really nice armored screens, which, however, are the reason for the weight, which has such a negative effect on the dynamics. True, while the armor in the forehead of the hull is 177 mm, the side and stern seem cardboard in comparison with it - only 76 and 50 mm, respectively.

The main enemies of Super Persha, it's not hard to guess - tanks with strong armor, in fact, most of the heavy weapons of level 9 and 8, and of course everyone's favorite art, the shells of which enter us very well. Moreover, if the Soviet strands with their accuracy and weak points you can still endure and win both at a distance and in the clinch, then the Germans are more unpleasant in this regard. Their NLD and turret cheeks are often under unfavorable angles and your duel turns into "beaters" without causing damage to each other, you have to load gold shells.

The equipment that the tank needs to improve the comfort of the game is undoubtedly the Rammer, the Aiming Drives, and the third I chose the Horizontal Stabilizer. This is the most rational solution, since ventilation will not give you such an advantage as a more accurate weapon.

Of the skills for the crew - the classic arrangement. The first is the Sixth Sense light bulb for the commander and Repair for the crew. Further - everything is on patency and stabilization. An example of the second perks: Repair, Smooth turret turn, King of the off-road, Radio interception, Proximity ammo rack.

In history...

The tank is one of the experimental tanks of the T20 series, which were created during the Second World War. The main goal during the development was to create a vehicle with sufficient firepower to withstand German armor. The M3 pershing cannon, caliber 90mm, was similar to the German KwK 36 88mm used on the Tiger I.

In an effort to match the firepower of the King Tiger with its more powerful 88mm KwK43 gun, the T15E1 90mm cannon was developed and installed in January 1945 on the T26E1 tank. This tank was named T26E1-1. The T15E1 gun had separate loading and characteristics that allowed it to develop a muzzle velocity of 1140 m / s, which made it possible to penetrate the Panther's frontal armor from an impressive distance of up to 2400 m.

The second prototype was converted from a T26E3 and used a modified T15E2 gun. The frontal armor of the hull and turret were raised to 178 mm with armor plates. Improvements in design removed the need for stabilizing springs. test tank The T26E3 was standardized as the M26 Pershing with a standard 90mm gun. The T26E4 version was a later experiment and was developed in early 1945, also replacing the T26E3 gun with a more powerful and faster 90mm gun.

Super Pershing was so unlucky with the time of creation that the first tank reached Europe only at the end of the war. The war ended before he could meet any German tank. And at the end of the war, the production batch was reduced from 1000 to only 25 tanks and they were produced under the marking T26E4 Super Pershing. On this moment only a few of them have survived.

After the war, two M26 tanks were equipped with the T54 gun, which had the same long barrel, and the ammunition was designed to be shorter and thicker while maintaining the same muzzle velocity. They were also equipped with a muzzle brake from the M3A1 cannon mounted on the M26A1 and M46 tanks. The vehicles were named M26E1, but due to lack of funds, further production was halted.

Production and characteristics:

  • Weight: 48 tons
  • Produced: 25
  • Year of release: 1945
  • Engine: Ford GAF ​​V8 water-cooled, 500 hp
  • Gas tank capacity: 183 gallons
  • Speed: 30 km/h
  • Distance: 150 kilometers
  • Crew: 5 - Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver, Gunner


  • 1x 90mm main gun
  • 1 x machine gun caliber 50
  • 2 x 30 caliber machine guns

Army weapons engineers were interested in sending new tank into battle, in the hope that he will make war with the King Tiger. Having already lost several new M26s from the German anti-tank guns with high initial speed projectile, we knew that his armor was still inferior to that of the Tiger. My job was to design and install additional armor on the new tank.

A well-equipped German repair shop had several large pieces of boiler sheets one and a half inches thick. We decided to use a laminating scheme for the glacis. From the boiler plate, we cut two pieces and put them together in a V shape to fit on the V-shape formed by the glacis and bottom front plate. The upper front hull plate had a slope of 38 degrees from the horizontal, which gave 52 degrees from the vertical and was considered a sufficient angle to cause a ricochet. This gave zero clearance at the top and about 3 inches below the seam where the bottom sheet was attached.

In the same way, we cut the second boiler sheet and positioned it at a 39 degree angle above the first sheet. Where it joined the bottom sheet, there was a 7 to 8 inch gap underneath. We ended up with 4 inches of cast armor on the glacis and two boiler plates one and a half inches thick with space between them. We decided that although the boiler sheet was softer, the lamination and reduced angle of the armor would help German shells ricochet. The new armor added about 5 tons of weight to the front of the tank. With a ruler, we measured how far the torsion bar suspension would sag in front.

Then we cut a section from the front plate of a knocked out German Panther and cut it to size - three and a half inches thick*, 5 feet long and two feet wide. A large hole was cut in the middle for the gun barrel and two small holes on the sides for a coaxial machine gun and a telescopic sight. We put this plate on the barrel, moving it up to the mask itself, and welded it hard around the entire circumference. This plate, weighing fourteen hundred pounds, shifted the center of gravity 14 inches forward from the center of the trunnions, making the gun barrel significantly heavier towards the front of it.

The Super M26 Pershing already had balancer springs on top, attached to the turret and native mantlet, which, as we assumed, compensated for the large length of the gun barrel. However, the weight we added exceeded the force of the balancer springs, and the barrel of the gun in front heeled down. The mechanical gearbox inside the turret, which was used to raise and lower the barrel, turned out to be insufficient for such a weight.

To compensate for this, we took two pieces of a one and a half inch boiler plate and cut out some ridiculous looking counterweights about three and a half feet long - at one end they were about two feet wide for the first 18 inches and then expanded to about two feet for the next 24 inches. We welded the narrow edges on the sides of the mask, made of Panther armor, so that they went back horizontally and widened, protruding slightly beyond the turret. Thus, the heavy part was behind the trunnions, forming a counterweight effect. These counterweights helped, although it was still difficult for the gunner to point the muzzle up using the mechanical vertical drive.
It was clear that to these counterbalances it was necessary to add more weight but the question was how and where. From my limited knowledge of theoretical mechanics, I knew that this would require a lot of calculations, information and time that we did not have. [...]

We decided to apply empirical method. They took several one and a half inch plates, one foot wide and two long, and fastened them with clamps at the back of the large counterweights. By shifting this weight back and forth, through trial and error, we finally found a balance point where the implement could easily be raised and lowered by hand. Then we welded the plates into place.

With the gun turned forward, the tank looked like an angry elephant rushing ahead. The long trunk stuck out like a trunk; big, characteristic form counterweights looked like ears; and the holes in the mask for the telescopic sight and the machine gun looked like eyes. We hoped that he would make the same impression on the Germans.

The turret had already been modified at the rear with large counterweights to compensate for the long gun. For the same purpose, we added more weight. However, when the tank was on a slope, it was difficult to turn the gun even with the help of a power drive. This problem has been noticed on German Panther. If it was on a steep slope, and the gun was turned down, then it took a long time for the German gunner to turn the turret straight with the help of a manual turning mechanism.

Now we have added 7 tons to the tank. The ground clearance was checked again and found that the road wheels sank another two inches. This resulted in the back of the tank sticking up like an excited wild drake. Despite its ridiculous appearance and the fact that we probably slowed down by almost 5 miles per hour, the tank with its 550-horsepower engine still had enough power.

Then we tested the driving performance and drove to the edge of the hollow for trial shooting. After searching around for a suitable target, they finally found a knocked out German Jagdpanzer IV assault gun, which was destroyed by a single hit on the side and did not burn. We hooked him up to one of our tow hooks and dragged him to the other side of the hollow, to the very bottom, about 50 feet below the crest. Jagdpanzer was put on our forehead. The distance to the target is about a mile and a half.

The ammunition for the 90mm T15E1 gun was the standard 90mm round, only the case was longer to accommodate more powder charge. First, we used two people to load the projectile into the barrel. However, with a little practice, one person could do this, although with some difficulty. For experimental tank having certain problems was normal.

Major Dick Johnson sent for a crew for this tank to the 33rd Tank Regiment. We familiarized them with the instructions, while teaching ourselves. The sergeant in charge artillery armament and shooting, previously made a reconciliation of the guns, and we were ready to shoot. I made sure that everyone stood behind the sides and behind the tank so that the flash from the shot did not hit anyone.

Everyone who stood behind the M4 Sherman could see how the projectile flew out and, describing a small arc, rushed to the target. This new gun, with a high muzzle velocity, was completely different from what we are used to. At the first shot, they barely made out the projectile. It seemed that he went up slightly, although in fact he hit the target. It was optical illusion but the effect was amazing. When it hit the target, the sparks flew up to 60 feet into the air, as if a giant grinding wheel had struck metal.

Looking at the target, I was dumbfounded. 90mm projectile penetrated four inches of armor, passed through a five-inch differential shaft, fighting compartment, rear wall fighting compartment, pierced the four and a half inch crankshaft of the Maybach engine, an inch of aft armor, and dug into the ground so deep that they could not find it. Although our gunsmiths from Aberdeen told us that a tank gun could penetrate thirteen inches of armor from a hundred yards, it was still hard to believe in such monstrous power. We all realized that we now have a weapon capable of tearing apart even the most powerful German Mark VI Tiger.

We instructed the new crew on how to handle the gun and gave each one a shot. We have explained that new ammunition longer and heavier to load, and the extra armor makes it difficult to shift gears, however, with a little getting used to, they can handle everything. Although the tank had additional armor, they should not be foolishly substituted. The task was to enter the battle under the most favorable conditions and see what the tank could do against the German armour.

The crew was so happy to receive this tank that people were ready to endure any inconvenience. I'm sure they felt that a tank, probably the most powerful of the American, German or Soviet ones, increased their chances of survival.

I told Major Johnson that his crew should become well acquainted with the tank, in particular with the final drive, tracks and engine, since the additional seven tons could cause some maintenance difficulties. Despite this, I felt that the tank would do its job.

* To be precise, the front plate of the Panther was not 3.5 inches (88.9 cm), but 3.1496063 inches (80mm). Belton Cooper rounded the figure using the American system of measurement, which gave an error.

- a tank with a difficult fate and a dubious reputation. Someone in him does not have a soul, someone considers him a machine for suffering, and someone at one time completely sold him for gold and crossed himself. But what is surprising is that although this tank is controversial, it is very often found in random. And a lot of players ask the question about the advisability of acquiring this machine. This means that there is a demand for the joint venture, and, despite all its oddities, it somehow attracts players.

Curve of fate "SuperPershing"

Premium medium tank Tier VIII has a difficult fate in our game, in which there were ups and downs. This tank was rolled out for the supertest in the distant update 7.4.1 (summer 2012), in update 7.5 it was finally tuned and put on sale, and already in update 8.6. (exactly one year after 7.4.1) the car was removed from sale. The reason for this is simple - the tank caused a lot of discontent among the players who bought it, and the question of the uselessness of such a tank was very often raised.

Moreover, many players demanded that WG return the gold spent on the purchase of the joint venture. And in update 8.8, such an opportunity was provided - those who wanted to get rid of an unsuccessful car did it for their own benefit. At the same time, the developers went for a trick - they simultaneously improved the tank's armor (as well as patency, visibility, accuracy and durability), which tried to draw attention to it, but the change was insignificant and had no result. And in the same update it was again put on sale.

Since then, the car has been on sale again, but if the flow of dissatisfaction with it has decreased, then not by much. And in the last update 9.8 it was transferred to HD-quality with simultaneous processing of armor protection. Undoubtedly, the tank has become more beautiful, but there has been no cardinal improvement in its game characteristics.

So tricky and difficult fate the tank is explained very simply - for this it is enough to take a closer look at its parameters and features.


The gun is perhaps the main disappointment of the tank. Judge for yourself – its basic shell penetration is only 171 mm, which is the worst result among Tier VIII premium MTs! For comparison, the penetration of the gun by the base projectile is as much as 212 mm.

However, the tool of the joint venture is at the same time its pride. True, too expensive, and therefore upsetting. The fact is that its sub-caliber shells have a penetration of 259 mm, which is more than enough to confidently inflict damage on the vast majority of enemies encountered. This may not seem like much, but we need to remember that our patient has a preferential level of fights, and therefore he does not come across in the tens (although he can feel relatively confident there too).

Yes, we almost forgot: a 90 mm Gun T15E1 cannon is installed on the vehicle, which, in terms of its characteristics, is very close to the top-end gun of a conventional upgraded Pershing. The gun has an accuracy of 0.38 m / 100 m (for a line tank - 0.37), an aiming time of 2.3 seconds and a DPM of 1757 points (for a line tank, these characteristics are similar). At the same time, the gun has excellent (and typical for "Americans") vertical aiming angles within -10 +20 degrees.

In general, this weapon is quite complex and uncomfortable (except for its declination angles), on BB it uncertainly penetrates even "classmates", and on gold it negates all farming opportunities.

Dilemma: farm BB or bend BP

Since the fifth of May the company Wargaming announced the start of a promotion in which the main prize will be a premium medium tank T26E4 Super Pershing. You have probably already familiarized yourself with the conditions of the promotion, and some even managed to replenish their hangar with this wonderful machine. T26E4 Super Pershingamerican tank VIII level, with a reduced level of battles, that is, you are almost always in the top, except that occasionally it will bring you into the battles of the ninth levels.

We refer "Pershing" to medium tanks only because the commanding voice of the developer told us so. In practice, it is more of a heavy one, as evidenced by its booking and dynamics. In several updates, the characteristics of the tank were cut down, the angles of inclination of the front plates were very spoiled, and, of course, after this, the interest of the players in this vehicle noticeably subsided. But not so long ago, rave reviews about Pershing began to reach us, to which we were skeptical at first. But still we decided to try this car again and refresh our opinion about it.

Fighting on "Supershinge", it is better to use tactics TT: Get ahead with armor and force close combat on the enemy. If you want to get the upper hand in random battles, the use of sub-caliber shells should be an ironclad rule. Their armor-piercing 258 mm, so that you can penetrate almost everyone you meet, anywhere and from any angle, even TT ninth level.

To save money, armor-piercing shells should also be used - they will help to disassemble cardboard tanks, for example, from a new branch of German tank destroyer, well, you can not transfer gold to equipment up to the seventh level. For those who still want to play exclusively armor-piercing to earn silver, it is better to take another tank, because with penetration in 170 mm with heavy "nines" you will find a lot of disappointments. Increased earnings T26E4 serves not to accumulate silver, but to compensate for the costs of the same premium shells and Coca-Cola.

But still, you can play a small plus. And while you're wondering if it's worth it sleepless nights earn by 75 000 experience for each nation to get this tank for a promotion, or take it faster "Pershing" in the store, but in the end you won’t even earn credits on it, we will describe to you a couple of its positive features.

Firstly, you will almost always dictate the terms of the game, since SuperPershing is the one that basically ends up at the top of the team's list. Secondly, if you are a fan of fighting on heavy tanks then you will be satisfied "Supershing"- He copes with the role of TT very well.

Booking has noticeably deteriorated, and everyone probably knows where to punch it. That's right, towers. But SuperPershing does not interfere with the enjoyment of the game.

Table of characteristics from the armor site

A little about the characteristics

90 -millimeter gun has penetration 170 mm And 240 units of average damage. Penetration by armor-piercing shells - not to say that nowhere is worse, worse KV-5. But here magical sub-caliber shells come to the rescue, which pierce 258 mm armor. Only the power of a French premium tank can be compared with such power. FCM50t.

Mixing time for TT not bad, the spread is worse - 0,38 on 100 m, but it's better than all premium tanks of this tier. In a minute, we, according to passport data, can apply 1756,8 units of damage. The indicators are not champion, but worthy.

The hull is well armored, there is only one small vulnerable area where a machine gun is installed. The tower is also quite well armored. It is rarely pierced in front, but you can get it in "cheeks" if the opponent is very lucky. The most the main problem- these are hatches on the roof of the tower; if you let the enemy aim at you, then for sure that’s where he will shoot.

Seeing specific power 9.89 hp/t, do not rush to get upset, the tank has underestimated ground resistance indicators, and its own 35 km/h he's picking up quite briskly. The turret traverse speed is not bad, and if you help yourself with the hull, the enemy will not be able to spin you.


Five team members is enough if you are going to develop the crew of other medium tanks of the same nation. No one has a team of more than five people, and 10th there are four levels.

As for skills, everything is the same as before. The commander first studies "sixth Sense", other - "repair". The second skill is « the Brotherhood of War» , which will improve all parameters of the tank by about 5% . Next, the commander learns "repair", because only he skipped this course.

Gunner to increase damage to equipment and increase the likelihood of setting fire to the enemy becomes "sniper". We instruct the driver to become "virtuoso" and quickly turn the car around. Radio operator studies "radio interception" to increase the viewing range. We offer a skill to the loader "desperate", which will increase the reload speed with remaining 10% integrity. Personally, I repeatedly received on this tank "Warrior" with the remaining few percent strength. Further at your discretion - can be studied by all crew members "disguise" or choose skills to suit your play style.

Additional equipment and gear

Basic fighting style SuperPershing is an attack, and we choose the equipment accordingly. First of all, we install improved ventilation to improve all the characteristics of the tank. The second cell will take vertical stabilizer for more accuracy. In the last cell, set rammer for faster reloading.

From the equipment we need Coca Cola, which improves all characteristics, which is important for an attacking style of play. The other two places are occupied first aid kit And repair kit. When deciding whether to buy premium consumables, be guided by the state of your silver or gold stock.

In battle

playing on T26E4 Super Pershing, choose places where the enemy is most likely to go to you in the forehead - then it will not be difficult to kill him. When firing at long distances, this tank is uncomfortable: the accuracy is rather low, the mixing is not too fast, and the stabilization is mediocre.

Note the angles of vertical aiming - ten degrees down and twenty up. Try to make full use of this rather strong advantage. If your crew does not yet have a “combat brotherhood”, it is better to install enlightened optics instead of ventilation. Thanks to this and good review at 390 meters you will be able to detect the enemy, inflict damage on him and not get on enemy radars.

The main idea of ​​the game "Supershinge" is to drive in the most dangerous directions, especially if you are in the top. Try to keep close combat using front armor. If the enemy is in front of you, then he can cause damage only by aiming at the turrets, which are not so easy to hit, and if you constantly move and fire, knocking down the enemy’s aim, the task becomes more complicated by an order of magnitude.

the main problem SuperPershing- this is its dynamics, which needs to be improved by everyone possible ways. The first and easiest one is Coca Cola instead of a fire extinguisher, since the tank burns very rarely. Of the skills will help you "the Brotherhood of War", and from the equipment - improved ventilation.

Having played on "Pershing" a couple of hundred fights after the changes, I can say that how TT he is beautiful. Here are the results of the last session on SuperPershing for thirty fights.

  • Average damage: 1834;
  • Average number of killed per battle: 1.2;
  • RE: 1370;
  • WN6: 1543;
  • WN7: 1543;
  • WN8: 2801;
  • Silver received: 2,104,199.

Super Pershing (T26E4 Super Pershing) is a medium premium tank of the 8th lvl of the American branch. It is in constant sale, has one of the highest farm coefficients. How much does it farm, how does it feel in random, is it worth taking?

TTX T26E4 Super Pershing

Characteristics with the following equipment:

Gun rammer, reinforced aiming drives, vertical aiming stabilizer, improved optics, improved control, reinforced armor

Can of cola, crate of cola, upgraded fuel


90 mm Gun T15E1 (conditionally lvl 8)

Caliber - 90 mm

DPM (on BB) - 2227

Mixing - 4 sec

Accuracy - 0.344

Rate of fire - 9.90 rds / min

Cooldown - 6.06 sec

Overview - 290.4 m

  • Up - 20 degrees
  • Down - 10 degrees


  • BB - 205 mm
  • Gold - 285 mm
  • OF - 45 mm
  • BB - 225
  • Gold - 190
  • OF - 270

Shell price

  • BB - 255 silver
  • Golda - 3600 silver (9 gold)
  • RP - 255 silver


Ford GAF ​​V8 engine (conditionally lvl 6)

Weight - 50.97 t

Engine power - 550 hp

Thrust-to-weight ratio - 10.8 hp / t

Max Speed

  • Forward - 40.2 km / h
  • Back - 18 km/h
  • Average - 28 km / h

Chassis turning speed - 48.11 deg / sec

Turret traverse speed - 24.30 deg/sec


Durability - 1400

Tower armor

  • Forehead - 101 mm
  • Board - 76 mm
  • Feed - 76 mm

Hull armor

  • Forehead - 177 mm
  • Board - 76 mm
  • Feed - 50 mm


Ravenous 1450 gold +3% stealth.

After Update 5.10, any legendary camouflage will change its name. In this case, adds Predatory to the name of the tank.

Abilities in Mad Games

High octane fuel(increases top speed and engine power for 15 seconds, upon completion, the chassis and engine are damaged).

Hammer ram(protection against ramming, plus to ramming the enemy).

Should I buy T26E4 Super Pershing

When talking about tanks for farming silver, they mean two tanks - the German Lion and the American T26E4 Super Pershin. What is special about "American".


Semi heavy, semi ST. Rides slowly, noticeably slows down on rough terrain.

The tower rotates slowly. Noticeably slow.

Often a situation arises - you are on the move, you are knocked down by a harp, after you it turns almost 180 degrees. And it takes time to "catch" the enemy in sight.


In short, the forehead is strong, like a tower, like a hull. Feed and board cardboard.

A complex "formula" for protecting American prem. The thickening in the middle part of the case is displayed in red. The screens are clearly visible. Board Cardboard.

Good frontal armor. It has a "cheat" feature. The enemy in sniper mode will see the VLD (upper frontal fly) in red light. That is, it does not break through. And the forehead of the tower looks gray. But this is just an illusion - the illumination of penetration zones, the forehead of the tower, at Super Pershing is deceiving. It's hard to break through.

It is necessary to target the area above the gun mantlet, in the area of ​​the "pipes", the commander's cupola. Armor of the commander's cupola - 76 mm. At angles with a given value of 125 mm (53 degrees). But it breaks through.

Where to punch

Forehead of the hull

Forehead of the hull (VLD) by numbers - 100 mm. The given armor value is ~ 144 mm (46 degrees). The middle part in the area of ​​the triplexes of the mechanical drive is weakening - this area is at a more right angle and the reduced value is less (with the same position of the body, the degree of inclination is ~ 29 degrees, which gives approximately 114 mm reduction).

In the middle part of the body, between the VLD (upper frontal part) and the NLD (lower frontal part), there is a noticeable thickening.

The middle part of the body, under the VLD in numbers - 139 mm. The given value is ~ 199 mm (46 degrees).

In the right part of the middle part of the hull, there is a noticeable weakening - the area of ​​​​the course machine gun - according to the numbers 76 mm. The given value is also 76 mm (1 deg).

The lower part of the middle part of the case is 114 mm. The given value is ~ 155 mm (43 degrees).

NLD, under the thickening in the middle part of the case - 76 mm, the given value is 166 mm (63 degrees).

On top of the entire forehead of the hull, a sheet of armor in the form of a screen - 38 mm. Given value ~ 59 mm (50 degrees)

Forehead of the tower

By the numbers - 100 mm. The given value is 117 mm (30 degrees).

On top of the armor sheets in the form of a screen. Has up to several layers of screens. Values ​​from 38 - 114 mm.

As a result, individual parts of the forehead of a turret or hull have an armor thickness of up to 300 mm or more.

General for security

Above are the figures for frontal booking. And those numbers are great. But the presence of weakened zones in the forehead of Super Pershing allows, with some luck, to break through it.

The sides and stern have values ​​​​of 50-70 mm (plus / minus). That is, everything goes there.


There is UVN - 10 gr down. But they, UVN, as always, are not enough.

Mixing, accuracy is average. Penetration is enough to confidently penetrate many opponents in the BB.

But the big minus is small one-time damage. For STs with mobility, this is the norm. For a tank with low mobility, this is not enough.


Kind of premium. Good frontal armor with a "cheated" chip of deceptive illumination of the penetration zone of the turret's forehead. A good weapon with penetration and UVN.

Questionable mobility. The tower rotates slowly. Not enough burst damage.

On the front line, in a direct firefight, he feels confident. But it does not forgive mistakes - poor mobility and weak feed / sides make themselves felt. Requires careful calculation. Otherwise, a drain is inevitable.

It has one of the highest shape coefficients. Plus Enough high level allows you to make a big shot.

What is better to take - Lion and Super Pershing?

This is again a personal opinion. The American, it seems to me, has a slightly higher farm coefficient. But the German feels more confident. Therefore, it is better to take Leo.

How much farm

For example, a few fights. Wins and losses, with a perm account, full ammo (two calls and improved fuel).

First fight

Second fight

Third fight

Historical reference

The Americans began work on the T26E4 Super Pershing at the beginning of 1945. The reason for the start of work was the appearance of new tanks among the Germans, such as the Tiger and Panther, with the armor of which the tanks that were in service could not cope.

To begin with, the Americans created a 90 mm anti-tank towed gun T15E1, a unitary projectile (a projectile and a cartridge case with a propellant charge) which could pierce the Panther in the forehead from a distance of more than 2 kilometers.

However, the long 125 cm projectile caused great difficulties with loading in the combat vehicle and the T26E4 Super Pershing gun was decided to be made with separate loading - first the projectile was loaded into the barrel and then the cartridge case with the charge separately. This gun received the designation T15E2. As a result - a decrease in the speed of reloading.

25 vehicles were produced and one of them even passed military tests in Europe, in real combat operations. During the break-in, an experienced car was able to hit several new ones. German tanks such as Panther and Royal tiger. But in 1947, work on this project was stopped.

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