Who is Sergei Sobyanin by nationality? Sobyanin Sergei Semenovich. Biography. Family life and interests

Sobyanin Sergei Semyonovich (b. 1958) – Russian politician, public figure, member of the United Russia party. He worked his way up from a mechanic at the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant to the mayor of Moscow. For conscientious work and high achievements in work, he was awarded many prizes, titles and awards, including the Order of Honor and the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

Birth and family

Seryozha was born on June 21, 1958 in the village of Nyaksimvol, Berezovsky district, Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug.

His maternal ancestors belonged to the Ural Cossacks. Great-grandfather, Alexander Ulanov, was born in the Chelyabinsk region (Kichigino village). Grandfather, Ulanov Nikolai Ivanovich, born in 1881, served in the Orenburg Cossack regiment as a senior constable, then as a sub-sergeant of the first hundred. In 1904-1905 he was a member Russo-Japanese War. In 1914 he fought against Austro-Hungarian troops on the southwestern front of the First World War. After the revolution he participated in civil war in the cavalry army of Semyon Budyonny. He was awarded the St. George Cross I, II, III, IV degrees. In 1937, the Soviet authorities classified him as a kulak, repressed him and sent him and his family to settle in Nyaksimvol.

On the paternal side, the ancestors belonged to the Finno-Ugric people of the Komi-Zyryans and the indigenous Siberian people of the Sobyans. Grandfather Sobyanin Fedor is an Old Believer and a long-liver (he lived for more than a hundred years). At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Old Believers Sobyanins moved from Perm region to the village of Nyaksimvol. They had five sons, four fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, two of them died. Only the youngest Semyon (Sergei's father) was not taken to the front. Dad, Semyon Fedorovich Sobyanin, was born in the village of Nyaksimvol. Despite the fact that he received incomplete secondary education, he was the chairman of the village council. In 1964, he was offered to manage a butter factory in the regional center of Berezovo.

Sergei Sobyanin with his parents and older sisters

Mom, Antonina Nikolaevna, was always next to her husband - both at home and at work. In the village council of Nyaksimvoli she worked as an accountant, then in Berezovo at a creamery as an economist.

In total, three children were born in the Sobyanin family; Sergei has two more older sisters, Natasha and Lyuda.

School years

Sergei's early childhood years were spent in the village of Nyaksimvol. Then the family moved to the regional center of Berezovo, this locality was one of the first Russian settlements in Western Siberia. Once upon a time there was a former royal prison here, where Menshikov, Dolgoruky, Trotsky, and the Decembrists were exiled.

Here Seryozha went to a ten-year school, which he remembered for its wonderful teacher in Russian language and literature, many sports sections(skiing, chess, boxing) and first love. And the mighty Siberian rivers, hunting with his father and village streets lined with wooden sidewalks were clearly etched in Sobyanin’s memory and remained for the rest of his life. Sergei walked along such boardwalks every day for 40 minutes from home to school and back after classes. Over the years, the boards rotted, walking on them became so problematic that sometimes even indecent words escaped the tongue.

After eighth grade summer holidays Sergei and his friend spent a whole month hammering new boards on the sidewalks. Now Sobyanin jokes that this was his first experience in improving roads. And then the teenager felt incredible pride in his work and help in his native village.


In 1975, Sergei received a high school diploma and went to Kostroma, where she lived elder sister Luda. Became a student at the Mechanical Faculty of the Technological Institute (specialty: “Mechanical Engineering Technology, Metal-Cutting Machine Tools and Tools”).

Student years Sobyanin considers them the best in his life. Studying came easy to him. I was especially pleased with the opportunity to re-read all the foreign and domestic classics in the institute and regional libraries. He studied the diaries of Leo Tolstoy and the works of Aristotle, the poems of Walt Whitman and the plays of Bernard Shaw. At the same time, for all the other delights student life the guy also found time.

Then green electric trains ran to Moscow from Kostroma. Sergei remembered his first visit to the capital with the impression that there was a completely different world here. He had never before seen such huge streets as Kalinin Avenue. Muscovites were always in a hurry to get somewhere, and the Zhiguli restaurant seemed somehow un-Soviet. I remember especially well my spring visit to Moscow before defending my graduation project. The capital was preparing in full swing for the Summer Olympic Games. And Seryozha, having returned by train to Kostroma, stood at the station for a long time and watched as the guys from the airborne school were taken to Afghanistan.

In 1980, Sobyanin received a diploma of higher education with honors.

The beginning of your career

After graduating from the institute, Sergey went to Chelyabinsk, where he began working at a pipe rolling plant - one of the largest pipe production enterprises in Russia. Sign up for work book states that Sobyanin was accepted into the tool department of the mechanical shop as a mechanic. The plant worked in three shifts, discipline at the enterprise was ironclad. Sergei remembers well his first work uniform (a uniform, a helmet and tarpaulin boots), the constant smell of machine oil and wonderful people, and everyone with whom he began his career - from the head of the workshop Klyuev to the foreman Misha and the simple milling worker Aunt Masha.

The very next year, 1981, Sobyanin was appointed foreman of turners, and in 1982 - workshop foreman. I was doing work at the same time social activities- was a Komsomol organizer of the workshop. He showed himself to be a good leader and organizer, and soon the first secretary of the district Komsomol committee invited Sergei to work with him. Sobyanin refused for a long time, but the Komsomol leaders knew how to persuade. In 1982 he headed the department Komsomol organizations Komsomol district committee in Chelyabinsk.

He did not stay on the Komsomol path for long; he realized that such work was not for him. But he is grateful to fate for this experience, because his life completely turned 180 degrees. Sergey got the opportunity to break away from the machine and see from the outside who controls it and how. I met people, many of whom turned out to be strong personalities, there was a lot to learn from them.


In 1984, from the Chelyabinsk city committee of the Komsomol, he received a direction to the oil workers’ city of Kogalym, which was under construction, with ten thousand people and twenty thousand shift workers.

It was a real explosive mixture of adventurers and romantics, people came here from all over Soviet Union in search of a new life, big money and adventures. Here everyone became the same - Tatars and Muscovites, Bashkirs and Leningraders, Azerbaijanis and Samarans, Ukrainians and Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Tyumen residents.
In the center, two one-story panel barracks were built opposite each other. One of them is the executive committee building, the second is the oil production department. Sobyanin’s first position in this city was deputy chairman of the executive committee.

Six months after their arrival, people became locals here, and a year later they became native residents. Fifteen million people went through this huge construction project in Western Siberia. Sobyanin called Kogaly the cauldron of human destinies. Some couldn’t stand it, ran away or moved on; someone was kicked out; and someone stayed, built a city, developed deposits, which today are the basis of the Russian economy.

Sergei Semyonovich did not leave and stayed in Kogalym for almost ten years:

  • In 1985, he was appointed to manage housing and communal services.
  • The following year, 1986, he was transferred to the position of secretary of the city executive committee.
  • Since 1988, in the Khanty-Mansiysk District Committee of the CPSU he was approved for the position of deputy head of the department.
  • Since 1990, he headed the Kogalym Tax Inspectorate.
  • From 1991 to 1993 he headed the administration of Kogalym.

He spent almost two five-year periods in a harsh northern city, where in the summer it reached +40 degrees and in the winter -50 degrees. Every three years the population and capacity of the deposits doubled. Working conditions sometimes reached extreme levels. And at the same time I still managed to get a second one higher education, graduated from the All-Union Law School correspondence institute and defended his Ph.D. thesis. Now Sobyanin knew for sure: what doesn’t kill really hardens.

Sergei Semyonovich could not even imagine that it would be so difficult to part with this city, where he spent his youth, his daughter was born, and the trees planted by his hands were already growing. When the helicopter carrying Sobyanin from Kogalym rose above the city, the man could not hold back his tears.
Government activities

Since 1993, Sobyanin’s promotion in political and social career ladder was swift:

  • First Deputy Head of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.
  • Speaker of the District Duma of Khanty-Mansiysk.
  • Member of the Federation Council.
  • Member of the Council for Local Self-Government of the Russian Federation.
  • First Deputy authorized representative President of the Russian Federation in Ural federal district.

Sergei Semyonovich found himself in the epicenter of a turbulent time - the active formation of regions and a new Russian statehood.

He considers the governorship in the Tyumen region (from 2000 to 2005) to be the most difficult period in his life. I slept for four hours, constant meetings, roads and flights. A difficult election campaign, a difficult victory in the first round and huge problems in the region. Then Sergei Semyonovich first learned how his heart hurts. But as a result of a lot of daily work and complex reforms, he managed to bring the region to one of the first positions in the country.

And then, at a regular scheduled meeting, Russian President V.V. Putin told Sobyanin that he had two news - bad and good. First, he is no longer the governor of the Tyumen region. The second is that he is offered to head the Presidential Administration instead of Dmitry Medvedev, who became Deputy Prime Minister. This is how five years of apparatus work, unusual for him, began in Sobyanin’s life, next to the man who determined the fate of the country.

In 2008, Sergei Semenovich headed the election headquarters of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev.

Mayor of the capital

In 2010, Sobyanin became one of the candidates for the post of resigned Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. In October, deputies of the Moscow City Duma approved him for this position for the next five years.

Sergei Semyonovich considered corruption and traffic jams to be the most pressing problems of the capital, and he began his work in his new post by solving these issues. In 2012, the mayor presented a program for the development of the Moscow Metro, during which it was planned to extend existing lines, build 150 km of new lines (including the second large ring line) and 76 stations, some of which would be located outside the Moscow Ring Road. In the fall of 2016, electric trains opened on the Moscow Central Circle. By 2015, Moscow moved from first to fifth place in the world in terms of traffic jams and left the top ten list of cities with congested roads.

One of the priority areas of its activities is the preservation cultural heritage and improvement of Moscow. During the years of Sobyanin’s work in office capital mayor grandiose events were held:

  • facades of historical buildings are being restored;
  • the number of objects has been reduced street trading, the number of spontaneous points has been reduced by more than 5,000 and standard stall designs have been developed;
  • following the example of the West European countries a large-scale project has begun to replace asphalt concrete paving with more durable and aesthetically pleasing tiles;
  • Active reconstruction of VDNKh began; in 2015, the largest skating rink in Europe with 5,000 seats was opened there.

The mayor puts himself before himself and economic objectives– annual increase in GDP and wages of Muscovites by 4%.

In 2013, Sobyanin resigned to participate in early elections for the post of mayor of the capital. According to the voting results, he received 51% of the votes, beat his rival, oppositionist Alexei Navalny, and again legally took his previous position.

Personal life

In February 1986, Sobyanin married Irina Iosifovna Rubinchik. They met in Kogalym, where Ira was sent after graduation. At the end of 1986, their daughter Anna was born, and in the summer of 1997, Olga.

After 28 years of marriage (in February 2014), Irina and Sergei Sobyanin announced their divorce. The mayor of Moscow did not discuss the reasons for the breakup and asked not to interfere in his personal life, noting that he and Irina remained in friendly relations.

Sobyanin is a Vogul (or Mansi) by nationality. He comes from the village of Kogalym, which translated means Lost Place. What path did Sobyanin take to the post of mayor of Moscow?

1. Nationality
Mansi are the indigenous population of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. Total number 11432 people. (according to the 2002 census).Close relatives of the Khanty. They speak Mansi, about 60% use colloquial Russian.

The believers are formally Orthodox, but traditional shamanism, the cult of patron spirits, ancestors, and the bear (bear holidays) are preserved.

The name of Sobyanin as a famous Mansi appeared on the pages of several websites dedicated to the history of the Mansi people. However, Sobyanin himself called himself Russian in his biography.

2. Parents
Sobyanin Sr. was the chairman of the village council, then worked as the director of a creamery. An avid hunter. My mother worked as an accountant all her life.

3. Education
In 1980 he graduated from the mechanical department of the Kostroma Institute of Technology, in 1989 from the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute.

4. Labor activity
In 1975, at a pipe rolling plant in Chelyabinsk, he worked his way up from mechanic to foreman. In 1982-1984 - head. department of the Leninsky district committee of the Komsomol (Chelyabinsk). Since 1984 - deputy. Chairman of the Kogalym Village Council, Head of the Housing and Communal Services Department, Secretary of the Kogalym City Executive Committee. In 1988-1990 - deputy head of the organizational department of the district committee of the CPSU of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. In 1990, he headed the tax inspectorate of Kogalym.

5. Coming to power
In December 1991, he was elected mayor of Kogalym. Since November 1993 - First Deputy Head of the Administration of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. On March 6, 1994, he was elected to the KhMAO Duma and became chairman of the district parliament. In January 1996 he became a member of the Federation Council. On October 27, 1996, he was re-elected as a deputy and chairman of the KhMAO Duma. In July 1998, he headed the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and Judicial and Legal Issues. On July 12, 2000, he was appointed first deputy presidential envoy to the Ural Federal District. On January 14, 2001, he was elected governor of the Tyumen region.

After the announcement of the election results, some media reported information about the participation in the elections of 30 thousand “illegal” voters, recruited from workers temporarily staying in the region who cast their votes for Sobyanin. The deputy also expressed doubts about the election results State Duma RF Alexander Saliy, who stated that he does not understand where 12 thousand “additional voters” in the North came from.

6. Governor of Tyumen
Introduction of a new structure local government, transition to per capita normative funding of schools, reduction in the number medical institutions- all this was carried out by Sobyanin in Tyumen long before the same reforms began in the rest of Russia. By the way, like the monetization of benefits, which took place in Tyumen even before the adoption of the relevant law in 2005.

The opposition cursed Sobyanin at all corners, but few people heard it: the governor had total control over the media in the region. When rioting pensioners blocked traffic in Tyumen, not a word was written about it in the local press.

Sobyanin owns the phrase: “I don’t think that a journalist can be free by definition, and our press cannot be free.”

After popular TV presenter Natalya Emelyanova in Tyumen ridiculed the governor’s idea on air to purchase a special breed of cows in France, the owner of the local TV company TRTR Drozdinsky was asked to fire her. Drozdinsky refused - and after some time he lost both the television company and the rights to publish a regional edition of MK in Tyumen, as well as the rights to broadcast Russian Radio and Europe Plus.

7. Friendship with Putin
Sergei Sobyanin was a partner of Putin and his associate Gennady Timchenko in the St. Petersburg oil business back in the 1990s. At the beginning of 2000, Sobyanin became part of the initiative group to nominate Putin for president, and in 2001 he proposed extending the presidential term to seven years. He was one of the first governors to join United Russia and was the first to support the abolition of the election of regional heads after Beslan.
Openly and directly defends the interests of the prime minister - in any situation.

There is a lot in common between him and Putin. His personal life is completely closed, even at official events his wife was hardly visible, and there are practically no photographs of his two daughters in the media. Nobody knows how much money he really has.

8. Reviews about Sobyanin
"A strong character. Very rational, pragmatic. Extremely purposeful. Even merciless." “An absolutely technocratic leader, a tough, demanding manager, definitely a statist, not a liberal.” The former Tyumen governor Roketsky, who lost the election to Sobyanin, spoke briefly about Sobyanin: “He always achieves his goals.”

Sobyanin’s political opponents in Tyumen called him a “robot” and a “human computer.” However, not everyone thinks so: one famous politician in conversation with The New The Times noted, speaking about Sobyanin, that under the mask of external equanimity, “remarkable passions and incredible ambitions lie dormant in him.”

9. Family
Sobyanin's wife Irina Iosifovna (nee Rubinchik) - cousin former mayor Kogalym Alexander Gavrin, Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation in 2000-2001. Owns the Tyumen road company Ira Border. Two daughters - Anna and Olga.

10. Is Sobyanin the mayor of Moscow?

Sergei Semyonovich Sobyanin- Russian political and statesman, candidate of legal sciences, mayor of Moscow since October 21, 2010, replacing Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov (husband of entrepreneur Elena Nikolaevna Baturina) in this post.

Sergei Sobyanin was born June 21, 1958, in the village of Nyaksimvol, Berezovsky district, Khanty-Mansiysk district, youngest child in family. Gemini. According to official data, the ancestors of Sergei Semenovich in the direct male line were Ural Cossacks, and his great-grandfather along this line moved to the Mansi village of Nyaksimvol. According to other sources, Sobyanin is noted as a famous representative of the Mansi in encyclopedias dedicated to the history and culture of this people. It was sometimes claimed that he also had Komi-Zyryan ancestors. In an autobiography sent to the election commission during the elections Tyumen governor in 2001, Sergei Sobyanin called himself Russian and denied the version of his Mansi origin.

Sobyanin’s paternal grandfather, Fyodor Sobyanin, was an Old Believer and lived for more than 100 years. Father - Semyon Fedorovich was born in Nyaksimvol, had incomplete secondary education. Since the early 1950s, he was the chairman of the village council of Nyaksimvol, Berezovsky district, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. In 1967, the Sobyanin family moved to the regional center of Berezovo, where the father became the director of the creamery. Since the late 1990s he has lived in the city of Tyumen.

Muscovites are not the kind of people who line up in chorus, walk and march. They have their opinions, they have theirs active position. They will never go against their will. No matter how many times I have met with them, they always tell me what they think to my face.

Sobyanin Sergei Semyonovich

Maternal grandfather - Alexander Ulanov was born in the village of Kichigino, Chelyabinsk region. He took part in the Russian-Japanese and First World Wars, where he became a full Knight of St. George. After the revolution, he worked for some time with Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny and was a platoon commander. Later he returned to his native village, where he built himself a two-story stone house. In the mid-1930s, the Ulanov family was dispossessed and sent into exile in the village of Nyaksimvol. Mother Antonina Aleksandrovna worked most of her life with her husband. She was an accountant of the Nyaksimvol village council of the Berezovsky district of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, and since 1967 - an economist at the creamery in Berezovo. She gave birth to three children - the eldest daughters Natalya and Lyudmila and youngest son Sergei.

The early years and education of Sergei Sobyanin

In 1967, Sergei moved with his family to the regional center of Berezovo, where his father headed the creamery. In 1975 he graduated from Berezovskaya high school. After school, he moved to Kostroma, where his sister Lyudmila lived. In Kostroma he entered the mechanical faculty of the Kostroma Technological Institute, from which he graduated with honors in 1980 with a degree in mechanical engineering technologies, metal-cutting machines and tools.

In 1989, Sobyanin received a second higher education - legal, at the Ulyanovsk branch of the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute.

In 1999 he received a candidate of legal sciences, the topic of his dissertation was “ Legal status autonomous okrugs as subjects Russian Federation».

The working life of Sergei Sobyanin

Officials may say one thing, but in reality something else is happening. Even if the average situation in the city as a whole is favorable, then there is bound to be a certain percentage, 5-10 percent of the territories, that are problematic. Either the management companies there are bad, or the contractors stole something there, or something else. It's still the same percentage.

Sobyanin Sergei Semyonovich

According to some sources, in 1975 Sergei moved to Kostroma, where his sister lived. He studied at the Kostroma Institute of Technology and graduated in 1980. By assignment, he worked for several years as an engineer at the Kostroma Woodworking Machines Plant, and later moved to Chelyabinsk, where he got a job as an engineer at the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant, and later became a shop manager.

According to other sources, in 1975, after graduating from school, S. Sobyanin moved to Chelyabinsk. He worked at the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant as an assistant mechanic and mechanic, while simultaneously studying at the correspondence department of the Kostroma Institute of Technology. In 1980, after graduating from the institute, he headed a team of turners, became a shop foreman, and the head of the factory Komsomol organization.

In 1982-1984 he worked as head of the department of Komsomol organizations of the Leninsky district committee of the Komsomol of Chelyabinsk.

In 1984, Sergei Sobyanin was sent by the city committee of the Komsomol of Chelyabinsk to the village of Kogalym, Khanty-Mansiysk district, Tyumen region, where until 1988 he worked as deputy chairman of the Kogalym village council, head of the housing and communal services department (since 1985), secretary of the Kogalym city executive committee (since 1986) .

From 1988 to 1990 - Deputy Head of the Organizational Department of the Khanty-Mansiysk District Committee of the CPSU ( Communist Party Soviet Union).

From 1990 to 1991 - head of the tax inspectorate of Kogalym.

Vasya, I’m a good contractor, I’m a good customer, we’ll come to an agreement there, I won’t offend you. It’s understandable why he doesn’t offend him. Because they work in collusion. I don’t need any operational data, I just fire them as soon as such cases are identified, and that’s it.

Sobyanin Sergei Semyonovich

In December 1991, Sobyanin, by order of the head of the administration of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug A.V. Filipenko, was appointed head of the administration of the city of Kogalym. He worked in this position until 1993. Was working on a solution social problems city, housing and communal services, established relations with the city-forming enterprise Kogalymneftegaz (since 1994 - LLC Lukoil-Western Siberia).

In November 1993, Sergei Sobyanin became the head of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. A. V. Filipenko appointed Sobyanin as his first deputy. Oversaw economic issues - budget, subsidies and subventions to municipalities, relations with oil companies. He worked in this position until 1994.

On March 6, 1994, in the first round of elections, he was elected as a deputy of the district Duma of the first convocation of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, and on April 6 of the same year he was elected its chairman.

In January 1996, in his position S.S. Sobyanin became a member of the Federation Council, chairman of the committee on constitutional legislation and judicial and legal issues.

On October 27, 1996, he was re-elected as a deputy and chairman of the KhMAO Duma. He worked together with V.L. Bogdanov.

On July 12, 2000, he was appointed first deputy plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District.

We think: the mayor of the city is doing a good job, or at least we hope that he will do a good job, and we give him a chance to work. But the United Russia party - we treat it much worse. And miraculously these two things come together.

Sobyanin Sergei Semyonovich

Since 2004 - member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party.

In 2005, Sergei Sobyanin, in connection with a change in the procedure for appointing governors, without waiting for the end of his powers, sent a request to the President of Russia, raising the question of trust. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin submitted his candidacy for consideration by the Tyumen regional Duma. On February 17, 2005, the candidacy was approved by the Duma.

Sobyanin's career in Moscow

In November 2005, Sergei Semenovich was appointed head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Since February 2006 - member of the Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation of the Russian Federation with Foreign States.

From January 22 to March 7, 2008 - chief of staff of candidate for the post of President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev.

In 2009, he was elected chairman of the board of directors of Channel One.

Since January 11, 2010 - member of the government commission for economic development and integration.

Mayor of Moscow

On October 9, 2010, Sobyanin was included in the list of four candidates for the post of mayor of Moscow proposed to Russian President Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev by the United Russia party.

On October 15, 2010, according to the current legislation, the candidacy of Sergei Sobyanin was submitted by the president of the country to the Moscow City Duma to vest him with the powers of mayor of Moscow. On October 21, the Moscow City Duma officially approved Sobyanin as mayor of Moscow. On the same day, the President of Russia relieved him of his post as Deputy Prime Minister - Chief of the Government Staff.

On November 7, 2010, the President of Russia included S. S. Sobyanin into the Security Council of the Russian Federation as a member of the Council, expelling him from the permanent members of the Council. Sobyanin became the first mayor of Moscow to join the Security Council.

For some managers, the main thing is the absence of complaints. I don't like this approach

Sobyanin Sergei Semyonovich

Personal qualities of Sobyanin

The director of the Tyumen Institute of Regional Strategy, Alexander Bezdelov, described Sobyanin in 2006: “This is an absolutely technocratic leader, for whom the main thing is achieving the goals set for him. A tough, demanding manager. Definitely a statist, not a liberal.”

Former State Duma deputy from the Tyumen region Vadim Bondar spoke of Sergei Semenovich as a “human computer” capable of doing several things at the same time.

Family of Sergei Sobyanin according to 2010 data

Lyudmila Semyonovna Sobyanina is the older sister. In the early 1970s she moved to Kostroma, where she got married.

Natalya Semyonovna Sobyanina is the middle sister. At the end of the 1980s, she lived in Kogalym and worked in the construction department.

Wife: Irina Iosifovna Sobyanina (maiden name Rubinchik), cousin former minister fuel and energy of Russia Alexander Gavrin. Born in Tyumen. Has a higher education as a civil engineer. After graduating from university, she was assigned to the city of Kogalym, where she met Sergei and married him on February 23, 1986. In 2004-2005 she taught the art of collage and floristry in the Tyumen center child development named after P.I. Podaruev. Owns a road construction company. Lives in Moscow.

Wife's cousin: Gavrin Alexander Sergeevich - Chairman of the trade union committee of OJSC LUKoil-Kogalymneftegaz (1989-1993), head of the administration of the city of Kogalym (1993-1996), mayor of the city of Kogalym (1996-2000), Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation (2000-2001 ), representative in the Federation Council of Russia from the administration of the Tyumen region (2001-2005).

Anna (born October 2, 1986) - daughter. She studied at gymnasium No. 1 and the children's art school in Khanty-Mansiysk. Since 2003, full-time student at the Faculty of Monumental Art of the St. Petersburg State Academy of Arts and Industry named after A. L. Stieglitz. Lives in St. Petersburg.

Olga (born in 1997) - daughter. He studies at a Moscow school.

Awards of Sergei Semyonovich Sobyanin

Order of Honor (November 3, 2003) - for his great contribution to the strengthening of Russian statehood and many years of conscientious work.

Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (March 3, 1999) - for high achievements in labor and services in strengthening friendship and cooperation between peoples.

Officer of the Order of Agricultural Merit (France, 2003).

Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, II degree (ROC).

Honorary medal of the Russian Ministry of Education.

Winner of the “Russian Person of the Year 2003” award in the “Politician of the Year” nomination.

“Best Manager of the Year” according to the Russian Managers Association.

Sergei Semyonovich Sobyanin - quotes

Muscovites are not the kind of people who line up in chorus, walk and march. They have their own opinion, they have their own active position. They will never go against their will. How many times have I met with them - they always tell me what they think to my face

Officials may say one thing, but in reality something else is happening. Even if the average situation in the city as a whole is favorable, then there is bound to be a certain percentage, 5-10 percent of the territories, that are problematic. Either the management companies there are bad, or the contractors stole something there, or something else. Still the same percentage

Vasya, I’m a good contractor, I’m a good customer, we’ll come to an agreement there, I won’t offend you. It’s understandable why he doesn’t offend him. Because they work in collusion. I don’t need any operational data, I just fire them as soon as such cases are identified, and that’s it

We think: the mayor of the city is doing a good job, or at least we hope that he will do a good job, and we give him a chance to work. But the United Russia party - we treat it much worse. And miraculously these two things come together

Since October 21, 2010, the capital of the country has been led by Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin. What do we know about this extraordinary personality and statesman?

Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin

Full biography of Sergei Semenovich:

  • 1982-1984 – worked as head of the department of Komsomol organizations in the region.
  • 1985-1986 – head of housing and communal services of the city of Kogalym
  • 1986-1988 – secretary of the Kogalym Council
  • 1988-1990 – deputy head of the CPSU committee of the district
  • 1990-1991 – head of the tax inspectorate in the city of Kogalym
  • 1991-1993 – mayor of the city of Kogalym.
  • 1994-2000 – Chairman of the Parliament of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug.
  • 2001-2005 – Governor of the Tyumen region.
  • 2005-2008 – Head of the Presidential Administration.
  • 2008-2010 – Head of the Government Staff with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.
  • 2010-... - Mayor of Moscow.

Interesting facts from Sobyanin’s biography:

  • The youngest child in the family.
  • Ancestors were Cossacks in the Urals.
  • Sobyanin's grandfather lived to be more than 100 years old.
  • After graduating from the Kostroma Institute of Technology, he worked at a woodworking machine factory and a pipe rolling plant.
  • While defending his Ph.D. degree, he wrote a dissertation on the topic “Legal status of autonomous okrugs as subjects of the Russian Federation.”
  • As governor of the Tyumen region, Sergei Semenovich was able to increase the region's budget 10 times. Also, under him, a new master plan for the city was developed, the Roshchino airport and bus station were updated, and a city boulevard was laid out.
  • Since 2004 - member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party.

Ex-wife of Sergei Sobyanin

What about your wife? Children? After all, Sobyanin has a wonderful wife, Irina Rubinchik, who played a significant role in his career, and indeed in his life... and two wonderful adult daughters.

If you believe the rumors, Rubinchik is the owner of a tile production plant and the Aerodromstroy company, which laid curbs in the city of Tyumen. It is for this reason that Rubinchik is known by the nickname Irina-Border. However, Sobyanin denied this information the very next day after its publication, saying that Irina is an ordinary teacher at school. Well, yes, of course, we all pretended to believe the mayor of Moscow. When has the government deceived us?

As some newspapers wrote, relations between Irina and Sergei began to deteriorate back in Tyumen. They converged, diverged, converged again and diverged again, attributing it to the fact that they did not agree in character. However, for some reason everyone, including Irina herself, was silent about the mistress, who really could have become the reason for the separation of the spouses. Of course, career comes first!

Biography and photo of Sobyanin’s mistress

IN Lately the public became interested in the personal life of the mayor of Moscow Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin, or rather, his right hand- Deputy Anastasia Rakova.

Biography of Rakova

Anastasia Rakova was born in the northern town of Khanty-Mansiysk, and studied at the famous Tyumen University of Tyumen State University, receiving two degrees - legal and financial.

Since 1998, at the age of 22, she began working with Sobyanin, who at that time was the chairman of the Khanty-Mansiysk Duma, and, apparently, did not calculate. Her career began to skyrocket. Not a single meeting of the mayor took place without her participation. And even when moving from one city to another, Sergei Semenovich always took his faithful assistant with him - first to Tyumen, where he became the mayor of the region, and then to Moscow.

It is because of this fact that there are rumors that Rakova and Sobyanin are connected not only by service. Even before Sergei and Anastasia moved to Moscow, their relationship grew into something more.

Sergei officially divorced his wife, citing the fact that they had not lived as a full-fledged family for several years. And here the question arises: is this the official reason for divorce? After all, in 2010 Nastya went on maternity leave... Yes, yes. And there are rumors that the father of the child is Sergei Sobyanin himself. But this, of course, has not been officially proven, and why?

After rumors began to spread that Sergei might soon have a child, Irina’s nerves could not stand it, and after completing all the legal procedures related to the divorce, she packed her things and went to live permanently in one of the European countries. And Rakova and Sobyanin remained to enjoy life in the capital. There are rumors that the top floor of the city hall building is equipped as a kind of kindergarten, where excellent conditions have been created for their daughter. So, a happy family is together almost always.

On this moment Rakova's life became calm. She is the deputy mayor of the capital and enjoys joyful moments spent surrounded by her beloved man and daughter, looking at Moscow from the top floor of the city hall - a love nest. Let's rejoice for the “young”!

Semenovich is a well-known political and statesman, former Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. He “broke through” into big politics from the working class. He reached his current position thanks to hard work, tough character and professionalism. He received the post of mayor of Moscow in 2010. Before this, V.V. was the head of Putin’s administration. Among the population and colleagues, the attitude towards the activities of Sergei Semenovich is ambiguous. Some consider him a professional who can solve any problem, while others constantly criticize him. In this article you will be introduced to Sergei Semenovich. So let's get started.


Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin (see photo below) was born in the village of Nyaksimvol (Tyumen region) in 1958. The boy's father headed the village council, and then became the manager of a creamery. Mother first worked as an economist, and then as an accountant. Sergei was the youngest in the family. Sobyanin has two sisters - Lyudmila and Natalya. The childhood of the future mayor of Moscow was not particularly remarkable. The boy studied very diligently and successfully graduated from Berezovsky secondary school.


According to official data, Sobyanin’s ancestors are the Ural Cossacks. Once upon a time, Sergei’s great-grandfather moved from the Urals to the village of Nyaksimvol. According to other information, Sobyanin is considered a representative of the Mansi people. He is mentioned as such in all their encyclopedias. These data were refuted by Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin himself, when on the eve of the 2001 elections he declared his Russian origin in his autobiography.

Education and first job

In 1975, the future mayor of the capital moved to his sister in Kostroma and entered the Institute of Technology to the mechanical engineering department. He graduated from it in 1980 and immediately got a job as an engineer at the Kostroma plant. Then Sergei Semenovich moved to Chelyabinsk and became an assistant mechanic. Over time, he headed a team of turners. The future mayor of the capital received Active participation in community service and joined the Komsomol organization.

Transition to politics

In 1982, Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin went to work in one of the district committees of Chelyabinsk. Two years later, management sent him to the village of Kogalym (Tyumen region). Over the next few years, he changed several positions there: chairman of the council of deputies, head of the housing and communal services department, secretary of the city executive committee. In 1991, he headed the administration of Kogalym. As mayor, Sobyanin organized the work of housing and communal services, transport and city services.

Speaker position

In 1993, Filipenko (head of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug) appointed Sergei Semenovich as his deputy. A year later, Sobyanin became chairman of the district Duma. At that time, there was a lot of talk about the fact that Roman Abramovich himself supported his candidacy. In 1994, Sergei Semenovich also headed the Association of National Districts. These positions allowed him to defend the rights of the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansiysk districts to secede from the Tyumen region. In the end, Sobyanin achieved his goal. Both districts became full-fledged subjects of the Russian Federation. But financially and administratively they continued to depend on the region. In 1995, on the initiative of Sobyanin, the gubernatorial elections in Tyumen were boycotted.

At the beginning of 1996, Sergei Semyonovich, as Speaker of the Duma, became a member of the Russian Parliament. In October of the same year, he was re-elected speaker and deputy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Duma. And two years later, the future mayor headed the Federation Council Committee on Judicial Affairs and Constitutional Legislation.

Deputy Plenipotentiary and Governor

In mid-2000, Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin, whose wife always supported her husband’s endeavors in everything, was appointed deputy to Pyotr Latyshev. The latter worked as a representative of the president in the Ural District. And already in November, the future mayor of Moscow put forward his candidacy for the post of head of the Tyumen region. He was supported by Latyshev and the Yabloko party. In addition, some media reported information about Sobyanin’s support from two energy companies - Surgutgazprom and Surgutneftegaz. In January 2001, already in the first round, Sergei Semenovich received 52% of the votes. His main rival Leonid Roketsky received only 29%. Many observers believe that Sobyanin received the post only thanks to the support of Neelov and Filippenko, the heads of two autonomous districts. The reason for this was V.V. Putin’s statement in 2000 about the inclusion of districts in Tyumen region. Neelov and Filippenko wanted a person close to them to head the region.

Head of Administration and Deputy Prime Minister

In November 2005, Sobyanin replaced Dmitry Medvedev in this post. Putin commented on his appointment: “The wealth of our country should grow with Siberia. Only a Siberian knows how best to do this.” Experts assessed this personnel decision differently. Some said that the president wanted to appoint a person to the administration who would be independent of the main Kremlin groups. Others believed that Putin wants to consolidate people close to him with those closest to him.

In April 2006, Sergei Semyonovich joined the board of directors of the TVEL company, which was engaged in the production of nuclear fuel. According to experts, it controlled 17% of the world market. A month later, the future mayor became the head of the board of directors. When Sobyanin came to this post, analysts saw his desire to consolidate his own assets in the nuclear industry.

In May 2008, Medvedev became president of the Russian Federation. Immediately after taking office, he submitted a decree to the State Duma, where Putin was nominated as the main candidate for the post of prime minister. Deputies approved the candidacy of Vladimir Vladimirovich. Sobyanin became deputy prime minister and headed the apparatus of the Russian government. A year later, he greatly reduced his staff.

In the government, Sergei Semyonovich was in charge of the project “ Information society", related to the provision of public services on a special website, and also headed the commission on the population census (2010). In addition, the future mayor replaced the chairman of the commission for technological development and modernization of the Russian economy.

Mayor of Moscow

In the fall of 2010, Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin, whose nationality is indicated at the beginning of the article, became one of 4 contenders for the post of mayor of Moscow. After the candidacy of the hero of this article was approved, his powers as deputy prime minister were immediately removed. And Sergei Semenovich began to solve the two most current problems- corruption and traffic jams.

The mayor's first achievements became noticeable after the first year of work. They were appreciated by the country's leadership. Sergei Semenovich almost stopped the destruction of the historical part of Moscow, organized the fight against illegal trade and ensured the transparency of the city budget. The mayor also achieved development transport system, modernized local health care and education.

New elections

With the adoption in 2012 of the law on direct elections of regional heads, Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin resigned. He decided to run for mayor as an independent candidate. His main competitor was Alexey Navalny. The oppositionist did his best to prevent Sobyanin’s victory. Navalny said that Sergei Semyonovich is participating in the elections illegally, but the Moscow City Election Commission denied this. Sobyanin was registered in full accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In September 2013, Sergei Semenovich was re-elected mayor with 51% of the votes. Navalny had only 27%.

Personal life

The family of Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin consists of four people: himself, his wife Irina and two daughters - Olga and Anna. The mayor's personal life was stable and happy. But in 2014, he told the press about the divorce. Sergei Semenovich lived with Irina Rubinchik for 28 years. She was with her husband throughout Sobyanin’s entire career. The reason for the divorce is unknown, and the mayor asked the press not to pry into his personal life. The main thing is that he separated from his wife by mutual agreement and maintains friendly relations with her.

Anna - eldest daughter Sergei Semenovich - educated at the Academy of Arts and Industry (St. Petersburg). Currently married to Alexander Ershov. The girl lives in St. Petersburg and is engaged in business. The youngest daughter, Olga, lives in Moscow and studies at a secondary school.


In 2014, Moscow Mayor Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin received 7 million rubles (according to the mayor’s income statement published on the website of the capital government). The mayor also owns a garage with an area of ​​26 square meters. m, but don’t have your own car. Sergei Semenovich also uses an apartment in the center of Moscow. She is officially registered on his youngest daughter Olga.

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