Who financed Komsomol organizations in Soviet times. Disbanded Komsomols. how the Komsomol collapsed. Congress of Workers' and Peasants' Youth

The Komsomol organization, which celebrates its 90th anniversary on October 29, ended its existence almost 20 years ago, but its anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale throughout the country.

The All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM) is a youth socio-political organization created at the 1st All-Russian Congress of Unions of Workers' and Peasants' Youth on October 29 - November 4, 1918.

The congress united the disparate youth unions into an all-Russian organization with a single center, working under the leadership of the Russian Communist Party. The congress adopted the basic principles of the program and the charter of the Russian Communist Youth Union (RKSM). The theses approved by the congress stated: "The goal of the Union is to spread the ideas of communism and to involve the youth of workers and peasants in the active construction of Soviet Russia."

In July 1924, the RKSM was named after V.I. Lenin and it became known as the Russian Leninist Communist Youth Union (RLKSM). In connection with the formation of the USSR (1922), the Komsomol in March 1926 was renamed the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM).

From the Charter of the Komsomol: “VLKSM is an amateur public organization, uniting in its ranks the broad masses of progressive Soviet youth. Komsomol is an active assistant and reserve of the Communist Party Soviet Union. Faithful to Lenin's precepts, the Komsomol helps the party educate the youth in the spirit of communism, involve them in the practical construction of a new society, and prepare the generation comprehensively developed people who will live, work and manage public affairs under communism. The VLKSM works under the leadership of the Communist Party, is an active conductor of party directives in all areas of communist construction.

According to the Charter of the Komsomol, young men and girls aged 14 to 28 were accepted into the Komsomol. The primary organizations of the Komsomol were created at enterprises, collective farms, state farms, educational institutions, institutions, parts Soviet army and fleet. The supreme governing body of the Komsomol is the All-Union Congress; directed all the work of the Union between congresses Central Committee VLKSM electing the Bureau and the Secretariat.

The history of the Komsomol was inextricably linked with the history of the USSR. Komsomol members were active participants in the Civil War of 1918-1920 in the ranks of the Red Army. In commemoration of military merits, the Komsomol in 1928 was awarded the order Red Banner.

For his initiative in the socialist competition, the Komsomol was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1931.

For outstanding services to the Motherland at the front and in the rear during the Great Patriotic War 3.5 thousand Komsomol members were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 3.5 million Komsomol members were awarded orders and medals; Komsomol in 1945 was awarded the Order of Lenin.

For the work that the Komsomol invested in the restoration of the destroyed by the Nazi invaders National economy, Komsomol in 1948 was awarded the second Order of Lenin.

Behind Active participation in the development of virgin and fallow lands of the Komsomol in 1956 he was awarded the third Order of Lenin.

In 1968, in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol, the Komsomol was awarded the Order of the October Revolution.

In the entire history of the Komsomol, more than 200 million people have passed through its ranks.

In September 1991, the XXII Extraordinary Congress of the Komsomol considered the political role Komsomol as a federation of communist youth unions and announced the self-dissolution of the organization.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

After the victory of the October Revolution, red children's organizations, groups and associations arose in various cities. On May 19, 1922, the 2nd All-Russian Conference of the Komsomol decided to create pioneer detachments everywhere.

In the early years of Soviet power, pioneers helped homeless children and fought illiteracy, collected books and set up libraries, engaged in technical circles, cared for animals, went on geological trips, on expeditions to study nature, collected medicinal plants. Pioneers worked on collective farms, in the fields, guarded crops and collective farm property, wrote letters to newspapers or to the relevant authorities about violations that they noticed around.

"AiF" recalls how in Soviet times they accepted Octoberites, pioneers and who could become a Komsomol member.

From what class did they take in October?

Schoolchildren of grades 1-3 became Octobers, united on a voluntary basis in groups with the pioneer team of the school. The groups were led by leaders from among the pioneers or Komsomol members of the school. In these groups, children were preparing to join the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V. I. Lenin.

When joining the ranks of the Octobrists, children were given a badge - a five-pointed star with a children's portrait of Lenin. The symbol was a red October flag.

In honor of the victory of the October Revolution, since 1923, schoolchildren were called "Octobers". The Octobers were united into stars (an analogue of the pioneer link) - on October 5, and also the "sickle" and "hammer" - the leader of the stars and his assistant. In an asterisk, an October child could take one of the positions - a commander, a florist, a nurse, a librarian or an athlete.

In the last decades of Soviet power, the Oktyabrata accepted all students in a row elementary school usually already in the first grade.

Who was accepted as a pioneer?

Schoolchildren aged 9 to 14 were accepted into the pioneer organization. Formally, admission was carried out on a voluntary basis. The selection of candidates was carried out by open voting at the gathering of the pioneer detachment (usually corresponding to the class) or at the highest - at the school level - pioneer body: at the Council of the Squad.

A student joining a pioneer organization made a solemn promise of a pioneer of the Soviet Union on the pioneer line (the text of the promise in the 1980s could be seen on the back cover school notebooks). A communist, Komsomol member, or senior pioneer presented the newcomer with a red pioneer tie and a pioneer badge. Pioneer tie was a symbol of belonging to the pioneer organization, a particle of its banner. The three ends of the tie symbolized the unbreakable bond of three generations: communists, Komsomol members and pioneers; the pioneer was obliged to take care of his tie and take care of it.

The greeting of the pioneers was a salute - a hand raised just above the head showed that the pioneer was putting public interest above personal. "Be ready!" - the leader called on the pioneers and heard in response: “Always ready!”

As a rule, pioneers were accepted in a solemn atmosphere during communist holidays in memorable historical and revolutionary places, for example, on April 22 near the monument to V.I. Lenin.

The following punishments were applied to members of the organization who violated the laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union: discussion at the assembly of the link, detachment, council of the squad; comment; exception warning; as a last resort - exclusion from the pioneer organization. They could be expelled from the pioneers for unsatisfactory behavior and hooliganism.

Collecting scrap metal and waste paper and other types of socially useful work, helping elementary school students, participating in military sports "Zarnitsy", classes in circles and, of course, excellent studies - that's what pioneer everyday life was filled with.

How did you become members of the Komsomol?

They became Komsomol members from the age of 14. Reception was carried out individually. To apply, you needed a recommendation from a communist or two Komsomol members with at least 10 months of experience. After that, the application could be accepted for consideration in the school Komsomol organization, or they could not be accepted if they did not consider the submitter a worthy figure.

Those whose application was accepted were scheduled an interview with the Komsomol committee (council of Komsomol organizers) and a representative of the district committee. To pass the interview, it was necessary to learn the charter of the Komsomol, the names of the key leaders of the Komsomol and the party, important dates and most importantly - to answer the question: "Why do you want to become a Komsomol member?".

Any of the members of the committee could ask a tricky question at the trial stage. If the candidate successfully passed the interview, he was handed a Komsomol card, which documented the payment of contributions. Pupils and students paid 2 kopecks. per month, working - one percent of the salary.

They could be expelled from the Komsomol for sloppiness, attending church, for non-payment membership dues for family troubles. Exclusion from the organization threatened the lack of a good prospect and a career in the future. The former Komsomol member did not have the right to join the party, go abroad, in some cases he was threatened with dismissal from his job.

Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya stood at the origins of the pioneer organization. In 1921, she delivered a report "On Boy Scouting", in which she advised Komsomol members to pay attention to the experience of children's scout detachments and create an organization "scout in form and communist in content." The resolution adopted on May 19, 1922 at the II Conference of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League read: “Taking into account the urgent need for the self-organization of proletarian children, the All-Russian Conference instructs the Central Committee to develop the issue of the children's movement and the use of the reorganized scouting system in it. Taking into account the experience of the Moscow organization, the Conference proposes to extend this experience on the same basis to other organizations of the RKSM under the leadership of the Central Committee.
Pioneer was created from the very beginning as communist organization proletarian children. "We are pioneers, children of workers!" - was sung in a well-known song. First of all, children from working and poor peasant families were accepted into the pioneer organization. The children of the "class enemies" - representatives of the bourgeoisie and the kulaks - were barred from joining the organization. However, they hardly aspired to go there, because the first pioneers had to really correspond to the ideals of the builders of communism, including being active fighters against religion and other “remnants of the past”. The pioneers helped the elders to fight homelessness, taught those who wished to read and write, worked on an equal footing with adults when the fight against devastation was announced.
Later, in the 30s, admission to the pioneers became massive, pioneer organizations existed in all schools. The life of the children became more orderly, and among the pioneer duties included good studies and exemplary behavior at school. During this period, the pioneers did not accept the children of "enemies of the people." There are many memories of those who happened to go through the humiliating procedure of being expelled from the pioneers - they took off their tie in front of the whole school.

The Komsomol is an organization that for decades served as a school of life for many generations of Soviet people; organization that has made a significant contribution to heroic story our motherland; an organization that today and will continue to unite young people who are not indifferent to the fate of the country and the people, in whose hearts the flame of the struggle for justice burns, so that a working man can walk with his head held high on the land forever liberated from exploitation, poverty and lawlessness.

There are no other examples in history of such a powerful youth movement as the Lenin Komsomol was. In peacetime and during wars, shoulder to shoulder with the communists, Komsomol members were the first to go into battle, into the virgin lands, to construction sites, into space and led the youth. At each historical milestone, the Komsomol brought forth thousands and thousands of young heroes from its ranks, who glorified it with their exploits. Their example of selfless service to the Motherland, the people will always be in the memory of present and future generations.

And it all began in the distant revolutionary year of 1917 with the creation of socialist unions of working, peasant and student youth. But they were all divided. Therefore, already in 1918, on October 29, the First All-Russian Congress of Unions of Workers' and Peasants' Youth began its work, which brought together 195 delegates from all over Russia and united disparate youth organizations into a single monolithic Russian Communist Youth Union. Day October 29 and became the birthday of the Komsomol.

After the congress in all regions or, as they were then called, provinces, general meetings of the unions of workers' and peasants' youth were held.

The chronicle of the heroic deeds of the Komsomol is endless. Six orders burn brightly on his banner. This is a nationwide recognition of the merits of the Komsomol to the Motherland. Everyone knew the Komsomol heroes: Lyubov Shevtsova, Oleg Koshevoy, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexander Matrosov, Liza Chaikina... Eternal glory and memory to them!

The Komsomol is an organization that shapes a person, his personal qualities. Here the life views of young people were affirmed, here the first experience of social work was acquired. The Komsomol is the foundation that formed the Soviet man. Of course, there was everything in the Komsomol. It was good, it was not so good. There were bureaucratic moments that irritated young people, but these moments were criticized. However, fundamentally, it was a wonderful public organization. The Komsomol formed the worldview in certain coordinates - the Soviet worldview. The Komsomol is youth. Komsomol is the most wonderful memories! The Komsomol is energy, purposefulness, the desire to turn this world around and make it better!

Komsomol is my destiny

Performed by: VIA "Gems" 1918-1928
The RKSM was an active participant in the Civil War; he spent three all-Russian mobilization to the front. According to incomplete data, the Komsomol sent more than 75,000 members to the Red Army in 1918-20. In total, up to 200 thousand Komsomol members participated in the struggle of the Soviet people against the interventionists, White Guards and bandits. They fought heroically against the enemies: 19-year-old commander of the 30th division Albert Lapin, future writers Nikolai Ostrovsky and Arkady Gaidar, armored train commander Lyudmila Makiyevskaya, commissars Alexander Kondratiev and Anatoly Popov, leader of the Far Eastern Komsomol Vitaly Banevur and many others. The Komsomol fought selflessly behind enemy lines. In Odessa, the Komsomol underground numbered over 300 people, in Riga - about 200 people, underground Komsomol groups operated in Yekaterinodar (Krasnodar), Simferopol, Rostov-on-Don, Nikolaev, Tbilisi, etc. Many Komsomol members died a heroic death in battles to defend the conquests October revolution. In severe trials, the Komsomol got stronger and grew. Despite the huge sacrifices that he made on the fronts, his number increased 20 times: in October 1918 - 22,100, in October 1920 - 482,000. In commemoration of military merits on the fronts of the Civil War in the period 1919-20 against the troops of the White Guard generals of Kolchak , Denikin, Yudenich, the White Poles and Wrangel, the Komsomol in 1928 was awarded the Order of the Red Banner by a decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.

Komsomol members of the 20th year

Music: O. Feltsman Lyrics: V. Voinovich
Performed by: V. Troshin 1929-1941
After the Civil War, the Komsomol faced the task of preparing a working peasant youth to peaceful, constructive activity. In October 1920, the 3rd Congress of the RKSM was held. Lenin's speech at the congress on October 2, 1920, "The Tasks of Youth Unions," was the guide for the activities of the Komsomol. Lenin saw the main goal of the Komsomol in "... helping the party to build communism and helping the entire young generation to create a communist society." The Komsomol directed all its efforts to the restoration of the national economy destroyed during the war. Boys and girls participated in the restoration of factories in Petrograd, Moscow, the Urals, mines and factories in the Donbass, and the country's railways. In September 1920, the first All-Russian Youth Subbotnik was held. Komsomol members assisted the Soviet government in the fight against speculation, sabotage, and banditry. In 1929, the Komsomol carried out the first mobilization of youth for the new buildings of the 1st Five-Year Plan. More than 200,000 Komsomol members came to the construction sites with vouchers from their organizations. With the active participation of the Komsomol, the Dneproges, the Moscow and Gorky Automobile Plants, the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works were built, Railway Turksib and others. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on January 21, 1931, “for the initiative shown in the cause of shock work and socialist competition, ensuring the successful implementation of the five-year plan for the development of the national economy ...” Komsomol was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Far Eastern song

Music: B. Shikhov Lyrics: A. Pomorsky 1929
Performed by: VR&T Big Choir. Execution 1970 1941-1945
The Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 was a severe test for the entire Soviet people and its younger generation. The Komsomol, all Soviet youth, at the call of the Communist Party, came out to fight the Nazi invaders. Already in the first year of the war, about 2 million Komsomol members joined the ranks of the Red Army. Unprecedented courage, bravery, heroism were shown by Komsomol members, young men and women, defending Brest, Liepaja, Odessa, Sevastopol, Smolensk, Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Stalingrad, other cities and regions of the country from the enemy. Only the Komsomol organization of Moscow and the region in the first 5 months of the war sent over 300 thousand people to the front; 90% of the members of the Leningrad organization of the Komsomol fought against the Nazi invaders on the outskirts of the city of Lenin. Fearlessly, young partisans and underground fighters of Belarus, the occupied regions of the RSFSR, Ukraine, and the Baltic states acted behind enemy lines. Partisan detachments consisted of 30-45% Komsomol members. Unparalleled heroism was shown by members of the underground Komsomol organizations - the Young Guard (Krasnodon), the Partisan Spark (Nikolaev region), the Lyudinovo underground Komsomol group, and others. In 1941-45, about 12 million boys and girls joined the Komsomol. Of the 7 thousand Heroes of the Soviet Union under the age of 30, 3.5 thousand are Komsomol members (of which 60 are twice Heroes of the Soviet Union), 3.5 million Komsomol members were awarded orders and medals. The names of members of the Komsomol who fell in the fight against the fascist invaders: Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexander Chekalin, Liza Chaikina, Alexander Matrosov, Viktor Talalikhin and many others - have become a symbol of courage, courage, heroism. For outstanding services to the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War and for great work in education Soviet youth in the spirit of selfless devotion to the socialist Fatherland of the Komsomol, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on June 14, 1945, he was awarded the Order of Lenin.

("Goodbye, mother, do not grieve, do not be sad,
wish us a good journey")

Music: V. Solovyov-Sedoy Lyrics: A. Galich 1947
Performed by: KRAPPSA, solo. O. Razumovsky Execution 1950 1945-1948
The Komsomol has invested a great deal of work in restoring the national economy destroyed by the Nazi invaders, in the construction of Minsk, Smolensk, Stalingrad, in the restoration of Leningrad, Kharkov, Kursk, Voronezh, Sevastopol, Odessa, Rostov-on-Don and many other cities, in the revival of industry and cities of Donbass, Dneproges, collective farms, state farms and MTS. In 1948 alone, the youth built and put into operation 6,200 rural power stations. The Komsomol showed great concern for the placement of children and adolescents left without parents, for the expansion of the network of orphanages and vocational schools, and the construction of schools. In 1948, the Komsomol celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. On October 28, 1948, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR awarded the Komsomol with the second Order of Lenin.

Komsomol members
(Unforgettable song of the beautiful Stalin era.)

Music: A. Ostrovsky Lyrics: L. Oshanin
Performed by: I. D. Shmelev, Choir and Orc. p / at V.N. Knushevitsky Execution 1948.
The Komsomol took an active part in the implementation of the measures developed by the party to raise Agriculture. Thousands of young specialists, workers and employees, graduates of secondary schools were sent to state farms, collective farms, MTS. In 1954-55, more than 350,000 young people left on Komsomol vouchers to develop the virgin lands of Kazakhstan, Altai, and Siberia. Their work was a real feat. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, he was awarded the third Order of Lenin on November 5, 1956 for active participation in communist construction and especially for the development of virgin lands of the Komsomol.

Friends on the road!

Music: Anatoly Lepin Lyrics: Alexei Fatyanov 1959
Performed by: actor Leonid Kharitonov and others. Performed in 1959. 1956-1991
The scale of activity of the Komsomol in solving national economic problems has significantly expanded, in particular in the development of the wealth of Siberia, Far East and the Far North, in the redistribution of the country's labor resources. More than 70,000 All-Union detachments have been formed, and more than 500,000 young people have been sent to new buildings. With the most active participation of young people, about 1,500 important facilities were built and put into operation, including the largest in the world - the Bratsk hydroelectric power station, the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant, the Baikal-Amur Mainline named after Lenin Komsomol, the Druzhba oil pipeline, etc. The Komsomol sponsored 100 shock construction projects , including over the development of the unique oil and gas resources of the Tyumen and Tomsk region. Student construction teams have become a tradition of university Komsomol members. Millions of students took part in labor semesters. At the initiative of the Komsomol, the construction of youth residential complexes became widespread. Youth residential complexes have been built in 156 cities and regions of the country. The Komsomol is the initiator of all-Union campaigns to places of revolutionary, military and labor glory, in which millions of young men and women take part. The children's and youth competitions "Golden Puck", "Leather Ball", "Olympic Spring", "Neptune" and the all-Union military sports game "Zarnitsa" held by the Central Committee of the Komsomol have become truly massive. Komsomol and Soviet youth organizations cooperated with international, regional, national and local youth associations in 129 countries of the world. On July 5, 1956, the Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR was established; on May 10, 1958, the Sputnik International Youth Tourism Bureau was established. In four years, more than 22 million young people traveled around the country through Sputnik, and 1.7 million people went abroad. In 1968, for outstanding services and a great contribution of Komsomol members to the formation and strengthening of Soviet power, courage and heroism shown in battles with the enemies of the socialist Fatherland, active participation in the construction of socialism, for fruitful work on political education rising generations in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol was awarded the Order of the October Revolution.

Komsomol tradition

Music: O. Feltsman Lyrics: I. Shaferan
Performed by: Vladislav Lynkovsky Performed in 1968

October 29 - November 4
I Congress of the RKSM The unification of disparate youth organizations of a socialist and communist orientation into an all-Russian organization with a single center, working under the leadership of the RCP (b). The main principles of the program and the charter of the RKSM were adopted.
October 5 - 8
II Congress of the RKSM An appeal to the proletarian youth of the whole world with an appeal to create the Communist Youth International (KIM).
October 2 - 10
III Congress of the RKSM The tasks of socialist construction and communist education of the youth, restoration of the national economy destroyed during the war years were determined.
September 21 - 28
IV Congress of the RKSM
October 11 - 17
V Congress of the RKSM
July 12 - 18
VI Congress of the RKSM RKSM named after V. I. Lenin
March 11 - 22
VII Congress of the Komsomol Support for the party line in the fight against Trotskyism. RKSM renamed into VLKSM.
May 5 - 16
VIII Congress of the Komsomol
January 16 - 26
IX Congress of the Komsomol
April 11 - 21
X Congress of the Komsomol
March 29 - April 7
XI Congress of the Komsomol
March 19 - 27
XII Congress of the Komsomol
April 15 - 18
XIII Congress of the Komsomol
April 16 - 20
XIV Congress of the Komsomol The Charter of the Komsomol was adopted
May 17 - 21
XV Congress of the Komsomol
May 26 - 30
XVI Congress of the Komsomol
April 23 - 27
XVII Congress of the Komsomol
April 25 - 28
XVIII Congress of the Komsomol
May 18 - 21
XIX Congress of the Komsomol
April 15 - 18
XX Congress of the Komsomol
April 11 - 18
XXI Congress of the Komsomol
September 27 - 28
XXII Congress of the Komsomol

The Komsomol is a mass patriotic organization of the Soviet youth. There are no other examples in history of a youth movement that would reach more than 160 million people over the years of its existence and could boast of real achievements. Civil War, labor five-year plans, heroism during the Great Patriotic War, virgin lands, Komsomol shock construction projects - all this is the Komsomol. The birth of the Komsomol is not an act implanted from above, it is the unification of the energy and fervor of the hearts of young people who dream of being useful to their homeland.


The initiator and ideologist of the organizational completion of attempts to create numerous youth groups was V. I. Lenin. And they were created before the revolution. At first, youth primary organizations were formed within the party and united workers and students. It was the students who were the most revolutionary class of that time. During the period of Dual Power (February-October 1917), when history could unfold both towards the bourgeois and towards the socialist system, N. K. Krupskaya and V. I. Lenin developed a program of revolutionary youth associations.

IN major cities organizations were created that became the basis for creating a structure of an all-Russian scale. For example, the SSRM (Union of Socialist working youth) in Petrograd, approaching the birthday of the Komsomol.

Congress of Workers' and Peasants' Youth

At the height of the Civil War (1918), the first congress of delegates from scattered youth organizations throughout the country took place in Moscow. 176 people arrived from everywhere: from territories captured by the White Guards, as well as by the German army (Ukraine, Poland); from breakaway Finland and the self-proclaimed Baltic republics, as well as from Japanese-occupied Vladivostok. They were united by the desire to create a new power built on the principles of justice. The opening day of the congress (October 29) will go down in history as the birthday of the Komsomol, which united more than 22 thousand people.

In the adopted charter and program all-Russian organization it was said that it is independent, but operates under the direction of communist party which determined its ideological direction. The main speaker was Lazar Abramovich Shatskin, the author of the program. His name is little known in the country, because in years he will be shot for accusations of Trotskyism. Like many other first secretaries of the Central Committee, who headed the organization until

Symbols of the RKSM

The lists of delegates to the first congress have not been preserved even in the archives. Later, the task arose of identifying belonging to an organization that was called the RKSM (Russian Communist Youth Union). Already in 1919, Komsomol tickets appeared. In the conditions of the civil war, during which the Central Committee announced three mobilizations, they were kept and protected at the cost of their lives. A little later, the first icons appeared. Their release, at first in insufficient quantities, was handled by the Komsomol itself. The birth of the Komsomol was immortalized with four letters RKSM against the background of a flag with a star. Badges were also awarded to the best representatives of the organization.

Since 1922, a new uniform form has been approved with the abbreviation KIM, meaning youth. The form will also change in 1947, acquiring its final form only in 1956. It will already be handed over to all those joining the ranks of the organization along with a Komsomol ticket.

Tasks of the Komsomol

In 1920, the Civil War was still going on, but it became clear that the Red Army was winning. This set serious tasks for the Bolshevik Party to restore the destroyed economy, create the country's energy base and create a new society. The state needed competent personnel, so 2.10. 1920 at the next (III) congress of the Komsomol, V.I. Lenin, who defined the mission of the newly created organization: to study communism. It already included 482 thousand people.

In the year of the birth of the Komsomol, it was important to win, but now it was necessary to form the generation that was to live in different social conditions. The military front was to be replaced by the labor front. The grandiose accomplishments in the prewar years became possible thanks to the participation of working youth in collectivization, Komsomol construction sites, patronage of universal education, the movement of "thousanders" (who fulfilled the plan by 1000%) and obtaining a higher vocational education(workers' faculty). Many Western analysts believed that the success of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War became possible thanks to the upbringing of a person of a new formation, who puts the interests of the country above personal ones, in which the Komsomol succeeded.

The birth of the Komsomol: the name of V. I. Lenin

In January 1924, the country was shocked by the news of the death of V. I. Lenin, the leader of the world proletariat and the leader of the country. In the summer of the same year, the Congress (VI) of the RKSM was held, at which the issue of assigning the name of V. I. Lenin to the Komsomol was decided. The appeal spoke of a firm determination to live, fight and work in the Leninist way. His little book "The Tasks of Youth Unions" became a desktop for every Komsomol member.

Birthday Leninist Komsomol(12.07) added the letter "L" to the abbreviation of the name of the organization, and over the next two years it was referred to as the RLKSM.

Status of the all-Union organization

The date is 12/30/1922, when four republics became part of the union state: the RSFSR, the Byelorussian SSR, the Ukrainian SSR and the Transcaucasian SFSR. The status of the All-Union Komsomol organization received in 1926 at the VII Congress. The birthday of the Komsomol of the USSR is March 11, while the Komsomol of all union republics was preserved. Such a structure existed until the Komsomol was alive. The birth of the Komsomol in 1918 ended with its self-dissolution in September 1991, which is associated with the collapse of the Union. Despite the emergence of organizations that consider themselves the legal successors of the Komsomol - the Komsomol of the Russian Federation, the RKSM, the RKSM (b), there is no longer such a mass structure in the history of the country. In 1977, its members were 36 million people, almost the entire population of the country from 14 to 28 years old.

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