Pioneer organization encyclopedia of our childhood. VLKSM: history, goals and objectives of the organization. reference When the Komsomol organization was organized

October 29, 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Komsomol. Komsomol is a mass patriotic organization Soviet youth. There are no other examples in history of a youth movement that would reach more than 160 million people over the years of its existence and could boast of real achievements.

Civil war, labor five-year plans, heroism during the Great Patriotic War, virgin lands, Komsomol shock construction projects - all this is the Komsomol. The birth of the Komsomol is not an act implanted from above, it is the unification of the energy and warmth of the hearts of young people who dream of being useful to their homeland.


The initiator and ideologist of the organizational completion of attempts to create numerous youth groups was V. I. Lenin. And they were created before the revolution. At first, youth primary organizations were formed within the party and united workers and students. It was the students who were the most revolutionary class of that time.

During the period of Dual Power (February-October 1917), when history could unfold both towards the bourgeois and towards the socialist system, N. K. Krupskaya and V. I. Lenin developed a program of revolutionary youth associations.

IN major cities organizations were created that became the basis for creating a structure of an all-Russian scale. For example, the SSRM (Union of Socialist working youth) in Petrograd, approaching the birthday of the Komsomol.

Congress of Workers' and Peasants' Youth

In the midst civil war(1918) in Moscow, the first congress of delegates from scattered youth organizations throughout the country took place. 176 people arrived from everywhere: from territories captured by the White Guards, as well as by the German army (Ukraine, Poland); from breakaway Finland and the self-proclaimed Baltic republics, as well as from Japanese-occupied Vladivostok. They were united by the desire to create a new power built on the principles of justice. The opening day of the congress (October 29) will go down in history as the birthday of the Komsomol, which united more than 22 thousand people.

In the adopted charter and program all-Russian organization it was said that it is independent, but operates under the direction of communist party which determined its ideological direction. The main speaker was Lazar Abramovich Shatskin, the author of the program. His name is little known in the country, because during the years of Stalinist repressions he would be shot for accusations of Trotskyism. Like many other first secretaries of the Central Committee, who led the organization until 1938.

Symbols of the RKSM

The lists of delegates to the first congress have not been preserved even in the archives. Later, the task arose of identifying belonging to an organization that was called the RKSM (Russian Communist Youth Union). Already in 1919, Komsomol tickets appeared.

In the conditions of the civil war, during which the Central Committee announced three mobilizations, they were kept and protected at the cost of their lives. A little later, the first icons appeared. Their release, at first in insufficient quantities, was handled by the Komsomol itself. The birth of the Komsomol was immortalized with four letters RKSM against the background of a flag with a star. The badges were awarded to the leaders of production and the best representatives of the organization.

Since 1922, a new unified form was approved with the abbreviation KIM, meaning the Communist Youth International. The form will also change in 1947, acquiring its final form only in 1956. It will already be handed over to all those joining the ranks of the organization along with a Komsomol ticket.

Tasks of the Komsomol

In 1920, the Civil War was still going on, but it became clear that the Red Army was winning. This set serious tasks for the Bolshevik Party to restore the destroyed economy, create the country's energy base and create a new society. The state needed competent personnel, so 2.10. 1920 at the next (III) congress of the Komsomol, V.I. Lenin, who defined the mission of the newly created organization: to study communism. It already included 482 thousand people.

In the year of the birth of the Komsomol, it was important to win, but now it was necessary to form the generation that was to live in different social conditions. The military front was to be replaced by the labor front. The grandiose accomplishments in the prewar years became possible thanks to the participation of working youth in collectivization, Komsomol construction sites, patronage of universal education, the movement of "thousanders" (who fulfilled the plan by 1000%) and obtaining a higher vocational education(workers' faculty). Many Western analysts believed that the success of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War became possible thanks to the upbringing of a person of a new formation, who puts the interests of the country above personal ones, in which the Komsomol succeeded.

The birth of the Komsomol: the name of V. I. Lenin

In January 1924, the country was shocked by the news of the death of V. I. Lenin, the leader of the world proletariat and the leader of the country. In the summer of the same year, the Congress (VI) of the RKSM was held, at which the issue of assigning the name of V. I. Lenin to the Komsomol was decided. The appeal spoke of a firm determination to live, fight and work in the Leninist way. His little book "The Tasks of Youth Unions" became a desktop for every Komsomol member.

Birthday Leninist Komsomol(12.07) added the letter “L” to the abbreviation of the name of the organization, and over the next two years it was referred to as the RLKSM.

Status of the all-Union organization

The date of formation of the USSR is 12/30/1922, when four republics became part of the union state: the RSFSR, the Byelorussian SSR, the Ukrainian SSR and the Transcaucasian SFSR. The status of the All-Union Komsomol organization received in 1926 at the 7th Congress. The birthday of the Komsomol of the USSR is March 11, while the Komsomol of all union republics was preserved.

Such a structure existed until the Komsomol was alive. The birth of the Komsomol in 1918 ended with its self-dissolution in September 1991, which is associated with the collapse of the Union. Despite the emergence of organizations that consider themselves the legal successors of the Komsomol - the Komsomol of the Russian Federation, the RKSM, the RKSM (b), there is no longer such a mass structure in the history of the country. In 1977, its members were 36 million people, almost the entire population of the country from 14 to 28 years old.

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04.02.2015 01:49

Komsomol was mass organization, which had a tremendous impact in all spheres of life: industry and the economy, education and science, culture and art, sports, leisure activities.

What is Komsomol?

Komsomol (short for "Communist Union of Youth"), full name - All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM) - a political youth organization in the USSR.

The initiator of the creation and the main ideologist of the Komsomol organization was V.I. Lenin. The tasks of the Youth Unions, read out to them at the III All-Russian Congress of the Komsomol in October 1920, became the fundamental ideological document of the Komsomol.

Two hundred million Soviet citizens had membership cards of the Komsomol. Every institution and enterprise necessarily had a primary organization of the Komsomol. By the beginning of the 1970s, 131 Komsomol newspapers were published with a one-time circulation of 16.6 million copies, including one all-Union newspaper - “ TVNZ”, Komsomol magazines, the publishing house “Young Guard” were founded.

The origins of the Komsomol

October 29, 1918 - the date of the creation of the Komsomol. This was preceded by the February Revolution of 1917, which contributed to an increase in the socio-political activity of young people in various cities of Russia. Unions of working youth began to appear in the country.

In the autumn of 1918, October 29 to November 4, the All-Russian Congress of the UNIONS of the working and peasant youth was held in Moscow, at which the unions were united into one general organization- Russian Communist Youth Union. The congress proclaimed the RKSM, adopted the Program and the Charter of the Union. They said that the Komsomol is an independent organization. The Union aimed political education youth, involving them in economic and state construction.

In October 1918, 22,100 people joined the RKSM. Two years later, by the 3rd Congress, the Komsomol had 482,000 members.

Under the leadership of the Komsomol in 1922, a children's political organization- All-Russian, and later the All-Union Pioneer Organization. One of the main initiators of the creation of the pioneers was N.P. Chaplin, General Secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee (1924-1928).

The first breast badges of the Komsomol appeared in 1922. In the center of the badge was the inscription KIM (Communist Youth International), in 1945 it was replaced by the abbreviation VLKSM, and the badges acquired their final form (with the profile of V.I. Lenin) only in 1958.

In 1924, the RKSM was named after V.I. Lenin - Russian Leninist Communist Youth Union (RLKSM). Two years later, it was renamed the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM).

Komsomol awards

On February 20, 1928, in commemoration of military merits for unparalleled heroism during the years of the civil war and foreign intervention, the Soviet government awarded the Komsomol with the Order of the Red Banner.

January 21, 1931 for the initiative shown in the cause of shock work and socialist competition, which ensured the successful implementation of the first five-year development plan National economy country, the Soviet government awarded the Komsomol Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

June 14, 1945 for outstanding services to the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War Soviet Union against Nazi Germany, for the great work in educating Soviet youth in the spirit of selfless devotion to the socialist Fatherland, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR awarded the Komsomol with the Order of Lenin.

October 28, 1948 for outstanding services to the Motherland in the communist education of Soviet youth and Active participation in socialist construction, in connection with the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Komsomol, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR awarded the Komsomol the second Order of Lenin.

On November 5, 1956, for the selfless and fruitful work of Komsomol members, Soviet boys and girls in the successful development of virgin lands, the Komsomol was awarded the order Lenin.

On October 25, 1968, for outstanding services in the formation and strengthening of Soviet power, for fruitful work in educating the younger generation in the spirit of devotion to the precepts of V.I. Lenin and in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol, he was awarded the Order of the October Revolution.

Komsomol and war

In 1941, there were more than 10 million Komsomol members in the USSR. About 1 million members of the Komsomol before the war became "Voroshilov shooters", more than 5 million passed the standards for military specialties. They became the "Young Guard" and "Young Avengers". 3.5 thousand became Heroes of the Soviet Union, 3.5 million were awarded orders and medals. Special units of the Komsomol girls, there were more than 200 thousand machine gunners, snipers and specialists in other specialties in their ranks. For their military merits in the fight against the Nazi invaders, 100 thousand girls were awarded orders and medals, 58 of whom received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Komsomol is...

Almost all students were accepted into the Komsomol general education schools. The Komsomol sent and assigned to work on "Komsomol vouchers", implemented a housing program. At the initiative of the Komsomol, two-year evening schools for the semi-literate were created in the country, and a new mass form of technical training for workers, the technical minimum, appeared.

The Komsomol became not just mass, but almost universal.

Belonging to the Komsomol was taken into account everywhere - after all, more active, advanced and proven youth joined the Komsomol, which made it a mass and even super-mass organization.

The Komsomol movement is a bright page in history; millions of young people of the Soviet Union passed through the Komsomol school. For many decades, the Komsomol badge has been an indispensable attribute of the active life position and a source of pride, because Komsomol members have always been at the center of the most significant events in the history of the country and people.

I joined the Komsomol in 1988, at the end of the 8th grade. I remember we went to some classes after school - one of the teachers told us about the charter, about how many orders the Komsomol had and for what they gave, etc. I didn’t bother to memorize all this information, I thought that somehow later ... And then one fine spring day we are torn from the lessons (hooray!), And on the way we find out that we are being taken to the district committee to be accepted into the Komsomol. The first thought is that they will "fill up". My classmate and I, who, in principle, was very exemplary, but within reasonable limits, so we didn’t really learn all this either, decided to go in the last rows. Like, let's see if they bring down a lot, if anything, we'll fade away so as not to disgrace ourselves. It wasn't there. We were herded into the office of the first secretary in a crowd, lined up in a semicircle and ... they began to call in alphabetical order and hand over Komsomol tickets. And no interview. And with the recommendations, everything was simple - one en masse was signed by the Komsomol organizer of the school, others were taken from friends. One figure generally composed for himself an employee of a trolleybus depot, a member of the CPSU, and signed for him himself. Canaled.
It was more fun when in the 11th grade (to which I went directly from the 9th) I tried to leave the Komsomol for political reasons - by that time I no longer believed in the "only correct" policy of the CPSU. At first, my application was kept under wraps for a long time, then after my visit to the district committee, where they had soul-saving conversations with me for a long time, after which the first secretary (as I remember now, by the name of Mokryi) personally declared "we have no right to persuade you", they nevertheless satisfied request. It turned out that this was the first case in the area and almost the only one in the city. Then the zavrono personally came to carry out educational work with me, who arranged for me to be interrogated with prejudice in the director's office. In particular, he threatened with "organs". And then, after 1991, this zavrono for the first time tried to remain "for the Reds", even tried to fuck the leadership of the schools where there were polling stations, to falsify in favor of the communists in the next elections. By the way, our head teacher educational work, which I especially hated for kondovy sovkism, categorically refused to do this. She said that she is only for those communists who are for justice, and justice is how the people actually voted, even if the people are wrong. When they told me about it, I respected her.
Well, the former zavraiono Viktor Padlovich Garkavets then received a promotion to the zavgorono, after which he quickly repainted. I do not rule out that this classic red-yellow-blakty bastard rules the educational system of the city of Kharkov to this day. But no independent bodies dealt with his person for sure. It's a pity. On the whole, I have a negative attitude towards Bandera, but they didn’t hang such people like this Garkavets.

Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya stood at the origins of the pioneer organization. In 1921, she delivered a report "On Boy Scouting", in which she advised Komsomol members to pay attention to the experience of children's scout detachments and create an organization "scout in form and communist in content." The resolution adopted on May 19, 1922 at the II Conference of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League read: “Taking into account the urgent need for the self-organization of proletarian children, the All-Russian Conference instructs the Central Committee to develop the issue of the children's movement and the use of the reorganized scouting system in it. Taking into account the experience of the Moscow organization, the Conference proposes to extend this experience on the same basis to other organizations of the RKSM under the leadership of the Central Committee.
Pioneer was created from the very beginning as a communist organization of proletarian children. "We are pioneers, children of workers!" - was sung in a well-known song. First of all, children from working and poor peasant families were accepted into the pioneer organization. The children of the "class enemies" - representatives of the bourgeoisie and the kulaks - were barred from joining the organization. However, they hardly aspired to go there, because the first pioneers had to really correspond to the ideals of the builders of communism, including being active fighters against religion and other “remnants of the past”. The pioneers helped the elders to fight homelessness, taught those who wished to read and write, worked on an equal footing with adults when the fight against devastation was announced.
Later, in the 1930s, admission to the Pioneers became widespread, Pioneer organizations existed in all schools. The life of the children became more orderly, and among the pioneer duties included good studies and exemplary behavior at school. During this period, the pioneers did not accept the children of "enemies of the people." There are many memories of those who happened to go through the humiliating procedure of being expelled from the pioneers - they took off their tie in front of the whole school.

Today we propose to consider interesting topic directly related to the history of our country. Namely, the pioneer movement in the USSR. Of course, within the framework of a small article, we are unlikely to be able to cover all aspects of this large-scale phenomenon. But we will try to give the modern young reader an idea of ​​the basic principles of the existence of a pioneer organization. What was the pioneer movement? At what age were they accepted as pioneers? What were they doing?

People aged "from forty and older" are well aware of the answers to these questions - in what class they were admitted to the pioneers, how the pioneer gatherings and lines were held, what the peers of the current schoolchildren were doing after school hours. And for the representatives of the younger generation below - a small "educational program".

The All-Union Pioneer Organization, which bore the name of V.I. Lenin, was known to everyone in the days of the USSR - it could not be otherwise. This mass children's movement was one of the communist organizations that existed in the USSR. The pioneer organization was formed by decision of the All-Russian Komsomol Conference in 1922 (May 19). Since then, this day has been celebrated as Pioneer Day.

Initially, the organization was named after Spartak. In 1924, she received the name of Lenin - after his death. The origin of the pioneers was from the Scout movement, but a number of aspects significantly distinguished these formations. pioneer organization had the character of universal state coverage with a clearly expressed goal - the ideological education of children as citizens devoted to the Communist Party. The organizational pioneer movement was integral part structure of the Komsomol and was controlled centrally. "Pioneers" in the countries of Western culture (in the USA and England) were called reconnaissance soldiers, pioneers who explored new lands.

A bit of history

The scout movement in Russia at the time of the 1917 revolution was quite developed and consisted of a network of children's organizations. The total number of scouts was about 50,000 people. During the Civil War, scouts assisted in the search for street children, formed children's militia units and engaged in social assistance. The motives of the Scout ideology were based on the postulates of play, labor and mutual assistance.

The Bolsheviks decided to unite the principles of the Scout movement with the communist ideology. Komsomol members, in turn, considered scouting a bourgeois phenomenon, far from communist ideas. Already in 1919, the Congress of the RKSM passed a resolution to disband the scout detachments.

At the same time, the need to create their own communist organization children's direction. The idea was formulated by N. K. Krupskaya, who suggested that the Komsomol arm itself with scouting methods in creating a new children's organization. Initially, this idea was perceived with extreme caution, but with the adoption of a positive decision in 1921, the search for suitable organizational forms began. The new movement was called "pioneers", which was also borrowed from Scout practice. At what age were they accepted as pioneers in those years? Initially, it was decided to take the scout movement as the basis of the Komsomol organization being created, but subsequently decided to unite younger children in a similar format.

Other symbolism

The symbols of the new children's movement were a slightly modified version of the scout ones. Instead of a green tie, a red one appeared, and a white (not green) blouse was also approved. The Scout motto "Be ready!" and the answer is "Always ready!" The organization of children in the form of detachments, campfire gatherings, game forms of work with pupils and the institute of counselors passed into the pioneer organization "by inheritance" from scouting.

During 1922, many pioneer detachments arose in a number of villages and cities. The age when they were admitted to the pioneers, and other formal moments in those years were not yet strictly regulated. At the congress of the RKSM, it was decided to unite the scattered pioneer detachments into a children's organization of a communist orientation. The last official name - the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin - the movement received in March 1926.

On the structure of the pioneer organization

Initially, such organizations were created by cells of the RKSM in the villages, at institutions and enterprises. In 1923, their formation ceased to depend on the place of residence and moved to schools. They were called "bases" and "outposts". In fact, communist control was established over the school. Since 1929, the pioneer organization began to rebuild, focusing on school principles. Detachments corresponded to classes, squads - to schools. The age at which they were accepted as pioneers became the same in the USSR in those years.

The scale of the organization acquired such proportions that within a couple of years there were denunciations of attempts to extinguish the pioneer movement by merging it with the school system. In addition, there has been a tendency to transfer educational functions from the school to the pioneer movement. The school determined in which class they were accepted as pioneers, a system of rewards and punishments was established, etc. But the process continued nonetheless.

Being a centralized link in the communist system, the all-Union pioneer movement in the USSR united organizations different levels- republican, regional, regional, district, city, district. The formal basis for organizing a squad at a school or children's educational institution was the presence of three pioneers. If the composition of the squad consisted of more than 20 people, it was divided into pioneer detachments.

The detachments existing at pioneer camps or orphanages were of different ages. If the detachment consisted of 15 or more people, it was divided into links, at the head of each of which a link was appointed. In fact, each detachment united students of a particular class, and the squad united students of a particular school.

About Senior Pioneers

Changes affected the structure of the organization in 1982 with the introduction of the concept of "senior pioneers". In what class were these guys accepted as pioneers? The senior pioneers were usually students in the seventh and eighth grades. They were a kind of intermediate link between the pioneers and Komsomol members and wore badges that combined elements of both. Theoretically, older pioneers were required to continue wearing a red tie, but many tried their best to switch to new form clothes.

Who led the organization

The direct leadership of the All-Union Pioneer Organization was entrusted to the VLKSM - Komsomol members. Those, in turn, were controlled by the organs of the CPSU. Any council of a pioneer organization worked under the leadership of the Komsomol committee. The reports of the councils of the organization of pioneers were heard at conferences and congresses of the Komsomol. The leadership of the pioneer organization at all levels was approved in exactly the same way by the plenums of the Komsomol committees.

Methodological and organizational-mass work with pioneer cadres was organized on the basis of numerous houses and palaces of pioneers, as well as other out-of-school institutions. Personnel for work in these institutions in the person of senior leaders were "supplied" from the committees of the Komsomol, which were engaged in their selection, education and advanced training. In a centralized manner, the leadership of circles, sections, clubs and candidates for the positions of detachment leaders were selected.

If we talk about the so-called pioneer self-government, then supreme body The collective unit (detachment, link, team) served as a pioneer gathering. At the gathering of the detachment, schoolchildren were accepted as pioneers, worthy of them were recommended to the ranks of the Komsomol. Evaluated the activities of the detachment and planned future work in general (as well as the contribution of each pioneer to the common cause) on the council of the squad. The composition of the detachment was elected by the detachment assembly, the link was chosen by the assembly of the link. Each of the councils, in turn, chose its own chairman.

In pioneer organizations at a higher level (All-Union, republican, regional, regional, etc.), a pioneer rally, held once every few years, served as a form of self-government. The most active and active elite of the Pioneer organization gathered in city headquarters, created under the councils of the Pioneer organization at the district or city level.

In what class were they accepted as pioneers?

The answer to this question will be given to you by any representative of the older generation. The age when they were accepted as pioneers was from 9 to 14 years. A nine to ten year old child was most often a third grader. Here is the answer to the question: "In what class were you previously accepted as pioneers?"

Formally, this action was carried out on a voluntary basis. It was carried out individually in the form of an open vote held at a gathering of a squad or a pioneer detachment. The atmosphere of the event, when they were accepted as pioneers, was always presented in the USSR with great pomp.

A schoolchild who joined the organization read out a solemn promise to senior comrades (Komsomol members, communists or other pioneers) on the line. He was given and tied a red tie. Most often, the procedure for admission to the pioneers was carried out in a solemn atmosphere and was timed to coincide with communist holidays.

Often it was held in some memorable historical and revolutionary place. For example, there was a widespread practice of admission to the pioneers near the monument to Lenin on April 22. First of all, the reception of excellent students and good students was conducted.

A bit of ideology

Those who joined the ranks of this children's organization were obliged to know the laws of the pioneers by heart. These postulates taught children to align themselves with the communists, prepare for joining the ranks of the Komsomol, study well and actively work for the good of the Motherland, prepare to defend it from enemies, fight for peace and build communism in everything. the globe. The pioneer was instructed to cherish the honor of the organization, to be a reliable comrade, to respect the elders and take care of the little ones, to act in accordance with the concepts of duty and honor.

The opportunity to participate in the election of pioneer self-government bodies was proclaimed as a pioneer's right, to discuss the work of the organization at gatherings and in the press, criticizing shortcomings and making proposals at any level, and asking for recommendations for the procedure for joining the Komsomol.

About pioneer camps

Pioneers spent most of their school holidays in pioneer camps. Their number in the USSR was huge - about 40,000 summer and year-round pioneer camps. Every year, about 10 million children were sent there on vacation. The most famous of them is the All-Union Pioneer Camp international status"Artek". The second most prestigious place was occupied by the All-Russian level camp "Eaglet", located in the Krasnodar Territory.

The pioneer organization, of course, had its own motto and anthem, ideologically "tied" to the declared goal - the education of young fighters for the ideas of the communist party. As the anthem of the organization, the "March of the Young Pioneers", written back in 1922, was performed. Other attributes of pioneer symbols were the red triangular tie known to any Soviet person and the pioneer badge of the approved form. Other elements of the paraphernalia of the organization are the banner of the squad, detachment flags, drums and bugles. None of the solemn pioneer rituals could do without them.

Any squad had its own pioneer room, in which all these attributes were to be stored. The council of the squad also met there. Most often, in such a room a counter of a ritual nature and a Leninist corner were decorated. In each class, the pioneers were ordered to issue and hang handwritten detachment and squad wall newspapers.

What did the pioneer uniform look like?

On weekdays they wore the usual school uniform along with pioneer symbols in the form of a badge and a red tie. For solemn occasions, a dress uniform was provided, consisting of red caps in combination with the same ties and badges, uniform white shirts with gilded buttons and emblems on the sleeves (for both boys and girls), blue trousers for boys or the same girls skirt colors In the banner group, the dress uniform was complemented by a red ribbon worn over the shoulder, as well as white gloves.

Pioneer magazines and newspapers were published in the Soviet Union, in addition, many other children's literature. Representatives of the older generation perfectly remember such publications as "Pionerskaya Pravda" (the organization's main newspaper), the magazines "Koster", "Pioneer", etc. Pioneer programs were broadcast daily on radio and television, even documentary magazines were played in the cinema before the start of the film .

About the life of children in those years when they were accepted as pioneers

Many wonderful children's films created during the Soviet period were dedicated to children pioneer age and showed the life of schoolchildren in pioneer camps and detachments. Undoubtedly, these films, despite the ideological "impregnation", contributed to a truly high-quality education of children and adolescents in the USSR. In addition, filmed by true masters of their craft, they were genuine works of cinematic art and it was no coincidence that they were loved by millions of viewers - both children and adults.

The Palaces of Pioneers that existed in every city were repurposed after the dissolution in 1991 of the pioneer organization in DDT (house of children's creativity). The children who visited them in those years were busy collecting scrap metal and waste paper, participated in the military sports game "Zarnitsa", as well as in competitions organized at the all-Union level for football and hockey yard teams. There was even a simplified version of the volleyball game - pioneer ball ( team game with soccer ball).

Volunteer youth fire brigades were organized. The pioneers were employed in all sorts of patrols, controlling the protection of forest and water resources, or as young assistant traffic inspectors on the roads. In addition, many children were employed in sports sections and circles of various kinds.

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