The origin of the name Polina is brief. Tender female name Polina: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of its beautiful owners

Educational moments, love and care of neighbors are not always enough for a child’s good growth, health, development, and goodwill. Often, a lot depends on the name chosen by parents with such trepidation at birth. Is it recommended to choose the name Polina, the meaning of the name, character and destiny - you definitely need to find out what surprises the girl’s life will abound in the future.

The meaning of the name Polina for a girl is brief

Many parents who try to choose a name for their baby in advance are interested in the meaning of the name Polina for a girl briefly. One of the versions that has been repeatedly voiced by scientists studying the origin and meaning of names is that it means “belonging to Apollo.” Another interpretation is also associated with Ancient Greece, and may mean this name - “meaningful”. A less common meaning of the name, which is also sometimes mentioned in specialized literature, is “small”, “crumb”.

Does the meaning of the name, character and fate have anything to do with the future of the girl named Polina? Parents must be sure that the baby will not disappoint their expectations either in childhood or in life. mature age. She can expect only pleasant moments from the future, especially if she learns to adapt to the world around her in a timely manner.

What does the name Polina mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

Parents often try, along with searching for information about the baby’s future, to study what the name Polina means for a girl. church calendar. IN Orthodox literature this name is mentioned only once - this was the name of the holy virgin, who devoted her entire life to glorifying God. Many miracles are mentioned that were performed just with the help of prayer - Apollinaria brought the dying back to life, helped the poor and needy, and healed the hopelessly sick with words. The saint had a special gift of healing; everything, as she believed, was the will of God.

How does the church calendar interpret the name Polina, the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits the girl? First of all, you need to know that this name is not in the church calendar; in Orthodoxy one of its forms is used - Apollinaria. Most likely, the clergyman will choose this name at baptism. There is no need to worry - little Polya will be looked after from birth by the saint after whom the baby is named. The meaning of the name according to the church calendar is “many-faced”, “meaningful”.

Parents will be able to feel the guardianship of the saint from the first days. The baby will grow strong, without health problems. For her family, she will be a real gift of fate, because there will never be any difficulties with her upbringing.

The secret of the name Polina - what parents should know when naming their daughter this way

What secret of the name Polina should adults know? You should not worry that the name may cause any supernatural abilities or unexplained incidents in life - everything will be fine and cloudless for the girl. Some adults believe that this particular name can provoke the development of the gift of providence in a child, but, as practice shows, this most likely will not happen. If something happens, it in no way depends on the name.

Interestingly, the girl’s name day has many fascinating signs. It has long been noticed that fortune telling, which is carried out on the feast of St. Apollinaria (January 5), almost always comes true. That is why on this day, not only in ancient times, but even now, many girls gather to figure out their future and try to find answers to questions of interest.

On this holiday, older people try to stock up on snow, because it is believed that it has remarkable powers. Melted snow can be used to prepare home remedies, water plants, or even simply be used to strengthen general condition health. It was also believed that it could be used for washing - nothing could whiten clothes as much as snow collected on the day of St. Apollinaria.

Origin of the name Polina and its meaning for children

Should parents know the origin of the name Polina and its meaning for children? You should not try to find anything inexplicable or strange here - everything is simple. The origin of her name Polina is due to Ancient Greece. Ancient Greek legends and myths tell that the beautiful Apollo had a fan who was ready to do anything for him. After God pushed her away and chose another woman, the rejected beauty threw herself from a high cliff, having first killed her rival. This is where the name Apollinaria came from - “she who belonged to Apollo.”

To what extent is this tragic fate will the ancient Greek beauty be able to affect Polina’s life? There is no need to worry - this will not play any role in the girl’s life. Parents will be happy to raise the baby, because she will not cause them any problems or troubles. The girl will listen carefully to the opinions of adults, fulfill all requests, and strive for knowledge. From childhood, she will learn to achieve everything through diligence and diligence. Studying will be easy, although some subjects at school will require you to spend a lot of time sitting in front of textbooks.

Character of a girl named Polina

What negative and positive traits will distinguish the character of a girl named Polina? Of course, the baby will have many advantages:

  1. patience and resilience to adversity;
  2. restraint;
  3. the ability to achieve your goal;
  4. goodwill;
  5. caring for loved ones;
  6. responsibility;
  7. desire for knowledge.

From school years, the girl will not cause trouble to her parents or teachers. Already at this time, Polya will have preferences and hobbies, which will help him decide on future profession. Adults should certainly closely monitor their daughter’s progress in order to help them choose a specialty.

Along with a considerable number of positive qualities, the girl will also have a few negative traits character. One of them is melancholicity, which will not be detected so rarely. Parents should definitely try to distract the child, otherwise the girl may grow up a little withdrawn in the future.

Another shortcoming of Polya, which may appear from time to time, is unreasonable fears. The girl will be afraid to sleep on her own, and parents will have to make a lot of effort to teach her to fall asleep in her crib.

The fate of a girl named Polina

What troubles or pleasant events will the fate of a girl named Polina abound in? From childhood, she will delight her family with her penchant for creativity. The little girl is well gifted.


The name Polina is of ancient Greek origin (according to the main version). Could come from the name of the Greek God Apollo. In this case, it is interpreted as “solar” or “dedicated to Apollo.” According to the second version, it could have come from Apollinaria - in this case it is interpreted as “liberated”.

The female name Polina is common today in most CIS countries, and this is not surprising, because it has been popular in the former republics of the USSR for many years. But the main thing is not this, but the fact that it has strong energy and a sea of ​​good properties...

Conversational options: Polinka, Fields, Polyasha, Pasha, Polyunya

Modern English analogues: Pavlina, Pauline, Pauline

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Polina can promise a lot to the bearer different qualities, but the most important quality is sociability and sociability, on which everything in Paulie’s life rests. Sociability gives rise to a comprehensively developed personality, and attractiveness and refined taste truly create divine nature. As a result, Polya is a unique girl in all respects, smart, sociable, friendly, and even sophisticated, which cannot harm the girl in any way.

The ability to charm people, charm, love of harmony and everything beautiful are the main character traits and at the same time advantages of those bearing the name Polina. Although the list of advantages is not limited to them.

Advantages and positive features: Polina loves meeting new people, is sociable and sociable, never neglects communicating with people and does not refuse attention to anyone. She also tries to help everyone around her as much as possible, which in itself even sounds good.

Polina has a bad attitude towards secretive and reserved people, but at the same time does not like leaders who try to stand out from the crowd by resorting to defiant behavior.

Some time ago, the name Polina was already beginning to disappear from circulation, but now it has begun to become popular again...

Character of the name Polina

The nature of the name variation Polina is such that it promises constant activity at all stages of life - because of this kind of influence for this girl. Even as an adult, it is difficult to sit still and just as difficult to get used to the monotony that is full of modern life. Yes, as mentioned earlier, Polina can achieve incredible success in her career, but there is one “but” - her character does not allow her to live the life of a career woman, and this is only possible if there is a source of constant new emotions.

The character of this lady itself is very difficult, it is difficult to please her, and the point is not that many people seem boring to her, but that she often... Sees in people and their actions something other than what actually exists. This girl, and then an adult woman, has idealistic views, she tries to idealize everyone, this is her character - because of this, Polina often makes mistakes in people, and then becomes completely disappointed. Is it true. at the same time, her character is such that she will never take revenge or be angry for a long time for an insult - she quickly moves away.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a girl named Polina can bring a lot of problems to her parents, and this is solely due to the meaning that promises such characteristics as mobility, intolerance, energy, the inability to sit still, the desire to move and develop, cheerfulness and optimism. This bright little girl has no time to sit idle, she is always on the move - she prefers to spend time with her peers or with her parents, but only if the time spent is active.

She always lacks movement, emotions, impressions, and in search of them she often resorts to actions that do not always please her parents. But at the same time, it cannot be said that she is naughty - on the contrary, she obeys mom and dad, rare case when he can disobey and act against their will. Another feature is curiosity, forcing her to constantly look for something new, unknown. Polina is inherently too mobile, and this trait will remain in her until adulthood, which will actually help her achieve success in everything she touches, be it study, work, or some kind of hobby.


Teenager Polina is still the same child, practically no different from the one described earlier. This girl is full of energy, active, that’s her middle name, she can’t sit still for a minute, and is always looking for adventure. She, of course, has good relationships with her peers - children love people like her, and this is a fact, it’s fun to be with her, and plus everything, everyone knows that she is fair and honest towards herself and people. The only huge minus of her essence is her behavior, and the meaning of her name is primarily to blame for this. Restlessness, reluctance to obey, a thirst for movement - all this will lead to failure at school and throughout further education.

Although she herself loves to study, this cannot be taken away from her - any subjects are easy for her, especially the humanities. It also promises significance difficult fate in terms of relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, but this is a separate topic for discussion. By the way, not only significance is to blame for the presence of such a character - the main blame lies with the astrological patrons of the name Polina...

Adult woman

Adult Polina is already a different person, and all because her essence is already influenced not only by the meaning, but also by many other factors, such as the patron planet, or, for example, the sign according to the Chinese calendar. She will, of course, remain the same as she was, but she will no longer be the same girl, stunning and elusive. It will continue to be dominated by such traits as kindness, endurance, justice, energy, but the former activity will no longer be found, because plus responsibility and commitment will be added to everything, preventing the manifestation of the previously mentioned factor. Polina, who is no longer practically influenced by the meaning of her name, can achieve great success in her work, this is a fact. But there is also “bad” - relationships with people can bring her a lot of disappointments and problems, and the fault here lies with gullibility and the habit of seeing only the good in people.

The interaction of Polina's character with the seasons

Winter - winter carriers of the Polina variation are complex in soul origin, but have a strict and imperturbable character. For the most part, these are strong and stubborn women who always achieve their goals. Such a person will be worthy of the admiration of others, but unlucky in her personal life (at least during adolescence).

Summer - this girl is joyful, good-natured, simple and frivolous. She loves to communicate and is always open to the interlocutor, regardless of his mood. Easily delve into other people's problems, taking any personally and experiencing all the attendant problems. psychological problems and moral pressure. Shows compassion and understanding in any situation, which earns the respect of others.

Autumn - and here the “little one” will be a brilliant actress. She is capable of becoming a perfect housewife, a worthy keeper of the hearth, but at the same time a self-confident teacher. Kindness and severity are the main instincts of life.

Spring - born by it will become a cheerful and resourceful girl, which is actually given by the meaning of this season. She will always be on top. Responsive and loyal, ready to sacrifice herself for loved one. The soul of the company - she is welcome, she is worthy of respect, she has good character, but is not a leader, which sometimes plays against her.

The fate of the name Polina

The fate of the name Polina in love, relationships with men and in marriage is the very factor that many researchers, in turn, devoted an incredible amount of time to studying. And by the way, it was thanks to their efforts that it became known that the fate of a girl named Polina is such that it implies the eternal presence of problems.

For a girl named this way, fate grants her difficult relationships with the opposite sex, and all for the same reason - the inability to see the bad in men and all people, the desire to idealize everyone around her. Although it is not only the fate of the name itself that is to blame for this...

Having already reached maturity, Polina can learn to identify the good and bad in men, she may even lose the desire to idealize them, but something else will appear. negative factor- distrust, which may be born of past failures and disappointments. However, this is not a reason for disappointment, because fate still suggests that in the end happy marriage, in which she can become an ideal wife, an exemplary mother, and even a good housewife - for the sake of sincere love, she will devote herself entirely to a man who has earned trust.

Love and marriage

Polina will not waste her affection on casual acquaintances, but will wait long and tediously for her ideal man. It becomes simple ideal wife and is ready to give her spouse maximum attention, affection and warmth, trying to please him in everything, sometimes forgetting about own desires and needs. However, such selfless love can sometimes be regarded as spinelessness or lack of will, which is why a spoiled husband can file for divorce.

Polina is ready to push her interests far and long, putting the interests of her own family first. Of course, she will not become a leader in the family, because her character is too soft and flexible. In her family there is no place for secret infidelities or affairs, and marital fidelity is truly valued.

Polya’s big minus can be considered her excessive gullibility or openness even with unfamiliar people. She may subsequently suffer from her long tongue. A good wife, a skillful and hospitable housewife, Polina always happily welcomes guests into her home, showing cordiality and using her wit in communication.

Polina as Mother

Polina’s ability to prioritize not her own, but everyone else’s family interests gives the right to believe that she will become a good not only wife, but also a mother. Immediately after the wedding, she prepares for motherhood, leaving no years to build a career or for the so-called remainder of her youth. She sincerely believes that children are given from above, they are a gift of fate and it is simply impossible not to love them. She, of course, devotes most of her time to children, taking as much Active participation in their development, upbringing and education.

Children can always rely on their mother, knowing that she will certainly help with homework and put the necessary items in their backpack. Of course, excessive guardianship often leads to the fact that children begin to play around and become impudent, however, Polina is quite a strong nature and will find the strength to be the necessary strictness in relation to children.

Her children can always count on their mother's support, good advice and help. Even as adults, they do not hesitate to discuss the most frank things with her and seek advice on important issues.

Compatibility with male names

There is an opinion that Polina has the best combination in terms of love when paired with the likes of Nikolai, Panteley, Innocent, Kim, Isaac, Egor and Rodion.

Marriage will become strong and lasting only with Anatoly, Vlas, Ruslan, Eldar, Khariton, Ustin, Thomas and Matvey.

A connection with Akim, Fedor, Yaroslav, Demyan, Laurus has a bad effect on fate.

Polina is a soft, gentle and calm name that contains many contradictions. The meaning of the name Polina is presented as something fragile, harmless, unable to stand up for itself. But this is not true at all.

The brim is like a hat with a double bottom. You know for sure that something is hiding inside, but what exactly and when it will appear is completely unknown. The description “there are devils in still waters” suits her perfectly, because a quiet and sweet girl can instantly become stubborn and decisive, or suddenly become rude if she is offended.

And although in Orthodoxy they do not celebrate Polina’s name day, it is still unusual name attracts attention with its simplicity and uniqueness, as well as good compatibility with different patronymics.

Each of them contributes to the character of Paulie. So, for example, Andreevna will have difficulty getting along with new people, Alekseevna looks more balanced. Polina Evgenievna has excellent organizational skills, and the owner of the patronymic Dmitrievna will be powerful and strong.

Would you name your child this name?

The origin of the name Polina is Greek. It is associated with masculinity ancient Greek name Appolinarius, which means “belonging to Apollo” (this god sunlight according to ancient Greek myths, he was considered the most beautiful on Olympus and was the patron of science and art). Very quickly the initial sound “a” disappeared from the name and it was transformed among the people into Pollinarya.

The name Appolinaria or Pollinaria was quite rare until the 18th century, but at the same time it did not disappear from families. The fashion that has come to French changed its sound and made it into a shorter independent version - Polina, from French word"Pauline". It was this form that was consolidated in the future.

And although the name is still considered quite rare, with its own charm and charm, it is very loved among the people thanks to its diminutive forms: Polya, Polenka, Polinka, Lina.

There is another story about what the name Polina means. According to this version, it came from the French male nickname Paul, which, in turn, originates from the Latin word “Paulus”. It means "small".

Name forms

Simple: Fields Full: Polina Ancient: AppolinariaAffectionate: Polenka

This Russian name, derived from a Greek or French word, gives its owner many contradictory character traits. Polina is very friendly, responsive, she is not familiar with envy, and therefore she is always sincerely ready to rejoice at the successes of loved ones and people she barely knows. In addition, she can easily console them in case of failure. At the same time, it is quite difficult for Polina to tolerate attention to her person; sometimes it seems that she is simply burdened by society, and therefore withdraws into herself.

The characteristic of the name Polina often manifests itself in self-confidence. Moreover, it is very peculiar: Polya, who is demanding of herself, considers herself omniscient and versed in all issues, and practically all other people are ignoramuses.

And one more character trait that can cause negative feelings in others is straightforwardness. Polina always says what she thinks, without embellishment or softening. As a result, he may even make enemies for himself in the person of those who do not want to listen to the truth.

Describing what the name Polina means to its owner, one cannot fail to mention her thoroughness and reliability. From the outside it may seem that Polya is somewhat indecisive, but this is not so. She just never relies on other people’s judgments, she tries to figure everything out with her own mind and find the most correct solution. After all, in the end, this is what matters, no matter how long the process of accepting it takes.

Polina is completely indifferent to everything that does not apply to her: she certainly will not gossip in the smoking room or discuss unverified information. You can without a doubt trust her with your secrets and be sure that they will not become public knowledge. She is the same in her work - reliable and responsible: if she has already taken up a task, she will not abandon it halfway, she will do everything perfectly, no matter what happens.

The most main secret The name Polina lies in her uncompromisingness and, to some extent, toughness.

Accumulated irritation and stress can break out very unexpectedly, like a sudden tornado, destroying everything in its path. And in this case, it is better not to fall under the hot hand of Polina.

Character traits









Perhaps because of her “solar” origin and belonging to something divine, Polenka tends to idealize the image of her man. Despite her autonomy and independence, she will not be a leader in the family; she does not need it. She is able to create an ideal family nest, although she does not really like household chores.

The main characteristic in family life Polina will be selfless and obedient. She is quite capable of giving up her career for the sake of her family or sacrificing some of her interests.

In marriage, Polya becomes soft, pliable, and values ​​her family very much. The main thing for her is family happiness and harmony.

However, trust is very important for her, and therefore, in the event of betrayal, you should not hope for a positive outcome; Polina can be very vindictive and vindictive.

The meaning of the name Polina for a girl

When choosing the name Polina for a baby, you should definitely take into account its contradictory meaning: on the one hand, she is a sweet, calm and very responsive girl, but on the other, sometimes she is just a time bomb.

Bright, noisy, attracting others, Polya, in fact, does not like attention and often tries to retire.

Polina is a very sociable and thoughtful child beyond her years, at times withdrawn, at times too lively and even boyishly tough. This girl can grow into either a serious businesswoman or an out-and-out hooligan if she doesn’t cope with her emotions and sometimes learn to hide them rather than flaunt them.

What will Polina achieve success in?

The owner of this name is fond of sports, often tough, masculine ones: football or basketball. Polina is attracted to everything technical and clear. This child loves rules (although this only applies to studies, that is, technical subjects - in life she more often sets rules than follows them).

Polya is very capricious, she always does everything her own way. This means that the parents will suffer with her: they will have to make a lot of effort to break through the impulsiveness and hot temper and prove to her that they are right, and also force her to obey. With age, Polina “settles down” and becomes more flexible and obedient.

What games will Polina like?

Polya loves noisy games, so from childhood she should be involved in sports or at least given swimming lessons. This child simply needs to learn to restrain himself, and therefore it would be a good idea for parents to play with Polya in a “situation” and use their own example to tell what the correct reaction should be.

More than seven billion people live on earth. And every living person has a name that not only accompanies him throughout life path, but influences the character of its owner, his destiny.

Today the focus of our attention is so beautiful female name like Polina. Here is a far from complete list of questions to which we will try to find answers:

  • History of origin, meaning of the name Polina.
  • Characteristics of the name, the fate of the girl named Polya at birth.
  • The dates on which Polina (Pelageya, Apollinaria - according to the church name) celebrates her name day.
  • Male names with which the name Polina goes perfectly, and those where compatibility is poor.
  • What stones can become a wonderful talisman, what animals and plants patronize the name Polina and other interesting facts.

Origin, name day

The first thing we will focus on today is the origin, as well as the meaning of the name Polina, its literal translation. There are two official versions.According to the first, this name is of Greek origin, originating from male name Apollo (god of the Sun) and is translated only as “solar”. What does the name Polina mean according to the second version? “Little” - it comes from the male name Paul, thereby having French roots.

The patron saint of the name is the Venerable Apollinaria. This woman went down in history thanks to her selfless act. Her desire to serve the Lord was so great that she went on a pilgrimage, refusing marriage. Then, dressed in men's clothes and calling herself Dorotheus, she came to the monastery and completely devoted herself to prayers and faith in God. Only after the death of Dorotheus (Apollinaria) the woman’s secret was revealed.

The baptism of a child, and even an adult, is a special, absolutely amazing sacrament. On this day, a person not only undergoes spiritual cleansing, but is also endowed with a heavenly patron, a guardian angel who will walk with him hand in hand during his life on earth.

An interesting fact is that at baptism, Polina is called Pelageya or Apollinaria, since in the church naming this name is present in exactly this form.

Polya's name day falls on the following dates:

  • January 18 (memory day of Venerable Apollinaria).
  • February 12 (Pelageya Diveevskaya).
  • May 17 (Pelageya of Tarsus).
  • June 26 (Pelageya Zhidko).
  • October 21 (Pelageya Antioch).

A few words about the forms of the name. Full name – Polina, short form – Polya. Derived forms: Polyunya, Polinka, Polsha, Pana, Panya, Panyulya.

Here's a couple more interesting facts. Selenite will do a great job as a talisman for the name Polina. Among the plants, it is better to opt for lotus and poppy, also in flora This name is patronized by the poplar, in the animal - the swan and the whale.

It is better to give preference in the color palette blue color and its shades. Favorable number is nine; day of the week – Thursday, Saturday; time of year - winter. Element – ​​water. Zodiac sign - . Planet – Saturn.

Character and destiny

How does the name Polina affect the character of the girl named by it, how will the child’s fate develop? Little Polya is an inexhaustible flow of energy, you can’t keep up with her, she spins and spins like a top. In addition, this girl has incredible charm, which nature itself generously endowed her with. That’s why there are always a lot of guys around Polly, she makes contact easily, and willingly makes new acquaintances.

It is worth saying that Polina is one of those children who rarely conflicts with peers and listens to the opinions of adults. Thus, an easy-going character is another positive quality the owner of this name.

The maturing Field does not lose its activity. Her energy is enough not only for the educational process, but also for other aspects of school life. She enjoys visiting clubs and taking part in various events. IN to a greater extent she is interested in such areas as poetry, dancing, vocals.

Polina studies well, delighting her loved ones with grades. This child has an analytical mind, so exact sciences are her element. Studying for her is a path to new knowledge and self-improvement. Polya is always happy to help her teachers. He doesn’t get hung up on grades, but he loves praise very much.

At the beginning of the conversation about little Polya’s character, we noted her activity and sociability. Despite this, the girl likes to be in silence and spends a lot of time reading interesting books and magazines. This very interesting, one might even say, extraordinary character is inherent in the girl who was named Polina at birth.

Next, let's talk about what is the character of a mature woman, how will her fate unfold? Polina is still sociable and kind. She is always ready to listen, provide support, and participate in solving the problems of her friends and relatives. She wholeheartedly rejoices at other people's successes; she absolutely does not have feelings of envy.

But Polina’s childish complaisance is gradually fading away. Now she has her own point of view on everything that happens around her; for her there are no authorities. Despite all this, she manages to remain a conflict-free person. Only a situation that is completely unacceptable to her, when emotions are so strong that they simply cannot be contained, can drive her crazy.

Polina, who was incredibly active in early age, is still full of energy, but now there are periods of calm in her life - Field needs them to restore strength and return to society renewed.

What can you say about appearance, does it matter? Polina has amazing taste. She is always in shape, has well-groomed skin, perfect makeup, and a stylish hairstyle. The clothes are also chosen with taste, in accordance with fashion trends.

What else can you say about inner world Polina? Self-criticism and self-confidence. It would seem, how can two very contradictory qualities coexist in one person? This could very well be the case. Sometimes Polina overly reproaches herself for words spoken and actions committed. And sometimes she is unshakable and completely self-confident.

It will be just wonderful if the Field can be found golden mean. In this case, the piggy bank positive traits The character of this woman will be replenished with self-confidence and proper criticism addressed to her, which is no longer the same thing with the qualities that we talked about just above.

Career, love, family

It's time to talk about careers. What does it matter? Polina is not a careerist. Of course, work matters to her, but it does not occupy the first place in her value system. It is worth saying that management appreciates her, and her colleagues also treat her well. Polina can become a good teacher or doctor. Polya will also achieve success in creative professions, such as journalist, artist.

Well, how could it be without love! Polina will definitely not suffer from a lack of fans. Her character requires respect and trust from her partner. Thanks to her well-developed intuition, she almost immediately exposes liars. Unable to forgive betrayal.

Men named Anufriy, Arseny, Valery, Veniamin, Izot, Naum, Kupriyan are perfect as a life partner. Difficulties may arise with Abraham, Karp, Miron, Prokhor, Thomas.

For the sake of her soulmate, Polina is ready to leave her profession and devote herself to her family. Fortunately, such sacrifices are rare, so she perfectly manages to combine both.

For Polya, her husband is an ideal man; she is able to ignore his shortcomings. Of course, situations may arise where such an approach will lead to unpleasant consequences. But still, such an attitude towards your spouse is more of a plus than a minus.

You can look for a prince on a white horse until you get old and end up alone. You can, forgetting about the joys of life, endlessly delve into the shortcomings of your chosen one. But you can, like Polya, take imperfection lightly and, being a devoted wife, live happily!

As a mother, Polina is also good: gentle, kind, always aware of the events happening in the life of her child. Her house is clean and tidy, and there is a delicious dinner on the table. Polya also loves flowers - their aroma is always in the air in her apartment, she is partial to pets - cats, dogs.

A few words to end the conversation about what the name Polina means and how it affects the character of its owner. Polya is an energetic, cheerful woman. She finds it easily mutual language with others, kind, responsive, not prone to conflicts.

He has his own point of view on everything and has developed intuition. Attractive in appearance, enjoys increased attention from the opposite sex. She values ​​and respects her life partner and is happy in her marriage. A wonderful wife, housewife and mother. Author: Nadezhda Permyakova

The name Polina has two origins. Some claim that it comes from France and is a derivative of the male name Paul, which translates as “small”. Others believe that Polina is a derivative of the name Apollinaris. Translated, it means “sunny”. Europeans considered this name too long and difficult to pronounce, so they shortened it to Polina.

This name quickly spread throughout the world. However, in Russia girls were not often called this way until the fashion for everything French came to the country. Since then, one of the 20 girls was called Polina.

Character of the name Polina

The time of year in which he was born has a great influence on a person’s character. Polina, born in winter, is very strict not only towards others, but even towards herself. She always looks calm and calm, but inside she is very vulnerable. Spring Polina is very cheerful, smart, sociable and narcissistic. She always looks great and never allows herself to go out inappropriately. At the same time, she monitors not only her appearance, but also ideally maintains her appearance and internal view of your home. Pauline, born in summer, very pleasant and positive. She is kind and sympathetic, loves to chat, but at the same time knows how to listen. People around him simply adore summer Polina. If she was born in the fall, then she is characterized by stinginess and frugality. She will never help those begging financially, but she is ready to teach them to achieve something in life. Autumn Polina often organizes free courses on self-development.

Polina is always very sociable and charming. She is able to carry on a conversation on any topic and easily fits into all groups. Polina is very emotional and easily angered. She always defends her opinion and argues to the last, even if she knows that she is wrong. Polina is biased towards people and considers them stupid compared to her. You won't get a compliment from her. If she praised someone, then this praise is sincere and, most likely, the person is very dear to her. Relies primarily on reason, and not on intuition, and in vain. Polina's is very well developed.

Polina often shows indifference to the situation and can hardly be called sentimental. Despite all these contradictions, she is a good friend who knows how to listen and keep secrets, shows empathy and support. Polina does not know how to be angry for a long time and quickly forgets all insults, even if they are quite strong. She can easily justify any action. However, even her patience may have its limits.

Polina is very self-critical. She often stresses herself out, which can lead to a nervous breakdown.
Polina does not disdain any work. The main thing for her is to make a good profit. However, she doesn’t need millions either. She will prefer the average wages, which will be enough for comfortable life her family. But, thanks to her ability to save money and organize work, she can make an excellent businesswoman. IN free time Polina enjoys masculine activities such as studying technology, stamp collecting and sports. Polina not only trains herself, but is also an active fan.

Name Polina for a girl

As a child, Polina is energetic and spontaneous, often showing responsiveness and complaisance. Also in at a young age she tries to follow fashion trends and look stylish. Polina is very creative person, can sing, write poetry and draw. Self-doubt often hides behind external inaccessibility. She is indifferent to all situations to which she has nothing to do. Polina is very critical of herself and those around her, she always speaks the truth, even if it may be unpleasant for her interlocutor.

A girl with this name is very kind, which others often take advantage of. Polina never envy anyone. If her friends buy a new toy, then she is simply sincerely happy with it. Polina has never been a greedy child, but sometimes she is mischievous and makes her parents worry.

As a teenager, Polina has many friends and goes out to big companies. Almost all eyes are usually focused on her because she has a great sense of humor. Polina is very economical and does not like long shopping. She prefers to spend her time productively. At school, Polina gets good grades, often comes to the aid of teachers and even becomes a prefect. She has a weakness for exact sciences, therefore most often becomes an economist.

Polina was not very lucky with her health. First of all, this concerns her psychological state. Since childhood, she has been prone to hysterics, especially if she does not get what she wants.

Marriage and compatibility of the name Polina

Polina's attitude towards men depends entirely on her upbringing. If her parents laid down the right spiritual principles for her, then she will marry for love. In the opposite situation, she will prefer material well-being to feelings and will gladly become a kept woman. In this case, the desire to be financially secure prevails over emotions.

Outwardly, Polina looks very indifferent, despite her sexuality and sensitivity. Thanks to her attractiveness and beauty, Polina attracts the opposite sex, but her coldness and lack of emotions frightens them. In fact, she simply does not know how to show her feelings. Polina has her own concept of an ideal man, which is quite difficult for her to find. She doesn't like short romances and only has serious ones, long relationship. Polina tends to idealize her man and love this fictitious image. But over time, she takes off her “rose-colored glasses” and finally recognizes the man’s true face, which leads to their separation.

Sooner or later, Polina will meet her destiny, for whom she will become an excellent wife and a wonderful mother of his children. IN everyday life it has one significant drawback. Polina does not like to do housework. Despite this, the house is always comfortable and cozy. She cooks well and loves guests if they were invited by her. All friends know that you shouldn’t come to Polina without an invitation. She easily finds a common language with her husband’s friends and can carry on a conversation on any topic. The reason for this is the girl’s love of reading. However, Polina is very narcissistic and does not try to hide the fact that she considers herself better than others.

Polina tries to spend all her free time on her family. She is very actively involved in the lives of her children and even tries to choose a job that will allow them to spend more time together. Her husband is also not deprived of attention. In an effort to please her loved ones, Polina often forgets about herself. However, a man often mistakes the desire for her family to be perfect as a lack of character, which often leads to divorce. Another reason could be betrayal, which Polina will never forgive. She herself will always remain faithful to her chosen one. Vladimir, Vitaly, Alexander, Denis, Yuri or Konstantin would suit her best. The union with such a man will become strong and they will be happily married for many years.

Famous personalities

The name Polina has been widespread throughout Europe at all times. Due to this, many famous personalities wear it.

  • Pauline Bonaparte- sister of the famous Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and princess of France. She was unusually beautiful, thanks to which she enjoyed success with Parisian men.
  • Pauline Viardot- famous singer and actress from France and no less famous composer. She was a close friend of Ivan Turgenev and dedicated several of her creations to his works. Her husband helped her in this, translating texts from Russian into French.
  • Polina Astakhova- titled Ukrainian gymnast who took gold 5 times Olympic Games. In 1972, she gave up her career as a gymnast and became a coach.
  • Polina Zhemchuzhina- active politician and first lady of the USSR from 1930 to 1936. She was the wife of the scandalous revolutionary Vyacheslav Molotov. In 1949, Joseph Stalin accused her of treason and exiled her to Kazakhstan.
  • Polina Gagarina- popular Russian singer and actress. She is the winner of season 2 of “Star Factory”, as well as the author of songs and music.
  • Polina Maksimova- famous Russian actress theater and cinema. Gained popularity thanks to leading role in the popular TV series “Deffchonki” in 2012. She currently takes part in many television projects and is even a TV presenter.

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