Bloomberg mayor. Michael Bloomberg: career and success. Student life of Michael Bloomberg

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is an exceptional man in many ways. He is a billionaire, which is not so common among politicians. He is unusually popular among the townspeople - so much so that the legislative council allowed him to be elected to the post of mayor for the third time.

America also has its own Berlusconi, and you have almost certainly heard of him. It's about about Michael Bloomberg - the information mogul, the mayor of New York, and, in combination, one of the richest Americans in the Forbes magazine list.

The future billionaire was born in 1942, February 14, in the city of Boston. The family did not shine with income - the father worked as an accountant, and the mother as a secretary. Young Michael worked at a gas station to be able to continue his studies at Johns Hopkins University. In 1964, his studies were completed, and Michael received a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. But that was only the beginning. Two years later, Michael graduates from Harvard with a master's degree in business administration.

Bloomberg gets a job at Salomon Brothers, which was engaged in finance. Here he managed not only to make a career, but also to become a full partner, having received the company's shares at his disposal. But Michael did not have to rest on his laurels for long. Salomon Brothers merged with Phibro, which traded in agricultural products, oil, and metals. The merger of the companies led to a reduction in the state, under which Michael fell.

The loss of the job did not discourage Bloomberg. On the contrary, he saw new opportunities in this. At that time, Michael already knew where to make money, and firmly believed that he could do it. So starting capital there were no problems - Bloomberg received several million dollars for them. Michael's idea was to provide financial information services to various companies. In pursuit of this goal, Michael organized his own company. As the first employees, he invited former Salomon Brothers colleagues, who were also laid off.

At that time, the Reuteurs agency was the leader in the information services market. Bloomberg had an idea how to outrun Julius Reuter's company with the introduction of then new computer technologies. It should be noted that Reuteurs was not indifferent to new technologies, otherwise it would not have occupied a leading position in the market.

As a result of the efforts of Michael Bloomberg, Innovative Market Systems was born in 1981, which was later renamed Bloomberg LP. One of the first serious clients of the company was the large investment bank Merrill Lynch. This story deserves separate consideration.

Michael personally painted his product from and to, and he visited the bank's office, where he offered a trial version of his information terminal for testing. The bank's management liked Michael's brainchild, with the help of which it was possible to collect information from the stock market almost instantly. An order for 20 such terminals was received.

So Michael got his first client and investor - soon the bank bought out part of Bloomberg's company for $ 30 million. Today, Bloomberg Professional terminals can be found in almost any financial company that needs to use this kind of equipment. It has already become a kind of standard, like Windows among operating systems.

The reliability and functionality of Bloomberg terminals has been tested by time and by thousands of customers around the world. Naturally, the collection and dissemination of a large amount of business information requires an impressive staff of journalists. To resolve this issue, a contract was concluded with Dow Jones, according to which Bloomberg's company had the right to use materials from The Wall Street Journal.

But in 1990, Dow Jones unexpectedly terminated the contract for an unknown to today reasons. Michael had to create his own composition of editors. He applied to this problem new approach- instead of hiring experienced and expensive journalists, he turned his attention to talented young people.

Very quickly, Bloomberg LP acquired an impressive staff, many of whom still collect information from all over the world for their network. The presence of a new staff led to the creation of new services - so the company got its own radio station, and behind it a TV channel dedicated to financial news. And the company's website today represents the center of global financial analytics.

We can safely say that, as a businessman, Bloomberg succeeded. But every year Michael devotes less and less time to his work. The fact is that in recent years, all of Bloomberg's efforts have been focused on managing one of the largest cities in the world - New York. Bloomberg did not bypass his attention and charity. Over the past few decades, he managed to be part of many non-profit organizations, and even at one time served as chairman of the board at his native Hopkins University.

Before the crisis, Bloomberg firmly held the 8th position in the list of the richest Americans, and had assets worth more than $ 20 billion. Crisis, of course, hurt Michael, but not as much as the others. According to Forbes magazine, Bloomberg lost $4 billion, but the 8th place in the honorary list remained with him.

) is a businessman and the 108th (to date) mayor of New York.


Michael Bloomberg's predecessor as mayor was Rudolph Giuliani - (1994-2001).



  • Mike Bloomberg for NYC webpage

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Michael Blumenthal
  • Michael Boskin

See what "Michael Bloomberg" is in other dictionaries:

    Bloomberg, Michael Reubens- Michael Rubens Bloomberg Michael Rubens Bloomberg ... Wikipedia

    Bloomberg- Bloomberg, Michael Rubens Michael Rubens Bloomberg Michael Rubens Bloomberg ... Wikipedia

    Bloomberg, Michael

    Bloomberg Michael Reubens- Michael Bloomberg with his current girlfriend Diana Taylor Michael Rubens Bloomberg (eng. Michael Bloomberg) (February 14, 1942, Medford, a suburb of Boston, Massachusetts, USA) businessman and 108th successive (present) mayor NY A. Biography ... ... Wikipedia

    Bloomberg Michael- Michael Bloomberg with his current girlfriend Diane Taylor Michael Rubens Bloomberg (eng. Michael Bloomberg) (February 14, 1942, Medford, a suburb of Boston, Massachusetts, USA) businessman and 108th in a row (to date) mayor of New York. Biography ... ... Wikipedia

    Michael Rubens Bloomberg- Michael Bloomberg with his current girlfriend Diane Taylor Michael Rubens Bloomberg (eng. Michael Bloomberg) (February 14, 1942, Medford, a suburb of Boston, Massachusetts, USA) businessman and 108th in a row (to date) mayor of New York. Biography ... ... Wikipedia

    Bloomberg M.- Michael Bloomberg with his current girlfriend Diane Taylor Michael Rubens Bloomberg (eng. Michael Bloomberg) (February 14, 1942, Medford, a suburb of Boston, Massachusetts, USA) businessman and 108th in a row (to date) mayor of New York. Biography ... ... Wikipedia

    Bloomberg M. R.- Michael Bloomberg with his current girlfriend Diane Taylor Michael Rubens Bloomberg (eng. Michael Bloomberg) (February 14, 1942, Medford, a suburb of Boston, Massachusetts, USA) businessman and 108th in a row (to date) mayor of New York. Biography ... ... Wikipedia

    Bloomberg, Michael- Mayor of New York American politician and billionaire entrepreneur, mayor of New York City since 2002. In 1981, he founded Bloomberg LP, which has grown into the world's leading provider of financial information. Throughout the political... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    Bloomberg (disambiguation)- Bloomberg's surname. Bloomberg, Gundega journalist. Bloomberg, Michael Rubens politician. Blumberg, Baruch American physician and scientist ... Wikipedia


  • Iron grip. How to develop the qualities you need to succeed, Linda Kaplan Thaler, Robin Koval. Quote ʻIron grip` - sounds a little old-fashioned, as if from the last century. But today this quality is experiencing a rebirth. Why? Because it looks like we're getting...

And owner news agency Bloomberg.Michael Bloomberg (Bloomberg) (Michael Bloomberg) -

early years

Bloomberg grew up in Medford, Massachusetts. His father, an immigrant from Poland, was an accountant and his mother was a secretary.

Studied engineering at Johns Hopkins University (B.Sc. 1964), paying tuition with student loans and working as a parking attendant. He then graduated from Harvard Business School (M.A., 1966) and began working as an associate at the Salomon Brothers.

“For myself, I realized that life is arranged as follows: every day offers us many, albeit small, but amazing chances. And sometimes you manage to catch the very unique, leading to success. Most of these chances, even if they have some value, allow you to make only a small leap. In order to succeed, you need to develop steadily, and not count on a lucky lottery ticket. Hoping that luck will surely smile is at least naive. As practical advice I want to say that you should tirelessly develop your abilities, devote maximum of your time to this and learn to think through your actions a few steps ahead. Then you need to stop and see what is happening and, if necessary, adjust your plans. Take every chance, make decisions "on the spur of the moment."

Do not make plans for a five-year period and do not expect results from " great leap". Central planning did not bring the expected results in the era of Stalin or Mao and is unlikely to be useful for entrepreneurs. The philosophy of the guru speaks of the need to scrupulously follow your plan, step by step on the way to your goal. They claim that it brings results. But that's not my philosophy. It is impossible to predict the future. Continuous and selfless work increases the chances of success. But here, too, there is no : everything may ultimately depend on how the card falls. I have always believed that you should be able to "wear several hats" and do it beautifully and smartly, and also take the best of what comes your way. Every significant step in my and personally mine was more evolutionary than revolutionary: it was more like small but sure steps than unexpected luck that fell on my head.

“The value of planning cannot be denied, very often long reflections lead to ingenious solutions. But you can realize what you have planned, if this is what you really want.

Then, whatever your idea, you need to see it through to the end. This task is easier to solve if you like what you do. Since the desire to do more always leads to great achievements, you, in turn, begin to have even more pleasure. And you want to do even more, because your work is rewarded. And so it can go on indefinitely. I have always loved my job and devoted a lot of time to it, which eventually led me to success. I sincerely feel sorry for those people who do not like what they do for a living. They suffer at work, becoming miserable, not to mention becoming successful. Which, in turn, makes them hate their jobs more and more, which eventually leads to professional burnout. Every day in this short period of life brings many amazing events that are worth it to gladly go to meet them.

“If you want to succeed, develop a clear vision that is feasible and meets the needs of the client. Then put it into practice. Don't worry too much about the details. Do not doubt your creativity. Avoid too much detailed analysis potential of the new project. And most importantly, don't make too many long-term plans.

He is known for his tough style of managing his household. The media love stories about how he tyrannically treats employees, intimidates them and harms those who leave his firm.

While running his company, Bloomberg has served on the boards of leading cultural institutions, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, the Central Park Preserve and the Jewish Museum. He donated $100 million to Johns Hopkins University.

Know how to lose

“Even if you are a very determined person, then know how to lose. If it becomes obvious that the idea does not bring the desired result for a certain period, then you need to bite the bullet, take a deep breath and end this fight. Remember the main thing is that failure should never cause the collapse of your business ”- from an interview with Michael Bloomberg (Bloomberg) for Times magazine.

The phrase is truly precious. You must be able to soberly assess the situation. If your best idea doesn't work, then don't dwell on it, think like a businessman, turn off your ego and self-importance. All this will help you make the right decision and continue the development of the company.

Michael Bloomberg - Selected Quotes

If you are going to work for public service, then I would advise you to become a millionaire first.

From time to time, having everything in my life - luck, fame, and recognition, I get a feeling of frustration, and I want to start all over again.

If you are a selfish idealist, and the words "I" and "me" are priority in the lexicon, then I assure you that you will not achieve success.

I recognize exclusively the loyalty of my company. Everyone who is not with us automatically becomes against us.

As you develop, you become a moving target that is very hard to hit. Once you stop developing, it is very easy for you to destroy.

People are best resource my company

None of my employees, including me, have their own separate office.

God forbid someone leaves my company for competitors. I will do my best to make sure this person does not succeed.

In the process of developing your own business, you meet many obstacles, perceiving them as a problem. In fact, that's the way it is. You need to always look for workarounds.

Bloomberg's Book on Bloomberg - Michael Bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg is a cult figure for many entrepreneurs. And not only because he is a bright personality, a billionaire, one of the richest people in the world, the mayor of New York, the founder and owner of the Bloomberg news agency (Bloomberg) - the leading provider of financial news around the world. For many, the name Bloomberg is synonymous with courage and a non-standard, albeit extremely balanced approach to business.

In his book, Michael Bloomberg talked about how he managed to achieve everything he achieved, and described the story of his life and his company.

The cover of the cult book about Bloomberg (Bloomberg)

Work as mayor

Bloomberg has supported the Democratic Party all his life. But in a tough environment, he could not achieve his nomination as a candidate from this party for the post of mayor of New York and became a candidate from the Republican Party.

Bloomberg financed much of his campaign himself, spending more than $68 million from his personal fortune (reportedly, his own at the time was about $4.5 billion).

Bloomberg's campaign topics focused on issues of great interest to New Yorkers: improved transportation and traffic, housing, and education. But what helped him most was the endorsement of outgoing New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, whose leadership after the 9/11 attacks was widely praised.

On November 6, 2001, he won the election. He immediately led efforts to redevelop the city, held in the city not everyone liked the city's smoke-free city enclosed spaces, parks, and beaches (Smoke-Free Air Act 2002), revitalized tourism, and extinguished cities. The life expectancy of the city's population rose by 3 years during Bloomberg's tenure. He brought new methods to the city. In the system of public education, he introduced higher standards and control over the success of schools.

He also raised his profile nationally by giving speeches across the country, and in 2007 left the Republican Party, which was full of rumors about Bloomberg's interest in running for the US office in 2008 as an independent.

Instead, he announced in October 2008 that he would seek re-election as mayor if the term limit law was changed. A few weeks later, the New York City Council revised the law to allow three consecutive terms. In November 2009, Bloomberg was re-elected.

During his third term, Bloomberg undertook a controversial public health campaign, expanded the ban on cigarette smoking and tried to ban sugary drinks in large containers (the ban was invalidated in court in July 2013).

Bloomberg's final term came amid growing controversy over the New York City Police Department's so-called "stop and frisk" practice, in which police officers were allowed to detain, interrogate, and search suspects for no probable cause. While many criticized the practice as unfair to minorities, Bloomberg defended it as essential tool crime prevention.

Bloomberg's success impacted the work of other mayors major cities. Under his influence, a bipartisan coalition was formed at the national level to fight illegal weapons, immigration reform, and improve urban infrastructure.

Completion of political activity

When Bloomberg's final term ended in 2013, he was replaced by Bill de Blasio. After leaving office, Bloomberg returned to running his Bloomberg LP company.

Bloomberg has been the recipient of numerous awards, including the 2009 Mary Woodard Lasker Award for Public Service.

Personal life

Bloomberg has two daughters, Emma and Georgina.

Sources and links

Sources of texts, pictures and videos - a resource with articles on many topics, the free encyclopedia Wikipedia... - Michael Bloomberg - Encyclopædia Britannica - Personal website of M. Bloomberg (Bloomberg)

Links to internet services - information and analytical portal for financial markets - YouTube, the largest video hosting in the world - a service from Yandex that allows you to analyze search terms - search for videos on the Internet through Yandex - search for images through the Yandex service - maps from Yandex to search for places described in the material ...

Article Creator

Com/profile.php?id=100011059175792 - Facebook profile of the author of the article - profile of the author of this article in Odnoklassniki - profile of the author of the material in Google - profile of the author of this material in My World - Twitter profile of the creator of the article - the blog of the creator of this article in LiveJournal

Article proofreader - Jacob

The reviewer of the article is Professor, Doctor of Economics. n. Heisenberg

Chief Editor - Waris the Watcher

Michael Bloomberg claims to have understood one very important thing about life. Life is complicated in such a way that every day there are dozens of chances on the way of a person. A large number of which, will be small but amazing. Therefore, you need to manage to catch one, but such a unique chance that will lead to success. It seemed that these words were quite simple and understandable, but in order to say them, this man showed his superiority to the whole world.

Michael Rubens Bloomberg is an outstanding politician, businessman, billionaire of our time. Under his leadership, the largest analytical company Bloomberg LP was created in New York. 9,500 people work for the benefit of this "news machine". The main goal of the company is to provide fresh, truthful, accurate news from the financial sector. The whole world follows his skill. Financial workers use his knowledge, capabilities and technologies every day. How did an ordinary guy from a simple family manage to build such an empire?

The childhood of the future businessman

This child was completely different from the others. The natural sciences were for him a real ocean that opened little boy big horizons. Michael loved to study:

  • physics,
  • history,
  • literature.

These sciences brought extraordinary pleasure and excitement to the young talent.
boy scout summer camp helped the young man develop self-discipline. Here Rubens learned to live independently, as the parents came to visit their son only twice during the whole summer. Here the student mastered the features of collective thinking. It is worth noting that he paid for his own accommodation. The first money that the future businessman earned was received after selling Christmas decorations. A sense of independence, responsibility and independence were instilled in childhood.

The boy's family was middle class. His mother worked as a secretary and his father worked as an accountant. To develop, this student attended not only school lessons, but also lectures at the Museum of Sciences. The billionaire says that at that time he already understood the full cost of human knowledge. The main thing is to listen, hear, ask, check and think.

Who helped Michael Bloomberg get on the path to his future success?

Michael Bloomberg said that during student years he was not distinguished by a special craving for knowledge. Therefore, the most frequent mark was "3-satisfactory". He was not a "gray mouse" among students for long. Last year studying at Hopkins University devoted to work in student government. The student actively presented his personality in the student elections. It was the walls of this university that helped the future businessman hone his organizational skills. Here Rubens received his bachelor's degree.

This student received a master's degree in business administration from Harvard Business School. Here I had to master not only business sciences, but also develop my individuality.

Harvard forced the young man to defend his own opinion. Time was running out, but the young guy did not know where to go to work?! In an interesting coincidence, his friend Steve Fenster suggested that he go for an interview with a large company, Salomon Brothers. Business acumen, excellent knowledge, simplicity helped the newcomer gain the trust of the management. It was this company that became his center of life. Here the future businessman spent maximum amount time. Michael Bloomberg learned to collaborate with new people. His activities were related to bonds. After a year of hard work, he received a new workplace in the office of a public services clerk. He had fifteen years of hard work ahead of him at the Solomon Brothers. He was truly loved and appreciated.

How did Michael Bloomberg start his business?

Salomon Brothers went out of business in the early 1980s. Bloomberg lost his job, but he still had the passion to start his own business, as well as $10 million.
In order to create his financial empire Bloomberg LP, he needed: an office, four comrades with old work and money.

All three components helped him rent a small office and start working on his idea. Rubens "nursed" his own brainchild for many years.

The idea was to create a single financial and information database. He wanted all the financiers of the world to receive everything through his programs. necessary information according to the state of the financial market. Purposefulness, ambition, determination helped the novice businessman to create a unique financial terminal that read and processed all the necessary financial information.

His career took off when investments from banking giant Merrill Lynch began pouring into his idea. Trial testing of the terminal was a success. His invention made a splash in the financial market. $30 million was the first money the bank decided to invest in his innovation.

“We needed a proprietary terminal so that we could have a technical and market advantage. To create it, we hired engineer Ron Harris. We needed a central computer for storing information - Chuck Zegar analyzed what suits us best and wrote a special software package to create a database suitable for our purposes. We needed data - Duncan Macmillan collected the data, classified it and entered it into the database. We needed calculations - Tom Sekunda sat at the computer and created the necessary programs for this. We needed customers - I went and made sales. We needed outside support—we brought in lawyer Dick Descherer and economist Marty Geller. This scheme was not sophisticated. It was ridiculously simple by today's standards. But we applied it and succeeded.”

The resounding success would not have been just that, if it were not for the talent for communication. The timely grouping of the necessary minds in one case was decisive for the billionaire. A real entrepreneur knows how to interest and motivate his partners.

Bloomberg's career is not only building a financial empire

The American businessman became famous all over the world not only due to Bloomberg LP, but also because of his political activity. Michael Rubens Bloomberg is one of the most successful mayors in New York.
The main directions of its activity:

  1. Make government officials work for the people.
  2. Control the level of crime in the city.
  3. Improve the level of education at school.
  4. Enable Wellness Program environment. Eliminate the use of transgenic fats in the production of fast food.
  5. Organize the coordinated work of public services.
  6. Monitor the organization of parking spaces in New York.
  7. Control the level of environmental friendliness of the city.
  8. Fight unemployment.
  9. Raise social norms population.

These and other goals were set during the Rubens government. New Yorkers think this mayor could make a great US President. His political triumph began after he set himself a $1 salary. This step pleasantly surprised the townspeople. The billionaire took all the money for the election campaign from his own pocket.

Charity is everyone's business

Having big money, worldwide famous businessman Michael Bloomberg does not forget to share his funds with others. In 2013 alone, he managed to distribute charitable foundations more than $330 million
Special attention should be paid to his charitable work in Jerusalem, which he dedicated to his father. The death of his father came even when Michael received a bachelor's degree from the university. Therefore, now he is doing everything to ensure that people get a second chance to save their lives.

He is considered one of the most generous people on the planet. He closes the top five most popular benefactors in the world. Bloomberg shares his wealth, as he believes that the father would be happy with such an occupation for his son. Giving care to other people is the business of every person on Earth, and financial condition plays no role!

This man's charitable foundations are scattered all over the world. Therefore, the main vectors of their work are:

  • fight against global warming,
  • tobacco control, drug addiction, alcoholism,
  • improving health care in third world countries,
  • improving the safety of Asian highways,
  • fight against HIV
  • etc.

Bloomberg's private secrets

  1. life path businessman was not always easy. The billionaire himself admitted this. He is convinced that it is easier to find success in a career on your own. Do not look for support in the wrong hands. Going out for his daily morning run, Michael Bloomberg trusts all his secrets to just one person at all. globe. This person is himself.
  2. Business is made up of a number of patterns. One of them is that every business must be protected, if proper protection does not exist, then the business may not exist.
  3. If a businessman wants to be the first, then he needs to develop a clear plan that will fully satisfy the client.
  4. Don't spend a lot of time looking into the details. You need to be confident in yourself.
  5. No need to build too long-term plans.

Education: Johns Hopkins University
Harvard Business School Autograph:

He is the founder and owner of the Bloomberg news agency.


He was married to Susan Brown, has two daughters from this marriage: Emma born in 1979 and Georgina born in 1983. Currently divorced.

business career

He began his business career at Salomon Brothers, where he led stock trading and was responsible for Information Systems. In 1981, Salomon was sold to a new owner, and Bloomberg lost his job. Using his share of the profits from the sale of Salomon shares, he founded his own firm Bloomberg LP that same year, which collected, analyzed and sold state information. financial markets. Michael Bloomberg personally developed a computer information analysis system for traders, and subsequently opened an online service for stock trading. Competitors almost did not use computers in their work (the 80s were just beginning), and for the most part they had not even heard about computer networks. To date , Bloomberg 's success has been based on a tangible superiority over its competitors in the use of computer technology . By pairing real-time quotes with analytics (a service neither Reuters nor Telerate provided), Bloomberg was able to carve out a market niche that seemed out of place.

Bloomberg's empire includes TV channels, radio stations, not to mention the worldwide financial news computer network. On this moment The company is one of the world's leading providers of financial news, with over 9,500 employees in 130 countries. The number of subscribers to Bloomberg LP news exceeded 250,000.

Political career

In the New York City mayoral election on November 6, 2001, Bloomberg decides to run for the Republican Party nomination, as there were too many candidates running for the Democratic nomination. Bloomberg spent $73 million on the 2001 election campaign. own money, and although New Yorkers historically support the more liberal Democratic Party in elections, he wins with 50%, while his opponent is only 48%. A large part of his success was the support of previous New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who received national recognition after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

During his first term, Bloomberg carried out a number of different transformations, accepted in different ways in society. Thus, among the unpopular reforms (among a certain part of the population) were tax increases, cuts in administration costs, and a ban on smoking in restaurants, clubs and bars. Among the positively received results of Bloomberg's tenure as mayor were a 20% reduction in crime in the city, growth in the economy, the creation of new jobs through support for small businesses, the construction of affordable housing, as well as school reform.

In 2005, Michael Bloomberg, with the help of a coalition of different political forces, was re-elected for a second term. The gap in the votes in the elections was 20% - a record figure for a Republican mayor of New York. Bloomberg spent $1 million more on this campaign than on his previous campaign, totaling more than $74 million.

From 2005 to 2009, Bloomberg City Hall managed to balance the city budget, a record low level reached unemployment. An innovative program to combat poverty through the creation of new jobs was put in place, and a campaign was launched to combat global warming.

On October 2, 2008, Bloomberg announced that he would seek to change the number of terms for mayor of New York from two to three, explaining that during the financial crisis he should be the head of the city, as he is a major specialist in the field of finance. On October 23, the New York City Council passed the law change by a vote of 29 in favor and 22 against, allowing Bloomberg to run for a third time.

The election was held on November 3, 2009, and Bloomberg defeated his only opponent, Democrat William Thompson, who now holds the position of financial auditor. However, Bloomberg's advantage was not as significant as expected: only 50.5% of voters voted for him (of which 37% were Republicans). In 2014, the powers of mayor passed to Bill de Blasio.

Since January 31, 2014, he has been the UN Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change.



  • Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg on Bloomberg = Bloomberg by Bloomberg. - M .: "Alpina Publisher", 2010. - 224 p. - (Skolkovo). - ISBN 978-5-9614-1237-6.

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Excerpt characterizing Bloomberg, Michael Rubens

- Which book?
– Gospel! I have no.
The doctor promised to get it and began to question the prince about how he felt. Prince Andrei reluctantly but reasonably answered all the doctor's questions and then said that he should have put a roller on him, otherwise it would be awkward and very painful. The doctor and the valet raised the overcoat with which he was covered, and, wincing at the heavy smell of rotten meat spreading from the wound, began to examine this terrible place. The doctor was very dissatisfied with something, he altered something differently, turned the wounded man over so that he again groaned and, from pain during the turning, again lost consciousness and began to rave. He kept talking about getting this book as soon as possible and putting it there.
- And what does it cost you! he said. “I don’t have it, please take it out, put it in for a minute,” he said in a pitiful voice.
The doctor went out into the hallway to wash his hands.
“Ah, shameless, really,” said the doctor to the valet, who was pouring water on his hands. I just didn't watch it for a minute. After all, you put it right on the wound. It's such a pain that I wonder how he endures.
“We seem to have planted, Lord Jesus Christ,” said the valet.
For the first time, Prince Andrei understood where he was and what had happened to him, and remembered that he had been wounded and that at the moment when the carriage stopped in Mytishchi, he asked to go to the hut. Confused again from pain, he came to his senses another time in the hut, when he was drinking tea, and then again, repeating in his recollection everything that had happened to him, he most vividly imagined that moment at the dressing station when, at the sight of the suffering of a person he did not love , these new thoughts that promised him happiness came to him. And these thoughts, although vague and indefinite, now again took possession of his soul. He remembered that he now had a new happiness and that this happiness had something in common with the Gospel. That's why he asked for the gospel. But the bad position that had been given to his wound, the new turning over again confused his thoughts, and for the third time he woke up to life in the perfect stillness of the night. Everyone was sleeping around him. The cricket was shouting through the entryway, someone was shouting and singing in the street, cockroaches rustled on the table and icons, in autumn a thick fly beat on his headboard and near a tallow candle that had burned big mushroom and standing next to him.
His soul was not normal condition. Healthy man he usually thinks, feels and remembers at the same time about an innumerable number of objects, but he has power and strength, having chosen one series of thoughts or phenomena, to stop all his attention on this series of phenomena. A healthy person, in a moment of deepest reflection, breaks away to say a courteous word to the person who has entered, and again returns to his thoughts. The soul of Prince Andrei was not in a normal state in this regard. All the forces of his soul were more active, clearer than ever, but they acted outside of his will. The most diverse thoughts and ideas simultaneously owned him. Sometimes his thought suddenly began to work, and with such force, clarity and depth, with which it had never been able to act in a healthy state; but suddenly, in the middle of her work, she broke off, was replaced by some unexpected performance, and there was no strength to return to her.
“Yes, a new happiness has opened up to me, inalienable from a person,” he thought, lying in a half-dark, quiet hut and looking ahead with feverishly open, stopped eyes. Happiness that is outside the material forces, outside the material external influences on a person, the happiness of one soul, the happiness of love! Any person can understand it, but only God alone can recognize and prescribe its motif. But how did God ordain this law? Why a son? .. And suddenly the train of these thoughts was interrupted, and Prince Andrei heard (not knowing whether he was delirious or really hears this), heard some kind of quiet, whispering voice, incessantly repeating to the beat: “And drink, drink, drink,” then “and ti ti” again “and drink ti ti” again “and ti ti”. At the same time, to the sound of this whispering music, Prince Andrei felt that some strange airy building of thin needles or splinters was being erected above his face, above the very middle. He felt (although it was hard for him) that he had to diligently keep his balance so that the building that was being erected would not collapse; but it still collapsed and again slowly rose to the sounds of evenly whispering music. "It's pulling! stretches! stretches and everything stretches, ”Prince Andrei said to himself. Together with listening to the whisper and with the feeling of this stretching and rising building of needles, Prince Andrei saw in fits and starts the red light of a candle surrounded by a circle and heard the rustling of cockroaches and the rustling of a fly beating on the pillow and on his face. And every time a fly touched his face, it produced a burning sensation; but at the same time he was surprised that, striking in the very region of the building erected on the face of his face, the fly did not destroy it. But besides that, there was one more important thing. It was white at the door, it was a statue of a sphinx that crushed him too.
“But maybe this is my shirt on the table,” thought Prince Andrei, “and these are my legs, and this is the door; but why is everything stretching and moving forward and drink, drink, drink, and drink—and drink, drink, drink…” “That’s enough, stop it, please leave it,” Prince Andrei begged someone heavily. And suddenly the thought and feeling came up again with unusual clarity and force.
“Yes, love,” he thought again with perfect clarity), but not the love that loves for something, for something or for some reason, but the love that I experienced for the first time when, dying, I saw my enemy and still loved him. I experienced that feeling of love, which is the very essence of the soul and for which no object is needed. I still have that blissful feeling. Love your neighbors, love your enemies. To love everything is to love God in all manifestations. You can love a dear person human love; but only the enemy can be loved with divine love. And from this I experienced such joy when I felt that I love that person. What about him? Is he alive... Loving with human love, one can move from love to hatred; but divine love cannot change. Nothing, not death, nothing can destroy it. She is the essence of the soul. And how many people I hated in my life. And of all people, I did not love or hate anyone else like her. And he vividly imagined Natasha, not in the way he had imagined her before, with only her charm, joyful for himself; but for the first time imagined her soul. And he understood her feeling, her suffering, shame, repentance. He now for the first time understood the cruelty of his refusal, saw the cruelty of his break with her. “If only it were possible for me to see her one more time. Once, looking into those eyes, say ... "
And drink, drink, drink, and drink, and drink, drink - boom, a fly hit ... And his attention was suddenly transferred to another world of reality and delirium, in which something special was happening. Everything in this world was still being erected, without collapsing, the building, something was still stretching, the same candle was burning with a red circle, the same Sphinx shirt was lying at the door; but besides all this, something creaked, smelled of fresh wind, and a new white sphinx, standing, appeared before the door. And in the head of this sphinx there was a pale face and shining eyes of that same Natasha, of whom he was now thinking.
“Oh, how heavy is this incessant nonsense!” thought Prince Andrei, trying to drive this face out of his imagination. But this face stood before him with the force of reality, and this face drew nearer. Prince Andrei wanted to return to the former world of pure thought, but he could not, and delirium drew him into his own realm. A quiet whispering voice continued its measured babble, something pressed, stretched, and a strange face stood before him. Prince Andrei gathered all his strength to come to his senses; he stirred, and suddenly there was a ringing in his ears, his eyes became dim, and he, like a man who has plunged into water, lost consciousness. When he woke up, Natasha, that very living Natasha, whom, of all the people in the world, he most of all wanted to love with that new, pure divine love that was now revealed to him, was kneeling before him. He realized that it was a living, real Natasha, and was not surprised, but quietly delighted. Natasha, on her knees, frightened, but chained (she could not move), looked at him, holding back her sobs. Her face was pale and motionless. Only in the lower part of it fluttered something.
Prince Andrei breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and held out his hand.
- You? - he said. - How happy!
Natasha with a quick but careful movement moved towards him on her knees and, carefully taking his hand, bent over her face and began to kiss her, slightly touching her lips.
- Sorry! she said in a whisper, raising her head and looking at him. - Excuse me!
“I love you,” said Prince Andrei.
- Sorry…
- Forgive what? asked Prince Andrew.
“Forgive me for what I did,” Natasha said in a barely audible, interrupted whisper and began to kiss her hand more often, slightly touching her lips.
“I love you more, better than before,” said Prince Andrei, raising her face with his hand so that he could look into her eyes.
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