How to name a girl born on December 20. Names of girls born in December. How to name a girl born in December - church names

What is the first thing a couple thinks about when they become parents? Of course, about what name to give a newborn baby.

Recently, it has become very popular to give children old or old ones. Increasingly, among little girls you can meet Athena, Anna Maria, Isabella, Malvina and other owners of extravagant names. What name would you choose for your newborn daughter on a cold December day?

How to name a girl?

Your baby was born in December, January or July - it doesn't matter. The name of the baby must be selected in such a way that it goes well with the surname and patronymic. The name Athena in combination with the surname Petrova and patronymic Ivanovna will sound rather ridiculous.

But, despite the persuasion of relatives to change their minds, many parents follow the lunar calendar and name the child based on the month of his birth.

born in December, according to the constellation?

Before the upcoming birth, future parents look through the literature with the meanings of names. So what names are suitable for December babies?

It must be borne in mind that the first half of December is dominated by Sagittarius, and the second is ruled by Capricorn.

How to name a girl born in December under Give preference to the following names: Snezhana or Vaselina, Sofia or Stanislav, Marina or Darina, Milena or Milan, Maria or Natalya.

How to name a girl born in December under It would be preferable to choose the following or Natalia, Sophia or Maria, Olga or Karina, Vladislav or Miroslava.

Church calendar and the choice of a name for the December girl

Many believing parents choose a name for the baby based on the church calendar. So, how to name a girl born in December according to church traditions?

Give preference to the following names: Ekaterina, Anna, Tatyana, Praskovya, Maria, Margarita, Matrena, Martha, Tamara, Barbara, Uliana, Kira, Anastasia, Anfisa, Alexandra, Sofia, Angelina, Vera, Zoya, Elizabeth.

Popular December names

When wondering what to name a girl born in December, consider not only the lunar calendar, church traditions and popularity rating, but also think that the child will carry the name given to him all his life. Approach this issue responsibly, consider the name of the future baby and patronymic. The name, first of all, should sound harmonious.

How you name a child largely determines his future fate, as well as his character, so be responsible for your choice. Check with your next of kin. You may want to name your daughter after a grandmother, mother, or aunt. And, perhaps, on the contrary, categorically refuse this idea.

Good luck with this difficult choice!

December babies are very emotional and even quick-tempered, as they say - "turn on with a half turn", and this applies to both boys and girls. These are kind people, responsible and with a heightened sense of justice. Although they have an explosive character, they are quickly quick-witted, which means that they do not hold grudges against a person for a long time, although they will remember them for a long time. Their grievances are also rapidly disappearing, just as an attack of aggression appears.

Despite their unbridled character and quick temper, girls born in December 2018 are very kind, always positive and, most importantly, responsive, cordial and will always respond to a call for help. Since childhood, they have many girlfriends, and in adulthood there will be many both personal and useful acquaintances.

These are very compassionate individuals, they will always stand up for the weak, they will fight injustice all their lives. Tireless and responsible workers, they will achieve a lot in their lives, especially if they get a good education and work in the specialty that they like, inspires and gives them chances to prove themselves.

Parents should take special care of this girl, spend as much time as possible with their daughter, because she just needs constant contact with her dad and mom, whom she will love all her life, because this is one of the most grateful and responsible children who will remember kindness and will always repay it.

What name to give the December girl, what are they?

In view of their sociability and openness, decency and honesty, they are drawn to them and want to be friends with them. Such girls, who were lucky enough to be born in December 2018, will be in the center of attention all their lives and everyone around the events taking place, and many men can envy their activity, purposefulness and initiative.

From the first days of their lives, girls born in December 2018 will be active and show signs of curiosity, because they are extremely inquisitive, and their lively mind requires constant replenishment with new knowledge. Parents should provide their daughter with a wide variety of entertainment to the maximum, and also help her throw out her indefatigable energy in the right direction, she constantly needs to be occupied with something.

Despite their straightforwardness and desire to tell the whole truth in the eye, which would make life difficult for many, these girls will get away with it, because in their statements there is no evil or insidious plans for personal gain, they are pure in their thoughts and views, and therefore there can be no claims against them from opponents.

You can choose a name for a December daughter, born in the winter of December 2018, and taking into account the special character, very different things, but still this girl is best suited for disciplining names - representative, some important, responsible, but not sonorous and too light, airy , they will give her even more windiness and frivolity.

Girls of December 2018 - choose a name for the girl, your daughter...

The name of the girl born on December 1, 2018, name the daughter

Florence, Galina, Irina, Arina

The name of the girl born on December 2, 2018, name the daughter

Polina, Paulina, Natalia, Elena, Lilia

The name of the girl born on December 3, 2018, name the daughter

Anna, Fekla, Tatiana

The name of the girl born on December 4, 2018, name the daughter

Barbara, Ada, Polina

The name of the girl born on December 5, 2018, name the daughter

Tsitsily, Praskovya, Martha

The name of the girl born on December 6, 2018, name the daughter

Love, Galina, Valentina

The name of the girl born on December 7, 2018, name the daughter

Augustina, Catherine, Katharina, Elena

The name of the girl born on December 8, 2018, name the daughter

Magdalena, Maria, Ruslana

The name of the girl born on December 9, 2018, name the daughter

Vasilisa, Inna

The name of the girl born on December 10, 2018, name the daughter

Thekla, Martha, Nina

The name of the girl born on December 11, 2018, name the daughter

Anisia, Anna, Praskovya

The name of the girl born on December 12, 2018, name the daughter

Joanna, Anastasia, Constance

The name of the girl born on December 13, 2018, name the daughter

Odette, Polina, Larisa, Galtna

The name of the girl born on December 14, 2018, name the daughter

Maria. Margaret, Tamara

The name of the girl born on December 15, 2018, name the daughter

Antonina, Vera, Matrena, Mirra, Margarita, Tamara, Fevronia, Maria

The name of the girl born on December 16, 2018, name the daughter

Glyceria, Adelaide, Alice, Albina

The name of the girl born on December 17, 2018, name the daughter

Anastasia, Kira, Ulyana, Barbara, Katarina, Juliana, Ekaterina

The name of the girl born on December 18, 2018, name the daughter

Lera, Polina, Galina

The name of the girl born on December 19, 2018, name the daughter

Svetlana, Nastya, Elena

The name of the girl born on December 20, 2018, name the daughter

Veronica, Lera, Olga

The name of the girl born on December 21, 2018, name the daughter

Anfisa, Agripina, Arina, Irina

The name of the girl born on December 22, 2018, name the daughter

Anna, Efrosinya, Zinaida

The name of the girl born on December 23, 2018, name the daughter

Claudia, Efrosinya, Alexandra, Evdokia, Eulalia, Anna, Tatiana, Thekla, Angelina

The name of the girl born on December 24, 2018, name the daughter

Adele, Ermina, Lyudmila, Lisa

The name of the girl born on December 25, 2018, name the daughter

Anastasia, Veronica, Masha

The name of the girl born on December 26, 2018, name the daughter

Anastasia, Lucia, Vasilisa

The name of the girl born on December 27, 2018, name the daughter

Christina, Irina, Lilia, Vasilisa

The name of the girl born on December 28, 2018, name the daughter

Susanna, Susanna, Agapia, Yana

The name of the girl born on December 29, 2018, name the daughter

Sofia, Sofia, Anna, Ganna, Zinaida

The name of the girl born on December 30, 2018, name the daughter

Margarita, Anisya, Anastasia

The name of the girl born on December 31, 2018, name the daughter

Vera, Sofia, Elizabeth, Zoya

The name for a person plays an important role, it largely determines his fate and affects the character of a person, despite the opinion and arguments of most skeptics. Therefore, the choice of a name must be taken seriously. There are a lot of tips and advice on how to choose a name for a newborn baby. Here, the signs of the zodiac, and the Saints, and even the meaning of names are taken into account. In this article, we will help you choose the name of a girl born in December. There are various names of girls born in December on our list, we hope you can choose a couple of them for yourself.

In the last century, people did not pay much attention to the choice of a name; at baptism, as a rule, parents were offered several names to choose from, corresponding to the date of birth of the baby.

Name calendars are called Saints, and sometimes there are several names for each day, there is a belief among the people that these Saints will patronize a person in the future if they name him in their honor. Unfortunately, there are few names of girls born in December in such a calendar.

Names of girls born in December:

If there is no name on the date of birth of your daughter in the calendar of the Saints, then you can, according to Christian tradition, choose a name for baptism on the date of the baby's next birthday. For example, your daughter was born on December 27, there are no names of Saints on this date, therefore, according to tradition, you can take the name Sophia from December 29, but in no case take names from dates preceding the date of birth of your baby. It is said that the Saints will not be able to protect the child in this case.

It should be noted that there are a lot of unusual, unusual names in the calendar of the Saints, so if your family is not considered a believer, then you can choose any name you like. For example, few people want to give their baby the name Glykeria, and if you choose from the names of girls born in December according to the calendar, then it is better to give the child the name Lucia, Sofia, Tatyana. Be sure to clarify the meaning of the names, so you can at least a little, but determine the fate of your baby.

You can also choose a name for the child according to the signs of the Zodiac, because the stars also have an influence on the fate of people. Most of December goes under the sign of Sagittarius. Girls born before December 21 inclusive can be given names such as:





And girls born under the sign of Capricorn can be given names such as:




A daughter will be born in your family soon, but you don't know what to name her? I want to give my unborn child a beautiful name. To do this, the name can be chosen by patronymic, so that it goes well with it. But there are other options, for example, by month and date of birth. So, what to name a girl in december?

For girls whose birthday falls on one of the days of December, names such as Vera, Irina, Natalya or Polina are suitable. But Alla, Alina, Elena or Tatyana should not be called a winter girl.

Choose a name for the child according to the church calendar

Christian parents often choose names for their children based on saints. This is a church calendar where all the days of remembrance and the feasts of saints are marked. According to the calendar, the child receives the name of the saint on whose feast day he was born.

If the girl was born on December 1-10

So, if your girl was born on December 2, you can call her Euphemia (or Afimya, Efimya, Ofimya). The following names fall on December 3: Anna, Vauf, Denakhis and Thekla. Girls born on December 4 are called Glykerias (Lukeryami) according to the calendar. And if your daughter was born on December 5, you can call her like this: Alfiya, Cypriana (or Cyprina), Cecilia (or Kekiliya). On December 7, the names of Augusta, Catherine and Mastridia fall; on December 8 - Anfisa and Victoria; on December 9 - Anna; on December 10 - again Thekla.

If the girl was born on December 11-20

For a girl born on December 14, the name Callinicus is suitable, on the 15th - Miropia (or Moropia, Merope). If your daughter was born on December 16, give her the name Glykeria (or Lukerya); 17th - Barbara, Christodula, Juliana (or Ulyana, Juliana); finally, on December 20, Simferus, Stratius or Philotheus.

If the girl was born on December 21-31

Was your daughter born on December 21st? Then call her Anfisa or Victoria. If she was born on December 22, give her the name Anna, December 23 - Angelina, Eulalia. As for December 26, a girl born on this day can be called Anastasia, Cyprian (or Cyprina) or Lukia (Lucia). If the girl's date of birth fell on December 28, let her be Joanna (Ivana) or Susanna (Susana); December 29 - Sophia, Solomonia, Feofaniya; December 31 - Elizabeth (or Elizabeth, Lizaveta, Lisaveta), Zoya, or Sofia.

As for the unmentioned dates (1, 6, 11-13, 18-19, 24-25, 27, 30 December), not a single day of the name of the saint fell on them. That's why if your daughter was born on one of these days, choose with the whole family a name that everyone will like and will be combined with a patronymic.

As the year draws to a close, your family is wondering what to name a girl born in December? So, you will soon accept congratulations on the addition to the family. Along with this great news comes the difficult task of choosing a name. Perhaps you do not need advice, and the name for the baby has long been chosen, but if you are still at a crossroads, if in doubt, we will try to make it easier for you and offer several options for choosing names.

Winter gave December girls a harsh temper, they are quick-tempered and very emotional, they like to insist on their own. To soften their not the easiest character, you should think about and choose from hundreds of names what will help the baby find harmony with herself and with the outside world. A girl born on the first day of winter will suit light, airy names like snowflakes, such as Ksenia, Maria, Tatiana, Sofia, Snezhana, Elena. Anfisa, Ulyana. Angelina. Anna. It is also good to look at the meaning, origin and characteristics of different names.

Astrologers also advise choosing names according to the zodiac sign. So that the stars that have an influence on the fate of a person are favorable to the newborn. Sagittarius and Capricorn meet in December, so for a girl born before December 21, under the sign of Sagittarius, the names are suitable: Milana, Marina, Vasilina, Darina, Milena, Snezhana, Sofia, Olga, Tatyana, Elena, Valeria, and those born under the sign of Capricorn it is better to call Ekaterina, Vladislav. Anna, Karina, Maria, Natalia, Polina, Amelia.

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Photos of meetings from the maternity hospital:
Sometimes it happens that when choosing a name, relatives are ready to quarrel, insisting that the baby be named after one or another grandmother. In the past, this wasn't even a problem. Babies were named according to the church calendar. Along with the name, the child also acquired a guardian angel, protecting and patronizing the baby throughout his subsequent life. And now you can turn to this method. It should only be taken into account that in December there are not too many female names in the calendar. But this should not upset you. If your daughter's birthday does not have a single saint, you can choose the names of the days following the date of birth. In December, the girl can be called Anna, Augusta, Anastasia. Alexandra. Angelina. Angela, Anna, Barbara, Vera, Elizabeth, Maria, Margarita, Tatiana, Lilia, Lucia, Ulyana, Sofia, Elsa.

If you liked some unusual, rare name, then before you go to register the baby, you should also think about whether it will be combined with the patronymic and surname. And then instead of a beautiful and sonorous girl will get a ridiculous and funny name.

Famous and successful people also often serve as a source of inspiration for young parents. Favorite actress or athlete, singer or writer, even the heroines of your favorite books and films sometimes give their names to newborns. And here we give a small list of famous women born in December: actress Dina Durbin, volleyball player Lyubov Sokolova, sculptor Maria Tussaud, academician Olga Podvysotskaya, singer Christina Aguilera, Olympic ski champion Larisa Kurkina, actress Zoya Fedorova, actress Valentina Serova.

Hundreds of beautiful names are sorted out by parents, trying to name the newborn so that her fate is happy. So that the name was her assistant, distinguished from the crowd, remembered and decorated. How to name a girl born in December is not an easy task, as we have seen.

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