Encyclopedia of weapons. Download makarov pistol detailed drawing with dimensions

In 1948, the Soviet gunsmith N.F. Makarov developed the design of a pistol, which today is known to everyone as the PM. From 1951 to this day, this pistol model has been used by members of the Russian armed forces and law enforcement agencies as a personal weapon for defense and attack.

The main purpose of the PM is to defeat the enemy at a short distance. The reliability of this weapon is ensured by the smooth operation of all elements of its automation. The article contains information about the main parts of the Makarov pistol.

Beginning of work

In 1947, the senior commanders of the Soviet army needed a new compact pistol. TT and by that time already outdated. It was necessary to create a new weapon - a "peacetime" pistol. In 1948, a competition was held at which Soviet weapons designers presented their developments.


Under the terms of the competition, the weapon must be equipped with a blowback and a self-cocking trigger mechanism. The already proven German Walther PP was taken as a basis. It was planned to create two samples of a pistol using ammunition of 7, 65 and 9 mm calibers. After testing the cartridges, gunsmiths noted that, compared to 7, 65, 9 mm, it is more powerful. It was decided to focus on this particular caliber. The end result of such work was the performance characteristics and the main parts of this weapon allow it to be used effectively during close combat.

How does automation work?

The Makarov pistol is self-loading weapons. The PM is easy to use, and the automatic pistol allows the owner to keep the weapon always ready for action. The automatic reloading process is carried out by such main parts of the Makarov pistol as the bolt and trigger mechanism. For this, the principle of recoil of a non-engaged bolt is used. During the shot, the barrel channel is locked due to the large mass of the shutter and the force of the return spring. To shoot, you do not need to cock the trigger first. It is enough to press the trigger.

The main parts and mechanisms of the Makarov pistol

The weapon is equipped with the following elements:

  • Receiver frame and trigger guard.
  • A shutter containing a drummer, an ejector and a fuse.
  • return spring.
  • Trigger mechanism.
  • handle.
  • Shutter delay.
  • Pistol shop.

These components are 7 main parts of the Makarov pistol.


The main parts of the Makarov pistol perform the following tasks:

  • The barrel directs the flight of the bullet. The trigger guard protects the trigger from accidental pressing.
  • The bolt feeds ammunition from the magazine into the chamber, locks the barrel channel during firing, holds the cartridge case in the bolt cup with the help of an ejector and sets the trigger to cocking. With the help of a drummer, the ammunition primer is broken. The fuse ensures the safety of the shooter during the operation of the gun.
  • The return spring after the shot sets the shutter in its original position.
  • USM is equipped with a trigger, a sear with a spring, a trigger, a cocking lever with a trigger rod, a mainspring and a valve to it. These main parts of the Makarov pistol provide fast action immediately after pulling the trigger. There is no need to pre-cock the trigger for this.
  • allows you to hold the bolt in the rear position with an empty magazine.
  • The handle with a screw provides a comfortable hold by the shooter of the Makarov pistol.
  • The pistol magazine holds eight rounds of ammunition.

Shop PM

This element has four elements:

  • The body of the store, which is used to connect all its parts.
  • A feeder that feeds ammunition into the chamber.
  • A spring that pushes the feeder with cartridges up.
  • A magazine cover designed to close the case.

The photo below shows the main parts of the Makarov pistol.

What provides security?

The left side of the shutter is equipped with a special fuse. With the help of automation and a mainspring, the trigger is mounted on a safety cock during the descent. It is affected by the curved (rebound) end of the spring pen: it turns the trigger at a slight angle from the bolt. Thus, the spring performs the function of "hang up" trigger. The sear with its nose is located in front of the safety cocking of the trigger. When the trigger is released, the mainspring feather acts on the trigger rod, and the cocking lever and sear are lowered to the lower position. Thus, the sear, pressing against the trigger, sets it on a safety cock.

How is the shot?

The process is carried out in several stages:

  • The start of the mechanics is carried out by pressing the trigger.
  • The trigger interacts with the drummer, as a result of which he breaks the cartridge primer.
  • Ignition of the powder charge. The resulting powder gases eject the bullet from the barrel channel.
  • Powder gases through the bottom of the sleeve act on the shutter, which, moving back, compresses the return spring. With the help of the ejector, the shutter holds the sleeve. Having reached the reflector, it is extracted through the shutter window.
  • The shutter in the extreme position deploys the trigger mounted on the trunnions until it is on the combat platoon.
  • In the most extreme position, the shutter is acted upon by a return spring, which pushes it back forward.
  • Moving forward, the shutter with the help of the rammer directs the next ammunition from the pistol magazine into the chamber.
  • The bolt “freed” from the cartridge closes the barrel channel. After that, the weapon is ready to fire again.

Shots from the Makarov pistol are fired until all the cartridges in the magazine are used up. After that, the shutter becomes on the shutter delay in the rear position.

Tactical and technical characteristics

  • The Makarov pistol is designed to fire 9 mm cartridges.
  • The weapon weighs 0.73 grams.
  • Length 161 mm.
  • The PM barrel has a length of 93 mm.
  • The fired bullet is capable of developing an initial speed of up to 315 m / s.
  • The PM has a rate of fire of 30 rounds per minute.
  • The pistol is designed for single-shot mode.
  • The effective firing range does not exceed 50 m.
  • The lethality of the bullet is 350 m.
  • The PM store is designed for 8 ammunition.

Small size, reliable, easy to operate and maintain - characteristics Makarov pistol. Of the wide variety of models belonging to the class of compact weapons for self-defense, the PM pistol is recognized as one of the best. Today it is used by officers of the armed forces and employees of law enforcement agencies.

alex---1967 10-06-2013 23:08

quote: And life is short...
And to think that somewhere out there, in the abysses of large Russian libraries, lie
such plans for themselves and are waiting for their discoverer ...

I think YOU are wrong. The libraries do not receive drawings and other technical documentation.
Such documentation is kept by developers, factories and arsenals, and later - when removed from service -
part is burned (not representing historical value), part is handed over to the archives. Which archives
I don’t know, but I assume that most of it settles (settled) in the archives of the artillery museum.
Here is his official website, if you wish, you can ask: http://www.artillery-museum.ru/contact.html

I'm already in this thread
posted some scans from a quick guide to this archive.
Also, part of the documentation settled in the Russian State Military Archive (RGVA) for 1917-1940 - I posted information in the same topic.
And the documentation for 1941 and later should, it seems, settle in the archives of the Ministry of Defense.
Even in the RGVA, some of the documents are still classified, not to mention the archive of the Ministry of Defense, so not everything is so simple ..
It may be difficult for you to translate unrecognized scans, so I have located the most interesting and spread it in text form:

pages 44-45

5. Military District Artillery Directorate of the Manchurian Army (1900-1906). F. 19.
1.106. Manchurian army. 1900-1906 S65 unit ridge

6. Office of the Field Inspector General of Artillery (1916-1917). F. 20.
1.36. Upart. 1917-1918 75 units ridge
2.55/5. Office of the Field Inspector General of Artillery.
1916-1918 42 items

7. St. Petersburg District Warehouse for Firearms, f. 9.
1.85. St. Petersburg warehouse of firearms. 1861 -1918 268 items

8. Petrograd district warehouse of firearms of the Petrograd military district. F. 2r.
1. Petrograd district warehouse of firearms of the Petrograd military district. 1918-1923 144 units xp,

9. Main research artillery range. F.7r.
1. Cases transferred from the technical archive of the polygon. 1923-1939 1290 items
2. Cases transferred from the technical archive of the polygon. 1924 - 1938 41 items
3. Cases transferred from the technical archive of the polygon. 1925-1939 84 units ridge
4. Cases transferred from the technical archive of the polygon. 1902-1936981 items
5. Cases transferred from the technical archive of the polygon. 1909-1943 1315 items
6. Cases transferred from the technical archive of the polygon. 1877-1938 4854 items
7. Documentary materials received from military unit 33491.1894-1956. 818 units ridge
8. Scientific works of military unit 33491.1903-1947. 302 units xp,
9. Drawings of the technical archive of military unit 33491.1931-1951. 327 units ridge
10. Tracing paper of the technical archive of military unit 33491.1923-1956. 208 units ridge
11. Scientific works. 1939-1949 8 units ridge
12. Paperwork of the landfill, 1914-1951 it 185 items.

I0. Central Light Lithotypography of the State Agrarian University. F. 9r.
1. Central Light Lithotypography of the State Agrarian University (drawings and plans). 1918-1941 567 units,
2. Central Light Lithotypography of the State Agrarian University (drawings and tracing papers). 1918-1941 3797 units ridge

11. Nii-1. F.36r.
1.Reports on scientific topics. 1955-1957 12 units ridge
2. Materials on the history of domestic artillery. 37 units ridge

12. Central Scientific Research and Testing Institute of Communications. K.E. Voroshilov. F. 61r.
1. Materials of O.I., Repina. 6 pts, xr.
2. Materials on the history of TsNIIIS. Works on the history of the search for communication. 1969-1987 14 units ridge
3. Research work. 1939 -1963 7sd.hr.
4. Research reports on the development of telephone sets and radio stations. 1940-1948 38 items

Foundation of the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society

1. Imperial Russian Military Historical Society (1907-1917). F. 11.
1.95/1. Imperial Russian Military Historical Society 1907 1917 474 units ridge
2.95/2. Imperial Russian Military Historical Society. Ser. XIX century, - 1917 157 items.

Pages 52-53

12.102. Track records: GAU, Artkom, factories, schools, training ground, warehouses. 1849-1918 157 items
13.102/1. Service lists. 1876-1917 7 items

3. Monthly reports (1850-1913). F. 26.
1.1. Monthly reports. 1833-1916 668 ea. ridge
2.2. Monthly reports. 1850-1903 94 units ridge
3.3. Monthly reports. 1850-1912 4148 units ridge

4. Collection of drawings (XVII - early XX centuries). F. 27.
1. Tula arms factory. 1813-1916 47 units ridge
2. Tula arms factory (worker). 1813-1880 82 units ridge
3.6. Izhevsk arms factory. 1808-1913 368 units ridge
4. Kazan powder factory. 1819-1892 173 items
5. Kazan powder plant (worker). 1829-1885 17 items
6. Okhtensky powder plant (worker). 1803-1897 96 units ridge
7. Shosten powder factory (worker). 1826-1892 37 units ridge
8. St. Petersburg (work). 1803-1915 211 items
9. St. Petersburg Arsenal (work). 1806-1900 41 units ridge
10. Pyroxylin plant (work). 1896-beginning 20th century 2 items
11. St. Petersburg powder factory (worker). 1729-1877 2 units ridge
12. St. Petersburg Cartridge Plant (worker). 1884-1898 17 units ridge
13. Nadezhda plant (worker). 1915 2 items ridge
14. Yekaterinoslav equipment workshop. 1917 1 unit ridge
15. Demievsky shell factory (worker). 1917 6 items ridge
16. Brass factory (work). Con. XIX - beginning. XX centuries 8 units ridge
17. Pipe factories (work). 1912-1916 4 units ridge
18. Various factories (worker), 1808-1916 23 units ridge
19. Putdayuvsky plant (worker). 2nd floor 19th century 6 units ridge
20.3. Drawings of the XVIII-XIX centuries. (from the department of military history). 3 units ridge
21. Ammunition (working). 1833-1895 8 units ridge
22. Plans of areas and fortresses (work). 1781-1913 140 pcs.
23.4. Lithographed editions of drawings of the Russian artillery. 9 units xp,
24.4/1, Lithographed editions of drawings of Russian artillery. 7 units ridge
25.5. Albums of drawings of foreign artillery. 1 unit ridge
26.7. Maps and schemes of military operations. 1830-1916 177 items

27.7/1. Geographic Maps. 20th century 10 units ridge
28.7/2. Maps and schemes of military operations. Beginning 18th century - 1912 29 units. ridge
29.8. Drawings of edged weapons, 1731-1941. 44 units ridge
30.9. Drawings of small arms. Con. XVIII 30s 20th century 74 units ridge
31.9/1. Small arms, cartridges, bullets, rifles, hand grenades. 1811-1933 110 items
32.10. Vehicles. 1750-1917 319 units ridge
33.11. Smoothbore artillery ammunition. 1710-1860 215 units ridge
34.12. Rifled artillery ammunition. 1883-1915 313 items
35.13. Bomb throwers, mortars, grenade launchers, trench mortars and their ammunition. 1915-1917 85 pcs.
36.14. Rockets, pyrotechnics. 1746-1920 18 units ridge
37.15. Drawings of smoothbore guns XVI - perv. floor. 19th century 1703-1870 526 units ridge
38.16. Sestroretsk arms factory. 1779 - beginning. 20th century 111 pcs.
39.17. Storage equipment. 1823-1855 24 units ridge
40.18. Lighting. 1840-1915 17 units ridge
41. Armored vehicles. 1915 2 units ridge
42. Maps. Okhtensky powder factory. 1799-1910 101 units ridge
43. Maps. Shostensky powder factory. 1793 - beginning. 20th century 185 units ridge
44. Maps. Bryansk arsenal. 1837 - con. 19th century 17 units ridge
45. Maps. Kazan arsenal. 1816 - ser. 19th century 7 units ridge
46. ​​Kart.. Kyiv Arsenal. 1826-1910 9 units ridge
47. Maps. Moscow arsenal. 1837- ser. 19th century !3 units ridge
48. Maps. Different arsenals? 1. Con. XVIII - beginning. XX centuries 52 units ridge
49. Maps. Fortresses and fortifications? 1.1709-1913 526 units ridge
50. Maps. Fortresses and fortifications? 2.1763-1899 147 units ridge
51. Maps. Settlement plans. 1742-1898 109 units ridge
52. Maps. City plans. Ser. XVIII century - 1859 and units. ridge
53. Maps. Monuments. 1848-1857 4 units ridge
54. Maps. Arsenals? 2. 1809-1913 30 units ridge
55. Maps. Artillery parks. 1826-1859 6 units ridge
56. Maps. Artillery yards. 1825-1839 3 eat. ridge
57. Maps. Warehouses, shops. 1812-1863 9i units ridge
58. Maps. Polygons - Beginning 19th century - 1897 16 units. ridge
59. Maps. Barracks. 1825-1846 39 items ridge
60. Maps. Arenas. 1804 1 unit ridge

Regarding the slightly different sizes of individual parts - so, probably, changes were constantly made in the drawings.
And to collect drawings of all and all kinds of modifications - this is not enough for a whole life ...

Makarov Pistol (PM) - Complete Guide

The automation of the pistol operates on the basis of the recoil of a free shutter, made in the form of a movable barrel casing. The return spring of the shutter is put directly on the barrel. Impact mechanism trigger - type, with an open trigger and a two-pronged mainspring located in the handle behind the magazine.

The trigger mechanism allows only single fire. The presence of self-cocking in the design allows you to fire the first shot, if there is a cartridge in the chamber, without pre-cocking the hammer. This increases the combat readiness of the weapon without compromising the safety of carrying it. The safety lever at the rear of the bolt simultaneously locks the trigger and the bolt with a frame. The fuse can be turned off with the thumb of the hand holding the weapon, i.e. The pistol can be operated with one hand.

A flat single-row magazine for 8 rounds is located in the handle. After the cartridges are used up, the shutter, with the help of the magazine feeder and the shutter delay, stops in the rearmost position. For shooting, cartridges with conventional or tracer bullets are used.

Appointment and combat properties pistol

The 9 mm Makarov pistol (Fig. 1) is a personal attack and defense weapon designed to engage the enemy at short distances.

Rice. 1. General view of the 9mm Makarov pistol

Pistol fire is most effective at distances up to 50 m. The lethal force of a bullet is maintained up to 350 m.
Pistol fire is carried out by single shots.
The combat rate of fire of the pistol is 30 rounds per minute.
The weight of the pistol with a loaded magazine is 810 g.
9 mm /9x18/ pistol cartridges are used for pistol shooting. The initial speed of the bullet is 315 m / s.
When firing, cartridges are fed into the chamber from a magazine with a capacity of 8 cartridges.

Pistol weight with magazine without cartridges 730 g
- The weight of the pistol with a magazine equipped with eight rounds of 810 g
- Pistol length 161 mm
- Pistol height 126.75 mm
- Barrel length 93 mm
- Barrel caliber 9 mm
- Number of grooves 4
- Magazine capacity 8 rounds
- Cartridge weight 10 g
- Bullet weight 6.1 g
- Chuck length 25 mm
- Combat rate of fire 30 rounds per minute
- Initial flight speed zeros 315 m / s General device and the work of the parts of the pistol.

The pistol is simple in design and handling, small in size, comfortable to carry and always ready for action. A pistol is a self-loading weapon, since it is automatically reloaded during firing. The operation of the automatic pistol is based on the principle of using the recoil of a free shutter. The shutter with the barrel has no clutch. The reliability of locking the bore during firing is achieved by a large mass of the bolt and the force of the return spring. Due to the presence in the pistol of a self-cocking trigger mechanism of the trigger type, it is possible to quickly open fire by directly pressing the tail of the trigger without first cocking the trigger.

The safe handling of the gun is ensured by reliably operating fuses. The pistol has a safety located on the left side of the slide. In addition, the trigger automatically becomes safety cocked under the action of the mainspring after the trigger is released (" lights out"trigger") and with the trigger released.

The trigger, under the action of the curved (rebound) end of the wide feather of the mainspring, is rotated at a certain angle from the bolt (this is " lights out"of the trigger) so that the nose of the sear is in front of the safety cocking of the trigger.

After the trigger is released, the trigger rod under the action of a narrow feather of the mainspring will move to the rear extreme position. The cocking lever and the sear will go down, the sear will press against the trigger under the action of its spring, and the trigger will automatically engage the safety cock.

Rice. 2. The main parts and mechanisms of the gun:

1 - frame with barrel and trigger guard; 2 - shutter with a striker, ejector and fuse: 3 - return spring: 4 - parts of the firing mechanism; 5 - handle with screw; 6 - shutter delay; 7 - shop

The gun consists of the following main parts and mechanisms (Fig. 2):

    frame with barrel and trigger guard;
    shutter with striker, ejector and fuse;
    return spring;
    trigger mechanism;
    screw handles;
    shutter delay;

Accessories are attached to each pistol: spare magazine, cleaning cloth, holster, pistol strap.

To fire a shot, you must press the trigger with your index finger. The trigger at the same time strikes the drummer, which breaks the primer of the cartridge. As a result of this, the powder charge ignites and a large amount of powder gases is formed. Bullet pressure of powder gases is ejected from the bore. The shutter under the pressure of gases transmitted through the bottom of the sleeve moves back, holding the sleeve with the ejector and compressing the return spring. The sleeve, upon meeting with the reflector, is thrown out through the shutter window.

The shutter, when moving to the rearmost position, turns the trigger on the trunnions back and puts it on a combat platoon. Moving back to failure, the shutter under the action of the return spring returns forward. When moving forward, the rammer advances the next cartridge from the magazine and sends it into the chamber. The bore is locked by a blowback; the gun is ready to fire again.

To fire the next shot, you need to release the trigger, and then pull it again. So the shooting will be carried out until the cartridges in the store are completely used up.

When all the cartridges from the magazine are used up, the shutter becomes on the shutter delay and remains in the rear position.

Disassembly of the gun can be incomplete and complete. Incomplete disassembly is carried out for cleaning, lubricating and inspecting the gun, complete - for cleaning when the gun is very dirty, after being exposed to rain or snow, when switching to a new lubricant, as well as during repairs.

Frequent complete disassembly of the gun is not allowed, as it accelerates the wear of parts and mechanisms.

When disassembling and assembling the gun, the following rules must be observed:

    Remove the magazine from the base of the handle (Fig. 3). Holding the pistol by the handle with the right hand, with the thumb of the left hand, pull the magazine latch back to failure, while pulling the protruding part of the magazine cover with the index finger of the left hand, remove the magazine from the base of the handle.

    Rice. 3. Removing the magazine from the base of the handle

    Check if there is a cartridge in the chamber, for which turn off the fuse (lower the flag down), move the bolt to the rear position with your left hand, put it on the bolt delay and inspect the chamber. By pressing the thumb of the right hand on the shutter delay, release the shutter.

    Separate the shutter from the frame. Taking the pistol in your right hand by the handle, with your left hand pull the trigger guard down (Fig. 4) and, having warped it to the left, rest it against the frame so that it is held in this position. During further disassembly, hold it in the given position with the index finger of the right hand.

    Rice. 4. Pulling the trigger guard

    With your left hand, take the bolt to its rearmost position and, raising its rear end, allow it to move forward under the action of a return spring. Separate the shutter from the frame (Fig. 5) and put the trigger guard in its place.

    Rice. 5. Separating the shutter from the frame

    Remove the return spring from the barrel. Holding the frame with your right hand by the handle and turning the return spring towards you with your left hand, remove it from the barrel.

    Reassemble the gun after incomplete disassembly in reverse order.

    Put a return spring on the barrel.

    Taking the frame by the handle in the right hand, with the left hand, put the return spring on the barrel with the end in which the extreme coil has a smaller diameter compared to the other coils.

    Rice. 6. Introduction of the free end of the return spring into the shutter channel

    Attach shutter to frame. Holding the frame by the handle in the right hand, and the bolt in the left, insert the free end of the return spring into the bolt channel (Fig. 6) and move the bolt to the rearmost position so that the muzzle of the barrel passes through the bolt channel and comes out (Fig. 7) ). Lower the rear end of the shutter onto the frame so that the longitudinal protrusions of the shutter fit into the grooves of the frame, and, pressing the shutter against the frame, release it. The shutter under the action of the return spring vigorously returns to the forward position. Turn on the fuse (raise the flag up).

    Rice. 7. Attaching the Shutter to the Frame

    Note. To attach the shutter to the frame, it is not necessary to pull down and warp the trigger guard. At the same time, when retracting the bolt to its rearmost position, it is necessary to lift its rear end up to failure so that the lower front wall of the bolt does not stick into the trigger guard crest, which limits the movement of the bolt back.

    Rice. 8. Inserting the magazine into the base of the handle

    Insert the magazine into the base of the handle. Holding the gun in your right hand, use the thumb and forefinger of your left hand to insert the magazine into the base of the handle through the bottom window of the base of the handle (Fig. 8). Press the magazine cover with your thumb so that the latch (lower end of the mainspring) jumps over the ledge on the magazine wall; a click should occur. Hitting the magazine with the palm of your hand is not allowed.

    Check the correct assembly of the gun after incomplete disassembly Turn off the safety (lower the flag down). Move the shutter to the rear position and release it. The shutter, having moved forward a little, becomes on the shutter delay and remains in the rear position. By pressing the thumb of the right hand on the shutter delay, release the shutter. The shutter under the action of the return spring must vigorously return to the forward position, and the trigger must be cocked. Turn on the fuse (raise the flag up). The trigger should break off the combat platoon and block.

    Complete disassembly of the pistol in the following order.

    Perform an incomplete disassembly of the pistol, guided by Art. 7.

    Separate the sear and slide delay from the frame. Take the gun in your left hand; holding the head of the trigger with the thumb of the left hand and pressing the tail of the trigger with the index finger, smoothly pull the trigger from the cocking.

    Rice. 9. Removing the sear spring hook from the slide delay

    Remove the hook of the sear spring from the slide delay with the wiping protrusion (Fig. 9). With the index and thumb of the right hand, turn the sear forward until the flat on the right pin coincides with the slot of the trunnion socket in the frame; then lift the sear and slide delay up and separate them from the frame (Fig. 10).

    Rice. 10. Separation of the sear and slide delay from the frame

    Separate the handle from the base of the handle and the mainspring from the frame. Unscrew the screw with a wiping blade and, moving the handle back, separate it from the base of the handle (Fig. 11).

    Rice. 11. Separation of the handle from the base of the handle

    Pressing the mainspring to the base of the handle with the thumb of the left hand, slide down and separate the mainspring valve from the base of the handle and remove the mainspring from the tide of the base of the handle (Fig. 12).

    Rice. 12. Separation of the mainspring from the frame

    In combat conditions, if there is no wiping at hand, the screw can be unscrewed with a slide delay reflector.
    In pistols of the first releases, the mainspring is attached without a valve.

    Separate the trigger from the frame. Holding the frame in your left hand and turning the trigger to the extreme front position, use the index and thumb of your right hand to turn the trigger forward until the flats on its trunnions coincide with the slots in the trunnion nests in the frame, move the trigger towards the barrel and remove it (Fig. 13).

    Rice. 13. Separation of the trigger from the frame

    Separate the trigger rod with the cocking lever from the frame. Holding the frame in your left hand, lift the rear end of the trigger rod with your right hand (Fig. 14) and remove the pin from the trigger hole.

    Rice. 14. Separation of the trigger rod with the cocking lever from the frame

    Separate the trigger from the frame. Holding the frame in your left hand, pull the trigger guard down with your right hand, as is done when the pistol is not completely disassembled; turning the tail of the trigger forward, remove the trigger trunnions from the trunnion sockets in the frame and separate the trigger from the frame. Put the trigger guard in place.

    Separate the fuse and striker from the bolt. Taking the shutter in the left hand, with the thumb of the right hand, turn the fuse box up; then, with the index and thumb fingers of the right hand, take the flag out of the socket somewhat to the side, turn further back and remove it from the shutter socket (Fig. 15).

    Rice. 15. Separation of the fuse from the shutter

    With light blows with the rear end of the bolt on the palm of your right hand, remove the drummer from the bolt.

    Separate the ejector from the shutter (Fig. 16). Put the shutter on the table (bench), with the right hand, using the protrusion of the wipe, drown the ejector yoke and, at the same time, pressing the forefinger of the left hand on the front of the ejector and turning it around the hook, remove it from the groove; after that, carefully remove the socket with the spring from the bolt seat.

    Rice. 16. Separation of the ejector from the shutter

    Dismantle the store. Taking the magazine in your left hand, with the thumb and forefinger of this hand, press the feeder spring to the feeder, with your right hand remove the magazine cover by its protruding part (Fig. 17) and remove the feeder spring and feeder from the magazine housing.

    Rice. 17. Dismantling the store

    Reassemble the gun after complete disassembly in reverse order.

    Assemble shop. Holding the magazine body in your left hand so that the magazine latch tab is in front and at the top, put the feeder into the magazine body with your right hand. Insert the feeder spring into the magazine body with the unbent end down and, pressing the spring with the thumb of the left hand (Fig. 18), push the lid onto the bent ribs of the case with the right hand so that the bent end of the spring jumps into the hole in the lid.

    Rice. 18. Shop assembly

    Attach the ejector to the shutter (Fig. 19). Put the shutter on a table (bench), with your right hand insert the ejector spring with a socket (bracket outward) into the shutter seat.

    Rice. 19. Attaching the ejector to the gate

    Put the ejector in the groove with a hook to the shutter cup and, holding it with the index finger of the left hand at the hook, drown the rubbing protrusion into the socket; simultaneously pressing the ejector to the yoke and down (turning around the hook), lower its heel into the shutter socket so that the yoke head is located above the ledge of the heel of the ejector.

    Attach the firing pin and fuse to the bolt. Take the bolt in your left hand with the back end towards you and put the firing pin into the bolt channel so that its cut in the back is facing the fuse socket. With the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, insert the fuse into the shutter socket (Fig. 20) and turn its flag down until it stops.

    Rice. 20. Attaching a fuse to the shutter

    Attach the trigger to the frame. Holding the frame in your left hand, pull the trigger guard with your right hand and skew it as is done when the pistol is not completely disassembled; insert the trigger head into the window of the frame post so that its trunnions enter the trunnion sockets of the frame; put the trigger guard in place.

    Attach the trigger rod with the cocking lever to the frame. Holding the frame in your left hand and pulling the tail of the trigger back, insert the trigger rod pin into the trigger hole and lower the rear end of the rod into the frame on the back wall of the handle base.

    Attach the trigger to the frame. Holding the frame by the base of the handle with your left hand and turning the trigger to the extreme forward position, with your right hand tilt the trigger head forward, insert its trunnions into the trunnion sockets in the frame (Fig. 21) and turn the trigger head back.

    Rice. 21. Attaching the trigger to the frame

    Attach the mainspring to the frame and the handle to the base of the handle. Put the gun on the palm of your left hand; turning the trigger forward and the cocking lever up, with your right hand insert the feathers of the mainspring into the frame window and put the spring with a hole on the tide of the base of the handle so that the wide feather of the mainspring is located in the recess of the trigger, and the narrow feather is on the heel of the cocking lever.

    Turn the gun so that the rear wall of the base of the handle is facing you, and, holding the mainspring with the thumb of the left hand on the magazine latch, and with the index finger of the front wall of the base of the handle, put on the mainspring latch with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand (Fig. 22 and 23 ).

    Rice. 22. Attaching the mainspring to the frame

    Rice. 23. Fixing the mainspring with a valve

    Check the correct setting of the mainspring, for which it is easy to press the tail of the trigger several times. If the trigger moves back, then the spring is set correctly. Put the handle on the base of the handle and screw in the screw until it stops, then loosen the screw half a turn.

    Attach the shutter delay and sear to the frame. Holding the frame in your left hand, insert the slide delay into the frame cutout with your right hand (Fig. 24); take the sear so that the flat on its right pin is facing forward; first insert the left pin of the sear (on which the spring is located) into the trunnion socket of the frame, and then insert the right trunnion of the sear into the trunnion socket in the frame. Turn the whisper back. With the protrusion of the wipe, put on the hook of the sear spring on the slide delay.

    Rice. 24. Attaching the shutter delay and sear to the frame

    Note. It is forbidden to cock the trigger by pressing the tail of the trigger and to release the trigger when the shutter is not attached to the frame.

    Perform further assembly, guided by Art. 8.

    Check the correct operation of the parts and mechanisms of the gun after assembly, as indicated in Art. 49. (Inspection of the assembled pistol)

    Cleaning and lubricating the gun

    The pistol must always be kept clean and in good working order. This is achieved by timely and proper cleaning and lubrication, careful handling of the gun and proper storage.

    Pistols are cleaned:

      in a combat situation, during maneuvers and long-term exercises in the field - daily during a lull in the battle or in between classes;
      after exercises, outfits and classes in the field without shooting - immediately after the end of the exercises, outfits or classes;
      after shooting - immediately after the end of shooting, it is necessary to clean and lubricate the bore and chamber; make a final cleaning of the pistol upon returning from shooting; in the next 3 - 4 days, clean the gun daily;
      if the gun is not in use - at least once every 7 days.

    Apply the lubricant only to a well-cleaned and dry metal surface immediately after cleaning to prevent moisture from affecting the metal.

    Soldiers and sergeants armed with pistols clean and lubricate pistols under the direction of the platoon commander (foreman of the company, battery). He determines the degree of disassembly of the gun, the correctness and quality of cleaning, gives permission for lubrication and assembly, checks the correctness of the lubrication and assembly.

    Officers clean and lubricate pistols on their own.

    In a barracks or camp location, cleaning of pistols is carried out in specially designated places on tables equipped or adapted for this purpose, and in a combat or marching situation - on bedding, boards, plywood, etc., previously cleaned of dirt and dust.

    To clean and lubricate the gun, use:

      liquid gun grease - for cleaning the gun and lubricating its parts and mechanisms at an air temperature of +5 to -50 o C;
      gun grease - for lubricating the bore, parts and mechanisms of the pistol after cleaning them; this lubricant is used at air temperatures from +5 o C and above;
      RChS solution (barrel cleaning solution) - for cleaning barrel channels and other parts of the gun exposed to powder gases;
      rags or paper KV-22 - for wiping, cleaning and lubricating the gun;
      tow (short flax fiber), peeled from the fire, - only for cleaning the bore.

    For the convenience of cleaning grooves, cutouts and holes, you can use wooden sticks.

    The pistol is cleaned with RFS solution only after firing at the shooting range or in the barracks. If, after firing, the pistol was cleaned with a liquid gun lubricant, then upon returning to the barracks, clean the pistol with an RFS solution.

    In the field, the gun is cleaned only with liquid gun grease.


    RFS solution is prepared in the subdivision in the following composition:
    water suitable for drinking - 1 l;
    ammonium carbonate - 200 g;
    potassium dichromate (chromic) - 3.5 g.

    The solution is prepared in the amount necessary for cleaning weapons within one day. A small amount of RFS solution can be stored for no more than 7 days in bottles, corked, in a dark place and away from heating devices. It is forbidden to pour RFS solution into oilers.

    Clean the gun in the following order:
    Prepare cleaning supplies and lubricants.

    Inspect the accessory, as indicated in Art. 58 (Inspection of wipe, holster and pistol strap), and prepare it for use in cleaning.

    Disassemble the pistol.

    Clean the bore. Pass a tow or rag through the wiping slot; the thickness of the tow layer should be such that the rubbing with tow is introduced into the barrel bore with a slight hand effort. Soak the tow with liquid gun grease. Introduce rubbing into the bore from the muzzle.

    Put the pistol frame on the table and, holding it with your left hand, with your right hand gently move the wipe along the entire length of the barrel bore several times. Change the tow and repeat the cleaning again. Wipe thoroughly. Wipe the bore dry first with tow, and then with a clean and dry rag.

    Inspect the rags, if traces of soot or rust are visible on the rags, wipe the barrel bore again with tow soaked in liquid gun grease, and then with dry tow or rags. Repeat the cleaning of the bore until the rag removed from the bore is clean. In the same way, clean the chamber. The chamber must be cleaned only from the breech by rotating the wipe with tow (rags) pressed against the ledge of the chamber.

    Cleaning with RFS solution should be carried out in the same order as with liquid gun grease, and continue until carbon deposits are completely removed and tampakization, i.e. until the brush or tow moistened with the solution leaves the bore without signs of soot or greenery. After that, wipe the barrel bore with dry tow or rags. The next day, check the quality of the cleaning done and, if when wiping the bore with a clean rag, carbon deposits are found on it, re-clean in the same order. After cleaning the threaded part of the barrel bore, clean the chamber in the same order.

    Carefully inspect the bore and chamber for light. When inspecting, pay special attention to the chamber and rifling angles, in which there should be no dirt and soot.

    Clean the frame of the pistol with the barrel and trigger guard. Wipe the parts dry with a rag until dirt and moisture are completely removed. Remove rust with tow or rags soaked in liquid gun grease.

    Clean the bolt, return spring, bolt delay and parts of the firing mechanism. If the pistol is cleaned after firing, then clean the bolt cup with tow or rags soaked in liquid gun lubricant or RFS solution until carbon deposits are completely removed. Wipe dry after cleaning. If the pistol has not been fired and there is no soot and rust on the bolt cup, then wipe it with a dry rag.

    Wipe the remaining metal parts and mechanisms dry with a rag until dirt and moisture are completely removed, using wooden sticks for this.

    The bolt, slide delay and parts of the trigger mechanism after the outfits and exercises without shooting should be cleaned assembled, after firing, the pistol was in the rain and heavy pollution - disassembled.

    Wipe the handle with a dry cloth or tow.

    Clean out the store. The store is cleaned after outfits and classes are assembled, and after shooting, the pistol is in the rain and heavy pollution, it is disassembled. After outfits and classes, wipe the store dry with a rag until dirt and moisture are completely removed. After firing, remove carbon deposits from the feeder with tow or rags soaked in liquid gun lubricant or RFS solution. After cleaning, wipe the feeder dry.

    Wipe the holster with a dry rag both from the inside and from the outside until dirt and moisture are completely removed.

    Wipe the wipe dry.

    Lubricate the bore. Pass a rag through the wiping slot. Soak a rag with grease. Introduce the wipe into the bore from the muzzle and gently advance it two or three times along the entire length of the bore to evenly cover the rifling and bore fields with a thin layer of lubricant. Lubricate the chamber from the breech by rotating the wipe with a rag.

    Lubricate other metal parts and mechanisms of the gun. Lubricate outer surfaces with oiled rags. To lubricate the channels, nests and holes, use an oiled rag wound on a wooden stick. Apply the lubricant in a thin, even layer. Excessive grease on gun parts contributes to contamination and may cause gun failure.

    Do not lubricate the holster, but only wipe it dry with a rag and dry it.

    Lubricate the wipe.

    Upon completion of lubrication, assemble the pistol, inspect it, check the correct assembly and operation of the parts and mechanisms of the pistol.

    A pistol brought from frost into a warm room must not be lubricated until it is " will sweat"; when drops of water appear, it is necessary, without waiting for the moisture to dry, wipe the parts and mechanisms of the gun dry and lubricate them.

    A pistol handed over for long-term storage must be thoroughly cleaned, the bore and trigger mechanism lubricated with liquid gun grease, wrapped in one sheet (layer) of inhibited paper and two sheets (layers) of paraffin paper and sealed in a cardboard box.

    Lubricate the parts and mechanisms of the gun at an outdoor temperature of +5 o C and below should only be liquid gun grease.

    The 9 mm pistol cartridge (Fig. 44) consists of a cartridge case, a primer, a powder charge, and a bullet.

    Rice. 44. Common view of a 9-mm pistol cartridge and its device:
    1 - sleeve; 2 - capsule; 3 - powder charge; 4 - bullet; 5 - bimetallic (clad) shell; 6 - steel core; 7 - lead shirt

    The sleeve serves to place the powder charge and connect all parts of the cartridge; during a shot, it prevents the breakthrough of gases from the bore through the chamber.

    At the bottom of the sleeve there are: a nest for a primer; an anvil on which the primer breaks with a briskness; two seed holes through which the flame of the explosive composition of the primer penetrates to the powder charge. Outside, at the bottom of the sleeve there is an annular groove for the ejector hook.

    The charge consists of smokeless pyroxylin powder.

    The capsule serves to ignite the powder charge. It consists of a brass cap with an impact composition pressed into it and a foil circle covering the impact composition. Upon impact of the striker, the impact composition ignites.

    The bullet consists of a bimetallic (clad) shell into which a steel core is pressed. There is a lead jacket between the bullet and the steel core.

    Cartridges for loading a pistol are equipped in a magazine for 8 rounds. The magazine is reloaded by inserting and sinking cartridges by hand.

    Cartridges are sealed in standard wooden cartridge boxes of 2560 pcs. in everyone. Each box contains two iron rolled or sealed galvanized boxes, in which cartridges are placed in cardboard packs, 16 cartridges per pack. One iron box holds 80 cartons.

    On the side walls of wooden boxes there are inscriptions indicating the range of cartridges placed in these boxes: the batch number of cartridges, the month and year of manufacture of cartridges and gunpowder, the manufacturer, the brand and batch of gunpowder, the number of cartridges in the box.

    The weight of one box with cartridges is about 33 kg.


    The position of the parts and mechanisms of the pistol before loading

    The parts and mechanisms of the pistol before loading are in the following position.

    The shutter under the action of a return spring is in the extreme forward position; the bolt cup rests against the breech section of the barrel, as a result of which the barrel is locked by a free bolt. The longitudinal protrusions of the shutter enter the grooves in the rear of the frame. The shutter with the frame is locked with a fuse rib.

    The trigger, under the action of a wide feather of the mainspring, is lowered and rests with the front plane against the protrusion of the fuse so that it cannot move forward.

    The sear is raised by a ledge shelf on the fuse axis and is held in such a position so that there is a small gap between the safety cocking of the trigger and the sear nose.

    The trigger rod with the cocking lever under the action of a narrow feather of the mainspring is retracted to the rearmost position; the cocking lever is recessed into the frame and its self-cocking protrusion is engaged with the trigger self-cocking tooth so that when the trigger tail is pressed, the trigger does not cock, but has some free play back.

    The magazine is inserted into the base of the handle. The feeder is located at the top and rests against the ridge of the shutter. The feeder tooth presses the shutter delay.

    The fuse box is in the " prevention". At the same time, the protrusion of the fuse is lowered down and comes into contact with the front plane of the trigger; the shelf of the ledge on the axis of the fuse, by acting on the sear tooth, lifts the sear up and holds it in this position; the fuse hook enters the trigger recess and, resting against its protrusion, locks the trigger in position" prevention"so that it cannot be cocked; the edge of the fuse has gone beyond the left ledge of the frame and locks the shutter with the frame.

    The work of parts and mechanisms of the gun when loading

    To load a pistol you need:

      equip the magazine with cartridges;
      insert the magazine into the base of the handle;
      turn off the fuse (turn the flag down);
      take the bolt to the rearmost position and release it sharply.

    When equipping the store, the cartridges lie on the feeder one on top of the other in one row, compressing the feeder spring; as the magazine fills with cartridges, the feeder spring compresses and, pressing the feeder from below, lifts the cartridges up. The upper cartridge is held by the curved edges of the side walls of the magazine housing.

    When inserting an equipped magazine into the base of the handle, the magazine latch jumps over the ledge on the wall of the magazine and holds the magazine in the base of the handle. The upper cartridge rests against the bolt ridge. The feeder is at the bottom, its tooth does not act on the slide delay.

    When the fuse is turned off (turning the flag down), the protrusion of the fuse rises and releases the trigger. When the fuse is turned, its hook, leaving the trigger recess, releases the protrusion of the trigger, which ensures free retraction of the trigger back. The shelf ledge on the axis of the fuse releases the sear, which falls under the action of its spring somewhat downward, and the nose of the sear becomes ahead of the safety cocking of the trigger (the trigger becomes on the safety cocking). When the fuse is turned, its edge comes out from behind the left protrusion of the frame and disconnects the shutter from the frame. In this case, the shutter can be retracted by hand.

    When the shutter is pulled back, the following happens:

    The shutter, moving along the longitudinal grooves of the frame, turns the trigger. The sear, under the action of a spring, jumps with its nose behind the cocking of the trigger. The movement of the shutter back is limited by the crest of the trigger guard. The return spring is in maximum compression.

    The trigger, when turned by the front part of the annular recess, shifts the trigger rod with the cocking lever forward and slightly upward, due to which a part of the free play of the trigger is selected. When the cocking lever is raised up, its cutout fits the protrusion of the sear.

    The magazine feeder, under the action of the feeder spring, raises the cartridges up so that the upper cartridge is in front of the bolt rammer.

    When the shutter is released, the return spring sends the shutter forward. Moving along the longitudinal grooves of the frame, the bolt rammer advances the upper cartridge into the chamber. The cartridge, sliding along the curved edges of the side walls of the magazine housing and along the bevel on the tide of the barrel and in the lower part of the chamber, enters the chamber and rests with the front cut of the sleeve against the ledge of the chamber; the barrel bore is locked by a blowback. The second cartridge, under the action of the feeder spring, is lifted by the feeder up until it stops against the bolt ridge.

    When the shutter reaches the extreme forward position and sends the cartridge into the chamber, the ejector hook jumps into the annular groove of the sleeve.

    The trigger is on a combat platoon.

    Rice. 45. The position of the parts and mechanisms of the pistol before the shot:

    The pistol is ready to fire (Fig. 45).

    The operation of parts and mechanisms of a loaded pistol when the fuse is turned on

    If a shot is not required, then, without releasing the trigger from the cocking, you should turn on the fuse by turning its flag up to failure so that the red circle is closed by the fuse flag.

    When the flag is turned, the fuse protrusion is lowered and, before the sear begins to rise, it gets in the way of the trigger; the axis of the fuse with a ledge shelf raises the sear, as a result of which the sear turns and releases the trigger; the trigger, under the action of a wide feather of the mainspring, turns and strikes the protrusion of the fuse; the fuse rib, turning, goes beyond the left ledge of the frame and locks the shutter with the frame. The safety catch, lowering, enters the notch of the trigger and locks it so that it is impossible to cock the trigger.

    If the fuse is turned off in this position, then the trigger thanks to " lights out"automatically becomes on the safety cocking. In this case, the pistol is ready for immediate opening of fire by self-cocking. The safety of handling the pistol in case of accidental impacts is ensured by the automatic setting of the trigger on the safety cocking.

    If the trigger is released not by a fuse, but manually, i.e. by pressing the tail of the trigger with the index finger of the right hand while holding the head of the trigger with the thumb of the same hand, then the trigger after releasing the trigger is also automatically (thanks to " lights out") becomes a safety platoon.

    The work of parts and mechanisms of the pistol when fired

    To fire a shot, you must turn off the fuse, cock the trigger and press your finger on the tail of the trigger.

    When the fuse is turned off and the trigger is cocked, the parts and mechanisms of the gun work as described in Art. 35. (Work of parts and mechanisms of the pistol when loading).

    When you press the tail of the trigger with your finger, the trigger rod moves forward, and the cocking lever, connected to the rear end of the trigger rod, turns on the rear pin of the trigger rod and rises until it rests with its cutout against the protrusion of the sear; then the cocking lever raises the sear and disengages it from the cocking cock. The disengaging protrusion of the cocking lever is included in the shutter recess.

    The trigger is released from the sear and, under the action of a wide feather of the mainspring, sharply turns forward on the trunnions and strikes the drummer.

    The drummer vigorously moves forward and breaks the primer of the cartridge with a striker; shot occurs.

    By the pressure of the formed gases, the bullet is ejected from the bore; at the same time, the gases press on the walls and bottom of the sleeve. The sleeve is distributed and tightly pressed against the walls of the chamber. The gas pressure at the bottom of the sleeve is transferred to the shutter, as a result of which it moves back. The work of parts and mechanisms of the pistol after the shot.

    The shutter from the pressure of powder gases on the bottom of the sleeve moves back along with the sleeve. At the beginning of the backward movement (at a length of 3.5 mm)

    the shutter with its protrusion displaces the uncoupling protrusion of the cocking lever to the right, thereby disengaging it from the sear (disengagement occurs).

    The released sear is pressed against the trigger under the action of the spring; when the trigger turns back to failure, the sear spout jumps over the cocking of the trigger and holds it until the next shot.

    With further movement of the shutter back, the uncoupling protrusion of the cocking lever slides along the groove of the shutter; the sleeve held by the ejector in the bolt cup hits the reflector and is thrown out through the window in the bolt wall.

    The feeder feeds the next cartridge and places it in front of the bolt rammer.

    The shutter, having reached the extreme rear position, under the action of a return spring returns to the front position; the rammer pushes the next cartridge out of the magazine and sends it into the chamber. When the shutter reaches the extreme forward position and sends the cartridge into the chamber, the ejector hook jumps into the annular groove of the sleeve.

    The cocking lever rests against the sear (on the side), and the disengaging protrusion, it is located against the notch on the bolt. The gun is ready for the next shot.

    To fire the next shot, release the tail of the trigger and press it again.

    When the tail of the trigger is released, the trigger rod with the cocking lever moves back under the action of a narrow feather of the mainspring, at the same time the cocking lever goes down and goes under the protrusion of the sear with its cutout.

    When you press the tail of the trigger, the cocking lever raises the sear and again releases the trigger from the sear. The next shot is fired.

    If the shutter does not reach the extreme forward position (the cartridge is dented), then the uncoupling protrusion of the cocking lever will not enter the recess on the shutter, as a result of which the cocking lever will not engage with the sear and, when the trigger is pressed again, will not turn the sear and will not pull the trigger . This eliminates the possibility of a shot if the cartridge is not completely sent to the chamber. The work of parts and mechanisms of the pistol when firing self-cocking.

    If the shooting is carried out without pre-cocking the trigger, then when the trigger is pressed on the tail, the trigger cocks automatically (Fig. 46). At the same time, the cocking lever, having entered into engagement with its self-cocking protrusion with the self-cocking tooth of the trigger, cocks the trigger. The trigger, without getting on the combat platoon (since at the moment of the breakdown, the sear turns out to be raised to the upper position by the protrusion of the cocking lever), breaks off from the protrusion of the self-cocking of the cocking lever and strikes the drummer; shot occurs.

    Rice. 46. ​​The position of the clockwork of the pistol before the self-cocking shot:
    1 - shutter; 2 - ejector; 3 - return spring; 4 - trigger; 5 - trigger pull; 6 - shop; 7 - mainspring; 8 - sear with a spring; 9 - cocking lever; 10 - trigger

    The work of parts and mechanisms of the pistol on the use of cartridges from the magazine

    When all the cartridges from the magazine are used up, the magazine feeder lifts the front end of the slide stop up with its tooth. The shutter, resting its tooth against the protrusion of the shutter delay, stops in the rear position.

    The trigger is put on a combat platoon.

    The feeder spring has the least compression. The shutter remains in the rear position also after removing the magazine from the base of the pistol grip, holding on to the shutter delay.

    The shutter is released from the shutter delay (when the magazine is removed or inserted) by pressing the shutter delay button with your finger.

    Delays when firing a pistol and how to eliminate them

    Gun at proper handling with it, careful care and saving is a reliable and trouble-free weapon.

    However, during prolonged operation due to wear of parts and mechanisms, and more often due to careless handling and inattentive care, delays in firing may occur.

    To prevent delays when firing a pistol and to ensure the non-failure operation of the pistol, it is necessary:

      properly prepare the pistol for firing;
      inspect, clean and lubricate the gun in a timely manner and in compliance with all rules; especially carefully monitor the cleanliness and lubrication of the rubbing parts of the gun;
      timely repair the gun;
      inspect cartridges before firing; do not use faulty, rusty and dirty cartridges for shooting;
      during shooting and when moving, protect the gun from contamination and shock;
      if the pistol was in severe frost for a long time before firing, then before loading it, vigorously retract the shutter with your hand several times and release it, and after each retraction and release of the shutter, release the trigger by pressing the tail of the trigger.

    If a delay occurs during firing, then it must be eliminated by reloading the pistol. If the delay is not eliminated by reloading, then it is necessary to find out the cause of the delay and eliminate it, as indicated below.

    Delays Cause of delays Remedies for delays

    Misfire. The shutter is in the extreme forward position, the trigger is released, but the shot did not occur 1. The primer of the cartridge is defective. 1. Reload the pistol and continue shooting.

    Thickening of the lubricant or contamination of the channel under the striker. 2. Inspect and clean the gun.

    The handle screw is not fully screwed in (in pistols without a mainspring valve). 3. Screw in the handle screw until it stops.

    Small exit of the striker or nicks on the striker 4. Send the gun to the workshop

    Non-coverage of the cartridge by the shutter. The shutter stopped before reaching the extreme forward position; the trigger cannot be released 1. Contamination of the chamber, frame grooves and bolt cup. Send the bolt forward with a hand push and continue firing. Inspect and clean the gun

    Difficult movement of the ejector due to contamination of the ejector spring or yoke

    Failure to feed or non-advance of a cartridge from the magazine to the chamber. The bolt is in the forward position, but there is no cartridge in the chamber; the shutter stopped in the middle position along with the cartridge, without filling it into the chamber 1. Contamination of the magazine and moving parts of the pistol. 1. Reload the pistol and continue shooting. Clean pistol and magazine.

    Curved top edges of magazine housing 2. Replace faulty magazine

    Sticking (infringement) of the sleeve by the shutter. The sleeve was not thrown out through the window in the bolt and wedged between the bolt and the breech section of the barrel 1. Contamination of the moving parts of the pistol. 1. Throw away the stuck cartridge case and continue firing.

    Malfunction of the ejector, its spring or deflector 2. If the ejector with spring or deflector is defective, send the gun to the workshop

    Automatic firing 1. Condensation of lubricant or contamination of parts of the firing mechanism. 1. Inspect and clean the gun.

    Depreciation of the combat cocking of the trigger or whispered nose. 2. Send the gun to the workshop.

    Weakening or breaking of the sear spring. Same

    Touching the shelf of the ledge of the fuse of the whispered tooth The same


    General provisions

    To determine the condition of the weapon, its serviceability and combat readiness, periodic inspections of pistols are carried out within the time limits established by the Charter of the internal service.

    Inspection of the gun is carried out in assembled or disassembled form. The degree of disassembly is determined before each inspection.

    Simultaneously with the inspection of the pistol, the holster, spare magazine, wiping and pistol strap are inspected.

    Every soldier armed with a handgun must inspect the handgun daily, before going to work, before firing, and during cleaning.

    Before going to class and immediately before shooting, inspect the pistol in assembled form, and during cleaning, in disassembled and assembled form.

    During the daily inspection of the gun, check:

      whether there are rust, dirt, scratches, nicks and cracks on the metal parts; what condition is the lubricant in;
      whether the shutter, magazine, trigger mechanism, fuse and shutter delay are working properly;
      whether the front sight and rear sight are working;
      whether the store is held at the base of the handle;
      whether the bore is clean.

    Pistol malfunctions must be repaired immediately; if they cannot be eliminated in the unit, the pistol must be sent to a repair shop.

    Typical malfunctions that cause abnormal pistol action are as follows:

      the front sight is beaten or bent - the bullets will deviate in the direction opposite to the movement of the top of the front sight;
      rear sight shifted - bullets will deviate towards the shift of the rear sight;
      nicks on the muzzle of the barrel - bullets will deviate in the direction opposite to the nicks;
      rubbing of the bore (especially in the muzzle), wear (rounding) of the rifling fields, scratches and nicks in the bore, reeling of the rear sight all this increases the dispersion of bullets. Inspection of the assembled pistol

    When inspecting the assembled pistol, check:

    Are there any rust deposits, scratches, nicks and cracks on the parts of the gun; whether the numbers on the shutter, fuse and magazines match the number on the frame.

    Are there any nicks on the front sight and in the slot of the rear sight that interfere with aiming; whether the rear sight is firmly held in the shutter groove and whether the risk on the rear sight coincides with the risk on the shutter.

    Is it easy to switch the fuse from one position to another and is it securely fixed in the extreme positions.

    Does the trigger have a rebound: when the trigger is lowered and the trigger pulled back to failure, the trigger head, when pressed with a finger of the hand, should move forward, and after the pressure stops, vigorously return to its original position; when the trigger is released and when the pressure on the head of the trigger is stopped, the trigger should be on the safety cocking and in this position, under sufficiently strong hand pressure, it should not break off the safety cocking and move forward.

    Is the trigger guard held securely in the frame and is it set to a skewed position to separate the shutter.

    Is the handle screw tightened.

    Is there any dirt, rust deposits or other defects in the bore? To do this, you need to put the shutter on the shutter delay and look into the bore from the muzzle, inserting white paper into the shutter window.

    Whether the walls and upper edges of the magazine body are bent and whether the feeder moves freely in the magazine.

    Whether the magazine (spare magazine) is freely inserted into and removed from the base of the handle and whether it is securely held by the magazine latch.

    Are the parts and mechanisms of the pistol working correctly? To check, you need to do the following work.

    Put the safety box in the fire position (lower it down), pull the shutter back with your hand to the full and release it; the shutter, moving forward a little, under the action of the shutter delay, should remain in the rear position. Press the shutter button; the bolt under the action of the return spring should vigorously return to the forward position, and the trigger should be cocked. Pull the tail of the trigger; the trigger must break from the cocking and hit the drummer.

    Remove the magazine from the base of the pistol grip and equip it with training cartridges; insert the magazine into the base of the pistol grip, pull the bolt back and release it; in this case, the bolt under the action of the return spring must reach the extreme forward position and send the cartridge into the chamber; when the bolt is pulled back again, the cartridge must be vigorously reflected outward through the window in the bolt.

    Turn the fuse box up to the "protection" position; at the same time, the trigger should break off the cocking, strike at the protrusion of the fuse and remain in a position somewhat retracted; after that, the shutter should be locked, the trigger should not be cocked either by direct action on it with the thumb of the hand, or by pressing the tail of the trigger (self-cocking).

    Put the fuse box in the "fire" position and pull the tail of the trigger; at the same time, the trigger must be cocked and, without becoming on a combat platoon, strike at the drummer.

    Put the trigger on the combat platoon and press the head of the trigger from behind; at the same time, he should not break off the combat platoon. Then press the tail of the trigger; in this case, the trigger must break off the cocking and deliver an energetic blow to the drummer.

    In the presence of spring scales, check the force of pulling the trigger from the cocking. The release of the trigger from the cocking must occur from a force on the trigger of at least 1.5 kg and not more than 3.5 kg.

    Whether the trigger is blocked by the safety lug when the safety is turned before the sear begins to rise. Perform the check as follows.

    Move the safety box to the " fire". Put the trigger on the cocking. Holding the gun in your right hand with the barrel down and watching through the groove in the bolt behind the sear, slowly move the fuse box up with the thumb of your right hand until the sear begins to rise.

    Having thus determined the position of the fuse by the time the sear began to rise (i.e., by the time the shelf touches the ledge of the sear fuse), holding the trigger with the thumb of the right hand, press the trigger with the index finger and, without releasing it, slowly bring the trigger to the forward position . In this case, the trigger must rest against the protrusion of the fuse, i.e. be blocked by a fuse (Fig. 48), as a result of which the shot does not occur.

    Rice. 47. Scheme of locking the trigger with the protrusion of the fuse:
    1 - whispered tooth; 2 - fuse ledge shelf; 3 - fuse protrusion

    Inspection of the gun in disassembled form

    In a disassembled pistol, each part and mechanism is examined in detail in order to check for metal fragmentation, stripped threads, scratches and nicks, curvatures, rashes, rust and contamination, and whether all parts have the same numbers.

    When examining the frame with the barrel and trigger guard, pay special attention to the condition of the barrel bore.

    Inspect the bore from the muzzle and from the breech. At the same time, check the cleanliness of the bore, the chamber and the serviceability of the breech cut of the barrel.

    Barrels can be with chrome and non-chrome channel and chamber.

    When examining a non-chrome-plated bore, the following disadvantages may be observed.

    A rash is the primary damage to a metal by rust. The rash has the appearance of dots and specks located in places or over the entire surface of the bore.

    Rust is a dark coating on metal. Rust, invisible to the eye, can be detected by wiping the bore with a clean rag, on which the rust leaves yellowish spots.

    Rust marks are the dark, shallow spots that remain after the rust has been removed.

    Shells are significant depressions in the metal, resulting from prolonged exposure to rust. It is forbidden to delete them in the unit.

    Copper plating - appears when firing clad bullets coated with tombak. Copper plating is observed in the form of a light copper coating on the walls of the bore. Removed only in the repair shop.

    Scratches - dashes, sometimes with a noticeable rise in metal along the edges.

    Removal of scratches in the bore is not allowed.

    Nicks - more or less significant depressions, sometimes with a rise in metal.

    Barrel swelling - noticeable in the bore in the form of a transverse dark solid ring (half-ring) or detected by the bulge of the metal on the outer surface of the barrel. Barrel expansion is not allowed.

    When determining the qualitative state of chrome-plated barrels, be guided by the Instructions for the categorization of artillery weapons.

    When inspecting a valve with an ejector, a striker and a fuse, pay special attention to the condition of the internal grooves, nests and protrusions, which should not be dirty and should not have nicks. Check whether the striker moves freely in the bolt channel, whether the ejector is pressed vigorously against the bolt cup, and whether the ejector hook and striker head are crushed.

    When inspecting the fuse, check if the latch is recessed, if there are any large bruises on the hook for locking the trigger, if the pin is worn out, if the edge of the fuse is worn out.

    When inspecting the return spring, check for burrs, rust, bends, dirt and breaks on it, whether it is firmly held on the barrel.

    When examining the parts of the trigger mechanism, pay special attention to the serviceability of the trigger, sear, trigger rod with the cocking lever. When inspecting the trigger pull, check if there is a lot of wear on the disengaging protrusion of the cocking lever; the cocking lever must rotate without jamming on the trigger pin. Check for crushing and wear of the combat and safety cocking of the trigger, stretching of the sear spring and wear of its spout. The feathers of the mainspring must not be broken.

    When inspecting the handle with the screw, check for cracks and chips, for stripped threads on the screw, for dirty grooves and recesses, and for dirt in the metal sleeve for the screw.

    When inspecting the shutter delay, make sure that it is in good condition. The shutter delay must not be bent or broken. Check for shredded metal on the reflector.

    When inspecting the magazine, pay special attention to the serviceability of the feeder tooth and the protrusion for the magazine latch; check that the upper edges of the magazine housing are not bent.

    Inspection of wiping, holster and pistol strap

    When inspecting, check if the rubbing is bent, if there are any nicks and scratches on it. There should be no shredded metal on the blade. Curvature of the wiping protrusion is not allowed.

    When inspecting the holster, check for tears and broken seams, the presence of loops, fasteners and an auxiliary strap.

    Check the condition of the pistol strap.

    Inspection of live ammunition

    Inspection of live ammunition is carried out in order to detect malfunctions that can lead to delays in firing a pistol.

    Cartridges are inspected before firing, when entering the outfit and by special order.

    When inspecting cartridges, check:

    are there any rust and green deposits on the sleeves, especially on the primer, bruises, scratches that prevent the cartridge from entering the chamber; whether the bullet is pulled out of the case by hand and whether the primer protrudes above the surface of the bottom of the case; cartridges with the indicated defects must be selected and returned,

    Are there any training cartridges among the combat cartridges?

    If the cartridges are dusty or dirty, covered with a slight green coating or rust, they must be wiped with a dry, clean rag.
    Preparing the pistol for firing

    The preparation of the pistol for firing is carried out in order to ensure the failure-free operation of the pistol during firing and to maintain its normal combat. For this you need:

      inspect the disassembled pistol in accordance with Art. 50 - 57; (Inspection of the pistol disassembled)
      inspect the assembled pistol in accordance with Art. 49; (Inspection of the assembled pistol)
      inspect the cartridges, as indicated in Art. 59 and 60; (Inspection of live ammunition)
      equip the store with cartridges, as indicated in Art. 86; (See section " Shooting Rules " - " Rules and techniques for firing a PM pistol " - " Ready for shooting ")
      just before shooting, clean and wipe dry the barrel bore.

      Handgun and ammo storage

    The gun must always be in good condition. It is the responsibility of the serviceman armed with the pistol to keep the pistol and accessories, who must handle the pistol with care and inspect it daily.

    In the barracks and camp location, pistols are stored unloaded and taken out of their holsters in cabinets or boxes with nests in accordance with the Charter of the Internal Service. Spare magazines are stored in nests next to pistols.

    For a short-term location in the settlement in apartments, keep the pistol with you.

    During fieldwork, on a hike, when traveling by rail and in cars, carry a pistol in a holster on a belt, which must be firmly fastened and properly fitted so that the holster does not hit hard objects.

    To prevent swelling or rupture of the barrel during firing, it is forbidden to plug or cover the bore with anything.

    In all cases not related to shooting, the safety box must be in the " prevention". When setting the fuse to the " fire" or " prevention"The fuse box must be set to the lowest or highest position.

    If, if necessary, the pistol is put into a damp holster, then at the first opportunity, remove the pistol from the holster, wipe it, clean it, lubricate it and dry the holster.

    In hot areas with dust in the air, as well as in coastal areas with high humidity, store the gun in accordance with special instructions.

    Cartridges should be stored in a dry place and, if possible, should be covered from sunlight, while handling them they should not be damaged, protected from impacts, moisture, dirt, etc.


    General provisions

    All pistols must be brought to normal combat.

    Checking the battle of the pistol is carried out:

      when a pistol enters the unit;
      after repair or replacement of parts of the pistol that may affect its performance;
      when abnormal bullet deviations are detected during firing.

    In a combat situation, each commander is obliged to use every opportunity to periodically check the combat of pistols.

    Checking the battle and bringing the pistol to normal combat

    Checking the combat of pistols is carried out by officers or excellent shooters in the presence of military personnel who are assigned pistols. Senior commanders up to and including the commander of the unit are obliged to monitor the exact observance of the rules for checking the combat of pistols and for bringing them to normal combat.

    Before checking the battle, the pistols are carefully inspected and the detected malfunctions are eliminated. During the inspection, a weapons technician (master) with the necessary tools must be present.

    The check of the battle is carried out in favorable conditions: in clear weather in calm or in a closed shooting range, or on a section of the shooting range protected from the wind.

    Checking the combat of a pistol is carried out by shooting at 25 m with cartridges of the same batch.

    Shooting is carried out on a black circle with a diameter of 25 cm, mounted on a shield 1 m high and 0.5 m wide.

    The aiming point is the middle of the lower edge of the black circle or the center of the circle. The aiming point should be approximately at the height of the shooter's eyes.

    On a plumb line above the aiming point, the normal position of the middle point of impact is marked (with chalk, colored pencil), which should be 12.5 cm higher than the aiming point or coincide with it if the aiming point is the center of the circle. The marked point is the control point.

    Checking the battle of the pistol is carried out from a standing position with a hand or from an emphasis (turf, a bag stuffed with sawdust) placed on some local object or stand.

    When shooting from the stop, the hand with the pistol must be in weight and not touch the stop.

    To check the combat of the pistol, the aimer fires four shots in a row, carefully and uniformly aiming. At the end of the shooting, the shield is inspected and the accuracy of the pistol battle and the position of the midpoint of impact are determined by the location of the holes.

    The accuracy of the pistol battle is considered normal if all four holes (in extreme cases, three, if one of the holes deviated sharply from the rest) fit into a circle (size) with a diameter of 15 cm.

    With satisfactory accuracy of the battle, the commander determines the middle point of impact and measures the amount of its deviation from the control point using a centimeter ruler. For convenience, measurements through the control point are drawn (with chalk, colored pencil) two lines - vertical and horizontal.

    To determine the midpoint of hitting four holes, it is necessary to connect any two holes with a straight line and divide the distance between them in half; connect the resulting division point with the third hole and divide the distance between them into three equal parts; connect the division point closest to the first two holes with the fourth hole and divide the distance between them into four equal parts. The point three divisions from the fourth hole will be the middle point of impact (Fig. 48).

    Rice. 48. Determining the midpoint of hitting four holes

    With a symmetrical arrangement of holes, the midpoint of impact can be determined in the following way:

    a) connect adjacent holes in pairs, reconnect the midpoints of both straight lines and divide the resulting line in half; the division point will be the middle point of impact (Fig. 49);

    Rice. 49. Determination of the midpoint of impact on four symmetrically located holes

    b) connect the holes in pairs crosswise with straight lines; the point of intersection of these lines will be the middle point of impact (Fig. 50).

    Rice. 50. Determination of the midpoint of impact on four symmetrically located holes

    To determine the midpoint of hitting three holes, two holes must be connected with a straight line; connect the middle of this line with the third hole; divide the new line into three equal parts; the point closest to the first line will be the midpoint of the hit (Fig. 52).

    Rice. 51. Determination of the average point of impact on three holes

    Having determined the midpoint of the hit, the commander measures the magnitude of its deviation from the control point. The mid-point of impact must not deviate more than 5 cm from the reference point in any direction. If the mid point of impact deviated from the control point by more than 5 cm, then the pistol is handed over to the weapons technician (master) for the appropriate movement or replacement of the rear sight; the rear sight is replaced by a lower (high) one if the midpoint of impact is above (below) the control point; the rear sight moves to the left (right) if the middle point of impact is to the right (to the left) of the control point.

    Increasing (decreasing) the height of the rear sight or moving it to the right (left) by 1 mm changes the position of the midpoint of impact in the corresponding direction by 19 cm.

    Note. It is forbidden to file the front sight of a pistol.

    Bringing the pistol to normal combat is considered complete when the pistol, both in terms of accuracy and in terms of the position of the midpoint of impact, satisfies the requirements of normal combat.

    After bringing the pistol to normal combat, the rear sight is fixed with a core; the old mark on the rear sight is cleared, and a new mark is stuffed in its place.

    Note. It is forbidden to clean the marks on the shutter wall.

General information. The purpose and combat properties of the pistol

1. The 9 mm Makarov pistol (Fig. 1) is a personal attack and defense weapon designed to engage the enemy at short distances.

Rice. 1. General view of the 9mm Makarov pistol

Pistol fire is most effective at distances up to 50 m. The lethal force of a bullet is maintained up to 350 m. Pistol fire is carried out by single shots. The combat rate of fire of the pistol is 30 rounds per minute. The weight of the pistol with a loaded magazine is 810 g.

2. 9 mm pistol cartridges are used for pistol shooting. The initial speed of the bullet is 315 m / s. When firing, cartridges are fed into the chamber from a magazine with a capacity of 8 cartridges.

The performance characteristics of the PM
USM - double action
Caliber, mm - 9x18 PM
Overall dimensions, mm - 161.5x126.75x30.5
Barrel length, mm - 93.5
Rifling - 4 right-handed
Magazine capacity, patr. - 8
Weight, kg:
without cartridges - 0.73
equipped - 0.81
Rate of fire, rds / min.: - 30
Muzzle velocity, m/s: - 315
Sighting range, m: - 50
The lethal force of the bullet is preserved, m - up to 350
Muzzle energy, J - 300

General arrangement and operation of parts of the gun

3. The pistol is simple in design and handling, small in size, comfortable to carry and always ready for action. The pistol is a self-loading weapon, since it is automatically reloaded during firing. The operation of the automatic pistol is based on the principle of using the recoil of a free shutter.

The shutter with the barrel has no clutch. The reliability of locking the bore during firing is achieved by a large mass of the bolt and the force of the return spring. Due to the presence in the pistol of a self-cocking trigger mechanism of the trigger type, it is possible to quickly open fire by directly pressing the tail of the trigger without first cocking the trigger.

The safe handling of the gun is ensured by reliably operating fuses. The pistol has a safety located on the left side of the slide. In addition, the trigger automatically becomes safety cocked under the action of the mainspring after the trigger is released ("hang up" the trigger) and when the trigger is released.

The trigger, under the action of the curved (rebound) end of the wide feather of the mainspring, is rotated at a certain angle from the bolt (this is the “hang up” of the trigger) so that the sear nose is in front of the safety cocking of the trigger.

After the trigger is released, the trigger rod under the action of a narrow feather of the mainspring will move to the rear extreme position. The cocking lever and the sear will go down, the sear will press against the trigger under the action of its spring, and the trigger will automatically engage the safety cock.

1 - frame with barrel and trigger guard; 2 - shutter with a striker, ejector and fuse: 3 - return spring: 4 - parts of the firing mechanism; 5 - handle with screw; 6 - shutter delay; 7 - shop." rel="lightbox">
Rice. 2. The main parts and mechanisms of the gun:
1 - frame with barrel and trigger guard; 2 - shutter with a striker, ejector and fuse: 3 - return spring: 4 - parts of the firing mechanism; 5 - handle with screw; 6 - shutter delay; 7 - shop.

4. The gun consists of the following main parts and mechanisms (Fig. 2):

  • - frame with barrel and trigger guard;
  • - shutter with striker, ejector and fuse;
  • - return spring;
  • - trigger mechanism;
  • - handles with screw;
  • - shutter delay;
  • - shop.

Accessories are attached to each pistol: spare magazine, cleaning cloth, holster, pistol strap.

5. To fire a shot, you must press the trigger with your index finger. The trigger at the same time strikes the drummer, which breaks the primer of the cartridge. As a result of this, the powder charge ignites and a large amount of powder gases is formed. Bullet pressure of powder gases is ejected from the bore. The shutter under the pressure of gases transmitted through the bottom of the sleeve moves back, holding the sleeve with the ejector and compressing the return spring. The sleeve, upon meeting with the reflector, is thrown out through the shutter window.

The shutter, when moving to the rearmost position, turns the trigger on the trunnions back and puts it on a combat platoon. Moving back to failure, the shutter under the action of the return spring returns forward. When moving forward, the rammer advances the next cartridge from the magazine and sends it into the chamber. The bore is locked by a blowback; the gun is ready to fire again.

To fire the next shot, you need to release the trigger, and then pull it again. So the shooting will be carried out until the cartridges in the store are completely used up. When all the cartridges from the magazine are used up, the shutter becomes on the shutter delay and remains in the rear position.

Disassembly and assembly of the gun

6. Disassembly of the gun can be incomplete and complete. Incomplete disassembly is carried out for cleaning, lubricating and inspecting the gun, complete disassembly is for cleaning when the gun is very dirty, after being exposed to rain or snow, when switching to a new lubricant, as well as during repairs.

Frequent complete disassembly of the gun is not allowed, as it accelerates the wear of parts and mechanisms.

When disassembling and assembling the gun, the following rules must be observed:

  • - disassembly and assembly should be carried out on a table or bench, and in the field on a clean bedding;
  • - put parts and mechanisms in the order of disassembly, handle them carefully, avoid excessive efforts and sharp blows;
  • - when assembling, pay attention to the numbering of parts so as not to confuse them with parts of other pistols.

7. Incomplete disassembly of the pistol is carried out in the following order.

1) Remove the magazine from the base of the handle (Fig. 3). Holding the pistol by the handle with the right hand, with the thumb of the left hand, pull the magazine latch back to failure, while pulling the protruding part of the magazine cover with the index finger of the left hand, remove the magazine from the base of the handle.

Rice. 3. Removing the magazine from the base of the handle

Check if there is a cartridge in the chamber, for which turn off the fuse (lower the flag down), move the bolt to the rear position with your left hand, put it on the bolt delay and inspect the chamber. By pressing the thumb of the right hand on the shutter delay, release the shutter.

2) Separate the shutter from the frame. Taking the pistol in your right hand by the handle, with your left hand pull the trigger guard down (Fig. 4) and, having warped it to the left, rest it against the frame so that it is held in this position. During further disassembly, hold it in the given position with the index finger of the right hand.

Rice. 4. Pulling the trigger guard

With your left hand, take the bolt to its rearmost position and, raising its rear end, allow it to move forward under the action of a return spring. Separate the shutter from the frame (Fig. 5) and put the trigger guard in its place.

Rice. 5. Separating the shutter from the frame

3) Remove the return spring from the barrel. Holding the frame with your right hand by the handle and turning the return spring towards you with your left hand, remove it from the barrel.

8. Reassemble the gun after incomplete disassembly in reverse order.

1) Put the return spring on the barrel.

Taking the frame by the handle in the right hand, with the left hand, put the return spring on the barrel with the end in which the extreme coil has a smaller diameter compared to the other coils.

Rice. 6. Introduction of the free end of the return spring into the shutter channel

2) Attach the shutter to the frame. Holding the frame by the handle in the right hand, and the bolt in the left, insert the free end of the return spring into the bolt channel (Fig. 6) and move the bolt to the rearmost position so that the muzzle of the barrel passes through the bolt channel and comes out (Fig. 7) ).

Lower the rear end of the shutter onto the frame so that the longitudinal protrusions of the shutter fit into the grooves of the frame, and, pressing the shutter against the frame, release it. The shutter under the action of the return spring vigorously returns to the forward position. Turn on the fuse (raise the flag up).

Rice. 7. Attaching the Shutter to the Frame

Note: To attach the shutter to the frame, it is not necessary to pull down and warp the trigger guard. At the same time, when retracting the bolt to its rearmost position, it is necessary to lift its rear end up to failure so that the lower front wall of the bolt does not stick into the trigger guard crest, which limits the movement of the bolt back.

Rice. 8. Inserting the magazine into the base of the handle

3) Insert the magazine into the base of the handle. Holding the gun in your right hand, use the thumb and forefinger of your left hand to insert the magazine into the base of the handle through the bottom window of the base of the handle (Fig. 8). Press the magazine cover with your thumb so that the latch (lower end of the mainspring) jumps over the ledge on the magazine wall; a click should occur. Hitting the magazine with the palm of your hand is not allowed.

9. Check the correct assembly of the gun after incomplete disassembly Turn off the safety (lower the flag down). Move the shutter to the rear position and release it. The shutter, having moved forward a little, becomes on the shutter delay and remains in the rear position.

By pressing the thumb of the right hand on the shutter delay, release the shutter. The shutter under the action of the return spring must vigorously return to the forward position, and the trigger must be cocked. Turn on the fuse (raise the flag up). The trigger should break off the combat platoon and block.

10. Complete disassembly of the pistol in the following order.

1) Perform an incomplete disassembly of the pistol, guided by article 7.

2) Separate the sear and slide delay from the frame. Take the gun in your left hand; holding the head of the trigger with the thumb of the left hand and pressing the tail of the trigger with the index finger, smoothly pull the trigger from the cocking.

Rice. 9. Removing the sear spring hook from the slide delay

Remove the hook of the sear spring from the slide delay with the wiping protrusion (Fig. 9). Turn the sear forward with the index and thumb fingers of the right hand until the flat on the right trunnion coincides with the slot of the trunnion socket in the frame; then lift the sear and slide delay up and separate them from the frame (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Separation of the sear and slide delay from the frame

3) Separate the handle from the base of the handle and the mainspring from the frame. Unscrew the screw with a wiping blade and, moving the handle back, separate it from the base of the handle (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Separation of the handle from the base of the handle

Pressing the mainspring to the base of the handle with the thumb of the left hand, slide down and separate the mainspring valve from the base of the handle and remove the mainspring from the tide of the base of the handle (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Separation of the mainspring from the frame

1. In combat conditions, if there is no wiping at hand, the screw can be unscrewed with a slide delay reflector.
2. In pistols of the first releases, the mainspring is attached without a valve.

4) Separate the trigger from the frame. Holding the frame in your left hand and turning the trigger to the extreme front position, use the index and thumb of your right hand to turn the trigger forward until the flats on its trunnions coincide with the slots in the trunnion sockets in the frame, move the trigger towards the barrel and remove it (Fig. 13) .

Rice. 13. Separation of the trigger from the frame

5) Separate the trigger rod with the cocking lever from the frame. Holding the frame in your left hand, lift the rear end of the trigger rod with your right hand (Fig. 14) and remove the pin from the trigger hole.

Rice. 14. Separation of the trigger rod with the cocking lever from the frame

6) Separate the trigger from the frame. Holding the frame in your left hand, pull the trigger guard down with your right hand, as is done when the pistol is not completely disassembled; turning the tail of the trigger forward, remove the trigger trunnions from the trunnion sockets in the frame and separate the trigger from the frame. Put the trigger guard in place.

7) Separate the fuse and striker from the bolt. Taking the shutter in the left hand, with the thumb of the right hand, turn the fuse box up; then, with the index and thumb fingers of the right hand, take the flag out of the socket somewhat to the side, turn further back and remove it from the shutter socket (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Separation of the fuse from the shutter

With light blows with the rear end of the bolt on the palm of your right hand, remove the drummer from the bolt.

8) Separate the ejector from the shutter (Fig. 16). Put the shutter on the table (bench), with the right hand, using the protrusion of the wipe, drown the ejector yoke and, at the same time, pressing the forefinger of the left hand on the front of the ejector and turning it around the hook, remove it from the groove; after that, carefully remove the socket with the spring from the bolt seat.

Rice. 16. Separation of the ejector from the shutter

9) Disassemble the store. Taking the magazine in your left hand, with the thumb and forefinger of this hand, press the feeder spring to the feeder, with your right hand remove the magazine cover by its protruding part (Fig. 17) and remove the feeder spring and feeder from the magazine housing.

Rice. 17. Dismantling the store

11. Reassemble the gun after complete disassembly in reverse order.

1) Assemble the store. Holding the magazine body in your left hand so that the magazine latch tab is in front and at the top, put the feeder into the magazine body with your right hand. Insert the feeder spring into the magazine body with the non-bent end down and, pressing the spring with the thumb of the left hand (Fig. 18), push the lid onto the bent ribs of the case with the right hand so that the bent end of the spring jumps into the hole in the lid.

Rice. 18. Shop assembly

2) Attach the ejector to the shutter (Fig. 19). Put the shutter on a table (bench), with your right hand insert the ejector spring with a socket (bracket outward) into the shutter seat.

Rice. 19. Attaching the ejector to the gate

Put the ejector in the groove with a hook to the shutter cup and, holding it with the index finger of the left hand at the hook, drown the rubbing protrusion into the socket; simultaneously pressing the ejector to the yoke and down (turning around the hook), lower its heel into the shutter socket so that the yoke head is located above the ledge of the heel of the ejector.

3) Attach the firing pin and fuse to the bolt. Take the bolt in your left hand with the back end towards you and put the firing pin into the bolt channel so that its cut in the back is facing the fuse socket. With the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, insert the fuse into the shutter socket (Fig. 20) and turn its flag down until it stops.

Rice. 20. Attaching a fuse to the shutter

4) Attach the trigger to the frame. Holding the frame in your left hand, pull the trigger guard with your right hand and skew it as is done when the pistol is not completely disassembled; insert the trigger head into the window of the frame post so that its trunnions enter the trunnion sockets of the frame; put the trigger guard in place.

5) Attach the trigger rod with the cocking lever to the frame. Holding the frame in your left hand and pulling the tail of the trigger back, insert the trigger rod pin into the trigger hole and lower the rear end of the rod into the frame on the back wall of the handle base.

6) Attach the trigger to the frame. Holding the frame by the base of the handle with your left hand and turning the trigger to the extreme forward position, with your right hand tilt the trigger head forward, insert its trunnions into the trunnion sockets in the frame (Fig. 21) and turn the trigger head back.

Rice. 21. Attaching the trigger to the frame

7) Attach the mainspring to the frame and the handle to the base of the handle. Put the gun on the palm of your left hand; turning the trigger forward and the cocking lever up, with your right hand insert the feathers of the mainspring into the frame window and put the spring with a hole on the tide of the base of the handle so that the wide feather of the mainspring is located in the recess of the trigger, and the narrow feather is on the heel of the cocking lever.

Turn the gun so that the rear wall of the base of the handle is facing you, and, holding the mainspring with the thumb of the left hand on the magazine latch, and with the index finger of the front wall of the base of the handle, put on the mainspring latch with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand (Fig. 22 and 23 ).

Rice. 22. Attaching the mainspring to the frame

Rice. 23. Fixing the mainspring with a valve

Check the correct setting of the mainspring, for which it is easy to press the tail of the trigger several times. If the trigger moves back, then the spring is set correctly. Put the handle on the base of the handle and screw in the screw until it stops, then loosen the screw half a turn.

8) Attach the shutter delay and sear to the frame. Holding the frame in your left hand, insert the slide delay into the frame cutout with your right hand (Fig. 24); take the sear so that the flat on its right pin is facing forward; first insert the left pin of the sear (on which the spring is located) into the trunnion socket of the frame, and then insert the right trunnion of the sear into the trunnion socket in the frame. Turn the whisper back. With the protrusion of the wipe, put on the hook of the sear spring on the slide delay.

Rice. 24. Attaching the shutter delay and sear to the frame

Note: It is forbidden to cock the trigger by pressing the tail of the trigger and to release the trigger when the shutter is not attached to the frame.

9) Perform further assembly, guided by Art. 8.

10) Check the correct operation of the parts and mechanisms of the pistol after assembly, as indicated in Art. 49. (Inspection of the assembled pistol)

Cleaning and lubricating the gun

12. The pistol must always be kept clean and in good working order. This is achieved by timely and proper cleaning and lubrication, careful handling of the gun and proper storage.

13. Pistols are cleaned:

  • - in a combat situation, during maneuvers and long-term exercises in the field - daily during a lull in the battle or in between classes;
  • - after exercises, outfits and classes in the field without shooting - immediately after the end of the exercises, outfits or classes;
  • - after firing - immediately after firing, it is necessary to clean and lubricate the bore and chamber; make a final cleaning of the pistol upon returning from shooting; in the next 3-4 days, clean the gun daily;
  • - if the gun is not in use, - at least once every 7 days.

14. Apply the lubricant only to a well-cleaned and dry metal surface immediately after cleaning to prevent moisture from affecting the metal.

15. Soldiers and sergeants armed with pistols clean and lubricate pistols under the direction of the platoon commander (foreman of the company, battery). He determines the degree of disassembly of the gun, the correctness and quality of cleaning, gives permission for lubrication and assembly, checks the correctness of the lubrication and assembly.

16. In a barracks or camp location, cleaning of pistols is carried out in specially designated places on tables equipped or adapted for this purpose, and in a combat or marching situation - on bedding, boards, plywood, etc., previously cleaned of dirt and dust.

17. To clean and lubricate the gun, use:

  • - liquid gun grease - for cleaning the gun and lubricating its parts and mechanisms at an air temperature of +5 to -50 ° C;
  • - gun grease - for lubricating the bore, parts and mechanisms of the pistol after cleaning them; this grease is used at air temperatures from +5 ° C and above;
  • - RChS solution (barrel cleaning solution) - for cleaning barrel channels and other parts of the gun exposed to powder gases;
  • - rags or paper KV-22 - for wiping, cleaning and lubricating the gun;
  • - tow (short flax fiber), peeled from the fire, - only for cleaning the bore.

For the convenience of cleaning grooves, cutouts and holes, you can use wooden sticks.

The pistol is cleaned with RFS solution only after firing at the shooting range or in the barracks. If, after firing, the pistol was cleaned with a liquid gun lubricant, then upon returning to the barracks, clean the pistol with an RFS solution.

In the field, the gun is cleaned only with liquid gun grease.

Note: RFS solution is prepared in the subdivision in the following composition:
drinking water - 1 l;
ammonium carbonate - 200 g;
potassium dichromate (chromic) - 3-5 g.
The solution is prepared in the amount necessary for cleaning weapons within one day. A small amount of RFS solution can be stored for no more than 7 days in bottles, corked, in a dark place and away from heating devices. It is forbidden to pour RFS solution into oilers.

18. Clean the gun in the following order.

1) Prepare cleaning materials and lubricants.

2) Inspect the accessory, as indicated in Art. 58 (Inspection of wipe, holster and pistol strap), and prepare it for use in cleaning.

3) Disassemble the gun.

4) Clean the bore. Pass a tow or rag through the wiping slot; the thickness of the tow layer should be such that the rubbing with tow is introduced into the barrel bore with a slight hand effort. Soak the tow with liquid gun grease. Introduce rubbing into the bore from the muzzle. Put the pistol frame on the table and, holding it with your left hand, with your right hand gently move the wipe along the entire length of the barrel bore several times. Change the tow and repeat the cleaning again. Wipe thoroughly. Wipe the bore dry first with tow, and then with a clean and dry rag.

Examine the rag; if traces of soot or rust are visible on the rags, wipe the barrel bore again with tow soaked in liquid gun lubricant, and then with dry tow or rags. Repeat the cleaning of the bore until the rag removed from the bore is clean. In the same way, clean the chamber. The chamber must be cleaned only from the breech by rotating the wipe with tow (rags) pressed against the ledge of the chamber.

Cleaning with RFS solution should be carried out in the same order as with liquid gun grease, and continue until carbon deposits and tombacization are completely removed, i.e., until a brush or tow moistened with a solution leaves the bore without signs of carbon deposits or greenery. After that, wipe the barrel bore with dry tow or rags.

The next day, check the quality of the cleaning done and, if when wiping the bore with a clean rag, carbon deposits are found on it, re-clean in the same order. After cleaning the threaded part of the barrel bore, clean the chamber in the same order.

Carefully inspect the bore and chamber for light. When inspecting, pay special attention to the chamber and rifling angles, in which there should be no dirt and soot.

5) Clean the frame of the pistol with the barrel and trigger guard. Wipe the parts dry with a rag until dirt and moisture are completely removed. Remove rust with tow or rags soaked in liquid gun grease.

6) Clean the bolt, recoil spring, bolt delay and parts of the firing mechanism. If the pistol is cleaned after firing, then clean the bolt cup with tow or rags soaked in liquid gun lubricant or RFS solution until carbon deposits are completely removed. Wipe dry after cleaning. If the pistol has not been fired and there is no soot and rust on the bolt cup, then wipe it with a dry rag.

Wipe the remaining metal parts and mechanisms dry with a rag until dirt and moisture are completely removed, using wooden sticks for this.

The bolt, slide delay and parts of the trigger mechanism after outfits and exercises without shooting should be cleaned assembled, after firing, the pistol was in the rain and heavy pollution, disassembled.

7) Wipe the handle with a dry cloth or tow.

8) Clean out the store. The store is cleaned after outfits and classes are assembled, and after shooting, the pistol is in the rain and heavy pollution, it is disassembled. After outfits and classes, wipe the store dry with a rag until dirt and moisture are completely removed. After firing, remove carbon deposits from the feeder with tow or rags soaked in liquid gun lubricant or RFS solution. After cleaning, wipe the feeder dry.

9) Wipe the holster with a dry rag both from the inside and from the outside until dirt and moisture are completely removed.

10) Wipe the rubbing dry.

19. Lubricate the gun in the following order.

1) Lubricate the bore. Pass a rag through the wiping slot. Soak a rag with grease. Introduce the wipe into the bore from the muzzle and gently advance it two or three times along the entire length of the bore to evenly cover the rifling and bore fields with a thin layer of lubricant. Lubricate the chamber from the breech by rotating the wipe with a rag.

2) Lubricate other metal parts and mechanisms of the gun. Lubricate outer surfaces with oiled rags. To lubricate the channels, nests and holes, use an oiled rag wound on a wooden stick. Apply the lubricant in a thin, even layer. Excessive grease on gun parts contributes to contamination and may cause gun failure.

Do not lubricate the holster, but only wipe it dry with a rag and dry it.

3) Lubricate the rub.

4) After lubrication, assemble the gun, inspect it, check the correct assembly and operation of the parts and mechanisms of the gun.

20. A gun brought from frost into a warm room cannot be lubricated until it "sweats"; when drops of water appear, it is necessary, without waiting for the moisture to dry, wipe the parts and mechanisms of the pistol dry and lubricate them.

21. A pistol handed over for long-term storage must be thoroughly cleaned, the bore and trigger mechanism lubricated with liquid gun grease, wrapped in one sheet (layer) of inhibited paper and two sheets (layers) of waxed paper and sealed in a cardboard box.

22. Lubricate the parts and mechanisms of the gun at an outdoor temperature of +5 ° C and below should only be liquid gun grease.

Purpose and arrangement of parts and mechanisms of the pistol

23. Frame with barrel and trigger guard (Fig. 25).

Rice. 25. Frame with barrel and trigger guard:
A - left-hand side; b - right side; 1 - base of the handle; 2 - trunk; 3 - rack for mounting the barrel; 4 - window for placing the trigger and trigger guard comb; 5 - trunnion sockets for trigger pins; 6 - curved groove for placement and movement of the front trunnion of the trigger rod; 7 - pin sockets for pins of the trigger and sear; 8 - grooves for the direction of movement of the shutter; 9 - window for the feathers of the mainspring; 10 - cutout for the shutter delay; // - a tide with a threaded hole for attaching the handle with a screw and a mainspring with a valve; 12 - cutout for the magazine latch; 13 - tide with a socket for attaching the trigger guard; 14 - side windows; !5 - trigger guard; 16 - comb to limit the movement of the shutter back; 17 - window to exit the top of the store

The barrel serves to direct the flight of the bullet. Inside the barrel has a channel with four rifling, winding from left to right. The rifling serves to communicate rotational motion to the pool. The gaps between the grooves are called fields. The distance between two opposite fields (in diameter) determines the caliber of the bore; it is equal to 9 mm. From the breech, the bore is smooth and of larger diameter; it serves to place the cartridge and is called the chamber. The chamber has a ledge.

On the breech of the barrel there is a tide for attaching the barrel to the frame rack and a hole for the barrel pin. At the tide and at the bottom of the chamber there is a bevel to guide the cartridge from the magazine into the chamber.

The outer surface of the trunk is smooth. A return spring is put on the barrel. The barrel is connected to the frame by a press fit and secured with a pin. The frame serves to connect all parts of the gun. The frame with the base of the handle is one piece.

In the front part of the frame has: on top - a rack for attaching the barrel, on the bottom - a window for placing the trigger and trigger guard comb. On the side walls of this window are trunnion sockets for the trigger trunnions. The frame stand has: in the upper part - a hole in which the barrel is fixed; bottom - a window for placing the head of the trigger; on the right is a curved groove for accommodating and moving the front trunnion of the trigger rod.

In the rear part, the frame has: on top - protrusions with trunnion sockets for the trigger and sear trunnions and with grooves for guiding the shutter (the trunnion sockets for the trigger trunnions and the right trunnion socket for the sear trunnion have slots); bottom - a window for the feathers of the mainspring.

In the middle part, the frame has a window for the exit of the upper part of the magazine and a cutout on the left wall for the slide stop.

Note: Some pistols have holes drilled into the frame to lighten the weight.

The base of the handle serves to attach the handle, the mainspring and to store the store. It has side windows (right and left) to reduce the weight of the gun; bottom window for magazine insertion; on the back wall - a tide with a threaded hole for attaching the mainspring with a valve and a handle with a screw; at the bottom is a cutout for the magazine latch; in the front wall there is a tide with a socket for attaching the trigger guard to the frame using an axle.

The trigger guard is used to protect the tail of the trigger from accidentally pressing it. It has a comb (tide) at the front end to limit the stroke of the shutter when moving backwards. The trigger guard is held in the frame in the upper position by a spring and a yoke located in a socket on the front wall of the base of the handle.

24. The shutter (Fig. 26) serves to feed a cartridge from the magazine into the chamber, lock the bore when fired, hold the cartridge case (remove the cartridge) and cock the trigger.

Rice. 26. Shutter:
a - left side; b - bottom view; 1 - front sight; 2 - rear sight; 3-window for ejection of the sleeve (cartridge); 4-socket for fuse; 5 - notch; 6 - channel for placing the barrel with an air spring; 7 - longitudinal protrusions for the direction of movement of the shutter along the frame; 8 - tooth for setting the shutter to the shutter delay; 9-groove for reflector; 10 - groove for the uncoupling protrusion of the cocking lever; 11 - recess for disengaging the sear with the cocking lever; 12 - rammer; 13 - protrusion for disengaging the cocking lever with a sear; 14 - recess for placing the uncoupling ledge of the cocking lever; 15 - groove for the trigger; 16 - comb.

Outside, the shutter has: a front sight for aiming; transverse groove for the rear sight; a notch between the front sight and the whole to exclude the reflection of the surface of the shutter when aiming; on the right side is a window for ejecting a cartridge case (cartridge); groove for ejector; nest for an oppression with an ejector spring; on the left side there is a socket for a fuse and two recesses for a fuse holder: the upper one is for the position of the "protection" flag and the lower one is for the position of the "fire" flag; next to the upper notch - a red circle, which opens when the flag is set to the "fire" position and is closed by the flag when the fuse is turned on; on both sides - a notch for the convenience of retracting the shutter by hand; at the rear end of the bolt is a groove for the passage of the trigger.

Inside the shutter has: a channel for placing the barrel with a return spring; longitudinal protrusions for the direction of movement of the shutter along the frame; tooth for setting the shutter to the shutter delay; crest; groove for the reflector; groove for the uncoupling protrusion of the cocking lever; a cup for placing the bottom of the sleeve; rammer for sending a cartridge from the magazine to the chamber; protrusion for disengaging the cocking lever with a sear; a recess for placing the uncoupling protrusion of the cocking lever when the trigger is pressed; on the right side of the bolt crest there is a notch designed to disengage the sear from the cocking lever when the bolt is removed from the bolt stop with the trigger pressed; channel for placing the drummer.

Drummer (Fig. 27) serves to break the primer. It has: in the front part - a striker, in the back part - a cut for the fuse, which holds the drummer in the shutter channel.

Rice. 27. Drummer:
1 - striker; 2 - fuse cut

The striker is made trihedral in order to reduce its weight and reduce rubbing surfaces.

The ejector (Fig. 28) serves to hold the cartridge case (cartridge) in the bolt cup until it meets the reflector. It has a hook that jumps into the annular groove of the sleeve and holds the sleeve (cartridge) in the bolt cup, and a heel for connecting to the bolt; in the back of the heel of the ejector, a ledge is made to accommodate the head of the oppression. At the back of the ejector there is a recess for the convenience of sinking the yoke with a wiping protrusion when separating the ejector from the shutter. The ejector is inserted into the groove in the shutter.

Rice. 28. Ejector:
1 - hook; 2 - heel for connection with the shutter; 3 - oppression; 4 - ejector spring

The yoke in the head part is thickened. The front end of the ejector spring, put on the back of the oppression (smaller diameter), rests against the thickened part. The outlet with the ejector spring is inserted into the slot in the shutter. Under the action of the spring, the ejector hook is always inclined towards the bolt cup.

The fuse (Fig. 29) is used to ensure the safe handling of the pistol. It has: a flag for switching the fuse from the "fire" position to the "protection" position and vice versa; a latch to hold the fuse in the position given to it; an axis on which a ledge is made with a shelf for turning the sear and releasing the trigger from the cocking when the fuse is switched to the "protection" position; a rib for locking the shutter with a frame when the fuse is set to the "safety" position; hook for locking the trigger in the "safety" position; protrusion for perceiving the blow of the trigger when the fuse is turned on.

Rice. 29. Fuse:
1 - fuse box; 2 - latch; 3 - ledge; 4 - rib; 5 - hook; 6 - ledge

The fuse is inserted into the shutter socket. The rear sight together with the front sight serves for aiming. Its base is inserted into the transverse groove of the shutter.

25. The return spring (Fig. 30) serves to return the bolt to the forward position after the shot. The extreme coil of one of the ends of the spring has a smaller diameter compared to other coils. With this coil, the spring is put on the barrel during assembly to ensure that it is securely held on the barrel when the pistol is disassembled. The spring, put on the barrel, is placed with it in the shutter channel.

Rice. 30. Return spring

26. The trigger mechanism (Fig. 31) consists of a trigger, a sear with a spring, a trigger rod with a cocking lever, a trigger, a mainspring and a mainspring valve.

Rice. 31. Parts of the firing mechanism:
1 - trigger; 2 - sear with a spring; 3 - trigger rod with a cocking lever; 4 - mainspring; 5 - trigger; 6 - mainspring valve

The trigger (Fig. 32) serves to strike the drummer. It has: on top - a head with a notch for cocking the trigger by hand; on the front plane - a cutout to ensure the free movement of the trigger when lowering it from the combat platoon; notch for a fuse hook; at the base of the trigger there are two ledges: the upper one is a safety platoon, the lower one is a combat platoon; on the sides - trunnions on which the trigger rotates in the trunnion sockets of the frame, and arcuate grooves to reduce weight; on the right, a self-cocking tooth for cocking the hammer with a cocking lever; on the left is a ledge for locking the trigger with a fuse; below - a recess for a wide feather of the mainspring; on the right, at the bottom of the base of the trigger, there is an annular recess for placing the heel of the cocking lever.

Rice. 32. Trigger:
a - left side; b - right side; 1 - head with a notch; 2 - cutout; 3 - recess; 4-safety platoon; 5- combat platoon; 6 - pins; 7 - self-cocking tooth; 8 - ledge; 9 - deepening; 10 - annular notch

The trigger trunnions have flats for the free separation of the trigger from the frame.

The sear (Fig. 33) serves to hold the trigger on the combat and safety platoon. It has: a spout for gripping the ledges of the trigger; trunnions on which the sear rotates in the trunnion nests of the frame; on the left - a tooth for lifting the sear with the shelf of the fuse ledge when the fuse is switched to the "protection" position; on the right is a ledge on which the cocking lever acts when the trigger is released.

Rice. 33. Whispered:
1 pin whispered; 2-tooth; 3-ledge; 4-nose whispered; 5-spring whispered; 6-stand whispered.

A spring was worn on the left trunnion. The connection between the sear spring and the sear is made detachable - the end of the spring enters a special hole in the sear stand. The free end of the spring is bent in the form of a hook for connection with a shutter delay. The spring presses the nose of the sear to the trigger. The pins of the sear have flats for the free separation of the sear from the frame.

Trigger rod with a cocking lever (Fig. 34.) is used to release the trigger from the cocking and cock the trigger when the trigger is pressed on the tail.

Rice. 34. Trigger rod with cocking lever:
1 - trigger pull; 2 - cocking lever; 3 - pins of the trigger rod; 4 - uncoupling protrusion of the cocking lever; 5 - cutout; 6 - self-cocking ledge; 7 - heel of the cocking lever

The trigger rod has trunnions at the ends. The front trunnion is connected to the trigger, and the rear trunnion to the cocking lever.

The cocking lever has: a disengaging protrusion, with the help of which it disengages from the sear when the bolt moves back; cutout for the protrusion of the sear; self-cocking protrusion, which cocks the trigger when the trigger is pressed on the tail; heel, on which the narrow feather of the mainspring rests. The heel of the cocking lever is placed in the annular recess of the trigger.

The trigger (Fig. 35) is used to pull the trigger from the combat platoon and cock the trigger when firing by self-cocking. It has: trunnions that are placed in the trunnion sockets of the frame; hole for connection with trigger rod and tail.

Rice. 35. Trigger:
1 - trunnion; 2 - hole; 3 - tail

The trigger with its head is inserted into the frame rack window.

The mainspring (Fig. 36) serves to actuate the trigger, the cocking lever and the trigger rod. It has: a wide pen for action on the trigger; narrow pen for action on the cocking lever and trigger rod; in the middle part - a hole for putting the spring on the tide with a threaded hole in the base of the handle.

Rice. 36. Mainspring:
1-wide pen; 2 - narrow pen; 3 - baffle end: 4 - hole; 5 - latch

The lower end of the mainspring is the magazine latch. The end of the wide feather of the mainspring is bent to ensure the "rebound" of the trigger, i.e., to put the trigger on the safety cocking in the deflated position. The mainspring is attached to the base of the handle with a valve.

27. The handle with a screw (Fig. 37) covers the side windows and the rear wall of the base of the handle and serves to make it easier to hold the pistol in your hand. It has: a hole for a screw that secures the handle to the base of the handle; swivel for attaching a pistol strap; grooves for free sliding of the handle onto the base of the handle; in the back wall is a recess for the magazine latch. In the hole for the screw there is a metal sleeve, which is designed to lock the screw head from arbitrary unscrewing. The handle is made of plastic.

Rice. 37. Handle with screw:
1-swivel; 2 - grooves; 3 - hole; 4 - screw

The handle screw is used to fasten the handle and valve to the handle base. It has a head and a threaded part.

28. The bolt delay (Fig. 38) holds the bolt in the rear position after all the cartridges from the magazine have been used up.

Rice. 38. Shutter lag:
1 - ledge; 2 - a button with a notch; 3 - hole; 4 - reflector

It has: in the front part - a ledge to hold the bolt in the rear position; knurled button to release the shutter by pressing a hand; in the back - a hole for connection with the left trunnion of the sear; in the upper part - a reflector for reflecting the shells (cartridges) outward through the window in the shutter.

The slide delay is inserted into the cutout in the left wall of the frame with the front part.

29. Shop (Fig. 39) is used to place eight cartridges. It consists of a body, a feeder, a feeder spring and a cover.

Rice. 39. Shop:
1- store case; 2 - feeder; 3 - feeder spring; 4 - store cover

The store case (Fig. 40) connects all parts of the store. The upper edges of the side walls of the case are bent inward to hold the cartridges and the feeder, as well as to guide the cartridges when they are fed into the chamber by the bolt.

It has: in the side walls - windows to reduce the weight of the magazine and to determine the number of cartridges in the magazine; below - bent ribs for the magazine cover, a ledge for the magazine latch, a cutout for the free passage of the left wall of the magazine cover, a groove for the feeder tooth to pass.

Rice. 40. Store body:
1 - window; 2 - bent rib; 3 - ledge; 4 - cutout; 5 - gutter

The magazine is inserted into the base of the handle through the bottom window.

The feeder (Fig. 41) serves to supply cartridges. It has two bent ends that guide its movement in the magazine body. On one of the bent ends of the feeder on the left side there is a tooth to turn on the shutter delay after all the cartridges from the magazine are used up.

Rice. 41. Feeder: 1 - bent ends; 2 - tooth

The feeder spring (Fig. 42) serves to feed up the feeder with cartridges when firing. The lower end of the spring is bent to lock the magazine cover.

Rice. 42. Feeder spring

The magazine cover (Fig. 43) has a hole for the bent (lower) end of the feeder spring and grooves with which it is put on the bent edges of the magazine body.

Rice. 43. Store cover: 1 - hole; 2 - grooves

Purpose and device accessories to the gun

30. The accessories for the pistol include (Fig. 44): a holster, a wipe, a spare magazine, a pistol strap.

b - spare store;

g - pistol strap: 1 - belt; 2 - karabinchik: 3 - loop" rel="lightbox">
Rice. 44. Belonging to the gun:
a-holster: 1-case; 2 - cover; 3 - a pocket for a spare magazine; 4-front carrying loop; 5-rear carrying loop; 6-clasp; 7 loops for wiping; 8 - internal auxiliary strap;
b - spare store;
c - rubbing: 1 - blade: 2 - rubbing slot; 3 - ledge;
g - pistol strap: 1 - belt; 2 - karabinchik: 3 - loop

The holster serves to carry and store the pistol, a spare magazine and cleaning. The holster consists of a body, a cover, a pocket for a spare magazine, front and rear carrying loops, a clasp, wipe loops and an internal accessory strap.

The wipe is used to disassemble, assemble, clean and lubricate the pistol. The wipe has: at one end - a protrusion for removing and setting the hook of the sear spring and for sinking the oppression when separating the ejector; a slot for threading tow or rags into it; on the other - a ring to hold the rubbing when cleaning. At the junction of the ring there is a blade for unscrewing and screwing in the handle screw when disassembling and assembling the pistol.

The pistol strap secures the pistol to the waist (trouser) belt. It consists of a belt, a carabiner and a loop for a waist (trouser) belt.

Cartridge device

31. 9-mm pistol cartridge () (Fig. 45) consists of a sleeve, a primer, a powder charge, a bullet.

Rice. 45. Common view of a 9-mm pistol cartridge and its device:
1 - sleeve; 2 - capsule; 3 - powder charge; 4 - bullet; 5 - bimetallic (clad) shell; 6 - steel core; 7 -- lead shirt

The sleeve serves to place the powder charge and connect all parts of the cartridge; during a shot, it prevents the breakthrough of gases from the bore through the chamber.

At the bottom of the sleeve there are: a nest for a primer; an anvil on which the primer breaks with a briskness; two seed holes through which the flame from the shock composition of the primer penetrates to the powder charge. Outside, at the bottom of the sleeve there is an annular groove for the ejector hook.

The charge consists of smokeless pyroxylin powder.

The capsule serves to ignite the powder charge. It consists of a brass cap with an impact composition pressed into it and a foil circle covering the impact composition. Upon impact of the striker, the impact composition ignites.

The bullet consists of a bimetallic (clad) shell into which a steel core is pressed. There is a lead jacket between the bullet and the steel core.

32. Cartridges for loading a pistol are equipped in a magazine for 8 rounds. The magazine is reloaded by inserting and sinking cartridges by hand.

33. Cartridges are sealed in standard wooden cartridge boxes of 2560 pcs. in everyone. Each box contains two iron rolled or sealed galvanized boxes, in which cartridges are placed in cardboard packs, 16 cartridges per pack. One iron box holds 80 cartons.

On the side walls of wooden boxes there are inscriptions indicating the range of cartridges placed in these boxes: the batch number of cartridges, the month and year of manufacture of cartridges and gunpowder, the manufacturer, the brand and batch of gunpowder, the number of cartridges in the box. The weight of one box with cartridges is about 33 kg.

The work of parts and mechanisms of the pistol.

The position of the parts and mechanisms of the pistol before loading

34. The parts and mechanisms of the pistol before loading are in the following position.

The shutter under the action of a return spring is in the extreme forward position; the bolt cup rests against the breech section of the barrel, as a result of which the barrel is locked by a free bolt. The longitudinal protrusions of the shutter enter the grooves in the rear of the frame. The shutter with the frame is locked with a fuse rib.

The trigger, under the action of a wide feather of the mainspring, is lowered and rests with the front plane against the protrusion of the fuse so that it cannot move forward.

The sear is raised by a ledge shelf on the fuse axis and is held in such a position so that there is a small gap between the safety cocking of the trigger and the sear nose.

The trigger rod with the cocking lever under the action of a narrow feather of the mainspring is retracted to the rearmost position; the cocking lever is recessed into the frame and its self-cocking protrusion is engaged with the trigger self-cocking tooth so that when the trigger tail is pressed, the trigger does not cock, but has some free play back.

The magazine is inserted into the base of the handle. The feeder is located at the top and rests against the ridge of the shutter. The feeder tooth presses the shutter delay.

The safety flag is in the "safety" position. In this case, the protrusion of the fuse is lowered down and comes into contact with the front plane of the trigger; the ledge shelf on the axis of the fuse, by acting on the sear tooth, lifts the sear up and holds it in this position; the safety hook enters the notch of the trigger and, resting against its protrusion, locks the trigger in the "safety" position so that it cannot be cocked; the fuse rib has gone beyond the left ledge of the frame and locks the shutter with the frame.

The work of parts and mechanisms of the gun when loading

35. To load a pistol you need:

  • - equip the magazine with cartridges;
  • - insert the magazine into the base of the handle;
  • - turn off the fuse (turn the flag down);
  • - move the shutter to the rearmost position and release it sharply.

When equipping the store, the cartridges lie on the feeder one on top of the other in one row, compressing the feeder spring; as the magazine fills with cartridges, the feeder spring compresses and, pressing the feeder from below, lifts the cartridges up. The upper cartridge is held by the curved edges of the side walls of the magazine housing.

When inserting an equipped magazine into the base of the handle, the magazine latch jumps over the ledge on the wall of the magazine and holds the magazine in the base of the handle. The upper cartridge rests against the bolt ridge. The feeder is at the bottom, its tooth does not act on the slide delay.

When the fuse is turned off (turning the flag down), the protrusion of the fuse rises and releases the trigger. When the fuse is turned, its hook, leaving the trigger recess, releases the protrusion of the trigger, which ensures free retraction of the trigger back. The shelf ledge on the axis of the fuse releases the sear, which falls under the action of its spring somewhat downward, and the nose of the sear becomes ahead of the safety cocking of the trigger (the trigger becomes on the safety cocking). When the fuse is turned, its edge comes out from behind the left protrusion of the frame and disconnects the shutter from the frame. In this case, the shutter can be retracted by hand.

When the shutter is pulled back, the following happens.

The shutter, moving along the longitudinal grooves of the frame, turns the trigger. The sear, under the action of a spring, jumps with its nose behind the cocking of the trigger. The movement of the shutter back is limited by the crest of the trigger guard. The return spring is in maximum compression.

The trigger, when turned by the front part of the annular recess, shifts the trigger rod with the cocking lever forward and slightly upward, due to which a part of the free play of the trigger is selected. When the cocking lever is raised up, its cutout fits the protrusion of the sear.

The magazine feeder, under the action of the feeder spring, raises the cartridges up so that the upper cartridge is in front of the bolt rammer.

When the shutter is released, the return spring sends the shutter forward. Moving along the longitudinal grooves of the frame, the bolt rammer advances the upper cartridge into the chamber. The cartridge, sliding along the curved edges of the side walls of the magazine housing and along the bevel on the tide of the barrel and in the lower part of the chamber, enters the chamber and rests with the front cut of the sleeve against the ledge of the chamber; the barrel bore is locked by a blowback. The second cartridge, under the action of the feeder spring, is lifted by the feeder up until it stops against the bolt ridge.

When the shutter reaches the extreme forward position and sends the cartridge into the chamber, the ejector hook jumps into the annular groove of the sleeve.

The trigger is on a combat platoon. The pistol is ready to fire (Fig. 46).

Rice. 46. ​​The position of the parts and mechanisms of the pistol before the shot:
1-shutter; 2- ejector; 3 - return spring; 4- trigger; 5 - trigger pull; 6 - shop; 7 - mainspring; 8 - sear with a spring; 9 - cocking lever; 10 - trigger

The operation of parts and mechanisms of a loaded pistol when the fuse is turned on

36. If a shot is not required, then, without releasing the trigger from the cocking, you should turn on the fuse by turning its flag up to failure so that the red circle is closed by the fuse flag.

When the flag is turned, the fuse protrusion is lowered and, before the sear begins to rise, it gets in the way of the trigger; the axis of the fuse with a ledge shelf raises the sear, as a result of which the sear turns and releases the trigger; the trigger, under the action of a wide feather of the mainspring, turns and strikes the protrusion of the fuse; the fuse rib, turning, goes beyond the left ledge of the frame and locks the shutter with the frame. The safety catch, lowering, enters the notch of the trigger and locks it so that it is impossible to cock the trigger.

If the fuse is turned off in this position, then the trigger, due to the "rebound" automatically becomes on the safety cocking. In this case, the pistol is ready for the immediate opening of fire by self-cocking. The safety of handling the pistol in case of accidental impacts is ensured by automatic cocking of the trigger.

If the trigger is released not by a fuse, but manually, i.e. by pressing the tail of the trigger with the index finger of the right hand while holding the trigger head with the thumb of the same hand, then the trigger, after releasing the trigger, also automatically (thanks to the "hang up") becomes on safety squad.
The work of parts and mechanisms of the pistol when fired

37. To fire a shot, you must turn off the fuse, cock the trigger and press your finger on the tail of the trigger.

When the safety is turned off and the trigger is cocked, the operation of the parts and mechanisms of the pistol occurs as described in (Operation of the parts and mechanisms of the pistol when loading)

When you press the tail of the trigger with your finger, the trigger rod moves forward, and the cocking lever, connected to the rear end of the trigger rod, turns on the rear pin of the trigger rod and rises until it rests with its cutout against the protrusion of the sear; then the cocking lever raises the sear and disengages it from the cocking cock. The disengaging protrusion of the cocking lever is included in the shutter recess.

The trigger is released from the sear and, under the action of a wide feather of the mainspring, sharply turns forward on the trunnions and strikes the drummer.

The drummer vigorously moves forward and breaks the primer of the cartridge with a striker; shot occurs.

By the pressure of the formed gases, the bullet is ejected from the bore; at the same time, the gases press on the walls and bottom of the sleeve. The sleeve is distributed and tightly pressed against the walls of the chamber. The gas pressure at the bottom of the sleeve is transferred to the shutter, as a result of which it moves back.

The work of parts and mechanisms of the pistol after the shot

38. The shutter from the pressure of powder gases on the bottom of the sleeve moves back along with the sleeve. At the beginning of the backward movement (at a length of 3-5 mm)

The shutter with its protrusion displaces the uncoupling protrusion of the cocking lever to the right, thereby disengaging it from the sear (disengagement occurs).

The released sear is pressed against the trigger under the action of the spring; when the trigger turns back to failure, the sear spout jumps over the cocking of the trigger and holds it until the next shot.

With further movement of the shutter back, the uncoupling protrusion of the cocking lever slides along the groove of the shutter; the sleeve held by the ejector in the bolt cup hits the reflector and is thrown out through the window in the bolt wall.

The feeder feeds the next cartridge and places it in front of the bolt rammer.

The shutter, having reached the extreme rear position, under the action of a return spring returns to the front position; the rammer pushes the next cartridge out of the magazine and sends it into the chamber. When the shutter reaches the extreme forward position and sends the cartridge into the chamber, the ejector hook jumps into the annular groove of the sleeve.

The cocking lever rests against the sear (on the side), and the disengaging protrusion, it is located against the notch on the bolt. The gun is ready for the next shot.

39. To fire the next shot, release the tail of the trigger and press it again.

When the tail of the trigger is released, the trigger rod with the cocking lever moves back under the action of a narrow feather of the mainspring, at the same time the cocking lever goes down and goes under the protrusion of the sear with its cutout.

When you press the tail of the trigger, the cocking lever raises the sear and again releases the trigger from the sear. The next shot is fired.

If the shutter does not reach the extreme forward position (the cartridge is dented), then the uncoupling protrusion of the cocking lever will not enter the recess on the shutter, as a result of which the cocking lever will not engage with the sear and, when the trigger is pressed again, will not turn the sear and will not pull the trigger . This eliminates the possibility of a shot if the cartridge is not completely sent to the chamber.

The work of parts and mechanisms of the pistol when firing self-cocking

40. If the shooting is carried out without pre-cocking the trigger, then when the trigger is pressed on the tail, the trigger cocks automatically (Fig. 47). At the same time, the cocking lever, having entered into engagement with its self-cocking protrusion with the self-cocking tooth of the trigger, cocks the trigger. The trigger, without getting on the combat platoon (since at the moment of the breakdown, the sear turns out to be raised to the upper position by the protrusion of the cocking lever), breaks off from the protrusion of the self-cocking of the cocking lever and strikes the drummer; shot occurs.

Rice. 47. The position of the parts and mechanisms of the pistol before the self-cocking shot:
1 - shutter: 2 - ejector; 3 - return spring; 4 - trigger; 5-trigger thrust; 6 store; 7-mainspring; 8-sear with a spring; 9- cocking lever; 10-trigger

The work of parts and mechanisms of the pistol on the use of cartridges from the magazine

41. When all the cartridges from the magazine are used up, the magazine feeder lifts the front end of the slide stop up with its tooth. The shutter, resting its tooth against the protrusion of the shutter delay, stops in the rear position.

The trigger is put on a combat platoon.

The feeder spring has the least compression. The shutter remains in the rear position also after removing the magazine from the base of the pistol grip, holding on to the shutter delay.

42. The shutter is released from the shutter delay (when the magazine is removed or inserted) by pressing the shutter delay button with your finger.
Delays when firing a pistol and how to eliminate them

43. A pistol with proper handling, careful care and saving is a reliable and trouble-free weapon.

Delays when firing a pistol and how to eliminate them

However, during prolonged operation due to wear of parts and mechanisms, and more often due to careless handling and inattentive care, delays in firing may occur.

44. To prevent delays when firing a pistol and to ensure the non-failure operation of the pistol, it is necessary:

  • - properly prepare the pistol for firing;
  • - inspect, clean and lubricate the gun in a timely manner and in compliance with all rules; especially carefully monitor the cleanliness and lubrication of the rubbing parts of the gun;
  • - timely repair the gun;
  • - inspect cartridges before firing; do not use faulty, rusty and dirty cartridges for shooting;
  • - during shooting and when moving, protect the gun from contamination and shock;
  • - if the pistol was in severe frost for a long time before firing, then before loading it, vigorously retract the shutter with your hand several times and release it, and after each retraction and release of the shutter, release the trigger by pressing the tail of the trigger.

45. If a delay occurs during firing, then it must be eliminated by reloading the pistol. If the delay is not eliminated by reloading, then it is necessary to find out the cause of the delay and eliminate it, as indicated below.

Some reasons for the delay and ways to eliminate
Delays Reason for delays Ways to eliminate delays
1. Misfire. The shutter is in the extreme forward position, the trigger is released, but the shot did not occur 1. Cartridge primer defective. 1. Reload the pistol and continue shooting.
2. Thickening of the lubricant or contamination of the channel under the striker. 2. Inspect and clean the gun.
3. The handle screw is not fully screwed in (in pistols without a mainspring valve). 3. Screw in the handle screw until it stops.
4. The exit of the drummer or nicks on the striker is small 4. Send the gun to the workshop
2. Non-coverage of the cartridge by the shutter. The shutter stopped before reaching the extreme forward position; trigger release is not possible 1. Contamination of the chamber, the grooves of the frame and the shutter cup. Send the bolt forward with a hand push and continue firing. Inspect and clean the gun
2. Difficult movement of the ejector due to contamination of the ejector spring or oppressor
3. Non-feeding or non-advancement of a cartridge from the magazine into the chamber. The bolt is in the forward position, but there is no cartridge in the chamber; the shutter stopped in the middle position along with the cartridge, not sending it into the chamber 1. Contamination of the magazine and moving parts of the gun. 1. Reload the pistol and continue shooting. Clean pistol and magazine.
2. Curvature of the upper edges of the magazine housing 2. Replace the faulty magazine
4. Sticking (infringement) of the sleeve by the shutter. The sleeve was not thrown out through the window in the bolt and wedged between the bolt and the breech section of the barrel 1. Contamination of the moving parts of the gun. 1. Throw away the stuck cartridge case and continue firing.
2. Malfunction of the ejector, its spring or reflector 2. In the event of a malfunction of the ejector with a spring or a deflector, send the gun to the workshop
5. Automatic shooting 1. Condensation of lubricant or contamination of parts of the trigger mechanism. 1. Inspect and clean the gun.
2. Depreciation of the combat cocking of the trigger or sear spout. 2. Send the gun to the workshop.
3. Weakening or breaking of the sear spring. Same
4. Touching the shelf of the ledge of the fuse of the sear tooth Same

Inspection, preparation for firing a pistol and cartridges, their care and conservation

46. To determine the condition of the weapon, its serviceability and combat readiness, periodic inspections of pistols are carried out within the time limits established by the Charter of the internal service.

Inspection of the gun is carried out in assembled or disassembled form. The degree of disassembly is determined before each inspection.

Simultaneously with the inspection of the pistol, the holster, spare magazine, wiping and pistol strap are inspected.

47. Every soldier armed with a handgun must inspect the handgun daily, before going to work, before firing, and during cleaning.

Before going to class and immediately before shooting, inspect the pistol in assembled form, and during cleaning, in disassembled and assembled form.

48. During the daily inspection of the gun, check:

  • - are there any rust deposits, dirt, scratches, nicks and cracks on the metal parts; what condition is the lubricant in;
  • - whether the shutter, magazine, trigger mechanism, fuse and shutter delay are working properly;
  • - Are the front and rear sights in good order?
  • - whether the store is held at the base of the handle;
  • - Is the bore clean?

Pistol malfunctions must be repaired immediately; if they cannot be eliminated in the unit, the pistol must be sent to a repair shop.

Typical malfunctions that cause abnormal pistol action are as follows:

  • - the front sight is beaten or bent - the bullets will deviate in the direction opposite to the movement of the top of the front sight;
  • - the rear sight is displaced - the bullets will deviate towards the displacement of the rear sight;
  • - nicks on the muzzle of the barrel - the bullets will deviate in the direction opposite to the nicks;
  • - rubbing of the bore (especially in the muzzle), wear (rounding) of the rifling fields, scratches and nicks in the bore, reeling of the rear sight - all this increases the dispersion of bullets.

Inspection of the assembled pistol

49. When inspecting the assembled pistol, check:

1) Are there any rust, scratches, nicks and cracks on the parts of the gun; whether the numbers on the shutter, fuse and magazines match the number on the frame.

2) Are there any nicks on the front sight and in the slot of the rear sight that interfere with aiming; whether the rear sight is firmly held in the shutter groove and whether the risk on the rear sight coincides with the risk on the shutter.

3) Is the fuse easily switched from one position to another and is it securely fixed in the extreme positions.

4) Does the trigger have a “hang up”: when the trigger is lowered and the trigger pulled back to failure, the trigger head, when pressed with a finger of the hand, should move forward, and after the pressure stops, vigorously return to its original position; when the trigger is released and when the pressure on the head of the trigger is stopped, the trigger should be on the safety cocking and in this position, under sufficiently strong hand pressure, it should not break off the safety cocking and move forward.

5) Whether the trigger guard is securely held in the frame and whether it is set to a skewed position to separate the shutter.

6) Is the handle screw tightened.

7) Is there any dirt, rust deposits and other defects in the bore? To do this, you need to put the shutter on the shutter delay and look into the bore from the muzzle, inserting white paper into the shutter window.

8) Whether the walls and upper edges of the magazine body are bent and whether the feeder moves freely in the magazine.

9) Whether the magazine (replacement magazine) is freely inserted into the base of the handle and removed from it and whether it is securely held by the magazine latch.

10) Are the parts and mechanisms of the pistol working correctly? To check, you need to do the following work.

Put the safety box in the "fire" position (lower down), pull the shutter back with your hand to the full and release it; the shutter, moving forward a little, under the action of the shutter delay, should remain in the rear position. Press the shutter button; the bolt under the action of the return spring should vigorously return to the forward position, and the trigger should be cocked. Pull the tail of the trigger; the trigger must break from the cocking and hit the drummer.

Remove the magazine from the base of the pistol grip and equip it with training cartridges; insert the magazine into the base of the pistol grip, pull the bolt back and release it; in this case, the bolt under the action of the return spring must reach the extreme forward position and send the cartridge into the chamber; when the bolt is pulled back again, the cartridge must be vigorously reflected outward through the window in the bolt.

Turn the fuse box up to the "protection" position; at the same time, the trigger should break off the cocking, strike at the protrusion of the fuse and remain in a position somewhat retracted; after that, the shutter should be locked, the trigger should not be cocked either by direct action on it with the thumb of the hand, or by pressing the tail of the trigger (self-cocking).

Put the fuse box in the "fire" position and pull the tail of the trigger; at the same time, the trigger must be cocked and, without becoming on a combat platoon, strike at the drummer.

Put the trigger on the combat platoon and press the head of the trigger from behind; at the same time, he should not break off the combat platoon. Then press the tail of the trigger; in this case, the trigger must break off the cocking and deliver an energetic blow to the drummer.

In the presence of spring scales, check the force of pulling the trigger from the cocking. The release of the trigger from the cocking must occur from a force on the trigger of at least 1.5 kg and not more than 3.5 kg.

11) Whether the trigger is blocked by the protrusion of the safety lock when the safety lock is turned before the sear starts to rise. Perform the check as follows.

Move the fuse box to the "fire" position. Put the trigger on the combat platoon. Holding the gun in the right hand with the barrel down and observing the sear through the groove in the bolt, slowly move the safety box up with the thumb of the right hand until the sear begins to rise. Having thus determined the position of the fuse by the time the sear began to rise (i.e., by the time the shelf touches the ledge of the sear fuse), holding the trigger with the thumb of the right hand, press the trigger with your index finger and, without releasing it, slowly bring the trigger to the forward position . In this case, the trigger must rest against the protrusion of the fuse, i.e., be blocked by the fuse (Fig. 48), as a result of which the shot does not occur.

Rice. 48. Scheme of locking the trigger with the protrusion of the fuse:
1 - whispered tooth; 2 - fuse ledge shelf; 3 - fuse protrusion

Inspection of the gun in disassembled form

50. In a disassembled pistol, each part and mechanism is examined in detail in order to check for metal fragmentation, stripped threads, scratches and nicks, curvatures, rashes, rust and contamination, and whether all parts have the same numbers.

51. When examining the frame with the barrel and trigger guard, pay special attention to the condition of the barrel bore.

Inspect the bore from the muzzle and from the breech. At the same time, check the cleanliness of the bore, the chamber and the serviceability of the breech cut of the barrel. Barrels can be with chrome and non-chrome channel and chamber.

When examining a non-chrome-plated bore, the following disadvantages may be observed.

A rash is the primary damage to a metal by rust. The rash has the appearance of dots and specks located in places or over the entire surface of the bore.

Rust is a dark coating on metal. Rust, invisible to the eye, can be detected by wiping the bore with a clean rag, on which the rust leaves yellowish spots.

Rust marks are the dark, shallow spots that remain after the rust has been removed.

Shells are significant depressions in the metal, resulting from prolonged exposure to rust. It is forbidden to delete them in the unit.

Copper plating - appears when firing clad bullets coated with tombak. Copper plating is observed in the form of a light copper coating on the walls of the bore. Removed only in the repair shop.

Scratches - dashes, sometimes with a noticeable rise in metal along the edges. Removal of scratches in the bore is not allowed.

Nicks - more or less significant depressions, sometimes with a rise in metal.

Barrel swelling - noticeable in the bore in the form of a transverse dark solid ring (half-ring) or detected by the bulge of the metal on the outer surface of the barrel. Barrel expansion is not allowed.

When determining the qualitative state of chrome-plated barrels, be guided by the Instructions for the categorization of artillery weapons.

52. When inspecting a valve with an ejector, a striker and a fuse, pay special attention to the condition of the internal grooves, nests and protrusions, which should not be dirty and should not have nicks. Check whether the striker moves freely in the bolt channel, whether the ejector is pressed vigorously against the bolt cup, and whether the ejector hook and striker head are crushed.

When inspecting the fuse, check if the latch is recessed, if there are any large bruises on the hook for locking the trigger, if the pin is worn out, if the edge of the fuse is worn out.

53. When inspecting the return spring, check for burrs, rust, bends, dirt and breaks on it, whether it is firmly held on the barrel.

54. When examining the parts of the trigger mechanism, pay special attention to the serviceability of the trigger, sear, trigger rod with the cocking lever. When inspecting the trigger pull, check if there is a lot of wear on the disengaging protrusion of the cocking lever; the cocking lever must rotate without jamming on the trigger pin. Check for crushing and wear of the combat and safety cocking of the trigger, stretching of the sear spring and wear of its spout. The feathers of the mainspring must not be broken.

55. When inspecting the handle with the screw, check for cracks and chips, for stripped threads on the screw, for dirty grooves and recesses, and for dirt in the metal sleeve for the screw.

56. When inspecting the shutter delay, make sure that it is in good condition. The shutter delay must not be bent or broken. Check for shredded metal on the reflector.

57. When inspecting the magazine, pay special attention to the serviceability of the feeder tooth and the protrusion for the magazine latch; check that the upper edges of the magazine housing are not bent.

Inspection of wiping, holster and pistol strap

58. When inspecting, check if the rubbing is bent, if there are any nicks and scratches on it. There should be no shredded metal on the blade. Curvature of the wiping protrusion is not allowed.

When inspecting the holster, check for tears and broken seams, the presence of loops, fasteners and an auxiliary strap. Check the condition of the pistol strap.

Inspection of live ammunition

59. Inspection of live ammunition is carried out in order to detect malfunctions that can lead to delays in firing a pistol.

Cartridges are inspected before firing, when entering the outfit and by special order.

60. When inspecting cartridges, check:

Are there any rust and green deposits on the sleeves, especially on the primer, bruises, scratches that prevent the cartridge from entering the chamber; whether the bullet is pulled out of the case by hand and whether the primer protrudes above the surface of the bottom of the case; cartridges with the indicated defects must be selected and returned,

Are there any training cartridges among the combat cartridges.
If the cartridges are dusty or dirty, covered with a slight green coating or rust, they must be wiped with a dry, clean rag.

Preparing the pistol for firing

61. The preparation of the pistol for firing is carried out in order to ensure the failure-free operation of the pistol during firing and to maintain its normal combat. For this you need:

  • - inspect the disassembled pistol in accordance with Art. 50-57; (Inspection of the pistol disassembled)
  • - inspect the assembled pistol in accordance with Art. 49; (Inspection of the assembled pistol)
  • - inspect the cartridges, as indicated in Art. 59 and 60; (Inspection of live ammunition)
  • - equip the magazine with cartridges, as indicated in Art. 86; (See the section "Rules of shooting" - "Rules and techniques for shooting from a PM pistol" - "Preparing for shooting")
  • - just before shooting, clean and wipe dry the bore.

Handgun and ammo storage

62. The gun must always be in good condition. It is the responsibility of the serviceman armed with the pistol to keep the pistol and accessories, who must handle the pistol with care and inspect it daily.

63. In the barracks and camp location, pistols are stored unloaded and taken out of their holsters in cabinets or boxes with nests in accordance with the Charter of the Internal Service. Spare magazines are stored in nests next to pistols.

64. For a short-term location in the settlement in apartments, keep the pistol with you.

65. During fieldwork, on a hike, when traveling by rail and in cars, carry a pistol in a holster on a belt, which must be firmly fastened and properly fitted so that the holster does not hit hard objects.

66. To prevent swelling or rupture of the barrel during firing, it is forbidden to plug or cover the bore with anything.

67. In all cases not related to shooting, the safety box must be in the "safety" position. When setting the fuse to the "fire" or "protection" position, the fuse box must be set to the lowest or highest position.

68. If, if necessary, the pistol is put into a damp holster, then at the first opportunity, remove the pistol from the holster, wipe it, clean it, lubricate it and dry the holster.

69. In hot areas with dust in the air, as well as in coastal areas with high humidity, store the gun in accordance with special instructions.

70. Cartridges should be stored in a dry place and, if possible, should be covered from sunlight, when handling them they should not be damaged, protected from impacts, moisture, dirt, etc.

Checking the combat of the pistol and bringing it to normal combat

71. All pistols must be brought to normal combat.

Checking the battle of the pistol is carried out:

  • - upon receipt of a pistol in the unit;
  • - after repair or replacement of parts of the pistol that may affect its performance;
  • - when abnormal deviations of bullets are detected during firing.

In a combat situation, each commander is obliged to use every opportunity to periodically check the combat of pistols.
Checking the battle and bringing the pistol to normal combat

72. Checking the combat of pistols is carried out by officers or excellent shooters in the presence of military personnel who are assigned pistols. Senior commanders up to and including the commander of the unit are obliged to monitor the exact observance of the rules for checking the combat of pistols and for bringing them to normal combat.

73. Before checking the battle, the pistols are carefully inspected and the detected malfunctions are eliminated. During the inspection, a weapons technician (master) with the necessary tools must be present.

74. The check of the battle is carried out in favorable conditions: in clear weather in calm or in a closed shooting range, or on a section of the shooting range protected from the wind.

Checking the combat of a pistol is carried out by shooting at 25 m with cartridges of the same batch.

75. Shooting is carried out on a black circle with a diameter of 25 cm, mounted on a shield 1 m high and 0.5 m wide.

The aiming point is the middle of the lower edge of the black circle or the center of the circle. The aiming point should be approximately at the height of the shooter's eyes.

On a plumb line above the aiming point, the normal position of the middle point of impact is marked (with chalk, colored pencil), which should be 12.5 cm higher than the aiming point or coincide with it if the aiming point is the center of the circle. The marked point is the control point.

76. Checking the battle of the pistol is carried out from a standing position with a hand or from an emphasis (turf, a bag stuffed with sawdust) placed on some local object or stand.

When shooting from the stop, the hand with the pistol must be in weight and not touch the stop.

77. To check the combat of the pistol, the aimer fires four shots in a row, carefully and uniformly aiming. At the end of the shooting, the shield is inspected and the accuracy of the pistol battle and the position of the midpoint of impact are determined by the location of the holes.

78. The accuracy of the pistol battle is considered normal if all four holes (in extreme cases, three, if one of the holes deviated sharply from the rest) fit into a circle (size) with a diameter of 15 cm.

With satisfactory accuracy of the battle, the commander determines the middle point of impact and measures the amount of its deviation from the control point using a centimeter ruler. For convenience, measurements through the control point are drawn (with chalk, colored pencil) two lines - vertical and horizontal.

79. To determine the midpoint of hitting four holes, it is necessary to connect any two holes with a straight line and divide the distance between them in half; connect the resulting division point with the third hole and divide the distance between them into three equal parts; connect the division point closest to the first two holes with the fourth hole and divide the distance between them into four equal parts. The point three divisions from the fourth hole will be the middle point of impact (Fig. 49).

Rice. 49. Determining the midpoint of hitting four holes

With a symmetrical arrangement of holes, the midpoint of impact can be determined in the following way:

a) connect adjacent holes in pairs, reconnect the midpoints of both straight lines and divide the resulting line in half; the division point will be the middle point of impact (Fig. 50);

Rice. 50. Determination of the midpoint of impact on four symmetrically located holes

b) connect the holes in pairs crosswise with straight lines; the point of intersection of these lines will be the middle point of impact (Fig. 51).

Rice. 51. Determination of the midpoint of impact on four symmetrically located holes

To determine the midpoint of hitting three holes, two holes must be connected with a straight line; connect the middle of this line with the third hole; divide the new line into three equal parts; the point closest to the first line will be the midpoint of the hit (Fig. 52).

Rice. 52. Determination of the average point of impact on three holes

80. Having determined the midpoint of the hit, the commander measures the magnitude of its deviation from the control point. The mid-point of impact must not deviate more than 5 cm from the reference point in any direction. If the mid point of impact deviated from the control point by more than 5 cm, then the pistol is handed over to the weapons technician (master) for the appropriate movement or replacement of the rear sight; the rear sight is replaced by a lower (high) one if the midpoint of impact is above (below) the control point; the rear sight moves to the left (right) if the middle point of impact is to the right (to the left) of the control point.

Increasing (decreasing) the height of the rear sight or moving it to the right (left) by 1 mm changes the position of the midpoint of impact in the corresponding direction by 19 cm.

Note: It is forbidden to file the front sight of a pistol.

81. Bringing the pistol to normal combat is considered complete when the pistol, both in terms of accuracy and in terms of the position of the midpoint of impact, satisfies the requirements of normal combat.

After bringing the pistol to normal combat, the rear sight is fixed with a core; the old mark on the rear sight is cleared, and a new mark is stuffed in its place.

Note. It is forbidden to clean the marks on the shutter wall.

Debugging PM

Evgeny Efimov, Master of Sports of the USSR

Ordinary weapons produced in large volumes must meet certain tactical and technical requirements and at the same time have a low cost. In the production of domestic pistols, a combination of these conditions was successfully achieved. For example, in the list of wholesale prices in 1985, the following figures are given that characterize the cost of domestic pistols: 7.62-mm TT - 13.3 rubles, 7.62-mm Nagant - 21.5 rubles, 9-mm APS - 69 rubles, 5.45 mm PSM -170 rubles, 9 mm Makarov pistol - 42 rubles.

It is clear that when the cost is reduced, the quality of the surface treatment of the parts and their fitting during assembly first of all suffer. This is the reason for the operational shortcomings that affect primarily the operation of the trigger mechanism (USM) of the pistol.

Often, due to coarse, stepped descent and failure of the trigger, when the trigger is released, angular deviations of the weapon from the aiming position occur until the bullet leaves the bore. Therefore, novice shooters have difficulty hitting the chest target, and professionals are often not satisfied with the accuracy of shooting and frequent separations.

However, with appropriate refinement, an ordinary PM becomes a high-precision (for its class) weapon.

I want to warn you right away that all work on debugging the PM should not be performed if there is no clear idea about the operation of the kinematic scheme of the USM and practical experience and skills in debugging weapons. The result of inept actions may be a malfunction of the mechanism, which, ultimately, will lead to damage to the weapon with all the ensuing consequences.

You need to start by choosing a pistol that gives good accuracy of fire, not paying attention to separations. Accuracy is determined by the quality of the barrel, and a good barrel is sometimes found after shooting more than a dozen pistols. With a bad barrel, debugging the trigger does not make much sense, since the shooting results will not improve qualitatively.

To fully debug the USM, it is necessary to eliminate the stepped working stroke of the trigger, the failure of the trigger when the trigger is released, and adjust the trigger force. These shortcomings are inherent in many pistols.

Parts of the trigger mechanism of the Makarov pistol: 1 - trigger rod, 2 - sear, 3 - trigger.

Before starting locksmith work, it is necessary to completely disassemble (preferably several times) and visually inspect all parts under a magnifying glass. The parts should not be riveting, nicks, dents and scuffs. At high magnification, it is clearly visible that, in addition to deep traces from the cutter, there are tiny metal chips on almost all surfaces of the parts, which are not completely removed during factory assembly and are firmly held by gun grease.

All this dirt must be removed. Parts must be clean and dry. Next, you need to check the smoothness and ease of rotation of the sear, slide stop, trigger, trigger and cocking lever. If there are jamming, then identify the cause and eliminate it by polishing the rubbing surfaces.

After completing the preparatory operations, you can begin to debug the USM.

1. Grind the upper surface of the cocking (Fig. 1a) with a needle file (along the arrow) until it aligns with the upper plane of the sear, paying attention to the parallelism of the upper edge of the cocking and the combat edge of the sear when the trigger is released. This operation allows you to reduce the working stroke. With more filing of the combat platoon, there will be no reliable engagement of the trigger, which will reduce the safety of handling weapons and may cause automatic firing.

2. Polish the sear and cocking on polishing paper until large scratches are removed on the working planes and a mirror finish is obtained, removing the minimum layer of metal and maintaining the angles of inclination of the planes (Fig. 2 and 3).

Polish the lower plane of the sear to a mirror finish and obtain a sharp combat edge.

Check the reliability of the engagement of the trigger. In this case, the fit of the sear should be over the entire plane or, in extreme cases, at the base of the combat platoon (Il.1a). Fitting only at the top of the combat platoon is not allowed (Fig. 1b).

Filing the cylindrical surface of the trigger at the base of the cocking and the lower plane of the sear at the top of the combat edge is not allowed!

The polishing operation to accurately maintain the geometric dimensions is best performed according to templates, maintaining the appropriate angles of inclination of the working planes (Fig. 2 and 3).

3. Removing the minimum layer of metal, polish the shelf in the frame, along which the trigger rod slides, until large scratches are removed and a mirror shine is obtained (Fig. 4).
Violation of the inclination of the plane of the frame shelf is not permissible!

4. File (no more than 0.3 mm) the lower plane of the trigger rod and polish to a mirror finish (Fig. 4). When filing the trigger rod, the gap between the upper end of the trigger and the frame decreases, and, consequently, the size of the failure, the trigger, but the working stroke and trigger force increase. Pay attention to the parallel removal of metal. The point of contact "B" should be located closer to the rear end of the trigger rod. Assemble the trigger and check the smoothness of the trigger when the hammer is cocked and when working by self-cocking.

5. The final elimination of trigger failure is the most delicate operation that requires attention, high precision and understanding of the meaning of the work being done. Il.5 shows the position of the parts at the beginning of the working stroke (free travel is selected), and Il.6 shows the position of the parts after touching the upper end of the frame trigger. It can be seen from the figures that when the trigger is pressed, the point "B" slides along the shelf to the point "D", while the length of the segment [BC] remains constant, which ensures the rotation of the sear and the release of the trigger.

When the lower edge of the sear reaches the upper edge of the cocking, the trigger will break off, while the point of contact between the trigger rod and the frame shelf will move to the "B1" position, and the "E" point to the "E1" point. But between the upper end of the trigger and the frame there will be a gap "f", which is the reason for the failure, since the trigger will stop only after touching the frame at the point "E2". In this case, the point of contact between the trigger rod and the frame will move to the point "B2", and the nose of the sear will rise above the cocking by the value "s"

When the trigger is released, a sharp weakening of the trigger force occurs, which, together with the failure, leads to angular deviations of the pistol until the striker hits the primer, and as a result, detachments occur during firing.

Obviously, to eliminate this shortcoming, it is necessary to reduce the value of "s" to zero. To do this, it is necessary to measure the gap "s" and, based on this value, carry out its elimination. For this purpose, the minimum layer of metal is removed at point "C" on the protrusion of the sear. Then, with a round file, the hole of the upper end of the trigger is bored by a value of not more than 0.3 mm in the direction of the rear wall (Fig. 7). After assembling the USM and when the trigger is fully pressed, the remaining gap "s" is measured, which is selected by polishing the upper wall of the cutout on the cocking lever in the region of the "C" point (Fig. 4).

After eliminating the gap "s" to ensure the failure of the trigger, the combat edge of the sear is blunted to R 0.15 mm. Further, after assembling the pistol, the operation of the trigger is checked.

6. The debugging of the pistol ends by checking the trigger force, which should be in the range from 2 to 3.5 kg for a cocked trigger and not more than 7.5 kg when the trigger is turned by the self-cocking lug. After debugging, checking the operation of the pistol in full (including the execution of shooting) and will make sure that the working qualities of the pistol have improved significantly. Smooth soft descent with no trigger failure will make shooting more comfortable and much more accurate. Accuracy will increase, gaps will disappear, and an ordinary Makarov pistol will become a precision weapon.

In conclusion, once again it must be emphasized that it makes sense to debug a pistol only on single samples with a good barrel, designed to achieve high results in competitions. Once again I want to remind you that before starting work, you need to clearly imagine the end result that you want to achieve. Good luck!


The Makarov pistol

One of the first serial PM 1949 release, distinctive features which are curly frames, a ledge on the right side of the trigger guard and magazines with an oblique ledge to turn off the slide delay.

PM pistol produced in 1977

The history of the creation of PM

A pistol designed by Nikolai Fedorovich Makarov was adopted to replace the TT, which did not meet the new requirements of the army for personal short-barreled weapons. During the Second World War, the soldiers and officers of the Red Army gained vast experience combat use personal handguns, both domestic and captured, of a variety of designs and manufacturers. The advantages, disadvantages and various features most combat pistols of the time. Including clashes at short and ultra-short distances, close combat in urban conditions showed insufficient stopping effect of the cartridge bullet used in regular TT pistols, compared to more effective 9 mm cartridges German Parabellums and Walter, as well as several significant shortcomings the weapon itself. For example, the TT did not provide a sufficient degree of safety in handling due to the lack of a safety mechanism, in addition to the safety cocking of the trigger, which did not allow you to safely carry a pistol with you in full combat readiness. TT also had a fairly large length.

Its simple trigger mechanism worked only in single action mode, while the best German captured pistols had a double action trigger, allowing you to safely carry a pistol with a cartridge previously sent to the chamber, and the owner of the weapon could instantly open fire. It became obvious the need to develop and adopt a more advanced model of personal weapons that meets all the requirements of that time. And, in fact, the officers preferred to go into battle not with a pistol, but with a much more effective submachine gun, using a service TT or captured Walter only when absolutely necessary, if more effective weapon refused or simply ran out of ammo. So even during the war, it was decided to replace the Tokarev pistol with a modern model with higher combat and operational qualities. As a result, not only the requirements for personal weapons were revised, but also the overall concept of its use in the army.

The new pistol was supposed to have smaller dimensions and weight, a trigger mechanism that allows you to open fire without pre-cocking the trigger, a greater stopping effect of a bullet, greater safety in handling and high reliability in difficult operating conditions. An experienced Makarov pistol was developed at the Tula TsKB-14 (later renamed TsKIB SOO) under the designation TKB-429, which just met the above requirements. At the beginning of the search the best option and early development work, Makarov designed two versions of his pistol. One chambered for 7.65mm Browning, which gave an advantage in smaller dimensions and weight of weapons, the other chambered for a more powerful domestic 9 × 18. The 9×18 cartridge was created by engineer Semin before the start of the war. Its prototype was the German 9mm Ultra, developed by the German company GECO, however, having the same cartridge case length, these cartridges are not interchangeable, since the bullet diameter of the domestic cartridge is 9.2 mm. In terms of energy and bullet speed, the 9×18 (official designation 57-N-181) occupies a niche between 9mm Short and 9mm Parabellum, having more bullet stopping power than the former and at the same time the ability to use in weapons with a blowback, in comparison with second. The new Russian 9mm cartridge was shorter than the standard 7.62×25 cartridge, with lower muzzle velocity and bullet energy, and less penetration. However, due to the larger caliber, it had not only no less stopping power than the more powerful 7.62 mm cartridge, but even surpassed it in this quality. As a result, the choice was made in favor of a more effective 9 mm cartridge.

Makarov worked day and night on the creation of his pistol. According to the memoirs of the designer: “Suffice it to say that at that time I worked every day, practically without days off, from eight in the morning until two or three in the morning, as a result of which I finalized and shot samples two or even three times more than my rivals, which, of course, made it possible to perfectly work out reliability and survivability. Having chosen the scheme of operation of automation using recoil energy with a free shutter, the designer made the weapon small-sized, relatively light, very reliable in operation, easy to maintain and inexpensive to manufacture. In general, the overall layout and design of weapon components and mechanisms were based on the solutions used in the German Walther PP, but at the same time Makarov significantly improved them in several areas: simplifying both the design itself and the handling of the pistol, its maintenance; multifunctionality of parts; increase of reliability of work in extreme conditions of operation; increase in the strength of parts and service life; increasing manufacturability and the pace of mass production. The recoil spring is located around the barrel, which made the pistol more compact and lighter than designs in which this spring is placed under the barrel.

Makarov managed to almost completely eliminate the delays in firing caused by sticking the cartridge into the feed ramp. The designer managed to achieve the ideal ratio of the height of the upper cartridge, the geometry and inclination of the bevel of the chamber, the shutter-casing mirror and the ejector design. In the PM, the upper cartridge in the magazine is located very high, almost at the level of the chamber, as a result of which, with the other above-mentioned features, the cartridges are fed with a minimum angle and the risk of sticking is minimized. The same Walter PP is very "finicky" to the shape of the bullet of the used cartridges due to the low location of the upper cartridge in relation to the chamber. The reliability of the PM thanks to this design was proven not only in tests, but most importantly, in real combat operations - in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and other countries where local warriors were and continue to be fought. The trigger mechanism of the trigger type, double action with automatic setting of the trigger on the safety platoon has a much simpler and more technologically advanced design. Descent with a warning. Trigger force when firing with a pre-cocked trigger, in single action mode, is 2 kg, and when firing by self-cocking - 4.5 kg. The parts of the trigger are much stronger, more durable, and the mechanism itself is easier to maintain than the one used in the PP pistol. On the left side of the frame is the slide stop lever.

Makarov PM pistol device

On the left surface of the shutter-casing there is a safety lever lever, when turned on, it locks the drummer and safely pulls the trigger from the cocking. In the on position, the fuse blocks the sear and the shutter-casing, while the trigger does not touch the firing pin. The PM fuse is an original design that differs significantly from the Walter PP system, and the only significant similarity is the location. Makarov designed a fuse that is turned off by moving the lever to the lower position, that is, by the natural movement of the thumb of the shooter's hand holding the weapon, while Walter's fuse is turned off by moving the lever up. Sights consist of a fixed front sight, made as part of a shutter-casing, and a rear sight fixed in a dovetail groove with the possibility of making lateral amendments. A magazine latch is located at the bottom of the handle. The gun consists of only 32 parts.

The PM has good accuracy for a compact pistol. When firing at 25 meters with standard 57-N-181 cartridges, the dispersion radius of R100 is 75 mm, and at 50 meters - 160 mm. At a distance of 10 meters, the dispersion radius is only 35 mm. It is necessary to separately note one of the design features of the PM - the multifunctionality of parts. For example, a two-bladed lamellar mainspring of a complex shape, in addition to its direct and main purpose, also performs the function of a hammer rebound spring by bending its wide feather, and the lower end of the spring is a magazine latch. Some parts, especially the fuse, have a rather complex shape. But later, a change in the production method made it possible to simplify and reduce the cost technological process. As a result, Nikolai Fedorovich created a pistol, which is independent design next to original solutions, which is much more reliable, durable, simple and has a longer service life than the Walther PP taken as the basis.

F.V. pistols took part in the competitive tests. Tokareva, I.I. Rakova, P.V. Voevodina, S.A. Korovina, A.A. Klimova, GV. Sevryugina, S.G. Simanova and A.I. Lobanov, as well as foreign systems such as Walther PP, Mauser HSc, Sauer 38H, Beretta M1934 and FN Browning model 1910/22. At the same time, the standard TT was the reference pistol. The most severe test was the placement of pistols in a pit filled with sand and water. In this case, the Makarov sample demonstrated an undeniable superiority in reliability. Pistol designed by N.F. Makarov, according to the results of tests in 1948, was recognized as the best, but it was recommended to make a number of changes to the design. After some refinement, the pistol was put into service under the designation PM (Makarov Pistol) in 1951. At the same time, after all the necessary work to improve and prepare for mass production, its production was launched at the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant back in 1949.

It should be noted that in the initial period of production, work was carried out in parallel to improve and adapt the design of the pistol to mass production and to develop the most suitable technology. The designers and technologists of the plant did a great job. Identified defects were eliminated, such as a small operational resource, a quick draft of the mainspring and other shortcomings. As a result, the original version of the PM pistol has undergone a number of changes, both internal and external. The experience of combat use in the army and law enforcement agencies indicates a very high reliability and ease of handling and maintenance of these weapons. Over time, shortcomings also emerged: a small stopping and penetrating effect of a bullet; small magazine capacity; narrow handle, with a small angle of inclination like that of the TT - 102 °, which does not provide full contact with the palm. Shooters with a low level of training or without regular training shooting with the PM demonstrate not high accuracy, since its handle and somewhat peculiar "grip" need to get used to.

When shooting from PM, especially when the bluing is erased, in side light, a reflection on the front sight is perceived as the absence of its side part. As a result, the shooter turns the weapon in the direction of the light and the bullets fall away from the center. As a disadvantage of the weapon, one can also consider the presence of a manually operated safety lever, which complicates the handling of the weapon. However, at that time the concept of peacetime personal short-barreled weapons dominated, that is, light, compact, convenient, with the necessary accuracy at short firing distances and not burdensome in everyday wear. In the event of the outbreak of hostilities, personal weapons would no longer be any serious and significant on the battlefield. Therefore, the shortcomings of the Makarov pistol were not seriously taken into account, especially in comparison with its advantages.

The very first PMs were produced in Tula in a trial batch of 20 to 30 pieces. The numbers began with "TM", followed by numbers and the year. After that, the release of Makarov pistols was transferred to Izhevsk, where in 1949 a trial batch of 5000 copies was made, with numbers starting with "TM". The frames of early production pistols (1949 - 1953) are distinguished by a figured front part, and the trigger guard has a protrusion on the right side of the upper edge. The side protrusion of the trigger guard, when pulled down, opened up access to the trigger, making it possible to remove it. In 1949, the number of the pistol was stamped on the rather wide front lower end of the shutter-casing. In later versions, the numbers were placed on the left side of the shutter-casing and frame. The slide delay at the bottom had an off lever, also called a tooth. After the last cartridge was used up, the shutter-casing became on the shutter delay, and at the moment of attaching the equipped magazine, the lever (tooth) of the shutter delay, interacting with the inclined protrusion of the window on the left side of the magazine, released the shutter-casing, sending the cartridge into the chamber. In order to ensure greater safety in handling weapons, the lever that automatically turns off the shutter delay was subsequently abolished. Now, in order to release the shutter-casing with the magazine removed or attached, it is necessary to press on the outer lug of the shutter delay. Such a decrease in the combat qualities of weapons, which increases the reloading time, of course, is a controversial decision, but justified by the practice of exploitation in the troops. The rear wall of the base of the handle of the PM frame of the release of 1949 with a flat surface does not have a bracket for clamping the mainspring, which is held directly by the handle and the screw. Since 1950, the shape of the rear surface of the base of the handle has been changed, due to the fact that the fastening of the screw holding the mainspring and the cheeks of the handle was constantly weakening.

In 1950, the production of the same figured frames began, but with the base of the handle, which has a mount for the mainspring clamp bracket and the clamp itself. The 1949 pistols were equipped with grip cheeks with a diamond-shaped cross-cut on the back surface, the color of which could be either black or brown. Later ones have a smooth back surface, and are only red-brown in color with various shades of it. From the second half of 1953, they began to produce pistols with a modified form of the trigger rod and a reduced free play of the trigger, as well as transitional models with a figured frame, a bracket for clamping the mainspring, and with a trigger guard that does not have a ledge. In 1954, the configuration of the flag safety lever changed somewhat. From the same year, the production of a new type of frame, with a thin front part, began, which is still used today. In 1970, a reduced rate of shooting was adopted - from 5000 to 2500 shots. In 1984, in order to ensure more convenient handling of weapons, the number of notches on the left surface of the shutter-casing was increased from ten to thirteen. Since 1988, the safety lever has been manufactured using the method of casting into a mold and subsequent milling. Around 1989, workmanship deteriorated. Gradually simplified the form of the shutter delay lever. The trigger and trigger also began to be made using the same method. The shape of the front part of the trigger guard was changed, which in the 90s began to be made by casting. In 1993, the production of pistols with a cast frame was launched.

One of the most important advantages of the pistol, created by Nikolai Fedorovich Makarov, is the reliability of work in the most difficult operating conditions. This quality has been proven not only in tests and operation in the army, but also in harsh combat conditions. The first major military conflict in which the PM took part, in more or less significant quantities, was the Vietnam War. In the incredibly harsh conditions of the jungle war South-East Asia Makarov's pistol demonstrated excellent reliability. And then in Afghanistan, with minimal care and sand ingress, the PM worked flawlessly. In the First and Second Chechen Warriors, the Makarov pistol again proved its reliability, without letting the fighters down. Russian Army and the Internal Troops at the right time, when the cartridges in the machine gun store ran out, or they had to act in close combat. Former and current officers, veterans Afghan war and two Chechen companies that happened to use their service Makarov pistol in battle, speak something like this: “In those conditions when both the pistol and your hands are all dirty, sometimes after a long absence of any kind of weapon care, I very much doubt that then no one would refuse foreign pistol, and PM saved the lives of many of our fighters. Of course, with a strong clogging of the chamber, the mirror of the shutter-casing, the grooves of the frame and the shutter-casing, the ejector spring, delays sometimes occur, but most of them are caused by careless handling of weapons and other shortcomings due to the fault of the owner.

In the early 1990s, as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union and a significant reduction in government orders for the army and law enforcement agencies, Izhmekh began manufacturing export versions of the Makarov pistol for the civilian arms market. Such pistols differed mainly in the presence of a rear sight adjustable in two planes and enlarged cheeks of the handle with protrusions for the thumb. By the mid 1990s. new variants of the PM were presented: IZH-70 chambered for 9 × 18 with adjustable entirely; IJ70-17A (IZH-70-200), whose production began in 1994, uses the 9mm Short (9x17) cartridge, and its variants IZH-70-100 (chambered for 9x18) and IZH-70-300 ( under 9 × 17) are distinguished by magazines with a capacity of 10 rounds; in 1995, a service version of the PM, created for security structures, was released under the designation IZH-71 chambered for 9 × 17, produced in various versions, differing in magazine capacity and sights.

In accordance with the Weapons Act of 1997, which regulated the use of firearms private security organizations, Izhmekh launched the production of PM chambered for 9 × 17 (9mm Short), the bullet energy of which was 20% less than the standard 9 × 18 cartridge. Such weapons are classified as service weapons. One of the newest variants of the PM is the Baikal-442, which is a sports and training modification of the Makarov pistol chambered for 9 × 18. The main differences between this weapon and its prototype are a trigger guard with a front ledge, a wider handle with a protruding diamond-shaped notch on the front and handle cheeks with side projections for the shooter's thumb. Shop with double-row arrangement of 10 or 12 rounds. The width of the handle is 34mm. On a separate order, it is supplied with a push-button magazine latch located under the shutter delay lever and can be equipped with a laser designator and a micrometer as a whole, adjustable in two planes.

IN Russian Federation civilians, under the Law on Weapons, since the time of the Bolshevik coup, do not have the right to own short-barreled weapons, unlike many European countries, and even more so the United States, with civilized and democratic legislation, where Russian pistols are exported and can be bought relatively freely by ordinary citizens or those with a residence permit. As a result, for the domestic market, the manufacturer of Makarov pistols and its various variants, was forced to develop the following products on the basis of the combat PM: air pistol MP-654K caliber 4.5 mm; gas IZH-79-8 and MP-79 chambered for 8 mm cartridge; traumatic 9 mm pistols Izh-79-9T "Makarych" and MP-79-9TM, as well as MP-80-13T chambered for .45 Rubber. Without taking into account the pneumatic pistol for sports and training shooting and gas models, which have proven to be extremely ineffective for self-defense, the most popular are traumatic products that shoot rubber balls.

PM has become widespread not only in the Warsaw Pact countries, but also in many friendly countries. Soviet Union countries and later around the world. Wherever the Makarov pistol was used, its highest reliability and simplicity were noted, as a result of which this weapon became very popular even with a large selection of much more modern and samples from leading arms companies in Europe and the USA. Makarov pistols, except Soviet army and law enforcement agencies, was in service and manufactured under license in the GDR, Bulgaria, China and the Dominican Republic. After the unification of Germany, the release of PM was launched by the famous German arms manufacturer - Simson. Despite all its advantages, the Makarov pistol by the end of the 1980s did not meet the requirements for personal short-barreled weapons. Due to the widespread use of personal armor protection (NIB) in the armies of most countries of the world and vigorous activity terrorist organizations, the weapon had to use a powerful cartridge with a high penetrating and stopping effect of a bullet, have a high firepower. In order to create a new, more efficient pistol, design work was launched at the Grach competition.

A temporary solution to the problem was the PMM pistol (Makarov Pistol Upgraded) chambered for 9 × 18 PMM with a reinforced powder charge and a lightweight bullet with a steel core and a conical warhead. The pistol itself differs from the prototype in a simpler form of the shutter-casing, enlarged cheeks of the handle with side protrusions for the thumb, as well as an increased-capacity magazine with a two-row arrangement of cartridges. Compared to the PM, the PMM pistol has higher combat qualities, which, however, are inferior to Western counterparts. The 9x18 PMM cartridges are not interchangeable with standard cartridges and cannot be used in weapons chambered for 9x18. Due to some confusion, there were problems with breakdowns of standard PMs. The PMM has not become widespread, and the PYa pistol, which won the Grach competition, cannot yet replace the PM due to financial difficulties. As a result, at present, the Makarov pistol still remains service weapon in the army and police. Nevertheless, in spite of everything, the Makarov pistol combines the best qualities of a compact personal short-barreled self-defense weapon. It is compact, very reliable, durable, safe, easy to handle and maintain. Despite the small, by modern standards, resource, some PM pistols, mainly produced in the 1960s. with the best workmanship have a very large shot and at the same time function reliably.

So the Soviet "Makarovs" in shooting ranges have shot up to 40,000 shots. The resource of the return spring averages from 5000 to 7000 shots. Modern PMs, as a rule, cannot withstand more than 5000, since they, in fact, are not designed for this. Another example of reliability - one owner of an old combat PM fired only about 52,000 shots from his pistol without a single delay. With proper experience and training, the pistol demonstrates excellent accuracy, even with standard grip cheeks. For example, the author knows the following result - when shooting at a distance of 25 meters with a series of five shots, when shooting from two hands at a low pace, with Barnaul cartridges with shell bullets, the maximum diameter of a group of hits was 60 mm! Even today, with a huge range of the latest and most advanced models from leading manufacturers such as Glock, Beretta, Steyr, Walther, Smith & Wesson and Sig Sauer, many people who are well versed in weapons choose the proven, trouble-free Makarov pistol to protect their lives.

Countless discussions have been held on the suitability of the Makarov pistol as a compact self-defense weapon. In these disputes, as a rule, there are two dominant parties with opposing opinions. Those who consider the PM not a suitable weapon for such use, given the huge selection of the latest models, cite as seriously justified arguments the presence on the arms market of a huge selection of the latest models of leading manufacturers that are ahead of the Makarov pistol not only in technical and technological terms, but also in the most important in this aspect of the use of qualities. As a comparison, as a rule, pistols with polymer frames are indicated, with double-row or single-row magazines. Note that the length of the PM is 161 mm, and the width is 30.5 mm. Here it is necessary to give a couple of examples. The new super slim Walther PPS in 9mm Parabellum with a 6, 7 or 8 round single row magazine, the same length as the PM but only 23mm wide! The well-proven Glock 26 of the same caliber, with a two-row magazine with a capacity of 10 or 12 rounds, with a slightly shorter length and width than the PM.

Pistols like the ones above outperform the PM by several times in terms of combat and operational qualities, and they all fire the more effective, most widely used 9mm Parabellum cartridges in the world. It is impossible to disagree with such arguments, especially when you know the features of each of the given pistols. Modern models of approximately the same dimensions are much lighter, much more convenient to hold and handle than the PM, surpass it in firing accuracy and firepower. Supporters of the expediency of wearing a Makarov pistol for self-defense point to its high reliability in extreme operating conditions and simplicity of design. Arguments are given that it is quite possible to learn to shoot from the PM with very good accuracy, if you train enough, that it is quite convenient and not burdensome to carry covertly, and the effectiveness of the cartridges used has been proven by decades of practical use in law enforcement agencies and the armed forces of Russia and the former USSR.

Even now, if the Russian special forces have modern pistols, many prefer the old and proven PM, despite the relatively large length and insufficient smoothness of the trigger, more weight than modern models and a slightly smaller magazine capacity. However, proponents of the PM generally agree that its cartridge is only effective if the opponent does not use personal protective equipment. After all, even not expensive modern lightweight Kevlar body armor perfectly protects against PM shots. But here it should be clarified that the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not encounter an enemy using NIB, and special forces soldiers have the opportunity to choose weapons for a more powerful and effective cartridge. But why are Makarov pistols still in very stable and good demand today in those countries of the world where citizens have the opportunity to choose any modern compact pistol, similar to those given as an example? This happens for several reasons. At the same time, it should be clarified that Makarov pistols are most popular in the Baltic countries, other states that were previously part of the USSR, as well as in Eastern Europe at all.

Many of those who buy a Makarov pistol are former employees law enforcement agencies and are perfectly familiar with this weapon, getting used to it and learning how to shoot well from it. The owner of a Makarov pistol about his weapon: “I have a German PM. Very good gun! In terms of strength, in my opinion, it is not inferior, and probably surpasses the Izhevsk pistols from the times of the USSR. The quality of surface treatment and bluing is significantly higher than the output of all those countries in which PM was produced. Treatment internal surfaces excellent. There are no scratches or marks of machining. The accuracy of shooting is generally the same as that of most PMs. However, the fundamental factor when buying a PM is not only its reliability, but also its low cost. A significantly more affordable price often becomes a decisive argument. At the same time, almost all leading experts in the field of personal weapons and their use, including the United States, point to an excellent combination of price and quality of the weapon itself. The Makarov pistol provides the buyer with excellent qualities of a compact personal weapon at a very affordable price.

For this reason, PMs are bought both in Western Europe and in the USA, where the level of well-being of the population is higher, and people have the opportunity to purchase much more modern, but also more expensive weapons. You should not forget about the huge selection of pistols in the same USA. A resident of California about the popularity of PM: “Makarov is respected in America. I can judge because they are not stale in our stores, they are quickly bought up, despite the availability of almost anything. I don’t know how it is in other states, it will only appear in our store, after 2-3 days it was already taken away. In general, there is an opinion that Russian weapons- reliable. In addition, the owner of the PM about his pistol: “Of course, I got used to the PM for about two months, until I shot. But now I wear it every day. In the city, that's it. Small, 8 rounds in the magazine and one in the chamber, and most importantly, reliable. I'm not afraid that there will be problems with him. It's psychologically very important to carry a gun you trust." The Makarov pistol, or as it is now called in the USA - Russian Mak, together with the Kalashnikov assault rifle in the West, are the standard of reliable, functional, unpretentious, practical and effective weapons.

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