Intellectual quiz game "Erudites" for elementary school children

I tried very hard...

Firstly, I cut from " Komsomolskaya Pravda» collections with entertainment questions for several years in a row. To be honest, it's all in in electronic format on the site, but I saved your time, because I took 1-2 good questions from each selection.
Secondly, I wrote out the most successful and understandable questions for a family holiday so that adults, children and teenagers can play on the same team.
Third, I conveniently designed the questions for the quiz with answers so that the presenter simply opened my article on the tablet and held an intellectual party for relatives and friends. Questions are in the left column. On the right are the answers. Easily!

If you need organization and conduct cool game with our professional hosts, interesting questions, sound design and props, we work in Moscow.

What occasion is the idea suitable for?

These questions are not childish (), but at the same time quite simple. The quiz can be held at a family holiday when several generations get together (birthday, anniversary, wedding anniversary, New Year, March 8, February 23). Questions are suitable for entertainment event in high school.

1. Team tournament

Option 1. Divide your guests into 2 teams. If there are a lot of people, and you get more than 2 teams of 6 people, do three-four-five teams. The fact is that the answers can not be shouted out and voiced after 60 seconds, but written on the forms. This makes it easier to prevent chaos. The facilitator will read out the correct answers when he receives the forms from all the teams.

Each correct answer earns one point.

Option 2. This style of play can sometimes be seen in the beloved “What? Where? When? ”, When it is difficult to determine the leader for the final. One team sits at the game table, the rest stand around. The team plays until the first loss. Gets up and gives way to the other team. At the end, the team that ended up at the table on the final question wins.

Don't forget that players will need a tea break (or a serious gastronomic break), a music or dance break, prizes to reward the best (cheerful, artistic, handsome, small) player.

Which US president wrote his own Sherlock Holmes story?
A. John Kennedy
B. Franklin Roosevelt
W. Ronald Reagan

32-1 US President Franklin Roosevelt was also known as a writer. In 1945, he tried to resurrect the image of the famous literary hero by writing The Baker Street Folio: Five Notes on Sherlock Holmes from Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

What duty was introduced in the 12th century in England in order to force men to go to war?
A. Parasitism tax
B. Tax on cowardice
B. No boots tax

The British had to pay a cowardice tax. They were levied on everyone who did not want to take part in wars for the glory of the king.

Where did the phrase “money smells like?” come from?
A. From bearers for the transport of perfumery
B. From fees for unwashed socks
B. From the toilet tax

The Roman emperor Vespasian imposed a tax on public toilets for citizens. The son did not support the father's idea. Then the monarch brought money to the nose of the offspring and asked if they smelled. This is where the expression came from.

Tourists coming to Mallorca are required to pay a tax…
A. Swimming trunks
B. On palm trees.
B. In the sun

The sun tax must be paid by all tourists who come to Mallorca. The fee is low, only 1 euro per day, the authorities say that the collected money is spent on improving the tourist infrastructure.

We often say the phrase “live and learn”, but we never finish it. So, "live a century - a century learn that ..."

The phrase was uttered by the Roman philosopher Lucius Seneca in the 1st century BC. The wording was deeper: “Live for a century, teach a century how to live”

With the help of emoticons, the names of the films are encrypted here. Let's try to guess!

Here there are old Soviet films and world hits, all the names are known to every person, you just need to quickly remember. The picture needs to be printed separately for each team and given time to think.

1. "Prisoner of the Caucasus"
2. Runaway Bride
3. Planet of the Apes
4. Silence of the Lambs
5. "Titanic"
6. "Ten Little Indians"
7. "Striped Flight"
8. "Italian Robbery"
9. "Operation" Y ", or Shurik's New Adventures"
10. "Mustachioed Nanny"
11. "Love and doves"
12. Slumdog Millionaire

Pushkin's Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish was based on the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale The Fisherman and His Wife. In it, the German "colleague" of our old woman turned into:
A. Pope
B. Queen
B. Director of the fish factory
G. The commander of the divers

The heroine of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale "The Fisherman and His Wife" turned into the Pope. And only after the desire to become the Lord God was left with nothing.

Find the error in the excerpt from Krylov's fable: “The Jumping Dragonfly sang red summer; I didn’t have time to look back, as winter rolls into my eyes.

A. Dragonflies can't jump
B. These insects do not make sounds at all
V. There are no winters in those places about which Krylov wrote
D. There is no mistake here, everything is correct

The dragonfly does not make sounds at all, so she could not sing at all. In Krylov's time, "dragonfly" was a generalized name for several species of insects. So in the fable, the “jumping girl” most likely means a grasshopper.

The Oscar-winning Russian cartoon is…
A. Prostokvashino
B. "Winnie the Pooh"
V. "The Old Man and the Sea"
G. "Well, wait a minute!"

In 2000, the Oscar was awarded to the Russian director, animator Alexander Petrov for the best short cartoon of the year, The Old Man and the Sea, based on the novel by Ernest Hemingway.

Who from famous artists sold only one painting in a lifetime?

A. Vincent Van Gogh.
B. Pierre Auguste Renoir.

The only painting by Van Gogh sold during his lifetime is Red Vineyards at Arles.

One famous writer said that he copied the image of an old woman-harmful from his ex-wife. At the same time, the grandmother turned out to be surprisingly similar to Coco Chanel. On her head she always had a hat with a folding crown, thanks to which she got her nickname.

A. Shapoklyak
B. Little Red Riding Hood
V. Madama Butterfly

The correct answer is Shapoklyak.

What in Russian Empire was the equivalent of money?

A. Skins of fur-bearing animals
B. Cattle
B. Tobacco
G. Women's earrings

The skins of fur-bearing animals were used as money. One skin - one kopeck, a hundred skins - one ruble.

The Indians from the small North American Kwakiutl tribe have a tradition: when they borrow money, they leave it as collateral ...

A. Soul
B. Name
B. mother-in-law's scalp
G. Amulet

A Kwakiutl Indian who borrows money may pledge his name. Until he returns the debt, no one will address him by name.

The height of the Ostankino tower is 540 meters. How many rolls to unwind toilet paper to get the same number of meters?

This is only 10 rolls (standard roll is 54 meters).

2. Round "Yes-no"

Invite one representative from each team. Let them choose the smartest or the funniest. IN right hand you need to give some object, the demonstration of which means "YES". To the left is a subject for the word "NO". It can be red and blue balls, a spoon and a fork, a glass and a glass, a toy elephant and a doll.

Change the player after every three to five questions.

You read a question, the sound of a bell, or just the caps "bam-mm-ms", the players pick up the desired item. Someone has to keep the sign and count the points.

Bulls react to red.

- Yes
- No

Bulls practically do not distinguish colors. In a bullfight, they react not to red, but to annoying waving of the cape.

Ostriches hide their heads in the sand from danger.

- Yes
- No

Ostriches run away when they sense danger. The myth that they burrow arose, perhaps due to the fact that, exhausted from a long chase, they simply drop their heads with their long necks.

Entertaining and informative quiz for schoolchildren (Grade 4)

- development of skills to work in groups;
- solving non-standard tasks.

Intellectual questions for schoolchildren (with answers)

1. Winning a chess game. (Mat)
2. Metal or plastic finger cap for sewing. (Thimble)

3. You can't hide an awl in it. In what? (In a bag)

4. Plant science. (Botany)

5. The largest ocean? (Quiet)

6. Danish writer - storyteller. (Andersen)

7. Which is less: 40 centners or 4 tons? (Same)

8. Flowers collected in a bunch. (Bouquet)

9. Hazel fruit. (Hazelnut)

10. Is Venus or Mercury closer to Earth? (Venus)

11. What did Prometheus steal from the gods? (Fire)

12. What is the name of the fertile layer of the earth? (The soil)

13. Continue the proverb: “Repetition is ... (mother of learning)

14. How many sounds are in the word "sparrow"? (eleven)

15. What is measured by a speedometer? (Speed)

16. What was the name of the eye in the old days? (Eye)

17. In what case are there prepositions to, by? (D. p.)

18. The name of the city in which the leaning tower is located. (Pisa)

19. Pack, what migratory birds does it promise snow? (Goose)

20. What are raisins made of? (from grapes)

21. Duremar's profession? (Pharmacist)

22. The perimeter of an equilateral rectangle is 36 cm. Calculate its area? (81 cm)

23. Which country has the largest population in the world? (China)

24. At what time of the year is the day shorter? (The same)

25. Useful "hairy" fruit. (Kiwi)

26. Words: ice cream and frosty are the same root? (Yes)

27. What phone call the gas service? (04)

28. From the seeds of which tree is chocolate made? (Cocoa)

29. Which device is not electrical: toaster, scanner, microscope? (Microscope)

30. Riddle: That house is made of glass, not wood. Its residents are virtuoso swimmers. (Aquarium)

October 18 at 14:30 in the reading room of the Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Academy (NTGSPA) will be held Freshman Cup-2012 on the game "What? Where? When?".

You can apply for participation at the CDPS until October 18 inclusive. No more than one team can participate from the faculty. Only first-year students can play.

The winning team will be awarded a Challenge Cup.

Upd. The tournament is over. Congratulations to the winner and runners up!

1st place— IEMI team
2nd place— IFMK team
III place— SGI team

In total, 30 questions of the main package and 1 additional one were played to determine the winning team.

A small photo report from the championship:,.

Results of all teams:

Team 1 round 2 round Outcome Rating
IFMK 10 5 15 360
IEMI 8 8 16 398
SGI 7 7 14 338
FSIBZH 4 3 7 154
FSI 7 6 13 340
IHO 7 4 11 254
IOPS 6 2 8 182
FSF 6 5 11 262
Team NTGSPA (out of standings) 8 9 17 427

Upd. In anticipation of this, we offer to practice on the questions of the Freshman Cup-2012 on-line.

Questions of the Freshman Cup-2012:

1. Let's start ab ovo. British designer Kyle Bean did not think about philosophical questions, and laid out the FIRST of the remnants of the SECOND. Name both the FIRST and the SECOND.

chicken, eggs.
Note: in any order.
A comment: philosophical question“Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Ab ovo (lat.) - literally translated “from the egg”. A stable phraseological phrase meaning "from the very beginning."

2. The dog of the Labrador breed, unlike some other breeds, got its name not from the name of the place where it was bred. Name the island where the Labrador was bred.

Note: correct answer.
Comment: I already had a Newfoundland dog.
Source: %D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80

3. In order for a certain hero to be disenchanted, HE, according to the cartoon, had to see with his own eyes how his friend was served on the table. What was the name of this friend?

Martin (goose)
Source: cartoon "The Enchanted Boy" (based on "Nils' Journey ..."

4. According to the report of the inspector for the Kherson province dated May 31, 1872, in public schools of that time, the following was used: 1) leaving students in the classroom after school without lunch; 2) mocking expressions in the treatment of students, especially hurting the national feeling of students; And what was applied according to paragraph 3?

5. All of us could repeatedly see how the three stand next to each other. At the same time, the best often cries, the second is sad, and the third rejoices. Where does it happen?

6. There are sure signs on the internet that you are watching this movie too much. Among these signs is that you:
- jump from one nine-story building to another without any problems;
-You are often named by some bald black man.
“At work, you get a large needle stuck in the back of your head several times a day.
Name the movie.

7. Write a certain sequence (indicate the beginning of new lines)
Finish this sequence with 6 elements.

Ch K O V K R.
Commentary: “The lonely sail turns white
In the blue fog of the sea
What is he looking for in a distant country
What he threw in his native land.
Source: M.Yu. Lermontov. "Sail"

8. Doublet. Two questions for 30 seconds of discussion.
1. One of the heroines of Yulia Rada's book “The hostel. Lolitas and Humbertas "used to solve everything with the help of money. According to the author, she had three virtues. First, rich dad. Name the second and third.

rich dad rich dad

2. One of the heroines of Yulia Rada's book “The hostel. Lolitas and Humbertas "used to solve everything with the help of money. The first, second and third word in her vocabulary as a child was the word "give", and the fourth is a four-letter word. Which?

Source: Julia Rada. Dorm. Lolitas and Humberts. M., 2007. S. 131

9. In 2010, a monument in the form of a huge bottle was erected in Trafalgar Square in London. What is inside this bottle?

Credit: according to the word "ship" without incorrect clarifications.
Comment: in addition to this monument, there is also a column of Admiral Nelson on this square. The model was placed in the bottle battleship"Victoria", on which the admiral died.

10. In the TV series "Matchmakers", maternal grandparents and paternal grandparents fight for influence over their granddaughter. As a result, when they reconcile, the granddaughter forces them (3 words are missing), although at first they did not want to sell her something without which this final rite would not have taken place. What are they doing?

smoke the peace pipe.
Source: series "Matchmakers"

11. One of the heroines of the film "Europe-Asia" says to a drunk driver who is about to get behind the wheel: "Slipping onto (a pass), you risk saying goodbye to (a pass)." Fill in each gap with one adjective.

red, white.
Source: movie "Europe-Asia"

12. Fill in the gaps in Peter Orlov's poem dedicated to God.
Rain poured down from the sky like a bucket.
The old women hid in the houses.
The world is your merry (... pass ...),
We are Your magic (…pass…).

game, toys.
Source: P.V. Orlov. Through the eyes of the soul. Kyiv., 2010. S. 120

13. Finish the joke with two words.
The ship is sinking. The Englishman, with a pipe in his mouth, addresses the captain:
“Sir, which of the boats…”

  • generalization and systematization of the previously studied material and its practical application;
  • development of cognitive interest, logical thinking, creative activity of students;
  • fostering the ability to work in a team, respect for the opponent, fostering a sense of responsibility.


  • cards with competition tasks for teams and fans;
  • jury form;
  • answer sheets for the jury;
  • signal cards;
  • screen, projector;
  • PowerPoint presentation.


  • 2 teams of 5 people.
  • Fans.

Preliminary preparation:

  • Jury formation.
  • Formation of teams: composition, name, captain, motto, greetings to rivals.

Host: Good afternoon, dear guys, jury and guests! Today we have gathered with you to conduct an intellectual quiz - “Own Game”.

Good afternoon my friends,
I am glad to meet you.
Sat straight, got everything
We remember everything we knew.
We leave all worries
And we get to work.

Two teams of 6th grade take part in our game. Let's get acquainted with them (teams are being introduced).

Let's start with the rules of the game.

"Own Game" consists of 5 topics with 5 questions each (25 questions). Questions are arranged from left to right, in ascending order of difficulty (from 10 to 50).

Subject Question face value
puzzles 10 20 30 40 50
In the world of logic 10 20 30 40 50
binary math 10 20 30 40 50
Computer anagrams 10 20 30 40 50
Encrypted letter 10 20 30 40 50

The game begins with the team that correctly answers the warm-up questions. The team captain chooses the topic and the denomination of the question. The facilitator reads the question. The team leads the discussion and, if ready, raises a signal card. The discussion ends here. The team answers the question (team captain).

If the team answers correctly, then it is given the right to choose the next question, if it answers incorrectly, then the right to answer the same question is given to the other team. The player who answers correctly chooses the next question. If the question remains unanswered, then the choice of the next question remains with the team that chose the previous question. The correct answer adds the number of points to the team's total. An incorrect answer to a normal question does not reduce the total score.

Among the questions in the game there are unusual ones: “Question-auction” and “Pig in a poke”. “Question-auction” goes to the team that chose this question, and allows it to increase the cost of the question within the accumulated amount. The correct answer to the “auction question” increases the total number of team points for the bid made by the team in the auction, the wrong answer decreases it. If a team gets in the choice of a question on “Pig in a poke”, then it automatically passes it to another team. The correct answer to the question “Pig in a Poke” increases the total number of team points by the cost of this question, the wrong answer decreases it.

The number and location of special questions is not known in advance. Total“Cats” and “Auctions” in the game are also not regulated.

So that everything in the game goes without a hitch,
Let's start with a little warm-up.

  1. The "face" of the computer. (Monitor.)
  2. The "brain" of the computer. (CPU.)
  3. A fidget square on a computer screen. (Cursor.)
  4. Symbol system. (Code.)
  5. The operation that the printer performs. (Seal.)
  6. Science dealing with information. (Computer science.)
  7. What in the world are more apples or fruits. (Fruit.)
  8. Automatic " iron Man". (Robot.)
  9. The mouse is a device ... (input).
  10. The smallest unit of information (1 Bit).

(Odd questions are asked to the first team, even questions to the second.)

Yes, the path of knowledge is not smooth.
But you know from school years:
More mysteries than clues
And there is no limit to the search!

So, teams, good luck!

In the world of logic

(10) “Birthday”

Katya, Sonya, Galya and Tamara were born on March 2, May 17, July 2 and March 20. Sonya and Galya were born in the same month, and the birthdays of Galya and Katya are indicated by the same numbers. What is the date of birth of each girl?

(20) “Dress color”

Three friends met: Krasnova, Belova and Zheltova. They were wearing red, white and yellow dresses. A girl in a red dress says to Belova: "We need to change clothes, otherwise the color of the dress does not match the surname." Who was in what dress?

(30) “Hair color”

Three people are talking: Belokurov, Chernov and Ryzhikov. The brunet told Belokurov: “It is curious that one of us is fair-haired, the other is brunette, but none of us has a hair color that matches the last name.” What hair color does each speaker have?

(40) “Summer holidays”

Four friends - Alik, Volodya, Misha and Yura - gathered in Misha's house. The boys were talking animatedly about how they had spent the summer.

Well, Balashov, have you finally learned to swim? Volodya will ask.

Oh, how else, - Balashov answered, - I can now compete with you and Alik.

Look at the herbarium I have collected, - said Petrov, interrupting the conversation of friends, and took out a large folder from the closet.

Everyone, especially Lunin and Alik, liked the herbarium very much. And Simonov promised to show his comrades the collection of minerals he had collected. List each boy's first and last name.

(50) "Olympics"

Five classmates: Anya, Sasha, Lena, Vasya and Misha became winners school olympiads in history, mathematics, computer science, literature and geography. It is known that:

  1. the winner of the Olympiad in Informatics teaches Anya and Sasha how to work on the computer;
  2. Lena and Vasya also became interested in computer science;
  3. Sasha has always been afraid of history;
  4. Lena, Sasha and the winner of the Literature Olympiad go swimming;
  5. Sasha and Lena congratulated the winner of the Mathematics Olympiad;
  6. Anya regrets that she has little time left for literature.

Which Olympiad did each of these guys win?

Anya Sasha Lena Vasya Misha
Story - - + - -
Mathematics + - - - -
Computer science - - - - +
Literature - - - + -
Geography - + - - -

binary math

What is the difference between 25 10 and 1101 2 in decimal. ( Answer. 12 10)

Which number is greater than 1101 10 or 1101 2 ? ( Answer. 1101 10)

Class 1111 has 2 girls and 1010 2 boys. How many students are in the class? ( Answer. 25)

Numbers in the binary system are of the form 11 2 and 101 2 . What is their product in decimal notation? ( Answer. 15)

She was 1100 years old
She went to class 101,
In a portfolio of 100 books she carried -
All this is true, not nonsense,
When the dust is a dozen feet,
She walked along the road
She was always followed by a puppy
With one tail, but hundred-legged
She caught every sound
With ten ears
And ten tanned hands
They held a briefcase and a leash.
And ten dark blue eyes
Considered the world habitually,
But everything will become quite normal,
When you understand our story.

Computer anagrams

GUN > K_ _ _ _ (communication line)

REVERSE > С_ _ _ _ _ (powerful network computer)

TUBE+HALL > Z_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (school affiliation in the Web)

OPLOT+ROK > P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (rules for transferring data between different computer networks)

PI+GREEK+TEST > G_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (web document)


  • Channel.
  • Server.
  • Bookmark.
  • Protocol.
  • Hypertext.
  • Encrypted letter

    Decipher the encoded text and explain the encoding method. When the task is completed, the alphabet is given to the teams.

    A B C D E F G I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z

    (10) Komlapyulyaterlya - your friend.

    Answer: The computer is your friend.

    (Coding method: the syllable “la” is inserted after each syllable).

    (20) Erashy, shchii, three times and imlsi!

    Answer: Decide, search, create and thoughts!

    (Coding method: odd and even letters are swapped in each word.)

    (30) Ichyasyt yetup tudev to yunedzhulbaz, to enitsi - oklot nido.

    Answer: Thousands of paths lead to error, to the truth - only one.

    (Coding method: each word is spelled backwards.)

    (40) Loop gmbeyou yohpsnbchyyok, upu gmbeyou nyspn!

    Answer: Whoever owns the information owns the world.

    (Coding method: each letter in the word is replaced by the next letter after it).

    (50) Vdmzi nnrsnzs zzh ngmnvn opnhdsya bgnfmnbdmzyu and 99 onsdmzyu!

    Answer: Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration!

    (Coding method: each letter in the word is replaced by the previous letter.)

    Contest for fans “Guess the words containing the famous abbreviation PC”. (A competition with fans is held when the teams choose the topics “Encrypted Letter”, “In the World of Logic”.)

    1. __ PC_ (furnace part).

    2. __ PC _ (hill, mound, volcano).

    3. __ PC _ (gardener's tool).

    4. __ PC _ (headdress with a visor).

    5. __PC_ (paper stationery).

    6. __ PC _ (a piece of fabric for household needs).

    7. __PC_ (boat with strong wide hull).

    8. __ PC_ (paper clip).

    9. __ PC _ ( positive result going to the store).

    10. __ PC _ (a bird running along the bottom of a reservoir).

    8. Paperclip

    9. Purchase

    10. Dipper

    Summing up the quiz. Winner's reward ceremony.

    Thank you all for your attention.
    For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,
    For the fire of competition
    Ensuring success.
    Now it's time to say goodbye
    Our speech will be short -
    We say: "Goodbye,
    Until happy new meetings!”

    Intellectual game

    "The cleverest"

    Target: To promote the manifestation of individual abilities of students, to activate their cognitive activity.

    Used equipment: cards from numbers 1, 2, 3,4.

    Short description: in a fun way, knowledge on subjects is consolidated, the event contributes to the development of resourcefulness, ingenuity, speed of reaction.


    We welcome spectators and participants of the contest "The smartest".
    Today is a duel among third grade students. 4 players will come out on the podium to compete for honorary title"The cleverest".

    I am pleased to introduce you to the contenders for a place in the game "The smartest". Viewers can also take Active participation in our game when the player does not have the correct answer.

    The path to truth is hard
    And therefore in pure thinking
    Daring courage is needed
    No less than climbers!

    You are offered 12 questions from various fields of knowledge, to which you must try to give as many correct answers as possible, raising the plates with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4. For each correct answer you will receive 1 point. You have 5 seconds to answer each question. The best players will advance to the semi-finals, where today's finalist will be determined. Attention! You are ready?

    So let's start the first round.

    1. Which of the characters in A. Barto's poem sighed: "Oh, the board is swinging ..."
    1) bear 2) bunny 3) bull 4) horse

    2. Which plant never has flowers?
    1)at the fern 2) cactus 3) chestnut 4) potatoes

    3. Which coniferous plant sheds its needles in autumn?
    1) juniper 2) spruce 3) pine 4) larch

    4. What is the name of the watermelon fruit?
    1) fruit 2) vegetable 3) berry 4) drupe

    5. What is the name of the science that studies the past of mankind?
    1)story 2) geography 3) mathematics 4) literature

    6. What is the name of the section of the science of language in which the rules for writing words are studied?
    1) Phraseology 2) Vocabulary 3) Spelling 4) Phonetics

    7. From what is amber formed?
    1)From the resin of ancient pines 2) from chemicals 3) from fossils 4) from animal fat

    9. What organs does a person have two?
    1) heart 2) bud 3) stomach 4) liver

    10. What is the name of the underground part of the plant?
    1) Kidney 2) root 3) flower 4) stem

    11. What is sugar obtained from?
    1) from sugar beets 2) from sugar syrup 3) from chalk 4) from caramel

    12. Composer who wrote the music national anthem Russian Federation:
    1) A. Alexandrov 2) A. Pakhmutova 3) M. Blanter 4) V. Solovyov-Sedoy

    Additional questions

    1. What color is not on national flag Russian Federation?
    1) White 2) Green 3) Blue 4) Red

    2. What was the nickname of the Russian Tsar Ivan IV?
    1) Great 2 Grozny 3) Wise 4) Brave


    Round two: Let everyone know Who thinks better?

    You have to think, answer!
    We will determine

    Who should be the first?

    Within 1 minute you must select a category, answer questions and try to score maximum amount points, thereby qualifying for a game in the third decisive round. Note that only three players play in the third round.

    I have 3 semi-finalists in front of me. They showed the best results in the first round and are fighting for a place in the superfinal. But before we determine the order of the answers, we will hold a competition "Decipherer".

    The less time you spend, the higher the ordinal
    number of your speech for further answers.

    Attention! Encrypted word of 5 letters.

    Coniferous 6 5 6 5 1(Pine)
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    abc where zhzi klm nop rst ufh tschsh shy eyuya

    So, the participants will start in the following order: 1. ...; 2....; 3…

    1. Animals
    What extinct animal is considered the progenitor of the elephant? (mammoth)
    - Respiratory organ in fish (gills)
    - What marine animal forms a water fountain when exhaling? (whale)
    - Respiratory organ in amphibians (lungs)
    - A snake "wearing" a hood (cobra)
    - The smallest bird (hummingbird)
    - Dolphin habitat (water)
    - Sometimes brown, sometimes white (bear)
    - King of beasts (lion)
    - Animals that build dams (beaver)
    - Bird from Antarctica (penguin)
    - There is a hare, there is a hare (hare)
    - What animal is called Prusak? (cockroach)

    2. Tales
    - In which Pushkin's fairy tale did the girl turn into a swan? (The fairy tale about Tsar Saltan)
    - What was the name of the group in which the cat, dog, donkey and rooster sang? (The Bremen Town Musicians)
    - Who is the author of the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"? (P. Ershov)
    - On the lip of what fabulous animal do men plow? (miracle-yudo fish-whale)
    - A tiny girl who grew from a grain of barley (Thumbelina)
    - How to recognize a real princess? (put a pea under her mattress)
    - What material is the resistant soldier made of? (tin)
    - What animal does Alyonushka's brother turn into? (kid)
    - What flower did Nastenka receive as a gift from a famous fairy tale? (Scarlet)
    - Whom did Dr. Aibolit treat? (animals)
    - What was the name of the prince in Pushkin's Tale of Tsar Saltan? (Guidon)
    - How many heroes came out of the sea in Pushkin's Tale of Tsar Saltan? (33)
    - Girlfriend Tiny-Havroshechki (cow)
    - Who is the author of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"? (Charles Perrault)

    3. Mathematics
    -What is the Latin letter used to denote the perimeter of the figure? (P)
    - What is the perimeter? (the sum of the lengths of all sides)
    How to find the area of ​​a rectangle? (width x length)
    How many sides does a quadrilateral have? (4)
    What are the names of the components when adding? (term, term, sum)
    -From the rearrangement of the terms, the sum ... (does not change)
    -There is an addition table, and there is also ... (multiplication table)
    What are the names of the components when subtracting? (reduced, subtracted, difference)
    -When multiplying any number by one, we get ... (same number)
    -When multiplying any number by zero, we get ... (0)
    What can't be divided by? (by 0)
    - How many digits are there? (10)
    What is the name of a triangle in which all sides are equal? ​​(equilateral)
    What is the name of a number consisting of two digits? (two-digit)

    4. Literary reading
    - Who from literary heroes flew on cannonball? (Munchhausen)
    - Author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Mark Twain)
    What was the name of the tiger in Kipling's Mowgli book? (Shere Khan)
    - Which of the Russian classic writers was called Leo? (Tolstoy)
    - Who wrote the fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"? (A. N. Tolstoy)
    - Surname of Uncle Styopa from famous work Sergei Mikhalkov (Stepanov)
    What street did the absent-minded person live on? (pool)
    - Pseudonym of A.P. Golikov (Gaidar)
    - The author of the fairy tale "About the priest and his worker Balda"? (A. S. Pushkin)
    - What is folklore? (oral folk art)
    - Works of oral poetry about Russian heroes and folk heroes (Epics)
    - The most famous epic hero (Ilya Muromets)
    - What was the name of the nanny A.S. Pushkin? (Arina Rodionovna)
    - What was Krylov's name? (Ivan Andreevich)

    5. Russian language
    -Words with the same root
    - The grammatical basis of the sentence (subject and predicate)
    - How many letters are in the Russian alphabet? (33)
    -How many vowels are there in Russian? (6)
    - The seventh letter of the Russian alphabet (Ё)
    - Root in the word "talented" (talent)
    - What part of speech is the word "game"? (noun)
    - What can be sentences on the purpose of the statement (declarative, interrogative, incentive)
    - The part of the word that comes before the root? (prefix)
    - Variable part of the word (ending)
    - Noun, adjective, verb is ... (parts of speech)
    - How many roots are in the word "bread cutter"? (2)
    - Part of speech denoting the action of an object (verb)
    - Is the word “(not) perplexing” spelled together or separately? (continuously)

    -Gas emitted by plants (oxygen)
    What plant seeds are used to make chocolate? (cocoa)
    - Which plant is considered a cure for "seven ailments"? (onion)
    - Oak, elm, linden, acacia are plants ... (deciduous)
    What color is a fern flower? (the fern has no flowers)
    - What is the name of the fruit of OAK? (ACORN)
    - Beautiful trees are often compared with this slender tender tree. young girls(birch)
    - In the hot sun it dried up and bursts from the pods ... (peas)
    - The plant from which they are made semolina(Wheat)
    - What kind of tree is there - there is no wind, but the leaf is trembling? (aspen)
    What happens when you dry grapes? (raisins)
    What is the name of the thorn on a rose? (thorn)
    - Beetle that harms potatoes (Colorado)
    - Flower of blue color, which can often be found in rye (cornflower)

    By the end of the second round, 2 participants remain.

    There is a cheerleading competition.

    We start the third round

    We will know the winners.
    There are questions and riddles.

    For the solution - chocolates!

    final round questions.

    1. What kind of pancake usually turns out lumpy? (first)
    2. What animal is a goose not a friend? (Pig)
    3. Why can't you cut out what is written with a pen? (with an ax)
    4. Who, according to the proverb, is afraid of business? (masters)
    5. What is not recommended to spit, according to a well-known proverb? (well)
    6. If you collect a string from the world, then what will you collect naked? (shirt)
    7. What should you not sit on if you want to eat kalachi? (on stove)
    8. Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred ... (friends)

    Fairy animals.
    1. Poodle Malvina (Artemon)
    2. Panther from the fairy tale "Mowgli" (Bagheera)
    3. The rat of the old woman Shapoklyak (Lariska)
    4. A cat from the village of Prostokvashino (Matroskin)
    5. "Blind" cat from the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" (Basilio)
    6. Turtle from the fairy tale "Golden Key" (Tortilla)
    7. A fly from a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky (Tsokotuha)
    8.Doggy Ellie (Totoshka)

    1. What is the name of the liquid cosmetic hair wash? (shampoo)
    2. What month does winter begin? (December)
    3. What is the name of a measure of length equal to 10 cm? (decimeter)
    4. What note is followed by the note "re"? (mi)
    5. What color is obtained by mixing red and yellow? (orange)
    6. Which bird does not have its own nest? (cuckoo)
    7. Who is in charge on the ship? (captain)
    8. What is the name of the holidays for your dads and moms? (Vacation)

    Here the game is over

    It's time to know the result.
    Who worked the best.

    Did you excel in the tournament?
    The jury announces the results and names the winner. The smartest is determined.

    Winner's reward ceremony.

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