Children of Marina Vladi. The tragic fate of the men of Marina Vladi. "Wolf Hunt", female version

On November 24-25, the Parisian auction house Drouot will auction the manuscripts of Vladimir Vysotsky, his death mask and photographs from the personal archive of the French actress and last wife of the outstanding actor and poet Marina Vladi. Vysotsky’s second wife Lyudmila Abramova told us how she felt about the situation with the sale of relics.

Marina Vladi

Marina Vladi herself explained her step by saying that she was moving from a large house in the city of Maisons-Laffitte to the suburbs of Paris, where she would live in a small apartment. So you will have to part with some valuable things, paintings, sculptures and books. At the cultural center-museum of Vladimir Vysotsky in Moscow, which is headed by the son of the famous bard Nikita Vysotsky, they dream of purchasing rarities from Vladimir’s collection, but there is no money for this. You can only count on the help of philanthropists or the state.

Actress Lyudmila Abramova, Vysotsky’s second wife, mother of his sons Arkady and Nikita, until recently she worked in the museum named after her husband, conducting amazing excursions that became a philosophical conversation about life and art.

- What can be done to get Marina Vladi’s archive?

His fate depends entirely on Marina's mood. And, as I understand, hers is not the best, since she decided to sell her personal belongings.

Marina is in a difficult situation. And it is her personal business how to dispose of her property. Don't forget that she will turn 77 on May 9th. I don't have any ill feelings towards her.

I don’t want anyone to have a bad attitude towards Marina. Her second husband was wonderful person. Their family helped the unfortunate Andrei Tarkovsky when he ended up in Paris. Marina’s husband operated on him, treated him, and did everything possible to ease his suffering. They carried Tarkovsky in their arms difficult years emigration.

As for Volodya’s manuscripts, they will eventually all come to the museum. It's unavoidable. But you will have to pay dearly for them. If we had any money in the museum, we would buy all of Volodya’s archives.

- Why do you think Marina Vladi took this extreme step?

You have to, excuse me, eat something and help your sons, who are also beggars. She saved everything, did not burn or throw away a single manuscript. But we know examples when wives famous people their diaries were burned.

I really don’t want to harm Marina. IN last days I feel a piercing pain for her and what is happening. And I can't help you. There is no need to explain how museum workers are paid here. Shish with butter. Now, unfortunately, even Volodya’s friends like Misha Shemyakin have no money. His exhibitions cost him terribly dearly.

Death mask of Vladimir Vysotsky.

- What kind of death mask does Marina keep? Are there several of them?

The mask in this case is not the most important thing. Main mask is kept in our museum - the one that the sculptor Yura Vasiliev bequeathed to me when he died. He was the husband of my childhood friend.

Elya, with whom we lived in the same building, married Yurochka Vasilyev, who worked as an artist in the theater for many years. And he firmly told her: “As soon as I die, take the mask to Lucy.” Which is what she did.

I don’t know what kind of mask Marina is wearing. Possibly plaster. But maybe silver. Let him sell it. Not scary. Previously, we were afraid that the mask would go from hand to hand and end up at the market. There were several copies. From the very beginning, Yurochka Vasiliev made a mask for Yuri Lyubimov, Marina Vladi and a third one for himself. Even Volodya’s mother, Nina Maksimovna, didn’t have it. Then I made a mask for Valera Zolotukhin, who gave it to us for our exhibitions.

If Marina still has the silver mask, then God grant that she gets paid well for it.

- So, the handwritten text of Vysotsky’s poem is of greatest value?

Letters. Marina had more than two hundred of them. Some of the letters were stolen in the hope of big money. But these people are silent. At one time, the correspondence was kept in Moscow, in a dacha, under the fence of which collectors walked day and night.

I feel sorry for Marina. Her life gradually twisted into a tight knot of failures and troubles. The first family of her late surgeon husband left her nothing except two or three books that were in the apartment. Her children also have nothing to eat.

- Isn’t it just our actors who are in dire straits?

That's it. What can I offer her? Touring around Russia? But it’s still pennies and a terrible humiliation, because now no one likes to pay for anything. She will be invited to some nasty presentations with drinks, so that she can tell something and sing in between. But she will commit suicide from such work. Our actors can endure this because they have unspoiled pride. And Marina will simply die.

The temperamental beauty (she took the pseudonym in memory of her father, opera artist Vladimir Polyakov-Baidarov) was married four times

Marina's first husband was an actor and director of Azerbaijani-Iranian origin Robert Hossein. He became a star after the role of Geoffrey de Peyrac in the trilogy about Angelica, where he shone with Michel Mercier. The first time Robert saw Marina was when she was 11 years old and he was 20 (he was friends with her older sister).

Even then she was devilishly beautiful! - recalls the Frenchman.

When the girl turned 16, Robert completely lost his head.

OSSAIN became famous for his love scenes with Michelle MERCIER in the films about Angelique

I did everything to please her, but Marina, even when we became close, just laughed at me: “You’re not my type. So that I can become your wife, scoop up the ocean with a spoon!” - Ossein shared. - She gave up after two years. I was an absolutely happy man. But not for long. We lived in a house with her family. Sometimes it seemed like I was married to all four sisters at the same time.

Marina gave birth to two sons from Robert. The youngest - Peter (Pierre) lives in the south of France; he is a guitarist and balalaika player. The eldest, Igor, became heavily addicted to drugs at the age of 15 and plunged into his own world: he lived in Polynesia, painted pictures there. When he was 40, a terrible accident happened: Igor and his friends were standing on the side of the road, and suddenly a car drove into them at high speed. The man remained disabled forever.

Oncologist SCHWARZENBERG died of liver cancer

The Doctor and Death

Vladi’s second husband was a pilot and owner of an airline in Africa. Jean-Claude Brouillet. In this marriage Vladimir was born. In 1970 she married Vysotsky, and a year after his death she met an oncologist Leon Schwarzenberg, who died of liver cancer in 2003. By the way, Express Gazeta was the first Russian media to report their romance.

The director introduced Marina and Leon Andrei Tarkovsky, who was his patient. Schwarzenberg was then treating Marina’s mother and sister for cancer. And the actress was under his supervision during the severe depression after Vysotsky’s death. Moreover, it coincided that at that time the doctor left the family, leaving his wife and son his home.

VLADI's second husband was a former pilot

Vladi took him in as a friend. But pretty quickly they began to fall asleep and wake up in the same bed. Leon never objected if Marina played Vysotsky’s records, and did not demand that his portrait be removed from the wall.

For promoting euthanasia - the painless killing of hopeless patients with their consent - Schwarzenberg lost his position as the French Minister of Health. He was also accused of bribery. And Marina always warmly supported her husband.

“This is all real bullying,” she said. - I live with this man and I know what he breathes!

Naughty panties

The death of her husband crippled the actress.

Leon was ill for a long time and left very difficult, the emigrant told us Tatiana Maret-Froloff. - Marina selflessly looked after him. It seems that his and Marinino’s hearts stopped at the same time. She lost the meaning of life. I started drinking seriously. She closed herself off in her own world. Robert Hossein supported her and called her constantly. Apparently, his feelings for Marina have not dulled over the years. I'm really sorry for Ossein. He suffered terribly after the divorce. I met him many times, and he never said a bad word about Marinka. It was clear that he didn't need anyone except her. Did she need him? At 17 years old - yes! And when I no longer needed it, I quit. I went on a spree. And for that she was punished - by loneliness. She never really found her female happiness.

Our family was always in the house Polyakovs. Dad sometimes sat at the card table with the head of the clan. These were wonderful evenings: they played the piano, sang Russian and gypsy romances. And what borscht with sour cream they served us!

Marina Vladi was just Marinka back then. I liked one of her sisters better - Melitsa. A kind, open girl, she remained that way until her death. Grief that she died tragically: she fell down the stairs and was never able to get up. Thrombus - and death.

Four daughters of an opera star and ballerina (Marina - right)

Marina has always been daring. The entire Polyakov family was creative: the mother was a ballerina, the father sang romances. And they forced their daughters to dance. Marinka especially liked this. She always danced with elements of striptease. And her parents encouraged it, they wanted them to beautiful daughter became famous and acted in films. I remember one Christmas holiday well. Marinka was wearing a blue dress with a blue bow at the waist. When she danced, she lifted her dress and legs so high that her naughty panties were visible.

And she did it deliberately. The adults clapped and praised her. She learned to seduce very early the right men, and becoming an actress was her calling.

All four daughters were not allowed to eat sweets or starchy foods, so I secretly brought them candy. Melitsa ate them with pleasure, but Marinka never did. One day she even called me a fat bun and threatened that she would tell everything to my mother if I continued to bring them chocolate. I only realized later that she really wanted sweets, but she couldn’t afford it. She dreamed of dancing.

After dragging Marina into bed, Vladimir won a box of vodka

Vysotsky’s friend, actor Igor Pushkarev, said:

Volodya got along with Marina on a bet. She filmed in the Soviet Union Yutkevich in the film "Plot for a short story" We were very proud then - how! - Marina Vladi - Polyakova, she's one of ours. For Soviet cinema, such shootings were almost the first. But when the newspapers trumpeted that the Frenchwoman had arrived with her lover - some Romanian, and even with children and servants, it came as a shock. They lived in different hotels in luxury rooms. Because that’s what a Western star’s rank was supposed to be.

Volodka, when he found out about everything, immediately said: “I’ll fuck Marina!” - “Are you crazy?” - we - friends - shouted. And they argued! For a box of vodka.

Volodka won the argument beautifully. He not only slept with Marina, took her away from the Romanian, but also became her husband.

A million for memory

In November 2015, Marina VLADI auctioned off a lot of memorabilia. The auction took place at the largest Parisian auction house Drouot.

The catalog “Memories of Vladimir Vysotsky and Marina Vladi” described 197 lots. The most valuable items that went under the hammer were:

  • the bard's last poem, written on June 11, 1980, is 252 000 Euro;
  • artist's death mask made of silver and bronze alloy - 69 300 Euro;
  • platinum ring with diamond from Cartier - 32 760 Euro.

The last verse sold at auction for 252 thousand euros

They were purchased by a Ural businessman Andrey Gavrilovsky. And exhibited it at the Vysotsky Museum in Yekaterinburg. Vladi was so inspired by this man that she decided to donate part of her personal archive to his museum. These are more than 100 documents, photographs from family album, personal letters. And also a Cartier watch, given to Vladimir Semenovich by her second husband - Jean- Claude Brouillet while traveling to Haiti.

Several works by the artist were also sold at a Paris auction that day. Mikhail Shemyakin. The most expensive was the watercolor “Wolfhound and Woman” with the master’s autograph. She left for 7500 euros.

Among the books, the greatest interest aroused Dictionary with illustrations Pablo Picasso- it was sold for 4000 euros.

Behind 9500 euros bought a series of photographs of Vladimir Semenovich, taken during tests for the film “Catherine II and Pugachev,” in which the poet never played.

IN total Marina earned a million euros in one evening!

Of course, the 77-year-old woman was immediately accused of commercialism, but she said that it was not about money, but about moving - Marina was moving from a large country house to a small Parisian apartment, and that’s why she was getting rid of the excess.

“I’m turning my life around and rushing into the future,” she said then in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

This woman is known to us as the wife of Vladimir Vysotsky. In Europe, everything is exactly the opposite: the bard Vysotsky was known only as the husband of the legendary Marina Vladi. This year the actress turned 74 years old.

“For some, 70 years is like a blink of an eye. And for me - many, many lives,” admits Vladi. “Each of them is a colossal amplitude of happiness and tragedy.” The actress is not lying. This woman had to endure an incredible number of losses and disappointments. Here are just some sketches from her amazing fate.

Life First: The Witch

“Marina was not a beauty. But there was something about her that smitten any man at first sight,” this is how actor and director Marcello Mastroianni recalled about young Vladi. They met on the set of the film “Black Feathers”. Marina was barely 15, Marcello was already 27. “He taught me my first lessons in flirting,” the actress recalls flirtatiously. Well, Mastroianni’s friends insist that he, an experienced heartthrob by that time, had completely lost his head. Marcello carried the girl in his arms, introduced her to the movie crowd...

And in return he received a broken heart: the flighty teenage young lady, having enjoyed the attention of her famous partner, switched to another object - the handsome Marlon Brando. Marlon turned out to be more restrained than Mastroianni: “Alas, we didn’t have a real romance,” Vladi admitted.

However, it was not her habit at that time to worry about men. After the film “The Witch” (in which Vladi played the witch Olesya from Kuprin’s story), this nickname stuck to the actress: “The girl is really a witch. Turn the heads of so many men!” - they whispered at the movie party. Not in vain. Marina managed to make even famous directors Orson Welles and Jean-Luc Godard fall in love with her: both offered her their hand and heart. But the girl chose actor Robert Hossein.

Second life: how Marina did not become Angelica

She was 17, he was 28. The heroine of “The Witch” and the hero of “Angelique” (Robert Hossein became famous for the role of Count Geoffrey de Peyrac) during five years of marriage were considered one of the most beautiful couples French cinema. True, the actress flatly refused to play Angelica herself, although she was the first to be offered the role of “Marquise of Angels.”

Why did you refuse? They say that despite the passion, the spouses could not stay with each other for long. Love quickly grew into scandals. After giving birth to two sons, Igor and Peter, Marina and Robert separated. And it was very bad: over the next many years they experienced real hatred for each other.

Life Three: “I’m Dying Again”

“I will never get married!” - after the divorce from the “count” the young maximalist promised. But she didn’t keep her promise. Her second husband was test pilot, owner of an airline in Africa, Jean-Claude Brouillet. They say that Marina could not resist the aura of heroic romance. From Jean-Claude, the actress gave birth to another son, Vladimir. And then the couple quietly and peacefully separated.

By that time, Vladi had matured. She was no longer interested in fleeting romances, and she was fed up with fans. Therefore, in the late 1960s, she gladly accepted the invitation of Soviet director Sergei Yutkevich to participate in his film. “I'm flying to Moscow. I hope I can take a break from parties and gentlemen there,” she said.

Vladi arrived in the USSR with her mother and three sons. The actress expected to stay in the country of “felt boots and bears” for no more than a couple of months, but having met Vladimir Vysotsky, she stayed for 12 years. Dozens of books have been written about that novel. Here's what the actress herself recalls:

  • “Vladimir was the greatest passion of my life. Of course, I loved other men too. But love, passion, that’s him.”
  • “On December 1, 1971, I married him. We decided that our marriage would allow him to leave the USSR. Alas, this turned out to be an illusion, which quickly gave way to disappointment. In Russia, Vladimir felt like a prisoner, and in France - an unnecessary person.”
  • “That marriage burned me to ashes. Since then I have not been able to hear Volodya’s recordings. When he sings, I still hold on, but as soon as he starts talking to the audience, the feeling that he is here, next to me, becomes unbearable. I can't. I die anew every time.”

Life Four: It's Over

Vysotsky's death broke her. In the USSR, the Frenchwoman Vladi was not liked. And in her homeland, the actress began to experience severe depression. They say that Marina even tried to commit suicide.

She was saved by oncologist Leon Schwarzenberg. For many years he treated Marina’s sister for cancer. In 1981, at the request of the actress, he nursed the terminally ill Andrei Tarkovsky. And then he helped Vladi herself survive the tragedy of her life. Leon left his wife and son, leaving them the house, and asked Marina to temporarily shelter him. “Temporarily” dragged on for 23 years...

Hand in hand, this couple went through serious trials. Leon, the Minister of Health and at the same time a staunch supporter of euthanasia, was persecuted, accused of killing several hopelessly ill people. Marina desperately defended common-law husband in the press: “I live with this man in the same house and sleep in the same bed. And I can swear on my blood that I don’t know anyone more honest than Leon!”

An evil irony of fate: Schwarzenberg died from the same disease from which long years treated people - cancer. In the last months of his life, Marina began to drink bottles to drown out pain and fear. And after the funeral, she locked herself in the house and for several years left it once a week: to buy a little food and a lot of alcohol. “It seemed to me that my life was over. The children are far away, there are no relatives left. My dogs, who had to be looked after, saved me from complete despair and suicide. And another passion is writing,” Marina later admitted.

Life N: Not the last

She has more than two dozen books to her credit. “The world of illusions turned out to be much calmer and kinder than the world real,” says Vladi, smiling. But the smile turns out to be bitter. “This woman had to endure so many tragedies that her heart turned into a piece of iron,” one famous French journalist once wrote.

The actress buried two beloved husbands. I almost buried my son: Igor was in a car accident several years ago and for a long time lay in a coma. His daughters, Marina’s granddaughters, who were traveling with their father, died. “For some time now I’m not afraid of death at all,” Vladi says, smiling brightly.

And France recalls an eerie story when the actress was seriously late for a press conference related to the release of her new book. She burst into the hall, out of breath and smiling, and from the threshold said: “Sorry for being late! My grandson died today, then there was nowhere to park the car...” Seeing the horror on the faces of the journalists, she hastened to explain: “Oh, well, you know, my son and daughter-in-law threw such a tantrum! I had to calm them down like little ones. But the baby was not even a week old; he died in the maternity hospital.”

However, despite the “iron heart” and rare disregard for death, Marina Vladi still repeats one thing: “The greatest happiness is to live. I have buried so many: husbands, parents, sisters, children - that I know this for sure. Now I need to live not only for myself, but also for my dead.”

About her

  • Born May 10, 1938 in Clichy, on the upper Seine.
  • The daughter of emigrants: a Russian noblewoman ballerina and a musician from a family of Ukrainian gypsies. She was the youngest of four daughters.
  • Real name is Marina-Catherine de Polyakoff. The actress adopted the pseudonym Vladi after the death of her beloved father, Vladimir Polyakov.
  • In films since the age of 11, she has played in more than 100 films.
  • She was married four times and gave birth to three sons.

Marina Vladi knew about the birth of Vysotsky’s daughter

In your book you call Tatyana Ivanenko a homewrecker. Apparently because she took Vysotsky away from Lyudmila Abramova?

I looked after Tanya myself. True, without much success. You know, Vysotsky somehow doesn’t look good in the role of a model husband. Ivanenko has always had an incredibly strong, even capricious character. When she was with Volodya in all sorts of hot places, she managed not to drink, not to smoke and always seemed like an amazing embodiment of some kind of Spartan health. Where have you seen an actress live like this? Their stormy romance began in the fall of 1966, when Tanya had just joined the Taganka Theater troupe. Ivanenko divorced her former husband. About six months later, it was she who introduced us to Vladimir, who, by the way, was not easy to get along with people. Raised in the family of a Soviet officer, Tatyana, like Pushkin, turned out to be a very loyal person. After Vysotsky's death, she remained almost unchanged. Of course, there were quarrels between them, but for five years Volodya constantly returned to this worthy woman. No matter how much Vladi wanted to deny it, their feelings were very serious. Any woman, having learned about her husband’s infidelities, will not be very happy about it. After the death of her husband, one of the “well-wishers” told Marina that he had a daughter from Tatyana. Vladi behaved very delicately, saying: “If this is true, let the girl bear his last name.” Vysotsky himself openly admitted that he was constantly “between two fires”: the first love parallel was Lyusya Abramova and Tanya, the second was Tanya and Marina. Later Oksana Afanasyeva appeared (Yarmolnik - Author).

Have you seen Vysotsky's daughter Nastya? They say she looks a lot like her father?

Only in the photograph. Tanya is not going to show her to anyone, she protects her daughter from all publicity. I'm not sure the girl even knows whose daughter she is.

How did you react to the fact that Vladimir Semenovich left Lyudmila Abramova alone with two young children?

Who can be a judge for someone, especially Vysotsky? Are there not many similar cases in other people? Lucy performed a simply heroic act: the boys were born, so to speak, illegally. After all, their parents were not even registered then. Volodya did not want children. I can say this for sure. Not because he didn't love his wife. I just thought that for such a responsible decision in those years there was no normal conditions: practically nowhere to live, constant problems with work.

Where could Vysotsky have a pronounced distrust of women?

Don't know. But he really didn’t really trust women. I will say more - I was even afraid. He developed a guilt complex over the years. Perhaps because Vladimir constantly hid his connections. He was not a daredevil in this sense. I could never admit to Marina: “You know, I have Tanya, I will live with her too!” Probably because he was afraid of losing her or upsetting her. Artists need women for inspiration. But such men cannot stand the consumer attitude towards themselves. Vysotsky was no exception; he could not constantly be with one woman. This circumstance was very annoying to his loved ones. Ivanenko even called Volodya “the eternal guy.” She was angry that he was constantly going somewhere, leaving, flying away. As if it doesn’t belong to her completely.

By the way, Vysotsky did not particularly admire his own appearance. Moreover, he believed that he was ugly. It's hard to believe that the idol of millions was not confident in himself. But when he started singing, he was transformed literally before our eyes: frantic energy, swollen neck veins, a divine voice. This man, so unprepossessing in appearance, reeked of a masculine, some kind of bestial quality.

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Igor Gnevashev. “MARINA VLADI IS A WONDERFUL GIRL! WHO IS THIS IVANENKO?” - Igor, according to some books about Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky, information began to “walk”, told by someone once, allegedly from your words, that, they say, Vysotsky met Vladi for

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Marina VLADI - Marina Vladimirovna, eight years have passed... - Eight years have passed, and I cannot calmly talk about Volodya, calmly look at his photographs... Recently they showed me the only film in which we starred together - “There Are Two.” It's hard, it's impossible

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Marina VLADI (Abridged transcript of the press conference Moscow, March 1, 1989) Immediately after Volodya’s death, I began to ask myself the question: “What happened? Why did he die at 42?” And I again tried in my book, at least partially, to answer this question. Decided to write

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Marina Vladi - “Vladimir, or an interrupted flight” Marina Vladi’s book did not upset me, this is the truth about Marina Vladi. The truth about Volodya is his songs, these are his roles. This truth will probably never be told again. Rolan Bykov This book, “Interrupted Flight,” is false,

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