Profitable care for the environment with a household appliance recycling program. Features of recycling household appliances Recycling household appliances business plan

Disposal household appliances must be produced correctly in any country, because devices consist of elements that can decompose in nature for hundreds of years. In addition to long-term biodegradation, the devices contain toxic components that are dangerous to our environment. Disposal of such waste - modern way solving an environmental problem.

The range of equipment subject to recycling is quite wide. Services involved in waste processing and destruction provide disposal of:

  1. Large household appliances: washing machines and dishwashers.
  2. Small household appliances: coffee grinders, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, electric kettles, toasters, irons, scales, meat grinders, etc.

Additional Information! According to some dictionaries, household appliances also include consumer electronics, which include video and audio devices, computers and other devices that are also subject to disposal when they fail.

Sometimes there are restrictions on the conditions for accepting parts of old household appliances for recycling. For example, large chains of household appliance stores accept complete devices under the recycling program, rather than individual parts of equipment.

Recycling promotions from stores

IN modern world household appliances become obsolete in a short time, because manufacturers of electrical appliances strive to bring new and improved models to the market as quickly as possible. In this regard, for many people it becomes actual problem recycling not only non-working equipment, but also simply outdated devices. For this reason, recycling promotions in stores have become widespread. The essence of the program is that large retail chains accept from the population old equipment and in return offer their customers a discount on the purchase of new devices. Let's take a look at some stores running recycling promotions.

"El Dorado". The stores of this network allow customers to hand over almost any household appliance, and the recycling discount can be 1-20% (depending on the type of product sold). This happens once or twice a year. This retail chain sends accepted devices for environmentally friendly recycling to the UKO company, with which Eldorado has been cooperating for more than 5 years.

"M Video". This network also accepts household appliances for recycling from customers. The promotion was first successfully carried out in 2016. There are some restrictions in this network, namely, devices from the brands Loewe, Smeg, Miele, etc. do not participate in the program. M.Video gives a discount when recycling an old device even subject to the purchase of new equipment in installments.

The discount received by the client for the purchase of a new product varies depending on the price of the purchased device. The minimum amount of a pleasant bonus is 5%, the maximum is 20%. The store accepts any equipment. By ordering the delivery service for the purchased device, the buyer has the opportunity to remove the old device by employees of this retail chain.

As a rule, hypermarkets of household appliances enter into agreements with enterprises that provide recycling of old devices containing a considerable amount of toxic elements (mercury, freon, lead, etc.). A rational approach to processing such hazardous waste allows us to conserve natural resources and protect the environment.

Reception and recycling points for household appliances

As such collection and recycling points household devices in our country there are very few (especially in small towns, villages and hamlets). In some cases, devices can be sold for scrap metal for money, but you most likely will not be able to get a decent amount.

Companies that accept equipment for subsequent recycling can act as recycling points. Such firms are either intermediaries between the source of waste and processing plant, or independently purchase and dispose of household appliances. Companies buy large volumes of used devices or accept them free of charge from legal entities. Some organizations for the acceptance and disposal of equipment in Moscow: CJSC Petromax, Tekhnika, Tekhnostok, etc.

Russian problems of recycling electronic devices and civilized ways to solve this problem abroad, as well as the stages of recycling devices at the Petromax enterprise are covered in the video

Mobile recycling service

A mobile recycling service differs from stationary points in that the company’s employees go to the customer’s home or organization and independently dismantle the equipment and transport it to the recycling site.

Such services operate based on client requests, which are usually submitted by phone or through the company’s website. You can quickly find contacts for mobile services on the Internet.

By contacting such a company, the client receives a number of advantages, namely:

  • material benefit (in some cases);
  • free dismantling and removal of devices;
  • prompt execution of work.

Mobile services for recycling any devices in Moscow are, for example, the companies Nautil and Util-Mobil.

Recycling of household appliances

Proper recycling of household appliances is important to protect environment from the negative impact of hazardous materials, saving natural resources And Money various enterprises (it is much cheaper to produce new products from recycled materials). Electrical devices contain metals, plastic and glass parts, rubber components, etc. Therefore, recycling begins with breaking down the devices using special equipment. Next, non-metallic components are selected (usually manually) as the waste moves along the sorting line; magnetic metal parts are removed by a separator. After sorting, small plastics are crushed together with non-magnetic metals.

After each stage of grinding the material, the largest parts are separated from the rest of the mass by means of an automated system. Then separation is carried out, as a result of which non-ferrous metal and plastic material are obtained separately from each other. The resulting raw materials are sent for further processing to produce the final product.

A simple household appliance recycling line consists of:

  • shredders;
  • conveyors and magnetic separators;
  • equipment providing aspiration and filtration of dust particles;
  • hoods;
  • automatic control system - ACS.

Household appliances, when they end up in a landfill, become extremely dangerous objects that cause damage to human health and nature. Therefore, each of us can make a small contribution to protecting the environment by contacting special services for the safe and cost-effective disposal of old and unwanted household appliances. “No” to trash at home, “yes” to recycling!

Batteries that are broken and thrown away with general trash, as well as mercury lamps and household appliances pose a serious threat to human health and the environment.

Mercury vapor contained in energy saving lamps and lamps daylight, as well as nickel, lead and others Mercury

Metallic mercury is poison. According to the degree of impact on the human body, mercury belongs to the 1st hazard class - extremely hazardous substances. Only vapors and soluble mercury compounds are toxic. At a temperature of 18°C, intense evaporation of mercury into the atmosphere begins; inhalation of such air contributes to its accumulation in the body, from where it is no longer excreted (like other heavy metals). Mercury causes nervous disorders, impaired vision, hearing, musculoskeletal disorders, and diseases. respiratory system. Children are the most vulnerable. Regardless of the route of entry into the body, mercury accumulates in the kidneys.

However, in order to accumulate a significant amount of mercury in the body, it is necessary for several months or years to regularly stay in a room with a significant excess of the maximum permissible concentration of this substance in the air.

The concentration of mercury vapor, which can lead to severe chronic diseases, ranges from 0.001 to 0.005 mg/m3. At higher concentrations, mercury is absorbed by intact skin. Acute poisoning may occur at concentrations of 0.13–0.80 mg/m3. Intoxication with fatal develops when inhaling 2.5 grams of mercury vapor.


Lead accumulates mainly in the kidneys. Causes brain diseases, nervous disorders, joint and muscle pain.


Cadmium accumulates in the liver, kidneys, bones and thyroid gland and causes cancer.

">heavy metals contained in batteries can cause poisoning and serious chronic diseases. Just one AA battery thrown into the trash can contaminate approximately 20 square meters soil or 400 liters of water.

Therefore, such waste must be handed over for neutralization and disposal to special collection points.

2. Where are used mercury lamps accepted?

Waste mercury-containing lamps are accepted at management companies, from where they are sent for recycling.

The principle of recycling lamps is based on their destruction and separation into broken glass, scrap ferrous and non-ferrous metals and phosphor. The metal of the plinths is used for recycling, and the glass chips are used to fill up uneven roads. The small amount of mercury produced is converted to a safe solid state.

Recycling household appliances is a complex process that requires the use of various types of equipment. The reason for this is the heterogeneity of the composition of electrical appliances, which is why each type of material requires its own processing. This problem is solved with an electronics recycling line that is capable of maximally recycling many types of materials.

Features of electronics recycling

Electrical equipment contains many different metals: iron, copper, and also precious metals in small quantities. Extraction of valuable metals is one of the main goals of such processing.

Achieving such a result is not easy because in household appliances metals are combined with non-metallic elements. To begin with, they should be separated.

A typical electronics recycling line includes:

  • shredders with a loading funnel;
  • conveyors with separators for separating metals;
  • dust aspiration and filtration systems;
  • hoods;
  • automatic system control system (ACS).

The electronics recycling process often comes down to grinding the raw materials to a fine fraction, separating ferrous and then non-ferrous and precious metals from it. The automated control system in this process is designed to coordinate the operation of all equipment and, if necessary, its emergency shutdown.

Selecting a line for recycling household appliances

We are ready to offer several types of ready-made plants for recycling electronics. Before making a choice, pay attention to the performance of these lines, as well as the possibility of processing certain types electronic components. First of all, you need to focus on the processing needs of your enterprise.

the site is a responsible supplier of reliable European equipment with many years of experience. By cooperating with us, you can buy high-quality equipment for your enterprise at an affordable price.

Old household appliances should not be thoughtlessly thrown into a landfill. This has a negative impact on the environment and is absolutely impractical. A modern and effective solution to the problem is the recycling of household appliances. This practice is gaining momentum in Russia, and our company offers services for the rational disposal of failed, obsolete and decommissioned technical devices.

As a result of recycling equipment used in everyday life, it is possible to obtain valuable metals and plastic particles. The most important thing is that we manage to get rid of chemical components that have an extremely negative impact on the environment. If old household appliances are not disposed of correctly, poisoning with toxic substances occurs. Therefore, the recycling process is expedient and reasonable, not only from the point of view of production capabilities and financial benefits.

Recycling cost

Name of the recyclable product


Cost of work
on recycling,

PC set (monitor, system unit, keyboard, mouse)

System unit

Monitor 14”-17”

Monitor 19”-21”


A4 printer

A3 printer

A4 photocopier

A3 desktop copier

A3 floor-standing copier

Uninterruptable power source



Household appliances up to 3 kg.

Household appliances over 3 kg.

Telephone, radiotelephone

Cash registers, calculating machines, typewriters

Air conditioner


Radio equipment up to 5 kg.

Radio equipment over 5 kg.

Specialized radio engineering and electronic equipment


Features of equipment recycling

Each type of waste involves own method processing, hence the complexity this process. Televisions and computer monitors are disassembled by hand. The parts are then sorted and sent for further processing to their destination. The TV tube is cut and the glass is separated from the screen. Mobile equipment (smartphones, players and other gadgets) is also disassembled manually due to the characteristics of the devices, small parts made of different materials. The same applies to computers and office equipment. Working parts are used as spare parts in service centers. Plastic and metal parts are sent for recycling.

Refrigeration equipment and air conditioning systems are subject to preliminary extraction of freon, then the parts are separated by material (plastic, metal, glass). Large household appliances also require manual disassembly and sorting by material.

After disassembling and separating materials:

  • some elements are reused;
  • parts that are unsuitable for reuse are crushed and turned into powder.

In the latter case, a mixture is obtained, which is subsequently divided into fractions. Magnetization separates tiny particles of metal. The plastic elements are lightweight and are blown using a special apparatus. Heavy metal particles are also separated using magnets.

Recycling of household appliances is considered complete when all the elements obtained during disassembly and shredding are carefully sorted. They are ready for reuse in the production process.

Removal of household appliances from home and office

Our company accepts small and large equipment. We will relieve you from the need to remove heavy equipment yourself, provide transport and pick up the equipment for further processing. Next, a painstaking process of disassembly and sorting is organized.

Recycling of household appliances in Moscow is carried out regularly. Our employees are ready to pick up any number of technical devices: both one refrigerator and a large batch of computers written off at the enterprise. Leave a request, we will agree on the terms and arrive at the appointed time to pick up the devices.

In the modern world, every large organization has a lot of equipment on its balance sheet. These are both computers and office Cell phones, and photocopiers, and much more. Electronic devices facilitate the work process and are an integral part of it. However, the constant development of technology leads to the fact that equipment becomes obsolete much earlier than its service life. For example, a personal computer or laptop purchased five years ago is considered obsolete. Simply throwing it into a landfill will not work; special measures are needed. Such devices must be disposed of in order to preserve the environment and, if possible, reuse their materials. Therefore, there is a demand for this service, and it will only grow over time: technology moves forward, the lifespan of computers and office equipment is decreasing, and the need for recycling will arise more and more often. Is it possible to make money from this?

Business organization

To become a recycler, you need to complete a number of documents. First of all, the disposal procedure is prescribed in OKPD 38.21 and OKVED 38 and 10.37.22 codes as the processing of materials belonging to hazard classes I-IV. This means that in order to obtain a license, the company must have specialists who have access to these types of work. If there are none, you will have to undergo training according to the programs “ Professional training persons for the right to work with waste of I-IV hazard classes" and "Ensuring environmental safety by managers and specialists of general economic management systems."

A certificate of registration with the tax authority and a document on registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity are also required. By order of the company, a specialist must be appointed responsible for working with hazardous waste. The remaining documents are contracts for waste acceptance and land lease and a passport for technological equipment. Due to the fact that many devices contain precious metals, a certificate from the Assay Office (the so-called “jewelry license”) has yet to be issued. It won't be possible to work without it.

Thus, the minimum start-up capital"recycler" includes the following articles:

  • State duty – 7.5 thousand rubles.
  • Registration with the Assay Office – 10 thousand rubles.
  • Training of specialists (2 people) – 80 thousand rubles.
  • Legal assistance – 30 thousand rubles.
  • Shredder for destroying rubber and plastic waste (used) – 150 thousand rubles.
  • Workshop rent – ​​50 thousand rubles. per month.
  • The minimum set of tools for dismantling and sorting is from 100 thousand rubles.

With such a budget, your company plays the role of an intermediary and does not carry out the recycling itself. You dismantle the equipment “for spare parts” and sell it to larger processing companies that have their own production facilities. About 95% of recycled devices go to such recycling plants, and 5% that are unsuitable for recycling are thrown into landfills.

They look for counterparties, as a rule, on recycling exchanges. Typically, companies work this way, since organizing their own landfill for processing such waste requires investments of more than a billion rubles. At the same time, the profitability of such a business, according to the owners, is no more than 10-15%, and the invested money can be returned only after one and a half to two years.

Development prospects

The main direction for the future is the expansion of recycled products: plastic bottles, aluminum cans, chemical wastes. New licenses and additional courses may be required. Also, along with office equipment, waste paper often accumulates in offices - you can offer services for its removal and further processing. If you have your own factory (for example, a rented one), it’s worth taking on processing household waste. Possible areas of activity are the production of concrete and bricks.


When considering the features of organizing such production, it is clear that the business is very specific and with such colossal investments to begin with full cycle work is completely unattractive for novice businessmen. Due to the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, company owners are little concerned about protecting the environment and try by all means to send used equipment to a landfill at minimal cost.

Probably, the demand for “recyclers” will not disappear, but only because the state is “crushing” violating companies with fines. If, after the adoption of the next law, the authorities loosen their grip or completely lose interest in the problem of environmental protection, then the need for recyclers will disappear. If you can attract investment and build a processing plant wide range waste - you will be able to find an approach to the market and satisfy its requirements. In the case of a “intermediary-sorter”, you will have to look for a new niche.

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