Guide to breaking through E75. E75 Penetration Guide Frontal Armor Penetration Zones

Today we will talk about the history of the failure to create one of the petals of the crown of German tank building at the end of the war, the main heavy tank E-75.


The E-75 was created as the main German heavy tank, designed in 1945 to replace the Royal Tiger. Despite the deteriorating situation with the supply of raw materials, as well as the increasingly hopeless situation at the front, German designers worked to translate into metal another nightmare for the enemy troops, which would adequately continue the work begun by the Tiger and continued by the Royal Tiger.

In part, the E-series was also the result of a search for optimization of tank building, the main criteria of which were the commonality of components and assemblies for the main combat vehicles, the simplification of production, and the replacement of armored steel components that arrived in Germany at the end of the war with great interruptions. Also, for the first time in the history of German tank building, the design part of the work was entrusted to organizations that had never previously been involved in this industry. Thus, the German command tried to achieve fresh design ideas, and the series of tanks itself began to bear the name "E" - Entwicklung - that is, "Development".

The main differences between the E-75 and the "Royal Tiger" was chassis- to replace the smooth, but unreliable "torsion bar" suspension, a new one came, consisting of 8 pairs of rollers on each side, which simplified production and made the design more durable. The smoothness that previously provided the Tigers and Panthers with good shooting results on the move was now compensated by the vertical aiming stabilizers, which Germany began to develop and use first in the world. The same should be said about night vision devices - they were developed for the latest modifications of the Panthers. With their help, German tanks were able to track targets at a distance of up to 800 meters, and hit - at a distance of up to 400 meters.

In terms of armor protection, the German design bureaus, which were now engaged in the creation new series tanks, did not come up with anything new, unlike the Soviet ones, which during this period were already creating the famous "pike nose" IS-3. The angle of the upper frontal armor plate of the E-75 had a greater slope, and the thickness of the armor was 10 mm more than that of the King Tiger. Thus, a 160 mm inclined E-75 VLD was equivalent to 250 mm of armor located at a right angle. The thickness of the side armor was increased to 120 mm, however, it retained its straight shape from its predecessors and did not withstand the blow from modern Soviet anti-tank guns. The tower was supposed to be borrowed by the Panthers of modification H (that is, Schmalturm).

Firepower was provided by the most accurate rapid-fire 105-mm anti-tank gun 100 calibers long, which was capable of hitting absolutely all armored targets anti-Hitler coalition at a distance of about 4,000 meters. Subsequently, attempts were made to install 128 mm guns with a barrel length of 55 calibers.

The power plant, according to the expectations of the designers, was supposed to produce 1200 l / s and accelerate the new heavy tank to 40 km / h.

However, all the troops of the anti-Hitler coalition approaching Berlin nullified even the construction of a prototype E-75. And, most likely, for the better for us. Indeed, in a frontal projection, this tank would be able to withstand shelling from absolutely any enemy weapon (even post-war), and only an experienced one could withstand shelling from its own gun (128mm). soviet tank IS-7, created only 9 years later. In a word, if the war dragged on for at least another six months, then the world would see a worthy replacement " King Tiger» - E-75.

E-75 in World of Tanks.

In the game, we see a serious tank of the 9th level, which has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, from which the tactics of using this vehicle come from. For the sake of balance, alas, we will not see either 105mm guns with a barrel length of 100 calibers or Schmalturm in the list of E-75 modules, and you can admire the new suspension only on the younger brother - E-50. However, the developers could well afford such liberties, because there are no drawings with finally approved decisions on this project. The same applies to the location of the transmission - one of the most painful topics for owners of the E-75. However, due to the incompleteness of the drawings, neither the players to the developers, nor the developers to the players will ever be able to fully prove this or that point of view.

In general, the E-75 is perhaps the first German tank where the player feels that he is really on a TT: good frontal armor protection allows you to confidently engage in close combat. Correct staging rhombus and turning the body while the enemy is shooting also do their job. Especially after the last patch, where the developers increased the chance of ricochet from armor located at rational angles of inclination.

The ability to engage in close combat also eliminates the comparative “obliqueness” of the 128 mm E-75 gun (scatter per 100m - 0.38) in relation to previous German guns (KwK43 L71 (0.34 per 100 m), KwK 46 L68 (0.34 per 100 m). At short and medium distances, it quite allows you to target weak spots in the hull of an enemy tank. Knowing such spots, the low armor penetration of the gun fades into the background. In addition, this shortcoming can now be solved by purchasing sub-caliber shells for credits. This will be useful in combat at medium distances, when the weak point of the enemy is more difficult to target.

Despite 92 tons of weight, the E-75 is a fairly maneuverable tank, which is difficult to “carousel” with such STs as the Type59 and T-54. Besides, big weight tank makes it easier to shoot on the move, and with the introduction of physics provides the owner of the E-75 with new advantages. Only on the E-75 can you drive at a speed of 30 km / h, rest against the T-54 and, continuing to move at a speed of 11 km / h, confidently push it off the cliff.

The main weak point of the E-75, with sufficiently strong frontal armor, is its NLD. Although it protects against guns with a penetration of about 225 mm, but still with the introduction of new American and Soviet guns with penetration under 270 mm, as well as the transfer of the transmission forward, tanking on the E-75 has become much more unjustified and harder.

Additional modules.

In view of the main advantages and disadvantages that involve closer combat, we will abandon the classic “Pt-shnik set” for the Germans: stereo tubes, aiming drives .... and the most useful additional modules for the E-75 in close combat will be:

  • rammer (we compensate for the low rate of fire by increasing damage per minute against the background of faster-firing, but less damage classmates);
  • vertical aiming stabilizer (has an advantage over aiming drives in close combat, initially preventing an increase in dispersion, while drives reduce aiming time, which is most useful when firing from long distances);
  • fan (we improve all the characteristics of the tank by 5%, and most importantly, reload speed, information and maneuverability).

Thus, our E-75, even taken by surprise, is capable, with almost no time spent on mixing, to make a quick volley at the enemy and reload, taking as much as 15% less time than the enemy expects. In addition, the better maneuverability of the already quite nimble E-75 will allow you to quickly take cover, as well as take vantage points at the very beginning of the battle, it will increase the communication range, visibility, although for TTs with E-75 tasks this is not the most important thing.

From consumables to this moment it is best to use the classics: a small first aid kit, a hand-held fire extinguisher and a small repair kit. Since with the amount of artillery that is now observed in almost every high-level battle, there is a significant risk of losing one of the crew members. For the same reason, not using a small repair kit means standing under artillery with a downed caterpillar and also putting yourself at risk, and depriving the team of a tank that can pull out the battle. A fire extinguisher is worth carrying with you due to the fact that new enemy guns, with their penetration, are now quite capable of setting fire to a tank.

Main specialties:

  • commander: the Brotherhood of War(general improvement in qualities and characteristics, an increase in the effect of the fan by 5%), eagle eye (in combination with a fan it gives an effect equal to enlightenment) and a jack of all trades (the ability to save a first-aid kit when incapacitating a crew member);
  • gunner: combat fraternity, sniper (deterioration of enemy capabilities) and smooth turret rotation (in combination with the tank's mass and stabilizer);
  • mechanical driver: brotherhood in arms, cleanliness and order (less chance of ignition with a shot in the forehead) and a ram master (which is also facilitated by the mass of the tank);
  • radio operator: brotherhood of arms, radio interception (+ to the fan and eagle eye) and firefighting;
  • loader: combat brotherhood, non-contact bow rack (the chance of damage to the German ammo is high due to direct non-ricochet and lightly armored sides), fire extinguishing.

Penetration zones and weaknesses of the E-75 tank:

1. transmission failure, engine damage, chance of fire;

2. incapacitation of the tank commander;

3. damage to the gun (only a large-caliber mine);

4. mechanical driver;

6. engine;

7. gunner;

8. front roller with damage (the possibility of getting into the transmission);

Since so many players believe that the German TT branch is just fat and does not break through well (although this is not the case), I decided to write a guide about ways e75 penetration.

E75 is heavy tank with an unusually good turn and penetration. I myself recently switched to this tank on the e100.

When the second branch of German heavyweights was introduced, a cloud of topics from players appeared on the forum, where they yelled that there was no balance and the world was not fair. The world is certainly not fair, but there is a balance.

E75 WoT penetration zones

It must be said right away that the tank is quite strong and difficult to penetrate tanks up to level 8 (9). Tanks, of course, stand separately in this situation, but they often ricochet. When I played on this tank, I did not pay attention to tanks and tanks up to level 7 level (unless, of course, he stood stern to them).

Frontal armor penetration zones

If you play on a tank up to level 9 inclusive, then at long distances it is not reasonable to shoot in the forehead at 75. You can break through, but not often.

At close range, we shoot at the NBL (lower armor plate) quite standardly.

Let's see vulnerabilities of the e75 tank.

If your goal is to deal damage, then shoot at the NBL. In other places there is a high chance of damage without damage.

Caterpillars are easily knocked down by almost everyone who is not too lazy. As you can see in the diagram, killing the driver will be the most profitable.

E75 side armor penetration zones

The situation with crits is not the best for us. If we damage the turning mechanism, then this will not give us much, because the e75 turns well on the harp. Damage to the radio or tanks also does not make much sense. In general, shoot for damage.

E75 stern penetration points

In fact, I don’t really understand why I’m writing this paragraph. For the feed of all tanks is the most vulnerable spot and breaks through almost everyone. If you want to ruin the life of the enemy e75 as much as possible, then shoot at the fuel tanks.

Author's opinion about the heavy tank E75

When I played this tank, I realized that this is the BEST TT among the ninth ones. It is very well balanced. The player’s possibilities are not limited on it. The tank can be quickly transferred from one part of the map to another. as well as the general gameplay, the tank truly becomes the king of the map. On many tanks, it happens that there is a bias towards armor, but the gun is weak, somewhere there is little armor, but a strong gun. And our experimental one is the golden mean. Moreover, it leads to a truly wonderful tank E100. By the way, 100 has similar penetration points, excluding the tower.

Share and win from 100 gold

E-75 is a tier 9 German heavy tank. Considered one of the young tanks, after the appearance, he won the hearts of many players. The E-75 is considered a breakthrough tank, like its classmate the Soviet IS-4. The main advantages of the tank are the phenomenal strength of the forehead, excellent dynamics and an impressive viewing range. The tank's safety margin is second only to the VK 4502 (P) Ausf. B and is equal to 1920 in the top build. Playing a tank is a pleasure, however, this pleasure comes with a top. In the stock assembly, the tank is terrible, it is considered the most disadvantaged in the stock assembly compared to its other classmates. The IS-4 gets an excellent gun from the IS-3, the sneaker has a very strong forehead, standing on the defensive this is more than enough for him.

Due to its strong armor, certainly less strong than that of the VK 4502 (P) Ausf. B, he gains good maneuverability, which makes it possible to apply dance tactics. Thanks to the eternal dancing, you can not get penetration from almost all classmates and often from level 10 tanks. There were cases when 3 tanks of the ninth level firing at the E-75 simply could not penetrate it. It happened that Bat. Chat unsuccessfully driven into the forehead can release the entire drum and never break through. Of course, such cases only happen with those who know how to play the E-75 correctly. To confidently say - I know how to play on it, you need to spend more than one hundred fights. But as they say, how strong the forehead is, how cardboard the sides are, and this is about us. The stern armor is very weak and can be easily penetrated by tanks starting from level 5. I would also like to note that we are just a favorite delicacy of arta. Each unsuccessfully dropped projectile tears off huge pieces, often there are one-shots from artillery. But all his shortcomings pale in comparison with his virtues. And one of them can be called a top gun, such as the VK 4502 (P) Ausf. B and Maus. It is second only to the penetration of the IS-4 gun, which is considered the most armor-piercing among all class 9.

Game tactics:
Since the E-75 is a heavy tank, it will not be possible to come up with many game tactics, so we will be content with what we have. The tactics are identical to the game on the IS-4 - we are a breakthrough tank. We must always lead the offensive and push through the flanks. Naturally not in splendid isolation. This tactic is good when there is no one above us. When we get to big uncles like Maus or IS-7 we shouldn't jump out to punish everyone. Of course, due to the shape of the forehead and its armor, we can get ricochets and non-penetration, or we can simply turn into a decoration or a monument that will remind us of the power of stupidity. When playing with 10 levels, we need to either choose directions where your class will dominate or play support tank. Sometimes you can even shoot at tanks from afar, we have enough accuracy with our heads.

Advantages and disadvantages:

- Excellent dynamics.
- Excellent strength of the forehead of the tower and the upper frontal part.
- Excellent view of 460 meters
- Competitive weapon with good alpha strike and good accuracy.
- The margin of safety is beyond praise.
- High mass allowing to ram everyone and everything.

- High silhouette.
- Low speed 30 km/h.
- Vulnerable to artillery.
- Frequent crits of modules and crew.
- Strong inertia - knocking down the harp in motion turns the tank almost 180 °.
- Poor top turret rotation speed. It radiates with the turn of the hull.
- Large dimensions of the lower sheet part.


The crew consists of 5 people:
- Commander
- gunner
- Driver mechanic
- Radio operator
- Loader

The screenshot below shows the stock tank:

Features in the top:


Stock: MAN-Ketten Ausf. A
Max. load: 87.5 t \\ Turning speed: 18 g/sec

Top: MAN-Ketten Ausf. B
Max. load: 94.5 t \\ Turning speed: 21 g/sec


Stock: 8.8 cm KwK 43 L/71
Penetration: 203/237/44 mm; Damage: 240/240/295 HP Rate of fire: 9.38 rds / min; Spread: 0.3m/100m; Mixing: 2.5 s;

Intermediate: 10,5 cm KwK 45 L/52
Penetration: 200/244/60 mm; Damage: 320/320/420 HP; Rate of fire: 7.69 rds / min; Spread: 0.32m/100m; Mixing: 2.0 s;

Pre-top: 10,5 cm KwK 46 L/68
Penetration: 225/285/60 mm; Damage: 320/320/420 HP; Rate of fire: 7.5 rds / min; Spread: 0.3m/100m; Mixing: 2.0 s;

Top: 12.8 cm KwK 44 L/55
Penetration: 246/311/65 mm; Damage: 490/490/630 HP Rate of fire: 4.38 rds / min; Spread: 0.33m/100m; Mixing: 2.5 s;


Stock: Maybach HL 210 P 30
Power: 650 hp; Fire chance: 20%;

Intermediate: Maybach HL 230 P 45
Power: 750 hp; Fire chance: 20%;

Pre-top: Maybach HL 234
Power: 870 hp; Fire chance: 20%;

Top: Maybach HL 230 P 45
Power: 1200 hp; Fire chance: 15%;

Well... I decided to get back to writing guides (I haven't done this for a long time and besides Lately in the base of guides in general 0, #unhappy# therefore you need to do something #exciting#)

Today's hero of my review is a German heavy tank of the 9th level E-75

So, I will start with my story as usual with a historical background:

  • Tier 9 German heavy tank with excellent mobility and armor. Feels confident both in defense and at the forefront of attack. In 1945, the E-75 was supposed to become the main German heavy tank, replacing the PzKpfw VIB Tiger II, but work on the tank did not go beyond the preliminary design stage. Predecessor super heavy tank E-100.

Let's move on to a detailed review of our ward:


  • Very good dynamics
  • Sooo armored vld and top tower
  • A mass of 88 tons allows us to ram everyone who is not too lazy without fear of taking damage (with the exception of the mouse and yaga e100 #haha# #haha#)
  • Excellent top gun (The well-known mousegun)
  • Simply superb angles of inclination of the armor - tanking on this tank is a pleasure


  • Propensity to damage modules and crew (In particular, the gunner, commander and, due to the front location of the transmission - engine)
  • The commander's turret that breaks through in the clinch without problems (again, they save the well-known turns of the turret left and right during the cd being "at gunpoint" which, alas, many neglect)
  • High risk of fire due to front location transmissions (I recommend an automatic fire extinguisher, and in connection with the slipped information that tanks of 8-10 lvl with a front-mounted transmission will not burn when they hit it, you can consider the option with a chocolate bar)
  • A 180-degree turn with a splash from the artillery to the harp (This really infuriated me at first. You drive yourself and then bang the art splash and the tank turns 180 degrees)


In fact, we have a heavily modified Tiger 2 with much more armor, powerful and precision tool, also good maneuverability.

Tips for choosing equipment and consumables:

Here my choice falls on the standard scheme for TT:

gun rammer large caliber, Elevator stabilizer,Reinforced aiming drives


Let the E-75 burn and not so often, but still not at the most opportune moment as always #nothingtosay# Therefore:

Automatic fire extinguisher, Small repair kit, and Small first aid kit

Sequential pumping of modules:

Since much of the E-75 is borrowed from its predecessors (In particular, the Gun from the Tiger 2 and the top-end radio), the scheme for pumping it becomes noticeably simpler. So, the scheme for pumping modules is right below ↓↓↓

  • First of all, we download the chassis (25,300 experience). Without it, you simply won’t be able to install top modules.
  • The second in a row is the top tower (24,450 experience) Previously, there was a small life hack - you could safely climb on tanks lvl 9-10 without fear that they would shoot at the mask (stock and top towers are the same in appearance, BUT they differ in armor) However, after the introduction into modpacks features displaying tanks in the "stock configuration", alas, they covered it #unhappy# So I do not recommend at first buying the E-75 to rush into tanks 9-10lvl. You will be sorted out as soon as you lean out. #badsmile# #cry# #cry#
  • We study our top stick - bender or "mousegun" (63,300 experience) HERE IT IS!!! This is the moment when you can really feel all the delights of playing on this tank !! Just your appearance in a random house breaks the farts of random players playing at lvl 7-8 and solidly strains enemy tanks of levels 9-10. #haha# #haha# #haha# #secretsmile# but there's more to come.... #happy#
  • The top engine (26500 experience) and here it is the very moment when you have nothing to fear, your tank is fast, agile, and most importantly dangerous. #grimace# #secretsmile# #happy# #happy#
  • In total, to upgrade the E-75, we need 139,250 experience. And here I will give a small recommendation. In order not to go too far into the red with a gun from a tiger2 (the shells cost decently, and therefore you have to think about each shot), I recommend purchasing a premium for 3 days for the weekend (Saving on Friday evening after a hard day with a premium and beer (let's not forget about the fish #haha#) we start rolling out our E-75, so you can quickly heat such a wonderful tank and enjoy all its delights). If you don’t have such an opportunity, save free experience for the top gun so as not to strain when playing with a gun from a tiger 2.

We are glad to present to your attention the video guide of the heavy German tank Level 9 - E-75.

All today's guide will be devoted only to this tank.

Tier 9 German heavy tank, has excellent mobility and armor. Feels confident both in defense and at the forefront of attack. In 1945 E-75 should have become the main German heavy tank, replacing the PzKpfw VIB Tiger II. Work on the tank did not go beyond the preliminary design stage.

E-75- a typical school tank Panzerwaffe. Possessing strong armor, accurate and powerful guns, the tank has a very high silhouette. Add to this the irrational booking of the sides and stern, and we get a heavily grown Tiger II with all the ensuing consequences. In stock, the tank is a tasty target - it has weak turret armor, a low-powered and expensive gun to maintain (the last moment forces you to carefully consider each shot), and most importantly, it turns extremely slowly - any medium tank can easily spin us around.

However, in the top E-75 is a perfectly balanced machine, the mere presence in the lists of which makes any opponent nervous. Distinctive feature tank E-75 considered to be the running gear. The transmission is at the back, and therefore, fires are rare (if we watch our rear, of course), and those who have exhausted their nerves with fires and crits from hitting the forehead can relax a bit.

Despite the small (however, standard for the Germans) top speed at 30 km / h, it is nevertheless much faster than other TT9s. And thirdly, this tank has just an excellent health reserve - 1920, second only to Tapka. All the tank's guns have good accuracy and fast aiming, the highest rate of fire, but a small, compared to classmates (and very little damage from high explosives) alpha strike, with the exception of the top 128-mm gun. The turret, which has proven itself well on the slipper, is also good here: it has excellent armor and an acceptable turning speed.

About its other characteristics, as well as the tactics of conducting combat on tank E-75, let's talk in video guide

Video guide tank E-75

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