The meaning of the name Miloslava, origin. The meaning of the Slavic name Miloslava

The very combination of the words "merciful" and "glorious" in the name of Miloslav speaks volumes. From childhood, the girl shows her openness and kindness to others and the world, she does not like conflicts and quarrels, and it is better to share her toys with others than to scream and act up.

But, nevertheless, she gives trouble to parents with her activity and unbridled desire to explore the world, which often goes beyond what is permitted. With maturity, this energy will be redirected in the right direction, but until then, you need to carefully monitor.

It is easy and pleasant to communicate with Miloslava, she makes friends quickly and is always the center of attention thanks to his sincerity, good sense of humor and kindness. Sometimes she is too talkative, but in new companies this only plays into her hands. It is easy for a girl to get along with almost any person, because her charisma helps to win over people. She gets along well with her peers, children and old people, she is loved by teachers and other adults. In addition, it is quite easy for her to study, especially if you do not take into account the exact sciences.

It is not without reason that the “glory” part appears in the name Miloslav, and if we interpret the meaning of the name as “dear glory”, it turns out that fate disposes of the girl.

So, with a little effort and using all the determination and perseverance, Miloslava will be able to achieve great success and become famous in her chosen profession. Great importance this has her ability and ability to talk and convince beautifully. But most of the time she's not too ambitious, and for a girl the main thing is just to love what she does.


Miloslava is generally in good health and is not prone to long-term illnesses, although she may often catch colds as a child. Any illness that happens to an adult girl, usually in due to nervous overstrain and stress. Miloslava does not like conflicts, and for her any, even a minor quarrel, is an extremely unpleasant incident.

Often it is the kindness and disposition of a girl to empathy that causes nervous tension and can cause illness.

In this case, a timely visit to a therapist or even a psychologist is important. So for Miloslava it is important to respond to problems in a timely manner and easier to relate to different failures.

Marriage and family

Miloslava is always surrounded by people, so she has no problems with gentlemen, but it’s quite difficult to win the girl’s heart. She loves to flirt, is very sweet and friendly, but only one who will become a real friend and support for the girl can count on becoming her husband.

She is serious and reasonable when it comes to relationships, and therefore her chosen one can only be ideal for her. She may fall in love with a gentle and romantic guy, but as a spouse she prefers to see a reliable and faithful man.

But as a wife, Miloslava has no equal: her kind heart, combined with prudence, makes her the most caring lover and mother. It is not a problem for her to devote herself to her family, relegating her career to the background. She will be a support for her husband and the most faithful wife.

She brings up children with sensitivity, tenderness and justice, surrounding them with care, but not allowing them to be spoiled. For her, comfort in the house is of great importance, and the rest goes by the wayside.


For Miloslava, communication with people and creativity are of great importance, and therefore her professions and hobbies are associated with these two factors.

Miloslava Grabelnikova ( Russian actress, designer, artist)

She has an inquisitive mind aptitude for learning languages ​​and talent for art, therefore, she can achieve high positions in the profession of a translator, actress or choreographer.

She is also disposed to professions related to social aspects and cooking. The only thing that can prevent her from working well is excessive sensitivity and empathy, which can bring nervous breakdowns due to conflict situations with other people.

In the early stages of her career, she can often change professions and try yourself in perfect different areas. All of them will be directly or indirectly related to the humanities or art.

For Miloslava, work with a high level of responsibility, as well as numbers and calculations, is not suitable.

Famous name bearers

  • - Czechoslovak champion of the 1968 Olympics in high jump.

  • - Moravian princess
  • - Russian actress, designer, artist.

name day

The name Miloslav does not exist in Christianity, so girls are usually baptized under a similar sound, and they celebrate their name day accordingly April 13 or October 25 when they celebrate the day of the martyr Miroslava. Also, a girl can be baptized under if one of its full versions suits you, which has a slightly different meaning - Solomiya (“bright”).

There is no dispute in the etymology about the origin of the name Miloslav, its roots have long been studied and are not a mystery. This is a primordially Slavic name, which was common even before the baptism of Rus' during pagan times. Paired male name- Miloslav. Means "glorified by grace." But at the same time in Orthodox saints there is no saint with that name, so name days are not celebrated. And at baptism, the owner of this name is given another related Christian name, which has the root "mil".

The meaning and characteristics of the name Miloslav

The meaning of the name Miloslav is “love and glory”, “sweet”, “glorious”, “good”, “beloved”, “glory”, “famous”, “pleasant glory”, “glorified by mercy”.

As a child, Miloslava is an obedient, quiet, calm girl. Doesn't give parents any trouble. Starts to walk, talk, read early. He is less friendly with peers than with older children. Learn well and easily. Sincere, emotional, vulnerable, it is easy to offend her, after which she withdraws into herself. Likes to be at home, prefers Mind games and entertainment, doing needlework, reading books. To make such a serious decision as entering a suitable university, he is afraid of himself, so he listens to the advice of his parents.

Miloslava does not adapt well to everything new, she will make every effort not to change anything. A change of scenery and work depresses her, she gets used to it for a long time. She is prudent, before doing something she thinks and calculates for a long time. She values ​​stability in everything. Smart, diligent, achieves good results, deservedly and easily advances in career ladder. Responsible, likes to benefit others. Reasonable, persistent, fair, well developed intuition. Colleagues respect and appreciate her. Does not strive for money, power, high position, because it is devoid of ambition. Can choose a profession such as a politician, economist, accountant, pediatrician, psychologist, athlete, artist, lawyer, actress, musician, designer.

Miloslava easily makes new acquaintances, but needs a close person whom she can trust and tell all her experiences and secrets. She has a dreamy, vulnerable, kind soul. You can turn to her for help and advice, she will never refuse to help in word or deed. Easy to communicate, she has a developed sense of humor, loves funny companies. Not vindictive, quickly forgives and forgets insults.

Charming, flirtatious, enjoys success with the opposite sex. Her chosen one should be an interesting, caring, strong spirit, gentle person. In relationships with men, she loves to be looked after, to win her attention and location. She is not mercantile, she will not marry because of her financial condition. He will not forgive betrayal or betrayal, he will simply stop communicating without scandals and showdown. A decent wife, a good housewife, brings up children kind, intelligent and decent. Harmony and trust, calmness and comfort reign in the family. For Miloslava, family is main value in life, so she can leave her job and become a housewife.

Miloslava is religious, she can devote her life to serving God.

There are people who believe that neither more nor less, but his fate depends on how they name their child. Others are sure that it is not the name that makes Arguing about who is right does not make sense. Let us dwell on the fact that a personal name, along with heredity and upbringing, occupies not the last place in the formation of personality.

People have always been interested in the secrets of names, especially rare or old ones. Return to them, forgotten - either a tribute to fashion, or God's providence. So, for example, now many are interested in the meaning of the name Miloslav. It seems in Lately this euphonious name is gaining popularity.

Origin, meaning and character

Miloslava is a rather rare name. It has and is formed from the words "dear" and "glory" (or "glorious"). A woman named Miloslava is good-natured and calm, it is easy to communicate with her. At the same time, this is an active and strong-willed person with a strong will. Everything that she undertakes, brings to the end and achieves desired results. However career growth And professional achievements is not of much interest to her, ambition is not hallmark this woman.

The meaning of the name Miloslava is a priori associated with her kindness, responsiveness and affectionate disposition. "Sweet" and "glorious", she is open to communication, always ready to listen carefully, advise and help. Her ability to empathize and "indestructible" optimism attract people to her. She is always in the circle of friends and acquaintances who treat her with love and great respect, however, like everyone around her. Justifying the meaning of the name, Miloslava is almost always cheerful and sweet. Never angry, never irritated over trifles. The bearer of this name does not like to look back at the past, especially remembering something bad, she prefers to think about the present and look to the future, and this helps her to solve the most difficult everyday situations with honor.

Choosing a life partner

Thoughts about this woman are unusual for this woman, but she chooses a life partner very demandingly. Not every man will be able to conquer a woman whose name is Miloslava. The meaning of the name suggests gentleness and complaisance, and indeed, having chosen a life partner, she becomes an attentive and caring wife, a good mother. Her family has a friendly and harmonious atmosphere.

Miloslava values ​​stability in relationships most of all, she needs to believe that the world around her is stable and reliable. She lets into this world only those in whom she sees the seriousness of intentions and the sincerity of feelings. It is unlikely that Miloslava will be able to forgive betrayal or betrayal, but it is not in her nature to start scandals. She always strives for peace, life in a measured rhythm and is ready to make every effort not to part with something familiar and expensive.

sober calculation

As a rule, Miloslava does nothing rashly and starts any action only after carefully considering all aspects of the case. She loves to learn and learns easily new information. Her judgments are wise, accurate and justified, therefore she is loved and respected in any team.

Perhaps, having learned the meaning of the name Miloslav and clarifying for themselves what a person endowed with it has, young parents will call their girls that way. And then a beautiful, but forgotten female name will be reborn.

The Romanesque nominal model was formed in in general terms even during the time of the Roman Empire. Roman names could include, in addition to the personal name (prenomen), many other elements denoting different levels tribal relations and degrees of nobility.

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The meaning of the name Miloslav

This is a calm and balanced girl, with a rich inner world. She somewhat idealizes reality and believes in the majority. fairy tales. loves native home, most often fond of quiet hobbies and needlework.

She is not interested in the material side, and therefore marries only her loved one. He says the word "yes" not immediately, but only after he is convinced of the sincerity and seriousness of his intentions.

He gets along well with the team, is an excellent performer. Thanks to significant academic success, he receives an excellent education. Can work as a teacher, educator or psychologist.

General description of the name

As a child, he is the object of adoration for his parents. Carefully listens to adults, gladly follows their advice. Loves reading. Avoids his peers, most often communicates with older people.

She carefully studies all school disciplines, but most of all she is fond of mathematical sciences and fine arts. In the team gets along with everyone and maintains equal relations. Can achieve significant academic success, up to a gold medal. With age, it becomes more open, strong and bold. A timid child turns into a stylish girl who knows exactly what she wants from life.

Miloslavs, who were born in autumn, adore order. All their things are in their places and the school bag has been assembled since the evening. Such girls like to keep weekly journals and regularly plan their lives. Autumn Miloslava does not like to take risks, and therefore all operations are calculated in advance.

Girls with this name born in summer They love to joke and have fun. They often go to parties and attend concerts with pleasure. They do not respond to criticism and do not take offense at hurtful words. These are born housewives, able to cook dozens of delicious meals.

Miloslava and health

Girls with this name do not complain about health. They are bypassed by childhood and infectious diseases. And due to the calm nature of the problem with nervous system completely excluded. The only thing to be wary of is sports injuries.

Miloslava in work and business

The Miloslavs are not particularly passionate about their careers: they are more interested in family happiness and love loved one. But if all the girl with this name is interested in work, then she will be able to achieve significant results. Since Miloslava carefully plans her own life, she will be able to succeed in the role of an accountant or economist. Her calm nature and ability to plan makes her an ideal leader.

The career of a director of an enterprise, a head of a supermarket is quite possible. She can also choose a medical specialty for herself, or engage in practical psychology. With the discovery of the ability to draw, it can turn into a talented artist or designer.

Miloslava in marriage and family, with children

Miroslava is extremely devoted to her beloved. She truly falls in love once and for all. He chooses his chosen one for a long time and marries only after the man proves his loyalty and seriousness of intentions. IN love relationships she is a victim of fairy tales: she often believes in sincerity and does not assume a dirty trick. Dreaming about beautiful love and waits for her prince for years. Not capable of destroying a family, even if a man is her ideal.

She never marries for convenience, as she is not particularly interested in finances. She is an excellent hostess and is happy to dissolve in household chores. The husband is given complete freedom of action and control over family budget. She loves children and pays them due attention.

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Miloslava is an extremely rare choice of parents for her daughter. And in vain, because the meaning of the name Miloslav exactly corresponds to its sound, which associatively makes you imagine a pretty creature with angelic appearance and the same character. This is true!


The origin of the name Miloslav, the meaning of which is in modern Russia small, originally Slavic. It has been known in Rus' since pre-Christian, pagan times. Then it was common in both male and female form, but then, with the spread of the custom of baptizing children in honor of Christian saints, it was supplanted by Greek and Latin names. Its etymology for the Russian ear is obvious: two roots - "mercy" and "glory" give in total a name denoting something like a glorified mercy. In general, it should be interpreted in this vein.


The meaning of the name Miloslav for a child is as great as for his parents. If future girl has reason to be proud beautiful name, then parents are usually immensely proud of the temperament of their charming baby. From all sides, this is the sweetest, kindest, quiet and modest girl, about whom they say "gold, not a child." Growing up, the girl shows obedience, interest in what her elders say to her. She enjoys spending time doing needlework or reading books. Growing up quickly and distinguished by high intellectual qualities, Miloslava finds it difficult to establish relationships with her peers. She is much more interested in communicating with older children, among whom she feels psychologically comfortable. In general, she is friendly and peaceful. Miloslava, the meaning of whose name attracts the sympathy of others, loves to stay at home, appreciates peace and comfort. When a girl enters the years school age, she is known as an excellent student, or at least as a girl who has every chance and opportunity to become one. She is talented, smart, easily learns new information. In relation to classmates and teachers, he shows the qualities of openness, sociability and friendliness. Left alone, Miloslava will not be bored and will quickly figure out what to do. Non-capricious and unpretentious, she is brought up without unnecessary problems and worries. In addition, Miloslava has been distinguished by outstanding hospitality since childhood. Therefore, her friends often drop in on her, whom she treats with pleasure with tea and various goodies. Miloslava is gifted with a subtle sense of beauty, which from childhood makes her collect various things in extensive collections. At the same time, the girl is not such a harmless and naive fool. Along with cheerfulness and unctuousness, there is a steel rod in her character, which makes her a real person with her own principles, goals, ideas, worldview and value system. She is also not without firmness of spirit and, when necessary, is able to confidently stand up for her interests. The meaning of the name Miloslav in this sense is twofold - on the one hand, it creates an angel-like light creature, and on the other, this creature has sharp claws. So one should not offend Miloslava and abuse her disposition, otherwise she may take the path of open confrontation. Being by nature not vindictive, she quickly forgets insults, but in moments of outbursts of rage she can show her offender what she is capable of, since Miloslava gets used to expressing her bright and stormy emotions from childhood directly, without halftones and hints. It is best to leave Miloslav alone in a situation of conflict. When the feelings subside and in her inner world the storm will stop and shine again bright sun, it is likely that she herself will take the first step towards reconciliation. Another meaning of the name Miloslava comes down to her tendency to idealize those around her. Often a girl chooses heroes for herself, who take the place of teachers and role models for her. They may be celebrities, historical figures, teachers, or just someone from Miloslava's entourage who managed to impress her. Often, however, all this ends in disappointment, so she has to change idols regularly. This same feature of hers can affect the fact that the girl will go headlong into religion. Miloslava, whose name is based on the root “glory”, “glorification”, is indeed very prone to intense spiritual search and religious practice. People around should take this into account so as not to behave incorrectly in relation to the young lady.

Personal life

Miloslava builds relationships with guys according to the scenario of a classic fairy tale, where she is a princess who must be won by some handsome prince. Accordingly, there is no need to talk about the first step on her part, about anything like that. Miloslava, the meaning of the name, whose character and fate are entirely subordinate to her romantic ideals, do not allow her to become a heartbreaker. However, it is not so easy to win her own heart - she waits a long time and requires a lot of evidence of sincerity of feelings and seriousness of intentions towards herself from her partner. He loves beautiful courtship and displays of attention. But if someone managed to charm her, she gives herself completely and without a trace. Miloslava is incapable of treason and, in general, of any manifestation of infidelity. In addition, she avoids quarrels and showdowns in raised voices, since peace and a favorable atmosphere are of great importance to her. The name of Miloslav is also characterized by a special taste for trust and calmness, regularity in relationships.


Entering into marriage, Miloslava reserves a significant degree inner freedom and independence. She gives the same to her husband. Infinitely trusting him, she does not torture herself with jealousy and shows only care and love towards her husband. A psychologically comfortable environment in the family and at home is the most important thing for Miloslava in her home.


As for a career, for Miloslava this is a secondary thing, which plays a very important role for her. minor role. At the same time, she is an extremely hardworking person who fundamentally performs any work on highest level. Whatever area she chooses for herself, she will succeed in it if she wants, but all this will be for her in so far as. Real life Miloslava is concentrated in her family and is in no way connected with the business world and the world of career achievements.

Famous people with the name Miloslava

Of the celebrities with this name, one can recall Miloslava Bryazkalo, a fashion model popular in Ukraine. Also worth mentioning is Miloslava Grabelnikova - an artist, designer, and also a talented actress.

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