Heavy American tank T57 Heavy - WoT Video Guide. Experienced heavy tank T57 (USA) What modules to put on t57 heavy

The drawings of the T57 Heavy, as you understand, have not gone away, and the developers of World of tanks very reliably restored the alleged appearance and characteristics of this machine. So we can roughly find out what she would be capable of in battle.
First, let's get acquainted with the gaming characteristics of the machine. The T57 heavy gun also has penetration and one-time damage, which is also t110e5. In addition, the gun has a huge rate of fire, and any top tank destroyer will envy the level of damage per minute. At the same time, the gun had - very good accuracy, not the best, but far from the worst, aiming time and quite sufficient ammunition.
It is worth noting that, unlike its predecessor, T57 Heavy does not require you to play gold, which means that you will often and successfully bring silver from battle.
The margin of safety of our combat vehicle is noticeably less than that of most of its classmates. The mass is also relatively small, and since the military did not plan to give it an engine comparable to the power plant of the French AMX50B, Hevik is very far from the dynamics of medium tanks.
Due to the placement of an automatic loader in the rear of the turret, the tank received very large dimensions, which, in turn, did not make it possible to raise the gun high enough. At the same time, it goes down quite well. And the last thing - an American cannot boast of either a viewing radius or a level of disguise, however, he has nothing to complain about.

Tank history.
After the victory parade in Berlin, the leading armies of the world began or resumed the development of heavy tanks in order to create a vehicle capable of competing with the latest Soviet IS-3, which made an indelible impression on the military.
In 1946, the Americans were working on the T-43 project, sorting through various options execution of the hull and tower. And although the final version, which received the M-103 index, was made in a classic layout, in their developments, American engineers did not ignore the possibility of installing a oscillating turret on the T-43. A similar tower was created by French tank engineers. The main difference and benefit from using a oscillating turret was that the breech of the gun was stationary relative to the turret body. This made it possible to install an automatic loader in it.
However, it was not without very serious shortcomings. Firstly, in a turret of this type it was much more difficult to ensure horizontal stabilization of the gun. Secondly, it was not possible to carry out reliable sealing. This meant that the tank could not be used in conditions very likely at the time, nuclear war, and he could not force deep water barriers. Work on machines of this type, one of which was armed with a 120 mm gun and had the T57 index, proceeded very slowly and, in the end, in 1957 they were curtailed even before the assembly of the prototype was completed.

Crew perks.
The crew needs to download the next set of perks. Commander - sixth sense and the Brotherhood of War, all other crew members repair and combat brotherhood. We download individual skills for the third perks - repair from the commander, sniper from the gunner, off-road king or virtuoso from the driver mechanic, non-contact ammo rack from the loader.

What equipment and modules to install.
As for equipment, it is worth remembering that Heavy does not burn when hit in the forehead, but due to the peculiarities of its design, it is often shot at the turret, and as a result, the gun and the turret rotation mechanism fail. So the fire extinguisher can be replaced with a large repair kit, which will not only allow you to re-repair damaged modules, but also increase the speed of repair by 10%. We leave the first-aid kit in place, since the contusions of the crew members, although not entirely tragic, are quite unpleasant.
Equipment. You cannot put a gun rammer on a tank with a loading drum in World of tanks. Therefore, we put a stabilizer, improved ventilation and reinforced pickup drives. You can sacrifice drives in favor of coated optics.

Penetration zones and weak points.
Booking Hevik makes a rather painful impression. One of the weakest projectiles he comes across in the game has no problem dealing damage. 200 millimeters of penetration is enough to easily deal damage in the NLD, the bottom of the oscillating turret, and even directly into the base of the gun. In a rhombus, the tank starts to get penetrations through the tracks very quickly. The upper frontal part will not be able to hold the armor-piercing shells of our own gun, but the beak of the tower easily beats them off.
So, our tank, as, frankly, the vast majority of any other equipment in the game, will not be able to avoid damage under fire from enemy guns while standing in an open field. But, the armor in the area of ​​the upper part of the tower, coupled with good vertical aiming angles, will completely allow you to play from high shelters and through the tops of hills. This is the only way we can tank hits, because in a rhombus, and even more so in any other projections, causing damage to Hevik does not present any difficulties.

How to play correctly.
Traditionally T57 Heavy is compared with another drummer - amx50b. For a long time, in the eyes of the vast majority of players, the result of the comparison was very simple - the Frenchman was not even close to the American. Although this statement was controversial before, it has now become clear that these are fundamentally different tanks. T57 is much slower than its French counterpart and cannot change flank during the reload time of the drum. But he has much less vulnerable zones in the frontal projection. Thanks to fairly good frontal armor, most of our turret is prone to ricochet. This means that it is quite difficult to punch Hevik from long and medium distances. Opponents will often be discharged by an American at idle. Such fighters of the enemy team will provide you with the opportunity to discharge the drum with complete impunity.
In addition, thanks to the tower and comfortable vertical aiming angles, the T57 Heavy is comfortable to play through the curves of the terrain. The main thing is to learn not to travel too far at the same time, but to show the enemy only the gun and the top of the tower.
And yet, these two strands have a lot in common. The loading drum gives both a fantastic DPM. In less than 10 seconds, you are able to halve or even destroy almost every enemy, or quickly get a few underdogs. The French gun converges a little faster, but the American has a little less CD inside the drum. On the T57, it is not necessary to fight in an attacking group. Your cannon will be useful at long distances as well. In such positions, it is much easier to survive the reloading of the drum.
The rate of fire allows you to harp and keep an inaccurately shown enemy on the rink, giving the opportunity to shoot as efficiently as possible for all members of your team. It is very nice to knock down the caterpillar of the enemy, who is in a hurry somewhere. After all, the faster he rides, the more vulnerable places he turns towards us at the moment of knocking down the caterpillar at full speed.

Well, you have reached the crown of this difficult, but very interesting branch. Our last guide is about a car that was threatened to be nerfed, nerfed and is going to be nerfed, because in the right hands it can greatly influence the outcome of the battle. Meet T57 Heavy

The car is the crown of development, therefore it is presented in the game at level 10. Accordingly, to open it, we need to earn 250,000 experience on the previous machine and accumulate 6,100,000 credits. However, all this expenses will not end because we still need to install optional equipment, apply camouflage and land a more than good crew. Let's start with the last one.

Since the car is level 10 and its contribution to the overall victory is not just great, but huge, we need to land 100% right away, since the crew from the previous car is completely the same, only the class is different. This can be achieved in several ways:

  • The most profitable is to simply retrain for gold, since the class of the previous vehicle is ST, and this tank is TT. Gold will simply remove this difference, completely preserving all the experience of the crew. Personally, I advise you to use it. The only negative is that you have to pay money. The cost of such a transplant will be 200 * 4 = 800 gold (during promotions 400), the amount is not that big ...
  • Retrain for silver, dropping all perks from our crew. We will lose a fairly large amount of experience, but we will immediately get 100% without money. The cost of such a transplant is 40,000*4=160,000 credits.

Also, do not forget about camouflage, because it will add stealth to us. Personally, I recommend applying it because in some situations it is he who will play essential role. The cost of applying camouflage for 30 days is 100,000*3=300,000 credits.


I see no reason to publish the research tree of this machine, because there is nothing to explore there. Now you can just play for fun =) However, I would like to consider each module separately

An excellent weapon with good accuracy, damage and penetration. By tradition, the gun is equipped with a loading drum for 4 shells of 400 units. damage with an average cooldown of 23 seconds. Also excellent angles of declination.

The tower is identical to the previous car. The same rational tilt angles, a view of 400m and a turning speed of 36 degrees / s.

Our standard radio with a range of 745m. This is more than enough.

The engine provides good dynamics and has a standard 20% chance of catching fire when hit, which means that you need to carry a fire extinguisher.

The chassis allows the car to turn on the spot at a speed of 30 degrees / s. More, perhaps, there is nothing to say.

Advantages and disadvantages of the machine


  • Great tool
  • Fast drum reload
  • Big damage in a minute
  • Excellent vertical aiming angles


  • average speed
  • Relatively weak booking

Balance weight

Vehicles of level 10 and, accordingly, take part in battles of levels 10 and 11. We are comfortable playing everywhere, so you should not worry about this.


The car is at level 10, and the 10th level does not farm. Doesn't farm at all. Of course, it is possible and necessary to play at 0 or plus, but unfortunately, it will not work for earning silver.


We are exactly the same T54E1, but at level 10. Our reload time has decreased, while damage and armor penetration have increased. As before, we cannot play in the forefront due to armor and complete uselessness during reloading, as before, we should be wary of artillery and play the role of support. Well, in general, perhaps everything. It makes no sense to teach you how to play at level 10, especially since all the cars from this branch, despite the difference in class, had one thing in common - a loading drum. Just think and play. In such a combination, the game will turn into a fan, and the results will be more than excellent.

Optional equipment

  • Stabilizer vert. pickups
  • Fan
  • Optics/Drives


  • repair kit
  • first aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher

Additional skills for the crew


  • Sixth sense/repair
  • Handyman


  • Sniper/Repair
  • vindictive

Fur. driver

  • Repair / off-road king
  • Cleanliness and tidiness


  • Repair
  • Non-contact ammo rack


At a time when the M103 tanks were being finalized and put into service in the United States, specialists continued to design samples of experimental heavy tanks, the design of which was largely based on the experience gained in the development of the M103. So, on October 12, 1951, it was decided to create experimental heavy tanks with the main armament in the so-called "rocking" tower and with an automated loading system. The idea of ​​a "rocking" tower was borrowed by American engineers in France, where by that time similar towers had already been installed on the AMX-13 and AMX-50 tanks. The "rocking" tower consisted of two halves - the lower one, which rotated 360 ° on the chase, and the upper one, in which the gun itself was installed rigidly. The top of the turret could move in a vertical plane to aim the gun. Due to this, the breech of the artillery system always remained motionless and, therefore, it was relatively easy to place an automatic loader behind it. New american tank, which received the designation T57 (according to American post-war terminology - “120-mm cannon tank T57”), was supposed to be based on the chassis of the T43 tank and at the same time have a “rocking” turret with a 120-mm gun on heavy external trunnions. A 7.62 mm machine gun was paired with the gun (on the left), and on the right was a telescopic sight. The automatic loader was located in the massive rear of the turret and consisted of a feeder and an 8-round drum located under the gun's bolt. Three types of ammunition could be loaded into the drum, driven by hydraulics, the choice of which was made by the gunner or tank commander. Spent cartridges were ejected through a special hatch on the roof of the tower. It should be noted, however, that the total ammunition load of the T57 tank was only 18 rounds. According to the US military, this was clearly not enough. Relatively small (because of the massive niche of the tower, which deviated when the gun was raised down to the engine compartment) was the angle of vertical aiming of the gun.

T57 Heavy Tank 1.jpg

T57 Heavy Tank (USA)

According to the initial assignment, two experimental towers with weapons were made. The chassis of the T43E1 tank was modified to install new turrets, but for a number of reasons the program was canceled in January 1957. There are two theories as to why the T57 Heavy Tank did not enter mass production: 1.) a catastrophic delay in the delivery of internal equipment for the first sample of the T57. The long-term construction, of course, did not inspire confidence in the military, and, in addition, at that time there was a prospect of creating lighter tanks capable of carrying similar weapons. 2.) It was not possible to seal the joint between the lower and upper parts of the tower, it was during these years that protection against weapons began to be used mass destruction, and the tanks themselves were supposed to be used at the forefront of a tactical nuclear strike. Any non-density of joints would negate all efforts to protect the crew, which is why such towers took root only in France, as well as on French-built tanks in general non-nuclear countries.

T57 Heavy Tank 3.jpg

As a result, the turrets of the T57 tank were written off for scrap, and the chassis was decided to be kept for further experiments. A similar fate befell the T58 tank, also with a "rocking" turret. Its main weapon was to be a 155 mm cannon equipped with an automatic loader. Now the automatic loader was equipped with a 6-round magazine located behind the gun breech. The magazine drum had a separate-sleeve loading, and spent cartridges first got back into the store, and then they were manually removed by the loader. The crew of the T58 tank consisted of four people, three of them were in the tower (commander, gunner and loader). A feature of the turrets of the T57 and T58 tanks was the roof structure, equipped with a movable middle part. With the help of hydraulics, it could lean up at an angle of 60 ° along with the commander's cupola and the loader's hatch. In this case, the roof was supposed to serve as a protective shield during the urgent evacuation of the crew. As in the case of the T57, two turrets for the T58 tank were ordered, and it was planned to install them on the T43E1 chassis, but the simultaneous freezing of the T57 and T58 projects put an end to all work in the field of "rocking" towers. Thus, the American designers did not accept the French type of tower. Despite the automatic loader in the "rocking" tower, there was a fourth tanker in the crew, who "up-charged" this automatic weapon. Note that theoretically the application automatic system loading on American experienced tanks provided a rate of fire of up to 23 rounds per minute versus two with manual loading, however, with a magazine of only six or eight shots, such a rate of fire was clearly unattainable.

What is the T57 Heavy Tank. Outwardly, the tank resembles the AMX-50B tank we already know. And after reading his story of creation, it becomes clear why. As it turned out, these tanks have a lot in common. Both tanks are equipped with a 4-round drum and a 120 mm gun.

The drawings of the T57 Heavy, as you understand, have not gone away, and the developers of World of tanks have very reliably restored the intended appearance and characteristics of this vehicle. So we can roughly find out what she would be capable of in battle.
First, let's get acquainted with the gaming characteristics of the machine. The T57 heavy gun has the same penetration and one-time damage as the T110e5. In addition, the gun has a huge rate of fire, and any top tank destroyer will envy the level of damage per minute. At the same time, the gun had - very good accuracy, not the best, but far from the worst, aiming time and quite sufficient ammunition.
It is worth noting that, unlike its predecessor, T57 Heavy does not require you to play gold, which means that you will often and successfully bring silver from battle.
The margin of safety of our combat vehicle is noticeably less than that of most of its classmates. The mass is also relatively small, and since the military did not plan to give it an engine comparable to the power plant of the French AMX50B, Hevik is very far from the dynamics of medium tanks.
Due to the placement of an automatic loader in the rear of the turret, the tank received very large dimensions, which, in turn, did not make it possible to raise the gun high enough. At the same time, it goes down quite well. And the last thing - an American cannot boast of either a viewing radius or a level of disguise, however, he has nothing to complain about.

Tank history.
After the victory parade in Berlin, the leading armies of the world began or resumed the development of heavy tanks in order to create a vehicle capable of competing with the latest Soviet IS-3, which made an indelible impression on the military.
In 1946, the Americans were working on the T-43 project, sorting through various versions of the hull and turret. And although the final version, which received the M-103 index, was made in a classic layout, in their developments, American engineers did not ignore the possibility of installing a oscillating turret on the T-43. A similar tower was created by French tank engineers. The main difference and benefit from using a oscillating turret was that the breech of the gun was stationary relative to the turret body. This made it possible to install an automatic loader in it.
However, it was not without very serious shortcomings. Firstly, in a turret of this type it was much more difficult to ensure horizontal stabilization of the gun. Secondly, it was not possible to carry out reliable sealing. This meant that the tank could not be used in a nuclear war, which was very likely at that time, and it could not cross deep water barriers. Work on machines of this type, one of which was armed with a 120 mm gun and had the T57 index, proceeded very slowly and, in the end, in 1957 they were curtailed even before the assembly of the prototype was completed.

Crew perks.
The crew needs to download the next set of perks. To the commander - the sixth sense and military brotherhood, to all other crew members repair and military brotherhood. We download individual skills for the third perks - repair from the commander, sniper from the gunner, off-road king or virtuoso from the driver mechanic, non-contact ammo rack from the loader.

What equipment and modules to install.
As for equipment, it is worth remembering that Heavy does not burn when hit in the forehead, but due to the peculiarities of its design, it is often shot at the turret, and as a result, the gun and the turret rotation mechanism fail. So the fire extinguisher can be replaced with a large repair kit, which will not only allow you to re-repair damaged modules, but also increase the speed of repair by 10%. We leave the first-aid kit in place, since the contusions of the crew members, although not entirely tragic, are quite unpleasant.
Equipment. You cannot put a gun rammer on a tank with a loading drum in World of tanks. Therefore, we put a stabilizer, improved ventilation and reinforced pickup drives. You can sacrifice drives in favor of coated optics.

Penetration zones and weak points.
Booking Hevik makes a rather painful impression. One of the weakest projectiles he comes across in the game has no problem dealing damage. 200 millimeters of penetration is enough to easily deal damage in the NLD, the bottom of the oscillating turret, and even directly into the base of the gun. In a rhombus, the tank starts to get penetrations through the tracks very quickly. The upper frontal part will not be able to hold the armor-piercing shells of our own gun, but the beak of the tower easily beats them off.
So, our tank, as, frankly, the vast majority of any other equipment in the game, will not be able to avoid damage under fire from enemy guns while standing in an open field. But, the armor in the area of ​​the upper part of the tower, coupled with good vertical aiming angles, will completely allow you to play from high shelters and through the tops of hills. This is the only way we can tank hits, because in a rhombus, and even more so in any other projections, causing damage to Hevik does not present any difficulties.

How to play correctly.
Traditionally T57 Heavy is compared with another drummer - amx50b. For a long time, in the eyes of the vast majority of players, the result of the comparison was very simple - the Frenchman was not even close to the American. Although this statement was controversial before, it has now become clear that these are fundamentally different tanks. T57 is much slower than its French counterpart and cannot change flank during the reload time of the drum. But he has much less vulnerable zones in the frontal projection. Thanks to fairly good frontal armor, most of our turret is prone to ricochet. This means that it is quite difficult to punch Hevik from long and medium distances. Opponents will often be discharged by an American at idle. Such fighters of the enemy team will provide you with the opportunity to discharge the drum with complete impunity.
In addition, thanks to the tower and comfortable vertical aiming angles, the T57 Heavy is comfortable to play through the curves of the terrain. The main thing is to learn not to travel too far at the same time, but to show the enemy only the gun and the top of the tower.
And yet, these two strands have a lot in common. The loading drum gives both a fantastic DPM. In less than 10 seconds, you are able to halve or even destroy almost every enemy, or quickly get a few underdogs. The French gun converges a little faster, but the American has a little less CD inside the drum. On the T57, it is not necessary to fight in an attacking group. Your cannon will be useful at long distances as well. In such positions, it is much easier to survive the reloading of the drum.
The rate of fire allows you to harp and keep an inaccurately shown enemy on the rink, giving the opportunity to shoot as efficiently as possible for all members of your team. It is very nice to knock down the caterpillar of the enemy, who is in a hurry somewhere. After all, the faster he rides, the more vulnerable places he turns towards us at the moment of knocking down the caterpillar at full speed.

Tank T57 in WoT- top drummer from the alternative branch of American heavy tanks (although the only TT in this branch is the T57). The most important advantage of the machine is certainly its weapon with a loading drum, which is capable of inflicting huge damage at the moment.

The article was written on 01/27/2014, with update 0.8.10


  • "Havik" - for English word"heavy" in the name of the car;
  • "Drummer" is a nickname that combines all equipment with an automatic loader.

Interesting on the topic:


T57 appeared in the game on December 06, 2012, along with update 0.8.2. The machine immediately interested many players. Everyone was very impressed with his drum and an interesting way of pumping. Some tankers get nervous at the sight of him, even when the "hevik" is standing and reloading, because they do not always know that the enemy is on cooldown.

Research and leveling:

The branch on which our drummer is pumped is unique. It contains both light tanks and medium ones, and our ward T57 completes everything. It is pumped out from the T54E1 medium tank, for this you will have to gain 250,000 experience on top car, and then also spend 6,100,000 silver to buy an apparatus.

The only non-unique T57 module is the radio, which is also found on the T110E5, T110E4, T110E3. Good thing you don't have to download anything.

The engine is weaker than that of our fellow T110E5 by as much as 65 hp. (810), despite the fact that the tank is almost a ton heavier. This slightly affects our dynamics, despite the fact that the running gears are almost identical.

The tower has an interesting ricochet shape, from which shells often ricochet, falling not only on the forehead, but also on the sides. We have terrible cardboard on top, the damage of the artillery suitcase can go completely, try to always stay close to shelters.

Characteristics of a heavy tank:


The most relish of the T57 is in its T179 120 mm gun. The nearest similar guns are the French SA45 120 mm, from the AMX 50b drummer and the American M58 120 mm, from the T110E5. But we will only compare the T179 with the SA45, since it also has a drum.

Hevik charges faster than its French counterpart and can spit out 4 rounds in less time. At the same time, they have the same accuracy, although the American aims faster (0.27 versus 0.30 for the AMX) and his convergence is less prone to increase after the shot (3.5 versus 4.0 for the French). Even the American has the best UVN indicators, this property is inherent in all the technology of this nation.

But that's where the positives end and the harsh truth of life begins. And so, here are the minuses of the T57 gun, compared to the AMX 50b: less ammunition - 36 versus 56, more dispersion coefficient when turning the turret - 0.14 versus 0.1, the visibility of the shot is higher than that of the Frenchman.

The flight speed of the T179 projectile is impressive - 1,067, and this also applies to the cumulative gold projectile. Although the Frenchman has sub-calibers that fly four times !!! faster speed sound - 1,334 m/s. You can learn more about all the characteristics of the T57 gun under the spoiler below.

Weapon characteristics:


There should not be any special problems with the crew. Unless you have to retrain them for gold if you want a 100% effect from playing on T57 right away, otherwise you will have to be content with 80% skills. And all because of the original upgrade branch, because, in fact, you are transferring the team from a medium tank to a heavy one.

Everything else is in order, we have four crew members: commander, gunner, driver and loader. Attention: The tank commander performs the functions of a radio operator, so it will not be easy to improve the visibility on the T57 (eagle eye and radio interception).

The pumping configuration for the "hevik" can be the most diverse, each player will pick up something of his own. I will present here two setups for playing aggressively and supporting the team:

Aggressive: our task is to maximize accuracy on the move, protect the ammo, and increase the skill of the entire crew in order to quickly reload and accurately kill enemies in a peppy tank chopper:

  • Commander (radio operator) - light bulb, combat brotherhood, repair, eagle eye or radio interception;
  • Gunner - repair, combat brotherhood, smooth turret turn, sniper;
  • Mechanical driver - repair, brotherhood in arms, smooth running, off-road king;

Support: we increase the cohesion of the crew, the maneuverability of the vehicle, and the accuracy of fire:

  • Commander (radio operator) - light bulb, brotherhood in arms, eagle eye, radio interception, repair;
  • Gunner - repair, combat brotherhood, smooth turret turn, master gunsmith;
  • Mechanical driver - repair, military brotherhood, off-road king, virtuoso;
  • Loader - repair, combat brotherhood, "non-contact" ammo rack, desperate.


In terms of security, the T57 lags behind most of its counterparts, our main skill is NI (for fear). Because of a large number pussies at random, we can keep the whole crowd behind cover, since no one wants to take all the damage from your drum. This can and should be used, especially on city maps.

But if, nevertheless, the enemy tramples on you, we can only defend ourselves with a more or less rebound tower and a seam in the forehead of the chassis, the thickness of which is 203 mm. The rest of the forehead and most of the tower has from 114 to 127 mm, and this is very small, at such levels of fighting that we will be thrown into. Yes, and the enemy is trying to knock out the drummer first.

The sides of the undercarriage and the upper part of the turret have only 50 mm of armor. Based on this, we should not tank with a caterpillar and hide behind shelters more, otherwise artillery, from one suitcase, can ruin the whole game for us at once. Right behind the side of the chassis is a BC, it has little HP and often fails. It’s not worth talking about the stern, there is a power plant and fuel tanks, which sometimes light up from a large-caliber splash.


Equipment, equipment and ammunition:

The best configuration for the T57 is only one:

  • Improved ventilation Class 3;
  • Reinforced pickup drives;
  • Vertical stabilizer Mk 2

Some put coated optics instead of reinforced aiming drives, but they are in the minority.

The equipment is standard, but the fire extinguisher can be replaced with 100-octane gasoline, the tank does not burn often, and mobility does not interfere with us at all.

In the ammunition load, you definitely need to have a little silver gold, 8-12 (3-4 drums) will be enough, the rest should be filled with armor-piercing ones.

Positive and negative sides:


  • Good turret traverse speed;
  • Good turning speed;
  • Excellent penetration;
  • The presence of an automatic loader;
  • Good UGN;
  • Relatively small size;
  • Ricochet tower.


  • Arta, when hit on the roof of the tower, deals full damage;
  • High profile;
  • Weak ammunition;
  • Not much top speed
  • Bad booking;
  • Long drum reload.

The T57 Heavy Tank is certainly an excellent vehicle, both medium players and reindeer can bend over it, and experienced tankers simply break random. But you need to play the hevik carefully and wisely in order to to the fullest use its full potential.

Your task in battle is to support allies, 57 was created to play in a platoon or team, and it would not be advisable to break through the flank on it yourself. Stay close to your own when riding in a group, choose well-armored allies for the team.

The car feels great on city maps. The main technique is a sudden appearance from around the corner, inflicting huge damage on the enemy, after which you will need to hide for reloading, it is better to drive off to the allies. Sometimes it is possible to hold back the advance of the enemy by using an armored turret, such as Himmelsdorf's "banana".

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