Tatar names for men and women. Meaning of Tatar names. Modern beautiful Tatar names for men

If you do not find in this catalog what you are interested in Tatar name exactly by spelling, then look consonant with it, since most likely they have the same origin, for example: Walid = Vyalit, Gulsum = Gulsum, Jafar = Zhafar.
old Tatar names often consist of words from Persian, Arabic, Turkic languages, later Tatar names- derived from them or consist of the words of the Iranian, Tatar and other modern, Aro-Asiatic, but mainly Turkic peoples neighboring the Tatars or are composed of several words of different origin, or from several words or names (Musagitdin, Mintimer, Saijafar, Gaynutdin, Abdeljabar) .
The most "young" Tatar names, which arose in the 20th century, are often modified old names, in which either more beautiful-sounding letters are added or the name is abbreviated: (Franis, Rimma, Marat, Raf, Rabis) or borrowed from European peoples (Albert, Hans, Marseille, Rudolf, Ferdinand , Edward).
Often the Tatars, due to their developed creativity invented and invented Tatar names to their children from beautiful words or phrases of Persian, Arabic, Turkic, Iranian, Bulgar, Tatar languages.
It is impossible to find out exactly the origin of many names, so we recommend that those who are faced with choosing a name for a child - choose a beautiful one for him sounding name presented Tatar names, or you can come up with it yourself, just keep in mind that the more original the name of the child is, the more it will "cut the ear" of others and in the future can cause unpleasant moments for a person.

Naasim - settler (disputes)
Nabi is an Arab. prophet
Nabil (Nabhan, Nabih) - noble, noble, famous
Navid - good news
Nadir is an Arab. rare (female f. Nadira)
Nadzhi - saving, (f.f.f. Nadzhiya)
Najib - noble birth
Najmuddin (Nazmuddin) - star of faith
Nadeem - friend
Nadir (Nadyr) - expensive, rare
Nadia is the first
Nazar (Nazir) - Arab. sight, far-sighted (zh.f. Nazira)
Nazih (Nazip, Nazif) - clean - Tat. (female Nazifa)
Nazil -
Nazmi -
Naib - assistant, deputy
Nail is an Arab. a gift, a gift, reaching and striving, achieving the desired (J.F. Naila, Nelya, Nelly)
Naim - quiet, calm
Namdar (Namwar) - famous
Nariman - other Iran. strong-willed
Naseem - fresh air
Nasih is an Arab. adviser, assistant, friend
Nasyr (Nasr) - friend
Nasseruddin - Defender of the Faith
Naufal - generous
Nafis is an Arab. graceful, thin, (f.f.f. Nafisa)
Naretdin -
Neymat (Nimat) - good
Niaz (Niyaz) - mercy
Nigina - pers. f.f. nigin - gem in frame, ring
Nizam is an Arab. device, order
Nur is an Arab. light
Nurania -
Nuri - light (zh.f.f. Nuria)
Nurlan (Nurlat) - sparkling (zh.f.f. Nurlan)
Nuruddin - the radiance of faith
Nurania - Tat. from 2 words: Arabic. nur - light and named after Ania (Khania) Turkic - a gift
Nuriahmet is an Arab. glorified light, holy radiance
Nurislam - the light of Islam
Nurulla is an Arab. the light of Allah
Nurutdin -
Nelifya (Nelifar) -

Oygul (Aigul) - Turk. Lunar flower
Oktay - judge
Olzhas - Kaz. gift, gift
Omar (Umar, Umyar, Omeir, Gumar, Homer) - pers. life, longevity
Omid - hope
Omran - firmly built
Oner - advanced
Orkhan - khan of the army, commander
payam - good news
Pasha is the owner
payman - promise
Polad - strong, powerful
Pujman - dream, desire
Puya the seeker
Rabah - victorious
Rabi - spring
Rabiha is an Arab. spring, daughter of the prophet
Ravil - aram. 1. taught by God, 2. teenager; traveler
Raghib - desiring, thirsty
Razil (Ruzil, Ruzbeh) - happy
Radik - aspiring
Radif - spiritual
Rafael (Raphael, Rafail, Rafil, Rafil) - God's medicine
Rafik (Rifkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafkat) - Arab. Kind
Razi is a secret
Razil (Ruzil) - the secret of Allah
Raid - leader
Rail is a miracle of Allah
Rais. - tat. (f.f. Raisya)
Rakin - respectful
Rakia is an Arab. leading the way
Ralina - loving father
Ralif (Raif) -
Ramiz (Ramis) - symbolizing the good
Ramil - magical, magical (zh.f. Ramil)
Rania -
Rasil is an Arab. sent
Rasim is an Arab. stronghold, defender (female f. Rasima)
Rasih is an Arab. hard, stable
Rasul - apostle; precursor
Ratib - measured
Rauza (Ravza, Rose) - Tat. rose flower
Rauf is an Arab. merciful (f. f. Raufa)
Rauza (Rose) - Tat. rose flower
Raf -
Rafgat (Rafkat, Rifkat, Rifat, Rafik) - Arab. Kind
Rafik (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rifat) - Arab. Kind
Rafis -
Rafi (Rafik) - a good friend
Rafkat (Rifkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafik) - Arab. Kind
Rachel - sheep f.f.
Rahim is an Arab. gracious
Rahman -
Rashid (Rashad) - Arab. going the right way, conscious, prudent (zh.f. Rashidya)
Reza - determination; humility
Renat (Rinat) - lat. - reborn, reborn, renewed (zh.f. Renata, Rinata)
Reseda - flower
Refah - prosperity
Rida (Riza) - benevolence, benevolence
Ridvan - contented
Rim (Rem) - Tat. (J.F. Rimma)
Rimzil - tat. (f.f. Ramsia)
Rizvan is an Arab. favor, satisfaction
Rifat (Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik) - Arab. Kind
Rifkat (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rufat) - Kind. 2.high position, nobility
Rishat (Rifat, Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik) - Arab. Kind
Riyadh - gardens
Rosalia - from 2 names - Rosa and Aliya
Roxana is a Turk.
Ruby - pers. gem
Ruzil (Ruzbeh) - happy
Rumia - lat. Roman princess
Runar - scand. - the mysterious wisdom of God
Ruslan (Arslan) - Turk. a lion
Rustam (Rustem) - 1. Iran. strong, pers. deliverance, salvation, 2.very large, with a powerful body
Rufiya - Tat. from other ar. Ruth -
Rushan (Ravshan) - pers. light, brilliant, radiant (zh.f. Rushana, Rushaniya)
Saad - luck
Sabir (Sabur) - Arab. patient (f.f. Sabira)
Sabit is an Arab. strong, durable, firm, firm
Sabih - beautiful, beautiful
Savalan - majestic
Sagyt (Sagyt) -
Sajid (Sajid) - worshiping God
Sadri is an Arab. first (zh.f. Sadria)
Sadiq (Sadiq, Sadiq) - Arab. sincere, faithful, true
Said is an Arab. happy (female f. Saida, Saida)
Saifi is an Arab. sword (J.F. Sayfiya)
Saifuddin - the sword of faith
Sayfulla is an Arab. sword of Allah
Saqib - meteor, comet
Sakit - peaceful, moderate
Salavat is an Arab. laudatory prayers
Salar - leader
Salah (Salih) - good, goodness, justice, good, righteous
Salim is an Arab. healthy, fit
Salima is an Arab. healthy, fit
Salman (Salem, Salim) is an Arab. 1. necessary, 2. peaceful, quiet, calm
Samad (Samat) - Arabic. eternal
Sami - sublime
Samir (Samiir) - an interlocutor who maintains a conversation
Sanjar - Prince
Sani - praising, shining
Sania is an Arab. second
Sarah - dr. mistress (Sarra)
Sardar (Sardor) - commander-in-chief, leader
Sariya - night clouds
Sarkhan - big khan
Sattar -
Safi is the best friend
Sahir - vigilant, awake
Sahidyam (Sahi) - clear, pure, cloudless
Sayar -
Sepehr - sky
Sibgat -
Siraj - light
Sofia - from Sofia
Sohel is a star
Soyalp - from the kind of brave men
Subhi - early morning
Suleiman - bibl. Solomon, protected, living in health and well-being
The Sultan is an Arab. power, ruler
Suud - luck
Suhaib (Sahib, Sahib) - friendly
Sylu -

Tair - flying, soaring
Taymullah - Servant of the Lord
Taysir - relief, help
Such (Tagi) - pious, devout
Talgat (Talha, Talhat) -, attractiveness, desert plant name
Talip is an Arab. Taliban - irreconcilable
Talal - beautiful, beautiful
Tamam - perfect
Tanzila -
Tansylu is a Turk. beautiful as the dawn
Taref (Tariff) - rare, unusual
Tarik - morning star
Tarkhan (Tarhun) - pers. 1.lord 2. type of spice
Taufik - consent, reconciliation
Tahir (Tagir) - pure, modest, chaste
Tahir (Tagir) - pers. bird
Timur (Timer, Teimur, Temir, Teimuras) - Turk. iron, iron, strong
Tinchura -
Tokay (Tukay) - warrior
Tomindar -
Tofik (Taufik, Tavfik) - success, luck, happiness
Tugan - 1. Turk. falcon, 2.tat.native
Turan is the motherland
Turkel - Turkic land, Turkic people
Tufan -
Ubaida - Servant of the Lord
Uzbek is a Turk. name people, which became a personal name
Ulmas is a Turk. immortal
Ulfat is an Arab. friendship, love
Ulus - people, land
Umida is an Arab. Hope (m. Umid)
Ural is a Turk. joy, pleasure
Uruz (Urus) - the highest title
Urfan - knowledge, art
Osama is a lion
Usman is an Arab. slow
Favoise - prosperous
Fadl - venerable
Faik - excellent, amazing
Fail - giving good sign which is a good omen
Fayzullah (Feyzullah) is an Arab. the bounty of Allah
Faisal - decisive
Fawzia - from the Arab. winner
Fagin (Fagim) -
Faiz is an Arab. winner
Faik is an Arab. excellent
Faizrakhman -
Faina (Fania) - Arab. excellent
Faizulla - Tat. the son of the winner, an Arab. phase - winner
Fandas -
Fanis - pers. sugar (zh.f. Fanisa)
Faraz - exalted
Farbod - direct, uncompromising
Farzan - wise
Farid (Farit, Fyarit, Farit) - Arab. rare, exceptional, the only one (J.F. Farida)
Faris - strong; shrewd
Faruk (Farukh) - happy
Farhat (Ferhat, Farshad) - happy
Fateh (Fatih, Fatykh) - Arab. winner
Fatima is an Arab. weaned off the chest
Fatin - smart
Fahad - lynx
Fakhir - proud
Fakhri - honorary, respected
Fakhrutdin (Farkhutdin) -
Fayaz is an Arab. generous
Fida - donator
Filza -
Finat -
Firdaus - paradise, heavenly abode
Firinat -
Firoz (Firuz) - Winner
Firuza - other pers. f.f. radiant, turquoise
Flera (Flyora, Flyura) -
Flun -
Foat (Foad, Fuat, Fuad) - pers. - heart, mind
Foruhar - fragrance
Francis - Tat. from pers. fanis - sugar
Fuat (Fuad, Foat) - pers. fuad - heart, mind
Fudeil (Fadl) - dignity, honor
Khabib is an Arab. beloved, favorite, friend (female f. Khabiba, Khabibya, Khabibi, Apipya)
Khabibrahman - Tat. from 2 arab. Names: Khabib and Rahman
Khabibullah is an Arab. favorite of Allah.
Khabir is an Arab. Informant.
Hava (Eva) - Arab. she who gives life (mother), source of life
Khagani - Arab ruler
Hadi is an Arab. Leader, leader. (Women - Hadiya)
Khadija - symbolizes a holy woman, the wife of the prophet
Hadith is Arabic. sayings of the Prophet, tradition, legend, story (j.f. Hadith)
Hadicha is an Arab. premature
Hadiya is a Turk. Present.
Haidar is an Arab. A lion.
Khairat is an Arab. Benefactor.
Khazar is an Arab. Citizen, a person with an average income.
Hakim is an Arab. Knowledgeable, wise.
Khalida is an Arab. Eternal, permanent.
Khaliq is an Arab. Illuminator.
Khalil is an Arab. True friend.
Halim is an Arab. Soft, kind. (Women-Halima, Halimya)
Khalit is an Arab. Will live forever.
Hamza is an Arab. Sharp, burning.
Hamid is an Arab. Glorifying, ascending (female-Hamida)
Khamis is an Arab. Fifth.
Hamat, Hamit - Arab. glorifying.
Hanif is an Arab. true (female-Hanifa).
Haniya is a Turk. f.f. present
Haris is an Arab. Plowman.
Hassan is an Arab. good. (female Hassan)
Khattab is an Arab. Woodcutter.
Hafiz (Hafis, Hafis, Hafiz, Kapis) is an Arab. defender.
Hashim is an Arab. tax collector.
Hayat is an Arab. life.
Hedayat is an Arab. leader, leader
Hikmat (Hikmet) - Arab. wisdom.
Hisam is an Arab. Sword.
Hisan is an Arab. very beautiful.
Khoja - pers. Sir, mentor.
Husain is an Arab. beautiful, good.
Hussam is an Arab. sword.
Genghis (Chinggis) - Mong. Great, strong.
Chulpan is a Turk. Morning Star (planet Venus)
Shadida is an Arab. strong.
Shaida - pers. darling.
Shaikhullah is an Arab. elder of Allah.
Shakir is an Arab. thankful. (female - Shakira)
Shakirt, Shakird - pers. student.
Shakirzhan is an Arab. - pers. Thanksgiving soul.
Shakur is a Turk. sugar
Shamil is an Arab. Comprehensive (Women - Shamilya)
Shamsi - pers. Sunny (Women - Shamsia)
Shafagat is an Arab. Help.
Sharif, Sharip - Arab. Honor, glory.
Shafiq is an Arab. compassionate
Shafqat is an Arab. Compassionate.
Shahriyar - pers. Sovereign
Shirin - pers. Sweet
Evelina - fr. Hazelnut.
Edgar - English A spear.
Edward - English Abundant, rich.
Eleanor - ar. Allah is my light.
Elvir - Spanish Protective.(Women - Elvira)
Eldar is a Turk. Ruler of the country
Elsa - German I swore before God, short for Elizabeth.
Elmir - germ. beautiful.(Women - Elmira)
Emil (Amil, Imil) - Arabic. a ray of light. (Women - Emilia)
Eric is scand. Rich.
Ernest - c. Serious.
Esther - ar. Zvezda (Women - Esfira)
Yuzim - Turk.-Tat. Raisins, two faces.
Yuldash is a Turk. Friend, companion.
Uldus - tat. Star.
Julia - lat. Wave hot.
Yulgiz (Ilgiz) - Turk. - pers. Long-Liver (Women - Yulgiza)
Yunis-tat. peaceful
Yunus - dr.-ar. Pigeon.
Yadgar - pers. Memory.
Yakub, Yakup - dr.-ar. next, the name of the prophet.
Yakut - gr. Rubin, yacht.
Yamal - see Jamal, f. Jamila.
Yansylu - tat. feather, beloved, beautiful soul.
Yatim - pers. the only one.

Names of Tatar origin are distinguished by their peculiar beauty and symbolism. These are names from ancient history, and in both boys and girls, they are closely related to events and prominent personalities in the fate of the Tatar people. All these names have one thing in common - they are Tatar in origin. Today we will talk about how to choose the right name for a boy, look at the Tatar names of boys and their meanings, as well as the origin of this or that Tatar name. Modern language, called Tatar, belongs to the Turkic group of languages, and some names in it are borrowed from related languages ​​that also belong to this group, in addition, borrowings from Arabic and European dialects are tracked.

Tatar names, among other things, often originate simply from beautiful combinations of sounds and words.

The Tatar name for a boy and his choice is a responsible and very important step in everyone's life young man this nation. Many believe that this choice will determine the future fate of the little man, his failures and successes. Therefore, when choosing a name, one must take into account the nature and inclinations of the child, which in early age can be very difficult. Modern names are often meaningless, unlike the old names, the meaning of which was hidden in every syllable.

The Tatar names, characteristic of the boys of this nation, have roots in the old Turkic names, to which beautiful sounds are added for harmony, for example, Ramil, Ravil or Rem.
The name should be easy to remember and sound good, without causing negative analogies, so that his friends, and the boy himself, treat the name with respect and have no reason for ridicule. “Mistakes” when choosing a name, because of which the child is teased and called names, many children cannot forgive their parents until the end of their lives, respectively, the choice should be taken extremely responsibly.

Tatar boy names have a special appeal, which includes a certain amount of aggressiveness, which should emphasize the courage and strength of the owner of the name. Whatever the name, it personifies the future fate and character of the boy.
Tatar names rarely have a single meaning, their meaning can have several subtexts and shades. When choosing and thinking about the future name, you should, if possible, take into account all of them.

Tatar names are often referred to as Muslim, but, despite the relationship, it is the Tatar names that are endemic and common only among the Tatar people. Muslim names are relatively new, and many Tatar names, as well as Arabic ones, belong to an earlier, before the Muslim era.

Let's see the most common and popular Tatar boy names - in the list below, you can find meaning each Tatar name, which will help you most successfully name your baby.

As you can see, the list of Tatar names is quite impressive, but you have to choose the only name that best suits your child.

Any name in any language that has a positive meaning is considered Muslim.

Read about the rituals associated with the birth of a child.

Ghazi(arab.) - making a campaign, procession; aspiring; warrior.
Ghalib(arab.) - the winner.
Ghani(arab.) - rich, owner of untold wealth. One of the names of the Almighty.
Gafur(Ghaffar) (arab.) - forgiving, merciful. One of the names of the Almighty.
Gayaz(arab.) - assistant, helping.
Gayar(arab.) - courageous, brave, courageous, resolute.
Gaias(arab.) - savior, helper.
Gufran(arab.) - forgiving.

Dalil(arab.) - accurate, correct, truthful; conductor (showing the way).
Damir- (Arabic) conscience, mind; (Turk) derived from "timer-dimer" - iron; persistent .
Danil(Daniyal) (ancient Heb - Arabic) - a gift from God, a person close to God; God is my judge.
Danis(pers.) - knowledge, science.
Danif(arab.) - the sun tending to sunset.
Daniyaz(Arabic-Persian) - desire, need, need, necessity.
Daniyar(pers.) - smart, prudent, sensible.
Dauzhan(Turk.) - magnanimous.
Daulat(Davlet) - wealth, country; happiness.
Daut(Daoud) (arab.) - beloved, endearing.
Dahi(pers.) - the owner of great knowledge, foresight, a great writer.
Dayan(arab.) - repaying for what he has done, the great judge. One of the names of the Almighty.
Dzhambulat- Bulat (Arabic) - very strong; Jan (Turk.) - soul.
Jamil(arab.) - beautiful.
Diliyar(pers.) - sincere, cordial; comforter.
Dindar(Persian-Arabic) - very God-fearing.

Jamal(Arabic) - camel (meaning the endurance and diligence inherent in this animal).
Zhaudat(arab.) - superior, impeccable, spotless, without flaws; generous, generous.

Zabir(arab.) - strong, strong, hardy.
Zaid(arab.) - growing.
Zakaria(ancient Hebrew - Arabic) - remembering the Almighty; a real man.
Zaki(arab.) - smart, wise, capable; clean, straight.
Zakir(arab.) - remembering, remembering; praising God.
Zalim- the word "zalim" (the emphasis falls on the first syllable) is translated from Arabic as "unfair, cruel." But “zalim” (the emphasis falls on the second syllable) is like an ostrich; oppressed, offended.
Zamil(arab.) - friend, comrade, colleague.
Zamin(Persian) - land, founder, ancestor.
Zarif(arab.) - affectionate, attractive, sophisticated, beautiful; beautifully speaking; resourceful, witty.
Zafar(Zufar) (arab.) - a winner who achieves the goal.
Zahid(Arabic) - pious, modest, Sufi, ascetic.
Zinnat(arab.) - decoration, magnificent, elegant, beautiful, good.
Zinnur(Arabic) - bright, radiant, illuminating.
Zia(arab.) - light, light of knowledge.
Ziyad(arab.) - growing, increasing, maturing.
Zobit(Dobit) (arab.) - officer; rule, system, order, control.
Zubair(arab.) - strong, smart.
Zulfat(arab.) - curly; loving.
Zulfir(arab.) - predominant, superior; man with curly hair.

Ibrahim(Ibrahim, Abraham) (ancient Heb - Arab.) - the father of peoples. The same name has different sounds: Ibrahim is used in the Muslim environment, and Abraham is used in the Jewish and Christian.
Idris(arab.) - diligent, student, diligent. The name of one of the prophets of the Almighty.
Ikram(arab.) - respect, reverence.
Ilgiz(Turkic-Persian) - wanderer, traveler.
Ildan(Turkic-Tatar.-Pers.) - glorifying the motherland.
Ildar(Tatar-Persian) - having a homeland, leader, master of the state.
Ildus(Tatar-Pers.) - loving homeland.
Ilnar(Tatar-Persian) - the fire of the motherland, the light of the motherland.
Ilnur(Tatar-Arabic) - the light of the motherland, fatherland.
Ilsaf(Tatar-Arabic) - from a combination of "il" ("homeland") and "saf" ("pure, noble").
Ilham (Ilgam) (arab.) - inspired, inspired.
Ilyas(ancient Hebrew - Arabic) - Divine power, miracle.
iman(Arabic) - faith, conviction, worship.
Inal(ancient Turkic - Tatar) - prince, aristocrat; lord, ruler.
Inar(Arabic-Tatar) - make sure, believe.
Insan(arab.) - a person.
Insaf(arab.) - well-mannered, modest, conscientious.
Irek(Tatar) - free, independent, independent.
Irken (Irkin) (Tatar) - generous, hospitable, secured.
Irfan(arab.) - enlightened, educated, educated.
Irshad(Arabic) - conductor, guiding, pointing.
Iskander (Alexander) (other Greek) - conquering the courageous.
Islam(arab.) - obedient to the Almighty, worshiping.
Ismagil (Ismail) (ancient Heb.) - a derivative of the phrase "God himself hears."
Ismatullah(arab.) - "under the protection of God."
Israfil(arab.) - warrior, fighter. The name of the angel who announces the coming of the Day of Judgment.
Ishaq(ancient Hebrew - Arabic) - joyful, cheerful. The name of one of the prophets.
Ikhlas(arab.) - sincere, sincere, devoted.
Ihsan(arab.) - kind, good, showing mercy, helping.
Ihtiram(arab.) - honoring, respecting.

Yoldyz (Yulduz) (Tatar) - a star, radiant, bright as a star.
Yosyf (Yusuf) (ancient Hebrew - Arabic) - the owner of beauty. The name of one of the prophets.

Kawi(arab.) - strong, powerful, powerful. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kavim(Arabic) - direct, honest, correct.
Kader(arab.) - authoritative, respected, ambitious.
Kadir(arab.) - powerful. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kazim(arab.) - patient, balanced.
Kamal (Camille) (arab.) - full, mature; brought to perfection.
Kamran(pers.) - mighty, powerful, powerful, happy.
Kari(Arabic) - a reader who knows the Koran, hafiz.
Carib (Caribula) (arab.) — close friend(a person close to Allah).
Karim(arab.) - generous, revered, sacred.
Kasym (Kasim, Kasym) (arab.) - dividing, distributing, fair.
Kausar (Kyavsar) (arab.) - the name of the stream flowing in Paradise; living in abundance.
Kafil(arab.) - returning.
Kaharman(pers.) - hero, hero.
Cahir(arab.) - the winner.
Kahhar(arab.) - possessing power. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kashshaf(Arabic) - revealing, revealing (all good things).
Cayoum(Arabic) - eternal, reliable, permanent. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kiram(Arabic) - generous, noble, sincere, sincere.
Kudrat(arab.) - strength; a man who can handle everything.
kurban(arab.) - sacrificing, not sparing himself for the sake of the Almighty.
Kutdus(arab.) - respected, revered.
Qiyam(arab.) - risen, resurrected.
Kamal(arab.) — reached, matured.

Latif (Latyf) (arab.) - open, merciful; cheerful, witty.
Lokman (Lukman) (arab.) - looking, caring.
Lutfulla(arab.) - God's mercy, His gift.
Lyabib(arab.) - smart, educated.
Lyaziz(arab.) - sweet, tasty.

Maksoud(arab.) - desired, desired; target; meaning, meaning.
Malik(Arabic) - master, leader, king.
Mansour(Arabic) - victorious, triumphant victory.
Marat- this is a new name that appeared among the Tatars after the 30s in honor of one of the leaders of the French revolution, Jean-Paul Marat (1747-1793).
Musgood(arab.) - happy.
Mahdi(arab.) - going the right way.
Mahmoud(arab.) - praised, revered.
Minniyar(Arabic-Persian) - helper, friend, comrade, doing good.
Mirza(Arabic-Persian) - master, nobleman.
Michman(pers.) - guest.
Mubin(arab.) - able to distinguish between truth and lies, open.
Muzaffar(arab.) - victorious warrior.
Muqaddas(arab.) - holy, pure.
mukim(arab.) - corrective; building; establishing; performing; living, residing.
Munir(arab.) - illuminating, spreading light.
Murad(arab.) - desire, goal; something desired; intention.
Murtaza(arab.) - chosen, outstanding, beloved.
Musa (Moses) - (other Egyptian) son, child; (Greek) extracted from water.
Muslim(Arabic) - Muslim; obedient to the Creator.
Mustafa(Arabic) - equal, superior, best.
Muhammad(Arabic) - the name "Muhammad" is translated as "praised, praised." It comes from the verb "ha-mi-da", that is, "praise, praise, thank."
Muhsin(arab.) - doing good, helping.
Mukhtar(arab.) - the chosen one; having freedom of choice.

Nabis(arab.) - a prophet.
Nadir(arab.) - rare.
Nazar(arab.) - given name can be translated as "far-sighted", as well as - "look"; "looking at things from the good side"; "vow (promised)"; "dedicated to the Lord."
Nazim(arab.) - building, putting in order, collecting.
Nazif(Arabic) - clean, straight, healthy.
Nail(arab.) - receiving; gift, gift; benefit, benefit.
Nariman(other Persian) - strong, hardy, strong.
Nugman(arab.) - merciful, beneficent, gracious.
Nur(Arabic) - light, shining.
Nuriman(arab.) - the light of faith.

Ravil(Heb.) - a teenager, a young man; spring sun; traveler .
Radik(Greek) - a ray of sunshine.
Rais(arab.) - leader, head.
Ryan(Arabic) - the name of the gates of paradise through which those who were obligatory fasting in a worldly abode will enter on the Day of Judgment.
Ramadan (Ramadan) (Arabic) - the name of the 9th month of the Muslim calendar, the month of Holy Lent. This name was usually given to children born in this month.
Ramiz(Arabic) - a sign symbolizing the good.
Ramil- magical, enchanting
Rasim(arab.) - accelerated step, move, rapid movement.
Rasul(arab.) - messenger; ambassador; envoy; apostle; precursor.
Rauf(arab.) - merciful, sympathetic, compassionate. One of the names of the Almighty.
Raphael(Heb.) - healed by the Almighty. In the Torah - the name of one of the angels (Raphael).
Rafik(arab.) - friend, comrade, fellow traveler; soft-hearted.
Rahim(arab.) - merciful, kind-hearted. One of the names of the Almighty.
Rahman(arab.) - merciful, merciful, forgiving. One of the names of the Almighty.
Rashad(arab.) - when stressed on the first syllable, the name is translated as "conscious, prudent"; "adult"; “walking on the right path”, with emphasis on the second syllable - “consciousness, consciousness”; "health, prudence"; "right".
Rashid(arab.) - walking on the right path.
reed(arab.) - contentment; agreement; benevolence, benevolence.
Rinat(lat.) - updated, reborn.
Rifat(arab.) - high position, nobility.
Rifkat(arab.) - blessed.
Ruzil(pers.) - happy.
Ruslan(ancient Turk. - Tatar) - a derivative of Arslan.
Rustam- Very big man, with a powerful body. In ancient Iranian folklore - a hero, a man-legend.
Rushan (Raushan) (pers.) - light, emitting light.

Sabir(arab.) - patient.
Sabit(arab.) - strong, honest, keeping a promise.
Aloes(arab.) - very patient. One of the names of the Almighty.
Sadik(arab.) - honest, sincere; Friend.
Said(arab.) - master, nobleman.
Salavat(arab.) - praising; blessing.
Salman(Arabic) - healthy, without grief.
Salah(arab.) - useful, necessary; pious, pious.
Samat(arab.) - eternal; supervisor. One of the names of the Almighty.
Sameer(arab.) - interlocutor, narrator.
Sardar(pers.) - commander-in-chief, leader.
Sattar(arab.) - forgiving, protecting. One of the names of the Almighty.
Safa(arab.) - pure, sincere.
Suleiman (Solomon) - living in health and well-being.
Sultan(arab.) - king, head of state.
Sufyan(arab.) - proper name.

Tabris(arab.) - heritage, wealth; pride, greatness.
tawfik (Taufik, Tofik(arab.) - blessing; reconciliation, appeasement; success, luck, happiness.
Tahir(arab.) - flying, soaring.
Such (Tags) - originally "Tagi" sounded like "Such", which in Arabic means "pious, pious".
Talgat (Talat) — appearance, face; beauty, attractiveness, grace.
Tahir(Arabic) - pure, sinless.
Timerlan (Timur) (Turk.) - iron, resistant. In ancient times, when physically weak children were born in a family, the next child was given the name Timer, putting in this a prayer for his health and resistance to illness and life's hardships.

Umar(arab.) - life, living. This name was given in the hope that the life of the child would be long; the name of the second righteous caliph.
Umit (Umid) (arab.) - expected, desired; dream.

Fazil(arab.) - educated, talented.
Faiz(arab.) - a winner who achieves his own.
Faik(arab.) - superior; excellent, excellent, amazing; conscious.
Fail- giving a good sign, which is a good omen.
Farid(arab.) - unsurpassed, the only one.
Farouk(Arabic) - able to distinguish good from bad.
fattah (Fattahetdin) (arab.) - opening the doors of happiness, winner; opening the doors of faith. One of the names of the Almighty.
Fatykh(arab.) - beginner; winner.
Fayaz(arab.) - rich, generous.
Fuad(arab.) - heart; mind.
Fyanis(pers.) - a lighthouse that illuminates.

Khabib(arab.) - beloved; favorite; Friend; dear, beloved.
haidar- a lion.
Khairetdin(arab.) - the best in worshiping the Almighty.
Hakim(arab.) - wise, educated, scientist.
Khaliq(arab.) - revitalizing, illuminating. One of the names of the Almighty.
Khalil(arab.) - a close friend; righteous.
Halim(arab.) - soft, patient. One of the names of the Almighty.
Khamzat (Hamza) (arab.) - nimble, burning.
Hamid(arab.) - commendable, worthy of praise.
Hammat(arab.) - praising.
Hanif(arab.) - truthful, honest, truth-seeker.
Haris(arab.) - guard, protector.
Harun(arab.) - stubborn, skittish, self-willed.
Hassan(arab.) - good, beautiful.
Hafiz(Arabic-Tatar) - knowing the Koran by heart; retentive. One of the names of the Almighty.
Khezir (Khizir, Khidr) - the Holy Quran describes in detail several historical episodes, where the main persons are the prophet Moses and his teacher Khyzyr

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Tatar names

Tatar male names and their meaning

Tatar names originated from Persian, Arabic and Turkic names.

Male Tatar names

Abdullah- servant of God

Abzaltdin- noble faith

Abdurrauf- from 2 names: Abdul and Rauf

Absalam- from the words abu - son and salam - greeting

Agzam- lofty, lofty

adib- educated scientist

Azat- free

Azamat- majesty, glory

Aziz- mighty dear

Aidar- worthy, of worthy husbands

Ainur- Moonlight

Airat- amazement

Aytugan- moonrise

Akram- generous

Ali- sublime (female Aliya)

Alim- knowing (wives of Alim)

Aladdin- believing in Allah, Allah - God, din - faith

Almas– diamond

Diamond- precious stone

Alfanis- from 2 names: Ali and Fanis

Amanullah- faithful son

Amine- faithful, honest (female Amina)

Anas (Anis)- friend (female Anisa)

Anvar (Anver, Enver)- radiant, light (one of the suras of the Koran)

Ansar- assistant

Assad- a lion

Asadullah- Lion of Allah

Asan (Hasan, Hasyan, Hussein, Husain)- good

Afzal- worthy

Ahad (Ahat)- the only one

Ahmet (Ahmad)- famous

Ahmad (Ahmet)- famous

Ahmar (Ahmer)- red

Akhbar- stellar

Akhund- mister

Ayaz- Starlight Night

Bakir (Baghir)- studying

Bakhtiyar- happy

Bayram (Baryam)- holiday

bayaz- white

Bikbulat- steel back, sir

Bikbay- too rich

Bilal- healthy, alive

Bulat– hardened iron, steel

Buranbay- born during a storm

Burangul- born during a storm

Buransha- born during a storm

Wazih- clear

Vakil- authorized

Wali (Vali) close, holy

Walid (Valit, Vyalit)

Vasil- inseparable (female Vasily)

Wasim- Beautiful

Wafa- loyalty

Waheed (Wahed, Wahit)- single

wildan- child, child

wil close, holy

Vyalit (Valit, Walid)- child, descendant (female Valida)

Vali (Vali) close, holy

Gabit- worshiper

Gabdullah (Abdullah)- servant of Allah, servant of God

Ghazi- warrior for the faith

Gaziz (Aziz)- mighty dear

Gazim (Azim)- great

Gaynutdin- rich in faith

Gaynulla- rich man's son

Gali- sublime (female Galiya)

Galiaskar- Jr. Gali

Ghani- rich

Ganis- from germ. named Hans (Hans)

Gafar (Gaffar, Gafur)- forgiving (female Gafur)

Gayan- noble

Gayar- noble

Gulzar- flower garden (female Gulzifa)

Hussein (Hussein, Husain, Hassan, Hasyan)- good

Davlet- happiness, wealth

Dawood- Darling

Damir- persistent (female Damira)

Daniyar- famous (female Denmark)

Daoud (Daut)- Darling

Dayan- hold on

Deniz– sea

Jalil– possibly from Jamil – lovely

Jamil (Jamal)- beautiful (female Jamila)

Jafar (Jafar, Jabar)- manager, leader

Edigar- holy, kind, beneficent person

Yermek- bearing the yoke (or short for Yarmuhammet (companion of Muhammad)

Euphrates- fresh water, river

Jabar (Jafar, Jafar)- manager, leader

Zainulla- the adornment of Allah

Zakir- commemorative

Zakia- virtuous

Zamam- time, epoch

Zahid- ascetic, ascetic

Zahir- assistant (female Zahira)

Zemfir (Zephyr)- kind of sweetness (female Zemfira)

Zinnat- decoration

Zinatulla (Zinetulla)- the adornment of Allah

Zinnur- radiant, turquoise

Ibrahim- father of nations

Idris– student

Ikram- honour, respect

Ilgiz- traveler

Ildar- ruler

Ildus (Yuldus)- loving country

Ilnur- lofty light

Ilshat- pleasing to the motherland, famous

Ilyas (Ilyaz)- favorite of God

iman- faith

Insaf- justice

Irek (Irik)- will

Isa- God's mercy

Iskander (Iskander)- defender

Islam- devoted to Allah

Ismail (Ismagil)- God heard

Ismat (Ismet)- purity, abstinence, protection

Isfandiyar- a gift from a holy god

Ishaq- laughter

Ittifaq- union, unity

Ishbulat- similar to damask

Ishbuldy- become a friend

Ishgildy- a friend appeared

Ishtugan- native

Kabir- great (female Kabira)

Kadir (Kadir)- omnipotent (female Kadriya)

Kalimulla- good son

Kamal– perfection

Camille (Kafil)- perfect (female Camille)

Karim (Kirim)- generous, noble (female Karima)

Kapis- possibly from Kyapats - a male headdress

Qasim- distributing (female Kasyma, Kasima)

Katib- a writer who writes

cashfulla- discoverer, discoverer

Cayoum- existing forever

kurban- victim

Kurbangali- high sacrifice

kurbat- kinship

Qiyam- a form of the name Kayum

Lazzat- pleasure, pleasure, bliss

Laziz- pleasurable

Laim- immortal

Lutfulla- God's mercy

Magafur- forgiven

Magsum- protected, clean (female Magsum)

Majit- mighty

Mazhit- mighty

Mazit- mighty

Mysore (Mansour)- winner

Maksuz (Mahsut, Maksut)- desired

Mansoor (Mysore)- winner (female Mansoura)

Malik- lord, king

Marat (Murat)- desired

Mars- a derivative of the French name Marseille

Marseilles- French city name

Masnavi- from the Koran, giving

Mahmud (Muhammad, Mohammad, Muhamet)- famous

Mergen- skilled hunter

Midhad- praise

Mintimer- iron

Marzagit- from 2 words: peace and Zagit

Mythach- key

Muddaris- teacher, mentor

Mukkaram- revered

Mullagali- from 2 words: Mulla and Gali (great, exalted)

Muniz- friend (female Muniz)

Munir- sparkling (female Munira)

Murat (Marat)- desired

Murza (Mirza)- title in the Golden Horde, son of the emir

Musa- prophet

Muslim- Muslim, follower of Islam

Mustafa- chosen one

Muhamedyar- possibly means Mount Mohammed

Mukhtar- chosen one

Nabis- prophet

Nadir- rare (female Nadira)

Nazir- look (female Nazira)

Nazip (Nazif)- clean (wives of Nazif)

Nariman- strong-willed

Nasikh- adviser, friend

Nafis- graceful, thin

Nizam- device, order

Nur (Nuri)- light (female Nuria)

Nuriahmet- glorified light, holy radiance

Nurulla- light of Allah

Ravil- taught by God

Rais- possibly a leader (female Raisya)

Ramil (Ravil)- perhaps a disciple of God

Rasil- sent

Rasim- custom (female Rasima)

Rasih- solid, stable

Rauf- gracious (female Rauf)

Raphael (Rafil, Rafail, Raphael)- God healed

Rafgat (Rafkat, Rifkat, Rifat, Rafik)- Kind

Rafik (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rifat)- Kind

Rafkat (Rifkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafik)- Kind

Rahim- gracious

Rashid- going the right way (female Rashidya)

Renat (Rinat)- updated, reborn (wives Renata)

Rome (Ram)- a Roman, a native of the city of Rome (female Rimma)

Rimzil- having a mark, marked with a sign (wives Ramsia)

Rizvan- favor, satisfaction

Rifat (Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik)- Kind

Rifkat (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafik)- Kind

Rishat (Rifat, Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik)- Kind

Ruby- precious stone

Rufat- the same as Rifat

Rushan- light, shiny (female Rushana, Rushaniya)

Sabir (Sabur)- patient (female Sabira)

Sabit- strong, strong, durable

Sadri- first (female Sadria)

Sadik- true

Said- happy (female Saida, Saida)

saifi- sword (female Saifi)

Sayfulla- the sword of Allah

Salavat- prayer of praise

Salah (Salih)- good, good, good

Salih (Salah)- good, good, good

Salman- required

Samad (Samat)- eternal

Sarvar (Server)- servant

Server (Sarvar)- servant

Suleiman– protected

Sultan- power, ruler

Talgat (Talha)- the name of a desert plant

Talip- irreconcilable

Tarkhan- probably from tarragon - a plant, a type of spice

Tahir (Taghir)- bird

Timur- iron

Uzbek- the name of the people, which has become a personal name

Ulmas- immortal

Ulfat- friendship, love

Umar (Umar)- form from pers. Lobster

Ural- joy, pleasure

Urus- the name of the Russian people, which has become a personal name

Usman- slow

Fayzullah- the bounty of Allah

Faiz- winner

Faik- excellent

Fayzullah- son of a winner

Fanis- sugar (female Fanisa)

Farid (Farith)- rare (female Farida)

Farhat (Ferhat)- invincible, capable, smart

Fatih (Fatih)- winner

Fayaz- generous

Foat (Fuat, Fuad)- heart, soul

francis- sugar

Fuat (Fuad, Foat)- heart, soul

Khabib- beloved, friend

Khabibrahman- from 2 names: Khabib and Rahman

Khabibulla- favorite of Allah or son of Habib

Khadi- leader

Hadith- tradition, legend, story (female Hadith)

haidar- a lion

Hakim- knowledgeable, wise

Khalid (Khalit, Khaled)- eternal, permanent

Khalil- true friend

Halim- soft, kind (female Halima, Halimya)

Khaliullah- Khalil's son

Hamza- sharp, burning

Hamid (Hamit)- glorifying, ascending (female Hamida)

Haris- farmer, plowman or guardian, guardian, protector

Hassan (Khasyan, Hussein, Husain, Hussein)- good

Hafiz- defender

Hikmat (Hikmet)– wisdom

Hodge- master, mentor

Genghis- great, strong

Chukran- Khan, born during the Chuk holiday

Shakir glorifying, grateful, one who appreciates what he has

Shamil (Shamil)– comprehensive

Shamsi- sun (female Shamsia)

Sharif- honor, glory

Shavkat- power, majesty, brilliance, splendor


Shavkat- compassionate, merciful

Shafik- gentle, loving, merciful, compassionate

Shahriyar- sovereign, king (from the fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights")

Elfer- free (female Elfira)

Enver (Anver, Anwar)- radiant, light

Yuldash- friend, companion

Uldus (Ildus)- loving country

Yunus (Younis)- pigeon

Yadgar- memory

Yakub- accompanying, not lagging behind, following

Yakut– yacht

Yamal- beautiful

Yarulla- son of the mountain

Yatim- the only one

Our A new book"Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Tatar names. Tatar male names and their meaning


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailing lists, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they drag people into various magical forums and deceive (give advice and recommendations that can harm, or extort money for holding magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our sites, we do not provide links to magical forums or sites of magical healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations by phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We are not engaged in healing and magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that on some sites they saw information that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander, not true. In all our lives, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the materials of the club, we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The time has come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to engage in slandering decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience, about faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deceit, slander, and fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, hungry for money. The police and other regulatory agencies are not yet able to cope with the increasing influx of "Cheat for profit" insanity.

So please be careful!

Sincerely, Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Male Tatar names:

Tatar boy names

Agzam - (Arabic) High, exalted.
Azat - (Persian) Noble, free.
Azamat - (Arabic) Knight, hero.
Azim - (Arabic) Great.
Aziz - (Arabic) Mighty, dear.
Aydar - (Tatar) 1. The hair of a man who has not been cut off since birth. As a result, a large forelock grew. 2. The most worthy.
Ainur - (Tatar) Moonlight.
Airat - (Arabic) Astonishment; (Mongolian) Forest people.
Akbars - (Tatar) White leopard.
Alan - (Tatar) Good-natured.
Ali - (Arabic) Tall.
Alim - (Arabic) Knower.
Almas - (Tatar) They called this name so that the child would not get sick and evil forces would not overcome him.
Diamond - (Arabic) Diamond.
Albert - (Latin) Glorious, famous.
Amin - (Arabic) Faithful, honest, reliable
Amir - (Arabic) Commander, ruler; Prince.
Anas - (Arabic) Joy.
Anwar - (Arabic) Light.
Arsen - (Greek) Strong, fearless.
Arslan and Ruslan - (Turkic) Lev.
Arthur - (English) Bear.
Asaf - (Arabic) Caring, thrifty.
Asan - (Tatar) Healthy.
Asgat - (Arabic) The happiest.
Ahad - (Arabic) The only one.
Ahmad or Ahmet - (Arabic) Praised.
Ayaz - (Tatar) Clear, bright, sunny, radiant.
Bakir - (Arabic) Studying.
Bars - (Old Tatar) Strong.
Batulla - (Arabic) House of Allah, Kaaba.
Bakhtiyar - (Persian-Arabic) Happy.
Berkut - (Old Tatar) Symbol of heroism, courage.
Bilal - (Arabic) Healthy, lively.
Bulat - (Arabic) Iron, steel.
Bahet - (Arabic) Happiness.
Wali - (Arabic) Close to Allah, holy.
Wasil - (Arabic) An inseparable friend.
Wahid or Wahit - (Arabic) One, the first.
Vilen - (Russian) From Vladimir Ilyich LENIN. This name is forbidden for Muslims.
Vildan - (Arabic) Child, child.
Vladlen - (Russian) From VLADIMIR LENIN. This name is forbidden for Muslims.
Gabdullah - (Arabic) the same as Abdullah.
Gadel - (Arabic) Direct, fair.
Gaziz - (Arabic) Dear, respected.
Gali - (Arabic) Dear, tall.
Hamil - (Arabic) A hard-working person.
Gayaz - (Arabic) Helper.
Gerey - (Persian) Worthy.
Davlet - (Arabic) State.
Damir - (Turkic) Persistent, (Arabic) Conscience.
Danis - (Persian) Knowledge.
Dayan - (Arabic) Supreme Court (religious).
Deniz - (Turkic) Sea.
Denis - (Greek) from Dionysus - the god of the fruitful forces of the earth, vegetation, viticulture, winemaking. Son of Zeus and the mortal woman Semele. This name is forbidden for Muslims.
Jamil, Jamal - (Arabic) Handsome.
Jigan - (Persian) Universe.
Dinar - (Arabic) gold coin; here meaning precious.
Zabir - (Arabic) Solid, strong.
Zakir - (Arabic) Remembering.
Zaki - (Arabic) Virtuous.
Zamir - (Arabic) Mind, mystery.
Zarif - (Arabic) Affectionate, handsome, kind.
Zahid - (Arabic) Ascetic, ascetic.
Zahir - (Arabic) Helper, handsome.
Zinnur - (Arabic) Radiant.
Zulfat - (Arabic) Curly.
Zufar - (Arabic) Winner.
Ibrahim - (Hebrew) Abraham, father of nations.
Idris - (Arabic) Learner, diligent.
Ilgiz - (Tatar-Persian) Traveler.
Ildar - (Tatar-Persian) Ruler.
Ildus - (Tatar-Persian) Loving the motherland.
Ilnaz - (Turkic-Persian) Il (homeland) + Naz (Tenderness)
Ilnar - (Turkic-Arabic) Nar (Flame) + Il (Motherland).
Ilnuri - (Turkic-Arabic) Nur (Ray) + Il (Motherland).
Ilsur - (Turkic-Arabic) Hero of the Motherland.
Ilshat - (Turkic) Pleasing the homeland, meaning famous.
Ilyas - (Arabic) The Power of Allah.
Ilgam - (Arabic) Inspiration.
Iman - (Arabic) Faith.
Irek and Irik - (Tatar) Will.
Iskander - an Arabized form of the Greek Alexander - a defender, a winner.
Ismail and Ismagil - (Hebrew) God heard.
Ishaq - (Hebrew) Laughter.
Ihsan - (Arabic) Good deed, virtue.
Kadim - (Arabic) Old, ancient.
Qadir - (Arabic) Almighty.
Kamal - (Arabic) Perfection.
Camille - (Arabic) Perfect.
Karim - (Arabic) Generous, noble, generous.
Qasim - (Arabic) Distributor.
Latif and Latif - (Arabic) A man with an open look.
Lenar - (Russian) Lenin's army.
Magdan - (Arabic) Spring.
Malik - (Arabic) Lord.
Marat - (French) In honor of the leader Fr. bourgeois revolution Jean - Paul Marat.
Mars - (Latin) God of war, planet. This name is forbidden for Muslims.
Marina - (female) (Latin) Marine.
Marlene - (Russian) From MARKS LENIN. This name is forbidden for Muslims.
Marseille and Marseille - (French) in honor of the leader of the French workers, Marcel Cachin.
Masnavi - (Arabic) "Server", gave the name of a boy born as a second male child.
Mahmud - (Arabic) Illustrious.
Mirza - (Arabic-Persian) The son of the king.
Munir - (Arabic) Sparkling, illuminator.
Murat - (Arabic) Desired.
Murtaza - (Arabic) Favorite.
Musa - (Jewish) Child.
Muslim - (Arabic) Muslim.
Mustafa - (Arabic) Chosen one.
Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammet - (Arabic) Praised.
Nadir - (Arabic) Rare.
Nazar - (Arabic) Look, (Jewish) Self-sacrifice.
Nazim - (Arabic) Builder.
Nazir - (Arabic) Notifier.
Nail - (Arabic) Gift.
Narbek - (Persian) From the fruit of the pomegranate, (Arabic) light.
Nariman - (Iranian) Strong in spirit.
Naseem - (Arabic) Warm wind, gentle.
Nasretdin - (Arabic) Helper of religion.
Nafis - (Arabic) Handsome.
Nizam - (Arabic) Device, order.
Niyaz - (Arabic) Necessity; request, desire; present; grace.
Nugman - (Arabic) Red, beneficence, flower variety.
Nuri (Nur) - (Arabic) Light.
Ravil - (Arabic) Youth; (Hebrew) His friend is God.
Radik - (ancient Greek) - Sunbeam

Rais - (Arabic) Leader.
Rayhan - (Arabic) Basil; bliss.
Ramil - (Arabic) Miraculous, magical.
Ramis - (Arabic) Rafter.
Rasima - (Arabic) Artist.
Rasikh - (Arabic) Solid, stable.
Raushan - (Persian) Bright.
Raphael - (Hebrew) God healed.
Rafik - (Arabic) Kind, friend.
Rashid and Rashad - (Arabic) Going the right way.
Rafik - (Arabic) Friend.
Rafis - (Arabic) Noticeable, popular.
Rafkat - (Arabic) Seeing off.
Renat - (Russian) from Revolution, Science, Labor.
Rinat - (Latin) Newborn
Rizvan - (Arabic) Favor, satisfaction.
Rifkat - (Arabic) Friendship.
Robert - (Old German) Unfading glory.
Ruzal - (Persian) Happy.
Ruslan - from Arslan.
Rustem - (Persian) Bogatyr, hero.
Rushan - (Persian) Light, brilliant.
Saban - (Tatar) Plow, the name was given to a child born during plowing.
Sabir - (Arabic) Patient.
Sabit - (Arabic) Strong, durable, resistant.
Saghir - (Arabic) Child.
Sadri - (Arabic) First, chief.
Sadiq - (Arabic) True, friend.
Said - (Arabic) Lord.
Salavat - (Arabic) Prayer of praise.
Salamat and Salim - (Arabic) Healthy.
Salman - (Arabic) Necessary.
Sattar - (Arabic) Forgiving.
Suleiman - (Hebrew) Protected.
Sultan - (Arabic) Power, ruler.
Tahir - (Arabic) Birds.
Talib - (Arabic) Seeking, desiring.
Tahir and Tagir - (Arabic) Clean.
Timer - (Tatar) So the young man was called so that he was strong as iron.
Timur - (Turkic) Iron.
Tukay - (Mongolian) Rainbow.
Ulfat - (Arabic) Friendship, love.
Uraz - (Turkic) Happy.
Ural - (Turkic) Joy, pleasure.
Usman - (Arabic) Slow, but the etymology is not entirely clear.
Faiz - (Arabic) Happy, rich.
Fanis - (Persian) Lighthouse.
Fannur - (Arabic) The light of science.
Farid - (Arabic) Rare.
Farhad - (Iranian) Invincible.
Fatih and Fatykh - (Arabic) Winner.
Fattah - (Arabic) Opener.
Fayaz - (Arabic) Generous.
Fidai - (Arabic) Ready to sacrifice himself.
Fidail - (Arabic) Doing good.
Fidel - (Latin) Truthful, correct.
Firdaus - (Arabic) Paradise, the Garden of Eden.
Khabir - (Arabic) Informant.
Khadi - (Arabic) Leader.
Khazar - (Arabic) Citizen, a person with an average income.
Hakim - (Arabic) Knowing, wise.
Khalid - (Arabic) Eternal, permanent.
Khaliq - (Arabic) Illuminator.
Khalil - (Arabic) A true friend.
Hamza - (Arabic) Sharp, burning.
Hasan - (Arabic) Good.
Khattab - (Arabic) Woodcutter.
Hisan - (Arabic) Very handsome.
Khoja - (Persian) Lord, mentor.
Husain - (Arabic) Handsome, good.
Genghis - (Mongolian) Great, strong.
Chagatai - (Mongolian) Batyr, pleasant, sincere intention; child
Chuk - (Bulgarian-Tatar) A lot, in great abundance.
Chuak - (Turkish-Tatar) Clear, beautiful day
Chyntash - (Tatar) Granite
Shakir - (Arabic) Thanksgiving.
Shamil - (Arabic) Comprehensive.
Shamsi - (Arabic) Sunny.
Sharif and Sharip - (Arabic) Honor, glory.
Shafiq and Shafkat - (Arabic) Compassionate.
Edgar - (English) Spear.
Edward - (English) Abundant, rich.
Elvir - (Spanish) Guardian.
Eldar - (Turkic) The ruler of the country.
Elmir - (English) Handsome.
Emil - (Latin) Diligent.
Yuldash - (Turkic) Friend, companion.
Yuzim - (Tatar) Raisins, two faces.
Yulgiz - (Turkish-Persian) Long-liver.
Yunus - (Hebrew) Dove.
Yadgar - (Persian) Memory.
Yakub (Yakup) - (Hebrew) Follower, the name of the prophet.
Yakut - (Greek) Ruby, yacht.
Yamal - see Jamal.

Female Tatar names:

tatar girl names

Adeline - (German) Honest, decent.
Azalea - (Latin) From the name of the flower.
Aziza - (Arabic) great, dear.
Aigul - (Turkic-Persian) Lunar flower.
Aisylu - (Bulgarian) Beautiful as a month.
Alice - (German) Beautiful.
Aliya - (Arabic) Exalted.
Albina - (Latin) White-eyed.
Almira - (Spanish) from the Spanish town of Almeiro.
Alfira and Alfiya - (Arabic) Exalted, long-lived.
Amilya - (Arabic) A hard worker.
Amina - (Arabic) Faithful, reliable, honest.
Amira - (Arabic) Commander, ruler; Princess
Anisa - (Persian) Lighthouse.
Asiya - (Arabic) Comforting, healing.
Bella - (Latin) Beautiful.
Valiya - (Arabic) Saint, mistress, friend.
Vasil - (Arabic) An inseparable friend.
Venus - (Latin) Star, planet.
Violetta - (French) Flower.
Gadila - (Arabic) Direct, fair.
Ghaziza - (Arabic) Very expensive.
Galima - (Arabic) Knowing.
Galia - (Arabic) Dear.
Gulnaz - (Persian) Tenderness of a flower.
Gulnara - (Persian) Decorated with flowers, pomegranate.
Gulnur - (Persian) Light of a flower.
Damira - (Turkic) Persistent; Russian "Give the world revolution".
Dana - (Persian) Knowing.
Denmark - (Arabic) Close, glorified.
Jamila - (Arabic) Handsome.
Diana - (Latin) Divine, In ancient Roman mythology, the goddess of the moon and hunting. This name is forbidden for Muslims.
Dilyara and Dilya - (Persian) Beloved, beautiful.
Dina - (Arabic) Faith.
Dinara - (Arabic) gold coin; meaning precious.
Zabira - (Arabic) Solid, strong.
Zakira - (Arabic) Remembering.
Zakiya - (Arabic) Virtuous.
Zalika - (Arabic) Eloquent.
Zalia - (Arabic) A girl with blond hair.
Zamira - (Arabic) Heart, conscience.
Zahira - (Arabic) Helper, handsome.
Zila - (Arabic) Merciful, purity.
Zulfiya - (Arabic) Pleasant, pleasure, pleasure.
Zuhra - (Arabic) Brilliant, bright, star, flower.
Ildusa - (Tatar-Persian) Loving motherland.
Ilnara - (Turkic-Arabic) Il (Motherland) + Nar (Flame).
Ilnura - (Turkic-Arabic) Il (Motherland) + Nur (Ray).
Ilsia - (Tatar) Il (Motherland) + Siyarga (to love).
Ilsura - (Turkic-Arabic) Heroine of the Motherland.
Indira - (Indian) Goddess of war. This name is forbidden for Muslims.
Irada - (Arabic) Will.
Irina - (Greek) Tranquility.
Kadima - (Arabic) Ancient.
Kadira - (Arabic) Strong.
Kadriya - (Arabic) Valuable.
Kamaliya - (Arabic) Perfect.
Camila - (Arabic) Perfect.
Karima - (Arabic) Generous, noble, generous.
Qasima - (Arabic) Distributor.
Lala and Lala - (Persian) Tulip.
Lily of the valley - (Latin) Flower.
Latifa - (Arabic) Tender, pleasant.
Laura - (Latin) From the laurel tree.
Lenara - (Russian) Lenin's army.
Leah - (Jewish) Antelope.
Liana - (French) From the plant liana, thin.
Lily and Liliana - White flower, tulip.
Louise - (French) Collision.
Lucia - (Latin) Light.
Laysan - (Arabic) Spring rain, the month of April according to the Syrian calendar.
Mavluda - (Arabic) Born.
Madina - (Arabic) The city of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Maya - (Latin) From the month of May.
Malika - (Arabic) Queen.
Mariam - (Hebrew) That was the name of the holy mother of Isa (Jesus).
Milyausha - (Persian) Violet.
Munira - (Arabic) Sparkling, illuminating.
Nadira - (Arabic) Rare.
Nadia - (Arabic) Inviting.
Nazira - (Arabic) Making a vow, a promise.
Nailya - (Arabic) Received the benefit.
Nasima - (Arabic) Warm wind, gentle.
Nafisa - (Arabic) Burning down.
Nuria (Nur) - (Arabic) Light.
Rada - (Russian) Joy.
Raila - (Arabic) Founder.
Rayhan - (Arabic) Basil, fragrant flower.
Ramilya - (Arabic) Miraculous, magical.
Rana and Rania - (Arabic) Beautiful.
Rasima - (Arabic) Artist.
Raushania - (Persian) Light.
Rashida - (Arabic) Going the right way.
Regina - (Latin) Queen.
Reseda - (French) From the name of a flower with a pleasant aroma.
Renata - (Russian) from Revolution, Science, Labor.
Riza, Rida - (Arabic) Satisfied.
Rinata - (Latin) Reborn
Rosalia, Rosa - (Latin) Rose.
Roxana - (Persian) Dawn.
Rumia - (Arabic) Roman woman.
Rushania - (Persian) Light, brilliant.
Sabira - (Arabic) Patient.
Sagira - (Arabic) Little.
Sagia - (Arabic) Attentive.
Sadika - (Arabic) Truthful or true friend.
Saida - (Arabic) Mistress.
Saniya - (Arabic) Pleasant light.
Sarah - (Jewish) Mrs.
Sultana - (Arabic) Power, ruler.
Sufi - (Arabic) Pure, transparent.
Tabiba - (Arabic) Doctor.
Tawisa - (Arabic) Peacock.
Taiba - (Arabic) Good.
Takiya - (Arabic) God-fearing.
Tamara - (Jewish) Fig; Date palm
Tanzilya- (Arabic) Transferring.
Tansylu (Turkic) Beautiful sunrise
Tanyulduz - (Tatar) Morning star (planet Venus)
Tatlybike - (Tatar) Sweet
Tahira - (Arabic) Clean.
Tahiya - (Arabic) Welcoming
Tashbike - (Tatar) Strong
Tulip - (Dutch)
Uka - (Tatar) Beautiful
Urazbike - (Tatar) Happy
Faiza - (Arabic) The victorious.
Falia - (Arabic) Happiness, will lead to good, turn into good.
Fardana - (Arabic) Mandatory.
Farida - (Arabic) The only, self-sufficient.
Farhiya - (Arabic) Overjoyed, Received the good news
Fatima - (Arabic) Weaned; That was the name of the daughter of the Prophet (pbuh), the wife of the 4th righteous caliph, for her the meaning of the name is excommunicated from the fire.
Fathiya - (Arabic) Victory, place of victory.
Fauzia - (Arabic) Winner.
Fahima - (Arabic) Smart, understanding.
Firaya - (Arabic) Beautiful.
Firuza - (Old Persian) Radiant, turquoise, happy.
Khadia - (Turkic) Gift.
Khakima - (Arabic) Wise.
Khalida - (Arabic) Eternal, constant.
Khalil - (Arabic) A close, faithful friend.
Khamisa - (Arabic) Fifth.
Hasana - (Arabic) Good.
Chia - (Tatar) Fruit tree.
Chulpan - (Turkic) Morning Star, Planet Venus.
Shadida - (Arabic) Strong.
Shayda - (Persian) Beloved.
Shakira - (Arabic) Grateful.
Shamil - (Arabic) Comprehensive.
Shamsia - (Persian) Sunny.
Shirin - (Persian) Sweet (from folklore).
Evelina - (French) Hazelnut.
Elvira - (Spanish) Guardian.
Elmira - (English) Handsome.
Emilia - (Latin) Diligent.
Uldus - (Tatar) Star.
Julia - (Latin) Wave, hot.
Yulgiza - (Turkish-Persian) Long-liver.
Yariya - (Persian) Friend, girlfriend.
Yasina - (Arabic) By the name of the sura of the Koran
Yasira - (Arabic) Light, relief.

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