Noisy new computer power supply what to do. The system unit of the computer is noisy. Other solutions to the problem

Regardless of the computer model and the hardware stuffing that it has, sooner or later certain problems may arise. The noise of the system unit is one of the common problems that PC owners face. This malfunction not only irritates the user's hearing, but can also adversely affect the performance of the computer, as well as lead to the failure of the machine. Let's see why this happens, and what to do if the system unit is noisy.

Causes of noise and how to eliminate them

In order to return the PC to the previous sound level during operation, it is first necessary to determine the location and cause of the malfunction. Usually the appearance of this problem is associated with a malfunction of the ventilation elements, cooling systems or hard drives. Sometimes the computer hums loudly from system overload, which causes the temperature inside the processor case to rise above normal.

Pay attention to the following frequently occurring factors that cause an increase in the noise level during the operation of the system unit.

Dust buildup on cpu cooler

Perhaps the very first thing to do is to check the fan that is responsible for cooling the processor.

It is here that the most dust accumulates, which over time disrupts the normal cooling process and leads to overheating of the heart of the computer. For this reason, the fan starts to spin faster and hum more strongly, the hardware heats up, and the operating system hangs and is not stable. In some cases, dust clogging the fan causes the computer to stop starting.

In addition to the accumulated dust, over time, the thermal paste between the heat sink and the microprocessor retainer, which serves to improve the transfer of thermal energy, loses its properties, which also negatively affects the cooling of the system.

Advice! If the computer is under warranty, then in no case open the system unit, even if you are sure that you can fix the problem yourself. Use the services of the service center.

To correct the operation of the main fan yourself, do the following:
1. completely turn off the power of the computer;
2. open the side panel of the system unit;
3. disconnect the fan from the motherboard;
4. disconnect the cooler together with the radiator;
5. clean using cotton swabs and a vacuum cleaner or hair dryer;
6. if the thermal paste has lost its qualities and looks like dried gray chewing gum, it must be replaced;
7. After cleaning, reassemble in reverse order.
If you have a relatively new computer, then you can clean the cooler without removing it, using cotton swabs or a brush and a vacuum cleaner.

Attention! Do not use a damp cloth to remove dust from the fan or motherboard, as this may cause a short circuit.
Thermal paste can be found in almost any computer store. It is sold in small tubes or syringes of several grams. Usually one tube is enough for 2-3 applications.

If necessary, you can disassemble, clean and lubricate the fan itself. But if you are not sure that you can handle it, just peel off the top sticker, remove the plastic cap and put a couple of drops of silicone grease on the motor shaft. If the cooler is old, this procedure will help make it less noisy.

Power supply cooler dirty

Another common problem, why there is a lot of noise and overheating of the computer, is the accumulation of dust in the power supply fan.

To eliminate it, you need:
1. turn off the power and disconnect the network cable from the processor;
2. remove the side panel of the system unit;
3. remove the power supply without disconnecting the wires;
4. remove the top cover of the unit;
5. Clean inside with a vacuum cleaner and a brush;
6. remove the fan and lubricate it (as in the previous case);
7. collect everything in reverse order.

Advice! Do not use an old Soviet vacuum cleaner that produces electrostatic pickups for cleaning, this may damage the board.

This procedure will help increase the airflow blown by the fan, as well as reduce the noise of the system unit.

Hard disk failure

Sometimes when the hard drive is working, especially if you are copying something to it, there may be a loud noise, grinding and tapping. Such sounds indicate either the poor quality of the hard drive, or the wear of the mechanism. In such a situation, the hard drive can fail at any time, which threatens to lose all the information stored on it. Therefore, if such a problem occurs, do not delay and contact the service center if the computer is under warranty, or replace the hard drive with a new one.

Video card malfunction

Dust buildup in the graphics card cooler can also cause loud and annoying noise.

The fact is that the video card is upside down and the accumulation of dust over time leads to a shift in the axis of the cooler. The blades in this case begin to touch the body of the video card, making a strong hum. Removing dust and lubricating the cooler axis does not always help in such a situation. Alternatively, you can try to cut or file off the edges of the metal case, in those places where contact occurs.

Advice! Video card components are very fragile and easy to break, so be extremely careful when disassembling.

Other solutions to the problem

Loud noise from the system unit can come not only from the above problems. Sometimes old or low-quality hardware can be the reason why the computer hums. In such a situation, in order to absorb unpleasant sounds, it is necessary to upgrade the car.

Replacing the cooling system

You can significantly reduce noise by replacing the air cooling system with a liquid one. This option is almost silent and is able to perfectly cool the PC filling. The only downside to a liquid cooling system is the high price.

Installing new coolers

Today you can find modern, almost silent coolers that also do their job well. Alternatively, you can replace all the old fans with them.

Changing the box of the system unit

On sale you can find boxes that have vibration and noise insulating properties, which are easily able to completely absorb sound waves and vibrations.
Finally, a few more tips to help reduce the noise level of your computer:
regularly clean the system unit from dust, thanks to this you will also significantly increase the life of your PC;
make sure that the system unit has rubberized legs that absorb vibration well;
do not leave the computer constantly on, if possible, put it into sleep mode or turn it off, so it will overheat less.

Greetings, dear readers!

I think that the problem that the fan in a computer or laptop is buzzing has met many of you.

Noise is a completely normal effect when a computer or laptop is running.

It is caused by the rapid rotation of the fan in the cooling system, but usually such noise does not raise suspicions that there is a problem.

If the fan noise is very loud, and perhaps even distinct knocks or friction are heard during operation, then this article is for you.

Cooler noise: the fan in the laptop is buzzing - what to do?

The laptop cooling system consists of several elements.

The fan, heatsink and vents on the laptop case are the elements of the cooling system.

Noise can be caused by only one part of the cooler - its fan, since only it makes mechanical movements.

The reasons that can cause noise may be different, but they are all in one place - in the laptop cooler fan.

For example, you may not have cleaned your laptop, which has led to a lot of dust accumulating inside the laptop, including inside the cooling system. And often, for this reason, in a laptop fan runs continuously, as it does not cope with the cooling of parts.

This dust interferes with the rotation of the fan, which increases its temperature and can cause severe overheating and further damage to the fan.

To clean the laptop from dust, you must first disassemble it ...

If you are not familiar with the process of assembling and disassembling a laptop, then I advise you to find knowledgeable people who will help you with this, or give it to a service center.

If you know how to disassemble a laptop, then you probably know that in most models, the cooling system is at the very “end” of the disassembly process.

Having reached the cooler, it is necessary to disassemble it, clean the inner wall of the radiator from dust, blow through the blades and clean them with a brush.

Example of a cooler before cleaning

After cleaning.

After cleaning the cooler from dust, it is advisable to lubricate the fan bearing!

To do this, you need to peel off the protective sticker, under it there will be a small hole leading to the axis of the motor, as well as to the bearing part.

The hole is closed with a rubber stopper. In order for the oil to get to the right place, the plug should either be removed or pierced with a syringe containing grease.

Lubrication is better to use silicone or engine oil, because. rotation is fast, and such lubricants will not be strongly displaced during operation and will provide good sliding.

The place where it was glued to the glue needs to be cleaned well and stick tape instead. This is done in order to avoid leakage of lubricant to the outside.

After lubrication and cleaning, it is worth letting the laptop stand for a while, about 20-30 minutes, and then turn it on and check.

If, after such procedures, the noise continues, then the cooler should be replaced.

To do this, you need to find out its model - often it is written on the sticker that was pasted on the cooler.

The cost of coolers varies, for example, I bought an Asus K55D laptop cooler for about 800 rubles, including delivery.

If the fan in the computer system unit is noisy

In fact, the source of the problem is the same as in the laptop.

Only two things differ.

The first is the scale of work - the coolers in the system unit are slightly larger, and also differ in the design of the radiator, but the principle of operation is the same.

PSU cooler

The second is the number of coolers - there are several coolers in the system unit, and before working to eliminate noise, it is worth determining which one is making noise.

Video card cooler CPU cooler

To do this, you need to remove the side cover of the system unit, and then gently stop the coolers in turn with your finger or a cotton swab, where the noise is gone - that one is not working.

After identifying the problematic fan, disconnect it from the attachment point, clean it and the radiator, lubricate the fan, put it in place.

After 20-30 minutes, we start the system unit.

Noise left? Replacing the cooler is inevitable, but it's easier to find it on a computer than on a laptop.

That's all!

Fan noise is a nuisance issue, as a faulty cooler can cause severe damage to parts when overheated.

The sooner you notice the presence of problems, the less the consequences of overheating will be, since any malfunction inside the cooling system leads to strong temperature rises in the cooled part.

All the best to you, friends!

So many computer users are faced with such a problem, when this happens, the power supply can be different, ranging from dustiness to hardware failure. In today's article, we will take a closer look at all the most common causes of hum, as well as troubleshooting methods.


So, the first and most common power supply is dust. Dust often accumulates inside the power supply case, which not only causes a hum, but also impairs work efficiency and can lead to sad consequences. This problem is especially common on those power supplies that are installed at the bottom of the system unit.

How can dust cause hum? Very simple. Dust constantly accumulates inside the case, especially around the cooling fan, thereby making it difficult to work. Thus, when the cooler is turned on, it takes some time to reach the desired rotational speed, and until it does this, the hum will continue. So, because of the dust, the power supply is buzzing.

What to do in this case and how can I fix the problem? Here, in general, there is nothing complicated, all you need to do is remove the power supply itself, after remembering how and where the wires are connected, unscrew the case screws, remove it, and thoroughly clean everything from dust. There is nothing complicated, so it is quite possible to do without the help of a service center.

heavy wear

The next reason why the power supply is buzzing is the strong wear of the device. You need to understand that the power supply, like many other components, starts to work much worse with prolonged use. In simple terms, a device that is already over, for example, 5 years old, may experience various problems, due to which the level of efficient operation decreases, efficiency drops, buzz, extraneous noise, crackling, clicks appear and much more.

What should be done in this situation? You can, of course, carry out a "global" repair of the power supply by soldering all the capacitors, resistors, controllers, etc., but will this make sense? Some spare parts are quite expensive, and if the user still has no experience in soldering, then, in addition to money for consumables, you will have to pay a good amount for the work of the master. As a result, the easiest and most optimal solution would be to buy a new power supply, especially if the old one is already quite a few years old.


Another reason why the power supply buzzes is vibrations. Some users, when installing the PSU, like not to fully tighten the fixing bolts or tighten them with a slight offset. The result of such actions is as follows: the power supply, being poorly fixed in its place, begins to dangle slightly and form oscillations. These same vibrations are very easily transmitted to the cooling fan, which, in turn, begins to rotate not quite evenly and forms an annoying buzz.

In this case, you can also fix the problem yourself, without going to a service center. All that needs to be done is to take a screwdriver and fix the PSU well in its place so that it does not hang out.


The fourth computer power supply - insufficient voltage for correct operation. In general, everything is quite simple here. When the computer starts up, the power supply is supplied with the voltage necessary for its proper operation. When the voltage in the electrical network is low and there is a lack of it, the power supply unit still starts the computer, but with much more effort. As a "side effect", in such situations, you can often hear clicks, crackles, knocks, buzz, "whistling" and other sounds.

You can deal with this problem, in general, in one way: buy an uninterruptible power supply or a voltage rectifier at home. It is through these devices that you need to connect the computer so that there are no problems with low voltage during startup, and the system starts up correctly, without any buzzing, crackling, etc.

No grease on fan

The next reason on the list why the power supply is buzzing is the cooling fan. Probably, few people even think about the fact that every cooler in a computer needs to be carefully looked after. This is especially true for those fans that perform "important work" - they cool the processor and the "insides" of the power supply. In this case, we are interested in the second option.

If you do not take care and do not monitor the PSU cooler, then over time it will become very noisy and will cause a buzz. How? Everything is quite simple. In order for the fan to rotate as best as possible, at the factory, during its manufacture, the axis and bearing are very carefully lubricated with special agents or oils. The longer the power supply is in use and the more it is under load, the more the fan rotates and the lubricant is consumed. As a result, when it is practically absent on the bearing and axle, various extraneous sounds begin to appear, including hum.

What can be done in this case, when the fan in the computer's power supply is buzzing? Lubricate it! And although the task at first glance seems complicated, you should not be afraid of it, because everything here, in principle, is doable, anyone can handle it at home. Here's what to do:

  1. First you need to remove the power supply from the computer.
  2. Next, you should unscrew the screws of the case and remove it.
  3. Now that you have access to the fan, it must also be disconnected.
  4. Before lubricating the cooler, it would be a good idea to clean it of dirt so that in the process it does not get where it should not.
  5. The next step is to lubricate the cooler. You need to carefully remove the sticker in the central part of the fan and pull out the plug in the middle.
  6. When the plug is removed, you can lubricate. It is best to use silicone oil for this purpose, since it has a good viscosity and is designed for a very long period of work. If this is not at hand, then ordinary oil, which is sold in stores, will do just fine. You can also try using some of the machine oils, especially synthetic ones. The amount of oil required for lubrication is typically 2-4 drops.
  7. Once the lubrication process is complete, assembly can begin. First you need to put the plug in place, then attach the sticker on top, install the fan back in its place, assemble the power supply, return it to the system unit, etc.

Cooling fan exhausted

The penultimate reason why the power supply is buzzing is that the resource of the cooling fan has run out. Yes, no matter how well someone takes care of the PSU cooler, sooner or later its working cycle will come to an end. And the point here is not even that someone lubricated the cooler, but someone did not, it's just that the bearing itself is "erased" from constant friction and fails. If you regularly lubricate the cooler, then you can seriously shed the life of the bearing, but only for the time being.

What can be done in this situation? Well, in general, there are not very many options here, or rather, one - buy a new cooler of the right size and replace it.

Hardware problems

Well, the last problem, why the power supply can hum - problems in the hardware, for example, with a transformer, PWM controller, capacitors, thermistors, regulators, etc. To determine exactly which element is causing the hum, you need to carefully inspect and check every possible detail.

At home, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to carry out such checks and identify a problematic element, especially without special equipment, so it is best to contact a specialized repair center.

When the temperature outside approaches fifty degrees in the sun, it seems not very timely to talk about reducing computer noise. Make sure he gets proper cooling. On the other hand, Apple once released a great system, the so-called G4 Cube, equipped with no fans at all. The essence of the idea was in the exploitation of physical laws, that is, the concept that cold air sucked in due to the temperature difference from below heats up as it passes between the PC components, and for the same reason, rising up, leaves the case. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, "cubes" were discontinued and are no longer sold, and modern PCs set all conceivable records for noise.

Standard ATX power supply

If you have ever lived in the same room with a computer and tried to leave it to work at night, then talking about noise reduction is far from an empty phrase for you. In this article, we will talk about one way make your PC quieter. Before you start reading this material, we warn you that the author does not bear any responsibility for what may happen to the computer of the reader who tries to follow the advice given in this material in practice. The text is only a reference tool, but not a guide to action. And remember that overheating leads to a decrease in the life cycle of both the PC as a whole and its parts individually.

It's no secret that in the average desktop PC, it is the power supply fan that makes the most noise. It is also curious that the fan is theoretically not needed at all for the operation of the power supply, but in practice, this part of the PC really heats up and needs effective airflow. The main thing to understand is that effective airflow and noisy airflow are fundamentally different things. In addition, the PSU fan, as a rule, is never cleaned of dust, and can resonate with 2 cases at once, the case of the block and the computer. We will talk about how to deal with resonance in a separate article.

So, there are only 2 ways and a lot of options on how to reduce noise, and at the same time maintain the normal temperature regime of the block.

1. Remove the fan and remove the power supply cover.

In this case, the temperature inside the case will slightly increase, as a rule, by no more than 2-3 degrees. At the same time, practice shows that everything can function normally, because the power supply has 2 own radiators. As a result, the noise level will be significantly reduced. This method has a significant drawback: the active elements of the power supply will be open and can close with something. Therefore, it makes sense to carefully monitor that the open elements of the power supply (i.e. those that normally should have been hidden by a casing) do not come into contact with anything.

Opened ATX power supply, note the two heatsinks

Also, we cannot recommend this solution for hot AMD processor-based systems. An open power supply is best used where noise is critical, such as residential file servers on home networks based on Intel Celeron, Pentium III, and 4 processors. They also often use passive CPU cooling.

Editor's comment: I have used this method on several PCs. Sometimes the temperature inside the system with an open power supply without a fan rises significantly, that is, by 5 degrees or more. In addition, in one of the experiments with a system based on the Pentium 4 2.2 GHz processor, as a result of turning off the fan in the power supply, the noise exceeded the initial value. The reason for this was the fan on the processor, which rotated slowly in the base mode, and spun up to maximum speed when the temperature increased. If it was considered normal for an "unconfigured" system to run office applications at 38/39 degrees Celsius on the board / processor, then with the power supply disconnected, the temperature increased by almost ten degrees for both values. In addition, the stability of the system has noticeably deteriorated, especially on resource-intensive and gaming applications. By setting the fan in the power supply to a slower mode, these problems were removed. Later, a different cooling method was used for this system. More complex and complex, it allowed for noticeably quieter PC operation.

We will not describe in detail the process of "tuning" the system by removing the cover, since there is nothing difficult in unscrewing six bolts and removing the cover from the power supply. If this is still difficult for you, ask more experienced friends for help or read the first part of the next chapter.

We unscrew four such bolts on the PSU cover and you're done ...



  • Complete absence of noise (from the PSU)
  • Ease of execution.
  • Does not require financial costs.


  • Power supply elements under voltage are exposed.
  • The power supply can still overheat in a cramped case
  • Together with the power supply, the entire system can overheat

2. Switch the power supply fan to 5 volts

This is easy to do even in those power supplies where the fan wires are soldered to the main board. The standard power supply has a conventional 12 volt fan with dimensions of 80x80 mm, which can be turned off and replaced with a similar or thinner and slower 80 mm fan, which, in turn, can be rearranged to 5 volts.

Standard 80mm fan in power supply

The standard power supply has four-pin female and male connectors with the following wiring:

Pinout of a standard connector PC

Unsolder or unplug the fan from the main power supply board. The fan is connected in ordinary power supplies with two wires, in powerman units and a number of other manufacturers that have built-in a cooler rotation speed control module with three. As a rule, if the fan is connected with two wires, one of them is red, the second is black. If the power supply has its own control system, then you should not violate it. The only way to reduce the noise in this case is to turn off the fan altogether. However, practice shows that this is unreasonable. At least if you leave the power supply inside the PC.

Then, using the photo above, connect the red wire to +5 and the black wire to the nearest ground. Thus, the fan will run at 5 volts and spin noticeably slower. As a result, its noise will decrease. A more correct option is to solder the fan contacts to a similar block. If you are a solid person, then you should do without twists and electrical tape.

A. With the installation of a new fan.

We unscrew 4 screws, take out the fan from the PSU

Preparatory stage.

You need to buy a standard 8 cm fan for the system unit and transfer it, as described above, to 5 volts. To do this, you need to remove all the wires from the sockets except for the yellow one, it already stands correctly. Then the black wire, from which the black wire of the fan departs, must be put in place of the red one. In the finished form, only 2 wires yellow and black should remain in the outlet. On the site there is an article that describes in detail the methods for lowering the voltage of the fans. Don't forget to test your design.

Buy a new fan

Before disassembling the power supply, in addition to a Phillips screwdriver, arm yourself with a brush (or a vacuum cleaner) in general, with something that can clean the power supply from accumulated dust. As well as scissors and tape.

Let's get started.

Disconnect the power supply from the computer, having previously de-energized everything. Remove the cover, which is attached with 4 small cross bolts. Clean the power supply from dust.

Then, you need to find 2 wires going from the power supply fan to the board, red and black, carefully cut them closer to the place where they are soldered. Wrap the rest of the wires with electrical tape. If there is no electrical tape, then cut the wires as close to the board as possible (as in the photo).

Cut wires closer to the board if there is nothing to isolate

The main thing is that the wiring is then not shorted. After that, the fan is removed, which can then be used as a hood for the case. Instead of a regular one, a new, just bought fan is installed. By the way, when choosing a replacement, look for fans with the inscription "ball bearing", that is, on a ball bearing. These fans are quieter and last longer than cheaper counterparts.

The main thing that you have to decide is where your fan will work - to blow out air, or to blow it in. On the one hand, cooling is more efficient with blowing, since the temperature of the air supplied at a high speed from the outside is noticeably lower than the temperature inside the PC. On the other hand, in this mode, the PSU works like a vacuum cleaner, constantly pulling both inside itself and inside the PC a lot of dust, which, by the way, has excellent electrical conductivity.

In addition, the PSU is usually installed at the top of the PC, and by blowing it out, it draws warm air out of the case as well. Most fans have the direction of air movement marked on the case. In any case, it is easy to check where the flow goes - just connect the fan to the power supply.

Fix the structure well. Now you can close the lid and return the power supply to its original place. The finished design looks like this:

The wires can be brought out either through the ventilation slots (see photo), or through the gap between the case and the casing, in the corner. We connect the fan to a free outlet and turn on the system. (On the 2nd fan output where there is already 5 volts, you can connect the fan that we removed from the power supply or any other).

Whether the fan is working or not, it is better to check in advance. After installation, monitor the power supply and its temperature conditions for several days. If, nevertheless, overheating occurs, the power supply case will be hot, and a characteristic smell of burnt electronics will appear, return everything to its place. Of the 10 cases where we have done this, overheating has never been observed.



  • Ease of implementation.
  • Additional fan.
  • Low noise.
  • Guaranteed sufficient heat transfer of the power supply.
  • The elegance of the solution.


  • You need to buy a fan.

B. Using Resistance

This method has been discussed many times in conferences. Its essence lies in the fact that a constant resistance or a variable resistor is soldered to the red wire. In this case, it will be possible to independently adjust the noise-cooling ratio. However, this method has a number of disadvantages: firstly, you need to find a suitable resistance resistor, secondly, you have to solder that many lazy "enthusiasts" who tend to do everything on a "once and done" basis do not really like it, and thirdly, the resistance heats up quite a lot in during operation, and additional heat in the power supply, where we already reduce the efficiency of the cooling system, is completely useless.



  • Cheapness. (resistance resistor cost within 10 rubles.)
  • Elegance of performance. (no wiring required or occupying an outlet)
  • Low noise.


  • The noise still remains, although it becomes much quieter.
  • You need to find the right resistance.
  • Requires a soldering iron and skills to work with it.
  • The resistor heats up during operation.


If after the operations the computer does not turn on at all, then first check whether you have connected the power, whether the unit is well connected to the motherboard, if this does not help, try to return everything to its place and try to start the system. If this does not help, then carry the power supply for repair. You probably damaged the electronics during the upgrade. In fairness, it should be noted that none of the above does not require a special higher education, and a fatal outcome is unlikely, especially if everything was done carefully.

risk factor

In the worst case, you will lose a power supply worth about $ 20, at best $ 30. After the manipulation, it is easy to cover up the traces of interference and get a new unit under warranty, unless of course there is one.

When noise appears in the computer during operation, it is important to correctly determine the source, since there can be many reasons for the appearance of strange sounds. Common ones include malfunctioning fans or outdated hard drives. To understand whether it is possible to cope with this on your own, it is worth considering each malfunction separately.

The hum in the system unit is almost always the result of problems that need to be fixed for the normal operation of the computer (PC). But for this you need to correctly determine the cause.

Causes of computer noise

Reasons include:

  • dusting fans;
  • malfunctions hard disk;
  • drive failure optical discs.

These are the most common problems that occur during computer operation.

Dust on fans

When a strong constant hum appears in the computer, you first need to check status all coolers in the system unit. They are usually located on several elements:

The appearance of extraneous sounds in this case is due to the fact that dust interferes the fans work normally and they rotate with maximum effort. To prevent overheating of the system, you need to periodically clean each cooler and monitor their condition, preventing dust accumulation.

PSU cooler dirty

If there is a lot of noise in the computer, you should pay attention to the condition fan in the power supply. Usually, no one cleans this part of the system unit due to the fact that the power supply must be disassembled for cleaning, unlike other elements located in the case.

To disassemble it, you must first detach it from the case system unit, and disconnect from the motherboard. After that, you need to unscrew a few screws that hold the power supply cover and inspect the condition of the internal components. As a rule, a large amount of dust accumulates in the case, which contributes to overheating, as well as clogging of the cooler blades, as a result of which the computer buzzes during operation.

Noise from the hard drive is not always indicative of its failure, as this may be due to the intensive work of this component. This often happens during moving files or download them. Also, extraneous sounds can occur when lengthy software installation and not be a sign of a problem.

If the hard drive has been operating for 5-10 years, a creak may occur during operation, indicating that something is wrong with the device. Most often, when accessing certain files or starting programs, there is strong crackling and creaking. For verification, special programs are used to assess its condition. On our website you can learn more about the causes of hard disks emitted.

Video card fan humming

A common problem is also the hum of the video card fan. Such occurs when overheating of this element, as well as dust accumulations between the blades. In some cases, the cooler may run at full capacity due to dried thermal paste located between it and the video card.

The easiest solution is to check the condition of the cooler and remove all dust. You can also install a program that determines the temperature of the video card. If it exceeds the norm, you should think about replacing the cooling system or installing a more powerful video adapter.

Problems with the optical drive

When the PC is turned on, the drive will normally automatically checks for a disk and spins with a characteristic sound. This is not a sign of any malfunction. To be sure of its performance, it is worth checking how it reads discs.

But even if the drive is working properly, it may emit loud noise. To solve the problem, you can use a special program that controls the speed of the drive and improves disk reading.

Incorrect installation of equipment

When assembling a PC on your own, inexperienced users make several typical mistakes, which lead to a lot of noise in the computer during operation. Such errors include:

  1. Not secure enough hard drives. After the computer is turned on, hard drives begin to vibrate, which can cause noise if they are loose. To fix the problem, it is enough to check whether all the screws are securely tightened. In some cases, the use of special rubber pads is required.
  2. Not enough thermal paste between fan and processor. In this case, the cooler starts to work at full capacity, which is the reason for the appearance of extraneous sounds. If this is precisely the problem, it is enough to remove the cooler and correctly replace the thermal paste.
  3. Wrong wiring inside the system block. If some wires are loose, they may vibrate when turned on, or get caught on the fan blades, causing the computer to hum.
  4. Careless body assembly. If there are not enough screws used during assembly, the computer may make an extraneous sound even with slight movement of the elements of the case. To eliminate such sounds, it is necessary to check the condition of the entire case and the presence of screws.

Having checked the system unit, it is quite easy to identify such problems even in the absence of experience with electronic equipment.

To permanently get rid of extraneous sounds in the system unit, you can use several common ways to solve this problem:

  • replacement of the cooling system;
  • installation of new coolers;
  • case replacement.

Typically, such methods are used only by specialists in working with computer hardware.

Replacing the cooling system

The cooling system in the computer is only fans, so when they fail, new ones are usually installed. But in some cases it is worth improving the PC by installing the system from several coolers or use water cooling system.

Only professionals involved in assembling PCs and repairing them can carry out such work.

Fan Replacement

If the fans stop functioning, you can replace them with similar ones yourself. To do this, just unscrew the coolers from the motherboard and video card, and then install new ones with the same dimensions in their place.

Replacing the system unit

In some cases, noise occurs due to damage to the housing. It can also happen if body is too small for the installed new equipment. It is for this reason that a large amount of dust is formed inside the case and the fans cannot cope with the load.

Computer makes noise when turned on

During power up, the sound may increase due to the fact that the fans are in the dust and it is difficult for them to start and pick up speed.

Also, some modern motherboards, when turned on, specifically run the coolers at maximum speed in order to blow out the dust accumulated on the equipment. Usually the noise does not last long, at most until the system boots, after which you can hear how the rotation speed decreases.

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