Label: demonic personality. divine and demonic natures What is a demonic personality

The hero of this film is a completely different kind of demonic personality!

The demonic personality walks around the supermarket. I stuck around for a long time at the department of cheeses, sausages, hurriedly slipped past the fruit shop, grabbed something, and went for a long time to the wine one. It stands there in front of a showcase of strong alcohol of world brands. The years, apparently, did not add to the demonic personality of the mind. Does he really expect that the cognac and whiskey in our stores are real? Fool, by God! If you want to get high quality - take vodka. Watch respectable, well-earned, but regular and hard drinking men - they, like animals - by methods rather empirical than heuristic, have calculated the most reliable brand. No... Ponte! He buys the "name" in which the ugly sivukha is packed in an obscure garage.
The demonic personality "lose weight." Not sugar, you see, life in the capital ... It was possible to show off here. Moscow not only tears, she does not believe in show-offs. I came to graze in freedom, to take a breath ...
Eh, mother! He took the cheese with the "Chranz" name. I would also like to know where they make it. And fruit, oh what fruit! They all grow in Brazil, where there are many wild monkeys. Later, wild monkeys pick them green and transport them to us, and with the help of the famous demonic personality of the gas, they give them the appearance of ripeness. They have an exclusively aesthetic value, because all the best fruits of Russia are called "apple", "pear" and "plum", and even, perhaps - "grapes".
The demonic person presents himself as a citizen of the world. The hero of a modern avant-garde novel in the noir style. In vain ... The classic is eternal: "Hamlet is fat and short of breath" ...

The demonic personality likes to combine a mate and a philosophical term in one phrase. By this sign, I always recognize the cheapest of the cheap, whose erudition is less than approximate, and even the vices are puffed up with outrageousness. In fact, such an "eclectic" in the years of youth and study from vices indulged only in laziness. And he makes himself look like he absorbed all the sorrow of the world through books. There is an old colloquial verb - "to be interested" - that's what he does.
The demonic personality has broken many hearts in cute Heloma. Amazing thing! I warmly relate to the wife and two mistresses of the hero, who fiercely hate each other because of jealousy for this piece of lard in chocolate. I know about a few more by hearsay, but I don’t know how many of them exist in nature.

All of them are beautiful, kind and pure in soul, and it is not their fault that they are gullible and not well-read. World literature, in general, is a powerful remedy against a particularly vile female "badass". You just need to read the classics, preferably Russian, French, English and German. Modern literature has brought the norm out of the category of worthy objects of the image, and reading the classics is difficult, sometimes even boring. Modern literature says - love is valuable in itself, wash your eyes with tears and be proud, falling in love with a good reliable guy is boring, you need to choose an original clever bastard who will shake your nerves, cheat on you in front of your nose, humiliate you, torment you, in processes " searching for yourself." Finding yourself before meeting you is the reason for predictability ... It's so boring, so banal!
Lovely animals - simple, ordinary, scary to say - normal - men who have "only one thing in their mind" the demonic personality bypasses at the corners of all love races. He brutally and tirelessly rapes the brain. On other fields, he does not compete.

The demonic personality roams the store in search of a way to assert itself. And devour. He cannot eat a piece of bread without showing off. He does not change only his unsatisfied jealous selfishness. Having tightened the fat body in black skin, the demonic personality, apparently, is going to visit ...
And she, who is waiting for him, is probably gentle and trembling, and the attention of the demonic personality raises her in her own eyes above the level of the gray norm. She waits and is proud of herself, poor...
And most likely, I know her. We all know each other. The city is small!

Depending on the control force, people are divided into 3 types of development level according to their spiritual and moral development:

  • 1 view - Trinity Man, in which the lower chakras are used, and the rest are not developed. At the heart of thinking is materialism, in its essence it is a slave of matter. He is aging quickly, because. does not receive additional energy from the Cosmos. Such a person has no connection with the Family, he is mortal, i.e. lives only once, not having the possibility of reincarnation in the World of Reveal. And after death he ends up in the lower worlds, which is why he is called once-living .
  • 2nd view - Septenary Man- is, in its essence, a Soul being. He is the master of his body, not its slave. A person, developing the upper chakras, becomes a creator. At the heart of his thinking is an idea, a thought. He can create, create. He begins to think about the Spirit, the Soul, becomes sensitive - he lives at the level of feelings. Capable of self-sacrifice, which a person of the previous species is not capable of.

Such a type of person is on the border between Spiritual “life” and “death”, and which way he will go from this border depends on him. They say about such people that they are given freedom of choice, i.e. they have the opportunity after physical death to continue their Path of Spiritual Development, or to degrade, dropping to a lower level. Such a person is called twice-born , i.e. born in the body and the Spirit.

  • 3rd view - transcendent man, it is called - Spiritual, with harmoniously developed energy centers, knowing itself and the surrounding Worlds, is essentially immortal. This level of development included all representatives of the Slavic-Aryan peoples who lived according to the laws of their Ancestors.

The vast majority of people in the modern world belong to the first type, which makes modern society - unspiritual, i.e. manageable. This category includes the following types of people:

  • 1. Instinctive.

First of all, it is passive and lives at the level of instincts, therefore people of this type are usually called instinctive people or an instinctive type. Such a type passively performs his habitual work or someone else's Will, but never acts on his own. This is a man - a machine, forever in a somnambulistic dream. Primitive feelings represent the only way to communicate with his psyche. The highest pleasure for him, for example, is alcohol intoxication.

This type can respond to sensory perceptions only by manifesting natural needs. In all his actions he will be guided only by purely animal motives, and the ideal of his life can only be food, drink, sex and sleep.

  • 2. Sentimental (sensual).

He has more developed feelings, this type is higher in level than the previous one. This type usually includes factory workers or artisans. Sensory perception arouses a corresponding need in him, but this excitement does not last long - instead, passion comes, which begins to control him, because sensitivity (sentimentality) will inevitably come into its own. Innate Inclinations: Able, more or less, to develop under the influence of his free Will. In all ongoing processes, sensitivity plays a major role. This type loves cheerful music and romances. The highest pleasure for his childishly naive character is love, as well as a cheerful company, boating on the river with music, driving cars, outdoor recreation, and other entertainment events. Women occupy the first place in the life of such a person, and for women of this type - the highest ideal is a beloved man. This passionate type has great advantages but no less disadvantages. And yet, he is capable of tremendous development with the appropriate life regime. Sensitive people (sentimental), as a rule, believe that the whole world exists so that they spend their time in festivities and luxury. The highest achievement for them is the thought “where to get money” in order to provide a holiday for themselves. And whatever they can earn or get, they spend on sense gratification, i.e. people live only to lead an idle way of life (all the time one feeling). But if you create a mode for them, they begin to develop, and can move to the next type.

  • 3. Intellectual (Rational automaton).

A representative of this type usually does not drink, unless it is accepted in the office where he works or serves, he is also not fond of women. People of this type marry early and lead a correct life (i.e., their own wife is at home, someone else's is not needed). They say about such people: rational, balanced, businesslike, but this is not a person, but a machine. His feelings barely touched the sleeping Truth, and a little more he developed on sentimental soil. His whole being is concentrated in the intellectual sphere, where exact calculation replaces Love for him. Calculating various trifles is the best occupation for him. His best entertainment, often turning into passion, is not wine and women (because there is nothing to calculate here), but a card game or a roulette bet. The main spring that moves his intellect is numbers. This is the reason for the accuracy of calculating actions at the appointed minute and second. Money issues occupy the main place in his existence, and his life path seems to him to be a flat road lined with shining milestones, on which peculiar signs are fixed with the inscriptions: “300 rubles”, “400 rubles”, “800 rubles”, “ 900 rubles”, “1200 rubles.” and so on. And at the end of the road the last pillar with the inscription: "His Excellency." His whole life flows between the very first pillar and the pillar, which says: "The rank is his Excellency."

And then the expected bliss begins, calculated and weighed in advance, his paradise is a dacha with a cottage and a front garden.

This subject is presented as a kind of “reasoning machine” built by the state for its own purposes, and very useful for society in its present state, since the abilities developed in it by strict teachers through punishment belong to the highest of the rational forms that a person is capable of ( deduction, analysis, comparison, memory, etc.). That is, it is not a personality that is brought up in it, but a living biocomputer. Occasionally, when he remains single, at the same time as he retires or retires, his creative and mental activity ceases and ends in old age with complete stupefaction.

All of the above listed types of people do not carry either the Spiritual or Soul potential of their people, which leads to its degradation and disappearance. The development of the person himself begins when he becomes Free (having Will), i.e. type four person.

  • 4. Man of Will.

The Man of Will can act directly on reflexes: instinctive, sensual and intellectual, and control them. He can also influence other people and Nature by means of a look, word or movement. he accepts and reveals in himself the wild power of Nature. He looks at the path of life that is spread out before him as hiding dangers to be avoided, and, accordingly, he manages his own life.

The Man of Will leans on and controls the man-machine. Being aware by external senses of the state of the world around him and of the state of his organism, he has, among other things, at his disposal a nervous system that allows him to speed up or immediately stop his actions, and start others at will. He fights with Nature as with his equal: he destroys forests, builds beautiful cities in their place and creates countless inventions. They are the result of the manifestation of his imagination at Will. All inventions make life more pleasant for him, but at the same time more dangerous - for the world around him. This man is a pioneer of both the material and the ideal world, an inventor, the founder of cities, the first explorer. If necessary, he will always be able to abstain, suffer or even die for his idea. Due to the fact that he commands his body, and does not obey him. He is the master of his body, not its slave.

The Man of Will actively uses his thinking. And the very process of his thinking consists in the mental processing of an idea generated by perception. Here come into action faculties, not equally developed in different people, which turn an idea into a thought, and a thought into a judgment. In any of the above facts, the Will is the determining link. In the presence of Will, the Soul is able to purify, brighten and develop, which leads to the strengthening of the Spirit of man, as well as to the emergence of Conscience as the highest control system. That is, it contributes to the harmonious development of the (four-sided) human system fig. 8:

There is a saying in the modern world: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. But this is not entirely correct, our Ancestors said: A healthy, strong Spirit creates a pure Soul and a healthy body.

The four types of man considered make up the overwhelming majority of modern representatives of the white peoples. But in ancient times, the Slavs and Aryans belonged both to the ninth type (Spiritual), and higher - up to the sixteenth. A person belonging to the sixteenth type was called ace(Az), i.e. God living on Earth.

At birth, a white person belongs to the third level (type 8-9), and in the process of development, from childhood, he rose to the level of Ases. In the modern world, everything happens the other way around: from birth, a person begins to degrade, and by a venerable age, he often descends to the lowest level - an instinctive person (type 1).

Our Ancestors classified all levels as follows:

  • 1st category - inhabitant(once-living)
  • 2nd category - people(twice born)
  • 3rd category - Human (forehead- thought, century- time, i.e. thinking in time is immortal).

In addition, there is an opposite of these categories:

Undead, Inhumans and Imps are the Outlanders from the Inferno World and their descendants, who are practically not amenable to Spiritual Revival. They deny everything that does not correspond to their idea of ​​\u200b\u200blife. In social life, there are many of them among politicians, big businessmen, they are also maniacs, thieves, murderers and their patrons.

The degree of human development is also influenced by various sound frequencies that affect the chakras (energy systems) - both negatively and positively. Also, music best perceived by a person determines the degree of his development. To find out more about a person, they ask him: “What kind of music do you like?”

More developed people like to listen to rock - music, because. the impact of this music reaches the creative chakra "Percy". Here we mean: rock ballads, "Folk" (ethnic, in rock - processing) and classical rock music (with elements of symphonic music). The rest of rock music has a negative effect on the chakras.

Even higher in terms of development are people who prefer to listen to symphonic music (classics). it affects all chakras up to the 8th chakra "Chelo".

Only folk (ethnic) music and chants affect the higher chakras, Soul and Spirit of a person.

Various modern music: rap, techno, electronic, etc., affects the human energy system negatively and contributes to its degradation.

Thus, in order to develop, you need to instill in yourself a love for the music and chants of your people.

Approximately, music can be classified according to the level of positive influence on the development of a white person as follows:

Code of the Spirit Warrior, Soul Warrior
Since the total energy field of the energies of the Divine Love of mankind has weakened, the non-humanoid energies penetrated into the physical world of mankind without transformations, having built their non-humanoid technocratic civilization in the human World, Reality, in which people are basically just zombies who have forgotten that they are human beings who have their own Divine destiny.

To control the functioning of their technocratic civilization, non-humanoid energies in the human World, Realities formed a global Ego-system, and to control the behavior of people, they introduced individual Egos into their physical bodies, which are energy matrices formed from non-humanoid qualities(fear, aggression, envy, pity, hatred, resentment, greed, etc., etc.), the core of which is energy biocomputers, the so-called Personalities, which are filled with programs-stereotypes of behavior.

In the human World, Reality technocratic civilization can only exist at the expense of consumerism, i.e. due to the life force of people, humanity and the World itself, Reality. Initially, the task of the Ego-system itself, as well as individual Egos, was precisely to ensure that through non-humanoid qualities, through enmity, struggle and murder, destroying people, humanity, the Earth, the human World,

Reality, using their life Force, to ensure the existence of a non-humanoid world.

At the same time, to control people, the Ego-system formed virtual reality, in which, using Personalities, and placed people. In this selfish virtual reality, the Ego system has modeled for people their pseudo-existence, in which the main values ​​are pleasure, money and power. Involved in the pursuit of the illusory values ​​of the Ego-system, people turned into simple executors of the program for building a technocratic civilization of non-humanoids and forgot their Divine destiny, according to which they must build, develop and improve your human Reality.

If it were not for the impact of the Great Divine Forces on the processes taking place in the human World, Reality, then those zombies into which people have turned in pursuit of power, money and pleasures would have destroyed their own World, Reality, and themselves long ago.

To ensure the process of development and improvement of people, humanity and the human World, Reality, taking into account the fact that the physical world is filled with non-humanoid energies and there is an Ego-system in it, the Absolute Deity also created the Force of Karma to help the Force of Doom.

Karma serves Fate and is intended, on the one hand, to ensure the interaction of Personalities, i.e. biocomputers, with each other and, on the other hand, through the formation of situations, direct egoists, zombies of the Ego-system, onto the path of development and improvement.

The Absolute Deity, having intervened in the Being of the human World, Reality, corrected the program of functioning of individual Egos, egregors (pyramidal social systems built on the summation of individual Egos) and the Ego-system as a whole. In accordance with the new program, the Ego-system, egregors and individual Egos perform the functions of Guardians of the future of humanity.

This was done because people themselves let non-humanoid energies into their human world, turned themselves into biorobots of a technocratic civilization, and therefore they themselves must clean up their own house and begin to fulfill their Divine destiny.

Previously, individual Egos, egregors and the Ego system, with their non-humanoid qualities, states and aspirations, were deployed to the outside world in order to exist on their own due to the consumption of its vital Force. At the same time, individual Egos of people sought to exist at the expense of the life force of other people. Family, tribal, clan and tribal egregores, egregors of nationalities, peoples and states, through robbery and violence, sought to strengthen themselves at the expense of other states, peoples and nationalities, clans, clans and families. The ego-system as a whole, at the expense of humanity and the Earth, ensured the existence of a non-humanoid world.

With the introduction of a new program of functioning, individual Egos, egregors and the Ego-system became closed on themselves. This means that non-humanoid consumer and robber aspirations primarily affect the carrier of the Ego itself: individual, group and general.

For an individual person identified with his Personality and a single Ego, this is manifested in the fact that his desire to consume the world at the expense of non-humanoid qualities: aggression, greed, envy, etc., leads primarily to the destruction of his own being, including physical body, with the very egoistic qualities with which he wanted to consume other people.

Moreover, the stronger the non-humanoid aspirations of a person, the more actively he self-destructs. At the same time, individual Egos, in accordance with the Divine Will, are also annihilated, turning into neutral energy, which is directed to strengthen the human World, Reality.

A similar self-destruction occurs for all types of egregors: from family, tribal, tribal, clan, social group, religious, etc., etc., to the Ego system as a whole. A person who seeks to build for himself and his children a “happy non-humanoid future” at the expense of consumerism, money-grubbing and theft from other people, is actually engaged in the destruction of his own future, the future of his children and his Family. Therefore, the Law of Justice for people who have become slaves of the non-humanoid world manifests itself as the Law of Retribution.

The essence of the Law of Retribution lies in the fact that each egoist has such a degree and nature of self-destruction that is directly proportional to his desire to destroy the world around him. The Law of Retribution is implemented by the Power of Karma, which includes egoists and egregors in such relationships in which they mutually destroy each other.

**- It is better for a person to sleep at midnight, when he is as far from the Sun as possible on Earth, and to stay awake during the day, when he is as far as possible "To live here and now" means a purely concrete state, when the tension of the past and the tension of the future release a person and he enters

It's time to talk about the devices used in infrasonic energy. In the classification of receivers (Fig. 65), they are separated into a separate group. Don't think, if they are called "receivers", then they only receive energy. Any receiver not only receives energy, but also re-radiates it. For example, a radio receiver receives electromagnetic energy and emits sound energy. Sound macros. The pyramid is an amplifying element included in the device, and if there is an internal positive feedback (POS), it can be a generator of octave energies. The pyramid uses infrasonic (vibrational, RE octave energy) flow, usually a river (RE Rolling) or wind (Upper Ty Re), it is also a power supply

Three-dimensional rock infrasound information receivers. Volumetric rock receivers, unlike volumetric tuning fork receivers, are usually built on the surface of the earth. They do not have a dromos (underground antenna). The role of the antenna is performed by the heterogeneity of the infrasound propagation medium - a fault, a ridge, a mountain, a river. The direction of the inhomogeneity should be at an angle of 20-60° to the infrasound source. That is, it is possible to build such a receiver only in places where infrasonic waves from the signal source are somehow concentrated. An example of pseudo-dome receivers on a geological fault is the Etruscan tumuli near Cerveti in Italy. Here, many receivers stretched out in a line in the direction of the geological fault. The main task for building volumetric

Information (energy) receivers Information infrasonic wave receivers are designed to receive energy transmitted via the infrasonic interface. They work on the principle of resonators, which allow you to amplify the signal received by the antennas. With the help of a secondary resonator, the infrasonic signal is converted into a given sound range. According to the type of antennas used, they are divided into two large groups: - Resonant resonators with monolithic rock antennas: As an antenna, a natural rock monolith is usually used, located in a certain way to the infrasound transmitter. A cavity resonator is built on this monolith, with the help of which they receive data from the vibration of the monolith. - Resonant resonators with tuning fork antennas: The second type of antenna is the tuning fork

A demonic woman differs from an ordinary woman primarily in her manner of dressing. She wears a black velvet cassock, a chain on her forehead, a bracelet on her leg, a ring with a hole “for potassium cyanide, which will certainly be sent to her next Tuesday”, a stiletto behind her collar, a rosary on her elbow and a portrait of Oscar Wilde on her left garter.
She also wears ordinary items of ladies' toiletry, but not in the place where they are supposed to be. So, for example, a demonic woman will allow herself to wear a belt only on her head, an earring on her forehead or on her neck, a ring on her thumb, a watch on her leg.
At the table, the demonic woman does not eat anything. She never eats at all.
- For what?
The public position of a demonic woman can occupy the most diverse, but for the most part she is an actress.
Sometimes just a divorced wife.
But she always has some kind of secret, some sort of tear, some kind of gap, which cannot be talked about, which no one knows and should not know.
- For what?
Her eyebrows are raised in tragic commas and her eyes are half-lowered.
To the cavalier, who is seeing her off the ball and having a languid conversation about aesthetic erotica from the point of view of an erotic esthete, she suddenly says, trembling with all the feathers on her hat:
“Let’s go to church, my dear, let’s go to church, hurry, hurry, hurry.” I want to pray and weep before the dawn breaks.
The church is closed at night.
The amiable gentleman offers to sob right on the porch, but it has already died out. She knows that she is cursed, that there is no escape, and bows her head obediently, burying her nose in a fur scarf.
- For what?
The demonic woman always feels the desire for literature.
And often secretly writes short stories and poems in prose. She doesn't read them to anyone.
- For what?
But he casually says that the well-known critic Alexander Alekseevich, having mastered her manuscript with danger to his life, read it and then sobbed all night and even, it seems, prayed - the latter, however, is not certain. And two writers predict a great future for her if she finally agrees to publish her works.
But the public will never be able to understand them, and it will not show them to the crowd.
- For what?
And at night, left alone, she unlocks the desk, takes out sheets carefully copied on a typewriter, and for a long time rubs the words drawn with an eraser:
"Return", "To return".
I saw the light at five o'clock in the morning in your window.
Yes, I worked.
- You are ruining yourself! Expensive! Take care of yourself for us!
- For what?
At a table laden with delicious things, she lowers her eyes, drawn by an irresistible force to the jellied pig.
“Marya Nikolaevna,” her neighbor says to the hostess, a simple, not demonic woman, with earrings in her ears and a bracelet on her hand, and not in any other place. - Marya Nikolaevna, give me some wine, please.
The demonic will close her eyes with her hand and speak hysterically:
- Guilt! Guilt! Give me wine, I'm thirsty! I will thread! I drank yesterday! I drank the third day and tomorrow ... yes, and tomorrow I will drink! I want, I want, I want wine!
Strictly speaking, why is it tragic that a lady drinks a little for three days in a row? But the demonic woman will be able to arrange things in such a way that everyone's hair on their heads will move.
- Drinking.
- How mysterious!
- And tomorrow, he says, I will drink ...
A simple woman will start to have a snack, she will say:
- Marya Nikolaevna, please, a piece of herring. I love onions.
The demonic one will open her eyes wide and, looking into space, will yell:
- Herring? Yes, yes, give me herrings, I want to eat herring, I want, I want. Is that an onion? Yes, yes, give me onions, give me a lot of everything, everything, herring, onions, I want to eat, I want vulgarity, rather ... more ... more, look everyone ... I eat herring!
In essence, what happened?
Just played out the appetite and pulled on salty! And what an effect!
- You heard? You heard?
“Don't leave her alone tonight.
- And the fact that she will probably shoot herself with this very cyanide potassium, which they will bring to her on Tuesday ...
There are unpleasant and ugly moments in life when an ordinary woman, stupidly resting her eyes on the bookcase, crumples a handkerchief in her hands and says with trembling lips:
- I, as a matter of fact, not for long ... only twenty-five rubles. I hope that next week or January... I will be able to...
The demonic one will lie down on the table with her chest, rest her chin with both hands and look straight into your soul with mysterious, half-closed eyes:
Why am I looking at you? I will tell you. Listen to me, look at me ... I want - do you hear? – I want you to give it to me now – do you hear? - now twenty-five rubles. I want it. Do you hear? Want. So that it is you, namely me, who will give me exactly twenty-five roubles. I want! I'm a wvvvar!… Now go… go… don't turn around, leave quickly, quickly… Ha-ha-ha!
Hysterical laughter should shake her whole being, even both beings - hers and his.
“Hurry… hurry, without looking back… go away forever, for life, for life… Ha-ha-ha!”
And he will be “shaken” by his being and will not even realize that she simply intercepted a quarter from him without recoil.
- You know, she was so strange today ... mysterious. She told me not to turn around.
- Yes. There is a sense of mystery here.
“Perhaps… she fell in love with me…”
– ?
- Mystery!
(Nadezhda Teffi))))))))))))))))))))))))

Krishna says that those who have a demonic nature are not very intelligent. They are trying to get the maximum possible enjoyment from material nature, although this is not possible. Their plans will never come true. The Bhagavad Gita calls demonic people stupid because they are forced to pursue goals that are doomed in advance.

Constantly trying to raise the standard of sensory life, they are forced to encourage more and more new technical inventions and in doing so they think that they are making progress. However, Krishna states that this is aimed at losing oneself and destroying the world. Vivid examples of this are the emptiness of modern people and the invention of all kinds of means of mass destruction.

"Taking refuge in insatiable lust and consumed by vanity, pride and false prestige, the demon thus in illusion is always attracted by impure activities, tempted by the impermanent."
Bhagavad-gita 16.10

Since the demonic person essentially worships his material senses, his needs are constantly growing and he will never be able to satisfy them. He is unable to understand that being attracted by the transitory, he is in an illusion. Demons also create their own invented value systems and their own "religions" that are not consistent with scripture or common sense. Often such people become artificially elevated to the "elite" of society.

“They believe that the satisfaction of the senses is the main need of human civilization. Thus, for the rest of their lives, their anxieties are immeasurable. Bound by a network of hundreds of thousands of desires and absorbed in lust and anger, they earn money illegally for sense gratification.
Bhagavad-gita 16.11-12

A demonic person believes that he is the central figure in all creation, thus he deprives himself of the opportunity to come into religion. He believes that there is no soul and that matter is all there is, although he is unable to prove this either theoretically or practically. And she likes to think that there is no Oversoul who is the witness of everything. Thus, he is forced to do all sorts of heinous acts. Rolling downhill and becoming more and more bound by various insurmountable circumstances, he nevertheless believes that he has achieved an extraordinary development and freedom.

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